JU&aag legist. ALBAXY, OREGON, MARCH 12, 1880. Yaqalan Bnjr Bar. VTa refer to this matter of the improve ment of Yaquina bar again, because we feel deep and abiding Interest in the we! fare ot the people of Linn and adjacent counties whom it more Immediately effects. We are entitled to Government aid in this . matter ; we demand it as our right, as Americans, and a, law abiding people; While millions- upon millions have been poured oat ot the national treasury to im prove the moutlis of the Mississippi river, and tbo various hnrbors on the Atlantic toast, by which great and populous' cities and States havo grown and flourished In wealth and apIctKlor, end are sttll adding to their riches and greatness, we of the Jforth Pacific have been left to get along as best we may. Whtib we have a magnif icent country, the equal ot any on which the sunlight talis ; while we have natural advantages unsurpassed by none an J equal ed by few, yet we are poor in purse and need the fostering care of the General Government to aid us in attaining our full growth. Oregon is yet in her swaddling clothes, and being so far away from tlte bead ot Government she lias failed to re ceive the attention hwr merits demanded ; yet (lie has grown and flourished alone by her inherent strength and the riches of her soil. To a more rapid and fuller develop ment, and to the end that others may be enabled to come and partake ot the bless ings of oar heaven-favored land, we ask of Congress a small appropriation to enable os to improve one ot the many harbors on our coast line We nk au appropriation sufficient to enable us to remove the ob structions, Or bar, at the mouth of Yaqui fia Bay; We do not ask ot Congress money lor the benefit of one man or a corporation, but for the benefit of entire communities, tji a whole State. We are opening np a highway that will enable us to cheaply transport our products to the marts of the world, thus enhancing the value of our lands, inducing emigration and capital. the two great wants of our State, without which our growth will be slow and the ' development of our vast resources indi fi nitely retarded. Our Government has not been slow to extend aid for the improvement ot other channels looking to the widening and ex tending the commerce of various points in the older settled portions of the Union. For tliese purposes money has been poured out of the general funds with " no stinted hand, and rightly, too ; but while the Government is thus building up and In creasing the strength and wealth of her Eastern border, she should not forget that on her western border site has an immense country, rich in soil, in minerals, in vast forests of the finest timber in the world, in fact a country unsurpassed on the habita ble globe in everything that aids in build ing up and maintaining a grand civiliza tion, .that needs but a little fostering care now iu its youth to make it grow and swell into the granu proportions of au enrpire In the coming years. We ask ot the General Government a mail appropriation to enable us to open a' harbor, a shipping mart, where the na?ies of the world may come in and depart at any season, in storm or stmshltie ; a har bor that will never be obstructed with ice ; where shipping will not be delayed from entering or from sa iiing oat hpoii the ocean by storms or any otlrer hindrance : a har bor which will be accessible at all seasons of the year lor the products of the Willam ette Valley and Eastern Oregon, at low rates of freight,- and Where the pilotage, towage, etc.. Will not be so exhorbitant as to practically eat np half the value of the produce ; where competing lines of rail way will at once be built, thus insuring the lowest rates of freight from the valley to tide water, all of which will inure di rectly to the benefit of the farmer, the pro ducer the hope and stay of the Nation. . We ask the servants of the people to lay aside their political differences for a time, and attend to the real wants of the country. Let tbem dispassionately consider the vast Interests involved in this matter, and as sensible legislators there will be no liesi tancy in granting the appropriation asked for, - blatters are approaching a crisis in San Francisco. The &earitey!tes have been making load tlirats; dcelarmg their Inten tion to massacre the' Chinese of that city as the only way to get rid of tnem.- Fearing that these threats against the Chmese and those who employ them may be carried fnto execution, the Government lias been concentrating troops at that point, so as to be ready for any emergency. We may hear of the spilling of red blood at any boar, provided the sandlotters have the "sand" to carry their threats into execu tion. It will be a serious blow to San Francisco 6bould the threats be carried in to execution. On the other hand a "Citi zens' Protective Union" has been organ ized,' composed ot the most influential and wealthy citizens of the city, who have is sued a manifesto, declaring the object of the association to banto preserve public pe-c;' protect life 31 d property, restore confidence in the security of Hie and prop erty from all violence, the resuscitation of legitimate commerce, industries' ana busi ness Interests ot the people ( declares that the Chinese matter is only a blmd,- that the real purpose of the sandlotters Is riot and possible massacre, to be followed by general conflagration and unlimited pit hnm declares that this contemplated trag edy shall not be enacted there, and that jjtfbliC threats of the accomplishment or such wicked and rnticman designs win not Be longer tolerated. The address Is plain and to- the point sBtrtnsry deter the sand lotters - from inaugoratlng a row, the end t whletknoinfth can see.- , s Fourteen new gold mines-have been dis covered in eastern fci Deris, but the rusn m feat cUrecUon is not great. Nobody goes eicept t-o o.'.o the Car.