The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 30, 1880, Image 3

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015:? Ji
ln whi
oh ot1 life i tor Boy In erery ilejgc or growth ; corue and see what we have to offer, and at to hilt prices
. ' vre can sell.
II lb, Caps, Bwts, & Shoes, and Gonts' Furnishing; Goods,
tj Jices always Low, and the Best Goods fbi the Motley
Yours Truly,
Lai '
Albtttay Cash dtjltiirijg 8ttr-fci
- -;r
22 o S
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g S , r
fci. 3
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J &
Albcnyv Oregon.
JimXI in XJao in. Xainn County.
Indies' Variety Emporium.
2iSHS. hTj. HYDE
Germnn Zephyr Cnnraa, Thread, Pins,
AVMj Button, J:it Unit StwitcA
es and Ctrf Hmirg Nttlmpat
Ooodsi Jtd t6:
Alwi, Agcttt for Dr. Warnter'B
IleallH Cor;: !
Cllllda Walat J
ana tbuMm roj u's
Corset Slcirt 8uffxrtor
l.lSfir Rroailalbln St.. opposite Tost Offlco
awimiji muu wvit nwr mmwil c c
W CVntmnuri awl JVvii Kvm9H WitUtw
L't !'ipgwn owf orJ'miry iHiium pltuUr, Ave rfJP
i yriiruiinrMtrewilontt(y(f it. TbTla
bin tjanlltim of the rommon porona plaster are ia
thin Article inmaiml 10 fold by on and acleotlOe
nMdtcatjoh. It relieve almort at onra and curM
wher! bthef plaatera fall erea to relievo. It la
without flotiht, the beat remedy ever devlaed tor
Ume and Weak Back, RhenmaHam, Spinal and
Kidney ComplaiNtaand all local aebea andpaiaa.
Avoid tmitationi86ld hvll Drnggrfata. Price Me,
SimiT dt JOBtftao If Flat 8TK.T,Propn
The Crc&t Carriage R3anufacturirifif House of the
. World.
Csit tla&icrtal, Ciool- tVrl4nianahlp, Handsome Styles, Strong
m4 Dttrttbte Vehicles In Every Reapers.
70.000 CillllllilGCD
tUttrrAtn'SES by mteamwfr. fiheii a. co-. are sow is vms ix etebt
Tb'v fiT tinfhflSfair antmractioti. All their work Is wrmntM. They have received testimo
Btala imm nil mrU of the country W purltort similar to the following, hundreds of which are on
St aabject t inupeotltm i
Meaers. Km uitsojf, TtMlrlt k Co.: , OAtv, Ills.. Jnlr 16. 1S70.
I hare oS one of yotif Top Busies three year, and three of them two years in my live
MMt, and ttaey have irlren mtS tlvrfect satisfaction and ara In eonotant unc. Ohcak Sxallkt.
afaxMra. Corwit JcflmisoN : - Nbwberkt. S.C., July 17. 1879.
IMtr irHl banre been nirtng th Emerson Fisher llajfiyy I bought from yon as roughly. I
asm. mt ose could. I had a lust horse, drove him t full speed, aometiufes with two la
dtcaiutM e.f ! the bamcy. and it Is uday worth all tb ihoney I paid for it, I say the Em
,araoato.r issleawlildo. " , t - , A, M. Tbaccb, Farmer.
The ia.W-Jlt.t ffyrtHattrtn the Carriages llavc made In lqenHtlea where they have been used for
araral yvr !v Ijiveryrtien. Phytlciiin,ilnd others reqiiirina; hard and constant use. has led to
aa laareeiKwi deMttd from thoM localititw, to meet which the mannfavtiirinsT facilities of their
laaaiaKita eatablisotttent have been extended, enabling them now to tarn out in good style.
rTlieletllS tSA RoUU Seaien la
Samuel E. Young
Spring & St. naer fi'look
OF '
CUT 000S3.
not ss nnxisnixe goods,
I am now offering a
Larger & Detter Qtock
than ever before, and am carrying, a rctnlar
line of reliable goods. Barinii paid CASH
for all of tuent.
