NO. f2 : n usr&xss CARDS. Oa this Space Four 'Weeks. room V: :. v- Coining I X. B. HCMFIIBEY, Agent. ' vlln 33 JOHN BRIGGS TVKKS THIS OPPOIITITNITT TO INFORM his friend and the public generally, that i now nettled In his Sew business house, n.the old sland next door to P.C. H:irper A Co , vhera ran. ixs tottuu as greax an assonmcui uiki lArjre a stock of Stoves aid Eanges tamn befonnd In any one house this side of Portland, aim ai JC5XV PRICE. ALSO Callroit, Brass dkEnuineled KETTLES? iu crcv.l variety. Also, 1 1n; .. . .. . ' Sheet Iroit, - Italianized Iron, and CoppenvaiT, f1wv on hand, nlttt uutls to order, AT LIV KU HATKS. i C3o.ll on TTlm. .Albany, Oetolier 22. lST.vsvS CITY DETJGr STOHS. Coraer First c.i.4 Silswarti rts., XL'BAXiV OREOCV, It. SALTMARSH, Hn ajcaln ta.kch charec of the felly Drug Store, WIn pnrrhr.wl.tb entire ,kittr"st rf C. W iaw. titocawr to A. Cnr!:c.'3 & Co., and is oar jrecelv iris a. . SpisaSid- Ifo-f' Stock, valeh. add't ,t: tiie former, renders it very CCtfHHAft: " R '' Hffereirt departments, reeling aured that ail can be suited in both Quality ani Pric3$ , . . - . j )! -- enrdiall v invites h old friends and cUctom Ma give'litm a call. L WllIJWeoiTai hi"m' lfare and. careful atfc'.uich Mil iMun, lay una BlJTht. . Paro Wines and Liquors for mcdicina I . S AlT 31 A W S 5 1 : Oot.."'77-5Vl3 CITY MARKET I rirrt trcct, 3 doors west of Ferry,' LBAST, t OKEUOX. HOLACUSP- & GpSTZ, Prop'3. HVIti purehJl the City Market. L w ill kaapeonstantly on haml all kinds t-.Mis tno ry be to lie oiiaiiie' in iik'uiuhi. I will strireat ail times to meet tc wishes of ail wito mar favor me with thtfli' pairouue. X . . . .... I , .it . - Hop whea tn want of meats. eTXhe liisliest ukwOiiildfarPOIllC. SlvlQyU Bier bood!i ! ,cw Departure ! rSUIHEHY AN3DR ESS T.1 AXI ?i G. HAVING rUtcflArtEM TtlB MILLISEUY Store hMly wwly Mt a. I'. IHtvis i riud living iut added t licre,o a new iu voice late C&aicf llilliaeiy, TriiatoiajsV TtonaetK. Ilatx. Ac-. tiOres plensnre in. Inylrtns Wie lad KM of Allmitvpjlid vicinity trf call and i,peet tor tlfemivfr All -ooda will -be sold at m4etltdry competition. .- , - Haying aeenrerf the scrvlccnof a first class I .Dressmaker ! . rl make, rfftwxen in nv atv'le dered. at short ifotlcc and ill aills- faetorv manner. : j ' ' e?'SIakin C.lothlns; forcliilrtren a specialty .Store on north aide-Of Flrat.east of Kllewortlf treU Xoa are invited to call. J.'r.-- . jt. 1879. Iaiillitla ladiaa Eeaedies. Aflnre Shot For Tr- ' ' o " - -a. - TTT 1 i JL m-vjt J -a. DVnWO A I.OVO It KSIDENCE AMOSfi' the Indian trlle4 of t ho const and the inte rtor, I have ha4 the uroo.l fnrtnn to dincoi-rr, iraxn the 3fe.Ur'ton men of t he several trihes, and from other wfturce. a nnmberof temei.lios tor disease inci.lcrl to this eonntrv,-eonit yM otroots, herbs and bark, and ' Hitvinir 1mm;jv Roiieitad by many iK-nplj of tliU valley, whir nave tried and proved the cfHrnr y,-of tlietn in ttoa, to proenre and irr the aHide for vale, I take this means of an niiuncma to all tliat, rinB tbwt aensoit.l have tuuiean extend- ton r through the moniitaii and vn!ievr4 .i mi. wemen eurittm . or laese reuieaiea which are a sure care for "-' FovWr and ArtcT. t vjw V '-. . t p., Thoaenrferlax fronv-Ajfuo Who desire to xv fnreii,e leave orIcr at. Mr. Strong 'a sor ori lrntei rtet. wbera IwUI furnish Mia reinediei ikrraaimg a radical euro ori will demand no -W.K.J1. 