The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 26, 1880, Image 2

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By all means attend tin primaries to-
. Bemember that the success of the ticket
depebda upon the character of the cnndl
datea placed npoo -it.
Bemember that the delegates elected to
the Count Convention will make that
Bemember that we depend entirely np
. oa the Judgment and character of the del
gatea chosen on Saturday for the person
pel of our ticket.
With competent, honest, sober, energetic
.. tnen for our candidates, we may hope to
win ; the reverse of this and we bare not
an eartniT snow.
" It la important, then, that we have a full
turn out in each precinct In the county ;
, that the best men In each precinct, repre
losntative men, be chosen aa delegates to
the County Convention ; that each dele
gate chosen pledge hi rosel t to attend in
" person, and not by proxy, aud , then we
. nit vwiAdnr1v Tnrt the Oftiectton of a
ticket of wlifch ft aa Republicans will not
M ashamed, and for which we can both
work and vote tor cheerfully.
". We may tben expect a lire ticket ; can-
, dklates wlw will work for themselTes ;
1. - 111 . I 1. !.-.
. .iuca wwi wui sijvvt vj .uwir wur iiiab
" they are deserrlnjc of the honor shown
them by placing them on the ticket as our
standard-bearers, and who will put new
life Into the party.
Tben let as go into the canvass with
heart and suul, determined to win and
access most be curs.
The Democratic nominees are before
the people, and we mnst say the selection
la unusually good. As Republicans we
have a square flgnt to make. Let no one
. fiatter himself that any little "sorenes"
caused by candidates before the convention
'hetng defeated, Vin Innure to our benefit
they will all vote right on election day.
W mnst nominate a better ticket, it we
wish to win, and not only select candi
dates that are ia earnest and will work,
but aa a party we must back the no, each
voter potting In hi work strong and judi
ciously. Our best , and truest aud most
. competent men most be nominated. We
most lay aside all past jealousies and
felckatinc, svod v&te In one stroug pull, a
. pull altogether, if e wish to wiu. So
anota It be.
There were six candidates for the office
of County Judge hetore the Democratic
Convention, and those ballots were had
before a neealnatiesi was secured, the last
vote standing Uyesi SO, S. A. Johns 22,
JL N. Tandy .
"For Count -Clerk titers were seven can-
dtdstes-aod'aMe taUats. Mason rettlnsr
Ctvoto-M kaat imod. "
For Sheriff time were eight candidates
end six ballets, 3Eller getting 33 and
Humphrey 33.
For Treasurer there were nine or ten
-candidates and tove ballots, TJmphrey's
tote being 41.
For AssessorlbeK were live candidates
and two ballot, Williams getting it with
33 votes.
There were 75 "votes in the Convention,
and it tk:S8'te elect.
. report came over the line Monday af
ternoon hat the steamship City of Mexico,
with en. Grant and party on board, bad
gonWown In the GnIC and all on board
''were lost. A terrible storm prevailed at
the time and as the steamship was report
ed behind time, and all taken together the
' dread intelligence caused Intense excite
inent trot2-ooend -el the continent to the
other. On the 23d, however, Galveston
telegrams brought the joyful news that the
"YmfMTl bad arrived at that Dort. and the
General and party had disembarked in
good health and spirits, meeting with a
. grand ovation from the military, societies,
- sod citizens. The whole country seemed
to breathe easier upon the announcement
Grant's safety. And this little episode
shows what a fast bold the General has
open the agecUona ot the great American
It now appears as If the Eastern people
"who have. Boob-poobed the California n
, vttw et Chinese Immigration and Chinese
eom petition In the labor market are about
io have an oeportanlty afforded them of
exiting the. question from a practical
aBpoint, based upon their own expert
nee of tod swDieet. "A very considerable
- 4mm California ha hevnnl
and the Eastern sentimentalists, who have
beretefore regarded the whole subject on
1U abstract and theoretical aide, are about
- to have their attention called to its practical
workings. They are now In a fair way ot
having a closer Tie" of the Mongolian
- Brother than lias heretofore been afforded
' ly taistakeo the Asiatic influx will speed
: try produce a nodifleatkm of Eastern opin
- -sea on the subieet of Chinese labor. Chl-
'- esro and New York have already received
-'" large Installments of the Chinese emlgta-'-
ties from thiaeoatt.- But the Influx has
not yet been sufficiently huge to enable
tt poeplo of EJinoJa and New York to re
alise the evns of wbtcb. CaUtornia has
. ten comolaiseel And yet these are al-
ready, at tblt early stag ef the . exodus,
- mmM$kM,W tjmvtotBi that Use. presence
,ef the Chinamen lu Eastern ' oomronnitlea
V4 a speedily bring, about a - modification
' mt views heretoSDre prevalent la that Cjee.
- When the BrltSgh sfeia-Dn&arrefr went
t-iSiora at tha.meodi of the Colombia ahe
VfTiiU vslned at t&ljtXSfo BtatGs the- firm
r . r :,:Vst fer a tf tiV as fauna
Bhode Island delegates to Chicago are
for Blain. "
The Greenback convention of Connec
ticut propose to send delegates to the Chi
cago Convention
If our servants in Congress succeed in
getting toe appropriation for Taqulna
Bay asked for, It. will be a big boom in
their favor.
Bismark and the Pope have compro
mised matters aud are now en the best ot
terms. LtO is much more diplomatic than
his predecessor.
It Is reported that the contract to build
sixty-eight miles of the Oregon Railway
Co., limited, has been awarded to J. B.
Montgomery, who is now In London.
