I AND NOW ! "WE HAVE RECEIVED s Hie most complete stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, MEN-! FOR BOYS J iPOB. nTTTT.TiTiiaiq t NO MORE DESIRABLE GOODS CAN BE SEEN ANYWHERE. I LI iiu County Itepnbllcan Convention. At a meeting of the Republican Central Committee of Linn cotinty.held at Albany, Feburnry 23th. It was ordered that a Re publican County Convention be called to meet at the Court House ii: Albany, on Wednesday, March 31st. 13S0, at 10 A. M., for the purpose of selecting It delegates to the State Convention to be held at Port land, April 21sf, 1880, nominating candi dates tor comity officers, and the transac tion of such oilier business as the said County Convention may deeru necessary. It is recommended that the several pre cinct meetings be held on Saturday, March 27th, 1330, at 2 P. il , ibr the purpose of delecting delegates to sttehd the Couhty Conventlorn The Several precincts will be entitled to delegates as follows : Fast Albany 7 i Lebanon 4 West Albany 6 I Liberty 1 Brownsville 5 1 Orleans 3 B mil Creek 1 1 Syracuse 1 Center 2 Piio 1 Kiimklin Butto 1 I Shodd 3 Fox Valley. 1 Satitiam 1 narrisbuwr 3 ! Sweet Home 1 Ilaly -.4 Waterloo S W. M.KETCHUM, N. BAUM, Sec. Chairman. ALBANY rices are always the Lowest. L. E, BLAIN. RICHEflOID," RANGE. olljgtaif . institute, Albany, Oregon. i T Tbe Second Term will open on XoTCinber 12th, 1870. SO FAK AS IT IS DESIRABLE THBEE conrses or instruction will lie pursued in this Institute, vlx : Classical, Scltmlflc and Normal. A I Full Corps of Instructors lias teen For particular concerning tho courses of -tuuy ana me price oi tuition, appiy 10 Hev. El. BERT JI. tOXDIT, Pres. Austin 8, 187JvllniS dVer 0?JE THOUSAND in Use in Xinii County. Albany, Oregon. McFARLAND & HARVEY. Ladies Variety Emporium. MBS. 2. J. HYDE KEEPS COXSTAXTLY OX HAND German Zephyr. Canvas. Thread. Pins, Xeedles, .Buttons. Ileal Hair Sxcitch es ar.d C'uris Hosiery, Stamped Goods, etc., c, c. Also, Agent or Dr. Warner's 3 mi I ll rnr t Child's Wuisl! aim Madam Foy"a Corset Skirt Supporter. sJFFrencU -tamping done to order. UIBroadalbin St- opposite Fost Officej3S)v Chas. V. X3 1 u m in cr, WHOLESALE AND BETAII. DRUGGIST ! AND TIKALER IK Paints, Oils and Glass, j A .BAM', OI5iUO-. JL'ST RECEIVED, A LAUGE IX VOICE OF ; Drugs and Druegists' Sundries f'om tbe East; also tho largest unci most com plete stock of I.Hinpsand Lamp fixtures ever brought to this citv. CaJ Prescriptions carefully com pounded at all times, day or night. Iln23 Notice or Final Settlement. "VTOTICE Is hereby given that the undorslgn 1!N e I iidminisrratov of thepartnei-shineatate Of A. C rot hers A Co., A Cui-others bHnvr tle cttf.sed, has filed in the County Court of Linn cdtint v, Oregon, his final account in tho matter rait estate, and the said Oourhhas appointed TUESDAY the 6ih day or APRIL. 1880, nt the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of said dav, for the hearing objections to said account and for the settlement thereof. JASON WnEELER, March 3, 1830-vl2n23. Administrator. Yhe Great Carriage Mahiifacturing Mouse of the World. EMERSON, FISH Eli & CO., OIlVCIiVrsVTI, OHIO, AND- JEScst Material, Good Workmanship, Handsome Styles, Strong: ' and Durable Vehicle in Every Respect. I 70,000 CARRIAGES KUrtFACttlEB BT FJICBMS, FHIIKB Sc CO-, ARE SOW 131 lE IS ETEBY PART OF THE AMEKMA5I tOTISESIT. TfceyrlretjBfailipg satisfaction. All their work (a warranted. They have recetred t!fimo amls trnm all parts r t he country of purport similar to the following, hundreds of wblcb are on am subject to inspection : Hasan. tnmos. rmirrit Co.r Galta, Ills.. Jnlv 16. 1879. hve oeJ one of votir Top Bnsrgles three rears, and three of them iwo years in mylivei mm, and they have given me perfect sat isfactlon and are in eonstant use: Oscab Smaaley. Messrs. Corpora Jojins : Nfwbep.ry. S. C, July 17. 