The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 30, 1880, Image 4

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    imig bvkrt nttoAV, '
Corner Ferry and Vt SlfrrU.
OLL. ..-.....ROPftlJETOK.
.. . TSRSIS tX ADVA!5t5. .
eony,rtnyer.4. ......... ..2 so
Dn copy six months. 1 00
. ainRlecaptea.. ..-. Ten cents.
- tH tw the tfgUter.
- T fannwtrwr natrtttd nttamen arc iinthor
taad t receive and receipt for snbwrtpttons
- tbe ttaaiaTKB In the localities mentioned :
Mtwri. Kirk Home Brownnvftln.
Rohert Glass Crawfordsvlllo.
tM Haven. Hnlsey.
Oi TompHnn. Hnrrlaburg
KM,- !!.
APRIL 30. 18S0
" StjT Wife's BrUtel Toot.
. Wbn I married my second wife,
1m m terrible pet about going off on
a bridal toar. I told her he'd belter
wt Bix months or a year, and I'd try
V4 go with ber, but she said sbe'd rath
er go alone when a woman was trav
- ding, a loan was an ooUandout-Lnm-
So I gave ber ve cents, and
J$i$Tito' td' go off and have a good
tisM., I never begrudge money where
mf wife' happiness ia concerned. My
-flrat wife never conld complain of not
goiug anywliere, tor I'm dreadful fierce
o go off on a good time myself, and
always wan. I don't pretend to tell
bow many times I took her out to see
the engine squirt, and there was no end
to the free lectures I let ber go to. The
neighbors used to fay :
It does beat all how the Skinner
do go r
When Signer Blitz was in Skunk
ville, with his wonderful canaries, he
rave my wife a compliroentry ticket.
I not only sold that ticket tor my wife
bat I gave her halt tbe money. I don't
beast of it, though; I only mention it
to show bow much I thought ot my
wife happiness.
I don't think any man onght to get
married until he can consider his w ile's
happiness only second to his own.
John Wise, a neighbor ct mine, dil
thnsly, and when I got married I con
cluded to do like "Wire.
Bat the plan didn't work in the case
I my second wife. No, I fhonld say
-bo. I broached the subject kindly :
;MatiMa I said, I suppose you
are aware that I am now your ' lord and
Jfot much yoo ain't.'
v'Mra, Skinner, I replied, you are
fearfully demoralized ; yon need re
organizing atgf)ce. You are cranky.
'i-And 1 brandished my new sixty-two-eent
umbrella wildly around her. She
took the umbrella away from me and
locked me up in tbe clothes press.
'' X am quick to draw an and
the infereroe I drew was that I was
not a success as a reorganizer of female
women. . ' .a
- After this I changed my tactics. I
let ber have ber own way, and the
plan worked to a charm from the very
first. It's the best way of managing a
wife that I know of. Ot course this is
between you and me.
So when my wife said she was
bound to go off on a bridal toar, I
cordially consented.
Go, Matilda,' said I, 'nd stay as
long as ya want to, then, it you feel
as though you would like to slay a
JUlle longer atey, ray dear, stay.
' She told me to stop talking and go
np-ctairaand get bet red flannel night
cap, and that bag of pennyroyal tor
her' if unt Abigail.
My wife is a very smart woman,
She was a Baxter, and the Baxter's
area very smart family indeed. Her
mother, who is going on eighty can
fry more slapjacks now than half those
trumped-up city girls who. rattle on the
fisuo or else walk the streets with
tbes" furbelows and fixings, pretending
to get mad -if youth looks at 'em
pretty hard-but getting mad in earnest
if you don't notice them at all.
Ah i gula aiuY what they used to
bs' wbeol was jjronng, and the fellows
ara worse still.- When I went court
ing for instance,1 1 never thought r
staying after ten o'clock, and only
went twice a week- Now tbey go
senn.pights in the week, and cry be-
cease? there ain't eight. Then they
write touching notes to each other
. daring the day : -,,s.