-' The Karraw Vange. On Monday evening a meeting ot our citizens was called at the Court House, to take under advisement the proposition ot Mr. Reid, President of the Oregon Rail road Co., made to this city. The proposi tion is, that upon the assurance Of the pay ment to the Co. of $43,000 by our citizens, the narrow gauge road contemplated bv the Company on the west side, will be brought to the bank of the river opposite this city. Mr. Reid distinctly says the Company will not build a bridge, but if Benton and Linn counties will, he will cross the fiver upon it, placing the rail road depot at any point or place in the city tlie citizens may direct. Mr. Reid aiso agrees to continue the road on to Yaqulna Bay juntas soon as eighteen feet depth of water is assured 011 the bar at tliat point. The payment of the $45,000 Is to be-made In three installments, $15, 000 at a payment, and the third or last payment probably would not be called for until 1SS2. Mr. Stearns, ot the Portland L'ee, was called upon, and tola in a clear, forcible minner what he knew of the con templated system of railroads lor Oregon by this Company, commonly known as the Scotch Company. He etatt'd that the In tention was to build lines of railway to every available point in Oregon where it would pay tlie Company and where the citizens were willing to aid the enterprise by putting up for one tenth the cost of such line ; that is, wherever tiiC people were willing to pav one dollar of every ten dollars expended in such improvements, there a line of railway would be built provided the indications were favorable that such line, when completed, would pay a fair dividend to the Company. Mr McKenzic also addressed the meeting in the same strain. This matter of building narrow gauges all over the country wherever there was tt hope of their being profitable, has long been under advise ment, and the scheme adopted only after the fullest information in regard to the whole matter. The advantages to accrue to Albany by the building of such a line are obvious no one disputes or underrates its value ; and should the road continue on and make connections by which we could reach the Atlantic States, $45,000 would be but a more bagatelle as compared to the benefits which it would confer upon our little city and its people. But should the line go no farther than this city, the benefits would not be so great. Tlien another question ot coin comes in. To complete the connection with this city, a bridge would have to be erected, at a cost of say $45,000 a total of $95,000, we will say. This is a large sum ot money, bu: however large it may appear, our people can and will raise it whenever it is made clear that the benefits to arise from such a large expenditure will be ii1 a corresponding ratio. For the privilege ot being connected with Portland by .mother line of road, and that Only, we are ex tremely doubtful as to the alacrity ot our people in putting up any large sum ot money ;' but if they are assured of a line of road reaching to Yaquina Bay from this city, or to the East, a large sum of money can without doubt be secured. To sum the matter up, as we have not room to discuss this question fartlier at this time, we are inclined to think Mr. Reid will, upon consideration ot all the facts In the matter, either reduce his figures, or guarantee continuing the Hue of road to the Pacific ocean at Yaquina Bay, or to connections with the East. As the com mittee appointed on Monday niglit to confer with Mr. Reid, will doubtless ob tain a more complete understanding of the matter before reporting next Monday even ing, we shall a'ait that report before further comment. lirernbacli labor Convention. A call is out, signed by F. C. Paine. cluiirmau of the executive committee of the.iabor greenback party of Oregon, for a state convention to be1 held at Salem on the 25th of March. Tlie 'object of the call :s stated to be the nomination of candidates for the supreme and circuit judgeships, presidential electors and representatives in Congress, Delegates are apportioned as follows : Baker county, 1 ; Benton. 18 ; Clackamas, 5; Clatsop. 2; Columbiat 1; Coos, 1; Curry, 1; Donglas, 1; Grant, 1; Jackson, 8; Josephine, 1; Lake. 1; Lane, 15 Linn, 20; Marion, 15; Multnomah, 20; PolK, 15; Tillamook. 3; Umatilla, 2; Union, 3; Wasco, 1; Washington, B; Yam hill, 3. It is advised that county conven tions be held March 11th. The call says : "All workingmen's associations, all labor reform associations, all who are opposed to the old parties, are urged to come into this great movement as honored and power ful strength thereto, that all who are oppos ed to unequal takttlon.toU.S.bond and to pernicious class legislation, may unite to posh their own great work to the relief of honest industry on to success. . Santa Fe, one of the oldeif towns In the United States, and one of tlie last to lay by the cloak of mystery that remoteness con fers, has been reached by the iron steed, and is now in close communication with the great commercial cities of the East. It is the present terminus of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, a line that may soon be extended. In a year or two a southern route : to the East from San Francisco will be an accomplished fact, and the journey across will be romantic and delightful, to say nothing of the prospect afforded for brisk railroad1 competition. More Ute fndians fwrve gone to Wash ington fo eaf the food and slumber in tbe blankets of tlie Great Father. Meantime the White River host lies aa Whlling away the winter In inidistnrbccT comfort, ft is nice to be an Indlan'.- .; In a message' to the Senate on the 8tlia the President dist'fnetly enunciates , the doctrine that no European Power or Pow era can be allowed to control the great American highway across the jfstfimTis. There is a good deal ot taffy abodt 'link ed sweetness drawn out."