The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 14, 1880, Image 1

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NO. 33;
5a tM3 Space Four "Weeks.
Couiinsf I
Is. B. HUMPHUEY, Agent.
JL Irts friends ttn I the public generally, t hut
Is now settleu in nis
on the old stand next doortor.t'-. ilnrpcrACo j
where can be found a great an assortment and
As Ui-ge a siocw or
Stoves and Eanges
s own he found in any Otic htvise this side of
furtuuiai Rnu ai as
a amo
Castlron, Brass &. Enameled
In great variety. Also,
Sheet Iron,
alvnietl" tf on,
jSvynys on hand, and ma U- to order, AT L1V-
Albany, Octolier 23. lS7vrv8
Corner Ti?st asi Ellsw-srti sts.,
lias ajjuin taken charge of the
City Drug Store,
,vn mirfhiHwS tins entire interest of C W
aw.lncwwr to A I'lii'nthn-j&Co , ana
hov re.cciviu;
SplsndicL ST-rw Stock,
which added t the former, render it very
complete in all the ti dcrcnt departments.
Kou-tlii mtel that all can be suited in both
Quality aai Pries,
onrdittlly in vites ten old friends and custom
ers to g4ve liiui a call.
trill reeei-e Immediate and careful attenvion
tat all taunt iy wnl laltit.
Pure Wlne9 and Lienors for mcdieina
purposes. R SAL,xaaARsU.
OetiSC T7-5T10
First street, 3 doors west of Ferry,
& SCETZ, Prop's.
HVVlNXi purchased the. City Market. I will
ke! constantly on hand all kixdsnf M.ats
- the rurv ust to bs o'.j'.ained in the market.
1 will striVe at all times to meet the wishes of
ill wnci ntav favor .uc with their imtroniKo.
The public W!t te allv are invited to eall at my
pPwhnIn want of meats. l ljwta;
rash price paid for PORK.. Slvlosl.t
Xew Clol!! "New Departure!
ants. o. Ij. parks.
Store lately n.nW by Mrs. t:: P.
bavins just added the'ro.o a new invoice o late
Choice aiilliaexy, Trimmings,
Bonnets, Hats. e., takes plfnrc In Invilin
Iholadiesof Albany and vicinity to vail a-jd
falrt for themselves. All icoods wUl be sold
it price that defy coinne.titioii.
Ilaving secured the services of a first class
lamprepireltocnt, nf.and inake dresses in
iny stj ie desired, at short notice and in asatis-
MkiSn'othintr for children a specialty
& m. nor, h side of First east of Ellsworth
stct. You are Invited "b v rAfcKS.
Xnfallifcia tadiaa Remedies.
A Sure Shot For
thi l-?dian rrlVeof the cast and the Inte
rior, I havV ha I the ,,'ood tortnne to discover,
from the "Mb licine" men .iuti
and from otbar source, a nnmWr of
for lent to th's conntrj c,,
frt of roots; IwrM art 1 !mrk. and lvn
;"ll-!ftl trv irtrfv neooie of this valley, wHw
have trie I and nrrtvod the effly of '.,n
ls,ts,. to proenre an I orfor t for -ml...
dif rin? the season, I hA" 'e I through the nio.tntairfs and "J
and have seemed certain of these remedies
Which are a sure enre for
Fever and JS-aes.
IPhoso i
wosnffferfnjrfroin Airuo "T! J2?
mre leave oilers at Mr. wrnn, ' ip.
First ;treet. where I will frtrnish the J1
warranting a radical euro or I gljVHX?
JKcrocdlcs done op In t pol"4,'- J3"
Attorneys svt Tixav,
OFFICE-In Foster's new l)rick block, first
door to the loft, up .-tairs. vilnli
Attorneys at Law mid Solicitors
in Clianeery.
ALBAXT, - Oekgox.
COLLECTIONS promptly ninde on all points.
Loans netiated on reasonable terms.
