The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 27, 1880, Image 2

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Congress k trorit before it, tne Sehate
taring over twelve hundred bills before it
tVhlle the Uoltse lias four thousand.
"the twentieth annual fait of the Oregon
State' Society will be held at the Society'
grounds near Salem, commencing on the
lit of JUly next, and continuing to theJSth.
a-.-, v
Ben. Butler,, who is said to be In (nil ac
cord with the Democratic party, advises
the nomination of Judge FUid as the can
didate of the party for the Presidency.
. These ladles' ulsters are a glorious Insti
tution. It Is perfectly safe to offer the
wearer ot one your seat in a horse-car.
She won't accept It, as it would be impos-
Ible tor ber to utilize it
14. S. Kearney has been nomiuared for
the position ot tT. S. Marshal for the ill-
tilct of Oregon, and doubtless will be con
firmed. Keanief held the same office in
Washington Territory.
fc On the 23d the House comm'ttee on for
eign affairs instructed its chairman to
report favorably to the House a resolution
appropriating 3,000,000' to relieve the
. suffering people of Ireland.
Representative Davis has introduced a
bill providing lor a custom duty of six
cents per pound upon starch and tiie vari
ous article used by them from which starch
Is made. Another blow at the celestials.
They are still Introducing bills into Con
cress for the suppression of polygamy. It
would be more to the purpose to faithfully
execute some of the laws on the cftbject
that are supposed to be In fcTce.
The National Democratic Convention
will be held fa CincTnnatf or tfee 21 of
June. Whitaker wanted the convention
held in Eugene City, but the coinmittee
couldn't see it.
It is announced from Paris that the total
loss and expense to France In consequence
Cf thtf rftfr with Germany foots up a snm
equal to $2,800,000,000. All this must be
charged to the account of the Second Em
pire. - - :
The sick man liad been brought back as
if by a miracle from the very gates ot death,
ft is too bad, too bad," says the clcrgy-
-. man; '"he'll never be half so ready to die
as I had him this time.- f fitter took sftch
- pains with a sinner before.''
At a single transactlcrh 200,000 acres of
land in Iowa and Minnesota were recently
disposed of to a Iondon colonization com-
- fiaey, Which proposes to send out British
settlers and sell them the land on the ln-
ailment plan.
" '
The military authoilties of France are
enmidering the advisability of doing away
" Ufa drams and snostituting bugles. A
ramp without drums woirld oe like an army
wlUiout Dangers,-sfTlf i'l would1 Se B im-
. It is said1 that Trldeu believes be can be
nominated. Thai Is not tbeqnesftoh, Sam
uel. Can" yctf be" elected? can cSft spirits
from flic tasty deep," remarked one Shake
spearian gentleman. "Aye, but will they
Come?" was the very natural inquiry.
The San Francisco Chronicle has more
enterprise, shows more ability in its edito
rial column, has a larger and more Inter
esting corps of correspondents, than any of
the San Francisco dailies. , And it is one
tit the neatest printed sheets on the coast.
Ko wonder It is successful.
Jack Williams, the would be Sitka mur
derer, getting clear of the Sitka matter.
Was arrested for robbery in- tills State a
year of twosgb entered a plea of guilty
and was sentenced fiy" Judge Bellinger at
Portland to eight year's fd fhe penitentiary.
It is given out that the Chicago conven
tion will be held on the 2d of Jmle. The
nomtnatlona will probably be made on the
day following. As our election' flftt be
held on the 7th, a great , many people In
Oregon will be ignorant of the worft of the"
convention till long after tlie State eTecfToh
Is over.
Sfkiitary operations are not condncted on
t Very colossal scale In Txwer California
The fugitive Governor of that State arrived
at ..San Diego a few days ago, and com
plained of having been driven from power
and position by an envious rival at the
head ot an army of fifty men. It Would
be very dangerous, to get a .Lower Califor
nia army In front of a good mttVallleUse.
The expenses and loss or lesourcea to
France from her last war with Germany
were nearly fourteen million francs. And
yet It would seem that she Is now Increas-
Ing her army and is really "spoiling for a
fight., with ber ancient enemy. Verily
you oliy bray toe French nation In a mor
tar, but the IdVe of glory will not depart
from tlietrT, ;-.
. And now the mperor Of Japan is to be
memorialized next month for the estab
lishment of a National Assembly. A
strong party baa been organized to urge
the matter upon his attention. Should he
comply, bis progressive empire will be
more than In accord with the spirit
of the age. A representative government
In Asia would be an encouraging spectacle
. inaeea. -
Befbre the war New Orleans enjoyed
longprlod of extraordinary prosperity.
For many years after the war the reverse
was tSe ease. - T& ifhmense eottoa crops
of the past few season however, have
brought about anotlfriliSKjfttatlon, and
the GuJf tnetropolit Ik jn& an thronged
ana prosperous" a.-in -its pEfiWtiest days.
