The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 23, 1880, Image 4

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' . ! . v
Corner Ferry and First Streets.
e copy, one year ,
.n r.o
. l so
- wV,nm uivuvuv ...... X
,j .Slngla copies.. Ten cents
, , . ; Ageuts for Ibe BcgUter. ...
The following named irentlcmcn are author
Izwt to receive and receipt for subscriptions
to the Keoihtkr In the localities mentioned :
i Memrs. Kirk A Home Brownsville.
Roticrt tilass Cinwfonlsville.
"Peth Hayes....... TTnlsey.
, j ), P. Tompkins Harrisburs
....APRIL 23. ISSO
Milk paint for fences and barns is
made by- mixing water lime with skim
milk to a proper consistency to apply
' ' wttb a brash. It will adhere well . to
- : wood whether smooth or rough, to
brick, mortar or stone, where oil has
not been previously used.
' Three pecks ot boiled potatoes, fed a
'day, warm, is a remedy for diarrhoea in
- To prevent abortion in cows give
. tablespoon twice a week of a mixture
of equal parts of plaster, ashes and salt.
' If a box of ashes be kept in the hen-.
v jiery, lice will be prevented from hatch
ing on the bens to prey on the chickens
when hatched.
. ... In trimmirg off branches they should
. be cut close to the trunk, so that no
dead stumps shall disfigure the tree ;
lo that the bark may readily grow
;? over.
- " The best remedy for the sting ot a
-' bee, wasp or hornet is liquid ammonia,
and Dothing will equal its dilution in
-water ii allaying the irritation caused
by mosquitoes.
Charcoal pulverized and mixed with
water is highly recommended for reliev
, iogcattVa 6uffer5ng from any derange
roent of the stomach, such as bloat,
bpvea, V. . . . , ,
... Young raws should not be taught to
k,-i at at milking lime, s it will not al-
way, be- fuund convenient to supply
'food aud Uiey will bo restless without
tf 'it when acenstomed to it.
' Satarating asbes with kerosene and
T" applying a handful in.a hill, will Veep
. , the striped bogs from cucumbers. It v
r not the bags who recomend the recipe,
but the-people who have tried it. It is
' -' aid to bo more eSective than a legisla-
V "tlye enactment
. ArvLK Chaklottc Butter a deep
' baking bowl ; line it with thin slices ot
bread which hae been soaked in milk ;
fill the bowl to within one inch of the
w top with sliced ; apphes in layers, with
- bit of butter, sugar and grated lemon
6r orange peel ; cover the apples with
i thin1 slices of bread soaked in rniik ;
. , cover, the bowl with an earthenware
pie-dih, in which place water to prc
.i . vent its cracking ; bake in rather a
brii-k oven from one to one and a half,
boars, accoi ding to the size.
Cocoaxit Pv'ddixg. Grate one
cocoan IV, rVlibur soda crackers fine,
add a little salt, butter size of an egg,
' pour over it one quart of scalded milk
, When cold add. three eggs well beaten,
) one coflee-cnp o sugar, and the juice ot
one lemon. To make pies, atld" tvo
"more eggs to the above which will
y 'make to pies.
- "i M cstakd Cabbage.- Chop one halt
a head ot cabbage fine,, put on to boil,
' one.cup 61 vinegar, odS cup ot sugar,
. seveu tablespoons of milk, two ot mus
tard, and one tablespoon each ot pep-
- " per aud salt, add one beaten egg, stir
the mixture well, then pour the whole
over the cabbage, and. serve. Yeiy
. Molasses Fecit Cake. Two enp
- . .butter, two of m6Iaase&, two egg, one
cap ot milk, ODa. teaspoon ot soda, one
of essence 6f lemon two Wtmegs, flour
r -endngH to make ;. a 'stiff batter beat
i-inrell ''add cufrantsj chopped raisins
and 'To prevent raisins trom
falling in cake beat them with the egg
Coffkk Cake without Eggs.
f One and a ball ,'cnps of cold coffee, on
t&ueap and a. bait of sugar, -one halt cup
et molaases,aud nearly one cup ot butter.
one cup ot chopped raioins, one cup of
uiraDts, one . teaspoon soda, and nut
meg, fetiras stiff as fruitcake.
