The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 25, 1880, Image 2

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AI.BANYi "Fltlll.VY, .TUN K 25, 1SS0.
Foil nt KSIDEN'T,
"oFtrmrt. "'
Chester : ' A. .; Arthur,
fe -. .j,. - ':.
liicftitn XoiMlnntlon.
;!B nominated ''J' "'e IVmn-uii-
Nntinuiil (.oiiveiif ion tor the tu ol
vstdent bu tlftf xrJMH ballot,, tri'l'iiitf .est
les. 'l-'-.'-" '
California n'ml Eastern capital Ms haw
eently i'if?esed over $1,000,000 in mines
. Sonor anil Chihuahua.
Tuiljre Howell. ex-TJ. S.' Senator
J editor pi the Keokuk. Town. C"te City,
d in thnt'Wty on the 1.7th. Ho w:i one
the Soiitfcrtwelaim conimissiouers.;
3n the fvelihig of 2Tt at San Franciect,
M. KallnrtJii-infter ; an ' examination on
charyje" of killing Chus. lie Yottlig,
s held to niiswei .wUboitt bail.r. ..
Iindno.won the'Tii'e 'dn?h for two
ir old oVlis.'foi' thrt '"HterifHi -Make, at
icnp;" tlie 21st, Time 7:13. equal
. the besl,Qn reoord. ;
V party f excursionist, ticketetl for
i FrnrJCtsev Portland, and. other ilaoe
the rai-i ficVonst.' t n the nmnher ot
. Chiciio cui the IJJtn.
Look atrmV'pWtrire-i '' t'ol. Ingersnll
.le (O.OCO his year preaching the gos. j
ot noWfl-lHt fiereaftrr, and a Method- J
minister made tfK.) by-. holding up
er end -of t he boa m .
t mieting of the Congrega
lni AH-irwii at (Iri'goK antl AVnsli-
,ton, which m t nt Atoria on the 17th.
v. S. S. YandeTol. former pas'tor of the
E. of ihi erty. nutted with the
-ociation. ?-. .
. - .
Sanskrit is to he taught in Harvard Col-
e. It'fiiiparts to the jaws an endurance
d elastftity that nt oialorical twdenl c:in
-r impair. - No vonnw mm cTieris-hTng
litical aspirations should naglect to ac
rre it. " ' '
The New Yoil.- Tinv refers to YiOtaTre
the "gre'te-t liar ' of the eighteenrh
:vtury,''a:nd he' was not- a newrnjier
an eithfr.'" AVho Hie gpealect lifr of the
nefeenth century is remain to be etntv
hed. hut it may be reliel upon that he
"11 bo noordiunrv hfiiul t tlie business.
-Tndgeii Ilfirrling sentenced Charley'
icrcy;"icorge and Frnnk Cook, at Salem
the front of the week, to the IVniten-tj-
top -three- years each. Steel was
-nHiVii4rsts4lug FerrsU- at Anms-
'lc- o-tj '. .. . . . ,
Teuaperje Xntional Tlrhi-t.
The Fyoh'bitiou National Convention,
'lit Ii met at Cleveland. Ohio, on the 17th.
minated rion. Ncal Dow, of Maine, for
c Fny'ttTenej;, aiid A. II. Tlurpon. cf
estcrv'Jle, Ohio, for the Vice tVwhlency.
At a ifieefTng of the Metropolitan 11a p
t churl-h nt San Francisco on the evening
the lftto, the pastor, the ntitotions Rev.
S. Ksdioch, antl his sruv, le mimlercr of
j lafc .,Chav Do Young, were endorsed.
d notige giveii that "neither this church
r any member of it can he used for the
rpose"6r creating any'scniiinrnt or mi-
rorable impresioii that may predjndiee
n r hlsvson, our beloved brother, in
any clwti nses which may a fleet their
mutation, their liherty or ' their life.'"
The Itcmocratic t'ongresshiiisl C'ontn:t-
at Washington, alter a week's fa'uhfHl
irch ai)tI.exaHhiation of .Vicumeuts in
ard to ; Gen. OarfiehiN record have
ven it tap. 4cknowiedgiiig. there is noth-
In ir, and that it " will he wore' than'
eless trt tap the' 'cointnitfee's barrel to
cure tfc ' puMk'-Hion. -All 4he cha-rge
jainst IJen. Garfield mad by tfee Demo
ratic smut machiiw; ot San Francisco, are
itterly ami nralicioniy filse. and the per
istencc in the publics I ion of such lies by
he Democracy w ill -only cud in increasing
!ic Gentraf s'maiorit'es.' " -
j ,.,TJe I(Hliilnre. ,
The returns thus far show that the lie
publicans wd I have thirty-eight, mcmtier
in the House.of Iicprcsentatives, while the
Democrats will have hut twenty-two. 'The
Senate will stand Republicans seventeen;
Demrcrats thtrteen.J On loint ballot the
Republicans will have twenty majority.
