The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 14, 1880, Image 3

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Tot men 1 "7 vocation of life ; lor Boys in every stitge of growth ; come and see what we have to offer, and at wliat prices
we can sell.
Eats, Caps, Boots, & Shoes, and Gents' Furnishing Goods,
HIST C3-2FLT7T8 2? t7,a.:-J.i:E2T-E' !
jJiices always Low, and the Best Goods for the Money.
Yours Truly,
Albany Cash Glotliinrr Store.
Abany, Oregon.
Thefireat carriage manuiaciunnK nuu&e 01 me
:mekson, fisher & co.,
Beit Jtcrial Good Workmanship, Handsome Styles, Strong
r a ; and Durante tenicies
SAJtvrlrrvmss sy Eskimos, ' fihmek & co-, ake mow wise w eteby
They Mttuflictlon. All their work 1 warranted. They I'.'Xtl hmt
1 fromj rrt of the country of purport similar to the following, hundreds of which are on
total. .r-4 if;:-wLion t
4XtftN ftXttKB H CO OAtVA, Ills.. JmV 1", I87B-
one of your Top Buggies throe years, and three of them woyears in my live r
.uey bae iv-en tne perfect aatiafaction and are in eonstant use. OacABMALi,Ki.
ivrorK A J'Mhw : Newbkbkt.S.C, July 17. 1879.
I - bave been nsing the Emeraon A Fisher Buggy I bought from y f u'l1'1
iv one could. I had a fast horse, drove him at lull speed, ttomotimes w it avw ,
if in o tvr. and it is to-day worth all the money r paid for it. Iy tne.m
toci,is. wiJ do. A. M. TIAOCE, Farmer.
--ofion the Carriages have
L..vrvmen, fhystciHiis.and others reqnliin hard and constant nse, has lea to
' nnantt fm those localities, to meet which the mannfactnrinff facilities or tlieir
liionment have been extended, enabling them now to turn out in good style.
an Ir
, nzv.n & co.vs
mnj -J'v
made In localities where they have been tuedftr
carriages are the best.
' , ' 3
- -vH" lip S I:
3 1 v ifl
in Linn County.
"Wiolosale ani
In fact the Largest, best Assorted untl most Varied Stock cf
GROCERIES In tlic country.
la Fireproof Brick, First
STAiasn BFwOS.,
IVIA.IR.I3LE. i -Albany,
: : i Oregon.
Also, every variet y of cemetery and other stone
work done witti lumttinm anil ifiHTiateb. Special
attention frtren to rnlr
State and Wailiinfrtou
er w istT, buu promptly
Samuel E. Young
Spring & Susaiaer Stock
I am now offering a
Larger & Better Stock
tlian ever before, and am carrytug a regular
line of reliable goods. Having paid CASH
for all of thein,
I hi retcvs:;li;cl not to be
I Invite (be attention of tbose wanting;
4,100 1 IJOOI1S at l'OI'C-AB ruicEa, to
call nnd see me.
sahtjel e. totjito.
Albany, April lfi, 'SO-vlii)42
Tasi O'Shanter, Jr.
MaehiiallS Livery SiaVile
during this season of 1880, com
mencing April lit, and ending
July 15th, 1880.
TAM O'SHANTER, JR., Is comlnif 6 years
old. is a maliouoiiy bay, stands di hands hiRli
and weijtlia 1.S.M) pounds. Me Is Clydeadale
an-1 Mcsf'ciiser stock.
Tkrms.- The season, $15; Insnranee. t20.
Albany, Oregon, April, laSO-Mvli
Albany Farmers Co's Stockhold
ers' Meeting.
NOTIOF. i herehv given to the stockholders
of the Albany Farmers' Co. that there will
be a meeting of the stockholders of said Com
pany at their office In the citv of Albany, on
Tne3av. the 18th dav of Slav. 1SR0, at the hour
of one o'clock P. M. of said day, for the purpose
of electing seven Directors to serve for the
term of one year, and for the transaction of
anv other business lhat mny legally come be
fore the meeting. Full reports will be present
ed of business transactions. A general attend
ance of the stockholders desired.
Attest : M. H. WILDS.
I). MxsriKii. Sec. l'res.A.F.Co.
April 80, 1880-vl2n3l
Ladies' Variety Emporium.
ims. mTj. htds
German Zephyr, Ctmcti, 'Threat', Pins,
Xeeilles, Button, lle-d llnir Switch
es mud Curls, llnmern, -is tamped
. Goods, c, ilc, &c.
Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's
Child's Waist!
aim Madam Foye's.
Corsot Slvix't Suppoi-ter.
tSf French ?tampin done to order.
l:lCfnroadalbin St., op;x)Site Tost Ofncc39v
4j(apcine Porous
XTTV l l a rK T- w
rio I t.rx.
Positively the Best. Hut tn'Vf. iwre awarded thm
h ifhest and only medal given rubber plasters, at both
t'te Centennial and Paris Expositions. Widely and
faeora'rfy known among physicians at a great im
provement on the ordinary porous plattrr. Ask any
physician irxyour own locality about it- The ralu
i! qua! ities of the common porous plaster are in
this article increased 10 fold by new and scientific
medication. It relieves almost at once and enres
whrre other plasters fail even to relieve It la
vithont dnnbt the best remedy ever devised for
t.flme and WVnk Back, Rheumatism, Spinal and
Kidney Cnmplaintsand all local aches and pains.
Avoid imi tat ion s.Sol d by all Druggists, Price 45c.
Skabvbt A Jokhsom ai Piatt St,ri.Y-tPToprs
Zlstail Dsalcro in
Street, Albany, Orogoa.
frnin nv nart of the
Territory, by mail or oth
lorwarueu. au woi a ww
B-ROb Sb
rPTTTQ T h TT?T? mny be f onnct on file nt 0v
X a 1 kj A XXJL iUSSt p. Kovrpll & Co's KeWBpatier
AdverttHlnn Binwnno SpruceS:.), where advertisbj
coatrocts liiay be mad for It in NEW YOltli..
t'onuty raatatis.
The RcpnWiein cancliilntes for tlie vari
ous county offices, will address their fel
low citizens at the following places on the
dates mentioned below :
At Oakvilie School house, Wednesday,
May 20.
At Shedd Station, Thursday, May 27.
At Halsey, Friday, May 23.
At Harilsburg. Sacurtlay, May 29.
At Brownsville, Monday, May 31.
AtSwecthome. Tuesday, June 1.
At Lebanon, Wednesday, June 2.
At Thursday, June 3.
At Miller's Station, Friday. June 4.
At Albany, Saturday, June 5.
Oppoi;ig candidates arc invited to par
ticipate, i
Rcllslons Services.
Preaching in the M. E. Church next
Sunday, morning and evening, by the pas
tor, .1. T. Wolfe. Evening subject : "The
Good Samaritan. ' Song service half
hour before (he evening discourse.
Excursion Poatpoued.
The steamboat excursion from this city
to Salem, announced in our columns last
wei'k, has been postponed until further
notice. The reason lor o doing is given
in the following communication from Capt.
Z. J. Hatch, owner of the steamer men
tioned : "On account of the steamer
McCullg breaking her shaft, we will not
be able to move the excursion on May
15th, as we cannot ; possibly get her ready
by that time."
Mautiay School Concert
The concert given at the M. E. Church
on Sunday night, by the members of the
Sunday School connecte d with the Church,
was most excellent. The house was
crowded far beyond its seating opacity.
Each participator was au fait in his or her
part, the youngest; vicing with the oldest
in the execution of the parts assigned
them. All done well and all deseive
praise. The collection for the benefit of
the school was about six dollars a small
sum tor so large an audience and so good
au eutcrtaiuin;nt. !
Onwnrd lAMitre.
At (lie lat meeting of Onward Lodge
Xo. 229, I.O.G.T.. near this city, the
following persons were installed officer
for the present quarter : 11. E. Conn, C
T; Jane Crowder, V T; Jt E. Knox,
Sec; It. P. Conn, F S; Kate Houston,
Treas ; Minnie Houston. M; Josle Fisher,
G ; Alonzo James, S ; Clara Fisher R S ;
Clistie Houston, L S ; II. S. Crowder. A
S; Ralph Froman, DM. Delegates elect
to the Grand Lodge are Miss Elva Dickey
and M. Chambers ; alternates, Jane Crowd
er and O. A. Archibald. This lodge is in
a flouri-hing condition. Twenty initia
tions during the quarter jut closed, with
sevt ral more propositions in the lodge.
Flue ncntal hair.