Sitet . Pcddiko One cap suet
chopped fine, one ot molasses, two of
flour, one and a half cups ot sweet milk,
one teaspoon each' of soda, einnamon
tfr-aad cloreSi, one cup of raisins. ' Steam
.'two Loam "without lifting cover.
J -r -.ii.r'A i
Heal tli oies.
Kever lean wiU the back upon .any-
thing that is cold. - v " " '"i '
j-2ever . begin !,' journey nnlil the
breakfast lias' beea eaten. " ' ; '
'jn. sleeping ia. cold' room, establish
tbe habit 61 breatluitVs through the nose,
and Dever with the mouth open.-
Never go to bed with cold or damp
Icetj always toast tbeia by the fire ten
tT fifteen minutes beforj !:oinir to lied.'
Never omit regular bathing; tor' Un.
less the f-kin is in active condition the
cold will close the pores, and favor
conccftion or other disease?. --;
Merely warm the back by a fire,
and never continue the back exposed to
heat after it lias become comfortably
warm. To do otherwise is debilitating.
Aiter exercise of any kind, never
ride in an open carriage or near the
window ot an open car for a moment.
It is dangerous to health and even to
life. When hoarse, speak as little as
possible until it is recovered from, else
the voice may be permanently lost, or
difficulties of the tlroat be produced.
The Toronto Globe argues at length to
prove that while the U. S. might cap
ture few posts along the Canadian fron
tier"it would be impossible for it to an
nex the Canadian territory." There is
not the tightest desire on this side ot the
line to elevate Canada to the dignity ot
being a portion of an independent
country, either by entreaty, purchase
or war. Because Queen Victoria's son-in-law
is managing their affairs at
present our Canadian neighbors should
not grow vain, and vaunt their untried
prowess unnecessarily. It is better tor the
two countries to cultivate feelings of se
curily and friend-dnp. For the genera
tion to come their need be no occasion
tor counting guns and soldiers and cal
culating what would be the probable
results of a war. Some day it may be
alleged that the natural northern bound
aty ot the Republic, east ot Lake On
tario, consists ot the St. Lawrenee
Iliver and the gulf of St. Lawrence; but
the probabilities are that if any terri
torial acquisitons are made by the LT:
S , they will be made amicably and to
the southward.
The King of Siain will soon bo making
a pilgrimage through Europe, nntl will
give America a call likewise. lie will
discover that the Siamese twins have ren
dered his country quite well known
abroad. His subjects are not barbarians,
as many suppose, but are very polite
people, and iloliglit in poetical compli
ments. His EmbassaiJor once wrote home
from England : "I am deeply Impressed
with "be aiignH Qwcu ot this realm, in
that lie- ycs, complexion and bearing are
those of a beautiful and majestic white
elep'iaiit." Victoria was much affeeletJ
when she learned ot it.
It appears from the testimony of impar
tial witnesses that Mr. Parnell i-j fu'Iy
justified in the ion of the Irish
land tenure system as the principal eanse
of the destitution in that country. The
system drains from tlie country aminully
$80,000,000 in rents anJ 35,000,0CO in
land . raxes. 1 aving lor the support of
5,000.000 people, about $10 per bead year
ly. .Taints Retlpath, who represents the
X. T. Tribune in a special tour of inresti
sration, says that the landlords ot Ireland
are not contributing a shilling to the relief
fund, but that m a class they are merci
lessly enforcing ,heir claims to tlrtir pound
of flesh from their starving tenants.
It is sometimes alleged that millionaires
are seldom patriotic. This is not the case
with Vanderbilt. lie takes a deep interest
In the General Government. Every night
it owes him $3450 for that day's interest
on registered bonds, and on the following
noon owes him $1723 more, which along
toward sunset grows to $3430 again.
H'liile he is playing a game ct biiliaids
his Government bonds earn him about
$230. They are remarkably industrious,
and work night and day. Everybody
should have them.
There are some wealthy men who do not
put away all their surplus coin in Govern
ment bonds. Swch an one is Edwin D.