There may be a slight ehaugB after the
offictM OHint is. tnadc, but it is likely to.
lessen tlw Democratic vote at least in the
Senate, making the yofo stand
publican' to 12 Democrats. 1 2f ow, if Gro
wt woirfiWtT the idy resjiipeHible thiiig ho
ever di:ttrdiis llffe.' Uvwit,' resign his - po..
s'tion ii.the.U. S, Seiiate, an able, .efficient
and truexepresentative of the resl Interests
of Oregon might bo selected to To honor to;
bfeseat(lrovcr. Is utterly nseless tw a
Senator, therefore if he be a conscientious
man he Will resign nt once. -
The O. " tHM-a ;npletI.
The Pacr&metito Dc insitU tbat- work
mi tlie 'p&iomia .fc Oregon radroad Is to
be puslieu roj-waru until cotawunicniiori is
0eucd with 'Portland. The roa,d has
been accepted as far as Cottonwood, Shasta
county,' "2 ' miles this sale ef Remrtng,
this" being- the dtstaiiee Heeessary t build
this year; to comply wiili,- the- Crauvbisc.
To save the -. inuicbise ami . laud , cnint,
work hi usb' toMineniiH next year. The
. Company" would not have stopped at
Heading, had it not been tor their- tic sire
U lictid 'yijaii'att;bj vtishing I be South
cry Pacific hiJiSMdaon ?-V 'pewnt
- hint, from rjmiuing tripBOi tioir roan
from this craw ?ouiMact wiitt HtoasBiait
. I'Sicltlc. .sIeArtic.rr"! eow-a-tsit -eanTt -be
. ' built Wo' soYxi to meet tlie wants of Oregon
for elnwr iTnnection with our neighbors
vm-inl Oirv
or st ir-i wen!.
Gcneml r,rneMf St-otiamt
extraction, hi iirne iin;.lyhij "ehy! or '
Seared tor l:ttle ujwr-f-Uh. and ;be Ya . with a thon-and j.Nn.l :
the fir-t ro ansiver-Oii country"; call iu the
.... .,"..., ,tq
late rel on. ImniiR his throe years ser-
w .frmM he saw hU homo ,
hut twice, white the annals of the war ;
prove his valuable service, w o reter to i
Perrrvf ftV. ;fore Inver, mm t htoKamsnga,
test of liis ability and counisF '!!IV?.
not Jbepn torsntten h.v a gfatetul eonntry, ;
His coniin'ssion as Major (Jcncral , was as
iniexieffe ftiwl ;iinsoiigUt, us his nomina
tion tor the I'resfdeiicy 'at Chieajjpi . And
the nomii'Htion could not .have' been be
tored itpon a nobler, or woitl.ier inaij.
Faithful atxl tnw in the hour of .hi; coini-ti-y".
peril, he will make a noble and wle
t'Jiief Exenilivo of the N:ttioi: ho did so
much to preserve from destruction.
ne;ty nni InpwJicc Cause of Civ
On the ICth. Sir. Windom presented in
the Sen t the Views -of the majority of
the Fxixlns lomiuittce ajj)ointed .to in
Testiyitc the causes which led to tlte cnii-.
grstion ot negroes from Southern to North
ern Stares. '1'h; report assorts that there
Is no evidnce whatever to sliow that the
Republican party or any of its, leaders
were instrumental'iuirwging the i xo-
dnsof the negroes from the South to the
Nortn. lne minority stare mat nearly
all the witnesses attribute the cause of the
exodus to a feclina: ot hi'cenriry for life
and propei ty. denial ot their political j
rights as ciiizen. a long continued perse- j
cutTou for political reason, a system ot
. , ,
cherrting hy landlords and stCHfkeeiers !
wliK-h rendered it impossible t-r them to i
make a living no matter how hard th-y
might work, live inadequacy, ot school ad
vantages, and f.-ar that thcy: wrudd he
evcutnttlly reluced to a-system ot peonage J
even worse t ban slavery itself. . As to the ;
fntnre-ot ilie exothv. ttte testimony ol
many witnesses doclarc that it has only
liegun. and what has . transpired in the j
p:l is but a drop as cotipared to. fthatj
will he witiifssed in the future, wnless ;
there is an immediate and radrcal rfiauee t
on the part of Deniocnts of the South-
There is hut one vemedj and that is fair j
treatment ot the negroc. The report ;
i.s ?tiB (1 ty Senators AVindom and:
Blair, the two Republican nn-ndiers of the :
committee, and is undoubtedly the truth
of the whole matter.
t'orrst 'ntle.