Industrious atcer!tn to ihe tttefnr -of the
, aoii Is much morerofitaMe, tt&KTs political
ItS" taost
f ery SntberT! spec.L'cf1 the
, ta--l la"-1 Beimte- It r.
Diphtlteria Is raging In central Russia,
40,000 deaths having occurred in Xovcm-
ber In the provinces of Sharkoff and Pal -
tava alone. In the neighborhood of Walk!
whole Villages have been almost wiped out.
V. O. Brown died in Portland last Fri
day evening, after a long Illness. De
ceased was an old fireman, and liad twice
been elected Chief ot the PortlanJ Depart
ment. ' He was 43 years ot age.
New York City lias a Society tor the Pre
vention ot Crime. The President ot the
Institution announces that Its members
will visit gambling houses, concert saloons,
and all sorts ot questionable places, to as
certain who frequent tliem. It Is to be
hoped that these well-meaning emissaries'
may not themselves fall Into the ways of
the ungodly. Tliey have a dangeroU mis
sion to perform.
Dialogue reported by the Wheeling
Leader: A young man from the North
accosted a Southern man with, "About
how many voters have you in your dottle!'
"About 6,000." "What is your aggregate
vote?" "Something like 430." "Mow's
that?'' ''Oh, we never let the nfggcfs vote.
"MTIinr, never?" The Sontlieroer had
never heard '"'Pinafore" "No, bygawd:'
Ttie reader wuo likes to sup on' horrors
has au ample stoe ot delectable bits of
tragic deaths recenfly. Suicides liko acci
dents and fire,' seem to follow some da
known law of association, and are Usually
found grouped togetlier, separated by .inter
val of freedom from Die manta. Within
a few days the number of those who have
.Committed self-slaughter baa been very
Tcn64ee Judges evidently do riot dab
tie in stocks or get up wheat and cottdti
"corners" when or? the bench. Judge
Pierce of tlie Memphis Circuit Court has
decided. In a suit brought to recover addi
tional margin In a wheat transaction, that
the rrrsrl who deals in "futures' is guilty
of gambling, and should ecelVe the atten
tion of the' Grand Jury. The cliances for
the election of that Jifclge in Chicago or
San Francisco would be slim indeed.
Henry Orpen. keeper of a boarding
house at No. 22 Florence street, south end,
Boston, learned on the 22d, that two of
his 1odgcrS Who roomed together, had
been missing eight days. He opened their
room and found E. C. Marshall, of the
missing lodgers, dead upon the bed with a
revolver in his left hand and a bullet hole
in the right side of bis head. In the room
a large lot of burglars' tools were found,
also seven crucibles and a number of prec
ious stones taken from jewelry.
Anarchy reigns In Russia, and the Czar,
it is stated, deires a state of seige to be
proclaimed all over Russia. The nihilist
committee have informed the Gov. General
of St. Petersburg, the Chief of the Impe
rial Police, " that -tliey .need not; trouble
themselves to make arrangements tor illu
minations on the occasion of tlie Czar's
anniversary, as the revolutionists are pre
paring such an illumination as has not '
been seen since Nero burned Rome. ."Un
easy lies the hevd that wears a crown."
Gordon and Stephens have exchanged
rile kiss of reconciliation by letter. Thj
latter, however, Injects Into his frigidly
polite comrrrtfniiation a few remarks on
nmnneff that Would do credit - to Chester
field; Gordon has drawn down much ridi
cule upon his head by a letter objecting to
the appointment of a certain candidate for
census supervisor because tlie man could
not spell. The letter contained several
blunders In Orthography. Hence the cruel
jibes of Repliblicax papers.
A few Weeks ago tlie United States "tub-
owar" Adttms, carrying ilx ; cast-iron
smooth-bore guns, sailed mysteriously
from San Francisco with sealed orders. It
transpires that its destination is the coast
of Nicaragua, to subserve American canal
Interests in bat quarter. It is not likely
that De Lesseps will be appalled in conse
quence, or Uiat any great naval combat will
be precipitated. Tiie commander of such
a craft, however, should be a man of great
Fit John Porter has notified Senator
Itamsey tliat he is willing to allow the bill
restoring him to tlie army to go over till
tlie cext session, because leading Demo
crats express the opinion that the discus
sion ot the matter will Intnie the Demo
cratic cause In the coming Presidential
canvas. If this restoration is rizht and
jusf. why should it injure tlie Democratic
party T And If it Is manifestly wrong and
wickeBt'hy should the Democratic major
ity destrt tsj acromjlllah !l at any session of
Congress? i
n hittnttEte friend ot the late Mr. Meek
er giver It as hrV opinion that the Ute eut.
oremn u uue solely to the attemnt or ft..
agent to compel Cie savages to conform to
the customs of the whites. No tTf
spirit could fee expected- to act otherwise
man as a savage. Tlie great trouble has
heretofore arUen- from the belief of a ma
tenrs iu snch matters, that a creature with
savage hwtlncts can be coaxed Into agricul
ture ana kindred pursuits. The wild red
man will work and gain hts living honestly
wnen ne can no longer beg ot; steal from
the white man, but net before. This is
fact that numerous experiences have taught
Western people, but one which the philan-
throput Is reluctant to acknowledge.