Ofllee in Foster's new bkx.-k. nUvll
(XoTAIlT Pt'lll.IC.1
Attorney nt Iav9
courts of the Siate. Special at tent ion i v
en tocolliH'tioiisaiid pralnt aialten. ditIce
In Odd Fellows Temple. ivlo
I. R. ". BLAt iiBlItX,
ALBANY, : : Hi:.
business. 2ivU
Eilitttpltrej' &; AVolverloli,
Attorney an t'onnnrlon nt Iiti
V of ihis'5!nt. ofkk-k in Froman"s brick
(up stairsj Albany, Oregon. lint!)
Attorney jv t: T:i av,
OFFICE I'll stairs, over John Brigs' store,
on First street. vllnln
c. ii. he Witt,
Attorney and Cbimseior at I-.nv.
OJJlcr, Old Ftl itffbx Hui:diff, Albar.ji, Civgvn.
7"ILL PRACTICE in the different Courts of
the State. vllniJ
OH. 13. J. CIirRtilll.L,
ZomaeopHtliic I'lijslciau anil Kiirpcon.
OFFICE -In Mcllwain's lrick. Albany. Osn.
Cliranie di!ciiJe a .Sp-f'7i,t Cun Ijo toiui':
ai my o!Tti-e :it u:( hour- of ? be U;i or niubt.
when nvit prU-sitiaily absent. tl-nly
J. SVR-12A., 3. E.,
;3r; t isb. r.BtWEi:.!
lii-ar AlUiny Lupine Co. No. One's enine
AllKiny, Or., Ji-.n. '.K ls-!vl2!il
I'Jiv-sitian al SttrgcoiJ.
FromauVs Brick, up staii-s,
I lrst street, s Alba.ij-, Orearon.
C. C. Sir. 1.5. V,
Resilience one door north of broom facto
Lyon stri-et. Ilvl3
Fresco, Sign, Scene.
' A II
Pictorial Painti Jgf-
Rooms i; and 7. Parrish !ix-k. corner First
and Ferr streets. AllKiny, Oresion.
in-alcr in
lleavy airl Shelf Hardware,
Iron. Ktei I ftotl .lleelimttes Tools,
Fii-st door east of S. E. Youim,
ALRAXY, (vlln4'.t) OA'CO.V.
Mrs. C. Houk, Proprietor.
T'lil'4 IIOl'SE has lcen thorouchly overliaul
X eii and renrtvatod. and pl:icel in flrst clnss
condition for the acciuiittiivliititm of its-rni-sts.
;ood Sample Room for Commercial Travelers.
General Stnsre Office for Corvabis. Independ
ence and Le.ljanon. Free oncl tosnd f "
the vun4j
J" owolora,
Albany,, : Oregon.
IV in Jewelry a sjiecialty. Call.
A If in 1m for "Aw II mn
Sewlnpr Jin
Alban3', Oregon.
Tlie Second Term will open on
November IStli, lS79t
conrses of fnstruetion will Ijc purs-iieu in
this I-istituti;, iz : Classical, Scientiflo and
Normal ,
A Full Corps of Instructors Has Ueefl
For particulars concern ing
study and the price of tuitions
Angtit 8,1679vlln-
courses of
y to
Bep-a "blican Stats Ticket.
GEORGE B. Cl'RRY, of Gi-ant ;
E. L. AJM'LKtJATE. of LWui 1
V. B. WATSON, of ljike.
ccxar.EcsMAK, .
svrnEME jrDOEs,
.1. B. of Multnomah;
W. P. l.RI. of Million :
E. B. WATSON, of Jackson.
W. ti. PIPER.
Lisa. Ccuaty Reycfcllcaa Ticket.
' State Senator-N. B. nCMrilREY.
Representatives -S. A. DAWSON,
Wst. PAI L.
.1. Ii. MCCOY,
County Jivlfre L. FLINN.
ComimsMoiic: s-M. CC N N rXGII A M,
County Clerk-N. ISA I'M.
Siscriir-J. .1. CHARLTON.
Treasurer - I. M. BRl'CE.
"Assessor -1. P. PORTER.
L-tlool Suiwint'd't J. L. GILBERT.
Surveyor -J. N. B. FILLER.
Ccrcuei - F. S. DUNNING.
