The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 25, 1880, Image 3

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    "w.v itwirr.
N i- r ' "."i!1 4H ami
issued to the
lin W.4 M ;juie 1800, by 1 1
. .. il ,.iw hav inn claima HunlnHl t heosts
' ..::. -im-d. t) required to piesent the
.1 iiliiivuijrciHiitmMMlnHl inceniaie
t&MIIie. WITH ..'- I' . '"-iici", .........
SH." i.a .lull ImKutf .... ,1... ,,n.lrclfrii-
mourn- ii ..... . "
i ... hi. re-Liencc ... r.4 i-oum v 01
V Ol
F. M.' K1ZKR. Kxecutor.
Sheriff's Sulc.
i.. .v.- riivnit Court of tlusite of Offjon for
ln "u the conntyoJU,Vui.
Henrietta, li. IJore and .lames ;ore. Appellants.
'luututttwiiuove nain-h-nl.ovc
tin inert loiiel-
U-onrtfi..vrf 11hS6
loVno"T, "w 'raadc1U,. ..! ",,. tin.; tor the
.,. of Vl. '' lucres; !
o nt.i t umtiitii In. in the Sill day l
V " r Uo ' l -econrt t'.r the sum of tau
i- :;,i. interest lit the mm ol ten ierceiii.
(r.n tl- I'll' ln of June, IS!. I
Kv""." il' t u,nh.toHin .le-critert real
P7T!oVc''l fr 4) uVhlock Xo c)
in ii.eVitvot il:iri-t-lmrsf.inUHiMuiityofi.ln-..
"ti.tcot '' iVicjjo... :w the real properly ol ihesnid
res-Miii'lcnt,.). V. lleiidrlx,,niirt on
Sitvrlai. 'MUt 4$f nf July 1S30,
,,. c.urtStoBso i'.oor Si the city of Alhany.
Kin co ntvnm. nttT-6 honrofone oVl.H-k
! M I will s.-U ' i'CiiJroia-r.y at pnolic
i, ,,,,. i.,r ch-U in lmnrt. - hKl I'Ulder,
to satisfy mu'I writs wiliincei-uliia costs.
' day ol Juno, r-(ICKEV
sheriff I.inn count y, Oregon.
By Jeo- IlfMPiiKfcY. l-epiuy.
June Si, uv Wu:w- .
In the Circuit "onrt;irfle, Stale of Oregon
f,,nh- county WnifZ .
i . Leivbv required, toapiar ami answer the
nnlaint of the almve plaint iff in tualxye
Court, on or
lv ot
rmU t:rt : mad. yon re
... j V -Jutli. UthV VVKlllt!
mm unmi aT m t
sifi J IhwOoMrt for the nlit-1
twet.n piainutl anu J ,?,,"
todj and control of the minor child. Ulllan
Mrii." and lor wt and .lWinie.jt-.
Ti n. summon is pitl.ll-hed jiy onler
B. K. Jndso of said Court, trwdu at
Notice or Final Settlement
- t -.iaifjin that the nnderslg.-!
ui rut-. -" v. 4tw
i-.theBth day of -L, lfe, afne
M. of aaid dav.has t bv J.UI
o'clock P. M. of aaid day.lia:
onrt tor the B.ns i Vu.Ttw, "i "'U
- . i- - t . I i hi; - - r , ii I m !. v
n.Htt tliereif. t hereby not lR ,lPeat ''J
fore said I mt. at the Court House in AI'"!'.
Oi-on.on said dav.aurt nl their object lo,
Jf any, to said flmil jR J
May 1, 1KSO-31VV2 " - K-a'or
Samuel E. Yoiing
Spring & Summer Stcck
1 C NSlgTlXi OF -
boots ss s :oes,
1I01SE FlRimiXi GOODS,
I am hot offering a
LargeryacJSetter Stock
than ever lfor,im l bim carrying a rejmlnr
line of reliable eofcla. Ilavinn intid CASH
for'sjl of them,
I " nm Dctejiined not o toe
P -
I Invite lite , JU-ntton of ttooe wnfn
rait and see me. r
. Albany, April IB, fcv'vV2n
; u r -
In tlic irctiiVconrt oT htcsfte uf Orognn for
lhcntyoi I. Inn,
Andrew Md'alley, riaintlff, v
i vs. '
C C. Knhn niii. WfiaVt"".'' wife.aRd T.
XV. Thaver. (v"F)'"r. It V Karliart, Stwretory.
tind Kd. ninH b, TrST.urer.rf'be Wrtln of Orc
tipn. the Imard of .imift-ljie-r f.H- the i-ale of
Nrliool lnn.l ana tin. u,
nmmon Scliooi fund, I'ere;".,,',
SnVFiIenove -
entitled mlt.snA in execifl"" "r,',r;
mle Iwmed in pnrwwnce tin1"'. "V directs
pd afnd ileflveretU I hve kv(, armn the inort
Bnrnd premiee jkweHhert f l'l executloa
jind orderf twlea ftdlowj --l : ,
lWainnln? at thenrtbwf corner of tle ao-
i'laim N"o -"tfneaiton ."A. I7H3, ti1r II, S.
of R. 4 W ri ,,M! Willamette meridian, in 1Vmk
eontitr and,,,,eo 'h-esron.and rtinnlnatlmnee
the enst hJiniaw' nnu or mia cjnim, ttience
north I tV I t mlnnfes wfts, SH.S5 ehnhis
to th unn' of mid oiim, ttene
foiknrinir : '' f tbe. Willamette
nrrraoit ,:'rt f 'fwmk to tr pltce of lie.
Kinr.ttv' t!nstjr Mie hrtnMl 1wtyr
aijtai.iiit, of lnBO and on
Sat'trdtrt, the ' &"J "f JtA A. J. 1880,
at thWalll',. tbdMtjrta Alnay.