4,, Earned ie done tip in 41 packaea. X'irl t: f a von ,i and expense urtuimntei'Hl to Airta i f I Oui Lt in. bilAW CO., Aai?"t- Miue -.. . vliirilyl .. LEGAL. L. niS.V. Q. E. CHAMBtSLAIN. FL.IXX & CIBAMCERLAIX, Attorneys at Law -lJ5.4jvi', - ohegojt. OFFICE-In Foster's new brick block, first door to the left, up Muirs. . vllnlS J. C. POWELL. W. B. SMjYKU. I'OWJJLL tt BILYEU, Attorneys at Law and. Solicitor In Cluuieery .-. Albany, - Okeoox. COLLECTION'S prompt I v made onjll points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms:, oaice in Foster's new block. uUvll J. K. WEATKERFORB, (KOTABY prune.) Attorney . Law, L- - . -iLBASr, I . : OC.IaJON. . " Tin LI- PRACTICE IX Til E HIFFKItEXT "V court of the State. Special at irntion giv en to collections mid pmlwto umttcrj. Okf.ick In Odd Fellows' Temple. i47vlO I. R. N. BIACHBI BX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. A I.I J AX T, : : CEU(.. PROMPT ATTEM'IOJI tilVKX TO ALL bnsincs.i. 22v9 N. B. m Xl'IIRI Y. C. K. WCLTKBTON Humphrey & Wolverton, Attorney and 4'onnxelora n 1 Ijaw. TV 1 - PRACTICE IV AM-. THE COUKTS L(upstairs) Albany, Oregon. llnl T ot tlii:iit. okkii-e in roniait uru I.. II. 5SOXTAXYE, Attorney at Law, a i. ha s y, : oiieu o .v. OFFICK I'pMnirs, over John Erljjgs'. stot, ou First street. vlltUB C. II. HEWITT, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Ojnce, Old It Ojn v Tittildinig, Albany, Oregon. VSTIM. l'UACTJC; in the dl.erent Courts of tl-.c Slate. vlln:V2 ATTORNEY AT LAW. o FFIC-fc-Tn Parrish blin-k, north side First All business proi'-ptly and cr.rcfully attended . ; vllnsa MEDICALl k. ei. J. cisi:iicaiiL,L,j IIotBoropnthfe Ili5 sicinu and Snrseoa. OFFICE Tn-Prf rrlshVi brick. All-.nny. Oittron. i -1. route t! 'tirase u S:muliv. '" U; tonnfi nt inv office at nil hours of Hie day or nisht, when not professionally rt'.jscnt. vlinie 3. SI R31AX, M. !., 'SVCCEHSOU TO BKEWEB.) f . - OFFICE AN1 HEIIENCK -On Swon;l St., near Albany Jtutjine Co. No. One's engiuc houe. Albany, Or., Jan. 9, 18S0-vl2nl5 B. XL SATASS, M. D.f FSaysi;ia aftcl Surgeon Fromaus's Iirick, up stairs, First street, .Albany, Oreispu. Vl2lll! Vi C. IiELL,Y, 31. !., ALBANY, xFFICE IX 5I IIAVAI:S liRICK RI.OCK. KJ Kestldeiici-uiieduor uorlliol l-'rooui facto ry, Lyon street. llvlS J. 5t. rotrrLL, M. n. BALLARD & POWEL'' Physicians & Srt'reoiis, LEBAJKJX, ORJiOJt. OKFirK--At I.elmnon Drug Store. t'nij JVMl'S F. WUlTlXfi, AliXIST, Fresco, Sign, j Scene. Pictorial IPalinti DESHiNlNO A SPECIALTY. ! Koninw B and 7, Parrisli block-corner First and Feiry streets, Allmny, Or''!.!i. CLARK, BUOCEySOH TO J. B. t ATT, -r-oenler in Heavy aiiu Sh&f Hardware, Iron, Htel antl SIebnlr Tool, First door east ofv E. Yourt)?, . . ALhAXYt . . ivliiii-) . ! on&oolr. JAF.1E3 DArlNALS, lealer and Slannfacturer of SOLID VALHUT BEDROOM SETS Nrt Vaneerius o Shatn. Also wespn .yiu Maple and Pine Suit". Spring. !. l"re Hair Matrasses. Also M"-, Wool, Pnlu and trar Kedon hand and made at Lowest llatt-.a. Wo-k and iids warranted as repreauine I. . Carn icfttid sad rerry St-i., llbnny. . : : H TITUS BROS., Jowolers,' Alb&nv - -, . Oregon. It EGULATIXG.TtME-riKCE.S & BEFAI irig Jewelry a' specialty. Call., . IlnI7 ia-eutH for ,Stw II me" Hewlnjr Utf- ft weefe In vonr o-wn town, a! oiit fit free. at. wh inU rxirwons of it her. mi can make srreat .'iuti.irUK. luntter. u yon want a ousinesa rsfcVH-it ine rune a ien lueyiwoi-K. wi-nw nrr t tenia.' t! ix. itA.iui.LlT & fo., Portland, Me. The Old Iinrns Tenantry. llY U. F. TAYI.OH. Tlie rooster stalks on tlie manger's ledge. He has a tAll like a sctmetar's edge. A marshAl's plume oh ljisafglian nwkt An admiral's stride on his citlarter deck. II rules the roost and he Walks the tiny