The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 14, 1880, Image 4

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Center Kerry awl FirH Street.
. eoTy,one yr i sn
One copy, six months I 50
single copies Ten cents.
Agents Iter (tie Bejrtoter.
Tl following named gentlemen nre antlior
lrert to receive and receipt for snliscrlptlnns
la the KaaiarKa in the localities mentioned : -
Messrs. Kirk ft name Brownsville.
Robert Ohvid Crawfortlsvtlle.
eh naves -n,,,2'-
O. T. Tompkins Hsrrisburg
..MAY 14, 1S0
. 1
A cons'tderablo imonnt of sorghum
ryrnp u manufactured in Southern
Oregon last year, and the prospects are
that much more will bo put upon this
market next fall.
Every dweller io this land of prolific
oil and delightful climate who, own
ing a bit of ground, ht s not taken some
atop to beautxfiy it by the culture of
trees and flower, is defrauding himself
and tbe country.
'" Try making a compost heap this
year. Uae the refuge vegetable matter
and whatever will decay. Pile it in a
heap, soak it bo as to assist fermenta
tion, and the result will be a valuable
lot of fertilising material.
The Reins de Nice grape easily
barns by heat in midsummer. Experi
ments have heretofore been tried to
counteract that influence by pushing its
growth forward by early irrigation,
forming plenty of wood and creating
thick foliage as a protector.
Fruit-growers find they cannot prune
too often for their advantage.. They
often pass over four limes dining the
season to make trees perfect in growth ;
to shape them, often thumb prune , thin
the fruit to make what you raise per
fect in form and thape.
Tbe farmers of Los N ictos Valley,
Loa Angeles County, California, are en
taring into tho culture of the castor-oil
bean, having made contracts for the
coming crop. It is believed that all
who are engaged in producing this
. article will make s handsome profit
this season.
. Any of our readers who may be ex
perimenting with bisulphide of carbon
. for the destruction of ground pests
. will be interested in a vew adoption by
the Australian rabbit killers. Live
rabbits hve been Fecurcd, the fur of
one is wetted with the bisulphide, and
tbe auimal is turned into s burrow.
. On digging out the burrow the occu
pants are all found clustered together
and dead.
Considerable stock is being poisoned
near Roseburg by what is supposed to
be wild parsuip, tays the Plaimlealer.
Several farmers tave lost some valuable
tnilch cows, maiuly from' their not
knowing'how to treat cases of poison of
this kind. We an effec
tive remedy, which is simply this :
Feed tbe poisoned animal a few quarts
ot flour or shorts mixed with water ; it
i "known to be a good remedy,
The apiary or honey-producing busi
ness has become an extensive industry
In the southern part of California, and
is giving rise to a novel and tough legal
- question- The bee men rent or purchase
a few acres to plant their stands on,
and when the grapes begin to ripen the
bees enter the vineyards, puncture the
richest, and ripest grapes, and make
scores of tons of honey aunually tor
. their owners from other people's
The Nevada City Transcript says :
There is found growing in the moun
tainous regions of this county a peculiar
grass, the valuable qualities of which
are just hecSming known to tlte gener-
si public. The , blades grow to a
length of four feet, and are evergreen.
: For several years past the "show-grass."
as it is called, has been gathered by
some of the 'people living in the neigh-
borhood, and used as filling tor loun-
. ge, mattresses, etc.
Saye the Poultry Aetr : The first
requisite for poultry is a warm, comfort,
able bouse, aod the next is cleanliness
Do not neglect In sweep out the house
every morning, and put everything in
-good form for the day. The next and
most essential matter is feeding, y y
praetice is this : . In the morning feed,
.give fine, soft food, all the refuse from
the table, such as meat scraps, boiled
..potatoes, and wheat bran mixed, given
.to them hot on cold mornings.
v iTo not imagine that handling eggs
'daring incubation will - prevent batch.
Sng. With care the eggs nay be
handled everv day, and not the slight
est harm result tlterefrom. Should any
cftbe eggs get broken ia the nest,
wash the remaining eggs in warm water
and clean oot the nest, for an egg that
is daubed with the contents of another
gj? not hatch. During the last
' Veck ot incubation tit eggs should be
sprinkled every othei lay with warm
Tle Fir Jrsij?er In ourf.