It has hcr proven 1-eyon.i a djnbt that .
the clearing away v the original growth
oftimbt r in many ot ihe Kistern ?t-tesj
iias completely changed the climate, re-
:uced the. number of rainy day, which
ha proved disastrous to fie growing
f cops. In por'um ot Use country w lu re
the first and second growth of ftvest trees
h:ul been completely stripped away, good
forest trees 1
i been planted and the very '-.
ht yt results tollowil. This matter has
grown into one of much importance, and ;
the ' attention of thej tvhtle ennutry is j
grailua'.ly becoming awakened and a good j
degree ot interest iiwmifHfted in th! sub--ject
Tn Kansas an-1 Nebraska, where j
scarcely a buh cou'.d be seen in a whole
county, the eil. ct or pianrmg goo.i torest j
trees lias lieen most rcniarsaob. 1 ney
Iirive servAtl w l:ere ever frown as wind-
break., .anJ the periods ot drou-tft have ,
been lessened and tlie harvests increased j
These facts being acknowledged, the next
demand is for j.connite inf'rmatioii alwuit -the
varieties ot trees adapted to particular j
soils an 1 locintks ; tlie elevation at which i
valmible species may he grown, the charac- i
ter of soil most favorable to their culture.
etc., etc. Recognising this demand, the j
General (iowmmeiit has made an appro- j
nriation and. placed in: charge ot the work ,
Charles S. Sargent, Professor of Atboiicul-
t -a t, ll-.N-inl l-TrkllorrA Tlm-titW hw 1
summer, wim a corps of .asisfantsbe will (
explore the West, gathering the necessary j
data and valuable fuulcr trees. After a j
i borough investigatWrrfi of tlie timber on
nie etige ot ttio pr-.u-ie-. til ivansas aiui
ColoraiJo', he' will pass through New Mex
ico and Arizona,; and then by , steamer
will proceed to Puget Sound, and ex
amine the gigantic. forest growth of Wasb-it-igton
Territory- anfl Oregon. Especial,
attention will he given to ,Jher. trees about
Rosebnrg mi. iWs Sttite. and the growth
about Mt. Sntkst. Calilernia. Another
party in the had ot Screno Watson, cura
tor ol the Harvard herbarium, will exam
ine the country lyhig between the North
Paci'fi Railroad and-tlie Canadian bounds
a'ry. The Vnlt of these aiid other invct
igatioas talked of cannot fail to- be of
great importante especially - ti the agri
culturists of tlie country. ;;The fact thps
gatltercd and collected are just the .facts
most Aifflcidti fir the prospective settler
to obtain,' 'a nil it (s to be hoped that the
progr;mme laid down!may he most thnr-
'onehly carried out and the i information
obtained as ?eshanstive-as 'possible. '.
Greece, is taking measures Jo increase
.i her army from '12,300 to 40,000 men,
ami .officers have lu?eu sent to France,
Italyk Hungary, Algiers and Syiia to
pnrehase horses,, elothing and animivuk
lionv -'m.kV'-"- - : f
,.An attcbapt on the life of the grand
sheriff ot Meeca on tlie 21st. failed. , ,
An aUemptejJf.ttjjtiiiing of toopsinj
the Cuean fortress at Havana was np
pressed, and six of tbe mutineers shot,
The caue of the uprising was the non
payment oi the tvoope fos siv rnomhs..
- Tbo'iaport of France foMhe past
five toitb8 i in excess of Inst year
'mmootita toVtijmftdOt, and the ex
porbs to 40,6QOf The imports is priii.
cipally in food j- tlu -ex-potsfe mannJac-
tune. : .i;:';,J(:S T 'h; , v., : ,.