Pi Twll-wll lf terrtlnliedM-o rtescHtted real
propeVtv at rmWft action. fnr cal In jmncl, to
the hlsfient hld.lel ho rweedH of wile to be
aftfiliodaar.rorid'i'n follow;
to-wlt: -let tot'tyment f the rostH atnj
tlislmrseinentsof hi '"it, tl Rt S.MtJi5'l
aeernitijr eostn on ffemor writ taxed af M.5,
and the cost and rf"VTl f - r?'1 12
tfaa payment of tlf "! fcnlant!s the board
nt eotmnlwloners ftr t lie mleof school tandaat.d
Ihemanatrement .Itheeommon Khool fund,
the unm of 475.W I wfn tunnw Af S
and ttwfnrtlMTMrr 5fl
Vhteresl on mt.t mifw feom t..e S8iliI)- ot Oo.
lohWr. M7;l at the ite P Ter an-
tinta: third, to t;, ryTent to the plaintiff
!,.. S.m.$ lit l . a. rUd coin and
JT?. ... w -M ilhuVIlL H.v At iWnlwiL
tnlerewt lei "
iwr cent, per month,
4-aeds of wld al remain,
r !VH'atsid Ci C. Knhn.
of June, na0-
- I. V. niOKtCT, 1
f lAnn Cminty, Qref;on.
f. !iemty,
and if any ft V ,
t,jpe Maine oe ihiv
J-r, Jr.
1 -'
diirinx tV, '
iily 15th. '
elil, to a f
DC, w
I r
SlierilTs sii) July 2.
Eru!or' notice, osttito of Mclioln Kier.
SiiMiinoiK, to John M. TXriu-e.
KellUloiiH SierIeei.
Rev. J. It. W. S;IIvool will hold divine ser
vice in M . VctcrV Kpiscopiil cliurch next m"
diiy . June 27th, nurnin auJ evening.
A picnic is to te held about u uille from tlin
ferry, ln this county, at the junction of the
Scioand MehmiiH roads.
A Solid Colt.
N. O Parker, near Turner station. Mm r Ion
county, owns a two yejir old Per. heron horse,
"Sitka." tlmt pull down I.2S8 ixmnds. Pretty
(rood for a t wo , eir ol.U
ot 4inlnic Miifli.
According to the ifiism enumerator the
present population of this city is not much if
any over l.KK). This would indicate that al
though we tinve t hrilihled the nunilH-r of d welV
injis the imputation has not inc-asetl very
rapidly (lurinii the past ten years.
The Narrow (iatijre.
" Tnpui Mr. - A. Iy.on, of Brownsville, mho
arrived from IIuj's landing yesterday, we kurn
tliaC w.rk on the OreironiHii Railway Cf ..
kfchulted, is iMtinsr rushed rint kK from the
landlns towards silvertoti and Slayton, and
everj- effort n ill Ik- made to finish the road to
Brownsville by Fall.
rromrande concert
.A Aromcnade concert will lie jylven at the
Opek Hunn- nlmnt the iniddle of next week
(Weihicaday or T!mrday niiihtv which will
affortl our citizens rally the opimrtunlty
to hehr splendid music, have a pxnl social t hue
calirt.' ii-e cream and sl.nwlierrles and gcttins;
uoi Hilly ae.inainted w ilh their neishlxns.
It wll W' the flrst promenade concert flven
for fn.e time, and wil benll the more enjoy
ablei No admsion. we lxslievc, w ill b'chars
at tlii door.
Ten Cen t n I.lne.
ll4caf;cr we shall chnrsre at the rate of ten
cell tl per line for all Society notices. We have
In th past tried to treat all alike, nnd nve
caches tlema-nded free notices. In Jnstiee to
oursJf in the future we shall exact pay not
an Aitraiscous 1uiip, but a Tatr remiinerc
tlon Br the work. We do not lejirndico the
huniRx'ds nod iHjssibly thousands of doPars
we hve el von to the churches, ct cetera, n the
paf tlmt exinH-t, as we have done the fair thinjr
by all in ti e yfit. !o have '(he grand (lone to
us In tlio future. Ilrins on the notices and
how tliat our iHMievoleiice of former years la
remembered, and cheerfully pay us in the fn
tnre. Stln IlierM Mitslcn t'ranrl.
The annual niusical eoitoet t ttiven by
Miss rijrer aiiiT her puiii, at the 0,ern
Honc l;it Kri'.lay niiUr, caKotl out an
! inimcii'e crow.l ot our best citlv-ns. It
I no ct flic best musicn ctitortaliimfnH
! ever give i in the city. The folloivin-,
skillfnllr rcnderetl. wa the
i Fan'astic -T.adies'B.wss Band.
' -I )vci re ailph de Randa l.. 11 hands -
Miss, Lin a .UJi:. IN!lle Honk. Eva Paxnm,
Nellie VhI. Kiltie Al' bouse, Jiuru. Honk,
Annie Powell and Mary Ir Ino.
Piano S.l Flora Mason.
Piano Ilm-fe and Tl iansle- Annie Houi;.
Carrie PrlellVr and linn-e PiiH.r.
Trio. "I. lit Thine lives' -Annie Powell, Lot
tie Monteilhand Ijiuni HoPra.
I inette itwo pianos;- Kva IHixton and Nellie
Sinn, "The Mess'-re"--Xcttie Pip'r.
Piiino Solo, -Rondo Cuprk-eioso Ijinra
Sonc. "Tell me. doth a flower love"- Miss
Lottie Monteiih.
trraec Wa Itzes 1 10 hnmlsi- yiarv Irvine, Nel
lie Wood. Mauda Irvine, Kiln Salt marsh, l.illie
MeCov. Mattle Fostei, I.auni llouk and Kittle
Tamilimiw March (16 bands:- -Jjiura Goltra.
Hfillie Honk, Kva Piixton, Nellie Wood, l.nui;i
Honk. Kittio Ailhonsc, Annie Powell and Mary
Irvine- --
Son-r. -"oat Hell Annie Powell.
lluidinir Mrs. Ii. F. Smith.
Somr, Waiiinj Annie tiriftin.
Piano Solo, "Mjonli;?ht Sonti'n- Iiollic
Vocal Duet tc-I.ot tie Montelth and Laura
Wildfiins ;alop Mattle Foster. I nma Honk.