In Z7tachery8 Military Journal,
nnder date of December, 1777, is found
s note containing the identical "first
prayer in Congress," made by the Rev.
Jacob Duels, a gentleman of great
eloquence. Here it is an historical
curiosity :
"O Lord, onr Heavenly Father, high
and mighty King of king, and Lord
of lords, who dost from Thy throne be
hold all the J sellers ot the earth, and
reigned with power ruprcme and un
controlled over all the kingdoms, em
pires and governments, look down m
mercy, we lieseech Thee,, on these Am
erican States ho have fled to Thee
from the rod ot the oppressor, and
thrown themselves on Thy gracious
protection, desiring to be henceforth de-
pendent only on 1 hee. Io 1 nee they
have appealed for the righteousness
of their cause ; to Thee do tliey now I
look up for that countenance and sup
port which Thou alone canst give.
Take Ihero, therefore, Heavenly Father,
unto Thy nurturing care. Give them
wisdom in council and valor in. the
field. Defeat the malicious designs of
our adversaries ; convince them ot the
unrighteousness of their cause ; and, if
they still persist in sanguinary purposes,
oh ! let the voice ot Thine own unerring
justice, sounding in their hearts, con
strain them to drop the weapons' ct war
from their unnerved hands in the day
of battle, lie Thou present, O God of
wisdom, and direct the councils of this
honorable assembly. Enable them to
settle things on the best and surest
foundation, that the scenes of blood
may be speedily closed, and order har
mony and peace may be effectually re
stored, and truth and justice, religion
and piety prevail and flourish amongst
Thy people. Preserve the health of
their bodies and the vigor , of their
minds ; shower down upon them and
the millions they represent such tem
pered blessing? as Thou ?eest expedient
for them in this world, and crown them
with everlasting glory in the world to
come. All this we ask, in the name
and through the merits of Jesus Christ,
Thy Son, our Savior, Amen !"
Hotel Mysteries.
"Why is it," asked the man with
the sample case, "that at the average
hotel the shortest man is always set
down at the end of the stable, where
there is nothing, and where he can
reach nothing else ?"
"And why," asked the sad passen
ger, "is the waiter always fluttering
over some deliberate, fussy old gour
mand, who is going to stop over three
days anyhow, when you have only
fifteen minutes and then have to run for
your train ?"
"And why," asked the tall, thin
passenger, "is tho black pepper crnet
always in the castor on the next table?"
"And why is it empty when you get
it ?" asked the cross passenger.
"And why," asked the fat passenger,
"do the two young married people who
sit opposite yon always stop eating and
gaze at you with such pitiful reproach
fulness every time you look at them ?"
"And why," ajked the brakeman,
coming in to light the lamp, "doesn't
the hash shave ?"
"And why," suddenly asked tho wo
man who talks bass, "don't men iver
talk sense ?"
The peaceful silence came drittiug
into the car, noiselessly as a Fundy fog.
until the car was full ot it. And these
questions are nranswered conundrums
even unto this day, especially the last
Russia may well tremble when she
sees China preparing to go to war with
her. As the latter country has about
400,000,000 people it could put Russia
into financial bankruptcy by merely
setting up its citizens as targets tor the
Russians to shoot at. Taking into con
sideration the well known recklessness
ot aim that distinguishes the Russian
soldier, the Czar will not have money
enough left to board himself ai a penny
restaurant if he furnishes powdei and
ball to shoot at those laundrymen in the
Flowery Kingdom. "
Several thnnsand miles apart, two
embittered old men are working hard
at their memoirs, endeavoring, doubt
less, to explain their complete failure
in life, and to pour out their long sup
pressed venom on people who have
given them fancied cause of complaint
They are Jefferson Davis (ex-president
of the southern confederacy) and Achille
Bazaine (ex-marshal ot the French em-
pile). Both are persons of the dead
Tbe oil lauds ot Peru are on the
coast region. They extend from Cape
Blanco to the Tumbez River, a distance
ot 129 miles. The tract is sixty miles
wide, and contains 4,500,000 acres
Where the waves of the Pacific Ocean
have worn away the rock-?, the oil
cncKies- oni, and may be t raced for
ninety tsucs along the coast
lion nil f njrle C'ntcliea
An olJ-time fisherman at New
Hamburg, being interviewed on the
subject yesterday, made quiie an inter
esting statement : "I've 6hot six or sev.
en eag'es the past winter ; just wound
ed them so as to catch them alive for
parties in New York and elsewhere.