-' - '-'-- Late RalM. The nomination of Mr. E. S. Kearney as U. S. Marshal for Oregon has been con firmed.. 1'he indications are that congress will hot interfere with the present internal tar iff system. Tlie California legislature nas passed a resolution to exclude Dennis Kearney from the legislative halls. At Riverside, Cal., on the 3d. Mr. Tal made, a highly respected citizen of that place, hung himself. Temporary insanity was the cause. J. W. Mackey has purchased the interest of J. C. Flood in the mills and mines on the Co in stock, tt Is said that he paid over $5,000,000 for the property. At Marysville, Caliiornia. on tlie 3d John Bunker, stopping at the PMIiidelphi house, took an overdose of morphine, and before physicians arrived death ensued. It is stated that the New York Evening Express, which has heretofore been John Kelley's organ, is about to fall Into tlie hands ot Mr. Tilden's friends and will in future be his organ. The private secretary ft Leiand Sanford, president of the Central Pacific Railroad Co., confirms the report that the Pacific Mail gives up its China line to tne Union and Central Pacific railroad; including the steamers City of Peking and City orTokio. A Washington dispatch sa3-s that the Post will have 11 n editorial saying that at a meeting of prominent friends of Tilden, which was held In . New York last Satur day, the declaration was made by that gentleman, that he would, without doubt, be t!ie democratic candidate. A fire on the 4th. at Circlevifle, Oiifo'. destroyed two coaches, eight freight cars and contents, furniture, plate glass and other valuable chattel property. Loss es timated at $40,000, which is probably light. From $3,000 to $4,000 was realized at a Paruell meeting on the 4th in St. Louis. A special to the Cincinnati Gdzette says that G. Groseman and Wm. Carson were found guilty ot the murder of Bernard Picker at Van Wert, Ohio. Picker was murdered at his door one night in Deceni !er lsit. and the murderers then tortured his wife by placing her feet to a hot stove until she told them where to find $1,500. When the men were arrested one of them shot the sheriff and constable; inflicting serious injniles. Daniel Harmon, tried with the others, was acquitted. An extensive reduction In the worlshig force in the government printing ofBee was made on the 4th. A meeting of the Pomefoy greeuftack fac tion was held at St. Louis on tlie 4th. The press has agreed to' leave Kearney unreported in the future, which is regard ed as tlie best way to kill tlie Intendlai'y on. A sensible conclusion. The U. S. Marshal, of Delaware, on the 4th. arrested Gc orge C. Ward and Thomas Hughes, assessors for Wilrfhigtou. on a charge or refusing to assess republicans who desired to pay their taxes and thfls 6e qualified to vote. The secretary of war, at the request of octrci;iry ouiiuia, ifciJ tiirevicii v..uionei ll. Clay Wood.. assistant adjutant general, to report to General Howard, commanding in Oregon, tor duty in connection: with tlie Umatilla Indiana, Captain Henry Johnson has been order ed t" relieve Lieut. Col. Geo. E. Cooper, assistant medical surveyor, temporarily in charge of the department in San. FnrnclsCO". First Lieut. n.G. Ellsworth has been detached from command cf ffie msriiie guard of the U. S. ship Jamestown, and ordered to report to Mare Island (Califor nia) navv ya.il. to command the marine guard ot the ship Lackawanna;- The U.S. steamship Ranirer was plated out ot commission at the Mare Island navy yard on the 24th lilt. Some of the New York Politicians ffre Mocking against Grant. ine viovemnr 01 v irgima nas vetoed tne repudiation act passed by the Legislature. Truman Griffith was found frozen fo' death a halt mile from Truckee, Nevada, on the 5th. E. G. Cotton, a well kown theaf 1 leal maniger, suicided at Alameda recently 111 a vacant lot with a revolver, shooting himself hi the brain. The reilemiit Mm nirpiiev lias discovered a. very dangerous $f00 counterfeit bill on tlie Nation! Bank ol Coirftireree of Pittsbtirir. the first of this series. The Committee on claims inorfed in favoferf pSylng the claim ot Wanvn Mitch ell. $128,000. money received in 1S63 from sales of cotton and given into tlie treasury. JaS". ReOpafh, tlie special correspondent IjoiiY the Tribune, has svrrt to- Ireland. writes that the famine Is well in hand. that all danger of general starvation seems to ba-ve passed. Thf Sentinel' Whvieeone, Wis., dispatch savs that tlie entire wheat crop ot tliat section will be' a fiiilnre. , The cause Is frequent freezing and thawing. Most farmers will plow it np. A dlspatcnf has been received from ' New Orleans m San Francisco to senrj a lot el Chinese down them. If they trd,- and" supplant the negro labor, we would not give much tor the he.ttttenS Choices of lite. Walker Kilirer- 23 rin old. was hanfred' at Mexico Mo., on tlie 5th, for the nittrdef of L. D. Wftlfhghffm on .tan. 9th. Joseph Core was hanged' at Lebanon for , file murder of William II . King on Sept. Klh. Both executions were public and largely attended. Robt. Smith, ot New Pine, Lake county, ' fell in a well last week and broke his leg. , N. E. Goodell, formerly of Washington county, is the discoverer of the fauibris Skagit mins. W. E. Pratt lias been elected chief en gineer of tlie Oregon City fire department," and F. G,Grfep, assistant. The Bedrock Democrat calls Thomas Merrill, of Baker City, a woman beater. ' Mrs. E. A. Marsh was elected director of the public school at Forest Grove. The snow is from ten to fifteen Inches deep in the vicinity of Llnkrllle. Stock Is Cirlng badly, btit no serious losses are re ported. ' . .. The Mountaineer wants a high school establlslied at the Dalfes. It argnes tliat tt brings people to a town to give their chil dren an education ana makes business. The Examiner la Informed tliat live stock in the vicinity ot Linkvflle are doing bet ter than has been reported,- and that if Marvn fs not foo unfavorable there will not be a teiy serfoui TcSs. " ANrrlty has voted fo' raise $300 by Special tax for school pn'rpoSCs. i ; . Mr. Loomls of Clatsop,-has lost a' targe number" of Cattle ew frig-to tne severe weath er. , , There fre five opium dent In full blast at tbe Dirties.