1 Tte-j. Greeks men-of-war; ;are beitig
armed, apd torpedoes sunk at various
On the -!0tli, in polling for connsel-
at . Home, .Gen. GaraWUI ' wm
beaton by IVinee Chigi, Marshal ot
Conela - ve. ; ;- v ' V '-:
gWCTttf Irenstt firms havitisr- or.lors
: -
from China to 1 Tuire mse ri les, have
i -
cK - 't - n oruei s;ji mi wuera as soon as
The village of Ilomana, Hungary,
f was'dertrT.yvd by Hre. ' One tlionsand
!aid eleven houses were bnrnerl in Ilnn-
garyidt:nn? May. T'arnine has ragel
since t,lie Wginnin of winter, and the
misery is indiscriliaLle, .".
Dining the late -terrible: storm and
water spent near Dresden, 03 persoim
were killed. :
The risjnp; against the Ttnssians in Cen
tral Asia is Faiil to be rapidly' increasing.
Poor Ireland. It i.s said there is no
longer any donbt that the famine fever
has appeare 1 in wmo parts ot Western
and South Ireland and it is of the
most dangerous type.
London dates to the 21st says a
friend of Challemel Lacour challenged
Dr. O'Dontiell to a duel, Uu the Yr.
Religious liberty and better treat-
t'naent is promised the Hebrews in Spain
Eautern Stwsi
At Jefferson, near Sidney, Ohio, on
t,ie 17t,i( ft bIat;kfimiUl r!lnlCl David
T , , , .. , ...
Tj. Shank attacked two widows with a
' '
Lano, aged Ct, but was driven away
before killing the other. When arrested
he feigned insanity, but it is asserted he
was only drwik.
The rainfall of week in Minne
sota and Dakota swelled the Firenms
to overflowing, inundating the whole
country, destroying crops and other
property to an ir calculable extent.
Nothing like it was ever seen before
sii ce the settlement of the country.
Stark villi, Miss., was partly destroy
ed by lire on'lhe JOlh.
Jetl. Davis testified in the will of
Sarah A. Dcrscy, who kit Davis her
legatee. lie den:ed y mid n'e influ
ence in the matter, 'and asset ted that
she believed the confederacy still e.xist-
I -i . i i. .. .... ...l ..!,.. l.i
el, Lliab uiti HA.ra'ii)ni anu riiuuiu
If this was insanity both lie
and ?drs Dorsey were imaue.
The excursion steamers A'h'hihly
an! lira ltd . inihl'w collided offCat al
street Xew York on the 20ih, the for
mer sinking. No lives lost, Ixdh boat
havtrg jnst landed their passengers.
The Republicans tf the fiftli C'on-gres-ional
dis'riet, Maine, on the 18th
nominated Seth F. Miiiikcn, of Iel-fa-t,
tor Congress.
On the l'uh, about 100 miles off
lev est. Capt. Kennr of liie lr:lisb i
jh-rmrda, picked
ip the Riitish
termer TC.hiufr , abandoned. A
crew was put on her and she was or.
tiered to put in to Key West. The
abaiwloncd steamer did not apJKiar t
bo disabled.
It is announced that President Hayes,
accompanied by his sou Webb, will
s'art it the I-'acifk; coast in two weeks.
The Gnlnar:, Cai't. Ilowgate's arc
lie vessel, was to leave Washington for
the arctic regions on Monday last. It
, -- .
!- a personal en'ctprifc, ana 3j-t.
Ilowgate In-ars all the expense,
A little breeze wa created on the
sand Sot, San Krancisc1, by William
Wellock, of the Democratic wing of W
I. V., attempting to astnd the stand
already occupied by the tJveetil)ackeis.
During the parley a female Greenback
er handeil Welloek otie n the gob with
such force ns to knock him, sprawling.
Wellock and his crowd then erected a
stand in a distant corner (J the Fand
lot, and speaking was carried on from
both stands. The police appeared in
force and prevented .my row.
A respectable colored preacher ot
Marion county, Texas, named Benjamin,
was killed, the other day by Gordon
Moore, hecaose the 'i Treacher had he-.,
come criminally iniiiuate with 3Ioore'
wife. : ;' '' " '- '
. On the T Qih, in the free for all raeo
at Bradfofr, I'a., Lew Seott won in
three straight. licats-f titnc : 2:20, 2:31,
220. Lew Seott after the race, was
rubbed- down, walked about for few
minutes, and then fell dead. He was
valued at SG.OOa.