On Tuesday we had the pleasure ot ex
amining the new dental chair brought on
from Philadelphia by Dr. E. G. Clark,
only son ot our excellent Mayor. It is the
most elegant, conilo tab'e ami convenient
chair in the whole business, and the many
shapes thiii i livi can be made to assume
are almost innumerable. The Dr. has also
au entire new thing in the way ot an en
giue for filling teeth, that is a great curi
osity as well as a big thing in its line
The Dr. has a beautiful set of nickel-plated
tools, that would almost induce one to
have a sound tooth or two pulled for the
pleasure of seeing them work. Dr. Ctark
has a splendid outfit in the dental line,
and being perfect in his profession, will be
certain to prosper wherever he may set up
in biz. 'Rah for our boy?.
Oukiis Takers Tor XJau,
Mr. H. F. Suksdorf, supci visor of cen
sus for the di-irict j of Oregon, his ap
pointed the following enumerators for
Linn county : Joseph Webber, Annie B
Reed, Wm. II. Gaston, S. J. Paul, R. E
Conn, J. X. Duncan, Peter Hume, John
E. Hannon and S. S. Train. According
10 tlie law of Congress, enumerators in
first -class" districts" (embracing cities
and towns) get three cents per capita and
fifteen cents for each place ot productive
industry. There are seventeen first class
districts, including Portland, Oregon City,
Salem. Albarry, Eugene City, Jacksonville,
Astoria and t'' Dalles. Enumerators in
second class districts get five cents per
capita and twenty cents for each faim
There ate seventy second class districts.
Enumerators in third clnss districts get $3
per diem. Ther are fitty-two third class
districts in the State. The law requires
that the work must commence on the first
day of June (Tuesday) and must be flnish
cd oii or before the first day of July, 18S0.
The campmeetitig will commence on the
17th of June, on the old campground near
Goldendale, Klickitat county.
The Campbelite church will hold 8 camp
meeting near Turner's station. Marlon
county, commencing about the 10th of
By action of the quarterly conference of
Brownsville and Shedd charges, the two
circuits will unite In holding a camp meet
ing at Roberts' Bridge campground, near
Shedd's station on the Callipooia, to com
mence June 17th, and j continue two
weeks. j .
IlandUoiuely Entertained.
The Sclo Band gave Mr. X. Baum, Re
publican candidate Tor County Clerk, a
grand serenade, at the residence of James
A. Luhn, Esq., on the occasion of his
visit tt that handsome village on Wednes
day evening last.
decant ress Ctood.
On Mond ty we called in at Samuel E.
Young's p'aee of business on First street,
where we' had the pleasure of examining
some of the handsomest ladles' dress good3
we have seen in this market, some new
and elegant patterns, which have just
been received from Xew York. The
ladies, we know, will thank us tor calling
their attention to them. Au elegant
piece ot black silk, from which a dress
pattern hail just been cut, particularly at
tracted our notice the ladies will fall in
love with it at once. A very full supply
of embroideries will attract unusual at
tention, while iu the line of ladies' hosiery
the styles nnd qualities arc most complete.
With the almost endless- varieties ot
brocaded, silks, cashmeres, buntings, etc..
etc. it would seem Impossible that any
lady should fail to get just what she want
ed, either in quality, style or price, at this
establishment. And the ladies are specially
invited to call at Mr. Samuel E. Young's
store and examine the new styles it will
afford Mr. Young and h gentlemanly as
sistants ad much pleasure to show you the
goods, as it will yoti to examine them.
Nuprenie Bllns.
House cleaning is one of the events look
ed forward to with pleasant anticipations
by every householder ! It is an episode in
every married man's life, some, times-sev
eral episodes. It is an occasion when
the "old man" just lets himself out to his
full length in eiijoymcITt ! Once, twice, it
may be oftener (and the oftener the better!)
during the year, the "old man" claws the
air, tte it were,- with beatific joy ! ne is
in the fifth heaven of perfect bliss ; it is a
grjnd 4th of July. Christmas, Xew Years,
election day and May party all iu one !
It discounts the circus, managerle, picnic,
State Fair, black measles and seven year
itch, for pure unaloyed, double-barreled,
red hot, quadruple condensed jolarlty ! It
is grander and more to be desired than to
meet a wheelbarrow in a narrow alley of a
dark night ! The house cleaners are more
to be envied than the man with seven
boils on the back of his neck ! Pea fails
to portray Its beauties, and brush to elim
inate its grandeur ! Take away yonr three
mile firemen's parade under the burning
sun of the "heated period.;" deprive us of
an excursion over the Mountains in mid
winter ; cut off our supply of tobacco, but
oh ! let the loyal hearts every where In
this broad land enjoy house cleaning one
week eachSpring, and tlie business end
of wasp will scarcely call up a smile!