With a dreadtul cold and Turkish way, Tio hroadsides fires vlth his rni" V. ings This sultan proud, of a line of kings One guttural laugh, tour blasts ot horn, Five rusty syllables rouse the morn ! The Saxon lambs tn thelr.jivoolen tabs ' Are playing school with the a, b, abi ; A. el I. O! Ail the cattle spell Till 4 hey make the blatant vowels tell. And half a liHigh wltiuny fills the stalls When down iu tie rack tlie clovrr fulls. . i i -i .. " A doye is Witltzing. round hi mate, t . Two tiievroiss black on Ms 'wings of slate And showing off with a wooing note The satin shine fit bis golden throat It is Ovid'a "Art ot Love" re-told In a binding tine of blue and gold I Ah, tlie blrxorii girls that helped the boy.; Vhe tiobier lielens ot humbler Iroys As they stripped the huk with rustling f.lil From eight-rowcil corn as yellow as gold. Uv. the canille-lisrht tn tlie plimnkiniboWls, And the gleams that showed fantastic Iiole In the quauit old lantern' tattooed tin, From the hermit glim set Hp within j Br the rarer light in the g'Hi.h eyes As dtrk as wells, or as blue as skies. I hear the laugh when the ear is red, I ee the blush when the forfeit's paid, Tlie cellar cakes with the.ancient twist. The cider cup that the girls have kisseil. And I see the tiddler through the du-ik As he twangs the ghost ot "Money Musk !" Thb hovs anil gd-ls in doiiblo row Wait face to face till the magic bow Shall whip the time from the violin. Aud the merry of the feet begin. Oi:c Kind Act. One dreary November twil'ght. Dead leaves taiuiug down at every gust of the inoii.staiit wind strange, spicy f-ceuta rising out of tlie ground ai;d new rrioii hanging like a pickle of blood otet tlio purpled dark of tl.e southerly sky. Jjredry Snd cliilly, a dying year; a fast gloaming diisk ; jet the window of Mrs. OxgaittV old brown farm house hung out their cheery signals behind tlieir 'ringed cotton ctfrt.iitiRj and when the kit'jhei. door ovened, yon could see the red shine ot. tl.e blazing logs, il-.e figures coming and going like a minia ture magic -lantern. . I It was Dora Osgate who opened it, aud came tinting out to tlie well, wiih a scarlet awl fej-tooned over her head and an empty cedar pail in. her hand. As her light, feet patted over th3 carpel of autumn leave in the - pathway, e!ie fang a snatch from vhat good old-fashioned hymn : Hock ot ages clfl Rr m?. , .I-t uie hide myself in thee. "X!y goodness alive !; What's that ?" For as the words trilled sweetly from her tongue, a tall dark figure JriCd risen from the low wooden bench un.ier tlie apple tree, wlios-e branches oVerhurg the well. j . i :, . "Don't be alarmed," said a deep, sweet contralto voice, with a scornful intonation in its sound.; ,?lls iii3y-me, Doia; Joanna PZlfield.; What then? Have I fallen so low that I am no long er wortliy to e?t, beneath the old apjile tree.', it fo, tell me at onco, and I'll "You know thit I did not mean that Joanna" "ItV hard to tell what peoplo mean cr dont mean, nowadays," raid Joanna, picking nt the mangy fringe of the fray ed raj. oi $ Miaw!.., was tireil, I wanted a drink of water, m l came td the old well. I'll go away if you say so." ' , "Joanna," raid ; Dora hesitatingly', "are you hili'tgry: ?" . " . .' "Hungry ? . l?o. ; There' a sort of a" draving, though in my stomach, which is next to it, suppose., . ' . - '; "Would yoO like something to cit?'f "I don't beg." ; y v . - ! "Wait a minute, Joanna." . v . . ; Like an arror Pora Oxgate shot bacS into the house, wnero lier thrifty moth, er was just, getting" the teapot on tin? table. Fiwh. LaTed : waffles.? steamed on one ride; hot biscuit werejiled in drift of snow on the other ; preserves! gleamed redly through the. cat glas of the small dish, and liquid honey oozed from lump of, comb. "Forlfg. Dca con I'eabody and her 'daughter Com. fort, -were come to lea, and. Mrs.J Oxgate 'was a housewife to be excelled by none. .'