To prospect for gold In the Ute country
seems to be n bo tit as hazardous as to gam
ble In mining stocks. In the former case
suicide is unnecessary. The generous Utes
exterminate the victim without even being
A bill has passed the Wisconsin Legis
lature permitting women to vote, and un
less the Governor vetoes It the Badger la
dies will soon be parading to the ballot
box with all. the airs of experienced politi
dans. c -
W. G. Kenny, just returned from
Josephine county, tells the Times that the
Messrs. W liner have "struck it rich" in
their hydraulic claim near Waldo. The
claim is now well opened and a stratum of
gravel, several feet In thickness, that
prospects a bit to the pan or eight dollars
to the cuibic yard, has been developed.
The O. K. fc N. Co. announce their de
sire to hire all the teams with wagons in
the country to work In the construction of
their railroad between Wallula ami Celilo.
The wages offered are good and the py
certain. The same company hire all the
laboring men who want work, and pay
them good wages." If you want a job here
is a chance for one.
It Is stated that the Czar of Russia is
about to abandon public affairs and retire
to the Austrian Tyrol tor rest and security,
leaving the empire to the control of Heu
koft. The locality selected for bis tem
porary sojourn is Salzkammeturgut, which
is a famous summer resort of royal and
imperial people.
Bazlne was not very succsssful in rais
ing seiges, but, as a bog-raiser Is proving
Immense. He owns a large farm near the
Spanish capital, and has the finest porcine
specimens in the kingdom. A man never
does really well until he gets in bis ele
ment. The Intelligencer says : Three men, on
Sunday last, were capsized while ascend
ing the Skagit in a canoe, and one of the
number was drowned. The others, after
considerable difficulty, succeeded in reach
ing shore. We were unable to learn the
name ot the poor fellow who lost his life.
Another man; riwhile passing through a
gorge on the road, had his arm broken
just above the" wrist by a falling Icicle.
The wounded man returned to Goodell'S,
where the fractured limb was set and prop
erly dressed by Dr. Gale, who is at pres
ent sojourning there.
The Pott says : Mr. Black roan arrived
home at Seattle last night from the mines.
His party that went from the Snohomish
all returned. They used their own batteau
going up and returning. Mr. Blackman
says he has failed to find any growling
from those who have been in and located ;
that it is no small job. and nearly all those
that have located within the past two
months, have not been able to see a foot
of laud, everything buried in snow ; but
when the warm rains and winds come.
the snow on the side hills will go rapidly.
Here is the latest in regard to the Sen
ator Ben Hill and Jessie Raymond affair :
Senator Hill and a friend filed affidavits
that Jessie Raymond was totally unknown
to blm ; liad no claim on bim ; was attempt
ing to extort money by annoyance and
threats to kill ; that he believes tlie latter
may be dangerous ; asserting that she is
an abandoned character, and requests tlie
police to take action in the matter. His
friend testified that Jessie had said she
would have $500 or Hill's lite if she hung
tor it. There is getting to be a good deal
of public feeling about Jessie Raymond,
and the feeling Is that HUI sliould ettlier
provide tor her or have her arrested and
prove her an imposter.
Iowa Is a tJiorungh-going. practical Leg'
islsture.' A short time ago it provided
that no oleomargarine should be manufac
tured In the State; Now it has set its toot
upon the manufacture and 6ale ot any in-
toxtcatlnglbeverageTVven including lagfr
beer. . . A legislature which will condemn
beer and rise superior to the seductions ot
a whisky cocktail is almost too good for
this world. Its like could not be found
west of the Rocky Mountains. Picture, if
you can, the virtuous Indignation of some
of the Solon s at Salem at any bill which
would cut off their liquor supply.
The English acknowledge a recent de
feat In Afghanistan. The English garrison
of a post 60 miles northeast of Cabal
were chased off to the mountains, while
there native allies fraternized with the at
tacking force. It Is cot always safe for a
Government to hire Its enemies to do its
fighting, a custom that is peculiarly
British. ?
Olympiaand Seattle . Sunday schools,
Congregational, ave effected an exchange
of libraries, which' promises to be benefi
cial to both. :
- The Odd Fellows ofOTympia eon tem
plate having a grand celebration on the
anniversary ,ftJbeir order, the 28th of
April, .. . V;; '::! - .
The Governor' f Pensylvanla baa tssned
warrants-r the execution of three men,
mar Jarers eKaber, atUarrteberg, on the
. J
P&eifte Supers.
. . i
Sylvester Carllle was arrested at Hepp-
ner for horse stealing. i
The Young Mens Christian Association
has finally completed an organization at
Two coal beds have been discovered at
Umatilla, one at Heppner and one at Cold
Spring Landing.
Gid Beacham, the Grant county man who
killed Harry Brfctow, was bound oyer in
tlie sum ot $2,000. i J
There is so much springy ground in the
cemetery at Astoria that they will proba
bly liave to make another location for a
graveyard. "I
The Statesman says: Uncle Dan Waldo,
everybody knows Uncle Dan, as tlie grand
old Roman of the hills that have his name,
celebrated his eightieth b'.rthday on the
22d Inst. Uncle Dan and his estimable
wite still journey togetlier down life's de
clivity, cheerily jogging along although
feeble in health.
Mr S. W. Brown is putting up a new
lumber mill at Vancouver that is nearly
The tido ot immigration is already
setting Into the Uinpqua country i a In.
creating volume.
The Pomeroy flouring mills were lately
sold at sheriff's sale for $6,550 to J. T.
Abbott of Walla Walla.
The sttge between Dayton and Walla
Walla runs fcven days in the week and
carries a Sunday mall.
A San Francisco man has visited Van
couver and talks of putting up extensive
wood working machinery there.
The Columbia Chronicle says a Mr.
Ayers was found frozen dead near Assotin.
A bottle of liquor was found close by.
In the case ot Frank Menlck, tried for
homoctde of Joseph Reed, lately at Van
couver, the jury found him guilty of mur
der in the second degree. During the
charge of the judge, the Independent says
one of the jury fainted.