- Johnny Hyde, of Dallas, Investigated an explosive cartridge a few days ago, and now carries his hand in a sling. Miss Eva Robert was thrown from a wagon near Wheallan'd recently and suffers the fracture of an arm and severs bruises. C. T. Thomas, of Astoria, captured a large salmon and on opening it found a fine mallard duck. The Astorian, in re porting the matter, says: The explana tion is that possibly the fish swallowed the duck accidentajly, as it was diving, 83 this is the first instance recorded ivhefb rtliy thing has been found in the slbmach of a salmon. A correspondent reports Interviews with 21 republicans and 18 democrats of Pilnc ville, WasctS county, upon the Choice ot presdentiai candidates. Of tbe republicans nineteen Were for Blaine, one for Grant and due for Mitchell. Of the democrats, there was one for McClellan, two for Fields one for Seymour, two for Biyard and teu for Hendricks. A fellow named Duffy lit out of the Dalles between two days. Al. Powers, tlie mail carrier on t"io Mc Kiuzie route, had his feet L'adly frozen a short time ago. It Is feared rhat the late freeze lias done considerable damage to winter sown wheat in Lane county. A. S. Patterson, postmaster of Eugcnei is elected school director. The hop growers of Oregon will, it is reported, plant more extensive gardens on account of the good prices which prevailed lust eiSou. Green valley Wys foitl" miles west of Oakland, forty inhabitants, eighteen yo- j ters, three young ladies and two bachelors, j Tlie trustees of lie C. P. church. June- '. Hon, says the Guard, refused to allow Mrs. j Duniway the ue of their ehurch building , for a lecture, and thereby Created dultc au j excitement in mac iowii. Miss Sailie WhiteaJtcr, Say a correspon dent to the Roseburjj A'fir. while tripping along with two larjfe jialls of ird!k One In each hand, stepped accidentally on to a sltck piece of timber,- slipped and fell, dislocating her shOulderund receiving other very painful bitiises. Terrible warning to girls never to milk. In a shooting affray at Leesbhrg. Lemhi county, 1.Th between Wm. Ludeman and Tun Connor, tlio former was killed and tlie latter dangerously wounded. The weather in British Columbia has caused a great many to die. ft Is announced that Goods!! & Nelson will run their l-ne of steamers to the sound, wlieii they commence carrying tlie mails between Srfn Francisco and Victoria. Anieltlo or John Everest. The Corvallis Gazette contains the fol lowing particulars of the suicide of Prof. John Everest 3 Deceased was Imprisoned Monday night, March 1st. for being intoxicated, and was retained in prison ly. the .Marshal Tncsda'y and Tuesday night tor the purpose ot get ting sober. Tuesday night, at aboiVt it O'clock. Marshal Miller erit to the prison, as U his custom, and seeing blood on the floor, asked deceased whht wai the matters and received the answer," "I want to die." Tire Marshal, in nil haste, sumiiioiied Dr. Lee, no shortly arffvefT and tumid that deceased had severed tlie main artery of his. left arm. jiit below the elbow, the weapon used being a small pocket knffe. The doctor carefully bound up the woifnd a'nI stopped the flow of blood, after which he returned home; - Marshal Miller had occasion folic absent a tew minutes, and on his return foifii.T thai deceased had re moved the bandage and the worfnd was again bleeding profusely. Dr., Lee was again called to dress the wound, and a watch was. placet I .over the man to prevent his removing the bandage. But it was to Irrfe 10 save Iffi'fl. Deceased was a native At Kent coihity. England, and was abont forty-five years of age, and lias innerouii relatives in OWgon. He leitvesa wile and 6ne child, who wer. at Tlie Dalles at tlie 111116' of his death. He was a member of Multnomah tribe. No. 7. I. O. ft. M. From alnut the 1st of December fo Febru ary 1 4th' he was' at Philomath giving iu strrfctfou to tlie brass band nf that place. hU contract liavimr expired on the latter date, as sftown by his diary. Deceased was sktlltor in Ms proies'-foii. was' kind and generous, and well respected by all who knew linn. Tlte . Iowa Legislature' dots not waste time In debating on' the meaning ot heiiouabalus as a slanar term, nor do iu members rxcliange rare bits of billingsgate as a relief to the anluous labors ot law making. The Legislature concerns itself with a domestic evu oicomargaruie . has a nice ta;-te iu butter, 'ami both Houses hive just passed a bill, making it au offense, punishable by heavy tine and Im prisonment, to nianuirtciure oleomargarine. Congress could not do a' more Seilsrblo thing tliair to follow su;c Tlie Cinclnnnft1 Enquirer refers fo. tlie sm'alfpox as' "thfe natianirl disease of Chi na ' , Get yorif spectacles ot F.M.FreiiehV Ratlioad matters are booming. TniS cry is "bridge the Willamette."' All indications point to a bhsy SuVnmeir. The various railroad lines projected in" this valley will make times lively when actual work is" commenced. Sjieed the hour. I Watches clocks and jewelry at French's. Pi ices way .dcwnV ... ! Stalker Bros, have moved their marble shop to'thj two-story frame on corner ot Ferry aiid Second streets where all kinds 0 work in marble can be obtained on lib-' eral terms. j We afe glwl t'd'see that" MV. J'acksoii ta able to be out, altlioiigh still suffering from bis fall on Monday evening. -Excellent Oregon City hams at' Eh'Sen deiis'. j E'i-Gdv1. GtbDi. of Portland made a' a pleasrrnt'caTt on Wednesday. Time deals' kindly with ojir genial friend, j Fine CIrfqhfo cftVese at W. U. iSiltl more's. - I Au irorw rise stock or Spring aird .Sum mer goods at A. B. AiJIlwahi's, received this week.