Platform oV tie t; ctblicnii ou vent lots.
We. your eomndMcc to whom was referred
the duty of preparing j-!atfonn and resolutions
for this convention, respectfully rejiovt the
followinsplatforin.and further rccnintnend the
adoption of the ac ompanvinpr rcsoiutions:
R F.s t.vrD. By th Republicans of Oregon
in con v-ut ton assembled in the cifv of Port
land, this 21st t'ny of April, A. D 1.OS0. that we
:rorAs to mnmitiiii cud administer the af
utiy. r-i'tr'-Vci iimii!i hf i hi S'lite bv strict econ-
uiv nn 1 iiii bf:i; n ' Hi to tln i-.mstiturion
an I Inws tbi ii ot d ! he L lined States.
?. 'i'l'at wf nil- ii !:iir f rciru.atin'' and
I c'ttiirti'-iit t b c sa'tii-ies of county and State
o!;;n'!vsot!i!tt tmy siiitt receive sucn com
ftsj:i ifti! - u:o i'sitn:! pt'i i to ptivtvte pi'r-
ons. und'.-r :iUe ftiCMiust.iii'js ;i?ia responsibili
ty. it. Tiir.t c ttiVor a tboro'irb revision and
eonn'':ii ion oi our system (f tj;ati n. to lite
cndtbtit eery stKvic ot i rotH'rty within its
limits, sbi't Iii"r owned or T!'ssessed ly citizens
ofllitsoi fot't i'-T'l Stat s, sliall 1'itir its equal
proportion ()t ;m. bnrthonstf the goventuint
which nrol.i'ts it. .
4. Tluit we u-0;:ose to maintain ilnd- enforcte
the amendments to the constitution of the.
Untied States, witli nil the rowers of the jia
tiotTai itovernment. tti tiie end that every citi
zen, rsKr or rich, bitlck or white, may be se
cured m the full enjoyment of civii and politi
cal rijrhts.
5. That the overthrow of the rights of ttie
e'ective franchise of Hlwrt and lite, by hlch
means tic i--cvi'rnietit in a Tioriio'i of the
s n-es -.;is tu'rn f.b-tiKi'-o t. and the uitin ift'tc I
fiTud nit I t li r-jitrr d x iok'n'-e in o-hers, to
gether with attempted iinUttU-a! ion of the
:uws of tl-.t Cnci'jil fcovemineiii and decisioiis
of the supreme court thereon, by coni''Ssioniil
action in the in crests of the Democnuicparly,
are attempted revolution and must be met as
. That this is a nation formed by the peo
ple thereof :md not a mere league or compact
and that v.i? reanirni - be iden of the niiity of
the nation, the supremacy of the nntionniVov
ernment n all matters placed by the constitu
tion under itscontrol, he tn-csVri-ation intact
of nil the riirbtsof mtinictinl Self-trnve-rn ment
otlterwise tf iitirantccd thereby o lhe people or
to the Slates rcsnec ively. At the same tunc
we arraign the ibwtiiite of Srare soveiciunty
hs the l!Ttcfui moiher of nuliilication, sccesnicn
and. anarchy.
7. Tha t'ht recent action of the Democratic
pnrty 111 State convention p.ssciiibled, in de
liounclut; the supreme j court of lhe United
Statesof America and linptit Injr the most un
worthy End nnpatriotic motives to thtif httrh
and bcinoriblc court, is unworthy of la wabidinir,
intelliucnt am.1 patriotic American citizens,
tind directly ti-nd's to the loosenin;; of the toun
dation of mr t:vefititeiit, 1 he subversion of
all law Htid l he overt brow of tbosanctity of a
s sci: ff 1'tdiciittire, venerable witli age and
pcrlee-cdov v.isdom.
H. That lhe attehipt by the leaders of the
democra ic party to defraud the people of the
tate ont of mi electoral vote, was on outrage
unparalleled in t he political hi-torv of the state,
which together with the Maine itifitmy and
tin; attempt to unseat inemlierH in the halls of
consiress for base parti -an udvantaae. deserve
the condemnation of all fair minded men.