Lpon General Grant s arrival on tlie
night of the 21st the depot was illuminated
with Chinese lanterns and decorated with
American flazs. When the carriaire start
ed a magnificent arch came Into view.
Illuminated with Bengal light. . nn which
appeared the word "Welcome" Five hun
dred rnral dragoons,, with lighted torches.
illuminated tne line or Drocession to tne
Mineral col leffe.. After the passaee of
Grant an immense protesslbw, . formed and
marenen past uenerai urunt s aparanenta,
navlnfif him honors St tlie notf- afsilned
to him. . The eonerai was received hV trie
governor of state awl city and council, w)k
welcomed him at the etfest ot the ' c"itv.
-s mslf.cssnu- This, occurred iu the
C..y ofi-eitco. -,
Tb Cooalng Election.
As the time for electing certain officers
to serve the people of this State Is ap
proaching, a few words in regard to the
duty ot the voter may not be out of place.
Tlie elective franchise in the hands of peo
ple who understand and appreciate It at its
higltest value, is an inestimable privilege.
But when men use the high privilege of
the ballot without care or thought as to
tlielr duty in the matter, they might as
weli not have It at all. It is a -cpu'lar
delusion among the masses that they really
hate a choice in the selection of the candi
dates, when the truth is, tlie entire ticket
is ''to t Up" long before tiie time lor hold
ing conventions, by a few political shyste-,
fellows; too, who couldn't be elected dele
gates to a Ward meeting. As a general
thing, the tax-payers and the masses who' desire ftonestv.' lylnsttrltv1 and true
merit to be considered as (Qualifications in
selecting Candidates for office,' have no
part or lot ft the election. Those who
have riiost at stake In securing honest and
competent men to fill the offices remain at
home, instead of attending tlie primaries
and seeing rj ft lUnt representative men
arc sent from the precincts as delegates to
the county convention. II the substantial
men In tlie coiinty let the primaries go by
default, is it likely that the delegates sent
to the county convention will be re'prcsen'-
tative inen ? . And if representative men
... . . . .
not sent as delegates, is it likely that
j ; : , . : i . .
the Candidates clioseu by those delegates
will be the choice of the representative men
of the county ? Vet If the masses, year
after year, fall to dd their duty In this
matter, have they any right to complain if
sticks and even rogues sometimes get into
office? Every voter should feel that it
tils duty to attend the primaries, and assist
with Voice and vote in the selection of
honest, capable men as delegates to the
county convention, m$n: who are not too
timid to speak and vote against trickery
and deceit. In this way we may hope to
get the best men nominated for the posi
tions, men who wilt be the choice of the
people, and who will act for them con
scientiously. ' It anything, we should be
most particular In selecting candidates for
the Legislature first selecting men! who
are competent, who are able to distinguish
between a needed law and buncombe legis
lation ; who are not in the market, and
whose consciences will not let them sit In
the halls of the legislature from day to day,
idling away tlie people's time and money
to accompli-.h some party end. We want
men who know what is demanded by their
constituents, who are above party trickery,
and who will advocate the right with
judgment, without fear or favor. Until
the masses learn to estimate the high priv
ilege of the franchise, and come right up
to the mark tliemsclves, we may expect
to be burdened with high taxes, and offi
cials who, it not dishonest In the meaning
ot the law, will still wink at negligence
of duty arid useless extravagant and
waste of tlie people's money.
Rumor has it that the Baroness Bnrdutt
Coutts has determlnw fc' contribute 300,
000, or about f2.500.000, for tiie relief of
the Xa mine-stricken IrUh. If this be true,
the Baroness is the greatest philanthropist
and humanitarian ot which we have any
accouut la ancient or modern times. An
instance of charity on so magnificent a
scale the world has never saw. j Such a
iminirleeut gift has astonished the world,
ami some of the incredulous have intimat
ed their disbelief in the rumor. It there is
any doubt as to the gift, nothing more
unwise or cruel could have been conceived.