Yon see eagles come to the mouth of
Wappenger's Creek to feed on carp ;
that's the kind ct fish that the Snjiervis
ors from Northeast was talkiu' about
in thoDoard all winter. Well these
carp are Ted they look like gold fish.
There's lots ot 'em at the month of the
creek, both this side and tho other
side of the Drake drawbridge. Did
you ever see an eagle go for one ot i
them ? You didn't ? Well, you ought i
to see the big American emblem hover :
for acaip- The higher he gets over ;
the creek the better he can see. Yes.
that is ptrange, but it is just the same
with trcut-fishing. It I am on a trout
stream and tl ink there are trout about,
and I can't see them, I always scale a
tree and get out on the branches and ;
look down, tor t tell von vou can see !
a good deal better than you can from
the bank of the stream. I don't know
why, but it is so. I've seen an eagle j
just skim the top of the Harlem liiv- '
er Railroad drawbridge, flying to the !
eastward, and when he reached the I
cove inside, he'd raise 100 feet, and j
then just stay still and 'hover' till he :
spied a carp in the water below, when !
he'd circle down like a pair ot stairs,
and then he'd make a 'swoop' right
into the water and c me out with Mr.
carp in his beak, and as he'd raise he'd
shift the carp to his talons and fly j
away the Lord knows where. I
tell yon a kingfisher can't beat an eagle
on a fishing excursion."
The South America. War.
The Republic of Peru seems to be
in a decidedly bad way. The steady
stream of Chilean snceesses lias continu
ed from the commencement ot tiie war,
with only a tew comparatively unimpor
tant reverses. Noi only have the Chil
ean troops evinced better discipline and
fighting qualities than their adversaries, j
but they appear to have been much j
more auly commanded. At present,
Peru seems very nearly in the condi
tion ot a subjugated country. Only a
small portion of the territory of the Re
public, outside of its capital, remains in
the control ot the Government, and if
the capital itself should fall, the result
might bo to obliterate Peru as a separ
ate State from future maps ot South
America. Such an event ought not
rerhnns to be regarded as a thing to
bo. deplored. Chili is a progressive
State, and bears pretty nearly the
same relation toward T'ern that the
United States liears toward .Mexico.
With the addition of Peru to her
territoy she might develop into a con
siderable power. She has at present a
population of less than 3,000,000, occu
pying a long and narrow strip of coun
try lying between the Andes and the
I ocean, but extending over 2000 miles,
north and south, from Bolivia to Cape
Horn. The Chileans are by far the
most intelligent, energetic and progress
ive ot all the South America popula
tions. They have been significantly
characterized as the "Yankees of South
America," and should the eiitird wes
teru coast ot lhat portion of the conti
nent fall under their dominion, there
would be a far hotter prosect tor the
development of its resources and the
establishment of a higher civilization
and a more stable government that
exists at present.
An Er of Fitanlnc.
The telegraph is again busy in chron
icling famines, of which there seems
to be an era in various parts of the
globe. The great famine in China last
vpat bad scareelv nassed away when
the news came ot a great calamity in
Ireland, but to lie quickly followed by
the news thai a vast province in Brazil
was famine-stricken- This is still snp
planted by another famine, which, ac
cording to dispatches of a few days ago,
has broken out in Orenlcrg, where we
are informed thousands of families can
neither obtain food nor means to earn it,
there being a great scarcity ot t work as
well as food. The scene of this fresh
calamity is in Russia. Oreii'nerg, a
province of the empire, is partly situat
ed in Europe and partly in: Asis.
Five years ago next June the wife ot
Rev. Thomas Guard, while journeyinc
in the cars near New York,' gave a
valuable diamond ring to her child to
play with, and the little girl, in throw,
ing s bft of orange-peel from the car
window, allowed the ring to slip from
lier finger. Search for the ring was
made by employes ot the road, un
successfully, at the time, but it was
found a tew weeks ago by a track-walker.
Pasteboard shutters are now made
iu imitation of wood. This :i merely
tor a blind , . !
Kit tins: ainct-Doff.