. 'Dear George, do you love me as
eeasJj now. as you did at a qnarter-paet
tlT laet night ? Say yon do dear
oat, and it will give me courage to go
dpwp to dinner and tackle them cold
bana left over frow yesterday. ?
eWell, well, I Buppoee tbey enjoy
tlijiiwlves, and it ain't for us old folks,
wls hearts are a little eallonsed by
long wear, to interfere- - Let them get
jLz- ;Cr acd conrt if tbey like it and
l-tLhA they do. I was forty-seven
wJsea I courted my present wife, but it
wv-ofA Inst ' as jitee to sit od a little
crklkci X her fen and let her - smooth
tz'j Lair s is && thirty years ago.
I &id before, my wife i a very
be -
anything else and be a Baxter. She
used to give lectures on Women's
Rights, and in " one place where she
lectured a big college conferred the
title of L. L. D. on her. But she
wouldn't take it.
No, gentlemen, she said, 'give 't
to the poor.'
She was always just so charitable.
She gave my boys permission to go
barefoot all Winter, and Insisted up
on it so mnch in Ler kind way that
they couldn't refuse.
She fairly dotes on my children, and
I've seen her many a time go to their
trowsers pockets and take ont their
pennies, after they'd got to sleeep, and
put them in the bureau drawer for
fear they might lose them.
I started to tell you about ray wife's
bridal tour, but the fact is I never
could find out much about it myself.
I believe she had a good time. She
came back improved in health, and I
found out before .she had . beeu in the
house tsrenty-foor hours, that she'd
gained in slrenght also. I don't 6y
how I found it out I simply say I
found it out. In conclusion, I wpuld
pay to all yonng men : Marry your
second wife first, and keep out of debt
by all means, even if you have to
bortove the money to do it.
Comets and Meteor.
Comets present some ot the most in
teresting problems and strangest con
trasts that astronomers are called upon
to study. They are the largest bodies,
though not the most massive, and yet
we fii'd them associated intimately with
the smallest of the heavenly bodies,
the meteors, some of which are not
more than a grain in weight. They
give most exact opportunities tor study
and behave precisely in accordance
with the laws of gravity in their paths.
The vagaries of comets' tails, however,
are beyond the power ot man as yet to
understand. It any one can interpret
these he will gain a lasting fame
in Fcience. The action of the tail is a
profound mistery. A comet approaches
the sun with its tail spreading ont
millions ot miles behind it; goes around
the sun and goes off into space with
the rigidity ot an iron rod, the tail
having awept around and going off in
front of it.
Accurately studied came very opper
tnuely. It was in 1680, when New
ton was explaining the laws of gravity.
By calculating and predicting that this
body, which, with tremendous velocity,
stiaight into the sun, would pass aronnd
it and disappear, and by proving bv
observation that his theory was trne,
he created a profounder impression than
bv anv of Ids previous discoveries. It
swept around tbe sun with a continual
ly increasing velocity and parsed off
with its tail in front ot it. It was out of
sight for f jui days, and when it reap
peared its tail was reversed, but " hav
ing the same cnormons length as before.
It conld not have been the same tail,
as the tremendous mass could not have
swept around in that time. It was a
new formation which must have been
formed in those four days. If we . be
lieve that this new tail was produced
by some force of repulsion we must be
lieve that the sun possesses a power ot
repulsion greater than its powe r of at
traction. There is no satisfactory ex
planation ot the phenomenon. Tate of
Edinburg advanced one which Prof.
Thompson adopted that the tail was
composed of particles ot matter which,
when they came into the same plane
with the eye, presented the appearance
Before invisible because out of the
plane ot the eye. The same principle
that makes a flock of birds at a distance
invisible at one' time and visible at an
otl er. It is easy, to announce such a
theory, but difficult to prove it true,
and I venture to say there has never
been one comet whoso tail could be ex
plained on that theory.
Tyndall haa an interesting theory
born of bis discovery that there are
certain vapors whicfr nnder the electric
spark become luminous. He allowed
a verv small nortion of the vapor ot
iodide of potassium to enter the tnbe,
and passing the spark through, got a
luminous appearance. He then swept
the tube with dry air, and with the
very faint portion Of the vapor that re
mained after that he stilt got a lumio
on result with the spark. . He hence
concluded the comet to be luminous
vapor. This waa refuted hy the fact
that comet tails were sometimes carved,
while tbe line of light if this theory be
true, would always be , straight. . In
1682 a comet appeared, since called
, haixet's comet.