- and morA cAiiitiijf.' . t There are twenl.v-TM'rf'n firwvfrif'e candidates for the I'fRce of Sheriff, and nil the precincts not heard from. j Politics are boiling. "Get iu" or yoa won't get anythfng. ( Teas, sugars,- coffees, etc., at W. U. Bal timore's. j Potatoes are retailing at 25c per bushel' in this market. j Hats, boots ami shoes, at W. V. Balti more's, cheap for cash. Mr. Ousterhont started for Eastern 6"rV-" gon on Wednesday had a few words with CIn., and left. . Second street Is by all odds the worst street In the city." Improve It. We were pleased to receive a viMt from Mr. Bcnsil, of Yaquina Bay, on Wednes day. . Mr.B. is a genial gentleman, and a great believer in and worker for the har bor at Yaquina Bay. 'Rah for Yaqnina With a bridge across the Willamette, owned by the citizens of Albany, we would be In a condition to secure the building of the several competing lines of railway, now contemplated, to this city. If any one railroad corporation should get con trol of the bridge, our chances would be thin, as railway companies would prefer to go elsewhere rather than be compelled to construct a bridge across the river. The City Council has ordered the pur chase of a lot on Lyon street on which to erect an engine hones for Lhui Engine Co. The cbsl ructions removed from the bar at Yaquina Bay, and we weuld have two lines of railway to that point from the Val ley in less than two years. A bridge across the Willamette nt this cify. built and own ed by our citizens, and both roads wonid tap this city and don't yon forget it. Albany's future is secured if ohr people will but act riow: Messrs. Jackson & Kallsky beg to ten der their thanks to the citizens and fire department, for the aid and assistance so clieerfully and kindly rendered them on the occas-ton of the fire in their store on Monday last. We learn that Dr. Thompson, a brother of tlie late David Thompson, of this city, has secured a position on the O. & C railroad, and U How on his way here to fill it. AVe have been flooded with demands tor tlie Register this week but then we can Stand It. The mutter ot the city printing still hangs fire. Among tlie names mentioned by the Republicans as probable candidates for Sheriff, are Ike Conn, ot this city ; Carp Sperry, of Brownsville; Messrs Cusick and Charlton, of Lebanon; and U.C.Powell, of Albany prairie. Uaffeuden Brothers keep a grocery store, groceries and provisions is their specialty, and they keep the largest and best variety ever brought to tirii city. Every flung of the best quality and brands, at lowest liv ing rateS. Considerable sunshine during the week forcing people out of doors to enjoy the luxury. A gentleman from Iowa was in the city during the front of the week, looking into the advantages offered here for erecting a cloth factory. We learn he has concluded to" stay right here. Dr. HaVils, ot Eugene, arrived iu tlie City 01T Wednesday. For Knle. A neat frame building on Brnadalbin street, how occupied by George Weller's saloon, for sale at a bargain. Inquire on tt th6 premises. Conn Week. There fAis been considerable tir during the week hi the city. Circuit Court having drawn an Unusual number of people to gether. Patrons oT HnsuHiiUry. The convention ot delegates to elect representatives to tlie State Grange, will meet at Albany on Saturday, April 10h. 1SS0. at one o'clock" P. M. Each Grange is entitled to send three delegates. R. A. Irvine, Deputy. It la a Parent's Dnly To see tlixt their children take. particularly during the Spring season, a dose every morning of that great Spring regulator, HYDES 'GULDEN BLOOD SYRUP. You can rest assured they will have no fiithy sores upon their little faces, and it will impart nattual bloom to their checks. Nldirny villa "ote. Midivatvii.I.E. March 3d, 1SS0. Rkgist'er : Dear Sir Noticing by Ed. a la;e number of the Rkgister, that yon solicit iidms from the several neighborhoods fn cfr valley. I mill therefore attempt to note a few.' as belowi Onr sOhool closed about three weeks since, and 611 Thursday evening, the 20th of last month,' had a grand exhibition at the Hard man school house. AH of the participants acted well their parts, and all present were rnu6h pleased and interested. In fact it was an occasion which afforded a great deal of enjoyment, and will not soon be fergotteu. Our school meeting came off the first of this month, resulting tu the election of Mr. J. S. Dickson u Director, and the re election of Mr. E. Kerbh-r as Clerk for the term of one year. The next term of school M'tll nrntmTilv hiotn nl-icitit tlm flt-c .fu (intend haVIng a' four niolitlis' rim. : The politfcians of litis viefnffy will cer tainly remember the 'primaries"' and at tend, anrf endeavor to do their doty fn that line Especially the candidates will be on the nlert, "and don't you torget it." We ninth desire a change from a Democratic fo a Republican victory, as We do not want old Linn eWuity fo beeome entirely bank rupt', etc. " We'haYe not done niuclVfi'i' the way of plowing and sowing- grain fiis spring, rfowever. some Of tne most r'eoltite and ambrtibiiit dhi venture Atlt dmliig that Sg gv weather, and did soine plowing.', Km" the t'eiiVjwsfuon MarclV n iiid'a'nd rain is a little tntfroiYgh to'ad'uiit of such' work be ing done to advantage, coiisetfreny nro housed up, endeavoring- to survive ii'uttt better weather. ; ...The fall sown gram in this section of the valley Isdotn very" nicety Do'iiofc. think there was"any of the fall variety at all in juretrby tlie freeze hi fbfs Tielnlty. We cittlci phte a fair crop thi year.' - ; -The goofl Patroiishsve rallied and re built Harmony Hall, No. 23,! which was so bidly demolished fy the long to be remoit bered wlndF storm of the 0th of January". ' - Many of ohr. farmers are talking of 60 ing considerable work ori tlte rcd this pcason. We will wait patiently and report when the work is