Deteroalarcd H8l to be
I laiTMe asts aMamitMa or taiase waattna;
alt smmI see aae.
Albany, April 18, ,-vlSnt2
fam d'Shanter, Jr.
Marhai.L'i Llverv Stable
rtnrlnst the senson of
meneins: April 1st, and ending
July 15th, 148U.
TAM OFfANTKR, JB., is cominjf 6 years
oM, in a mnhoicony hay, stands IC hands high
and weiirhs 1,6M pounds. lie is Clydesdale
and Moanenser stock.
TKKMS.The season, JIS: Insurance. M.
Albe.ny, Oregon, April, ISSO-OTyU
At;BAnr. FUlDAY, APK1L30, 1SS0.
In foe t the LnrgeAt, best Assorted and ' naeat ar!d Btoek or
GHOCBIttfiS In Uie conHtrJr . i
Vint Streat, A4aay1.Cat
::, ns::in L cas cahiacis ahe tkz cist.
&TAZCIE1. Slt.03.,
aa4 ST02T233,
lTALiAfi an vcnr.iorjT
Alban-, ill Oregron.
11m Asv.f v r.. nr ... . . j. .
Mtata and Washtnartoa Territory, by mail oretn-
Moonlight iiihti.
Ronds rapidly drj-injj. H
Kiver in good boating stage. '
SeYeral carriage loads of our citizens
went to Corral Us on Monday.
Tbe road between this city and Corral
lis are hole y.
Tlie surprise party out at Mr. John
Reed's Tttesday night was ust splendid.
The Congregational sociable will be heldt
at Mr. Kayroond'a this (Friday) eTenln.
The exercUes at tlie Bine Ribbon Club
last Friday evening were enjoyed by the
large aitdteiic. there assembled. , -Mr:
John Reed has received the appoint-
mpiit a title bf the censtn enumerators ot
Linn cOUnty the best appointment made.
There is at least one case of measles in
the city.
Rev. Mr. Harris has been very sick, but
Is repotted con alesclnr4
The revival meetings closed last week.
but not before much good had been accom
The JtirVcy of Che narrow gattge railroad
from Dayton to Portland Has been com
pletcd. The line is favorable, and eatty of
const i uct ion.
Tlie fishing season is upon us and those
who nndt r.-tand the how of it, catch un
limited nutnbers. Denver is said to have
caught a string ot fifty nice ones on Mon
8tne I used Plunder's Oregon Blood
Purifier, myself and children enjoy ex
cellent health, says Judge Caple, tlte
terror ot all miscreants. ' r
Work en the ftiilFood between this city
and IcoanOn will cemmetlce Ih a week or
two, and the promiro is that it will be
Completed by August next. 'Rah.
One. ht the most gorgeous piece of roads
any wbef e is on the west side of tlie Call-
pooia bridge, on the Cdivallls road. A
good portitM of that rmd ought to be
Hon. W. II. Bjritrs, of the Itoseburg
riaindealer, made us a pleasant vWt on
Wednesday morning.
Ill feelings are mora nUthefdtisly pfoduc
ed by chronic constipation than any otiter
bodily illness. Remove; the rawe with
Plunder's Oreg.u TSlOCd Pttriflcr, and
Cease feeling ill.
Billy Mansfield has suit! out his interest
in tbe job office to "Mc Mdtiteith, ai d pro
poses to remove to Seattle In a few days.
where he will go into the printing btisi-
hess. Billy is a thorough job pt Inter,
first class boy, and we wish him success
In his new home.
. Kn route for Corvalns on ' Munday one
team ran away ; a hack broke down in tlie
middle of the road ; another vehicle, horse
bucky and occupants, tumbled off agrtde,
and fetclted up In the brush at the bottom
altogether and yet no great damage was
done. But our mules came Wall right,
and don't yon forcet it.
The boas stock or goods cart be found at
A. B. Mcll wain's, eonsfstiriJJ of dry goodfj
fancy good. notlbTis', clothing, queens.
ware, glassware, sbe-f tardwarei a full
line of groceries, coal oil. a gotfd line of
summer hato lit all prices, etc. all of
wl-ich will be tald at a lower fjgOro than
any other plKb in the city. ....