IJalley applied Newtcna principles and
methods and calculated its path to I see
if any other comet bad followed that
path. ' Going-back be found that io
smart wi-nitn, bnt she couKl not
1607 and 1532 comets bad 'appeard in
the same pat n, t no intervals oeing to
years each. . Ho calculated it would
appear again hv 1758. The French
mathematicians, taking into coneidera.
lion the disturbing influence of Saturn
and Jupiter, 'predicted - that it would
appear ou April 13, 1769, and it came
only a month earlier on ? the 13th of
March. It returned iu .1835, and at
that time the calculation was o exact
that there was but three days' variation
iu three different calculations in Paris,
and it appeared within those limit.
It lost its tail in going aronnd the sun
and went off iu a misty cloud in the ev
ident endeavor to form a new tail.
Tbey knew it only from its being in the
cornel's path, as its apperanee was ut
terly changed. The views then began,
illustrating the
Beginning with that of 1811. This,
Mr. Proctor said, fortnuately did not
approach within one hundred -million
miles of the sun, and not near thecarthi
If it approached as near as the mass of
meteors in its path,' heavy mases falling
on the earth might have wrought "great
harm. The' danger in its striking the
sun or sun's atmosphere was that its
tremendous mass, passing with terrible
velocity into or through that body,
might product an amount of heat that
would be felt upon the earth, and might
work disaster. The picture was not
an imaginary one, as in 1866 one ot the
stars in the Crown Constellation had
peen observed to flare up with six times
its ordinary luster, a phenomenon ex
plainable only by some such occurrence.
This comet developed a nucleus fifteen
thousand miles in diameter, an 1 a tail
fifteen million mile wide and a hund
red avd twenty millions ot miles long.
Every somet brings a certain risk with
it from its being pursned by a train of
meteors. The comet ot 1843 approach
ed within one hundred and sixty thous
and miles of tho sun, and must, have
swept ihe outer prominences with its
Itoltf Exprtmloa from Xevndn C'oneern
Imjc 1 Danger to PrcaelKra.
During tho. last few weeks a ery
nnlady-like epidemic has broken out
among the servant girls. Hardly a
day passes but that one of them, here
tofore carrying a spotless reputation,
is caught kissing a preacher. It seems
strange that a servant girl cannot know
her place and attend properly to the
household duties entrusted to her care,
wilhnnt neglecting her work to take
liberties witb unprotected preachers
staying about tho house alone. A ser
vant who deliberately takes advantage
of an innocent pastor should be utterly
tabooed by the employment agencies
and compelled to find her level. A
minister ot the gospel earnestly endeav
oring to follow out the ramifications
of the plan ot salvation, is entitled to
be protected in his own house, which
is rightfully his castle.
The hired help seem to be getting
so emboldened hy success that no divine
is safe if his wife happens to walk out
for a tew moments. It is high time
that some law were passed in, all the
states clearly defining the duties of ser
vants, and fixing penalties for over
stepping the bonds of modesty. A
preacher has rcarcely any show when
once iu the c'utches of a bold, bad ser
vant girl who cares little for her own
character, aud ignores the fact that she
is sapping the foundation ot religion
aud - attacking v the bulwarks
which have surrounded the christian
faith for ages. . The servant gir! should
be suppressed even if it takes an amend
ment to the constitution to bring about
the necessary retoitn In a crisis like
this the church reeds a strong arm of a
great government to protect it. Car.
son Apeal.
A Simple I"orna ,'ot Atxlip3oue
: : Aj gentle man " formerly connected
with the Philadelphia Ledger is re
ported to have discovered a simple
form of audiphone, which he has ' tried
with satisfactory results, although he
is very hard of hearing. A few 'days
ago ho was explaining the principle of
audit-hone to some friends, and to illus
trate bis remarks, put a folded s news
paper between hut teeth, bending it
over in the form of the andiphone. ' To
his surprise he found that ' he could
hear as well with the " newspaper,, as
with the audiphone. He subsequently
attended an auction sale, and putting
the catalogue between his teeth, and
bending it down with one hand, heard
all that was said, although without
some such contrivance , he could hear
nothing. The -.' experiment is a very
simple one, well worth trying: by ll
who are hard of bearing. Newspapersj
pamphlets, card boards, even sheets oj
writing paper- seemed Io serve . llie
purpose as well as tbe bard-rubber an
diphone. "
Senator Mahone of Virginia weighs
only 90 pounds. ' ' -
Value mt ataxia X(ter.