Tliepeople believing that so large a sum has
been donated for the suffering ones iu Ire
land, in addition to the large sums already
collected and forwarded, will begin to
think and ask : "What call i there lor
more charity? The famine district em
braces only a part of Ireland, and the vast
sums already collected ought to meet all
the exigencies of the occasion." Nothing
seems" more certain tlian that the distress
tor food in Ireland has not been overdrawn,
there lore it the7 rumor of the gift ot the
Baroness is but a hoax, the oor starving
Irish will be the sufiVrers as it will close
the purse-strings of thousands who would
otherwise have given liberally of their
The highly-colored scenes of fiction' lirrre
been repeated In real life In OttawV,- With
royalty as the principal characters. The
Princess I.ouls and Lorne were behind a
runaway team ; tne driver was tnrown
from his seat ; the augusf couple were com
pletely tt the mercy of tlie frenzied team.
and were being jostled' and shaken up like
the veriest plebians, expecting efery min
ute to be their next, widen two brave men,
taking their lives in tbctr bVud. as well
as the bridles of the horse, succeeded in
rescuing the Princess lhihanned. The
brave men will doubtless be rewarded Wrth
money or good, fat oirtees, and will be
nronounced lucVv fellows. Btrl, alas !
there was no Princess yearning for af hero
and a husband, and the wfio'e' affair be
comes very common place. Ixirne thank erf
the preservers of his wife, dbObtless, in a
frigid sort of a way, as no man likes to see
another rescue his wife from peril when
he Is on the spot, and thus even sertYhie'ht
didn't get a chance to slop over." j :
m i .'
Be careful, young nin.lioWyotfsei'"gn;ftle
yonr girl with an accordion. Phllp Hughes"
of Flat Rock, Mictu, attempted; this teat
last Saturday night, and the'dbject of Ills
attention, a Miss Paxton, qsiTetly polled
out her little revolver and" miT a' Bnf let
through his bead. That's what SfW Pax"
ton thinks of the accordion, aiiif sbo' ac
cordingly put i top to tlie music:
It Is stated that Sitting Bull Is Irf great
need of food, buffalo having become! Very
scarce. Furtherraoro.they would all return
to the United States if they we?e" Kbre of
beinei received wltltont any ' pufitsffmeht,
smd tliat they would be taken carief. He
ought to know that there: Is bd d&ftgef of
Ms getting hurt by Use present administration,-
btst-on the contrary, he wilhW taken
as a great man to Washington. s
Eu'eiie reports considerable "rteWness,
The intimate friends ot Gen. Grant as
sert that it he is not offered the nomina
tion for the Presidency by the unanimous
voice of the Republican Convention, be
wtll not accept. , If tbia be time, and we
are Inclined to think it Is, the discussion of j
the matter Is Useless waste of time, for
Gen. Grant will hot be tlie unanimous
choice of the Convention ; and we are in
clined to think, from the way events art
shaping, that he wiil not have a majority
of the votes in that body. Blaine seems
to be in the lead at present, btit we shall
not be surprised, for reasons stated In our
last week's Issue, to see Mr. Washburne
come in ahead, of all competitors, although
lie lias positively ttsserted that he Is not a
candidate, but Is In favor of Grant.
itiiHn ifevtr BiKkM.
The following resolutions Were offered1
by a member of the Kentucky legislature
p few days Hgol.
WtiEKEAs, The Tvouisyille Covritr Jour
nal, the ctilejf organ of ,the nnterriMed de
mocro.tKeiitiicky,.flnally admits, what
Dr. lUike P, CTapKbtirn does n6t design .fcq
deny to wft f, Jllirij . site Caiinda. Bermuda
and Havana lUackbiirti and the present
governor ot Kentucky are one and tlie
same person ; and
WHF.ntAS, Civilized man justly considers
any attempt, to spread Wasting diseases ft
the camp of an '"enemy ,t,' liurrible and
brutal fn the eitreifte ; and planning and
dastardly attempting the destruction nol
Jy-t armies but whole commrtftities of
Innocent womennnd children by claudes-
tlueiy .iIlectiiig yellow lover ami small
pox virus from dying patients for tlie pr
pose' of accomplishing wholesale sianxhtt-r
ofciiizeiis ofilie Uuited States f thei-eforr
Jlenolred, That tlie fair fame of Kentucky
ueinanas a prompt and emphatic Uenial. or
a frank, thorongti and satisfactory expla
nation of this whole matter, In oftfer to
remove this stain of iufamy on the repuita'
tiou ot Kentucky.
The speaker decided the resoltitiens oii
ol order. The mover appviilett frorW tle
decision of tlie cliair, tfte s'peakcr came on
the floor and detended ifs ftiiing.' and the'
house laid tlie n'ppea'1 on' the table. The
do not want Governor Blackburn's Infam-"
ous plot proven c'n fVfm.
Tlie extra session ot congress was forced
upon the county by the confederate demo
cratic managers hi tiia'f! expensive Doily of
national legislation, and we are constantly
finding out some new items of expense fas
tened by it upon the treasury. The latest,
is tlie form of a deficiency estimate of
iid.000 submitted by tlie public printer,
and fn'acTe neccs'sn'ry, ordered to be done by
the democrats at tlie extra session, and
not provided for in the regular appropria
tion for the current fiscal year. And Dan
Voorhces is going on with his exodus in
vestigation, and there is no 6'ndof other
costly humbugs still in progress.