St. That we condemn the out rnjteous conduct
of our democraltc state administration troin
f7v tolsTS. l iH-lrext nvvagance, their corruption
ami their peculntions;
10. We detn-ecate the course of titemtiersof
the democratic party who have undertaken to
revive lhe sectional animosii3' for the puniose
of seenrinu political nscendency in the south
ern states and who have revivtd memoiies of
wctional strife ly the iletiant dclamtion of a
purpose to rein a I laws made necessary by the
war ; and we condemn their attempt's to se
cure by le-. slstinn what was not accomplished
bvarms, namely tlie establishment under the
name of state o oicfitnty of those pernicions
doctnms which destroy national sunremacy
and which in part have "led to secession and
civil war.
11. Thnt to the republican -party Is due the
credit of successful resumption and restored
prosperity and business revival, and we insist
that t he paper and coin circulation of the coun
try shall at all times lie maintained at rr with
the gold standard of t he c niuiercial world
's. That white we are in in faver of a reve
nue for i he. support of the Keneral ffovei niiieut
by lnties tvpnii imports, sound policy requires
such adjustment of import duties as to en
conrajte the development of the industrial In
terests of the whole country, and commend
that policy of national exchange which se
cures to tlie wOrlihii man lilicral wanes, to
astriciiltnre rem unerative prices, to mechanics
and manufacturers an adequate reward for
t heir skill. Ittiior and enterprise, and to the na
tion commercial prosperity and Independence.
13. That we. nre in tavoi- of judicious appro
priations by the general Koverntuenf for the
improvement of our rivers and senports, as
well as for the con ruction of snch lines of
railway communicat ion as will develp the re
sources of the country and conncot . our
state with o'her parts of tlie union under
sucn restrictions hs will afuply protect the
ritzhts of the pcop.e from nnjust discrimina
tion and extortionate charges: and in lhe
grants of lands to railroads we favor tho snle
of the same, by the fiovernment to the people
at the lowest price for public, lands, Riving; the
proceeds only to the corporations. i
14. That we demand in our representation
in congress their lieste edcavor to secure lust
and judicious appropriations and favorable
lefsis'sation by t'e general government for the
free navigation of the Columbia and the rivers
of the State, the Improvement of the mouth ot
the Coltimbin, and the harbors of Yaquina and
Coos Mays, the locati .n of a harbor ot refuge at
a point ftlontr our coast most available to the
interests of commerce, the extension of the
public surveys to meet the wants of onr in
crensintr population and aid and assist it nee to
railroads, and the openihit no'setf iement
such of our Indisn reservations as the interest
of civilization demands ftnd neefessitates.
15. That we demand a modification of the
treaty with China so as t6 restrict Chinese Im
migration to Amonca. .
IB. That we bold that a well instructed
pcoole atone can lie perfectly free, and that It
is therefore essential that . lhe public schools
should lie maintained so that everv ehlw .hull
be instructed in thoduties of citizenship and
A Mytery.
We are ured to scenes of paio and
snfferiiig at tlio G ; iiofpital, and
could look ou ghastly Wounds and
faces on which the mortal agony in.
dieted by the Surgeon's probe and knife
was painted without blanching or ap
parent emotion. But when gallant
Harry Delniont waa brought in frora
the "front with a hideous hole iri his
manly breast, such as only a minie bal
could tnakfcj a great hush ot sorrow
and dismay (ell upon us ail. And when
the sitrgeoti'a solemn w-ord, 'te tan
not live i-Jiree days," tell upon our ears,
the hush was broken by, the sobs ot
strong men, as well as by the more tjiiiet
weeping ot tlie temala nurses, for all of
us loved the brave young jCaptain as a
We iiijvbreci over his Hot throughout
the day, and when night came it was
agreed that one ot us should have the
special duty of watching beside it
through the niglit, for fear that iie
should waken from the lethargy which
t-eemed to prelude approaching death,
to ask lof something that tlie' steward
could not obtain. And then I pleaded
fur the privilege, and after some demur
ii wis accorded me.