done. XXX. ""'t Wrtat Broken. " On Friday night last as Mrs.Kirkpatrick reached the sidewalk In front of tne Evan gelical church, she slipped ind fell, caus ing a fracture of arm near the wrist. Dr. Bough ton was called in and gave the nec essary medical attention, and the patient is getting along finely. Broken. . Near Brownsville, one day last week, Mr. W. R. Finlay, aged 60 or thereabouts, fell or was thrown from a sulkey plow. breaking otie leg below the knee. At last accounts the old gentleman was .doing as well as could be expected under the circum stances. -.v , ... Elegrnnl Furniture. Sec the new advertisement of Mr. James Dannals, proprietor of the Albany Furni ture House, in this issue. For elegance, taste and durability, the furniture manu factured at this house is the equal ot any in the market, and is sold at prices that will astonish the public. Call and see for yourselves that we have not overrated the establishment. Orojton IreSJ tery. Tlie Presbytery will meet iu this city on TueSiiay, thrflftth lust v in the hall of ihe Y. P. C. A-fat -7 o'clock P.- M. The opening sermon "will be delivered by Rev. A. L. Lindsley, of PortHlud. On Wednes day evering there will be services of a re ligious character. The public is cordially invited to attend thesemeetings. School Election. At the school election for this district (No. o), held Monday afternoon, H. n. Hewitt, Esq., was elected Director, arid J. II. Btii'kliarfc. Esq., was re-elected Clerk. We have now three well informed, zealous, consciencious gentleman s Directors witli whom the interests of the district can safe ly be trusted. Mr. Burkhart thoroughly understands and will fill tlie bill as Clerk right up to the handle. IXTIST. Ir. B. It. I'BEEUAD has located In Albany for the practice of Dentistry. All work warranted. - Office fn lnrrf!i block, corner F Jrst and Ferry stn. fobl .cw To-Iaj Xotiee of Final rroof. T.ani OKFrrr, Oekgos Cn"v,Or.. jrarch 10, issn. NOTICE is hereby driven that the follow ins named auttlifr lias tiled notice of his inten tion to make !hiI proof n snpiwrt of his claim anil secure final entry tlmrcof, n,nt that said proof will lie made before J. L'. Cowan. County. Clerk of Linn eounty, Oregon, at the eotinty PCTtnf enil county, on Wednesday, the llt'li clay of April, 1SS0, iz: Junius F. Whiting, Hdiuottcaf! Apnlicuiion No. 3S82. for the Som It east quarter of S-etion 8. Towhshio 12, Sonlh l&iiiKe 1 West, and mimes the following as his witnesses', viz: Berry .lames, F. M. .Miller, Thonms H. Buderand W C Cusick. oil ot Leb anon. I.tnn comity, Oregon. L. T. BAKIX, March 12, l.S3lS-vl-2ii24w3 Keller. Albany Furnituro Housa. jaMse dannals, Manufacturer and Dealer In FURNITURE, Bedroom Suits; Watrvnt, Ash and Maple Parlor Sails ; Patent Krclters, Kft'sy Chairs and Lounges a specialty. SprinG MattresseS, Extension Centre Tables, Pillar Extension, etc. A splendid lot of o in -A. x m , Walnot and Hardwood Chairs of all kinds, Boolsoasss. Side"boaxdfJ; In fact, I intend to keep a first class FurniturE HousE . I nm tlmnkfal for past patrona-re, and intend to make It to tlie interest of all residents of this city and vicfhlty to cOme and see tne. Corner of Second and Ferry strcats, ALB.1XY, Vl2n24 ORKVOX. P?oire of Final Sett lenient. NOTICK Is hereby given that the nndersljrn el administrator of the estate of A. ta rothers, deceased, has tiled in thuCountv Court of Linn county. Oresron. his flnal account, in the matter of said state, ami said Court has apnointed TUESDAY the Sth tlav of APRIL. 1S80. at tlie hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of said day, for the hearinir objections to said account and for the settlement thereof. JASON W HEELER, March S, 1830-vl-2n23 '...j Administrator. Citation. In tne Connt.y Conrt of the county Of Linn in the State of Urejroii tn the matter Of the estate V .of. ... J. CJtatfon. n. K. Vt. Clarke, dcot-ascd. ,J t . ToftirahM. Cltn-ke id Frederick W.. Clarke, heira at law ot II. K. W. Clarke, deceased, above named, and to David Cahn. Alexander Weil, Alexander Lazard. Simon Lazard, Elie Lararrl. and T. E-'erton II"KtT.and tonllolber persona whose names are unknown, if ant there be. tltat have, or claim to, have, aiiy jri teres't.rijitht or title, in lawor inequity, ftTor to the real property hereinafter d"5M.Tilcd IN THE NAME OF1 THE STATE OF OUKGON you aid each of you above named and referred to, are hereby eited and required to he stnd ap pear in the County Conrt of the connty of Linn, in the Slate of Oreijon. at the court house In the city of Albany, in said county and Stat'e,on Tuesday, the 4th day of. May, A. D. 188D, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon of said dav, the same being a day of the resjn'ax Mav term A. I). 1880, of said Court, and then and there show cause, if any exist, why an or oer of sale should not he made, directing and licensing the administrator of said estate to sell all the rlghtv title an imerest of said H. K. W. olarke,leceased,atthetimeof his death, both in law and in eqtrtt v, in and to thereat (ireperty hereinafter described, as prayed for n and by the petition of John Coskkr. the administrator of the eslato of said decerned, hieh said petition is now on file in the Coun ty Court of Lfnn' crthnty, Oiesron, Which said real property is described follows, to-wTt : . The one equal uii'divided one-cinnth of the following desctlned real property, toJWiti - Lots 4 9 ahdjlO, in Se-tion T, tOwnShlp ll, ranKe I, containing IB 5fI00 acres : lot IjSee'lon , township 11. ranirol, containing M2inp acie8tlott,8BofN W VahdKE of 9W H Sec 21, township 11. lantje 1. cpiitalninsr 98 -lSttaorca ; lots 1 and 2, Sec 8,. townslifp 11. raiiae r, contnininst 40 acres : N fro X of NM and'S KJfofS E k. See 1. township 1. ranVe l.containtnpt 119 10.100 acres ; KM , of SM, Sec ll township 14, range 1. con tain inKtl eres; N K frn Si of N W M and S W JTof.N W: AT, Sec 1, toShhi ran nift7?';ioer;5 N W k' of 8 W M. See I, township K. run we 1, a. l. P, frac of N W and 1 half of S E If lot No. 4, and N B it of S W 1 of StSaTTp ,f R 1, coniaining 225 S4-100 acres, and the SE 5 oH E and W !a of S E X of Sec 5, Tp 12, R 1, containing 120 acres, and the E X of jforth Eait qnarter, and East half of tbe S J , and lots , i. S, 4. ft, 6 and 7, in Sea 7, TP 12. K 1, containinK 826 SB-100 acres, and the E X of S E If and 8 W if of S E If and 8 W If of NWK and W X of 8W and 8 E Jf 8 W X of Sec 9, Tp 12, R 1. containing 280 acres, and S E If and S H of S W Jf of See 11, Tp 12. B 1, con. taininpr 240 acres, and all ol See 13, Tp 12, S I, containing 640 acres, and lot 7, Sec U, Tp 12, R 1, containing 6 Vino acres, and N EqraraJKEqr of N Wqr of Sec 17,Tp 1 ?,R 1 .contain tag- 290 acres, and lots Nos. 1. 