--.. . .0 ; 'Come Dora, quic with that water," ftaid Mrs. Oxgate, "and shut the door. Wbat do you suppose is the use of fires, ifL-" "Mother," said Dora, speaking in a slightly embarr&f Bed toiie, " Joaatta El- field is out by the . welll She is coll and hungry, acd " Mrs. Oxgate's face hardened into lines of stone. Miss Comfort Peabody drew her skirts close around lief with an involuntary . movement and Mrs. Peabody. looked hard into ths bowl ot her teacup. , - . . m , ... "Thrin let her stay cold and Iiung' for all of me! Joanna El field is nq associate for either 3ou or me, -Dora 2 She has run away from borne, and acted with common, strolling play actors she has siing at, to concerto instead of keeping that line voice ot hers tor the temple ot the Lord she has, of her own ireo will, given op ill that is decent and reputable, and people do say that she has taken to.drinking ? And you. eipect me to opca riy door to such as her?" - Mrs. Peabody uttered a sympathetic groan.,, ... .. . "Hutrhamnia," faltered Dora, halt frightened, at her own iHildtiess, "doh't yon" reroerriher that He carne to call, not the righteous, but sinners to repent ance?" , "Silence, girl 1 Hovsr dare you (uote the Scriptures to me?' cried, Mrs. px gale, her stern brows clouding over darkly. ' liring in that pail of water at once, and let us have no further dis cussion.'' . - ... Thus rebuffed, Theodora Oxgate crept back into the chill, troe'y twilight dejected andempty haurTed. "Ah,' said Joanna Elfield, shortly. 'I thought how it would be; Well, it's nothing new. Fyeiybody's doors are closed aginst roc.'' "Is it true, Joanna ?" whispered Dora, coming close to her. Is what true?" "That you drink." j "Of course it's true. Yba Would drink if" you were driven as I aas. Driv en and hunted ! There are times when you wo'nIJ sell your whole soul tor a chance to bo found in drink." , "Oh, Joanna, I am sorry flr yon." "Sorry ! say thai again, lass ! people have mostly lelt off being sorry for me," said Jt.anna with a hard l:ui''li. "But listen, Joanna. Dd be seriouft Won't you do differently V" "I am not so bad- as the folks think me, Dora Oxgate, except the horrid .craing for drinks I havelcen nothing worse than wild and wt'Iftil. Dclieve me, child, for it is God's truth. Only, when a girl gets on the down bill every Christian man or woman thinks it is their duty to give her yet another pt'bh." 'Then you will try to retrieve yoiir own self?" "How can I? What is there left fi.r me?" ' Your superb toice, Joanna." "Yost would have nia sing myself in to fe"eclability,ch? ' And iu the mean time I should starve." . "You need not starve,Joanna. Here!" Quick as gfitnifig, she drew a small gold chain, with a locket shaped like a hcait dangling at Its end, from her necK. , r i ' ' Dear J oanna, ta e t TiiiJ'. . .It is vfort fi" m'eney, f know, and it is all I have in the world to give. Sell it and use the money for your own needs." Joanna Elfield started vaguely at the gleaming trinket. " " in Earnest, Dora ?" "Of course I am. Ilnsh ! Mother is calling me. I must go." '' "God bless you tor this," said Joan na huskily. VAu.'Dora ouo .word tiiore I'm lonely, Jcanna Elfield, bat it Von will, let me kiss