Kittle Althousc. Ella Saltmursh, Flui-a Mason,
Lillie MCo-and Manda Ii- ine.
fmnjr, "Wi'lbiii a mile of Kdinbnr" Nettie
Novelty Quickstep -Ladies Brass Band.
Miss Piper is not only a thorough musician
hut she pcsseaes the fat ulty of lmjuirtin her
knowledge- to pupils In a remarkable den e
Throush her tutelsnre we now have a larce
nnmtier of younjf ladlea who are splendid
A Hy tvnwlrry.
Te cemetery in the western portion of
the city, know as the Albany Cemetery,
containing the remains of so many who
have passed awny from earlh in tbe past
decade,, lias long been considered as danger
ous to the health of the elty. It Is Inside
the corporate limits ol the city, and there
fore wit bin the jurisdiction of the Citj
1 f;"m",Pl. ; At M,e ,:,St ,neeli"g ' th Couu-
cin ine nrter ot iiiscontintting tiie use ot
the-presetjt tsf-mofery thr burial purposes
was cfthrsed somewhat, ami on motion
the mattci was referred to tbe -committee
on Ilcaltli and Police. Tlio city owns
seven4 ains adjoining the Hebrew Cem
etery, a aw le and a half probably east of
the cify, ihicl could bo convertei Into ?.
very , liaiiisome resting place for the dead,
ft Is bigh fmd dry. nnd far enough removed
from the oty to be free from the charges
made ngiA'it the old cemetery. Should
the:wvrt wtteo on Fire and Water Teport
favorably)il the matter, no ' more burials
will be ti flowed, in the ol'l- cemetery as
sooty -a -the new one can he i)aeed in
ivadiiiessJ The health of tbe citizens of
Albany .na nils that scuvu-tlting uf the
khtd mm fiwl aboye be dn-.e. and it can
not be I'SSnc too quickly. While decent
egHiri sltnld always lie iuWl to the dead,
onr flrstl (km thoiId he for the health and
well beln; of Hh; living, As Ibe com
tahtee 'Mill dQsle confer with our
cittxen oh the matter before the next
ineeting If the Council, !ct all be free to
express (fu-ir convict ions in the matter,
fa dherf iti.s it litis been found necessary
to take np the bodies ant remove tbtw
farther away, but hi, tW &ae tt will not
be necessary to do this j ih.e who have
Viends bsried in Albany Ccjneli ry can
tlietn remain, hnt a new eetnetery mint
be proHdeil soon, farther away from tiie
city. If wcdesirc to promote bealUi and
long life
; A splendid lot ol bind cages at M Fin land
Tlie City Cotnu il met in res'ilar session
Inst Tuesilay evening, tlw Mayor nnd all
tbe meinbeis ot the Council being present.
Report of committee on bil'J present, d
at last meeting being favorable, they were
onlcretl paiil.
The report of City Surveyor regarding
the levels for graile on Seco:sd street from
east to Ferry to block between Baker nnl
jrotitgomery streets, was presented, ami,
o:i motion, adopted.
The committee on Onlinnnce reported
a Mil lor an ordinance in relntion to City
AttorneyV tees. The following remon
strance and petition was read and referred :
We the undersigned residents ot the
city of Albanv, owning properly on Second
streer. hereby remonstrate against grading
part ot said street, unless the said street H
ordered graded as far as the grade i estab
lished ; ami we do recommend yonr honor
able bodv to order a erode the whole
length of the street or as tar as the grade
was establl-lied.
A petition signed by Jno. Isom. M. I).
Billiard and Ed (Joins, asking that the
city remove a large tree or log on Lafay
ette street, nnd repair the bridge on Water
and Lafayette streets, Was read and re.
ferte 1.
The following bi Is for building a bouse
lor Uook fc I,ttdder Co. Xo. 1 were read :
II. M. Kelly, 2f,5; Duncan Rankin. $238;
Knocb Sloan. $232.
On motion the contract was let to
Duncan Rankin.
On motion of Scott. Duncan Rankin
was ordered to complete the building on
or before tlio 1-t ol August nest. i
An oidinflnoc lo amend section I of
ordinance Xo. SV, was read first time ; on '
motion read second time by title. On
motion, there being no objection, the ordin- i
ance was read the tl ird time nnd passed, i
I he nonce given V
ci ty owneiH on cert:..-, portions of Ihurs-
ton street to grade and gravel the street I
a . . r 1 -1
ll'liii; HIMHTlini .1III III.- UiHtT i"""f, "
pired, (lie Recorder was ordered to adver
tise for bids to do the work.
On motion, the tnattt-r ot appropriat
ing tlic eight or ten acres belonging to the
city, adjoining the Hebrew Cemetery, for
a Citv Cemetery, was referre 1 to com
mittee on Health and Police.
On motion an order was drawn on the
City Treasurer for the sum of $2, fur the
relief of Joel Honeywell. license paid by
said Honeywell for peddling within t ln
city. On motion of Scott, the Marshal was
ordered to grad and gravel S-ct-ud street
opposite One's house.
Tiie bill of IMrnvin. watchman, tor ,
salary. sOO, under suspensioii ot tin; inles
was ordered paid.
Tbe followliiff bills were referred : C.
II. Hewitt. Ci-y Attorney. $10 ; J. A.
Warner. City Surveyor, and assistant. $7
and $1S 75 ; J. I... Halter. Recorder, li es.
$31 15 ; A. .1. Hnnr, Marshall, fees. ?1". ."0.
Mr. Scott, Coiiiicili.iiin, having been
elected Chief of thu Fire Department, the
quest ion as to the propriety or impropriety
of holding both ollices was debated, Mr.
Scott raising the question and stating that
if it was illegal to bold both be desired to
resign bis ollice as Councilman. The
opinion of the City Attorney being that
he could hold his seat in the Council and
at the same time fill the office of Chief ot
the Fire Departineiit. ai d it being the
unanimous wish of the Council tl.;-t be
should serve out the remainder of his
term, the resignation was not offered.
Cum cil adjourned.
Tl:c nliroriilnu fur July.
This new monthly magazine lor .July
contains an unusually appetizing variety.
The first article is entitled "The Great
Bronze God," and is a description by Mrs.