A petition was being circulated On Tttes
day, asking the Governor to appoint Mr.
Cadi the lata W, B. Carter's partner,
Stole Printer to hold trie office unUl
new tnan Was elected, and we understand
It was lately signed.
Hon. E. lilrscn. State Treasurer. Mf.
YVaite, the great job printer, and Frank
Ilodgktna, Assistant Seeretary ot State,
all ef Salee were in attendance at the
OJd Ftdldw' aotiable Moiuiay nights
A balky team' U provotativo of ironclad I
diction of the most revolutionary charac
-Swlzercawf,'' a splendid article; ii
Haflenden's. ?? ' v ' '- ; "
Ml Mat. Allili ! stUfettng ' from a
severe attack of illness. ' . "
More candidates for Stte PHriter than
yon can stick a shake tit.
For a nice hat go to Mrs. Parrish's.
Marriage last night a surprise to many.
Gus. Whreler, Assistant tte Trea Mirer;
waa in the city Mouday night. .
For tle newest and very latest in milli
nery, go to Mr. Parrish s.
The A.O.U.W. are losing slithers of
members in Ohio and Kentucky, judging
from the "notices." .
Codfish in all its purity and elegance at
HafTendeu'. "
Lli n's ei.gtne house waa f Ut upon
wheels Wednesday.
James1 Dnnals . is constantly adding to
his attractions in the line of hand-tome
furniture all styles, kinds and prices.
Warm weather we liave . had to hang
our thermometer ii tbe cellar. to keen it
from getting sunburnt.
Albany prairie is covered .with beauti
ful growing wliear, from tiny spears just
pushing tip through the soli to a denser
growth eighteen inches high, t Our present
show tor a huge grain yield is way up on
the ridgepole., w .
The grass is growing and beef Will soon
be more tender and the butter richer.
Samual E. Young has a nice line of
ladles' shoes tlie most elegant in the city.
The spring fights opened up last Tues
Our 5lHrhal Is kpt busy repairing.
raising and making new crossings and
If anybody asks yon where we got our
new Spring suit, tell 'em to ask L. E.
Blain. the best posted clothing man in
Those wlib &U on tlie Benton county
side of the Willamette, catch some very
handsome troUti but Chubs are most plenti
ful. Stockholders in Albany Farmers' Co.
will meet at their office in this city on tbe
13th day of May at one o'clock p. M. to
elect seven directors to serve next year.
Don't forget that Hafienden Bros, keep
only the very best goods. Their spices,
baking powders, cream tartar, six? a and
saleratus and flavoring extracts, cannot be
Mr. J. W. Cusic, . ot Jbanon, returned
from a visit east of the Cascades yePterday,
after a vllt of two or three weeks. Re
ports stirring times In that .country.
The hot weather seems to have set In
for keeps, and it becomes necessary, 'to
prevent sickness, to have the entire city
cleaned up. A lUtle negligence In this
matter may create trouble In many fami
lies. naftenden Brothers keep the finest lot
ef co (Tees and teas in thj cotmty.
Haflenden Brothers have fnst piles of
candles and nuts, which tliey sell cheap.
,-Tobacco and Bigflrs nt H. ; Bros. try
them. ,;.
Fresh fig, nuts, etc., at , Haffenden
Bros. - - ;
Ammunition at W. IT. Baltimore".
Wheat nominal at 76c, Oats 30c. Mar
ket very quiet.
In tbe matter of tlie bridge across the
Willamette can't something be done
ihUseasdnf it is badly needed, and it
will pay. Whoop it ilp.
For fresh salmon f o to W. tl. Baltl
KpR and Btiiter are noV cheai enbinrh.
tlie former selling at a bit, and the latter
at 15 and SfJc. ' .
A full line of groceries and provisions
at w. U. Baltimore s.