On the eastern end ot the Northern
Pacific railroad work will, in a short time,
be briskly resumed. In fact a large amouii t
ot work has been done during the current
whiter. Tlie general manager thinks ioO
miles of line west of the Missouri will be
completed and open for business early In
the summer, and th-tt tlie whole 205 miles
from Maudan, t-pposite Bismarck, to the
Yellowstone will be ripened by September
next. Arrangements have also been per
fected for putting the Yellowstone division
under contract as soon as the ' engineers
now making a survey of the line have com
pleted their work and located the road.
Harrisnurg clogs are taxed at 71 uO per
annum, and owners of canines must pungle
or snoot. ,
Tlie Independence girl who valorously
cowlnded l.t-r trauueer is greatly com
mended for her grit.
Dayton newspapers boast ot the nnniher
character and variety or the social amuse
menU of the town.
M.A.Abbott will remove to Boise City in
April, when the Democrat of that city is
again expected to blossom as a rose,
A number of Bueua Vista hovs have
been up the Santiaiii "sharking" logs,
Thy report gatlierlng op about 12,000 feet
Joseph Watt sold hTs" JTarTon county
rarm ot 4UO acres rtiis week, to some tar-
ties recently from' California, for the sum
ot $15,000.
The Port lownsend Argus has Entered
Its tenth year.
CiTbt. tf. K. Url&t'lik. tne new eimman
der ot the Dakota', is proving quite popn-
ur. ,
. A man languishes in the Lafayette tall
fov larceny of a sack, of floor. ,
Taxes eAitiVa in slowlv from loiStline
where tne rust! ninde havoc in the Spring'
Kuthtisiasttff ffcfemiteS who .heean'Ca'r-
ilfiilnp' oriorations dnrin? the first dava ot
FcTuuary liavc again goni, fnt'd" Winter
W. A.. ParW retina teifm the .lunertofi
Rfpfrtil.tan leaving It insole charge, of
o. f. footer; wno is a nveiy and entcr-
prwlwg ncwpap'?r,,ain. ?
Yanihill c'omifr wilt retrte
a very lieht
delthntifcnt tax 1 list.- Shenff Kelty U
good ci 'Hector ind - the farmers thougli
soTnistlriies' slow Are sure pay. ; ? "
Joseph' Cliambcrs who died suddenly
near Daytbii lat week was an exemplify
citizen and is .. universally lameuteil.
fjiWVette Iodze I. O. O. F., conducted
tlie' 6bscqtntss.
Itf is rumored that the county court does
noT Intend to; reiair tlie Dayton bridge
tliis fear. It true, this will prove a source
of greht Inconvenience to residents f
Yamhill county. v- - . ,
Union Imposes a dbtax.
bright weather at Baker City.
Work on the bridge across the Touclfet
li progressing rapidly,
ft. Imll.n miltl wW wiw nut with
r'lent. Farrow last summer were prfkl off
list' week. . -
A' family illrect from Sweden, and all
nYiable tp speak English, have locitted en
Peoa' Prairie, f " ' '
Anafty ii being- organized- at Spokan
Falls'to'go Wtlie Skagit mines by cross
ing the Cascade mountains direct
Tlie public school at Milton,- OS., with
Prof. PalnKer as prlndpa! and Kiss Cowl
as assistant, Iia3"an"avera aftendance ot
90 scholars.' ; j
The MetiiodIsts.lar cbndiKAings'revivai
at Centervllle. Umatilla cmriW It has
been in progress three week "alrar7 con
verslons are now: reported. v -
Alnsworth tiiongh a new ttfivH pimtta a
handsome Babcockfire extfneoisher moun
ted on a tour wheel carrlwgey'Aliir rt well
drilled fire company. '
Have the courage to vfexf' yoin old
clothes unttl ya cmi vfford to pay for new
ones."' .. . .. .. , . -
frvci OPJES THOIJSAII5 in Usti
Albariy, Oregon.
The city treasurer of Union receives a
salary of $25 per annum.
The grand jurors have expressed them
selves In favor of a new court horfse ami
jail in Walla Wa,lii and the citizens are
talking ot erecting incm ot oricK .
Work will commence on the Mammoth
mine as early as tlie dissolving snojt will,
permit. Pa'rt of Ihe machinery, intended
for the work i now in' Bilker Cfty,' .,
Ice navkine 1 eolns on
lively nt; J-ort
Cceur d'AIene. Ie on tlie lake is six In
ches thick, notwithstanding the numerous
Chinooks and thaws that have visited us.
Bedrock Democrat sneaks of Dr.
Dean Clarke as "a little fellow about four,
feet nothing., who IooSls remarkably IvkVe
the Puncfi ? a free sliow, and who has in
fested Baker City for the past three
Five head of blooded Durham cattle
worth hi n'jrereeate S3. 000, reachefl Citnyon
City Feb. Gth, from Reno,. They Will be
taken to Mevens county, , i., any piac-,
eil on the lane of Germain, Brooks and
Davton has now a suburban .town called
FlnmVshr.rc. name In. honor nf tbe IJ.iV ton
and Touchet water mime; wfylctt termii
ates at tlie "bnrg.V V hither this is
going, to swallow np Dayton of not cannot
be told at present.