"Walch him very closely," said the
surgeon to me, as I took my seal for
the vig 1 beside the cot of our favorite,
"tor at any moment he is liable to come
out ot the coma, and he may be wander-ins-"
1 Silt. I wan very tired, and about
midnight, do what I cou'd, I could not
keep my eyes from closing in a halt on.
Conscious reverie, which, after a time,
merged into a fitful slumlwr. And
very soott occurred the mystery of which
it is my present task to tell.
A bright drehni ot the "northern
heme so tar away" was fl ttii.g through
my brain, when snd lenly I seemed to
be impressed with some presence that
held my lmdy in a thrall, while my
f-etiPes tieeame almost preltimaturally
acute. Opening my eyes at last, 1
gazed toward the conch of the wounded
captain, and by his side with one hand
clasped in Jietp, I saw the figure of a
j otiiij; and lieauiiful lady, whose eyes
were glaring down to his with snch a
hok of pitying tenderness that I felt
sure at once she was his jwcelheavt.
I wondored much, however, how she
came to bo there" io the hospital at that
hour of the night, when isitors had
never lieen admitted after sundown.
And I knew that Dr. "Vance, the sur
geon in charge, had his own brother
been dying in that place, and his father
and mother ccme to see him, would
never have admitted them only at regu
lar hours.
I was so exercised in mind thnt I
was just ojiening my lips to question
the strange visitor, when 1 saw the
steward with the light, moving along
the lower end t.l the ward in snch a
way as to bring our visitor between the
light and me, and then my heart stood
still. The light the steward carried I
could see shining, and I was looking
through the form ot the lady who stood
by my patient's side.
1 gaited in awe aptin the apparition
fir a few brief seconds, and then a lor
pur overcame me, and I knew no more
until the steward roughly shook my
arm and made me awake, tor Captain
Deltnont was no longer lottargtc, but
delirious. Hut when I looked upon
his clear, calm eyes, I told tho steward
ho tarns not delirious.
"Is Nettie here ?" he faintly asked,
as t bent over hirfl.
I did not question who "Nettie"
was, for I was certain t had seen her
semblance, and I answered calmly :
"Nettie has been here Captain Del
ruoot, but she is not herd now.'
"I wish you would eall her again.
Mrs. Enuis, for I wish to speak with " :.
"Did you speak with her when she
was here ?" 1 asked, heeding the stew
ard's great amazement."
"No" he answered simply. "I tried
to -peak, but somehow 1 could not ut
ter a word ; I suppose I was then too
" Vas she your affianced wife ?"
I asked.
-"Not when I joined the army. We
had been affianced once, but she broke
the engagement because" here his
voice faltered -"because I was to poor.
But I know she loves me."
"She does," 1 Faid,"l could see H in
Iter eyes."
"If she fs to nurse me " he exclaimed,
"I surtdy Minir recover !-O, call her
now, dear Mrs. tinnis I must hltve
the aEsurarjco from liei own Hps."
But I persuaded him to wait till
morning Morning came, and the sur
geon, after a hasty examination, said
the Captain was much better, and that
a chance of lite was won. As soon as
be was gone I turned to my patient,
who only murmured ''Nettie."
"Captain Delmont," I said, calmly,
"Nettie is not here."
"Not here !" he cried clutching my
haml. "Not here ! why I saw her last
night. She has not gone away again,
and left me to die alone ?"
"No, Harry, but she has not been j
here not in the flesh."
'"Mrs; Etitiis, am I mad or are yon ?
for I plainly saw her, and you say she
has not been here."
"Yes, I saw her," I replied, land she
was standing by your cot, anl in her
hand she held your own.'' But through
her form I saw the candle carried by
the steward, half a dozen cols away.'
He turned his face to the wall, and
then I trembled for the effect 1 feared
my words would have. But when lie
turned his face again 1 srtw my fear was
"I called her," he said earnestly,
"and though five hundred miles away,
she heard me and came to me. God
bless her !"
And for all the surgeon's prophet'y
ho rapidly began to mend. Days
glided by, and he grew convalescent.