Frol. A. H. jhnsd
Thi3 gentleman proposes to give a scries
of lectures, commencing Monday evening
next at the Opera House, on "The reign ot
Law iu the rise, progress and decay of
Nations ; or the Chinese in China, their
antiquity, religion, habits, laws and social
life, together with au accurate analysis of
their character and influence on American
seciety, labor, industries and religion."
By a course ot ten years travel and studi
ous application the Professor is fully pre
pared to discuss tlie questions involved in
their broadest sense, and we are satisfied
the fectures will be listened to with the
deepest interest by our people. To illus
trate the ideas of the lecturer more fully,
I e secured the services of Mr. Whiting,
who has painted several very fine pieces
in ills best style, which will add in making
the lecture plain as day to the dullest ap
prehension. Yon want to hear the
lectures and see th Se grand pictures on
canvas. You who want to hear the
Chinese question t.-eatcd in the light ot
science, reason and common sense, should
not tail to secure tickets tor the lectures. ;
Cniucse In China.
t'rol. A. . Johnson will deliver a
course of three beautiful! y illustrated and
Interesting lectures on the relgu ot Law,
iu tlie rise, progress and decay of nations ;
or, the Chinese in China, their antiquity
religion, habits, laws and social lite, to
gether with an accurate analysis of their
character and Influence on American soci
ety, labor, industries and religion, at the
Opera House, commencing Monday even
ing. May 17th. The Ladies' Cornet Bai.d
will furnish excellent music.
Local markets quiet, with prices un
steady a lid fluctuating. Markets well sup
plied generally. As there is little if any
wheat in market, prices-are nominal. In
Portland wlieat is quoted at $1.40 to $1.50
per 100 lbs ; ir. Chicago, $1.12(4(1.17 per
bushel. Xo changes in wool prices, with
foreign advices a little more encouraging.
tLlst of Letters. i
Uncalled tor and remaining in the Posj
office in this city for the week ending
May 13, 1880:
Struas, Mrs Nancy Stout, Miss Vina
Wiley, Robert Anderson, Mrs H F
Riiev. (Dept Sheriff) Gal ley, Mrs Alice
Pcarifesn, Miss Gate Heslof, Dr M '
McLain, Mrs EC2 Smith, 0car
Martin, Mrs Nancy Stewart, C C 2
P.. H. RAYMOND, P. M. :
Dr. G. Willis Price, who lias been con
fined to bis residence during tba week by
illness, is convalescing rapidly, and will
be at his office on Monday, ready to attend
all business offered.
Excursion Tickets to Astoria, "-'
On the 24 instM can be purchased at the
stores respectively ot Samuel E. Ysung,
A. B. Mcllwain, Ed. Baum, W. U. Balti
more, G. V. Graham & Son, the Musical
Institute of Miss Piper, and Of Mr. Frauk
Kenton at the Post Office.
Cashmeres, Brocaded Silks EnifcroUerie's,
Rjbbons, etc., etc., just received from
NEW YORK. Come and examine ear
ly, at Samuel E. Young's ?'
Mr. Baum, Republican candidate for
County Clerk Is gaining friends every
day. His grhnd business qualifications
aud executive ability peculiarly At him
for the office, and the leople Jcs!re just
such an officer.
" Parasxraml eta- . '-
The grand lodge I.O.G.. meets la this
city June 15th.
Dr. Watts will address the Legion of
Honor of Scio on or about the 15th of next
month. ' i
Dwelling bouses in Scio are scarce, there
being at present four families there unable
to secure dwellings. i
Robt. Pentland &. Son, of Scio, have re
ceived a 30-inch Burnham water wheel for
their mill. .
Quite a number of horses are In train
ing on the State Fair grounds for the cora
ing. Fair. - '
Mrs. Isaac Beem is quite ill 'Wltli peu-"
ralgia. .... . -
Mr. Leroy Martin is again la luck fir
the happy parent of a daughter. .4-,, ,
Lenna, daughter of O. L. Parks, is quite'
ill with pneumonia.
Miss Alice Ervin. daughter ot Mr. E.
Ervin, died on the 12th Inst., at Lebanon,
of liver complaint, aged about 23 years.
Xew goods at the' City Drug SMro as
well as a new assistant a bully good boy.-
Thc Council held a long and interest
ing session Tuesday night.
Measles have made tlieir appearance itr
the city. . .
The purest is the best, especially in the
line of groceries go to HafTeuden's for
them. V
More new' and1 elegant fufolturt at
James Dannals', corner Second indf Ferry
streets. Those new walnut finished chalrsv
lounges, etc., are specially' handfotnev
while in parlor and bedroom sets there
are some new and elegant designs.' n
Dr. F. C. Paine is the ""Greenback
nominee for State Senator : In- Marion
county. ' , ,. ; j : ; ,'
See sheriff's sAle in this issue. .