On Monday last a deserter was captured
at Wallula who had deserted at. Fort Lav-
wai some ncini ur cikii iwrs
was placed under guard,, fcu't on Monday
night some of his friend helped him out
and he "slid." He was known as a steady.
quiet and peacable man, well liked by ill I
who Knew him. so ins iriewis iiiierierea io
save him from imprisonment.
The Walla Walla Statesman. ,ssrs : The
criminal business of tins comity exceeds
in cost all other expenses. Tlie' ainour.t
in the azsreeate Is $3,036. The expense
of uinnina trre.conrts,. the grand ami petit
juries and talesmen's fees, amounted to
fl,(H7 zu, .wniie tne criminal ousiness
amoun fed. to $1.WS 80. . Of all the pf oseew
. . . .. V . i . . t.'s i f . J '
lions hi tne laic me conn, uuu uue
person was sent np, ana that one was oldy
for a period of one year.
The Marsnfieid school numbers about
one hundred and twenty pupils.
The Emma Utrer's carco of coal, about
460 tons, was brqught for less than one
dollar pW. top. - She wTfl bi utfuri across
the bay to tlte isortn lieiui tor repairs.
The great local qnestinn tint will jar
Polk county at the ensuing election will
b the location of the corintv seat. Dallas
and Independence will be thu two compe
ting points, and tne vote win oe very ciose.
The City of Chester on her last trip fo
tiie Sound, brouzht 83 paeiip5;rs, 23 Uigs
of mail, 2 jtitrkages of treasure and 200
tons of mercliHllse. Ot the latter 77 tons
went to Seattle. ,.
.The Territorial hiiI verbify
trie City vt ".lieer. ,n fcc'r last trip a
poftion fjlie. jfjrifaiffs expected. The
apparatiri -recTvel ineiude a microscope
warrlTi $23'and eh mil for the illustra
tloii ot tlie science of clicmistry. 'J1ie
philosophical apparatus I expected on the
Toll rates of tl.e ferries established on
Skagit river have been fixed by tire comity
commissioners as foUjws! Foot passeii-
gVrs. 50 cents fach -.' pack animals,. 50
cerits each'' single .tram and wVrgon. f.1 ;
eaffi extra" team. 50 fVnrir men' cttfle.
23' cents each; shern,and'.,rirgs,rt) cents
cafeb ; freight per ouiids, tn cent !,'
inner articles in prooriifm.
A iirVinlier, or Cnlifirf'niii nil tiers.' have,
enferetl tlie Skagit mfiies by way of BrrtlJlj
ColtimM.i. The Ottow-a gvenni6nj I.a
given Insfrfti-thrm to allow inluefs' and
merchants gootls. botf'id for Skagit, to
pass through l Iris territory in ho:id -
Says the Climhii Chronicle : It Is now
a certain thing tliat layti W to have a
bank, and that it will be opened nhotit the
1st of April, next by Messrs. H.iwlev A
Wallace of Portland. The itlot; sclecteil
fs tlie rShrn'oiltVnsey ft WolfcV corner;
and i a" "cnivenient ftlnc. ;Tlit lK'r lor
the vau'r Ifs-vafrerfdy arrived at Il'jey.
Dusld St 'si'. 'sjpl.Yee iu this city, and fron
its appearance. -one would jmlge lluit tfi
parties meaSi bfl-inej-s sure..
A petition says.. die Ftl f).-eyntn
was elnmlateff In. town this week f'nd
signed by all" who" had tlie opportunity,
asklnz Hurt C,-b:ln K. NUes ami I.lcftt.-
K. S. FarrcrSV be proino-d hi tlie seivVej
for nieritorio'us WotktTglitiiig Indians on I
,iw ictci rmiu:i Kynii- ihi, italics ; iroyi
town, and protecuiif our property niftl
lives. . " '- .
A trfr T'eTiect ion m trSe J nerj ira
tio'ri at frew Tacmv'ta'rvWk. 'i'htidore
Hosmr, Dr. BostwK-S. S. M 5?ilan and
S. Wit!ibn' W'ere' chnsen tru-tces. Mr.
Ilnsme.r wfas hsefnwnf ly made prefiilent
or tins boft-rd and KiwooJ Evans clerk'. - '
.lacWsou onnty lias a!mot as'iiUtuy
ttrllsas tlv rwi-ttHf-ihe-taie.--
FOB. fitATiB
Olympia lias a clam cliowder manufac
ipfy." Severaljbiirrels of clams are used each
day. . "
Besides thf road tax. Fierce county has
appropriateil 1.37a for building of bridges
and repafrs of road.-.
The new route from Whatcom to the
Skagit gold fields will be open tor tiavel
by the middle of April.
, The .tiiiHs .of .holding the, Seattle and
"OlynVpta courts conflicts,' t? the no small
annoyance of Hietnbers of the'bar.