So many inaccurae'es in the national
census having occurred in Ft. Lonis,
,the business and professional men have
-called a ' meeting to consider ' what
is to be done in tlie matter. ' ' " ,
( ,, General indignation is expressetl in
Texas at the . acquittal of . Cuwie, the
man who killed tho actor Pwxttor a
twelvemonth sinee M Marshall ii that
State-. Miss Nellie Cnmmins, the
young la'Ty in whoso defense Procter
was aeting when killed, was present in
the caiiaerty t witness-.
Senato Paldelt says the censaa re
turns wilfc show a popnlaiion oi 500,
000 ft Xtbraska, against 1 2S,00tr in
1870. - Omaha has 16,000 more popu
lation than iii 1870V" "Nebraka will be
. entitled to four memlicra of Congress
wlto will n t lake their scats until tho
48th Congiea. Tl ese four Congress
men will be Ifepubliea-n.
In the suit of Jessie Raymond
against Senator Ben Hill I for seduction
claiming SIO'.GOO damstgea ov the'19'Hr
it Washington, Jadge Wyfe- SBstarn
ed the demurrer on the part ot Hill,
who assented that the allegations were
false and there wasna cause or action.
Red Clond. Spotted Tail and other
Sioux chiefs had a final talk with Sec
retary Schnrfc ou the 19tli, and eta l ted
homeward last MA'nday, having come
to a" pevfectlj satisfactory agreement.
The Sioux profess to be satisfied with
their schools, and asked the Secretary
to enlarge their educational facilities.
On the 21st Capt. IlowgateV ship
was granted permission to fly the ctars
and stripes over his Arctic ship.
bn the .20th inst. forest fires were
reported doing immense damage in
Xew Hrmiswiek- Many villages were
threatened, and work had ceased, the
inhabitants being out fighting the fires.
Tlie census snow tlie population of
.agn to be 475,000
Samul Sampson was hanged at Bas
trop, Texas, on the 18th, for the mur
der of Alexander Farmer in 1876.
Tlie census returns show the popula
tion of IJrooktyn X. Y., to be 555,000:
p . an increase of 72,000 in. five years-
The citizens of Silver City, and
Shakespeare. Xew Mexico, are reduced
to almost a state of starvation, because
of the- non-reception ot provisions no
trains are running because of the In
dian scare.
A leading London grain cirenjat says
the grain trade is dull that there is
alriiost an entire cessation in the de
mand at the principal markets, and a
decline of shilling is gener
ally reported upon a limited amount of
business transacted-
. According to a IJerlin correspondent.
Tin key defies Europe to etrry ont the
decisions ot the conference by. force.
Martin MeQneeney, a Iwdncan,
who arrived ' in San Francisco two
weeks lefore in charge tf his son,
thl-ew himself in front of an engine nt
the Menlo I'aik ttain of cars on the I9th
mill was killed. He had been can fined
while in Oiegon iu the insane asylum
f r three weeks.
Kmil Madelaive commiltetl snici1e
near North Sau Jnan.Cal., on the I9th.
Strychnine did the business.
The trial cifex-ctMnty treasurer at Saiv
tat rnz, Cal-., on the iTuh, cl-arge. with
itnbrszling county, resulted iu his
cwivicti-.-n. K
A terrible aoc d-jtit happened on the
ISth at the Yellow Jacki't mine, Gold
Ili'l, Xcvala,by whieh four met! were
instantly killed, namely r Xeil Galla
gher, A l.Tetnhy, Timothy Wilkins and
.2. . .Whitehead," while John Leiaoua
had a thigh broken, II. Williams an
arm oil, and Iarney Ct-yle and Ftank
Hammond were slightly ii jured. The
accident was occasioned by a car load
of tools faring from near the surface to
the bottom, when the eight men wero
on the skip.
The U. S. revenue cutter lVolroft,
with the American consnl on board,
w ill go to Cliycjuot Sound on the 26th'
inst , with presents for the Indians who
rescued and succored the crew of the
wrecked ship, C7eu. Cobb, , last year.
Latest dates say that the I'tes'deut
will rot start on his trip to this coast
until September, and that he will visit
Oiegon in his tonr.
Forest fires still rage in Maine.
; Senator Hoar says the happiest mo
ment ot his life was when the Chicago
Convention nominated Gen, Garfield
for the Presidency.
Canada thistles are overrunning the
valleys and vacant lots ot Qreg;'ii City
and are iu a fair way la become a veri
tab'e cst. .. j
. ..StTawlcrriea-of-tne-v-ariey known as
the- "Sharpless seed-iij'v are grown
near Salem, seventeen of ". winch '.till a
(jnart measmrc.