The new vcisel being built at Seabeck
will be ready to launch about the 1st July.
Slie Is intended to carry 1.400.000 feet of
lumber, which will be the largest cargo
ever taken from Pnget Sound.
Quite a number of the Swinomish,
Sainish and Sciragnamlsh farmers are
about to enter upon the growing of wheat.
It Is claimed that a good article can be
produced there and as many bushels to the
acre as in any other part of the world.
Belltown is booming. Three churches
are to be built there this summer, and
lots aro being cleared in the vicinity of
the Eagle mills. Mr. D. T. Denny is
selling off lots at a rapid rate. Three new
dwellings will be started In a few days.
Every man who returns from the Skagit
mines, brings back cheering reports as to
their richness. The Pott says not one
has vet been beard to say that they had no
confidence in the mines. It is an excellent
indication, too, that tliee who have made
the most thorough prospects are the mot
sanguine, of success.
Hie D:iyton Chronicle says a terrible
accident happened on last Sunday a little
child ot Mr. Frtd. Deshields living near
Spangle. Tlie little one, only three years
old. while playing about the room ran
backward and tell into a tub of boiling
water. It was so severely burned that it
survived the injury but eleven hours.
The Chehalis lea with about 22 miners
together with tbelr ntenslls tor the mines.
The Josephine will leave in the morning
with another lot of miners. Tlie Seattle
Post sayW snow, rain or landslides don't
seem to lessen the eagerness to get in and
secure a rlaim ; many of which have been
identified by a notice posted ten feet
above the ground on trees. One old
miner who returned last night said be
expected to find his notice at least 15 feet
high when the snow was off, and it may
be that two or three others have their
notices under his below the snow level.
In the coming English elections the
conservatives expect to lose all the mem
bers from Scotland and seven from the
north of Ireland.
The young wife of Minister Chrlstiancy
has come back from Pern and wants a
divorce, and threatens to tell tales on the
old man about the bargain he made with
Chandler when he resigned the senator-
- The mayor of Tucson, Arizona, which
place was founded by tlie Spaniards In
1542, has telegraphed the mayor of San
Francisco, the president ot the United
States and his holiness, the pope, that the
Southern Pacific Railroad Is completed to
that place. " '
A majority- of the bouse mining oom
. raittee ar.afayor of locating mining
claims of .vertical lines and doing away
with ledge locations ; also of fixing the
maximum .area. at. a pa rail logratn ot SI
acres, length not to exceed 1,500 feet
Claims to bold 12 months after staking off
and applying for a survey. I
Disturbances are feared between
Masaulmen and Christiana at Smyrna.
Democratic delegates from j New
Hampshire go to Cincinnati without
Switzerland has concluded to fortify
her western frontier aa a measure of
future safety. j
Internal revenue receipts were largely
increased in February and the net
surplus was oyer $9,000,000 for the
first half ot the month alone. j
The banks of Grand Rapids,
Michigan, are losers by failure of j grain
f peculation to the extent of $125,000,
and tlie banks of otber eitiea $150,000
more. y
The French' cabinet has decided to
enforce the decree ot 1804 for dissolu
tion of unauthorized reltgioua orders
and is -etiH to decide what will be
done with the Jennus, who are said , to
have already, left France, aof&r
they aro sot Frescbtsen. li
Capt. Francis Conner, of the O.S.S.C0 'a
fleet, died from a stroke of naraivBl. An
board hb vessel, Oregon, on Tuesday after
noon, aged 55 years. He was well known
on this coast, where he has commanded
vessels ror thirty years past. He had
probably crossed the Columbia river bar
oftener than any other living man. He
was a brave and skillful commander, and
enjoyed the esteem of hosts ot our people.
He leaves a -wife and adopted daughter.
For nice furniture at low rates go to
James Danuals, corner Second and Ferry
No discount on this weather, is there t
Mr. I. G. Jackson is selling goods at a
sacrifice. Goods that are damaged but
little from water, he is selling at fearfully
low prices.
The. amount of buttonholing done in
this city . in the front of the week was
simply enormous.
Shea says the Morman religion is the
best there is,
Tba Democratic "lovefeast"" is over,
and there are more than the uual number
ot unsatlsfieied mourners left to banker
alter the fivshpots of Egypt. Selah.
The roads are rapidly putting on their
Summer style, and traveling will soon be
splendid In the valley, " present weather
Grass Is very late and short In the
yalley, an stock look thin. Warm rains
The strawbery p'atrts look vigorous at
present, and with no untoward frost the
crop will be Immense. Mr. F. M. Wads-
worth has a splendid proapect in the way
of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries,
gooseberries, currants, and all kinds ot
garden vegetables, the commlng season.
Willamette Lodge A.O.U.W. of this
city, is rushing in members at a rapid
rate, under the dispensation allowing the
admittance of nicmhersjit minimum rates.
Rah. Let the good work c on tiil we
reach a membership ot 2.0U0. then with a
grand lodge of our own we shall l.ave tlie
clteapcbt and surest of lite insurance.
The rtrofc-tie nartv at Sheriff' TMckev'a.
Wednesday night, was very larg. !y at
tended, and a jolty time had.
Since Perry Raymond Secured a ranch
in Wasco, county, it is understood he
desires to -purchase a few span of good
horses well matclied and true work
horse, carriage teams, and a few first
class riding animals. Call at the pest-
office at 11 : 30 a. t.
All kinds of vegetables in the market at
It is now believed that a bridge can be
built at this city across the Willamette
tor less than $50,000. Tills sum can be
easily raised, as hard as the times are.
Who will move In the matter f
Gradwhol has received a large invoice
of qneensware, etc, at bis store on First
The finest and largest stock of canned
eoods In Oregon is to be found at Hat-
fenden Bros.