1879. .5r Sirs I bave been usinarthe Emerson Fisher Bnarsry I bought from yon as roughly.! ""Woee. as any one cot) Id. I had a fast horse, drove him at fnll speed, sometimes with two In f""'17,V,wif n he buggy, and it is t"-day worth all tbe money I raid for it. I say the Era nom Fisher Buggies will do. A. M. Teaovk, Farmer. J!,""''? rernitation the Carriages have made In localities where tfiey have been used for ! Mar rtv 1 tv.i-n.an K b. . I . . . . . i ...... Via lad ... "-'r?Kl demand from those localities, to mm which the manufacturing facilities of their wnromn establishment have been extended, enabling them now to turn out in good style. 360 CARRIAGES A WEEK. uzzzzz::, fisher & cos carriages are the best. "Wholesale aal S,otsil Eetlsri in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, FANCY GKOCEIlIES, Plows! Plows! CALIFORNIA CSAC2EP-S, CA1TDIES, ITITTS, In fact the largest, beat Assorted and most Tarled Stock or OROfCERIES In the country. Samuel E. Y6uNt has received a large stock of Plows, as fol lows : The celebrated Oliver Chilled Iron Plows. The Garden City Clipper Improved Plow, and The Champion Mo line Plow. These plows are guaranteed to be the equal, and in many respects superior, to all others. Mnrch 19, 1883-V12I28 THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE GROCERY IN ALBANY. la Fireproof Brick, First Stroat, Albany, Oregoa. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS. STAIGEH BROS., DEALERS rsr Monuments. Tablets. &a& HEAD ST01TES, "-. ' EXECUTED II? ITALIAN OR VEItlWIONT MARBLE, Albany, Oregon. Also, erery variety of cemetery and other stone orlc done -with neatnexs and disnarch. Special attention jriven to orders from any port of the .State and Washington Territory, by mull or oth- rwise, ana promptly torwaruea. au worn wk nun.' ' : ... ferw Lan 0 s 0 o t-r-O O O " o CO -6r OX o o o zn ert- O O o B 5 0 B 82 0 81 m p P. p. M 0 0 (-1 U4 P o CO o p r-r- O. o GO O 3 o a? si CP . O B B Big- 3 I S 03' So" -g 02 pfT1 &t O & p a? 3 p p P- as CO O CD 02 -rr- p 15- 1 B a CO e-t- r CO o I I I GO GO so krb J ALBANY. FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1SS0. LOCAL MATTERS. Ballrond Meetlnf. In piirsnnnce of previous announcement, an adjourned meeting ot the oltizensof Albany was held at tho Court HoUse on Monday night, to take Into consideration the question of securing the propotetl exten sion ot the Dayton, Sheridan & Grand Roude Railroad to this city. IV. Flinn, Esq., occupied the Chair J T. P. Ilaukle man, Eq-, Secretary. Judge St rattan. Chairman of tho com mittee appointed at the la.'t meeting, re ported that they I mil written a letter to Mr. Reid, stilting the views of the commit tee In regard to this proposition. The Secretary then read the correspondence be tween Mr. Reid and the committee upon that subject, which was as follows i Al.fcAK. March lOih, 1880, TVm. Rei1. Esq., Portland. Dear Sir f On the evening of the 8th Inst., a largo meeting ot the citizens of Albmy and vicinity was held in the Court IIoue in this city, for the purpose of considering the proposition submitted by yoil through Messrs. Mackenzie and Steams to the people of Albany, respecting railroad con nection with the west side. "At auch meeting the mi. let-signed were appointed a committee to take the matter into further consideration, and to communicate with yon in respect thereto and to report at an adjourned meeting nf the citizens on nest Monday evening; The people of this city fully, realize the Importance of railrond connection with the west side coffnties, nd are prepared to favorably entertain any proposition that they can "fairly meet looking to th 't end ; but it seems to us that the one you have Submitted requires more than we would be able to comply with. Yonr road ought to cross the river Into our citv br means of a bridge. If it ne not. wou!d not the effect be to build up a rival town on the opposite sulo of the river, wim otilv doubtful and In cidental