Never was tbe ancient adage "there
is no accounting for tastes," mora,
quaintly illustrated than by a surpris
ing story which reaches us from Neu
start, in Bohemia. One Peschka, an
innkeeper of that town, was bitten some
weeks ago by his own house-dog. Un
willing to slay the animal on bare sus
picion of its sanity, lie consigned to the
town grave-digger, enjoining that funct
ionary to Fake care i)t it until fmther
orders concerning its ultimate fate
should be imparled to him. A few
days later, however, Pechka was at
tacked by hydrophobia, of which horri-"
ble malady he died ia excruciating
agony. The sanitary authorities ot
Neustadt forthwith applied to the
grave-digger for the mad-dog committed
to his Custody, intending, to have him
dest roved. Their astonishment may le
more readily conceived than described
whn the sexton calrhly observed, "Tl e
mad dog ? I have eaten him !" "You
have eaten the mad-dog ?" incredulous-
ly exclaimed the horror stricken sanitary
officials. "Better that than, he should
eat me !" rejoined tho philosophicial
grave-digger. It would appear not
only that this man of strange appetite,
had swallowed and digested tho rabid
animal, but that it had screed with
him ; for, as the story runs, he is still
n the enjoyment of robust health, and
pursues his professional avocation with
'"-abated vigor.
Tlie CUnsiniti I'ntbrclla.
"There," she cried, in ar excited
voice, I should like to know what's
hcC:'rae of t!,al ambril. I sot it up
agin the counter wren I came in, and
a!ore I could turn round it'- gone
and it was only a Monday lhat I gin
four and 'six l'.ir't !" "What 'kind of
an umbrel-a was it, ma'm ?" asked the
polite clerk in his blandest tones. "A
spick and span new gingham, young
wS? the eager response,
an iv'ry handle on't, and a " "Like
this one in your hand, ma'am, tor in
stance?" ."Sakes alive ?" she exclaim
ed. And one might have thought she
w a ; serpent rather -than her own
"spick and span gingham," with "its
iv'ry .handle," c'tchel fa-a in her
hand. ! ,She colored up like a druggist's
window, and weit off among unintelli
gible excuses. She fever felt so fluster
ed tu all her born days, as she told her
Jemima Ann when she got home.
Wa 11 fcc" Kill.
The bill repotted by Wallace from
the Senate select committee to inquire
into alleged frauds in late elections,
and to enforce the provisions of section
2 of the 14lh amendment to the consli
tntion, provides : "That iu future, in
taking enumeration ot inhabitants of
the several states, the superintendent of
census s.hall acertain the number of male
citizens of tlie United States 21 years
of ag6 and whose right to vole at any
electiou named in the 14lh amendment
has been denied or in any way abridged
by the constitution or laws of any state
except as authorized by said amend
ment. T nth In Art.
Among tho St freaks of ths last
Vienne-e Car.iival has been the rdoption
by several jf the Kalscrstadt's leading
beauties of imitation feet and sandals as
accessories to mythological or classical
costi'ines. Havirg intrted flesh-colorfd
maillots provided with thin soles, tlise
ladies ermmitteel their delicate extremities
to the manipulation ot skilled artists, who
deftly painted thereupon counterfeit pre
sentments of toes, saud.ils and laces, all
complete. " It appears that the pretty wife
of an eminent Viennese historical painter
had chosen the tVess, or nndres. of a
water-sprite wherein to attend the "G'seh
nas ball," and solicited her talented hus
band aid to "niiike ujT her feet In the
manner above indicated. He consented.
but being of a jealous disposition, prompt
ing him to be chary of enhancing his wife's
ivitural charms by adventitious means. In
put ofT the foot-painting ojierat Ion until
Hie last moment. When, however, the
earragi was at the door, and the water
sprite's scanty toilet completed in atf re
spects but one. he seized brndinud palette,
ami addressed hiuiiell, seemingly in tever-i-.h
hate. to his task, hurrying his wife
ofl to thr ball as soon as ber mimic leet
were ready, without giving h-r time to
inspect them. On entering the gaily
lighted ball-room the lady cast a hun fed
glance at her husband's a.-flstlu achieve
ment. Her horror may be better imagin.
ed than descritn-d when she perceived that
the pink silk tights in which her dainty
teet were imprisoned hail been admirably
illuminated by Lis master-hand with hor
rible representations of chilblains, bunion?,
and Inveterate corn", only too true to na
ture. That night she da need nor, but sat
sadly in a corner, hiding her travestied
f et under lier chair as lest she might.