When you want ammunition, go to W.
U. Baltimore's.
The Democracy ratified Wednesday
Groceries and provisions at W. U.
The rush to the Skagit mines continues.
For fresh fish go to W. U. Baltimore's.
Tlie very choicest green, roasted and
ground coffees are sold at Haffenden Bros.
They would call partlcnlar attention to
the ground coffees with air tight and screw
tops-the quality ia uuequaled.
Mrs. Parks has received her first in
stallment ot spring millinery goods
dreadful handsome, they are.
I,, e. Btaln has some or the handsomest
suits for little boys, from three years old
and upwards, we ever saw. His stock of
spring clothing, furnishing goous, hats,
boots, etc., for men. have never been
equalled in this city.
Correct jiauroaa Time at Trench's. "
The Republican Club meets at the
Opera House to-morrow night.
Do you suffer from biliousness and
liver complaint? Nothing equals Plun
der's Oregon Blood Purifier In relieving
these diseases.
Mm nth
Meets this. Friday, night at their hall.
Brief addresses will be delivered by Rev.
W. J. Crawford. Rev. J. H. Condlt, E. B.
Skipworth, H. C. Clement, and others.
Good music as usual. All are invited.
The new bridge across the Santlam at
Blair's is completed. It is 682 feet in
length. Including aprons, and has one
span 112 4eet, while another ll 90 feet.
The bridge connects Fox 'valley with
Marion couuty. - t .., .
As Spring with its change ot weather
creates a revolution in the very bowels of
the earth. d does Pfunder's celebrated
Oregon Bleed Purifier creates the desired
change in the hUian system. Send In
your orders either direct to Pfunder A Co.,
or any wholesale house in Portland.
Monday night last, Mrs. Steuben Powell
departed this life, after an Illness of some
week, of lung fever, aged about forty
years. Deceased was a most estimable
lady, and leaves a large family and numer
ous friends to mourn lier loss.
sMlfiM aeivieea.
Rev. W. C- Kantner, of Corvallis, will
preach at the Evangelical Church of this
city next Sunday morning aud evening.
The morning service at tlie Y.P-C.A.
hall next Sabbath will be conducted in the
interest of the Sabbath School. The ser
mon will be directed especially to the
young. A cordial in vitiation to all.
The theme ot Rev. J. T. Wolfe's dis
course at the M. E. Chnrch next Sunday
moring will be: "The Resurrection of
Christ," and in the evening, '"Memory
All are cordially Invited.
Rev. J. R. W. dell wood will hold divine
service .In St. Peter's Episcopal Chnrch
I next Sunday (Easter Biinday), March 2Stb.
morning and evening.
Mrs.Dunnlway lectured in this city at
the Court House on Monday and Tuesday
evenings, and considering the great politi
cal excitment consequent upon the meet
ing ot the Democratic County Convention,
she had good audiences. Mrs. D. is a
most entertaining speaker.
A PI trim Fire,
On Saturday night last, probably about
midnight, tlie handsome frame residence
of Mr Perry Preston, near Oak Point,
some ten or twelve miles from this city,
was destroyed by fire. There was no one
at home at the time, and the impression
is that the fire caught from a defective
flue. The family lost everything, cloth
ing, provisions, etc Loss estimated at
between $2,000 and $3,000.
To Piiapl,
ItlatcheU Ulcerate
Of Scrofulous diseases, who drag your un
clean persons tnto the company of better
men, take DR. HYDE'S GOLDEN
BLOOD SYRUP, and purge out the foul
corruption from your blood. Restore
your health and you will not only enjoy
life befte,T but make your company more
tolerable to those who must keep It.
At the residence ot tlie bride's mother,
in this city. March 24th. by Rev. E. N.
Condlt, Mr. Omer Hendricson and Miss
Mary Ella Rideout.
Miss Ella was a correct aud swift com
positor, and had faithfully filled her place
at "case" in this office the greater portion
of the past four J ears. In her, Oiuer lias
secured a jewel. Both are young, vigor
ous, industrious, possessing more than av
erage strength ot character and intelli
gence with which to enter upon the new
duties they have assumed. May the richest
blessings of a kind Father go with them
through life.
B. B. Ezcarslon.
Last Sunday the M. E. Sunday School
resolved to give, at an early day, a steam
boat excursion for the benefit of the
school, and a committee consisting ot
Rev. J. T. Wolfe, Cbas. Rideout, Stephen
Deckard, and Thos. Calloway, were ap
pointed a committee to make the necessary
arrangments. The idea is, we believe, to
take the boat for Salem in the morning,
returning in the evening by moonlight.
The price will be placed as low as possi
ble, so that all may go. Due notice will
be given of the time.
lm Jail.
A lady named Brown, ot HarriAburg,
was brought down and placed in jail on
Tuesday, under an indictment found by
the grand jury some time ago. A son Of
Mrs. B. had been before the Recorder,
and by him fined $5 for malicious mis
chief, when the mother came in and order
ed her son to go home, fine or no fine ; the
Marshal interfered, when Mrs. B. drew a
pistol and prevented the Marshal from de
taining tfie prfsener. In the mean time
Brown, the husband, appeared, and drew
his shooter on the Recorder ; the Recorder
got sway with Brown, and the twain were
heavily fined. The grand jury took tlie
matter in hand and found a true bill, but as
the parties bad lelt the county, the indict
ment was not made public. Thinking all
danger was over Mrs. B. teturned to
Harrlsburg, when she was arrested as
above uarrated.