M. B. 1'njrer, of a visit to Daibntz. the
c dossal Japanese deity. "Stiut Bartholomew-."
by Miss Anna Alexander, Is the
name of an interesting tory, vihich wili
be finished in the Ausriist number. Mr.
S. A. Clark gives an account of "How Dr.
Whitman Saved Oregon, "-irr which he
recounts Whitman's perilous journey
across the continent in midwinter, and Ids
interviews with Webster and Tyler, which
prevented the cession of Oregon ' in the
Asliburton treaty. IX S. Itlcbardion lias
a poem entitled "A Legend of Coahnila,"'
which is followed by a sprightlj- sketch by
Miss Mellie A. Hopkins, entitled Femhle
Bohemian Life in Boston. " George V.
Brown gives some reminiscences ot the
escape of the liti-imn from tiie Confederate
cruiser XttsJiriUe, and Captain Wm. Law
rence Merry has a short, but pointed article
on The Intcrocenhlc Canal," showing the
advantages of the Nicaragua route, nnd re
plying to De Lcsseps'a article in the pre,
vtons number. "Satin " versus Satkhig"
Is a comparison of the poetry ot Edgar
Fawcett and Wait "Whitman.-ably written
by Anthony Thrall. Mr., .HeiVry:"
Woolte gives some interesting InthiuUlol.
concerning "The Xval Itesowrces' of
China,"' Helen Moie Iike has a musical
article entitled "SeVet Letters." -Isabel
A- Saxon contributes a poem entitled Thc
Death of theSinv" which U followed by a
California, sto.'y by Chas. H. ' Phelps,
entitled 'A Stralglit Mnnzauita. ..A his
torical study on 'Witchcraft'" Is. given by
Miss C M. Xevnlle, and an "ont-door
article by Mr.W. C. BrtrtletC called -The
Homestead by the Sea,,' sn.stilus the high
reputation he has gained'hy such eontrlbii
tioiv. May X. Hawley and C. E. Mark,"
ham have short poems, aud ' Professor
Bernard 5loes, of lite .tnirersity of
Califortila, on able article on G-ostnvns
Adolphus, entitled ?The Protestant: Hero
of the XVII. Century Jtfrs Jesepbine
Clifford has been visffchig "Modem Mont
erey," and 'contrrbntes a very ronrJable
description thereof. : The "Xole ook,"
with etl itnrial sng;gesttrs 4 Science atul
Industry" and "Art ane Artlsts" boib
wrUtea by eminent specialists ; ami ,4Ovvt,' containing a variety ot abort
pieves, (jompjee the magazine, ThU
number co7tuirnee8 a new volume, ;and.
as appears tvom the above resume, contains
a varVty whieh- ctiiiot fall to Interests
every member of the EtmUy. For sate at
the bookstores and news-stands' f5ir 25 cents.
Send subscript ion for tiie year f3l to the
Califimttn S02 SnsonieSiy -aii J"r:u-cifci.
Ah lutereattuip. Kmum way
About two o'clock on Monday rooming,.
as ihherifl" Dickey and Dr. .T. T,. Hill were i
returning to this city from the Oat Point
neighborhood, the team took fright aniT
proceeded to run away. After the team
had proceedeTl quite a little distance. Dr.
Hill coiicluded it was time to "slow up,"'
not being in as much of a hurry as the
horses, and he seized hold ot the lines to
aid Sheriff Dickev in bringing the animals
to a halt. But unfortunately, the. lines j able bri.ige lscrecien, .-piuiumjj, u.c
were unabk- to bear this extra strain, an.l ' lame;te at this point, the Company will
n of them broke. This made matters ; need very little coaxing , to come. Con
Im.k siiil, as the team was not only ; nection we ninn have with the Bay by
putting in gooil time running.
but used I
eery opportunity to kick, niaking the
dashboard crack again, nnd the Dr. con
cluded he would take an outside seat, and
he vaulted from the buggy, leaving the
Sheriff to work out his own salvation.
The Sheriff hun-r on that ot:e line. , yank
ing the team hither and yon until tlicy be-
ciiine-lipcour.'iged and stopped, hut not
before they bad broken an inside tug, j
kicked the donWeirei s all to pieces, anil j
one of the horses almost turned himself j
inside out in his frantic struggles to get
away. They succeeded In reaching the
en. V Monday moriMiig. l ut ami
t ut ban. ess and
h'iggy cre fomewhat demoralized.
ri ule m ' Kiwi Bulte.
I To-morrow a picnic will be; given at
Knox Butte, under the siifiervlsloii of the
district school of that, point. It i a pleas
ant place,, easy of access, and a large
' gathering may he expected. On the apert
of the Bui t. where the picnic will be
- held, is a line spring, plenty ot shade,
: and the grass forms a carpet of green upon
which to recline while viewing the sports
of the occasion. As I lie Bntte is quite
ek.vatwl R Sl,,I1(lil, vk.w of the valley is
to;) KaQX
ape ilIit th, ' ,wt m.op;c in
; the world, sociable, bospitiiblc. generous
. ..
large-hearted people, who will h. all in !
' -i . s." . fi,t, ..ui,.i,i,nrc r..t.i :
.. ir ...,.... i
at iiome wi.eii i..oo..K ...... .' -
to enjoy a iileasnnf time till up your basket ,
1 and n"tc the Bulte to- -Morrow. j
Wnterloo nnd Saiitlum lreclucl- licms
rroiu lite enMUM.
From the census eimmerator we. learn
that there are 079 inhabitants in the two
I precinct. David Cams, of Waterloo, is
! the oldest man, being 91 years of age, and
a son of J 0. Salt marsh was the youngest,
beirg one day old. Among lite resident
over IbeigeofoO are D. Wat kinds. iO ;
Vanderpool, 83 : Mrs. Ailty I'rine.
(7 :
7s ;
7S ;
; in
Mrs. Piety .Tames. 70 ; -las. Gray,
w hile his wife is 72 ; Olney Fry. Sr
D. I. Foote. 03 ; Otis B. DerthtcV.
Ciirdwell Clark, 70 ; D. F. Crab tree.