Two Weeks later, going out one
dav, I met a lady going in, and it need
ed bnt one glance to teli me who it
was. She stared at me, apparently
bewildered. I went Up to her and
look her hand.
"Thi :s Captain Delmom's Nettie!''
I exclaimed. i
She looked frightened. I saw that
she grew pa!e. . I guided" her to Cap
tain Delmont's cot, "and when she
reached it and she beheld the surround
ings she grsw paler still.
"Why, this is the very place I
dreamed ot seeing twb weks ago !
and you are the nurse I aw silling
by his cut !" the gasped rather than
t -did not rep'y. Harry Delmont
had c'asjied her to his breast, and J.
very quietly withdrew.
Of course the story ends with hap
piness and marriage, as usual ; but
the appearance by my patient's cot I
fear will never be explained. It is a
question for psychologists to settle or
Umnt In Ualveaton.
Yeslerday we met a gentleman who
has just returned Irorr. Galveston.Texas,
and who was in that city at the lime of
General Grant's recent visit. lie gave
u a graphic description of the way the
Democrats, or as ihey are called down
there, "cow boys," treated iheir visitors.
When the dispatch arrived announc
ing the coming of the General, the
miliiarv were ordered to tie' in readiness
to fire a salute. ! The evening before
his arrival the "cow boys" got into
the armory and spiked the cannon driv
ing a file into the vent, but drove them
in the wrong way, and they were bored
out in time to be used. Our informant
stales that in the procession in honor of
Grant, there were very few while peo
ple, the soldiers and stcieiies in line
being nearly all colored men, who arc
every one for Grant. All along the
line of the procession instead of hurrah
ing and cheering, the "Cows Boys"
gathered and hooted and howled with
all iheir might, jeering at every one m
the procession In the evening a grand
reception was held in a large hall, and
just as one of the city officers was mak
ing an address ot welcome eyery light
in the building went out, leaving the
entire assemblage in total darkness. A
general . pduio ensued, during which
several people were tramp!cd on nd
bruised, but forttma'tely no one was
seriously hurt. Of course this burst up
the recepicn i!iid the ' Committee dis
covered thai some: miscreant had gone
to the rear ot the building and digging
down cut the gas pipe in twain. A
conspiracy wis ori tout to waylay Gen
eral Grant on his trip from Galveston
to ilouston, but tor some reason wfis
abandoned, the ruffians probab'y lack
ing courage to attack the party. The
negroes of the South are solid for
Grant, and are mostly Republicans.
The following advertisement Appear,
ed the othef day in rt London newspa
per i "A lady of position and fortune
desires to share Iter very elegant and
luxurious home with ofno person of
corrpsjn Hiding means. Vague and
inexplicit, tmpecunrous or obi-cure per.
eous quito useless'
Terrible Weapons ( Wnr.
Dr. J. II. McLean let: a few days
ago for the East in order to make a
public trial of some of the monster guns
he has invented and which he claims
will work a revolution in tbe art of
war. Previous to his departure a re
port of the Post-Dispatch interviewed
the Doctor on the subject of his. warlike
inventions, with the following results:
Dr McLeaiij being asked what was the
first internal machine he had construct
ed, replied :
"The first thing I had constructed
was it time shell, which may be thrown
into a fortification and be mid a to ex
plode npon. landing, or at any time
afterward, from one second to ten
hours, or longer if thought desirable.
Such a she'd would not only difll great
destruction to life in a fort, but would
thorotiehly demoralize the soldiers
occupying it. Suppose 5,0Q0 ot these
shells have been pitched into an earth
work containing 10,000, or 15,000 men,
the first 500 being set to explode in a
period covering four hours, and so on
at regular or irregular intervals for
twenty-foar hours, nntil all have explod
ed. What a time the men would
have in that flrt. V hile the shells
were coming in the men would natur
ally be stowed away in their bomb
pre bfs, but oi ca the rain of shells ceased
they would be at their duties, when all
at once the Gist installment of 500
shells would bpgin to burst and for
twenty.four hours from that time the
poor soldiers would be slaughtered by
a cannonade inside of their own works.