8, 4 and ft, in Sec 23, Tp 12, B 1. containing 104 lviooacres, and N E or or N K" qrand W X of N K qrof Sec 25, Tp 12, R 1, con taining 120 acres, and lots 1. 2, s, 4, 5 and 6, See SI, Tp 12, B 1. containing 121 24-100 acres, and lot No 10 in Sec 33, Tp 12. R 1, containing 39 76 100 acres, and W X. of N W qrand E KotSWqr and lots S'os 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10, in Sec S5, Tp 13 R 1 containing 866 62-100 acres, and lot 1, Sec 1, Tp 13. K 1 W. containing 22 39-100 acres, and lot No 2 In Sec 1, Tp IS. It . and S W fractional qr of N W qrof Sec 1, Tp 13. K 1 W, containing S3 40-100 acros, and S E qr of N W qr or lot 3. Sec 1, Tp 13. R 1, containing 42 M-100 acres, and 8 E qr of S E qr and W X of S E qr and 8 W qr, In Sec A. Tp 13, R 1, containing 20 acres, and E X of Sec -, E V of N W qr and E X .of SW qr, 8 W fro qi of S W qr anil lots 1,.B and 3, See 7,Tp 13.- It 1 containing 36040-100 aeres, and N Wqr of Ji W qr and lot'So 8, Sec 9, Tp 13. R 1, containing 55 8S-100 acres, and the X E qr of S E qrand 8 Wqr of S E qr and S K fracl ionul qr of S W q r, or lot 5, Sec ll, Tp 13, It 1, containing 117 88-100. acres, and E X of N E qr and N W qr of T E qi'and 8 X of -N W qrnndSWqr in Sec 17, Tp 13, B l, (-ontainlng 80 acres, and E X of of Sec 19,Tpl3y It 1, eontainintr 3!0 acres, mid W X of N E iir and S E qr of N E w and lots 1 and 2, Sec 23, Tp) 13,R 1, containing 143 09-100 acres, and N, frcl or. or lots 1 and 2, Sec 2.5. Tp 13, R 1, coirtaining 8 6.'-lC0 acres, and S X of Sec 25, Tp 13, K L.eon taln Ing 320 acrvH. and J he N fractional- SofNE qr. or lots 1 and 4, anil H XofS K qr, N W qrof S. W qrand lots 8, 5, R. 7 and 8.in Sec 27. Tp 13, tt 1, containing 279 01-100 acres, and S X ot Sec . and N X of N. Wqr. Sec 29. Tp 13. R 1, contain ing 400 acres, and N Jfaof N B qr W X of N W qr nnti B ,t iiiif-noMiil qr Sec 31, Tp 18, R 1. con taining 2-.H 40-100 acres, and N ! of N W qr and W X of S W qr Sec 33. Tp 13. R 1. containing 16C acres, and jot 6 and 7 In Sec SV Tp 13, K 1 , con U"",!,"?, and lots i and 6 in Sec 19. TPJ,K eo'Wlwng 7d H-tOOacv. and NE qr of X I qr TOd --low I.W9, 4, 8 and 9 in Sec 29. To 10. R 2, oontnimrt 1SS lo-lflti acres, and lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. 7, and 10 and II. in Sec 33. Tp 10. R 2. containing 204 94-100 acres, and N E qr and lota 1, 2 and 3. in Sec 3. Tp 10. R 2, containing 223 24-100 aci-es. the N W t ract ional qr of N W qr of Sec l,Tp ll.R 2,containing 40 4-I00 acres, and lot ".IS ?ec7-,TB K 2- containing 8 Il-Jo acres,' afid lot 4 in Sec 23. Tp 11, R 2, containing 6 87 100 acres, and lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and 3 fn Sec 85, Tp 11. R 2. containing-48 73 100 acres, and lots J, s. i and 4, in See. 1, Tp 1:1. R 2, containing 21 44-100 sores, tlie S W of N W qr and 8 E qr of ft W qr of Sec 3. Tp 13, R 2. containing 80 acres. ?,?. ',';sHnd8l",'c.-.7' Tnl3' R 2. containing ?S1 H"?. a,l''1 9' and 8 W qr of See. 9. Tp M, K 2, cAiituining 920 acres, and 9 E qr and N ir of S.W or of Sec. 11. T 13, R 2, contain ing 2w ac .c. E S'-of Sue. and E X N W or andN W qrofN W or and E pf, S W flr arfd S W qr of S W qr of fee M. Tp 13. R 2, contain ing nbO acres, s of S E qr and 8 X or W. qr "i0; i ' Tp 'A." ?' co",1'ng,l(iftacres; W -X of N W qr and W X of S E qrof Sec. 23, Tp 13. 5 3Vco-";f inin?r Jfaeres, E jj. of N E qrand W X of N W qr and S E qr of See. 25, Tp 13. R 2. contaiiiiiig3iiBcres,lots5, 6 and 7, Sec 13,Tp 10. R 3. containing l acres, lot 1, See. 23, To 10 R 3, containing 13 80-lii0 acres.- tot No 1 in Sec 27. Tp 10. R 3, containing 13 tiVlOO cres. loM or N E fract ional qrof N E qrof Sec. 25, Tn-10. R 3. containing 41 8.V100 acres, lot 3. Sec 5. Tp 12.-S 2. con tain ing 11 41-100 acres, lot 1, Sec 11, Tp 12. 11 2, containing 19 56-100 acres, lot 5. Spc 13, Tr 12, K 2 mmainimr 7 55-100 acres, N W q'tOfX hq 2' N W qr and lot 3, in Se 29. Tp 5 '"i1 12-lOO aeres, lot 1. In Sec ?pJ2-,R J iaining 24; 93-100 acres, lot 1. Sees. Tp 12. E 3. containing 3 4-100 acres, all of the foregoii g sections and lot parts ot sec tions and lotsare in the TownsMpsand Ranges above given and all of said Townshins and Ranges being south of base line and West of illainctte tneridnui, according to the public survey of the United States in the State of 4 ot S.1C 31. Tp 12, S R 1 E. containing 425 96-100 acres, N ij ot s W qrof Sec 5. Tp 13. S R 1 E con. IS v & 1-V,1 B w qrof See 19, Tp 13, ?. T,CS"B" n' ';? J8-,1 acres, all or Sec, EluTj "..c1,,1; """aining 040 acres, all Alt Sec 23, Tp 13, S 11 1 E containing un arZ n Sec 21. Tii lS.S K J K containing 640 m-res"lot' 2. 3. 4 n 1 . X of N W qr of See 27, Xp 13i S K 1 L , contalHfnst 11 S7-10. acres, E XMiffl qr nfwTniT n , v r.an iota .and ot bee 29, Tp 1 J. S K 1 E. contain Vng 28346-100 acres, NEqrofNEqr and tots 3, 4. Si b and 10 SccSl. Tp 13, S R 1 E t ontarning 139 41-100 acres! ' " W. Tp 13, S R IK 4d,n7ai n ifig 13 4 i-loo acres, J, K qrEqrofN War lots 1 2 TplA S It 1 E containing 593 8V100 acres. fractional .S' Sec 5, .To 14, 6 R 11 E. containing 276 64-100 acres, U of Sec 21, Tn I47s R li E cSf-i!l'?in-Ft2 Tntl?" ",r, fe-o'ons23and27and ?rV , t TipI't-S..R ',4, ' 'I"" ' ' ions 13 and 21, h 1th' s" J'r Sefrs 23 "d 25, Tp 14. S K ' ,tR J5'"" Sees 7. "ami 13 in Tp " s tlh N-W lr of Sec 15, Tp 14. 