Morgan, ex-Governor of New York and a
philanthropist, whose good dee'is would
fill a volume. A resident ot New York
City, he lias given liberally to a score ot
Charities ; he has founded a young ladies
seminary at his country home on Cayuga
Lake, and now he has., added $100.
000 to the endowment of the Union Theo
logical Seminary.' As he pays the money
down, bis bequests are actual facts. ,
As some Inquiry is made as to the posi
tion of Portland we give its latitude and
longitude for the benefit of these Inquirers,
as published by the signal service. Lati
tude 43 de. 30. ; longitude 127 tleg. 27
min, 30 sec This is considered by the
service as correct at comer Front and
Washington streets where the office was
formerly located.' The office has no in
struments with which to correct Jiroim
eters and are .therefore unable to make
any such corrections.
Congressman Springer showed the House
very clenrly yesterday that the charges of
bribery brought against him were baseless,
and placed Manning, ot Mississippi, who:
spread the story In a very awkward'- posi
tion. ' Springer lays the blame of the whole
matter at the door ofTIlden, and charges
that of the sage's young men at
Washington, was the author of the anony
mous letter. It is cm-ions how the traces
ot Tliden crop' out In all , these dubious
transactions, i. f ... ,. ; -
The American population of New Mex
ico lias more than doubled in the past year,
but U still only 23,000. . The total popula
tlbo ot tle Territory is estimated at
135,000. Railroad enterprises will soon
transform and people that long neglected
and naturally rieh region.
Tbe New York World ma increased Its
price from three to four cents a copy.
This fr ia consequence of the enormons lt
crcasc lr the price of paper.
- A -very ciuious miinbcf, 143d7,a hich
multij lied by 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, or G gives the
same figures In the same order, beginning
at a different point, but. if multiplied by 7
142,ar7xl 142.S37
148573-? 423,571;-;
142.857x4 .57123 " Y"
142,857x5714,253 T
' --' 142,857x0 S37;112
,',....112.357x7 08t&99
It Is a pleasant thing to be a royal bio
grapher, even if one is compelled to deal
out a large amount of panegyriCi-and ex-;
haust his superlatives" in depicting more,
than niiindane vi,rue.'. Theodore Martin,,
has sung in pro? and very heavy proe.
too, the idyl of Qneen i Victoria's married
lite and the blameless career of the Prince
Consort, and has just been rewarded with
Knighthood and the order of the Bath.
- Co-0perati6n lias proved highly success- '
fill in England, so far as. management ot .
stores tor the sale of dry goods, groceries'
and family supplies are .concerned. The
commercial classes are demanding a Parli-
amentary enactment fo" the entire prold-"-bition
ot co-operative stores, ind the 'fine- J
tlon has been dragged Into the political
arena. For some reason not' apparent,
tlie co-operative !
failure. !
movement has been a'
"Kobotly need be '.astonished If Boss
Tweed should materialize in Michigan and -once
more adorn lus bosom with a diamond
-clmndelfer That'State has $8,000,000 on
hand in excess ot its liabilities. v " ,
Tbe following stopping places are- said., (
to lx- on tlie ronle to tbe Skagit mines
Death Canyon, Jacob's Cadder, Frozen ,"
Hell Skeleton ,passiSepiilc4ier. . -Swamp,
and Sourdough Monnbiin. , - , , .
Here md There.
Samuel Br&chman, a Tehama merchant,
committed suicide by .Jumping into, the
Sacramento riverj
The Edison tailing process is to be used y
in a mill to be built at Orville. California, i
which "wltr be eom'pretedAttg. 'IsC
T"!e Qneen i expected in England by
the end of this week,' and hen the Bea-w.
cnnsrleld administration will lose no lime;
to resign. !- - " ' X,
' The Senate have confirmed .J. Anglli to""l
be minister, and" Swift of Citfornia. and X;
Prescot t of South Carolina, commissioner .
to China. " .
A tcnible famine is raging at Mosnl, In
Turkish Koorisdan.' " "Four tlious.tfvl in
habitants fled to Bagdad and hraidreils are ,
on the rood.
Senator Kane, of California, is in the
Sacramento jail, and will probably stay
there nutil tlie legislature of California ad
The house snb-commlttce on the Pacific
railroads decided against the extension of
time for ten years and fifer tliscii-sin tlie
proposition to extend six vears. !