you just once." ,v MJS ot ?6wer, Theodora Ox- gate threw her arms around "' tlie tall girl's neck, a'nol . pressed her soft, cold lips close to tl.e other's ild month. And as t.lie did so, something ; plashed on her cheek a hot, round tear. i The next minute Joanna Elfield dis-- apfeared .into the. world of shaddws that was hovering pyer all tlte aiilumri landscajKj. And as'sfie ifei.t she" mrfV raurei?', uncoiiscioti's that she was speak ifrg aloud:"- , , "Some one believes in rne yet 1 In me I It's a strange sensation, and yet 't gives, . one ' soinetliitig to live for, after all!" . .... Dora Theodora 1 Wliy 4ott yoti' answer f - Cut no ons- thinks it worth while to listen to-rne nowaday'" J f " - "sj , f It was Mrs. Oxgate's shrill, p'omar TOic&i ana wrs. vxgate, helpless from paraly'&fs, sat in Iter cu&liiotied chair iu the snnny doorway. "What is it, rnamma ?' as&ed Dora, coining to the door. The Oxgate farmhouse had drifted sadly to decay. Fences had fallen ; gates bung creaking on one hinge ; sun ny pasture lands were neglected ; grass meadows had toppled over with their own weight ot harvest. And Mr;'Oit rate herself looked, as she sat in tlie dor way, like the very genius, of decay. "The carriage with them grand peo ple that lias bought tbe G.lenwood place. A gentleman dr&ssed like the Prince of Wales, and a lady whose diamonds flash tit to blind one.- Ah me! It's a fine thing to be young aud rich. Look! the carriage is stopping J Pcriir ps they hare dropped something.:. Sr. re as I live the ladyV coming, back, trailing tier purple silk dross in the dust like it was dorrie.'tiij. gingham. Oh, lear me, I wish I had my best list on." She gave lief apton a twitch and t,ried to settle her scant skirts over her poor, useless .feet .as the tall, stately figure swept Up to the door. h' "This is the Oxgate Place, is. it not?" the lady asked iu a deep, sweet voice, that betrayed her at oiice. Dora an swered promptly: t "Thw is the Oxgsto Place ; and yoti oio .feanna Elfield.',-. " v "Not Joatu.a Elfield now ; but Jo anna AveneT, she rejoined, smiling and flushing. "Here is my husband George, this is the friend I told you of, Whose hatid, ten years ago, lifted me out of the darkness aud set me in the tight path. Oh, George., you don't know how mucli I owe to her !" Mrs. AVenel was weeping softly how yet the smiles shone brightly through her tears. "Dora," sli3 aldel, "that was the turning point in my life. See ! I have jour go'd chain wiih the heart , yet. 1 knew then that one human being Jiad tail h in ma still, and it renewed the fountain of life within me! Dora, Dora, you are my guardian angel God b!ess you for it." ,, , . I'eop'e wondered -rnuch tlt3t .those rich Aveneis ot the Place had an insig nificant oi it. like Dora Oxgate so much with them, to say nothing of thai tire rotuo pronnj old r bore, her mother. But Mrs. Avenel was a,great lady, and of course could be excused for having her whirris one of vhioli was always to wear a thread-like chain of gold about her neck, with a heart-shaped louket. hanging from it. "When she could have dismonds in stead !" said Miss Comfort Peabody, who had of late observed that she had always thought Joanna Elfield to be a genius. And Dora Oxgate, although she had settled into a solitary, hard working old maid, knew that her apparently purposeles life had not been hi vain. "For there is joy among 'the' angels ot Heaven over one tini er "that re penteth.'' ; . i - Demorallxnllon foiiarifiient on Irre liloii. OricS let men thoroucrhly believe that ... ... e secret