Tbe Heaviest Emigration la the JftotorJ
of tbe t'onnlrjr.
The year 1880 promisos to be one of the
most noteworthy in one respect at lenst
namely, in showing the largi-st Kuroieaii
enilgration to thee shores which lias oc
curred In any one year in the entire history
of this country. "During the lirst three
months ot the present year -ending Ma-eh
31st, the number of emigrants arriving
was over 35.000 as ae- ilnst only 11.000 tor
the eorresponlln; rierioil of three- months
last year, ml if f.fcs rathr is kvvt uii for
the remaining nine months ot the year, as
it undoubtedly will be, the emigration
will be threefold as heavy ns last
year, and the total this year will bo about
three times 135.000 (which was the num
ber of emigrants Arriving in the year 1879).
or over 400.000 In all. being by far tbe
heaviest 'European emigration to these
shrres th-tt ha occurred In any year in the
entire history of the United States. The
average amount of ciish brought by emi
grants dllring the present, year Mr." Jack
son estimates is at least $G0 per head and
taking the total of 400.000 emigrants
this year, it will he seen that here is at
once an addition of about $24,000,000 of
ready ban! cash to this country. This
f2t.000.000 of ready hard cash brought
to this country is of course but a very
small portion' of the actual and immediate
addition to our production irI wealth
which the present fliod ot emigration sup
piles. A Swimmer's Font.
Captain Webb, the famous English,
swimmer, has performed at London hi
teat of remaining in the water for sixty
hours. lie was to be allowed an inter
mission of half an hour, but only took
twenty minutes to chmiga his clothing
and stretch his limbs. The performance
took place in a GO foot tank, 6 teet deep
and filled with artificial sea-water kept at
an average temperature of 70 degrees. lie
ate and drank in the water, and took sev.
era 1 short naps float in.H on hU hack. At
the conclusion of his teat, Captain Webb
turned a couple of suinersaulU In the wat
er, from whi- he ascended briskly and
apparently none the worse for his immer
sion. Krlnsorliiktnms.
Edison's song : "Life of my liyl.t
Tangle foot wliiky is row being set
on tlio counter labelled "13, 15, 14 '
IIow it must irJtake a donkey laugh
to pee wliat an insignificant liltle ear
9 whale can boast.
When a woman wants to be pretty
she bangs Iter hair, and when she wants
to be nitly pho bangs the dishes.
; A paper .devoted to the sugar . trade
and named tlie Si(ffar Hett, has jurt
taken root in Philadelphia.
"The pat is gone," said Gen. Grant
at New Orleatip. Tho.c who think the
past is yet to dame are disappointed.
The lirst Presidential candidate
was mentioned ' by Tennyson, who in
one of his earliest poems sang : "At
eve the beetle boometb."
A western critic describe the kissii g
between Paul Castle and Virg'cia Ab
bott a "a communion of the intangible
by tangible meati!."
It is against the law in Wiscons'ri
for any druggist to offer for ale at j
bearV oil not made Irom a b ar. Tiny
think a great deal ot the lop ot their
heads out that way.
A SyracnFC (N.-Y.) bey laid asMe
his clime novel to go down cellar. lie
thought lie saw a grizzly bear in the
potato bin, and in making a rtif-h for
the etairs he full and broke, bis neck
It is (bought thai the price o beer
wi'l soon be advanced a dollar a barrel
in most ot the large cities of the Union.
The result will be that the more beer
gies up the less of it will go down.
The lat men of Uahimore gave a
ball last week, biit did not dance.
They left that to tie more agile. The
heaviest man present weighed 430
pounds, and the weightiest maiden Bib
When Christiancy was married he
was so i:ervons that tho clergyman had
to help him to put the rinz on the
bride's finger. Doubtless be has'often
wished since that he had given it up
as a task beyond his abilities.
"I wish I was worth a mi'lion of
dollars," said a gentleman. "What
good would it do yn, for yon don't
sppr.d your present income ?" inquired
a triotirl. "Oh, I could be economical
on a large scale.
Some folk pretend to ay that Theo
dore Thomas will try to lead the music
of th angels or "raise a row when he
gets to heavcti. Detroit Free jPyws.
Ah it a man who has Hyed six months
in Cincinnati is g'ing to get to heaven.