H la It way STatS)ju
A young looking fellow came into the
Sheriff's office on Saturday, asking the
assistance of that officer to arrest a roan
who had just rnbbed bim out on the rail
road track. His story was that as he was
coming to this city on toot over the track
of the . A C. Railroad, he was joined
by an Irishman who commenced putting
questions to him ; and he continued plying
bim with questions until be fouud the
young fellow bad some money, when he
suddenly stooped down, and picking up a
rock in each hand, ordered him So band
over bis money. The young man not
complying Immediately, the Irishman
struck at bim, when he threw np his hand
which received the blow, bruising it con
siderably. The young man concluded it
was policy to fork ever, which he did.
handing over all be had, between forty
and fifty dollars. As to the truth of the
matter we know nothing we give it as
'twas told to ns.
Jkm Ora"n lovcatSsw.
The Corvallis Gazetu says : "M. W.
Wliklns, of this city, has invented a force
pump which will be of practical use for
farmer and stockmen. It Is so arranged
that the stock on approaching the trough,
tread upon a platform slightly raised at
the end next to the well, which is pressed
down byTthe weight ot the animal; forcing
the plunger down and the water upwards
Into the trough. This pump is so arrang
ed that with a lever and weight on the top
of tlie plunger the housewife can constant
ly supply her kitchen with water without
labor. This pump, is bound4 to become a
great - labor saving Institution. It is a
credit to the inventor, and ought to be
purchased at sight by every one usins a
pump. Mr. Wliklns has filed his caveat
and applied for a patent." The pump was
on exhibition In this city on Tuesday last.
ana seems to be all that la desired In a
Places. '
In the dental ranks will never occur if you
are particular with your teeth, and cleanse
them every day with that famous tooth
wash, SOJSODONT. From youth to old
age it win keep the enamel spotless and
unimpaired. Tlie teeth of nersona who
use SOZODONT have pearl-like white
ness, ana the gums a rosea to hue, while
the breath is purified, and rendered sweet
i is. is compeseu or rare
antisentio herha mut ntiri .
the objectionable and Injurious ingredients
Minister and Mrs. Chrlstiancy propose
to parade their' domestic troubles before
toe puwio in suits for divorce.
- . - Dr. SI. W. Orajr.
Dentist, Albany, Oregon. Office in Fos
ter's brick block, up stairs, at large bay
window. Prices in proportion to time and
material consumed. 11-34
For Bale.
A neat frame building on Broadalbln
street, now occupied by George . Welter's
saloon, for sale at a bargain. Inquire on
he premises. tf
Sr. B. St. rREELAI Baa Iccateol la
AUaajr for She practice of Deattetrjr.
All wsrk warranted. Office la Parriaa
tktocfc, earner Firs sad Ferry sta. febl
New To-Day.
?. WOOD & CO.,
Manufacturers of
Dead Stones,
.... Ashler
Tile for Walks,
Bases for Garden Fountains,
and all kinds of work done in Sions.
' - As we get ear msrbl direct frara the quar
ries, and have it selected witb care, we can as
sure customers the - ; .
" -
THe Best Materials ana Lowest Prices.
Orders from any part of the State promptly
attended to.
Cff All work warranted as represented. -CdTShop
and Works on corner of Second and
Kllswortti streets. Albany. Oregon.
r. wood co.
Karsn 19. 1880-vl2n25
Notice or Final Proof.
Land Orrnrtc, -Oaaooif
City, Or., March 10, 1880.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make flhal proof n support of his claim
and secure final entry thereof, and that fluid
proof will be made before J. L. Cowan, County
Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at the county
seat of said connty. on Wednesday, the 14th
day of April, 1880, viz: Junius F. Whiting.
Homestead Application No. 3S82, for the South
east quarter of Section 8. Township 13, South
Range 1 West, and names the following as his
witnesses, viz: Berry James, F. M. Miller,
Thomas R. Badger and W C. Cusick.all ot Leb
anon. Linn county, Oregon. L. T. BAKIN,
March 12. 1380-vI2n24wS Register.
Albany Furniture Souse.
Manufacturer and Dealer fat
Bedroom Snits; Wainnt, Ah and Maple Parlor
aaits ; iraieni Kocicers. fcjiy i;nir ana
Lounges a specialty.
SprinG MattresseS,
Extension Centre Tables,
Pillar Extension, etc.
A splendid lot of
Walnut and Hardwood Chairs of all kinds.
In fact, I Intend to keep a first class
Furniture HousE.
I am thankful for past patronage, and
intend to make It to the Interest of all
residents of this city and vicinity to
come and see me.
Corner of Second and Ferry streau.
ALB ANT, (vl2nM
Notice or Final Settlement.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersign
ed administrator of the estate of A. Ca
rat hers, deceased, has filed in theCounty Court
of Linn county. Oregon, his final account in
the matter of said estate, and said Court has
appointed TUKSDAY the 6th dav of APRIL.
1880, at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon
of said day, for the hearing objections to said
account and for the settlement thereof. -JASON
March 5, 1880-vltniS Administrator.
. In the Conntv Coort of the county of Linn in
In tbe matter of the estate
ot J Citation.
H. K. W. Clarke, deorased. J
To Sarah M. Clarke and Frederick- W. Clarkn.
beirs at law of H. K. W. Clarke, deceased,
above named, and to David Cabn. Alexander
WeilL Alexander Lazard. Simon Lasard. Elie
Lazard. and T. JEverton Hogg, and toall other
persons w nose names are unknown, n any
there be. that bave. or claim to have, anv in
terest, right or title, in law or in equity, in or
to the real property hereinafter dcribed
yon and each of you above named and referred
to, are hereby cited and required to be and ap
pear mine uonniy uoun oi i ne county oi un n,
in the State of Orezon. at the court house in
the city of Albany, in said county and State,on
Tuesday, the 4th day of May, A. D. 18S0,
at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, the same being a day or tue regular
May term A. 1. 1880, of said Court, and then
and there show cause, if any exist, why an or
der oi sale Biiouia not oe mwe, niwnng nu
Heenstngthe administrator of said estate to
ell all the right, title and interest of said H.