The evidence in the case of Colored Ca
det Whittaker, at West point, looks as
if there w.-vs something in- his assertion
that, be was assaulted by other Cadet.
In the first three months of 1SS0 there
were 1.400 failures in the United Stales,
against 2.300 for same time in 1870. So
times must be better than tfiy were.
Posffgp stamps and cards Sssffstr tar pfst
masters during the past nine mouths reach
about 534.000.0CO, which Is over $3,000.
000 more than foty corresponding time last
The following items nnder date of-.April
3th, from Goodell's, of navigation on
Skagit river, will be read with interest :
Great excitement prevails here to day
over a rich strike on Sank. The ist week
has been warm. Simmt melted snflfcienrry
to admit ot a good deal of prospecting on
many bars along the Sank river, a few
miles above its junction with the Skagit.
Twerty-five cents t" the pmi was obtained
in many places in top gravel, and almost
every locality so tar as pmpccted slwws
pay dirt. It has been the opinion t
many old miner who have been in the
vi'-lnity this winter that fherrcJiest plaeers
will be loo i lit in this sectkm id tlie country,
and these recent developments prove the
correctness of their jinlgmorit. People
are rushing in and slaking olt" claims.
A new district wilt be organized only
one day's travel front where the Seat
tle steamers laud iasseugers. It U aln
learned from a pirty of miners just arrived
from a prospecting tour around tlie . port
age that splendid prospects are taken from
the side hills and from the beds ot small
ravine. One ravine, only a mile Irom
the portage, was thoroughly prospected.
and yielded tlie finest- looking gold yet
found anywhere on the Skagit. The-average
prospect here m 31 cents to three
njus of dirt.
DlatresslUBT Iteport' from the ?fr(b.
Victoria, April 1. A coirosponden
from near Clinton wriiles t The whole
country north ol Clinton Co Peace river is
covered with s -tow three feet deep. All
the Ciitlle in the vast district ot Chilcoaten
have perished tor want of food, and filly
percent, of those' that grazed on the left
bank of the FrazeK 'T'"' Is the 15th tot
March ; t,he tlays are cold and tlie Digbt
bright and very cold. The winter may
last three weeks longer. 'and there ls i:o
chance for the remnant ot live stock. The
oldest Indian neTer 'i-atv such a terrible
winter as this has been. In many piiees
the dead bodies of the deer have been
found in the forest - frozen stiff. The
bounding deer turning into a lunrp of ice,
and tlie starving Indian trying to cut a
venison steak with an ,ax , would make a
picture ot life in northern .latitudes very
luterestii-.g to those who spend their lives
in well aired rooms. 1 ' .
., ..'. '. Two for Dlme ,,.
- He entered the "saloon tvltli a hasty
stride and ftbstrncted nir. as If some bunk
would snlit wirl onan If 1.-
to rave u witn nut, mighty .Intellect...- He
laid down his short bit with the manner
of a man who had paid any mimlier ol
lona; Wfs over the same counter and would
do If. again If he fert lifee It. He poui-ed
out his four linger awl a halt of whUky.
As the bttftenaVr was wouderino; wheather
he was a rnilroatl magnate1 or a bonanza
kinff Insredy disguise, in tvalked a wreck
oti the ocean of rum, who beegl pit poorly
for a "nip." -r The bartViider was no green
horn, and conldn't bw played.' . ne re
foed the bummer's appeal. Sty. my
(mod fel low, 7 aied the cfanrpaMonat e
millionaire. 'Do ybw want a "drink P
J'hen divide with trie. ; : pbnred nut more
than I want," They" Vlid divide, and
walked out together to Initiate other Well
posted barkeepers Into the secret ot eett
Hg "two tor a dime'
. . . . j t L 1 1 1 1(7
About $I00.000 was saved in the con
struction oi the IToosac Tti'nnel by the use
of an improved" drill. The inventor of the
drill, who died recently 1 In Boston, re
ceived on ly 5.000 tor f the contrivance.
He also invented series of signals-tor use
on ships of -war, which were.4ighly com
mended by the -government .nitfl vas pat
ented both in this country and in Europe.