Oar extreiiiely early appearance Wei-
nesday morning Is axotintedfor by the fact
that we didn't retire to any great extent,
as we were kept as busy as possible during
the entire nlgl.t attending to a small dose
ot neuralgia. And don't you forget it.
it Kept us wideawake, and compelled us
to hoof It quite extensively. We can lay
our right hand on the bible and solemnly
aver that we are sorry that we were ever
introduced to neuralgia, and we fain
would Ciit his acquaintance tor eve. Oh,
my ! ' ...
Tbe gathering at Ilalsey on Wed'nesaaf
to do nb'rtor to t&at old eatriarch In thk
nitnlalfyj ReV. James Trorth nA ,M
estimable wife; was of the most pleasant
and agieeatle bjianicteK""Severai speeches
were made and & hluribtr of kind ittKra
read fr 6m friend's and' former parUhlonent
of Father Worth, both id tfeli State and
Ohio, all breathing the ktrtdesti sentimetfia
of love and affection for t!elr old pastor
and tirlend. A splend d dlnn f was setved
at the residence of a friend near tr.
which added materially - to the good
feeling aud enjoyment of H present.' Mrs:
Worth being In feeble -health, was carried
Ut her chair to dinner by loving aim':
During the evening Rev. Mr. Acbeson
gave au exhibition of his power as a van-
triloquist which was kugaly etjoytd, and
proved him to be an adept in tliU amusing
art. It proved a very areeabra occasion
to all participating. ,y
Tke Tairea llaisiae'a Wartaala.
Odd Fellows and thebr'ratmneV with
invited guests, filled Odd Fellows' Temple
on Monday evening' last to" overflowing.
to celebrate the sixty-first anniversary ot
the establishment of tbe order In tbe
United States. Short speeches, essays.
and reading; Interspersed with vocal arid
Instrumental tmwlcV entertained ll rx.
audience, and fllledlti tte"gpaceli.o. . -
jovably until about 9 o'clock." Twe f t
portion ot the audience rettialnbd atiiii
o'clock, passing an sg-eeablb hour InagK
clal intercourse. The'slj social occasion's
are commendable' and fhbjr should be more
frequent than they are: Tbe Ladies Cor
net Band was in attendance, and rendered
several beautlflil pieces in an artistic man
ner. Tlie young ladles have made most
rapid progress, and the highest encomi
ums were lavUlied upon them by all pres
ent for the excellence of their oiu U.
Our CthTcspdiJdent under date ot April
2Sth. sends the following t
- The public school opened with a large
attendance last week, under tbe direction
of the former efficient teachers,. Mr. Hogue
and Miss Gastou. '
Old Father Kclser, wlto lived four miles
east of here, died suddenly two days since.
The golden wedding of old Mr. and Mrs.
Worth is being celebrated tp-day by many
old-lime friends, who are manifesting their
friendship, not only lutbelr warmest con
gra tulations, but these good old ones are
being remembered in the most solid man
ner. Rev. Mr. Wilson will hold cdinriiuiiion
service next Sabbath; in the IT. P. Church.
Ualsey Republican Club is working tip a
big bo&m, which Is sure to tell in the
counting lip of returns. " t
tiFMfad Steankoat ExeorSlon.
A grand steamboat excursion has been
projected from this city to Astoiia, starting
from tlili city on Monday, May Sitb, and
returning on Friday or Saturday ot the
sa me weekV Tickets for the round trip
will be five dollars. During the stay at
Astoria, moonlight excursions will be
taken to all tbe rominent points tri that
vicinity. As the largest aud finest boat
on the rivet lias been secured, and tfie ex
cursionists therefore will go through aid
return On the same boat, it will doubtless
prove td ail one of tlie ' plcaaRnteat and
clteapest Of sbzht-eeeing i trips. Ticket
will soon be on sale at all points along tlie
river where parties wilt be liable to desire
to purchase theia. Fuller details will bq
given hereafter.
April 23th, 1880. at Glrgle'a school,
house, by Rev; J. Bowersox, Mr. Chariea
Baker, of Polk county, and Mfec Leoua
Ulianas; of Bentoa couaty, Oregon.
t she K.aiea:
Mesdamc3 Oerren & Van Clevc are ea
gaged in the manufacture of ladies' furnish'
lug goods, children's dothing, all kinds i
work in embroidery,- braiding, etc, aad
will promptly fill orders lor all work en
trusted to them on most reasonable term
I.adics are Invited to call at their shop, at
present at the residence- of Mrs. IlerreSt;
on ferry between Second -auq nilra
streets, and leavo their orders; They
guarantee satisfaction.