In Waterloo there are'lO inl.-ibitants
Santiam. ."50. In the first named thete
05 larms : in Siiutiam, 105. Xumlier
deafhs in Waterloo. 4 ; in S.intiam. 7 ;
there :ire 107 families ir. Santiain : S7 in
K4-ullicilH ou Top
Tim Ioi-t!nnd e-.ty election on Monday re
sulte l in tiie election of C. I. Ifo-fiic. us Police
( oimnissioncr. over fhnreli. bis lieinocratic
eotnititor. For tVinncIluien - In tlio
ward, llenrv Hewitt. Rep., was oiwilwl for the j
full term, w hile J. S. llatelsch, Ii-ni., was elected
for the short term :. In the Second Ward, lion
aid Mackny, ltep.. was elected : in the Tlurd
W-ril, .1. 15. Kcllos. Rep., was elected. Thus
wo have four Kepnhllcans to one Democrat a
good day's work. Nosiwtul efltirt ns math?
to brinjr ont the vote, v. hlcb fell short 513 votes
of tile last city elect Inn.
Tlio Kast Vorilaml mnnlcliial election on
Montlny resulted in the election or a Kopil!K
can ltecordcr. Treasurer and Street Coinniis.
sioner, the cninhine'I lx-ni -K-ralic and Citizens
ticker i-lectinfj th" Marshal and Aanessor. Tile
Reptilillcnns electeil the three Trust oes. Id
snilaof the combination, as -wttl be ec-n, the
Ttepnbllcans get six while the opposition get
but two re.prcscntai Ives in the city govern
ment tor the coming year.
IMcnlc, Jnly lOtJi.
A grand picnic will he given at Roberts
bridge on Saturday the 10th of July, in
the intref-ts of the schools of Linn county.
Dr. Watts.of Oregon City, will be present.
together witli -state Superintendent ot
schools, L. .1. Powell, and County School
Superintendent. Prof. J. L. Gilbert. Ad
dresses are expected by those gentlemen,
together with recital ions, etc., from the
young people. All the scTuuls in the
county are invited tO be present and take
part in making the occasion pleasant nnd
profitable. ' ' ; :
Collar Rone Rrolteii.
On Sunday evening MissPattison. aged
about sixteen, was thrown from a hack in
which slm was returning from Roberts'
bridge eampmeetlng, suffering the break
age of tiie collar bone and having the
ebonliler badly bruised up.. Dr. J. L. Hill
was sent for 'and gave the necessary medi
cal attention.- - ' , .".
Jfiee Tnrnsula.
Do yon go to' canipmeeting next Snn
dny i If so you want it good- ream, nnd
you. may thank ns for the information that
Messrs. W heeler & Dickey : have got Just
wl lat y on w a n t . Go a nd - see -the ia tartly,
before all are engaged;.'"''' "'
' IDentoreat Pmtmn.
Demorest are the most desirable patterns
for ladk-s and, children's clothing, j-fs.
Col Van Cleve U agent for the sale of
these , patterns. Call at the Beautek
.' Ordinance 5lo. lol. ,-
An "ordinance to amend Section I of ordt
nanc"Co. Wi, relating to entering Cfty Attor.
ney ' fee a perl f Jixlgoyjiit agatnat porsoa
convic4&cf of yilntloa f City ordinance, ,
lira it ordainel by th Costuaor. C'evncR of
tTae taty f AHth-! .
HjCtion 1. That. sectin w of ordinaneo.
No. 9T, be amended so to read as follows:
Tht'ltyRocorrter, tn all where prsoni
re convicted bor hliiv,sitlacw by 1 bi; court
or hry trial, for- violation nt tttsr ordinances,
al all entwr una part ol truo JmV'iaciit against,
thn defendant the costs-of ttio prosecntion, ln
elwiintt ftvv 'kUlai-s ivs Attoi-noy fna In all oaoea
whev an atttmw.r ts a.ctally employed, and
Is rtreaent to aAsts! in tlo pt)cittiou-of tiU
case. -
KC. ' That all onlinances or- Harts f ordl
nancoa iot cooaUtoiit wttl thia ocdinanoe be
and tn Fame are heraby repealed.
Sec. a. Taia ordinance to ha in force fi-m
and after Ave days aft!r Its publk-atioa-
Pnssd the Conner June. !3d, 7880-
Approvo-1 Jaoe 2d. issn.
. O. CIABK, lrmTSG.
Attcrt -T. IBAtTxa, Sccardec.
Iii-ilice Me , Willamette,. ,
The n.irron- gauge railroad. t King's
Valley will be built.. The appropriation
of 0:000 Kir the tmprovr-niciit of Yaquina
Bay insures the eorppintion of ilio narrow
gunge, ns well as the 0vrvalti oad, to the
Bay. Thtiarrow gauge wlil pass to the
north of this city several miles, un'ess-
and here's the point some inducement la
j ofl'cred tiie Compa'ny "to deviate from an
air line nnd come to this city. If a t1t-
. . ... . . .i ira
rail, anu wiiai cneaper ny i.m .,..! v.o-
f nection be obtained than by Erecting a
I. : 1 ..Ii.. 1,1a AMMclns a .mII ivn train?
Ol l.l.T MtllllUlC " . . . - ........
Such a. bridge we:, mean bridge .ar
ranged, for the, i!,smht not only jut", rail-
wav trauis. hut road wnaons and, otlier
! wheeled? vehicles could be, erected "for a.
sum not to exceed the amount we paid
1 Ben Ilolliiday for bringing tbe O. & C.
Railroad wilblu. the corporate limits of
this vty and every citiieu knows tliat
was a paying in vestment to us.