JsOuisviUe Courier Journal.
The Hoston Transcript notes that
even the man tt iron will grow rusty
from ii. action.
One good way ot forgetting your
own troubles is to set about earnestly
helping other people. '-
Financially speaking, the Frei clique
frm n roolilp whi'n llio Ttaliai s ara
' '
lires. J?u-ciatce. If you toll th ne
" J
so Vou mioliC tret a n.nctpp tn
t-o,yu mnin, yet a p aner on jour
eye ; but it's perfectly hafe to say the
CI i ese have tiels.
Vanderbilt denies that he intends to
retire from active business pursuits. lie
evidently endorses Pat's opinion that
drinks is A cooil ttiinrr Kiit
urillKS IS a gOOil tiling, but you can
OTOt enonoh of lhat hut vni mi.'i rmt
f,t-l. eiiougu OI mat DUl JOU can t get
too much money.?'
Indiana now has a registration law
something it has long stood in ieou
of. This will break up the venerable
Denmcratic practice of iiBins: Kentucky
voters on both sides of the Ohio river.
The total n amber of vottts cast at
the late election in Great Britain was
2.G6G.000, which is ahout two-thirds
less than the total l-ntn r-nst. at tlm loci
Presidential election , in tide country.
r" ... . '
' 1 1:6 (Jiiiniiinn fitwammar.t I...
. , . ,
J iret'O OH Ihe freO' list all American
" it- ..- , .
puijlieattoBS sent by ruait into Canada.
There is nothing like providing the
public with good reading-matter.
A Washington belle is said to have worn
anklet bangles to a recent Xew York Ger-
For moro tlinn a third of a century the
IttexICKii Hii.t.i,g l.lniraent liasbeen
known to millions hII ovt-r tho world a
the only safe reliance; for tho relief of
accidents and pnin. It U a. medicine
above price and pn.lso the best or Its
U tnd. For : very form or external pain
MnstaiifLr Liniment U without an equal.
It ueiietratea fientt uid
jjflie very hone makiiitr tho eontinu
Iiuicnnf pain mid infliinuitiou impossible.
Sits effects upon Human Flush and the
jiniov treauoix are cquany wouuerliu.
I.iaimont J. needed l.v somebody in
every house. K very 1ny brings news of
lite aouj- or ma nvriui ocam or bnru
subdued, of rliemntio martyr re-
J stored, or a valuable horse or ox
saved by the heuJiiijf power of this
which spoodilv cures Bach ailments of
tho HUMAN LKS1I as
It It eu mat Ism, Hvrelllngs, Stiff
d0inm, 02ttraccet jvtuscies, jKarm
niul .Scald, Catuf limine and
S;!-nln, Pfiiiuuonfl Bites and
Mtiiiss. Ktlffliess. J.ameness. Old
K Sore, ricers, l'rostbt.'es. t'hllblalus.
More mpplos, Caked Jlreast. and
Indeed every form of external dls
iat. It Heals without sears.
For the IiBt'TE C it k axiom it urea
Hpralns, Svrinny, SUIT Joints,
CAnmaA VTnv-A a Uavma t Y . St..
N eaves, Foot lot, Screw YVorm, lcab.
Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind
falls, Spavin, Tbinoh, ltinebone,
Old Sores. Vail vil. Film nnon
m tlie Slzht nml every other aliment
1 3j to which tbe occupants of the
snnie ana stnen soru are name.
Hho 212exlcan ltrttstans Liniment
En always cures and never disappoints;
ami it is, positively,
NOT FAIL to send
for our Price List for
1880. Fans to any
wldress upon sp-t
S Mention. Contain :
escriptlons of every
tbtnff reoutred for
, . . personal or ramnv use,
with over 1.200 Illustrations. We aefl ll
6 oods at wholesale prices in quantities to suit
le purchaser. The only Institution Id America
wno rnnke this their special huKlness. Address.
87 Si S2 Wabash Ats., Chicago, 111.
as a fiftaiulanl Fa:nily Remedy for
WAissasos of t,irT.-v?T fifv-rv.!i
janu Jjo-reis. i i is 1'urely
Votablo. Ii never U
r-UolMiitates it is STR
S?''atjd by the public,;
a ""! for more than. 85 yenrs,5
f pS p S with tmprecedexited reaults-J
e v- u c't'rr)"'!, ti n !5!" BROADwy,5
Asr im i;iii9T mn. ihi.i. tor its bepvtation.