advantages to accrue to. our city ? If yon can summit a proposition to bring your cars into Albany by means of a brltiflv. wb would be pleased to have j'on do so ; or if you are not prepared to do that, we most respectfully ask you to con sider whether or not you can not very materially modify the proposition already before' us, in i respect to the amount of subsidy required. We also hope you cm name Portland or Astoria definitely as a terminal point. Assuring you that our people feel a lively interest, not only in your railtoad enterprises, but particularly tho?c which immediately nliect the growth ami pros perity or our city, we remain, respectiuiiy and truly yours, It. Strahan. dm. ot Citizens um. Following 13 Mr. licld'a reply to the above : Okkgon Railroad Co.. Limited. POHTI-ASI). Or.. March 15, 1SS0. R. S. Strahan, Esq.. Chairman of the Railroad Committee, Albany Sir : Your letter ,r the 10th mst., together with the propositions therein contained, from the people of Albany, were by me telegraph ed to, Scotland, but I regret to say that up to tuts morning 1 have had uo reply there to. I can not account for itn article which appeared in the Albany Democrat, exhibit ing ti pfiu ii ui utipu-Mi mil tu my nrupiwuiun, anil commenting tlivreitpoti. Pardon, me in saying. In reply thereto, that we did llot seek from the city ot Albany one single dollar, nor did we at any time exhibit a desire to enter your city. That proposition came from yourselves, and I can not, there fore, permit my actions to be misconstrued by that newspaper. If it represents the opinions ot the city of Albany, I wish qui etly to withdraw from further negotiations with your people. You asked me to name the terms on which our Company would enter your city. I did so, but I have i:o recollection whatever of ever seeking; one dfllar irom vour city unsolicited, for the simple reason that we never hud any In tention of entering Albany until your cit izens asked us to do so. Nor did we stip ulate that you shcttld build a bridge for our exclusive use. or any bridge ; we sim ply stated that a bridge across the Willam ette river at Albany was a serious obstacle to our entering that citv, and hence we In dicated a desire to terminate at a point op posite your city, and go there whenever you desired us, and were in a position to enable us to do so. Be assured of one tiling, and it is this : we shall not seek the trade of your city un less you wish u, and it tbe Albany Dem ocrat represents your, views, permit in right heie to close further negotiations with your city, Ur the simple reason that we do not desire to euter Albany If the people don't want u-. Yon tate that It l the intention or de sire of your people to have a county bridge at all event, whether our road goes there or not. If it Is so, why not then make the bridge a little stronger and suitable tor pas sengers on foot, for wagons and a railroad all combined ? the extra cost of uoing which, our engineer tells us. would not ex ceed $5,000 at the most. It is not the policy nor the wish of this Company to build up rival towns anywhere ; hence. If we terminated at a point opposite Albany It would be provided the people of Albany demanded it not otherwise. The AlbanyZtonocref expresses the opin ion that our Company tm given no guar antee or assurance of its intention to build any railroads In Western Oregon. In re ply t which, ltt me say that last Friday a con tract whs let to build a large portion of our railway, to be completed before the lUih of October next. Why. yon will ask? Simply because the subscriptions and sup pott obtained to our enterprise from the people along the line for which this con tract was let, were so lit e -at that we could not refu-e to gran, their reqticst. Yours fiitlitully. Wm. RtKD, President. On motion, the committee was given furlhei time to report, and were author ized to confer with Mr. Reid and consider