i However, mere wui oe, ims iiiiiereuce
I between the building of a' bridge and lite
! donation of ro0.G00 and odd dolHrs to
..... ..,. n ,,,:,, :
! free gift, for the benefit of Ben IlolIaday.,j
Ui i,ii i.i il... e of l,. iW
we (the stockholders) will own the bri.lge ', 't may seem so, but it is a mere baby be
a nd receive whatever benellts may arise fide one used by the old G reeks. On page
,1 ,
from tolls to rt liiiburiie-us for
In its erection. -
outlay !i
F'-oni all- the fuels and Ita hastily
v.i (l.nj1 arr. alfn 1 1 u 1 I l in 1 t f KiiltiiVa tlm
il 1 1 1 u i vt i ni. nib ii' iv'iv v i
bridge, at a low rate of tolls, puttir.g the ; miiiatoilliloaraneijtokatakcchurne no
cost at even $S0.100. would pay on the total kichlepikossiipliophattoperiiteralektrion o
ontl .v at least five per centum from the ; ptegkephoki-klopeleiolagoosJr..iobaPh e-
dav It was oneued for travel and It mli-ht i
pay even more. Anil it
would assnredlv i
'idil tlioasi.nds of .doJIn.ri to
tills . 111-
the. trade ot
.., . ..." ". t .t .i 1
1 here is nolhing more certain than the1
...... ! i t . . lit ti.
net iiiai. j eiiire i.w ".. "w j
e must keep pace in improvements v
our nelirhbors." Look back a few vears
tbe bistorv of this citv. We were com- t
- ' , ,
pclled to pay more than llfty tl-ousand
dollars to keep the O. & C. liailrreid from
running six or eight miles to the south of us
, an event which would have proved our
utter ruin. Had the Santiam Canal been
I dug at the time, does any one Sllpttose
j Ben Iiolladay 'won Id' have exacted any
! iiei sum from tins people to insure the j
) bringing his railroad i;;to this city ?
With a railroad aud wagou bridge across
i llie Willamette oppoi-ite this cit owned
j bj' onr citizens, we command the situation
j without such a bridge ' we are at the
j mercy of any and all corpora tiotia. and
j w ill be compelled to accept nny proposi-;
tion they may make in the way ot lines- of
travel to or rrom the city, or, refusing, be
U-tC out in the cold to die the sro-v but sure
i..,.ii. ..t i.i.'.;....2 ,im.r
i About two years ago we were assured :
; that the railway that lias tor its present !
! terminus tlio haiiiLsome ai.d rapidly grow- !
, ing city of Corvallis. would build its main j
' line to this city, and form a junction with
', the O. & '. IJaihoad liere instead off June- !
; tion City, running 'a' branch line to Cor-
j vallis. If a bridge . spanned The river upon!
! . . 1 1 .1. .. , ..I l. , 1 . 1 . . . k f
' Allien irit; r.mi iihihi inr r.c.i f tttti i
peofdc couldn't spe tiie benefits to arise by i
siK-h ik dvDi-ctVon of the line, and only a i
tew would even talk trbou: the matter at . ihmt the hill are red with them,
all. To-day Corvallis is feeing the reviv- True happiness Is derived from Hie use
mg efi'ects ot the railroad, and buildings ; of Pfuuder' Oregon Blood Furitlcr. Peo
are gorng Hp nd Improvements ct various j pie who have tried it once never give it
kinds In pitgiess, showing growth and tip. because they want to remain happy,
thrift. And the census enumerator tells i Mr. John Imman llnlslied ennmeraJinar
ns there are more than a hundred houses j his district last week. We believe the
empty in this city. Yesterday, as it were, j work 'of enumerating U about complete
we had a population that no one placi d at
less tba.i 2.50O, while Ibe veueral belief
was that 3.000 was nearer the figure ; to- during divine service, should re
day w e have scant 1.1)00. We have much i m!i, nt "onie. We tnlgbt mention some
to do. it is true, to regain and maintain
onr late population nnd commercial stand
ing ; but we believe tiie erection of a
bridge is l lie first demand, and will go
farther in the direction needed than any
I other enterprise that has been mooted,
j But tve have written much more at
length than we intended
when we cont
our on ! excuse
menced ibis article, and
Is the abiding interest we take In everything
calculated to advance the best interests of
the people of this city and Linn comity, j
RcmW Well.
Tiie following paragraph from the Dun-di-o
Mvertteer of May 27i h shows 'how In
vestments in Oregon iniprovements are
sought after ii; Scotland :. "The applica
tions fo the Issue of JKo.OOQ six per cent.
bonds of the Oregon Railroad Company,
limited, amounted to '103.200. In conse
rjuouie of the cx-cesslve suiuappMetl for, the
directors exjjuM-leured great diflleuity In
making lie tldtmet. A ftirther issue
will be mmle in the month .of August or
September, and it Is understood., that lhoe
who have been c)lspporuted on this occa
sion will then be kept in view."
. Orrgun State Fair.
Tie Oregon Slnto Fair commences next
Thursday, July Vt and-will continue till
Ihe evening , of the, following- Thursday.
July 8th. "Half tare only will be charged
oji all the -State railways and steamboat
lines. Stock and freight takrn to the Fai
will be charged lull fare'going to Salem,
but wilr ee retnnied free on the owner
procuring n-eert ilk-ate from E. Mi Waite,
Secretary, tlmt phoIi stock and fl-eight has
been -on exhlbitloti and Ims not changed
hfUuVt4, On Mrourlay. July 5fh, 'm gTan.1
celeemtHn will take plnee on tbe Fair
grounds, consisting of orations, races, fire
works, etc tt promises to be the largest
attended Fair ever held by the Association
the weather proves fair. i i - .
. (raiMriiiw Balrj.
Armugements for n grand temperance
jHhiUte on tla? 3d of July at the State Fair
Grounds are being exVneered.; Tcnper
anca people all ove the Stale are invited
to eoine aud make the occasion the grand
est ever held In Oregon. It Is a good
scheme. Ft temperance advocates show
their fennels. .
: .
A Kpttrock democrat remarked yecteidavi
CrarflekJ nrivf Hancock both Rc
j -ijo choke aiflpthee seelejr..
Hen Coii County Iteiua.
A change lias been made in running
trains on the V. O. : Ttallroad. Train
now leave Corvallis each morning at 8:30i.
arriving in Portland nt 3:20 p. m.; 'eavinir
I'oi iland at A. m. eacli day, they will
arrive at CorvallU at 3 o'clock P. M.