Large quantities of wool are being
delivered ini Independence,: the price
paid lieing 21 to 28.1 per pound, accord- t
ing to quality.
George Collins,' the murderer of
'Hamilton, was taken to the penitentiary
last Thursday by , . Sheriff PilUlxwy -ft
Clackamas county.
-A German Reformed clinreli is beitig
buiU in-the Waldo hills and is rapidly
approaching completion. "" The building
is to lie S0x2) feet. n
. George Starbncfc, a yoing ntin wlio
lost his arm by an accident m a saw
mill at Salem some three '.years since,'
died on the 15th inst, at MonmotUh
havingbeen gdually failing in. keaJth
since the aeoidenk.
The carpenters are bosy on tho mam
moth warehouse of W. A. Wells at the
Corvallis depot 'This building,' when
f etmpleted, wi'l ' be one ef the feiest,
warehousee .v i, ; , Benton coutity. At
ready the frame ie nearly ready to raise,
and." tho btiHdtitg ?atiU bo eomri'otqtl te.
tor too coming- Har
,The peoj Te In the vicinity of High
land intend to turn ot next week and
clear the remains; trees and debris from
the roads Jefirby the great blow.
George Shields, t Cottage Grove,
was badly hnrt one evening last week
by the discharge of a grin, the contents,
consisting of paper and powder, striking
him in the hip.
' ' -- ' - '
PaLeito S taper
, : A campmeeting is in progress at
Wheatland cam -groind midcr the aus
pices of the Kvangelieal eliureh.
Ten or twelve new bnildings are
liC-ing constructed at Corvallm, includ
ing a mammoth warehouse and a brick
store. ' .
"Bernard, who was tried at Oregon
City for the mnrdcr of Mrs. Ilager, is
now under arrest at the Dalles, charged
with stealing sundry articles from a
hotel in that p.lace.
Peter Swatlz, trumpeter of Company
A, 1st cavalry, was married to Miss
Lovina Preston, of Walla Walla, at
the varrison near that city, on Tuesday
of last week. ' - -
. An nncle of Ilager, the yontig man
lately murdered near Waitsbnrg, has
written that he will visit that locality
shortly, take charge ot the financial
affairs ot deceased, and. make vigorous
search for the perpetrator ot the atro
cious deed. i- .:-,
A handsome has been
erected over tlie grave of the late Dr.
Marsh, president of Pacific University
It is fit Italian marble, both the base
and the shaft, the whole beirg eight
feet high and suitably inscribed.. It
was fashioned under the direction of
the .widow Of the lamented founder of i
Pacific Univcrs'ty, and is a fitting tes
timonial to his great and good deeds.'
Phil. Thornton went up the Colum
bia on Monday with a gang of men to
qnarrj- store fur the Uelgisn pavements
t Portland. He has bought the . old
Hicks plase ab;;ve Fisheis Landing,
which has p-le-nty of rock on it, and
having subcontract will make the
cliips lly (lut ing the summer.
Tlc Sea: lib Tjtffliomfer says , an
fld fellow who got badly cut by a cir
cular saw and crippled for lit by his
own carelessness, has brought suit
three tunes against the null company
and j'ist hist the third one. The com
pany wanted to be liberal with him but
he preferred his chances to make his
p le all at once and lost. .
A.-L Thomas and wite, alleged mur
derers of Rrom field and Amanda
Shanks have been remanded to jail
until the December term ot court. A
territoiial statute 'providing that no
person shall be put on trial on indict
met for murder until ihirty days after
his arrest with out his consent in open
c-iuit, left Judge Wingard no altern
ative but to postpone the trial. The
prisoners were returned to Walla Walla
Land placed in Jail, and will hereafter be
confined iu separate cells.
Or. the arrival in tho Dardanelles of
an Italian yc-sel having' on board ! the
harem of ex-Khedive Ismael Pasl a,
tho sultan authorized the women to go
to Qh'im fir I.emnos ; but tlie captain of
the ship persisted that he had lieen
chartered to Constantinople. The ship
was allowed to come out of respect to
the Italian flag, but tho women will be
transhipped without landing and con
veyed to Chios. ,
The Rosebn-rg . Srrr esys ; , '.'Mr.