A single letter is at the bottom of
the litigation in the Case estate., The
ate Leonard, Case dying without a
will, and leaving no- wife or ... children,
brothers or sisters, nephews or nieces to
inherit, the heirship goes' bscfc ward.
Here arose t?ie puzzle. Tho statutes
say, in one plac, "ancestors, and in
another, "ancestor, when defining the i
line of inheritance in such cases. If the
singular form expresses the meaning of
the framers of the statute, the property
is to be divided among the brother
and siKters ot Leonard Case's father
and their heirs. If the plural form, the
relatives of the mot her are included in
the distribution. The suit was brought ,
by one of the mother's relatives in order
to have the question definitely an 1 j
amicably settled. Jndga Jones held
that in accordance with old ens torn
and equitable principles the succession
was on the father's side only, and the
doubtful word should be construed in
the singular. The point is an important
one, as establishing a precedent iu the
settlement of estates, and it is "-understood
that the decision ot Judge Jones
was not meant to be final, but merely
as the first . step toward bringing the
matter lefore the Supreme Court at
the earliest practicable day. Tims a
bit ot cafeleos penmanship or bad proof
reading, in iiserting an unnecessary
"e" or omitting that little letter' when
t should been used, is tbe cause of all
this litigation, delay and exjense..;
Becent telegrams contain the partic
ulars f a gross out rage perpetrated on
a clorel cadet at West Point hy
three ruffianly white cadfts. The '
victim, when distMveri'd :n t! e
ing, was bound hand and fHi ; his j
head was bruited, one of his ears wa- j
slit-in a barbarous manner and a piece j
of the oiner ear was est onV ruch a
disgusting and disgraceful transaction,
originating from an obsolete race preju
dice, could scarcely be condemned and
stigmatized wilb loo ' much severity.
This is what is mildly tetroed "hazing,'
and the miscreants guilty of it are
material of which three future "officers
and gentlemen" of our regular army
ar? to lie comMsed. An opinion has
long been gaining ground that both
the Annapolis ami West Point estab
lishments are ne!ess and should bo
abolished- It is believed that they
are gradually creating a small but
arrogant aristocracy, for which the
country stands in particular need.
A few more instances ot brutality like
that referred to will crystallize this
opinion, and eventually it will find
practical effect in Congressional legisla
tion. No better reason for the aboli
tion ot West Point could be given than
the fact that itsstndents appear to be
developing into vulgar hoodloms, in
stead if the gentlemen they are popular
ly supposed to be. This last outrage
should certainlv command the most
searching official attention.
As proof that the Columbia bar is
shoaling or rather, the river inside tho
bar and that it is no longer sate tor
vessels of eighteen feet or over, the .-If
torian presents this : t f:
The steamer Oregon lay in Baker's
hay six hours on" Saturday, waiting for
a tide to pass and Island, there
was not water enough for her to come
m the south chauuel. The Elder wait
ed at Astoria three hours for water to
take her to sea, and then went out the
north channel. The Oregon . drew
eighteen; feet throe inclies.,"; President
Villard ;and his friends were taken
from the Oregon as she lay in Baker's
Bay. The fact is that the Oregon ar
rived in Bsker's Bay, fifteen mil-s be
low Astoria at It a. m., and was not
able to reach Astoria till 6 o'ch-ck r. si
seven hours- afterward?, lieeauso of the
shcalirg of the gateway to the sea.
:- ; JL.