This is much Tnore comfortable tlinn hav
ing to roll out -f bed in the middle of the
filjjht to catch lie rrti)rnUig train. ,
Benton coiii.ty gave, Whiteaker .110 ma
jority. s Watson. Kepiiblican, and Burnett
and Primm. Democrats, smnl! rhajoritles,
Odell over Merry, TO majority. Watson,
for district jtuige. 153 over bis Iemoerat io
competitor,' Walton.' For prosecuting at
torney, Yantis beat Ilamllrnn, Democrat,
78. , . .
Ctirry county gave the following majorl
ties? Whiteaker, 31 ; Merry. 22 ; Prim,
3 ; Kelly, 2 ; Burnett. 37 ; J. F. Watson,
40; Hamilton. 12 ; Siglin. 21 : Vander-,
green, 9.. The Ecpitlilicans elect the j
Count .Tudge, one . Commtesoner, SherlfT,
CW, Treasurer and Coroner
Ike gives Whiteaker 148, and Merry ;
, 101 majority.""
; A corresponient of the Cincinnati Tinwn
-rs : I see mat a corresponucnu in ms
search for long wonls. gn-rs from Rabelais
as a pretty lone word. To an - American
"I i.uiiieii t-coti s ureeK-r-ngiisa
Lexicon jotir readers may find the " wort
hash"- spelled ' thus 'T.epadotemacho-
.sclachngaleokriinioleipsanoilrl in u p o L r i-
tragonoptcnrgoii. . Ai d It Is given
common word used by Ar. "Ecel. llf59.
; those old Greeks had to call for . as much
hash as the average student does nt his
boarding-house they have our siucerest
. . - .
-- t.
V.iat or Letirni, i
Trnciil'ed for and . rcmaliituic in tbe Post
.mce . t..ty
for the week eJiding
;.lltne24tll. ltWO I
Pl.t.r ' I.ench. Wm
1 Ford, Mrs Mary A - Sharp. Rev B T
""'! V"ritol"ie' -.-.ftcioeiT. . t m u
I. O. . U. T.
Albany Lodge Xo. 314, I.O.G.T.. meets
! every Saturday evening at 8'clocfc. in Odd
Fellows IV'mpIe.. Joe. Tyler. W C T. and
E. It. Skip.torth, Secretary. .
Pfunder's Oregon BIoikI rurirler Is the
best renutiy for the dread disease, dispen
sia, for it regulates tiie lymphatic system
; ami bad secretions. ,
j Miss Minnie Allison paid a short visit
! to her parents last week, returning to her
I school in Lane county the first of tlio
week. ' i
I'nclc .Tohiiliy Powell p-issed away Inst
Friday, mourned by the entire community.
He has (rone to his reward.
The famous blooded inure. '-Gewlnli- j
cuss,' i. now the property of Jiwlge
Strahan. The Judge a fainons horse
man. The pivtiicai Knox Bufte to-morrow
and don't yon lot-get It.
Wild stn wlierries were never so abun-
1 ,n lm county,
! I5o.V "' Ki, Is w
iho can't behave Ihem-
thilt need a thorough spanking wllli a
mush paddle. , ,'
A tew bottles of your indeed valuable
medicine, called. Pfunder's Oregon Blood
! Purifier, have entirely cured my rheuma
tism of 10' years standing. Itosebnrg.
Ogn.. Jan. 23, 1800. H.
Iut Sunday was a most beautiful day,
and we are informed, every team tn the
city was in. use carrying our people to
campmeetings in progress near by, and to
other places of resort.
An Immense greeted Miss Piper's
animal musioal concert at tbe-Oiera Uouse
last Friday nigfct. j. , , ; ; ;
, .See new !,iU iu tliis Lssue SMinuions, etc
Ti e Ilaffeiidcn Brothers are agreeable,
atteiilive and acoomnioiljithil and. besides
thoy hae a most iVsivable stock of goods
embracing everything in the grocery and
provision line. - ' :
The Odd Fellows Lodge at Jeflerson
insta.ll their new: officers on llie evening of
the 10:h of July "iuxt, aud wouU be pleas
ed to have the order from this c'uy visit
them oil the' oochston.
Doc Conn was one or the judges of
election in aa .outlaying precinct. A
Democrat present wanted to wager a dozen
eggs that the Republicans would not elect
three ot their candidates. Doc took the
wnger rtnd he won. Doc proposes how
to try the experlmi nt ot hatching Demo
cratic eggs Mid! a Republican hen.
. ,If you lwye.: wheat and wish an extra
-quality of aiiiily flour, call at the mills or
Ballard, Isom & Co., wlicre . you can get
U ground far a reasonable toll.
The reworks at the State- Fair on Mon
day night, July 5th, will be the grandest
eyc-f- uiadb hi : the State, The last piece
for the eveuing is called tbe 'Tetwpla of
Liberty," al is SO feet wide and 40 feet
high. In all there are SO fixed pieces,
besides numberless revolving); rockets,
wheels, combs, Roman candles, stars, etc.
There will be an knnvense etowA at the
Fair grounds on that evening,
The Columbia Kiver Aiiuual Conference
of 'he M. EChwch convenes at the Dalles
August I2l.h. next. Bishop Wley preside
Ing." " - . - .
, Tbe exhit.Bi f live stock, wiecfcanieai,
artist ic and fancy work, etc., promises to
be unusually I good at the CO ruing, iitarfo
Fair. ... -t . . . ...
Drngs, chemieaTs, pafnt". oiT, etc., can
be purchased at the- City Ttug Store at
l.e.?s raljcs than tl.enhcre.
Sen. John A. Sutler Hie discoverer of
goli in. Cali&cniav died at WMh&lftOTa
Cliy on the TMd. .
Tbe fmwHerny and lira crenm leatlml '
given by the ladies of tb first PresbyterU
mi Church, on Tmntny TetitefC M well
patroi i iwiK and the result- qatt satlata
tory to the laJie ...
We niw neqiesDed to return Iluuikt to
the friends who so kindly aided In th oar
of Father John A. Powell durJng. bis fawt
East week a yrutig lady loet fOMt
HttJe velvet puirsev which, contained alW
change amounting to near a dollar "ttbm
tinder will confer a favor by leaving tit
purse at this office.