K. W. clarke, deceased, at the time of bisdeat h,
both in law and in equity, in and to the ral
ftreperty hereinafter described, as prayed for
n and by the petition of John Conner, the
administrator of the estate of said deceated,
hnsh said petition Is now on file in the Coun
ty Court of Lnn oounty, Oregon, which said
real property is described as follows, to-wit :
The one equal undivided one-eighth of the
following desetibed real property , to-w i t :
Lots 8. and 10, in Section 7, township 11,
range i; containing 19 si-100 acres ; lot 1. sect ion
aT township 11. range L containing as 23-100
jtmes; lot t, KXofNWK and N E If of 8 W
SeetCtownshtn 11. tange 1. containing 88
83-100 acres ; lots 1 and t. See jown;mp 11,
range 1, containing 40 acres ; N fro X of N E h
and 8 i K ofNSS, Sec 1. township IS, range
1, containing 119 10.100 acres; E X of 8 E if, Sec
1, township 13. range 1. containing 80 acres ; N
BfroVofN Wand8Wfof NW M. Seo 1,
township IS, range 1, containing 79 1-100 acres;
K W If of 8 W if , See 1. townghip IS. ranro 1.
cahrainHis acres, and E frac blf of NW
aadK half of 8E lot No. 4,andN E K of 8 W
M of Be S, Tp 1, B l.oontatc log SSSS4-iao scree,
and the 8JC of si and W H oi B of Sec
S. Tp 12, B 1, containing 120 acres, and the H
of North Eat quarter, and East half of the
8 E If , and lots 1, 2. 8, 4, B, 6 and 7, io Sea
7, Tp 12. K 1, containing 828 53-100 acres, and the
riXoi 8E H and 8 W Ifof 8 E and SW If Of
NWand W H of 8 W if and S E M 8 W
of Sec 9, Tp 12, R 1. containing 280 acres, and 8
E k and 9 X of 8 W of Sec ll. Tp 12. B 1, con.
taining 240 acres, and all oi Sec 18, Tp 12i It Y,
containing 640 acres, and lot 7. Sec 13, Tp 12, K
l,eotalnlng6-U)aeres,anu je.qranuna.qr
and 1
qr and W X of N K qr of Seo SS, Tp 14, El, con'
taining 120 acres, and lots 1. 2, S, 4, S and 6, Sett
81. Tp 12, R 1. containing 121 24-100 acre, and
lot No 10 in Bee S3, Tp 12. R 1, containing 7S
1O0 acres, and W X of N W qr and E Hoi 8 War
and lots N os 4. 6, 6, 7. 8, 9 and 10, in 6os6, Tp M
R 1 containing 366 62-100 acres, and lot 1, Sec 1,
Tp Is. R 1 W, containing 2 38-100 acres, and lot
No 2 in Sec 1, Tp 13, R 1, and S W fractional qr
of N W qr of Seel, Tp 1.1, R 1 W, containing M
40-100 acres, and 8 E qr of N W qr or lot S, Sec 1,
Tp 13. R 1, containing 42 31-100 acres, and S E qr
of S E qr and W X ot S E qr and S W qr, in See
5, Tp IS, R 1, containing 280 acres, and E X of
Sec-, E X of N W qrand E X of SW qr, 8 W fro
qi of S W qr and lots 1, 2 and 3, Sec 7, Tp 13. B I
contmningMS 40-100 acres. and N W qr of N TV
qr and lot No 3, Sec 9, Tp 13, R 1, "containing SS
88-1 00 acres, and the N E qr of S E qrand 8 W qr
of S E qr and 8 E fractional qr of 8 W qr, or lot
8, Sec 11. Tp 13, Rl, containing 117 88-100 acres.
andE S of N E qrand N W qr of N E qrand S
X ot N W qr and 8 W qr in Sec 17, Tp IS, B 1.
containing SAO acres, and E X of of Sec 19, Tp 13,
R 1, containing SlOacres. and W X of N E qr
and S E qr of N E qr and lots 1 and S, See 23, Tp
13, R 1, containing 143 69-100 acres, and N E frel
;r, or lots land 2. See 23. Tp 13. R 1, containing
8 6P-100 acresvad S X of See 28, Tp 14, R I, con
taining 320 acres, and the N fractional X of N K
r. or lots 1 and 2, and 8 X ot N E qr, N W qrof
W qr and lots 3, A, 6, 7 and 8, in Sec 27, Tp 18, K
1, con taining 279 61-100 acres, and S X ot. See .
and N X of N W qr. Sec 29, Tp 13. R I, contain,
ing 400 acres, and N X otti E qr W X ot N W or
and S W fractional qr Sec 31, Tp W, R 1. eon'
taining 210 40-100 acres, and N X of N W qr and
W X ot 8 W qr Sec S3, Tp 13, R 1, containing' 1SS
acres, and lots 6 and 7 in Sec 35, Tp 18, R 1. con'
taining -i x-iuu acres, ana lots 9 and 6 in Sec IS,
Tp 10. RGpjJAjji)g 72 27-lOn acres, and Star
01 n c (pmiwwh 1. x, a. b ana in see 29. T
10. RS, containing 188 10-100 acres, and iota t. ,
3, 4, S. 6. 7. and 10 and II, in Sec 33, Tp 10. R S,
containing 204 94-100 acres, and N E qr and lota
j, x miu . in dot oi. p 111, xt s, containing zxs
24-100 seres, the N W fractional qr of N W qr of
Sec l.Tp ll.R 2,containlng 40 4-100 acres, 'and lot
S in Sec 7. Tp 11, R 2, containing 8 11-100 acres,
and lot 4 in Sec 23, Tp 11, R 2, containing 2S 87
100 acres, and lots L 2, 3. 4 and s in See 35, Tp 11.