This shell I have been describing is
called the "Surprise" in my book. The
"Cycione" is a longer, heavier shell,
and is intended to be used against
besieged cities or fortified positions
where anything combustible exists.
With tho Cyclone I could have burnt
tlie whole city of Charleston in twenty
four hours. With one ot my proposed
100 tons I could throw the Cyclone
twenty miles. It is a'so provided with
the stmc time firing apparatus used in
the surprise.
The first gun I built was a steel
gun. It has two barrels, though only
one is used at a time. One is tlfirty
incites long and in called the "Little
Phil.," after Gen. Phil. Sheridan, and
the other is tcrty inches long and is
called the "'General Sherman." I had
ihese two barrels made to show how
easily old sound cannon could be turned
into shape and converted into my
Peace Makers. This little cannon
carries a ball of one pound in weight,
ard throws it a mile or more with
astonishing accuracy.
I have some machine gur.s in my
book I call them battery guns that
are bound to create a sensation all
over the world. I have built two of
them but I will only describe one.
This one has been named "The Lady
McLean." It has 36 barrels and 73
mpgazines, and can throw 2,000 shots
per minute without ever changing its
aim halt an inch, or it can be turned
in a complete circle by tlie turn ot a
wheel: It is the most deadly weapon
ever invented, and can sweep horses,
men and cannon from the face ot the
earth like a blast from hell itself, and it
is so simple any child can work it.
The ladies ot wedenborgian Church
in Portland, Me., have invented a new
wrinkle in . public entertainments.
They have inveigled a city photog
rapher into a conspiracy with therm
and advertise a "baby show," holding
out to fond mothers and proud fathers
snch inducements as these : "Portraits
ot the Iovliest babies of Portland to be
thrown on a mammoth screen by means
bfa stercopt icon and the 'drurumond
light.' All sections of the city to be
represented. Your baby may be there.
Congressman Upson, of Texas, hails
from a large State, and deals in exuber
ant language. In a recent speech he
declared that a certain policy "will
tend to paralyze the energies, dwarf the
growth, imbecilatc the powers, imbellie
the spirit, decay the vitals, and destroy
the lite ot a nation." lie should be
presented with an unabridged dictionary
by his delighted and bewildered con
stituents. Some time before the death ot Gj'orge
IV he acquainted himself with all tlie
minutiae of the family scpulcher, and
declared to tho Luke ot Wellington
that "he'd be if he'd be on a she'f
among the juniors while his predecessor
lay in the' middle," and left every
special directions that he too, should
repose' in the center.
A new Jlartcl In Bdldtliwa.)
Dr. II. E. Licks, ot Old &utH Bethhv
hem, after three years labor, tat inshat ;.
he has perfected an lnslrurrient bj whlcJi
forms and colors can be sent by wire tha"
iariie as words are sent . lie calls' tti In
strument a diaphofe. Tlie ivord diapbolef
from the Oreek, dia signifying through,'
anil photos signifying light, had beeu so- .
iected as Its name. Implying that the light
traveled through or along a wire. He read
a paper on his Invention before a scientUSe
society here. : - ,
The diaphote consists of four essential
parts, the receiving mirror, the transmltf
Ing wires, a common galvanic battery arij
the reproducing " speculum. ' Dr. Lick .
give a detailed account of the . many ex-
periments undertaken to determine
the proper composition and , . ar"
rangement ot the mirror and . speculum
For the former he had finally selected AH
amalgam of selenium and Iodide of allveri,
and for the latter a compound of sC?Sinliin
and chromium. -The peculiar sensitive
ness of tddl'Je of silver and chromium to
Lh'gbt lias long beert known, and their pracv
tical use fii photography suggested1 - their
application In the diaphote. It ;was found.'
however, after many experiments, thai'
theii-action must br so mod tried thateactr
ray of light should Influence the electric "
current proportionally to Its position la.
the solar spectrum, and selenium wa.
ascertained to be the best adapted tu thla
purpose. At first a small mirror was" errf-
ployed with only a single wire, but uie
tmnges reproduced were indistinct and'
confused, so that It became necessary ' to'
make the mirror of a number of' small'
pieces, each about one-third of a square ''
inch in area, and having a small 'wire at
tached. In the diaphote exhibited by DfV"
Licks to the club the mirror was six inches'
by four, and hud seventy-two fine wires, ,
winch were gatherca together In one about
n. foot back of tlie frame, the whole . then -
being finely wrapped with an lnsuUtfC;
covering, and rn reaching tha speculuni,
each little wire was connected to a divl& .
ion similarly plnced aa fn the mirror.