A private mail line has been established
between the barrel factory at ISelltown
and the pott office at Seattle, wkich is a
greai convenience to tlte worku&n.
Three &ou'aiid tons of cosfl are deliver
ed on shipboard weekly fn' the liJf'rbor cf
Seati lc, all run over a (ifti-row gauge rail
road built wit'iotit a goveriurieut subsidy.
. At.Xeah Bay tlie wind reached a velocity
oil?0 ThiuV oh the 10th of .January.
Tlie deepest au'ow was 25.20 inches and it
rained or snowed 25 day out of tha 31.
. It..& estimated that tliere are now ibxiuS
3p0CO.0ti) feet, of s;iW. lojf hi the. water ot"
the Pugct SiMind; Of these peril ips five
million feet are unmarketable from liaving
lain so long it, the tfater. This stivk
wolild last about five v.-.eeks were all the
mills ruiiuiug at their full capacity.
.The Ashland; Woolen.. Mills will con"
sffme iOO.OOO poiiucls oif wool this year
ftgainst 30.000 last season. Jas. Thorn
ton is now Superintendent. -
jForsytfi. who attempted to kill his wife
at Lakeview recently, waj released on
$1,000 bail, when his wife w:(s afjfiTtcoiij
pelled to swear out a .warrant for his
arrest, and have hini botmd over to keep
tne peace. . i
Two feet of snow lies on the Siskiyou
mountain, says the Times, which Is inter
fering somewhat with tlie stages. The
one from the jsontli yesterday, was elev, ft
nptirs on the vay from Barron's,' a distance
cl 25 miles. .
e A young man named Albert Sliced,
while working in the1 saw" mill at Parkers
burg last week, got his hand badly mangled
by the edger. two fingers have been, ftirt
ptitated and It is feared tbnt he tnay lose
his entire hand.
New To-Day.
Mrs. C. HouK, Proprietor.
THIS HOUSE has been thorotiRhly overhaul
ed and renovnloil. and plneed in first class
condition for the accommodation of its guests,
liood Sample Room lor Comtuercial TmTelers.
General Stage Ofticc for forvnllis. Independ
ence an d U-hanon. Free t'oneSi to and rroin
tbe borne. vlln4-J
- rtnul SM-tMcrtren't.'
ic(d. Administrator of theestnle
JLs nndersiused.
of Margaret IMtilltps. deceased, has 111 jd In Ihe
County Cftnrt of l.lnn county, Ojwjftm, his
final account as micli Administrator, and by
order of Mrid rtidrt. Tuesday., t Tie Sd day of
Mnrch. 1880, at the hour of 1 o'clock 1. M., Is
net for hearinjr ohjoctions to snld account nnd
tlie settlemwt thereof. Any person Interested
in sntd estate. Is hereby not ified to appear and
file his or her oiJict lows to said final account
on or before said day.- 3. T. ROWI.ANH,
i t j' Adfnfiiiatrator.
iiriuar 3&,'T$80- vl2n3.
Police of Final Proof.
.- Or
lOJf City. Or., Jan.
IS, 1879.
"(OTICI Wbereliy rlven4rt tWe follow in at
XV. nulitqd settler lias flU'd n6tiPe of hia inten
tion to mukti; final profTs, n siimwrtof hisclatu,
antl aeenre final entry llKireof nt the expiration
of thirty days from the date of t (lis notice, viz:
Samuel Defyird, homestead apnlicatlnn Xo. 4040
for the OfNKV SEir of NJSf. and NEV of
SE Of Sec. m. T fK E. and niiniea tlie fol
lowing as his witnesses, viu : JV.-I. Berry. f
Linn county, Oregon, and J. It. Potter, of Linn
codnty. Oregon. 1 T. ItAItIN,
January 16, 188C-vlSnl6wS Begl9ter.
NOT F-All. to' send
for our Trlca l,it for
18SO. Fin to anv.
aiuren upon ap-
Slicatlon. Contains
escrlptinnt of ervrr
Hlti required for
With ever j.WW"1 J,mmlZ?i U.Tl
rootM at wholesale prices in quantities to suit
tjhe purchaser. Tbe only Institution la America
who ninke this thtr ix-IM tmslness. Addraaa.
7 tj aae Wbl At Chicago, 111.
QpciriE Porous
(k Sat. Th ,A-t. wers mwardtd tks
Ivjlurt rit(sf meifl (lioeyi rubber plot! r. cU both ,
tktVmtrnnial aaj iWin Srpoiilinnx, Widely and
faamUy knmm OTmapAyiCT'aJ as great a
pnmimtMlomtlm ordinary parous plarirr. AA.tmg
Ttkjfrurian t yovr ia Uttmitiy about it. TfeoTalna
tJo qnnlitiesof the common porous piMter are in .
this article increased 1 o fold ny turn and acientita
medication. It relicrea ahnoet at ones and enre
where other planters fail even to relieve. It la .
withont donbt the best remedy e-rev devised for
umwaoa weaa oacK, Knenniatspnr, Espinai twv
Kidney Complaints and all loeat aches and pahis.