R 2. containing 48 73 100 acres, and lots 1,2,8
and 4, in Sec. 1, Tp 13. R 2. containing 21 44-100
acres, the S W if of N W qr and S E qr of
W qrof Sec 8. Tp 13, R 2, containing 80 acres,
and lotsS and 6 In Sec 7, Tp 13. R 2, containing
39 34-100 aores, and N E qr and 8 W qr of See. 9,
Tp 13, R 2. containing 320 acres, and 8 E qr and
N W qr of 8 W qr of Sec. 11, Tp 13, R 2, contain
ing 200 ac es, E X ot Seo. and E X of N W qr
and N W qr of N W qr and E X of 8 W qr and
8 W qr of 8 W qr of Sec 13. Tp 13, R 2, contain
ing 560 acres, S X of 8 E qr and 8 X of 8 W qr
of Sec. 15, Tp 13. K 2, containing 160 acres, W X
of N W qr and W X ot 8 E qrof Sec. 83, Tp IS.
R 2, containing 160 acres, E X ot N E or and W
X ot N W qr and S E qr of Sue. 25, Tp 13. R ,
containing 32t acres, lots 5, 6 and 7, Sec IS.Tp 10,
B S, containing 15 acres, lot I, See. 28, Tp 10. R
8. containing IS 80-100 acres, lot No 1 In Sec 27,
.'Tp 10, 8, 8. containing 13 65-100 acres, lot 1 or N
E fiacttnnnl qr of N E qr of Sec. 25, Tp 10, B S.
containing 41 85-100 acres, lot 8. See S, Tp It. It
2. containing 11 41-100 acres, lot 1, Sec 11, Tp 12,
R 2, containing 19 56-lon acres, lot 5, See IS, Tp
12, R 2, containing 7 55-100 acres, N W qrof N
EorotKXofXW qr and lot 8, In Sec 29. Tp
12. a 2. otm taining 151 12-100 acres, lot 1. in See
81, Tpl2. R S, containing 24 93-100 acres, lot 1.
Seo 8. Tp 13, R 3, containing 8 4-100 acres, all of
the foregoii.g sections and lots parts of sec
tions and lotsarc in the TownsfalpsandSangea
above given and all of said Town shins and
Ranges being south of base line nnd West of
Willamette meridian, according to the public
surrey of the United States in the State of.
Oregon, also, the E X of Sec and lota 1. 9. 8 and
4 of Sec 3L Tp 12, 8 B 1 E, containing 425 96-100
seres, N x ol 8 W qrof SecS.Tp 13. 8 B I E con
taining 80 acres, N fractional X of Sec 7, Tp ,
8 K 1 E contain Ing 329 1-100 acres, all of Sec 9
Tp 13. S B 1 E containing 640 acres, N X of See
17. Tp 13, S R 1 E containing 820 acres. N W
fractional qr and E X of S W qr of Sec 19, Tp is.
5 K 1 E containing 250 58-100 acres, all of Sec
21,Tpl3, S It 1 E containing 640 acres, all of
Sec 23. Tp IS, S R 1 E containing 640 acres, all of
Ssec Si, Tp 13, S R 1 E containing 640 acres, lot
2, 8, 4 and N X pf NW qr of Sec 27. Tp f3. K
IE containing 189 87-11 acres, E X of N E qr
S W qr of 8 E qr S X of S W qrind lots 1 an?
or Sec 29, Tp 13. SRI E, containing 233 4S-10O
c. N E,Sr0i f E qr and lots 3, 4. 5, and 10,
Sec 81. Tp l8. 8 R 1 E containing 139 41-100 acres.
lot5-?,"n.d ln 'J0' Tp 13, S R I E containing
15 77-100 acres, N K qr E qr of N W qr lots 1. 2,
8 nd4, W X of 81! qr and 8 W qi of See W.
Tp 13, S R 1 K containing 593 95-foO acres. H 81S.PJ4.S R14E, containing
276 6-I00acros. all or See 21. Tp 14, S R 14 E con
taining 640 .-acres, all-of Sntms 99 r
?, In Tp-14. S R 14 B. all of Sections 13 and 21.
Tp 14.8 K 15 E, all of Sees 23 and 25, Tp 14, 8 R
15 Ev N X ot Sec 27. To 14. S R f s R 'w u Ji aJl
ii-I i iR J5?' a" of 8ec9 7- 9 " " " TP
1 1." .RoiL NW IT of 880 K TP "t8 R M If.
1P fecJ. 19 and 29, 31 and 85 in Tp 14. 8 B
PSR,,, -"'?ining400 acres, all of Sec 3.
' IV,1? ,19Jn T 15- S K 16 E, all of Sees 7
nw1iU-Tp vS E' t,,e w hr nf Sec W hf
pf N E qr and W hf of S E qr Sec 15. Tp 14. 8 K
i7KiS'n.!a,nln 480 acres, fc hr or See and K
Vi?,W!.qr and E f of S W qr of Sec 23, Tr
M- fS i7 "pntainlng 480 acres, all of Sees 27
SUh 5? wTp Ur' I 5 17 E, N E qr N hf of S W qr
and N W qr of S E qr or Sec 35. Tp 14, 8 B 17 E
containing 28i acres, 8 hr or Sec. 8 hf of N W
' V ' '7 qr am s w qrof N K or ef
fff 'Tpls SK17 E,contalnlng481 21-100 acres
S n 0i7SSWSrV.12 a,", s "f "f Sec 21 all In Tp 15,
f-.'M'' JSJ,r,!,Sec 23 and " "f Sees 27 and sf
V- " i' ' " ' ee ina s hf or Seo
lSE.theE fractional hfof Sec 1. Tp 15. 8 B IS
E,and all of Sees 6. 7, 9 and 15 in Tp 15. S B 18 E.