Joseph Arkiey, well known in,lhis city
as a painter, committed suiqiOe in Oak-,
land on Tnesdav evening. .Ho had.
lieen suffering from aberration ., of mind
for some days, which contributed to bis
resolution to kill himself. Iu the after
noon he visited a store ami purchased a
pocketknife and humorously remarke 1
thai life was of small aeconnt and that
liefore sundown jveihaps he naigKt be
toed tor worms. lie then walked to a
wagon shop, where bo had -been ; eiw
gaged iu doing some Work, and few
minules aherwards was -found lifeless.
AYith the knife that he bought be ev
erel an artery of the left, aim, Ho was
about fifty years ol age and esteemed as
a useful citizen.
Tne Hillsboro Jnflefnendut tells how
that Hon Ingles tired at and womided a
spike-buck ; the deer made off with Hen
in chase, who overtook, seized it by the
hind legs aud 'held oti iutU help came.
From all of wb'ieb' it is inferred that
Ben Ingles is a ' fleet-footed and brave
fellow, bni docs not understand the nat
ural history of & splice hack.
In the conrscf ot Iris experiments in
fish ctdtn-e, R D. Ifiirre. t , Astoria,
puta trot.t about four, itvles Jong Jvto
a spring, together; with a ypnug: salmon
seven inches . in . length. ..The . little
trout, iu conformity .with, Us., instincts,
immediately went after the bigger sal
tuon, chaed it round the pool, tore off
its fwis, laoea-t6l its ti!', ani a'f er a'
three days contliot, weorted it to death.
The new steamship. ' Columbia, of
the Q. II. Sj N. Co, lelt Hio, Janewo,
South America, on Slay iJ0nlt, ami it is
expected she will reach Valiraio in a
day oi two-, where site- Will stop for
coal. "..pwi-tfTThw'1- ' Otiai-remv t i
warj POEie tronWe ay bo eaused tf e
steairnrr in jj-ettingrnto A'alparaiso, bnt
as tki Js the onrv eoahtg station, ti e
cttetpt wilt1 be made. The- Columbia,
cometi to I'ortland direct, not toucbig
at i-'aji Franc:sjo, and is cx.pected llicre
on joi nlHiui the ljih of nex,t montb.
Vlulesale and.
i ' - - ' ' ,
In fart llic t-ai-gett, best ' Awtortrti nml mosl Varied ttteck mt
GIlOCKRIEs in tlie- viritr TX : WcmwO;.
the only exclusive otioeETnr
... AI'BANY.
ila.Firapraof Briokj -IPlrst'
and HEAD
' A 1. every vBrfprf erwvitvry ant ot lier ston- j
work il.-i-io wtih netitness nml dispatch. Sfierlal
attention rtven innntiT'i froei nnftart ft hcl
jMiiu'Rim u n-iuiitri
N-rvriKe, nml promptly U'
-i'- .lit
J -snuri, i.H!i sn m ti tii iswruna .vr J
i'iiVTnoiijo uoj anas r.
J.3 ' 5 ppv. !5-n;r;rQ
J t'Aau n .iqv?..jtfaA5.
ox-vnoouxj uxs&i s,4rawfcVs
S a iJa OrtV G10
King of the 'Elood
Care nil Scrofulous Affections nml Iittr remit.
niir ircqa ,J.ranmir oi t tuuod. it in rrmllaw to
pectf nil, as the sufferer en usually perciTe Uieia
eanse -,,but- .Salt Rhmutu JmpU Vlctru Xataora,
JStotlUnga, &c are the moat cumraon, ay.
well many al&Miaiu ot the Heart Head, Ltvtr
and Stomach.
Woaderfol Cnra cf BHnaaesa " r"".
Ti. II i-vsea; Eon -Co; : For Van lianlfH. of H f
krdwbleH With Kcrafnln ir Imimr- Blobd in ttMt"V
$&tams, 1 hereby r.-omrDcml JsUnfr of the Blood.
rears, which ABecreU my ayes taat. 1 wa
r neve oeea nvonn wren rMroiuia a) trie pa&
Dletelv blin.l for ffcicL nvonths. I was recommend.
ta try King of the Iiloo.1, whibbna prormi a gmt t
...if i n mo, ma ii, i.nn (-ompifceiy vuren me, nnoj
reheerif ulljc seoouuauod it to ad troubled M I have
baeo. ' Yonrs truly.
Mm. 8. 'WJbMriiBiiasw, bardittia, IT. TV
f! m tja'g1, ,a
wiH be peid to any Public nnapitat to, b asataa-
ally srre.i upon, lor every aerancjite ot tnisr
M&e pghjiatsat by aa wbioa ia not Kenuine.