crimes haie no witness but the leriKtralor ; that human existence has no purpose, and human virtne no un lailing friends ; that this brief life is every thing to us, aud that death is to- tal, everlasting extinction ; oifce et men thoroughly abaiidon religion, and wbo can' conceive or describe the extent of the desolation which would follow We hope, perhapS that human laws a"n'if natural sympathy would bold so ciety together. As reasonably might believe that, were tlie tutu quenched in trie heavens, .our torches would illumi nate, and our fifes quicken aud fertilize, the creation. What is there nji hnman nature to awaken t respect ami tender ness, if man be the unprotected insect of. a day?" And what is ho . more, r it aiheisin be (rue ? ; Erase U tlio'ugiit and fear ot Go(l from a' c'orrtrriiMifly.and SolfishHess a'nd sensuality woul absorb the whole man. Appetite, kVowinsr no restraint, auJ p'ivert!yt and suffering baying no solace of hope,, would trara plo in scorn on' the rcstialnt. of linman laws." yi'rtr.e, duty, principle, ' would be mocked and spumed as unmeaning sou -ids. A sordid relt-inlerest would supplant every' oiher teel;ng", and raan would become,, in fact, what the theory of atheism declares hica to be com panion lor brutes. "v :j ;.V,.. ... . Wee the proposition to choose Presi dential EfcCtorby Congressional dis-. tricts applied in all the States, it would tsass tlie sagacity of ths o'dest politio ian to predict the result ot tlie tiext elc.cton ; it would, however, bemre .likely to fairly represent the will ot the people than our present method ot electing. How Sbv Wm Saved. At Baden Baden, about twenty yearn ago a Hungarian count, Christian W , and his daughter Helen came to pass the seasqn. The yonng comites, charming a.nd beautiful,. aftd heiress to a large tor tune bequeathed her by her mother, was soon urrounded by a boat of admjrerfl. She speedily became captivated by one of the 'faciei-..worthless ot her suitors, Carl M' , because he had a handsome face, and long, black wavy hair, Wa" gifted with extjtiisiie taste, danced marvelonsly, and possessed rare powers as a ctngq,K Carl was a noted gambler and given to Jisipfrt,on and Connt Christian. beoame posfctsed.of informal - - ,t'v' " tion that tlie young chevalier bad quitted Naples in consequence ot some scandal ous adventure in which he bad been implicated. k "' Helen was so completely infatiiatcd with Carl that she gave no heed to the advice, the prayers, or even the orders t her father. She Would not believe the reports of the disgraceful anteced ents ot her, wily lover. The condition ot affairs brought the old count, poss essed of a remarkable, degree ot firm ness, to the determination of originating some plan whereby he cxid effectually overcome the persistent efforts of CarJ to secure.his daughter, as well as con viuce Helen that to save her from such an unprincipled man was a deDd of paternal tenderness and care. . The chevalier had contiuued adroitly in his work ot ensnaring the young heir ess, and finally in direct terms asked her to elope with him. lie wrote a uotea proposing a clandestine meeting at an hour when her father was iu the habit of going out to play whist with some gentlemen of his , acquaintance, that if she favored the proposition she wear in her belt a rose as a" sign ot consent. Count Christian, buying intercepted the letter, look occasion : soon after to ap proach Helen, and asking her to go out with him, at the same time -bai.iling her a flower, remarking : "Fut this in your belt s an ornament." tShe