any other proposition which he might de sire to offer. The question ot building a bridge was then discussed at some length Informally, and the comtn'lteo were authorized to tike that mattrr into consideration also, and to ascertain the probable cost of a bridge across the river at Albany snttab'e for foot passengers, wagons and railroad On motion the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That we favor the proposed west side connection with the Dayton. S!:eridan A Grand Ronde Railroad, and odadlv entertain anv reasonable nronovi. tio:i that Mr. Ried may Submit .'Jtfc "tlat object in " Itesolved, ThTitTr ui.iiiks are hereby tendered to Mr. William Reid for the in terest which he has manifested in securing to us the proposed extension. On motion, tho meeting then adjourned to meet at the call ot the Chair. IIOMIClftE. . ' ' -j , . y - Frank TTtafler hilla t-Iisiriey Toylwr la tbe 1'om ill tiol it'" sinloou ou HtHMMy nftfht. About eleven o'clock on Monday night,' Frank Wheeler killed Charley Taylor, (if the Cosmopolitan saloon on Broatlalbln street, fust north of the Democrat offiice, owned by Watklnds & Gllmour. The ter rible deed was dene under the following -circumstances : Frank Wheeler and other parties were In the back room of the saloon when Charley Taylor catno Into the saloon and, passing to the back room, soon ccm mer.ced upbraiding Frank Wheeler, accus ing him of having had intercourse with his (Taylor's) wife at Murray's hotel, . etc.," ar.d heaping abuse upon hkn. Frank, r'e" ppouded telling Charley he was mistaken;' that he was drunk or drinking; Jtna Uirft be would talk the matter over with him the next day. Charley continued his invec tive, and Frank attempted to leave, but was called back by Charley. Frank then attempted to pass out through the saloor, when Charley, throwing off hU coai and hat, place 1 his hand on Frank threat ening to whip him. Ill it moment af ter Frank drew hJs pistol and fired ; Char ley wavered a moment and sank to' the floor without a word, but immediately al ter made an attempt as if trying to get up, when Frank ttred a second time. Cliarlcy never moved after the second' shotv but gave a gasp or two and was' dead. Ffahfc left the saloon by the back door, was af res ted f oon thereafter and taken to the cal aboose. Deceased being the step-son ol the county Coroner, Mr. Jacobs, Dr. LUter, J. P., was sent for, who summoned a Jury, and proceeded to inquire into tiie cause of the death, eliciting tbe above facts. Dr. Savage and Surman were sent for, and made a postmortem examination of the body of deceased. They found thai one of the balls from the pistol entered the neck just above the clavicle, at its junction with the sternum, passed slightly downward and iu ward toward the center of the body, in its passage severing the subclavian artery and lodging in the spina) column, and they agreed that such a wound wai necessarily fatal. The other ball entered at the point of the shoulder, and glancing passed just un der the skin for near three Inches, where it lodged. The jury returned a verdict, find ing that deceased came to his death from pistol shot in the hands of Frank Wheeler. 3Ira. Daauiwsy to Lecture. We are requested to say that Mrs. Abi gail Scott Dunnlway will lecture at the Court House in this city on Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week. The sub ject for Monday evening, March 22d, will be "Tbe Spirit of Tyranny";, on Tuesday evening, "Lessons of the Century." Ad mission will be free to all. Of course the house will be filled. 