- The observant editor of the Carson
Times wants us to know that ho recent
ly saw a buxom Piute prince reclin
ing at full length; on the sidewalk in
an attitude of careless grace worthy of
Greece in its palmy days. He says
that she looked like a dusky Venn- on
the half shell.. " .
r-L-..sis i1 ii i mi i in i "jj-.jopi. nil" : if ii iaT ' -
The veracious editor of tin Placer
Argus Fays that a Truckeo man went
over Sierra Valley last summer and
ucar-cured several huudrd tons of nice
plnitip grasslopers, and i now making
a fortune selling them for sliiimp. He
is going to start a oiuuery iualdition
this year. " 1
The Czar had his dmii'g room it-paired
and furnished in magn'tjeent; style,
but when the old man feels hungry he
sneaks down to the sellar .pantry stuffs
ibis pockets and then 'skins upon the
roof and eats it. I'fiiladclpJiia.Chrotu
iele-JleraU. .,kw"'-
' France has 40,000,000 hens. Land
and water gives some figures t-bwing
that the total yearly value of the
poultry interest in France is 22 000,.
i 000-$ 120)00,000.
: A cow that is milked three times a
day, will glre more milk and yield more
cream than one that is - milked tl in
tervals of twelve hours.
Always start a horse with the voice,
never with the cut of a whip. In start
ing, turn a little to one side ; in stopp
ing, when goinz up a hill, do the
tnarcoai nnely pulverized ana mixeu
with the feed ot turkeys, meal or pota
toes, is said to aid greatly iu fattening
them and to improve the flavor ot the
Reports from different graifi-growing
actions of Arizona say that crops will
1,6 aboul one-Un gatef than . ever
before. The rainfall has been snch as
to lrge crops,
A Sood cow returns her value every
year in milk and butter, and iu some
localities the manure almost, it not
quite, pays for her feed. The richer
the feed, the better the manure.
Good profits and sure sales, are al
ways to be had on good stock pdt it
good condition. , Interior, stock, if .it
finds buyers at all, finds them at low
figures. Farmers should recollect this,
and buy only the best.
In the fall of 1852 seed of the
Sequoia giganted were sent - to Eng
land nd distributed in different parts
of the kingdom. Trees from some of
these seeds In. Kxter have reached the
bight of 100 feet.
In the collect ion of the British Royal
Horticultural Society there are mo;e
than 15,000 varieties of the apple, aud
most of these are of European origin.
Hemp is recommended to be cnltiyat-
ed in vineyards, orchards, etc., for ihe
banishment or destruction of noxions
;nsccts. It is said that noxious insects
are Ilot fol,d jn hemp fields. The
nunach plant is also good for .this
Colorado has 100,0C0 acres under
inigation and 50,000 more "of . hay
land, much of which is irrigated. In
1879 the irrigated land produced $3,
150,000 worth ot c?reals and other
The experience of farmers has shown
that the effect of an application of
lime are not very marked during the
first year, but become more a j parent
in the conrse of tho second aud third
years. From the tirtte?: that it! exerts
its tnll influence on t lie soil its. action
is found to gradually diminish year by
year and finally to cease altogether.
Land that is well mautiredat regnlar
intervals in a rotation of crops with
farm-j-ard manure would become
loaded with organic matter rich in
slowly available plant-food, but by the
judicious tie of lime npon land thus
treated the unnecessary and unprofit
able accumulation of dormant plant
nutriment is prevented.
Mrp. Crossnian of Berlin, Canada,
aged 29, is the mother ot 12 children
A'lelina Paul's eyes are said to be
as pretty as they were twenty years
Sir Ikobert Feci is about to be au
tliorized to call himself Earl ot Kinqs-
IHr TilJen remarks with a pickly
smilo that lie does hope Grant wilt be
nominated. . ""'
Congressman Townshend ot Illinois
is mentioned for the 'great beauty ot
Lis clothes. J 1 " '
Blackburn of Kentucky is tall, with
a strong voice, a good speaker, and a
ready parliamentarian.
; General Sherman and l'recident
Hayes are not like nuto brothers in the
matter ot affection.
The Prince ojl Wales fays that he hw
always considered the American ladies
"the cleverest iu the world. , -
Judge Hilton, at lit- splendid roan.
ion, north of Saratoga, N. Y-, expects
it vibit Irtim ex-Irc!ident Grant in
The Princes of Hanover i about to
make a marriage ot romance." That ;i
: i
is she is to wed a young fellow ehe
I loves, who is merely a IJaron.