After a tew scone mora good peopl
killed or mnlmed hy Iwltig thrown uk T
a back from the back seats it may acco
to scm one to securely : iastea. tbe took
seat, ao that soca nccidente eaay aott
happen 1 ..
The denizens along the city front OA
Portland are beginning to be apprehensive
OI' ''gh water from the Columbia. Tbe-
water is gradually cowing p, and If too
warm weather con tinuesk look oitf
Tbe Star system of cutting as taught be
Mrs. Coll. Van Cleve, Is the best In th
world. Call and you will be eonvtne
A letter received trow Mr. TMMM .
Tale a day or two since, from JTeur York, ,
say Gen. Garfield's nomination to entbe
siiistteftlly received, and; lie- will, carry
Xew York by an Unmense majority.
Miss Piper's, fumnal musical concert
Corvallis on Tuesday night wa a ffrenfli
success, ' .
The Demorest patterns are 11m beat toe
! Indies und children's clothing., while they
me me ciiemevi. rorsaieny jur- wojl
Van Cieve at this office. -
-Gate hinges to support two people'
are advertised-.-just what Mr.. baa.
been anxiously looking tor all Snmwefy
Mr. Thomas Alleiu ami family lale '
rc''enui m oan .rose, aiiiornie,. naver
become residents of this city.. We tateo
j to them a eordhil welcome. .
Miss Mary Ilnnnoii netuimod to- ber-
home in this cityv after a four month 'a
i absence la Itngetie Citj, oj Frhisy last,
Mr. W. F. Scttlemlre, of Prairie Cltrf
Grant county, made us a pleasant celt
on Tuesilay. The new quartz- ledges we- "
cently discovered above the forks on Dixie -ct-etk.
promise to yield, rich, return-
Iron pipe tor water supply put In At
j clicaper rates than any one else., by Mi
i Ka rla ml & Harvey.
i L. E. Blaln's supply of Summer cloth- -
ing, hats, etc., is complete and tor sale afc
low figures.. .
StrawberiUcs are plentiful at J50o ,
gallon. ? . i - : . , ,
Rnel Custer bponght in, a. sample box of
strawberries- on Tuesday that were, tor '
'ze,. boss. ' z
Brass and- iron- water fittings, hose, thwui
! sprinklois and totuitaius, at McFaclaod
! lIiiFeys.
j Misses Lena X'tMiuy. VAvn. Dickey, aiMt
Mr. Fr.uman ami family,, slatted toe
YKptlna Bay on Wcihied!iy-.
After the State Fair there will tor-
' gniuu ruali U-otu these parts- to Yaqulua,
Jiw Chat-h-es ha charge of the blttlatdl
room in the Xew t'ni.uilla House, Dalles-
The ITook A Ladder house h to-be-""
erecteil- alongside-No. One. beusek oti.
Second street.
Clisvrley Hancudc-o iwid party nritaed iu.
YaqAuiin. Bity all; r-ight, but uretby well
fatigued with the trip. The indication
arc that he will return sound In health..
Ax llie celcbxatioo on the 5th ot July at
theStatv Fair. roi. J.. C Caples wBJtbe
the orator, while F. M. Bewley, Esq., ot
Sah-m. will read the Declantion of Ind
iendence. . We can promise in advance
that the oration witl be the boas.
Orgeat ia Kncampment rucets this evea
ing. Work in tiie R. P.
- - As tlio close ot the Summer season la
rapidly approaching, Mcs, PotreU desire
to close out her handsome stock of bats,
etc., and Is offering them, st greatly reduo ,
eil nites.
Onr war cry is bridge the Willamette
A gand' time may be expected wketti
the trucks for Hook & Ladder Co. No. i -ira
Ftshkuiable tTats, specially toe the State
Fa . i , at rnninusly low prices to be had at ''
Mrs. Powell's. Just think of those luaelgt
hats nt fl, Jfl.ilO and 2. it you, want tn.
make a. hanilsome msaraiwe. get ooe.
.Tiie boss. Kv-or aud silver - steel scUsoe .
attlteCK-Vi Drug Store. '
'Our Democratic fellow citizens wtlt
probably ratify this evenitig. "
Our friends are conLlnwd'y reaktug wa .,
glad. Mr. Jolm Reel aiade ns glad to tiie
extent ot a whole buggy load1 of straw- -berries
yesterday, nnd thoy were-large aixt - .
luscious. Ana now leu roe- netguDors. .
And now
send in the cream-.
Thee will be neither ' preax-hrng. nor
Sunday Scliool nt tbe M. E. Church next
Sunday,, na the pastor and membership
ptirposu attending camnmeetlng. ,
1W V. - nKKUA.M ban hmrwtej n ,
Albnuy tor She- Mraecap of BeatMasry.
AM. work wnrrutMl. Oflaee na traaih
btock., corufr l"lrl and Ferry aim. - rebt
dr. fi. wir.LJHt pnice.
OrriCK m Odd Fellows Tsmplav' AlhanyJ
Oroifon. All work carefully perforaaed, and a
reasonable as is consistent Kltb, aood ork ',
mr. 4- W. Way.
: Dent'Kt, Albany, Oregon. Q&te iu Fe: ,.
ters brick bkiek, up. statra, at large bay
window. Prices Iwproporttou to Te audi
At II irew aifeeev.
Iked Wilubt is saw established la. his
new rroto.-7 wage an blaoknilth shop'
on isecaad ar"t eppoatte 8. K. Tonna war-.
tioiwi, wlwf 1 jwimtwl to do all kind, of
blacksHtitlkioK, oalrtnir of backs, war ana
etc. e aioa. aaa on hand, and will conTlnaa
to inanufiMMwn, hacks and bncpries, which wllh
ho aold at t lowest possible flgnreaon reaao
ftbio tettak. 36rKm3, '
Excellent Ij
vvnw dito. za.y m intnaR sir ardor a - -fka
bolldlnr timbers and lnaM at u, rmsim.
at lowest prices and an short rvottca TbT
tas,v also oa band aaaanaedi flnlsbiac lamtxr.! -fioorlne.Tuistir.
ate. Ml orders aatit to thrxt "
St I ehTon vuli b ftlled rrjnipUy. Ord.-,