f Lf of. Sc21 and the N fractional hfof Sec if
ewSSi?!? V an.d ? r or 8 E qr and 8 hi of
S W qr of Seel and the N W qiof Sec 17 mJl in
lEJil&J? Kj"the foregoing tracts of land
described as being in Townships South and
Langes East are all South of the Base line and
East of the Willamette meridian as fixed and
determined by the United States survey in
an2 Xor ,he State of Orearon ; also lots 1. 2. S
and 7. Sac S, Tp 14. S R 1 W containing 101 37
JWTtcres. N fractional hf of N W qr Sec 5, Tp
14. S R 1 W containing 80 9. -100 ares.N qr of
N E qr and lots 1, 5, 6 and 7, Sec 9, Tp 14 SRI
wcP"ta'"ln,ff 51 10-100 acres lot No 1, See 11.
TP 1. SRI W, containing 10 68-100 acres, SE
qr of S E qr 8ec 13. Tp 14, S R 1 W containing
40 seres, N h'SEqrandN Eqrof SWqrSee
Jp U 3 KJ Sj on taining 120 acres, Sht ef
N E qr Sec 27. Tp 14, S R 1 W containing SS
5 re- W hr of NW qrand SE qrof K Wqr
Tp 14. S R 1 W containing 1 Nacres. N hf
of S Eqrof Sec 27. Tp 14.SR1W containlnjr
80acres,N Eqrof S Wqr Sec 27, TplS.8 Kit?
containing 40 acres, N hf or N E qr Seo I. Tp 14
8 B 2 W. containing 80 33-100 acres : the Town
ships above referred to as South and Banges mm
west are all Townships south or base line and
Banges West or Willamette meridian as estab
lished by the public surveys of the United '
States and all the foregoing tracts, parcels and
lots are the same described and contained m
list Vol. of lands granted to the State or Ore
gon by the' act of Congress, approved July S,
A D1866,toaid in the construction of a Military
road from Alban y, Oregon ,to t he Eastern bewid
ary of that State, which said list was Sad As
the office of the Secretary or State of the State
of Oregon. June 1st, 1871 ; also ail the lands iw
addition to those hereinbefore particularly ds--scribed,
that He and are situated along the Hne
of the Wagon Road of the-Willamette. Valley
and Cascade Mountain Wagon Boad Company,
which said road eommenoes at the , town of
Albany,-Linn connty. Oregon, and extet.da
easterly and terminates at a poin t io the East
ern boundary of the State of Oregon, nown as
the Washoe Ferry on Snake river, and are em
braced within a continuous belt of land extend
ing six miles on each side of said, road and ex
tending the entire length thereof, and whiclt
were granted by the United States to the State
of Oregon by an act of Congress, entitled "an
act granting lands to the State of Oregon te
aid In the construction of a Military Road from
Albany, Oregon, to the Eastern boundary of
said state, approved July 5, 1866, and by said
State ot Oregon granted to the Company afore
said by an act entitled "an act donating eertaltfe
lands to the Willamette Valley and Cascade
Mountain Wagon Rood Company," approvedl
October 2. and which, -now have beem.oe
which hereafter at any time may be selected)
r located by said Company and certified er
patented by the United States to the State of
Oregon or to said Company under or by virtue
oftheactsaforesaidoreit herof them oranyoth
eract or acts t hat have been or hereafter may be
enacted by the State of Oregon, or- the United
8 ates in respect thereto. There are excepted
out of t he above descnoea lsncs the lollowinK
described tracts, to-wit: E hf ef Ear Sees.
Tpl2. SRSWoontalnlngSO acres, W hf ofS K,
qrand E hforN W qr Sec 7, Tp 15, 8 B I W con, .
taining 160 acres. S l.ror N E qr of S W qr Seo
21, Tp 11. 8 R 1 W containmg.20 'acres, N bf of
N E qr of 8 W qrand S E qr of N W qr and lot
2. bee II, an lots 8, 9 and 10. 8ec 7, Tp lr, 8 8
W containing 97 83 100 acres, lot No I, SeeSTv
Tp 10, 8 R 8 W containing 18 63-100 acres, lot Iv
Sec S, Tp 13,- 8 R S W, containing 4-100 aeresT
lots 1. 2, 8, 4. S. 6, Sec 81, Tp 12, 8 It .W eeataia
ing 121 24-100 acres, lets 8 and 9. Seo 2ft, iota W
and 11. Sec 83. Tp 10, 8 B 2 W containing SS 87-.
100 acres, lots S and 6, Sec 7. Tp 15, R3 W am,
talnlHiFSS 34-inO acres. N hf of N W" qr N W or
or N Wqr and lot 8, Sec 29. Tp IS, S B 2 W, eon
tainingisi 13-100 acres, said-excepted -parcels
amounting in theaggregate to -745 S-loSaereei
also excepting from Hie leads hereinbefore de
scribed so much thereof as is in the aetnaj us
of the Willamette Valley aad Cascade Meant
tain Wagon Road Company, for tts road the
whole distance tbrongh said lands : aiso, ex
oepting from the lands hereinbefore described
the following, to-wlt: Sec 88 i T IS, IB S IS.
By order of the County Court Of Linn oounty.
Oregon, maile on the 4th day of March, A. !..
1880, the same being a day of the regular Xarak?
term, A. 1., 1380, or said Court.
In witness whereof, I, Jambs L. Cow a jr.
County Clerk snd ex-offieo Clerk of the afore?
said County Conrt of Linn county, Or ,
bave hereunto set my band and aflbtwd'tb
seel of said Court at my office on this U daw
Of March, A, P., 1880. - .- , .
- - AMES.l-.-'COw'AN. -
March lrnn'.i