We learn that there is a large demand!
at Astoria for laborsers to wheel fog".
Mr. Plummer, a brother of our druggist,
of California, is here on a visit.
For ammunition go to W. TJ" Utaltt
tnore's. . -
The lectures on the "reign of law and!
the rise, progress and decay of nations,''
hy Prof. A.' S. Jonnsoh, at the Opera1
Honsey commencing next Monday ftfght.
will be most interesting, and should attract
a crowueti house.
Hats, boots and shoes, cheap for cash at
W.- TJ.- Baltimore's. i
Three young larlKs were Baptised in the'
Willamette rivei on Sunday, at! the ferry
landing, Benton county side, by Ref. Mr.-
Crawford, pastor ot the Baptist Church.
. Dr. Fahrney's blood-cleanser the old
and reliable panacea will be found at W.
TJ. Baltimore's.
Frank Purdotn is down from the Danes.
The handsome desk recently Ordered for"
lt'lllnmnltia T nitrni "Vn S A f TT W
this city, was manufactured by Graf dr
Frumm, aud is one of the handsomest
pieces ot furniture we have seen.
Postmaster J. C. Couey, of Oakvilie,
had the misfortune to cut off one toe en
tirely and badly mutilate another
ax, a few days ago.
The barkentiue North Bend has arrived1
at Portland, with 530 tons of railroad iron'
for the Willamette valley railway '
Mr. James II. Foster commenced laying"
down mains for carrying water through
the various streets of the city, on Monday.'
The usual amount of rainfall on MonJay.
Very little real warm weather this month1
so far.
Ot the tons of fruit ptif) op By tlie Plum!.
mer process In this county last Season
hardly a pound Is left, almost the entire
product having been shipped out rf the
State. And now it you want Plummer"
dried fruit you must send to Sau Francisco
and pay a good round price for it. It pays
to put up fruit by the Plummer process-.
Mr. John Bris s prewired to do alf
kinds of water fitting, etc., at short notice,
in good shape, aud at fair rates. See no
tice elsewhere'.
French has a full supply of spectacles
ou hand.
High water and sickness caused thV
school near Millers' station to take a vaca
tion during tlie week.
Who wants 250 acres of rich but unim
proved lanu at au extreme low price r
Inquire here.
Get your watches, clocks and jewelry "
repaired at French's. Prices way ' down.--
M-s. G. i'arrish has a brancn millinery
estaDiisumenc at Lieuanou, preaiueu oyer
by Mrs. P. E. Reed.
1iVa amrninlflasff I O rll am ' iin1oivlAr Mam'
full Hue of hose, and late millinery," call:
at Mrs. G. Parrish's. . . .
For beautiful lowers and reathers;- call
at Mrs. G. Parrish'a. -
Chicago." who has been at work-in
Small Bros, sawmill, thirty miles from
Walla Walla, W. T., ever Bince' lie left
here, had the misfortune to get liis rteht
hand tooelosc to a circular saw, a week or
two ago, and is now laid up tor repairs.
The six inch iron pipe now beiag laid
down cn First street, by Jtsv H. Foster,
will be laid to Montgomery street. From
this main pipe smaller pipes will convey
the water to all parts of tlie city where?
.i i , . .
Shlpwr'eck ana Iaw ol Ufte-
A. Gardrer, correspondent ot the Rosi
burg Plaindealer, gives the following paf
ticulars of tlie loss ot a schooner at ther
mcuth of the Siuslaw : "A gentleman and
ills two sons by the name of Cox? recensty
went to San Francisco to getf a vessel to
Siuslaw to get their fish and other exports-. ?
The vessel secured was the Ollva Sbultsv
forty-five tons register, and insured tor
$3,000. She had made the trip up and1
the port all right, and was laden for her
leturn with 400 pounds of salmon. . four
tons of solder and 12 tons of woo. She
was seen Tuesaay iynz msiae wie - oar
awaiting a favorable opportunity of going
to sea. The next word from her was on
Thursday, when she was discovered oflf-
tlie bar about one mile full of water ana
her deck load gone, with not a living sotrf
to tell the tale The tug Escort wentnp
and took her down to Coos Bay, 1 where
she now awaits further disposal. There
was known to be five men on board; none
of whom escaped to tell the particulars of
the catastrophe."