Avoid 1mitaUons.Sold hv s'.V Brwfs1sts,Irlce SSe.
1 S 1 M
tt tft.,n.x-i
ixi Linii Goixtiirf.
Chas. -A.. Plnmmer,'
iSD nKAtKB 1
Paints; Oilt &M Glats
brims nd UruKRists' Snndries from the
Kist j-mImo,! he larxest nd most eotnpieiestoetSi
of Uimpsaiul Lump flxtnrcs ever bronhs-to
this cltv. - eiT !rescriiJtlon;arefally eoaa
poanilud ot all t:mes, day or nfght. - UntS
ddllg Wfe npiitnit,
The Second Term wtll opest t
KclTcrubcr I -2th, 18TO.
O coprses of IfiatTO'cMort will lte ptarsnei irH
tbis Instrtnte, viz : ciassKni, scicnunc
A Full Cori&s of InKructors lias
' seem ; o
FfiV part Jot Jnm c'fmcevnini efittraas W V
study and tfe lriee or.iaition, anpiyio
Angnst 8, 187v'lln4S
Ladies' faficfj EraporinmV
German Zeihyr, Canvas. Threat?, Fini;
Xeertles, Buttons. Jieal Uir Switch
es and Curls, Hosiery, Stamped .- "
Cod, ttc, it'c, X'C
Also, Agent 'or Dr. Warner'a .
Ileal til Corsf I t
Clilld'e Wsslsl f
arid Sladara r6y's
f Corset Skirt SupportefrA
C3T"Frencl stamping don to order.
13TBroadaIbin St;, oppoalte Port OtntJgg0i
..'-i Sammons.
In ifceCfrcwit Coart for the Stat of Oratroat'.
for Linn county. - .-J. - - j .. - . -V "''
Joiin Conner, plalntitf, vs. Fhllip Grlgby,
defendant. -- -
To Pliilin Grljfsby.-tTie above named defend-j
ant : In the name of tire State of Ore iron, yoifc ji?
are lior,-ly requiret4o apnNtr and uimr tto..'
cotnplnint of the o)ov -plaintiff In th anr
entitled Court, wiw on. tS$ with tha.-ClcrfcQf:
said Conrt, asiUnst yon.-on or before the first''
day of tlie next ronotar term of tiie Crreuib- J
Court In and forttKid Linn county, Oregon, lo- r t
it : tltu . . '
8th day of March, 1880, t
and yon are hereby notified that If yoa fall -appearand
answeu aal'l complaint as herebr'
reliired. the plaintiff will take Jndainmt
against you for thujsam of S00 irold coin, ami
Interest thenwt fnr Ufce aold coin from Oetr.
S7. 1S7, at the rate-qf ofie per cent. rr nwath.'
and the fart beranm-o? , attorney's fee, and
the coats and disbnrsincwtsotthis notion.
nttornevs for plalntilr. -
Pnbllshoil by order of the Ilm. B. T. Hardin;, .
Jmltre. umde at Clumi'Hjr, January tfc. IS.
Jnnnary r, Jsaw-vlSnlG . - - -
Admiiilstrator'a Xotlt. .Ci
NOTICB ts hereby Rivetn'tBiri the uhderirn-j -ed
hat beoh.'ity the County Conrtof Xlniv
county, Oraron. duly appointed administrates
of tire estattt of Kiancls At. Moore, dcceaaed,lat
of anld connty. All persoifs having claims
ajraliiHt said estate are liereUy notiflrxl and re--quired
to present the same with the proper - .
vouchors totbe ondejrn sd.wlthia six months,
from tlie date hereof, at I-.eJbanon,Llnn connty,
Jan. 16. 18Sf-l-2nltt Administrator. . : i
Fllnn A Cliaruberluln, attys for adm.
"VTOTICK Is hereby Klvenr ha the nndersir-
eti, ha i been by t hoCotrntiy Court ofJLia"
minMeiiaf nf ! estaVof H. stW. Ctarks)
oecwndJiiKi nMr pwaons hsivinar elalms acainaS
said estate, irre hereby relred to present the -same,
Wtt h the projervrHohers, to the under-.
sliined Irt the city of Alba..l'" county. Or,
escon, wltnin.six months "from tdiedat herswf.
JOHN OtN N KB," Administrator.
Dated reb.7, 1880-ig0vH T y
" ; 8taractaeldere nfsSerilnff.
amKv .vtvMf tfra9: the snnnal
JN meeting of st ockhcStie ot the Odd V eW
kiw Hall 1H,1U1 ift A snnciMt ion will be held at
seven Directors, to serve I
said Association. - v.
J. H. Bvkkhaot. Ron. -
Albaii", I'cb.S, iaS0-v'2nW
r. fciMrftot.
V '' r'-