The St. Helena Star IS inclined to
adopt wrapping pajer tor spring . Wear,
or niltll the price of While paiier IS ,ro-
, ' ' - - .-
: Colfax girls go to see their yonng
men seven nights in a week, and jus-t
"kick awfully" because the man who
invented almanacs did n't put eight days
in each week.
The Modern Argo says that Jay
Gculd thinks of selling off a few rail.
Toads and starting a paper-mill. It
riles him to see any one making more
money than he di es.
An interior exchange states that a
Mnrysville girl fell into the river tho
other day feet first,' and before work.
men coold gfit a derrick rigged np to
titlO Tt-kB s-v, l,sm saiotA. 1 f
vm tnu w ict uruie UVcr Ihe
levee in sixteen different places. -
Tbe town of Altnras, AIikIoc CountV
was recemir leu entirely w.cinwt ooaI
oil and candfe. Tine knots
- -
were in
unit;.uu u prevent me people from be-
A a a . "
ing plunged in total darkness., What
a time fo lovers that must haye been !
The girls np at Grass Valley .have
become disgusted with the present style
of kissing.--. The Transcript man say
an opposition "buss" is going to he put
on the road between that town aud
Nevada. Wonder . what they are
going to call it ?
The Benicia Neie Era, when it wants
to be especially v!gorouiu an editorial
emphasizes its words in the following
style : " Would that our talk about
the Cesspool ! ! 1 would cailse the Trfls
tees to obliterate that abominable landmark."
Tot1 more tban a third of a century the
Mexican Mustang liniment has been
known to millions ull over the world aa
the only-safe reliance for tho relief of
accidents and pain. It is a medicine
above prieo and praise the best or its
b lad JTor every form of external pain
Slnstrthj' Liniment is without nn eqnal.
It penetrates flesh Mid muscle to
the very hone nmkiiisc the continu
nnce'of rmln xml ttiflmnatinn imnossiblo.
lis effect upon Miimnn Flesh and the!
Jirnwi i;n-nuoa aro equal. y vonuenu.
The Mcxicuii
Liniment is tidtiadCL hy" Somebody" lit
every bouse.1' Every lny nruijcs news of
the nflony of an sinutaisldor bum
subdued, of - irhcnra I to BMrtrri i
4storetl, or a jtalnatle hares or ox
i save a oy ui ueauiig power oi mis
which Bpeedily nircs snch ailments of
Rhtnmatlim, SiNlllsei, etlff
olnts. Contraeted Slasefes, Bum
and Scaldst Cnts, ISrnlsea and
Sprains, fntaououi Bites and
HtltiK. Stlflneait, laaaeness. Old
Sons, fleers, Frostbites, Chilblains.
Sore Ktpples, Caked Breast, and
indeed every fona of external dis
ease. It heals withont sears.
For the Bbutb Crkatiok it rorra
Kpralas, . Stlnj-, ftliif tnintm,
Fonnder. Irarness sores. Hoof lls
eases, l'sot Hot, screw onn, Scab,
Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wlsd.
trails, spavin, Thrash, RHigboat,
Old Sores, Pull iCvll, Pllan npon
the Sle-bt and ''cry other aInteast
to which the Oeettpanta - of the
stable and Stock Yard are liable.
The Mexican llnalang Xlntment
always cures and nover disappoints ;
aud It is, positively,
F03 HA2J 03 BEAST.'
PB. SaXFORd's L.rTE3 ImOOt!ATO?.4
,,'oaic. v", ft
. t. r Z
5 .r..ftC -a
Li verj
j O and by the public.g
I for mora than 85 yep re, 5
with ti n precedeu ted resnlts.?
$3. t. w. SAFono, m.Qm kSiSciVYi
King of the Blood
! Cvm nil Scrofoloni aOtSoiis s&d disorders rssult
I nB ImpirUy ot tbe blood. It is aeedtoss to
; spnfy the sufferer oan usuaUr perceive their
i Ooitn, 8Utngt, e., are the most common, as
T Well Um.nv.ffM4iAn.Af uMH a ) T ,
and Stomach. .
WoadarM Cora of Sll&dnesa.
D. mmf, Boh a- Co. :' For1 the benefit of all
troubled with Scrofula or Impura Blood in their
yatems, I hsreby recommend King; of the Blood.