1.1st or Letter, Uncalled for and remaining In the Post office m this city for the week endins; March 18th, 18S0 : Armstrong, Geo Btrritain, Diudrich Cumen. C A Dow. Clak Davis, Dr G H Denny, Dr Foster. Frank 3 Harpole. .fas V Hogan, Wm H Lynuni, Martin P. U. -Martin, -XJ Marks, S W Smith, D S Thomas, Geo R Thomas, Huston Wild. Joseph Walker. Dr F M Wiley. Robart Wright, ON RAYMOND, P. M. New Harbte Shop. Mr. Wood has a large stock of A 1 mar ble froui the Vermont quarries the best and most substantial marble in the world and is prepared to do all kinds ot work at liberal rates, always using the best materi al. Those needing work in his line should call and examine the several neat speci mens at the shop on corner ot Ellsworth and Second streets. Read the ad. In this Issue. KoelnMe. A sociable will be given In the interest of the M. V.. Chmwh Smith nn t'. evening next, at the residence of Mr. B. W. Ctindiff, corner of Third and Washington Streets. All are Invited. The Ureal Debate. Our rende.-s will not forget the debate between Messrs. Finlayson and Alt. Mar thai, next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock; mt the Court House. Ail are invited.-. Settle nt Once. Mrs. L. J. Powell having bought the In terest ot Mrs. R. A. Blevins in the millin ery Lusiness, all persons indebted to the late firm of Blevins & Powell are requested to pay up their accounts, as the books must be squared immediately: Mrs. R. A. BlevinS, Mr?. I... J. FOWEfX: Albany March 19, 1880. 1I vine Services. The subject of Rev. J.! T. Wolfe's eF mou nt t!id M. E. Church next Siindsy morning will be "Life capital for immor tality," and in the evening, "The unpar donable sin.' The public arc cordially Invited. Kepreaeotatlves Elect. I-edge J. K. R. M. Grand' On Wednesday evening Albany No. 4, I.O.O.F., elected Messrs. Weatherford, Jos "Webber and Ed. Carter, Representatives to the Lodge, which mecti in Portland On Tuesi" dxy, May 18th. Annual Mecdug-. At the annual reunion of the Y.P.C.AV next Monday evening, the newly elected officers will take their seats, and an ad dress will be dehverd by Rev.' A. M. Atcheson. A full attendance if solicited.' Lilly, Brachett &. o.a Hen's rime BaWea. - J"t.'.,it aas lust recleved a uJ'C-urot the above make of shoes from, Boston, and would especially Invite the at tention of gents to these first class goods. o . Charley Taylor, who was killed Monday" uight, had but recently returned1 to thU city from Eastern Oregon, having been absent some years. He was a blacksmith by trade, and while here probably five years ago, severely cut a fellow blacksmith," and was held to answer ; but for some cause the witness or witnesses failed ts appear "on call," and Charley escaped.' Deceased leaves a wife and two children In this city. Ho was buried on Wednes day. j From a letter recleved In thts city frorri Mr. Reid, President of tho Oregon Raff- ' road Co., Limited, which we bave had the pleasure of perusing, we leari that Mr. Reid will guarantee the building of bis road from this city to a junction with' Um Yaqulna Bay railroad, at the summit, jivst as soon as that road shall be built thai far ia the direction of Yaqulna Bay. ,We are satisfied that he will build his road to Ya qnina Bay, because we are confident that It is to be the future shipping point, for7 the' entire produce of this valley and. Eastern Oregon ; and wishing to do business the narrow gnage must be continued' froW King's valley across the mountains' to Ya qulna Bay. And the city of Albany wants the narrow gunge road, and to get It she must build a bridge across the rlrer, tbe cost of which Is estimated at from' $35,000 to f 50,000. We can't afford id lose that road, even if we have to" pay a little tot Hi As expected, Watklnds Is out In answer to the comparison made, between the management of the penitentiary under himself and the present management Wheat commands from fl 9S id H per ' cental In San Francisco; and from SI 80 toft 85 In Portland?. , ' The qnestion ot building a bridge across the Willamette at this point Is gaining In popularity daily. . - "- - The President ; has ' confirmd i'ha sentence dismissing Mnjor Beitf. . ' i ne vregon sanea irorn tan 3rnw for Portland on Wednesday.- . IX K I 5, k i I 4 - if I i Y h v..