8 R 16 Ej Fff'JL' 1H ani S-'. SI and 35 in Tn 14. S It. of Sees 87 and N W q, of s ?; q'r'of 8eS s Tn 14S R 1-K cotai,,hls2, acrel hf of s5i,Tst f'of X W ci-1 -rrTv'sfR ,?-" Qrof N E qr Sf iun'rUi' ? i- K.ontaining 481 21-100 Seres ?. .?7." P J1?"' Sec 23 and all of Sees 27 and ai W fi-aclioni o;r,i s "hi , "' '"V"5' V iP.:i,? i' 1 ,,,e foregoing tracts of kind nnrl fnr, c',.' -' , AV'" -"' , " - . ' ' '"i--"n , iko jots 1. 2. fc. 7 ' 7" HSBI W containing 10137- qrofSE or Sec ta Tn li stniw 40 acres. h S E qr and N E qr of 9 W qr Sec -5?Vrp U S il ' epntainlng.120 acres, hf ot N E Qr 27 TP 14, S R 1 W containing 8 acres. W hf of N W qrand S E qrof N W or Byi7!?" Ui 8 " 1W containing l2fiacrA N gf of S E qr of Sec 27. Tp 14. S R 1 W containing 80iicres, N Eqrof S W qr 8ee27. Tp 14, S 11 1 W "'"'"'ig 40 acres. N hf of N E qr Sec 1, Tp 14' S B S Vr . containing so 83-100 acres : the Ttn',' sbilis above referred to as South and Ranges ar' west are .all Townships sonth of Lase lineancl Ranges West of Willamette meridian as ctab-I lislied, by the public surveys of the United, States and all the foregoing tracts, parcels and? lotsare the same desert lied and contained in ' list No 1. of lands gmnted to the State of Ore-' ' gon by the act of Congress, approved Jnly ft A n lSiie.toaid in I lie const rod Ion of Milharv . aryo' " state, wutcn saw list was nled-in the ofBee of the Secretary or State nf the State, of Oregon. Jone 1st. 1871; alsiSall the lands In -addition to those hereinbefore particulnrlv de scrilied, that He and are sitnated along the line-' -of the Wagon Road of the Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon KoadJCompany. which said road commences at tile Iowa if Albany. Linn county. Oregon, and extends , easterly and terminates at a point in the East--' A(.n hniinfisrr Of 1 lie StRtA of Immmih . : the trashoe Ferry on Snake river, and are em' -. braced wit h in a con t in nous belt of land extend-' ing sii miles 6n each side of said mad and ex-,'-fonflim the entire lenirth 1Yrrrt. ,iwl .-kli. . were grantcd byfie ln ited States to tbe State, of Oregon by.an fict of Congress, entitled "an act granting lands to the State of Oregon t aid iiv.tbe const ruction or a Military Road fretri AHwiiv. Oregon, to the Eastern bonndary o? said state, approved .J.tJly 5. 186ft, and by said. State of Oregon granted to the Company afore-, said by an act entitled "an Act donating certain, loi.rts to the WlllamcttO Valley and Cascade L Mountain Wagon Koad Cojnpany," approved . Oc.HXier.S4. JWW, ana wnicu now nave oeen or which hereafter at any time may be selected or located by said Comoany .and certified or' patentctt bf the Cnfled States to. t,e State of Oretron or to said Oomtiaiiy under or by virtue. or the act s aforesaid or ei t her of t hem or an yot h eract or acts that have been or hereafter may be .nctert.v.tlid. State of Oregon, or. UieL' nitesL L8 atesin respect tlifcreto. There are exceixedr out of I lie aiMive uuaui iwt "-ihw ibviiuikiwiiiii described tracts, to-wit: E hf of Eqr8ec26,: Tn 13. S R 3 W containing 80 acrqs, W h of N qf and Ehf of Si W qr heci,p,, B WMO-. f tHlninsz 160 acres. S hf of X E qr of 8 W qr Sep. r-21.Tnll.SRJW containing 20 acres, N. hf of i tv Sec 21. and lots 8, -wi' 10. Sec 7, Tp It. 8 R 1 W eontainirur 97 83 lno acres, lot No 1, Sec7 Tp 10. S R 3'W containing. 13 63-ltlO acres, lot 1,' Sec 3, Tpl4,-S R 8 W. containing 3 4-100 acres lots 1. 9, 3, 4 5. 6, Sec 31. Tp 12, 8 R 1 W contain., ing 121 24-1W acrest lots 8 and 9, 8ee 99, lots 10 and II, Sec 33, Tp 10. S R 2 W containing 68 87- 100 acres, lots and , Sec 7, Tp 13,SEiW eon-'. tainine 39 34-100 acres. Nlifor .J w or X W qr. of N W qr and lot , Sec 29. TpB,8RlW, con taining Ml 12-lno acres, said, excepted parcels amount mg.in tne aggn-gaie io-.o tviou acres nc excepting from the lands he re jn before de scribed so much thereof as is in the actual use of tbe Willamette Valley and Cascade, Mounj. tain- Waeon Roert Company, for tt rqpd(.tbe, whole distance through said land's ( also ex cepting from the lands heretnhetere oescisbeat the following, to-wit: Sec S3 injs 13, 8 R I K,' By order or i ne county t mtn oi k,van eoujnty Oregon, made on tne tn nay oi aiarcti, j xrmu, tne same ucinti 'ih v ui mc rcgiiwr i In witness wlrereof. I, James L. ConTAH J County Cleric and cx-offlcio CJurk of the aforen said-County Conrt of Linn county. Oregon " Iiave hereunto set my band and affixed thoT seal of said Court nt my office on this 4th day of March, A. D., 1880. ' JAME3 I. COWAN, - L eotmty Clerk,' March TK 1880-rl2u24 term. A. 11 lnno. ox saiu lour. - . . -. ' o .. V ,- ', -onai a or Sec 7. Tp 13. t.I ti e ,'.Hi"in? 1-lno acre9' of Sec 9V c-,1 containing 640 acres, X of Sec it. JLU o J l h. contain ; i , . . ? 11 " qr or woe i, Tp lo, S R l0 E wntaining 400 acres, all of Sees 3. and 11 i Tr? J?,15- S !? ,s K-" of Sees 7, and ll in i R M,S K 17 E, the W lit nf w hf of N E qr and hf of K q'rSro fifp ll 8 B1 ",. eontamhig aso ,,. k hf of i'c and ?i V V:. "'"mining lso acres, all ... . . . . x( r ii i oi jsec w and s hf of 8-E U F V T 2,i 2,3' 89nrt M "'Til 14. Stt 18 E, the L ti-act ional hrof Sec 1. Tp 15. SRM t ?.?.B',JC9 3- 7- 9 Tp 15. S R 18 K. .lALf-S,2,2-l and the N fi-actional hf of Sec 31 III A il t.. a K lM IV. i.,,, t- " " v snips sontn ana vr ,.". S0"'" of the Base line and. 5r:.? ,tn' Willamette meridian as fixed and. uuici uiiiie I n' I I1A rniloH CtAtAd ii ay TV,--" -iioi!ai ni or j, W qrs;5, Til 14. 8 R 1 W containing 809 -100 a?res.N E or oft N Eqr and lots 1,5, 6 and 7, Sec 9, Tp 14 SRf W contalninr 51 10-100 acre . lot No 1. Sec 11 IP H. 8 K 1 W. Hintnfninv 1(1 AO.lnn em..