Ei. ReoIsteu ii see ii notice in your
last issiie directed td the from Uie Rev. Dr;
Marshall, stating he is again ready for
another combat on the Immortality of the
soul. I have met ' him twice before o'n
that subject, and confuted bltn each time.
I think he has got enough of it. -. Bat if
Mr. Marshall will go to one of the city
Sunday Sclwols for a terh of six months,
and get thoroughly Instructed for a discos'
slon on Chrt t'a second coming, or tbe irf-
spiration of tlie Bible, 1 will meet him at
ter tliat tlne. J: J. FrKlAT9oit,
Mlver WeaWUa. , . . ,
- "
A lurge number of wjWandlrleW
of Mr. and MH: Le Wl-iifl Ier were asie ta
bled at their elegant residence last even big,
to celebrate tlie twenty-fffth annlversarj'
o." their wedding. As we went to' p'reef
last evening we cannot enter into detalll
of tbe occasion, but w II remark tiiat St was
one of the mo5t agreeable social events of
the season. We lmll refer to the matter
next Week. ' .
' Us or Uttcri, '
Uncalled tol- ant rfemalninji In the Poet
office in this city for the week ending
April 29. 18S0
BakeK J. D.
Bullock, Robt.
Hughes Miss Allle
Irlg, Mary 3 . ,
Miller, Miss Mdfy
Pratt, II. A.
Richardsptl. John
Savage, IbJ lie
Belt, Xe tM ?
Bond. Daytoff
Hogue, Jj. M. - -Leinbergcr,
Phil. M
Monhetmcr, Isadore .
Pratt Meltlos t
Rlnker.E. IC. .... .
Simbfcina. Isaac:
Walton; MISS Emma WitfRe rrancft hr
P. It, RAYMOND, P its
Ctolaea WeMlM.
Rev. Dr. S. O. Irvine and a number of
our citizens went out to Halsey on Wed
nesday, to celebrate at that plaee tbe
golden wedding of Rev. James Worth and
wife, wiio were nnlted In marriage os the
38th day of April, 1S30 just half a ceo
tury ago. Father Worth Is eighty year
of age.
At A. B. Mcllwaiu's can be feaimt at
perb stock or boots and snoes, iroo uw
finest ladie's slippers to the coarsest men's
and boys' boots, and from the very best
stock to those of cheaper grades no one"
need go away from his place unsupplled,
as all pi tees and qualities can be found to
his, the king stock of the city; t ... -j
A party named : Richard Clafk, wM
formerly iesMed ton it tarnt hear thtscftjr,'
was examined oil Saturday Morning iaaf'
and adjudged insane. He was taken toV
East Portia ml on tbe same day. ... . .
a CiaMtMfca:t
We are authorized by Mr.' Jos. Webber
to say that he is not a candidate for r(M
election to tbe office of Chief of the Albany :
Fire Dcpattnienti , ; , ( - r v
Senalay Wefcaal Cfeatcwrs ' - - "
There will be a Sunday School concert
at the M. E.Chnrch in this city, on Coa'
day evening May &lh one week front neat
Sunday. Ail are invited. , . t
c -
Jos. J. Charltotf Is gaining in friends '
all over tbe eotinty. ; The Grangers won't 1
m Ks4r na Mn. kaHjMba fh S.HAW .
to be honest, and as . trtte as steal. .Tb ';
people want him, and he will be Ivrmi ,
Cotmty s neat SfieHffc N : 1
ii" a -
tt, Cuniff baaaripplj A etfftdi t
brick fbr sale at the old jtrd and wtl
keep tbe sfrppfy frp to tbe demand. ,
Batim is a fine pensmarnj and he t&si-i
tlie essentials required in the effi ei
County Clerk, tCvwfdch be will OonVUeev
be elected In Juno. ' ' ;