Its Zxigredieixts'n
To show ont faith in. tlie-snfety and caotllanos-of
the K. B., npun pafr penoaal application, whva
atisHed thnt no iatpositian ie intended,. we will t
five the nsmsaof ail i ts inffrclient n.bT attidarU. .
The above offers were never made before by the m. 1
Drietor of any other Fnmilr Mediaine ia the woxld. .1
ftiUdirvcttnnafotusiiifr wilf be foand in the mm-LL
W,lt . IWII: nr. IlkMsH f- rh "fflml.1
wntcnearn Dotueiseni-insca. l ira a i par wvy pon-
tpifiinp 1 online, or 0 K oose. otA hy mio
w:. IX RAvliHtXimV (' rrop'rs, BuSalojK .Y-"
tat joj
J-.p.isu n. i.i-i sl!;r pmM S P I' 4.3W ' ' Mnmifiirtniw nT
isaBPi-y.",!" '-CJ-' i r c..'
J 'OoO cAVco 0 r 1 aud atl MndJof werkliie W oa.: ' I 1 f.
r'' d' tfA Q o " os.3rWl' 1 '" - '-''" - tl
''tad'5 i0-vJ v atS fct : vs wasretW nmrM rhict from tl Mttt- 11 -
t rA U s V? sLfft I W mili rte.. nmlhuwtt wMwtctt walk car, W can ..
' vASi a Pm "Kf r ' - '' ";".h
z.ysy ft K
2" Joj pi to, ji jCiitKirj- pjrrinTTicf arj
In tliemiast ol Sprtns Tmd health.
-ane. tuts scot, hoht of u. ind ifiWe ms we uay
we inn not sliaks tr. off onleiw we uae 11 -ri-'
Sm-e. Sate and S(eeJj Fever anj Aarow
f.'ure. a iniivlv vegetable- rtniedy. A rnt
benefit, also, to those imvfns used cbemk-ailsy
such tts Qnlnlne, Iron, ete.
Prle . Dollnr fv RoWl.
Your li-ti!fj3fjst hs It or wtll iret It for yon,
"The Oiisinal." Insist upon bavins it.
0"rl J i")y
Retail Sealers la
i J
i l
v 7
Sta?eet, ATiaaay, btajpoal''
-r t..f j
Trirnoi - y,iy - iiorin - i
ttrdt'd. AU work
. -W
KItai! Stone,
Taltlety " "' iZ
' ' Tl' A . T T
3 . " iwauM' mrt mt tba Mate nrnnMhr
at1ende.t I fx
tjtr Alfwork wnmntt reprwetrted. "l" - i
t" Shop hnd Works on corner of Kwnnll and X
Kllwoi-th sliwts. AltMtny, tlivtron. - -- :
'- ''" '"- -' V. w.. a rm." .
X. JUrfn ltCl8Me-vl2nK - ' ' - - - t-
a .v jj-j ... i J ' ......
- Jf
Albany FurnitusQ Sons3
.:-!fanrvai anajnyJtC j '-nf
' .... - - - ....... J if.f-.
Peli-ooiii Snllc Walaaf iAttlkaint Maple trarkjjjr ,, -.--
Salts; l'nliivt Kockw-H. kftr y Wi , .,,.,' .-,."
1 , f',
; Walnut aivt Hi-dwaot-t halTa eC s"t krada J ' .
, i
- .5
. In act, ) iiucn.l to-kecrvt), ttvt-alae
' ' ' I" ''''" ' - - "v 4
liniu. thankPit fn- paMratraaraMr'
in trad to ks Inlarrat of all '
realdenta of IMa, ei and vlplfl to--
.conie and i
, Corner-oC's4Bit .And' sferry ,af raalsv
T1 Mil ta Mas)
for ourtTloe Lies
-lsattk.. Sara ,.
atldrasa spon. a-,
Sltoatton. Coaaaiaa, , ,
esortpUoaaalB arv li .
tbina; raqniraa
Tv . wtfl. mm.
w?- -w-r jrT-W -'"
l.tOO IWaotnauoaa. VTa aja al . . X
I paods at wholesale prteee In anaattttea
who make smi i- lianai, .-.
; & 9 Webaala Ave,Caii5 Vlk
. ,! F i -
n r
ji; - w-" ..." . ' ; r
'"V". i" '..