1 have been troubled with Scrofula for the past tea
fears, which so affected my eyes that I was com
pletely blind for six months. I was recommended
to try King of the Blood, which has pro Ted a great
blessing to me. as it hns completely cured me, and
I cheerfully recommend it to all troubled as I hare
been. Tours truly, .
Mm. 8. Weatiuuilow, Sardinia, N. Y.
mmm t
rill bs paid to any Pnblie Howpitai to be rnnta-
lor every esruncate or this audi
us which ia not aeawina.
Its Insredientsf
' BlS ?1IB PrP Pooal appiicauoa, when
v " wwaiifru mat Dtp amm
no iApMittoa is utBded wm will
QFt1lLmMMvanmJi affidavit
... n. .nn. mm no., n-i.. i. im... .v. ..
newr ox any otner j- anuiy ttedioiB ta tbe world.
. 1 Uonm for vain wiU UfDund inui p-
! 5&bJ un o, to dZ &bjd;
H alr nw
r" u..iuu.ur.i x .icauj x2mou lor
jdiseases of the Liver, Stomach
jaad Bowela. It is Purely .c CJ
fiVe-jetable. 16 iscvot sTaTK? iaj HO $
W K7 t i .-TV f.i)". I
4 .
PT.TTT'n nr-'f'P n
w '
t :i
i '---.-V-'-
; A Specific litaaxdy tcx CI Hi
nmUtx nun mrnntne.
For lX-!)iHtr. xss of Memcrf. atfrptfa
, sllion to Exertion or Bralness, bartnea
ft Bnaih, Troubled with TheaghU ef Dl
ease, DimneM ot Xletmf Pain in tike JSarfc,
C!iet and Heart, Bush of ford U rV
Hrad. rale Cotmtenn nee and Dry Ski. '
If these jiMptonii are allowed to i erfy
very frequently Epileptic Flta and Cs I
sumption Mlow When tbe ceturtmtatt
becomes aOevtert, it require 4h aid ttt a
iiiIgortlnK nietllclna to strengthen 4
tone npythe ny.teiM, whlcb ,
:, , ;-tKi vt tTi:t rAMKU
HSLf1a30 LD'S BUCll'J
By ny remedy known. It is prrrrlVrt5
by the rmst i-miiH-at physician all
tlie world, In I '
ISIiciiiiiaf iisnfe
Iturals:ia, '.,'
"i r CouKliinatistA ,
Aclics Sc. ait29
ttcnfral Debility.
Kidney IiMcaVT
Ijiver Complaint,
IVervous Debility,
Head 'rronblee,
ParalyiM. -C-eneral
ill heal tta.
Spinal I9iieft8C.
aseitfis L'
Healneiss, v
IVcrwoiiK Coniplalt)(a4
Female Complaiuts,
II!aiaclie,.Jaiu In tlie SliooIdrv.Co;li.
I)Izztn-.S Sour Stonacli. KruptkMis. pji.l
Taste in the MouDi, I'ulpttathxt of km
Heart, Pain in the region jnf tbe KHmy
mill fl tllAt1Zailrl nflwV vmifiaf
- - - ' r ' . mti vmaf
are tlie o(Tprltg ol Pyopepfla. ,
Invigorates tbe SiomarX. :
And stiiiittlfffe lite tor W Liver, Bottcfe
and Kidneys, to rrmfitiy uvM.mln cleans
Ing tbe blooTTof Tl linpnriTfes, and imp4trt.
Ing new life mid vigor to the whole, systert
A sinjtfe trl.U will lie quite snffltknt tf
convince the mot lieslrathig of its vnluabte
remedial (lnalUte.
ruilE, ; $i PER ECJTTLI?.
Or Sis Bottles Ux CZ.
3 nelivered to any ad!r'es free form eWf
vntion. ,Patients may eonsrslrt.y tetter. t4U
ing the same attention as by calling.
Competent Physicians attend to enrrr
nondenta. All letters shoHltl be atUreiit
Druggist &aa Csrt.' ?:?
. . - ,. V t ,"
Sso that tia private TrtrtizUtr
. f .j.; Staap is ea jewiettla; I ' .
foltl ISypryT 7 - ',;-
' 1
vii,, iny n, Bgiui,!!,!,