He made many other toutribntions to
labnr-sirving machinery, but notwithstand
ing his-tnventions he i ever realized even
a comfortable competence from them ow
ing to the difficulty of rut riKlncing thein
before the expiration ot the patents.
OF ALt 1
-For morte than a third of a century the
JHexican Mustang I.ixitukcut lias been
known to riiiliions nil over tlie worll e
the only6uto reliance for tho-reller of
accidents and pain. It Is a moilieino
above price and praise the Itent or Its
Ind. ior evr- foim of cxturuui pain
tbe -s- . ,
a m n stan i,iniment is wlilmut nn equal.
. . . . .. . . .
It Iicuetralrt fleth nud tnnitle to
the very lione nmkiu tiio vontinu
nnceof pain xiul infl;iiii:itioniMip8Lblo.
its effetits tipoiv Iluuiuu Flesh uixl tlio
Bmte Creation, cro equally wouilerful.
XUe Mexican
Uniment is reeded by sonicboiljr in
every liouae. Everyday biiiid news of
the ajouy or an awful muld or turn
ibclued, .of rheituiKtio niart-r- ro
storel, or a valuable horn or ox
saved by the beating power of this
Trhioh speedily rorcs such ailments of
tlie HUMAN l Uii ns '
Rheumatiam, Mwclltnnr BtlflP
joints, outracted itluseles7 JBbx-us
aud Scalds, Cuts, ISrnlsea svnd
feproius, 1'oliououa Bites and
stiMca, Ktifrurss. T.nmcis. 11
orr,I'ler.'ioshitca, hilMalns. I
More -NtDnles. lalinl -. ,,, 1
indeed every form or eilnual !ls- r
cane, tt heals iillimt( aeon.
- rNirtbe liELTF. C'st.vTios it. uros
Spmliia, Swiaay, Stilt" Joints,
fouuilrr, Ilamest Hani, ZIoor lll
(tttvFoot Ko, Srrcw n6riH. ftcal,
Ho 1 loir- - ilnni, Sra-ntchra, tVind
(eratls. Spavin, T:imli, IStnglKeaie,
Old tSoresy ! I Film npon
tlo Kifih !d "every olliir, ailment
to which the acrnpaal. of tbe
Stxlle nud frtoei Vnrd are Jinble.
',- Tho Mexlcaik 91 nntniif; Lialmtnt
always cures nnl never ;tlidajppoiuts;
aud, positively, -r
l the- best;
3 OLD &M BLmi F. i
Dii. Saxpobd's Livm IsvioossatobJ
: a SUnxUrd Family R-medy for
tdisetisrs of t'.io Liver. Si.mi.-.
CV:i"-. f-.Tl T J
Debilitates-Itis fcfl !
& xnvigoratori
y has beea nscd
1 8 mr.J5j
r T w eieriiri' ifh -lea -EitoATjWA-r.S
King'of the Blood
Cures nil Scrofulous nffeetions and disordars result
ins; from Impurity of tho blood. It is needless to
specify all, us the sufferer can usually perceive their
cause ; but Salt Rheum, l'implctr Vtctrt, Tumor
Goitre, SmteUingt, J:e., are tbe most common.-as',
well ss many sSacUons'ot Uw Hemrt, Afaaxi, Livr
WondarM Cora of Slindness.
D. KASStaf. Sox & Co. For tho Horn, fit r n
troubled with Hcrofuls or Impure Blood in their
systems, X hereby recommend Kin; of the Blood.
I have been troubled with Scrofula for the past tai
rents, which so affected mv eves tans I was mnw
pletely blind for six months I wns recommended
S""? theBiooa, which proved a (Stat
wcmiuh vu
t cheerfullv riicommend it to nil tmnhl-! n. I
bean. Tours truly, . .- r-
Mas. S. WEi-rsEnfow, jptuinj, K. Y.
f! cf 3 Cr)'9 it"!l
will be paid to any Public Hospital to be mutu
ally agreed upon, for every certificate o this mU,
ama published by us whiofa is not genuine. " "
Its Ingredients. ; ' 4
VV onr Mth in th ,n'fe3' nd exosllsncs o
"f liSl?' P"1 proper personal appliearion, -wbsst
satisfied that no imi
rive the names of si
-- - wm.. uu iiuuwuun is mienaea. we win
ive the names of all its ingredient8,bv affidavit..