Zing of the Blood
Cares ail Scrofulous affections and disorders result-
' inff from Impnritv of tho blood. It is needless to
specify all, as the sufferer cn usually Perceive their
cause; but Salt Ith'.um, I'tmplet. l lrtrs, Ttmorm,
Goitre, Swtllinffa. &c, are the most common, as
aV-..ioM of , 111,1. ir.aj. t.o
and Stomach.
Wonderful Cars of Blindness
D. Rahsom, Sox A Co. : For the benefit of all
troubled with Scrofula or Imturs Blood in their
systems, I hereby recommend king- of the Blood,
i"h been troubled with Scrofula for the iiast ton
fears, -which so affected my eyes that I-waaeoia-
,)etely blind for six months, I was recommended
rfullT rmmeDd " 1
SIbs. S. yv'EATHEBW)w, Sardinia, K. T
n tt X!2
will be paid to any Public Hospital to be mte
ally agreed upon, for every certificate of this medi
sine published by us which is not genuine.
Its Ingredients
To show our faith in the safety and exeeffeVe of
tUC s. uiwu aau-" yt'
satisfied thnt no imposition is intended. ws will
the K. 11., upon proper personal application, wheal
give tlie nainos of all its ingredients, by amdavit.-
The above oners were never mncle before by the pro'
prietor of any other Family Medicine in the world..
Irfanv testimonials, further informtinn.
Ej tl 'Sr2!
J5 i$m ff i v er5
U 13 ZM 1 M iI"vigoir.tor:
fflriiyay in ray practice,
full directions for using will be found in the pam,
' P!,,c't "Treatise on Iiiseases of the Blood," in
j which oach bottle is enclosed. Price $1 per bottle eon
' 'niBiwme,or w t0 so doses. Sold by ara
Tlsta. l).RasoM,SoCo.,Prop'rvBuflalolJf,Y.
'A Specific Besiady for
For Debility, Iws of Memory IndUpfc
sition to Exertion or limine? shortness
il Bn-atli, Troubled with Thoi iU of Dis
ease, Dimness oi Vision. Pain )the Back;
Cliest and fiend, Hush of EtotI To tbe"
Head, Pale Countenance and DrjjBltSn. .
If these symptoms are allowed: go on
very fretjtietitly Ejile)llo KtNtticI Caii'
sumntiou foiluvv. "A lien tlie eou' itnlioii
tieeomes afteeteil, It requires the 4 1 of an
"tii.lorating medicine to strenc? Vn tfi
tone tip the systeni, Wfiictr j i i
"EelmTsold's Buck'
I I'tieqnaied i'
By any rcmetly known. Jt Is rarser-ibed
by the most eminent pnysk-taKfall ovef
the work!, i ' il
ESIteumntiNEat, - ji
s5riiialorrIa;a, 1
Cicncrnl Debilitr, '
Kitncy IliisrnWcw, I
Liver Coniplaintl I
Nervous DeMI'ik-, "
Epilepsy, !
licau 'I roHiliftt,
s -.,-- o
fpinal IiKieaise
Sciatica, :
Lifmao , . :tl
' I'afaprfi. ': .. r
IVervon Compt llf
I'cinale Complain tte
Ileaoache, Palln the ShonldeLCftngh7
Dizziness. Sour Stotnnehv F.rtpii,s, Eal
Taste in the Morttn, Pa?p?tniltef tht
Heart, Pain In the region of thet tlnejV
anil a thousand other pnhiful sjptor,
tire the offsprings ot Dyspepsia.
Invisoratcs ISie
And stiinnlates tbe fofpHJ
nml Kidneys, to healthy a-e
log the blood of nil imptiri
Ing new life and vigor to t'
A singlc'triaf will lie fjt
convince the most hesitati.
remedial qualities.
S Bowel
i cleans
ImparW sysrerw
leient to
Or Ziz Eoitl:
Delivered tO'ftny nddre'
vation. ' '
"Patients"' mwy eonsV
ing the same attention s
Competent Physicians
pondents. All letters
to - - ,
ta obscr
r, freely
t eorres
a. t. xir
Stamp is ca. e?.
old Evciv