From a common galvanic battery wires
also ran to each diaphote plate, and thus ai -circuit
was formed which could be elbsed? '
or not nt pleasure. The theoretical actiorf '
of the instrument appears now to be the "
following : The waves of light from an -o'ject
are conducted through an ordinary t
camera, so thnt they fell on certain of tbe
divisions of the mirror when the electric .
circuit H closed. The light and accom
pttnying heat produce momentary chemi- ,
cnl changes in tlie amalgam of the roltTof ,
which modify tlie electric current and
C--ue similar chnnges In the corresponding v
partitions of the remote speculum, thus
reproducing a similar lamee, which by a
second camera may be readily seen by tbff
eye or thrown upon a screen. Dr. Licks -
pTolalnprl how the nro port ions of flf.fonini!ft
in the mirror and speculum should be ,
scientifically adjusted to the., size of the . f
divisions and the resistance of tlie fei&ctxia'
circuit, so as to avoid any blending of the -portions
ot the reproduced I mage This
he said hrul bes n the nroblem which . had.
caused him tl ib most difficulty, and which '
nt one time had seemed almost lusurmount
ab!e. At the close of the paper an llltrstratitKT
was g'.ven of the powers of tlie instrument. .-.
The mirror ot the diaphote, in charge of a
committee of three, was. taken to a room
in the liiwer part ot the building and' tlie
connecting wires were laid through the
halls and stairways to the speculum on the-'
lecturer's platform. Before the, rAfhof"
the committee held in success! tm various'
objects, illuminating each by' the light of a
burning magnesium wife, since the rays
of gas are deficient in actinic power, and
simultaneously on the speculum appeared
the secondary images, which fof exhibition
to the audience were tliroA'ri oil a, screen -considerably
magnified. An apple, a pen
knife ami a trade dollar were the first ob- '
jects shown ; on the latter the offtline
ot the Ooddess ot Liberty were recognfjsetf .
and the dtite 1S7S was plainly legible. A
watch was held five minutes before the
mirror, and the audience could plainly see
the motion ot the minute hand 'on tfttf
screen, but the movement ot the second
hand was not satisfactorily seen, . although ',
Prof. Kannlch, by looking Into tbe camera
thought it was there quite precept Ible.
An ink bottle, a flower, and a part ot ' tt-
ttieatre hand-bill were also shown, and"
when the head bf a little kitten appeared'
on the screen the club testified Its satUfad- .
tion by the most hearty applause After
the close of the experiments the scientists1"
extended their congratulations to Dr.
Licks, and the President made a few re
marks on the probable Scientific and In-"
dustria! applications of the diaphote fn the'
future. Witli the telephone and diaphote'
it might yet be possible tor friends, sepKnr
tea Dy tne wiue A'lantie, to hear and see
each other at the aaine time, to talk as It
were, face to face. In connection with the",
interlocking switch system, it might be
nsed to enable signal men of the central?
office to see hundreds of miles of rallfoacf
track at once, thus lessening" he. lutbQIty
to accident. In connection with nTiftfor '
lithography. It might be so employed' thai
the great English dailies could be printed1
in ew Tork a lew hours after their an-'
peaiance in Lender.. We learn that Dr.
Llcks will lecture nexf week on the clU-
phnte before the American Society of Arte
and thnt he will .make definite arrsr'V
menis lor tne manufacture or tne instru
ment as soon as the seven pa tents for whlcSf
lie has applied are formally Issued Ez;
Advertising Bureau ( 10 Spmew fit. i, w
conrrocu wj ba mo lv it ia , t tk ,