The above offers were never nsnde nefbv hv th. ,
nrietorof nnv othpr rnmil. rriim.-& .1. ! ,
a ti,."br mformstion.nnd
u..l5,7,t"on' for u"u,f found in the urn-
phlet "TreatKw on Diseases of th. nii i
lUihlWtttl.i.nn.ln. 1 -n . A. . . . '
drue Ip,
sitrJWi'i i
SOat-unrtioacd Ux t
s - Pi rU,v vKv s
tvu 5.' ; n -.j, ri
Subscribe for the
-at $' f r
f ''7'- FARMER . ;
tn tAnit county ottgM to Unc the tVEEKLY ItCiI!Br
TER. The most cnterpris nml in fact
1 HE
The WEEKLY REGISTER f s the first paper In the
-. ? m Mr' Ok WZ i
-- -X . v j -
.. county In ability, and the freshness and
.i. i - ii P :. 5j
Prices Reduced to suit the Hard Times.
ONtsYi -50 PER YEAR.
;' f i 'J 5 i
il stea-rliljj Itxcrccinlrifj Circulation.
9 ' ' r
Tfte WEEKLY BECISTEU uppi:c tbe Waftti mT U A4tM
aft onHnnnlttvtlau to i
- C0TT2TTT.-
of its news.
COLL; TiSLEVE AltoT, Cre2.
Si ', T
i I"', :-r: p'("SSi
PIlARIAieffClli .
i in. 1 1
-" n-
A Spgcic Ilofeie-iy fcf all til
For Debllify, Los of Memory, lndispS
itlon to Exertion or BtwineM, ShortneM
of Breath, Trotibletl with Thoughts f Dis
ease, Dimness ot Vision, I'ain in the Back,
Chest and Head, Hush of Blood to the
Mead, Pale Counteiuine and Dry Skin.
If the symptom are allowetl to jro on,
very frequently Epileptic Kit and Con
sumption follow. When the ronstItution
becomes affected, it nniuires the aid of a-H
itiigoratinjc medicine to strengthen and
tohe up the system, which ,
"Eelmbold's BuCam"
does :vi:bt -Amk
Is Unequalcd
By any remedy known. It is prescribed
by the most eminent physicians all rr1
tlie world, in -. -
. SpermaforriicrU .v
'.s. Ieurnlffl,"i. -a V
Iypeisiin. -Indigestion,
Coiisiiiintion, '.
Ache'& Pain-f
General Debility,
Kidney Diseases,
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility. ;
llesul 'I'rotibles,
faeneral ill bealth,
Spinal Diseases
Sciatica, i
Deatiaess, tiaUttr,
Nervous CotfipfAf Ol.
Female Complaints, c.
Headache, Pain In the Shonldon,Cou
Dlz2lneV Sour Sloiuacli. ;"ICrtion, Bail : -Taste
In the Mouth," Palpitation of tk
Heart, Pa hi In the rerion of the Kidneys,
and a tliotisaud other painful syniptotus,
are the of&prings ol Dyspepsia,
nEiiifRoijD's ukciiv '
InTlroraies the Stemarh,
And stimulates the torpid I.ler, Bovrel
and Kidneys, to healthy action, in elrfrn
Ing the blood oratl impurities, ami Impart
tag new life and vjgor to the whoTe system
A single trial flf be quite .nffltlt nj tr
convince the most hesitating of Its valim!
remedial rj,tiaIiticH.
0s Sis Sottles fcr $5.
Delivered to anfljss free lrom obser
vation. v 1 .
, .tr-tte-', my fepW$i1n?,rvxlw
Ing the sannv attention aa by calling.
. Cotirpefeut Pysleian attend to mm!.
pondeRta. AH iettem ft,araresM
Ssp , m a n ss, , . r
; Massssas.. ( ..
ttiiic5ii,i1if; pm,
-. :7 '---1 -. ,-. ! ... . 1.
-. - .... - A-
1- y