smil ingly obeyed. Iu tjourse of their walk they met Carl, who bowed, and was overjoyed to notice that Helen had carried out his request.' t The Count couducted . his daushter to the residence of one of ibeir.acquain:. ances and requested her to. wait uiitil he called for her. This done, here turned to tlie botlse he occupied oil. the outskirts of Baden. lie bad sent away his servant, and was alone. At Hire appointed hour Carl arrived and leaped over the garden wall." Finding the door securely closed, 1 be eutered the house through one .ot the windows. V ith pleasurable excitement he hasten ed towards : Helen's apartments but great was his' astonishment to find tier . . . . . . - father armed with a brace of pistols. The Count closed tbe door, and said to the miserable chevalier: ..- ;-'. "Carl M V I conl J kill yon fl have the right to do "so. You have entered my house at night; you have broken into it. Icauld treat you as a felon nothing could bo more natural." But, sir," 'said Carl, trembling, aud iu an almost inaudible tone, "I. dm not a robber." . . . , i . . . r I 'Nol a robber !" exclaimed Count Chrhtian. "What 'aro - yon, "then? You liave fcorne to steal my daughter j to steal an heiress and a frotuue. I have J'our . criminal , letter, I., shall ' show you uo . mercy. If you refuse'to o'licy me I will slay you." ' ; "What is your will, sir?" " ' -. " Yoi rcukt -.leave Baden thib instant, yon must put at least 200 -leagues be - t ween it" and you, and never come into the presence '.ot my .daughter,' ." For yjanr Uavelingexpcuses I will give you 2t,60CT fra ncs. i j 4, t 1 1 -- . .v . x Carl endeavored to apfeak. ' 5 t'Silence P said the Count,? rt i yoice.of thunder. -S You' must "obey. 'tq Ibat secretary U themoneys j take it,' I,. 1 he clievalier entared t,bo remark ; Permit tfie to - declino your offrrtM The false modesty ot the young man was orercorrfe by the frnperiou; gesture of Ahe old man. ' , "But,'J said Ctirl, "the- secretary is ocketl.' - ? : . Break 'the lock, then,",tJreturned the County aud his pistol in bis band he repeateil, : Mbreak .ft," of 111 blow your brains out P.:' r Cari.obeyeoV:; I'- "It.ia well. said the ow gentleman: "tfiose : bank" .notes 4.are .yours . Ilaye you a pocke'book. witli anything identi fying it as balonffing to you?" 'YeS." - 1. ' ' ' -" " Then let It Gait in Tront of the secre tary which you have broken open." ; "What, sir?" . . . "I must have proof which will convkt you. I mean to have all the evidehod Of burglary. Robber or death ! . Choose Ah, I see your choice ' is made. . No" ' go before me. I do not quit you uuUI you are a league from Baden. I return late, and enter no complaint against you till to morrow noon. Begone ! Chevalier Carl could rot resift tbe. compulsory order, and Count Christian's , plan was carried out to the very latter. The affair created great noise and excite-i ment. Helen could no longer doubt M to Carl's character, and it was not long -before his -image was banished from: he heart," and that was in dtte time surren dered to one ot her eoufins, a Captain of an Austrian cavalry regiment. ' .. .t . ' Tbe ' Pie aeaSfon. A New York: Herald reporter, whet was interviewing prominent persons on the subject of pie eating, struck Mr. Beeclier in the course of his iuterroga. live tour, and elicited the following: . , "Aie you in favor of pie, Mr. Beecb er?" . ' - --U, ' "Very much, indeed. 1 think it M. an American ins tit ii tion, nd ought to; be supported on the ground oi natioti-! ality.'' ' . What kind ot pie do you like best?', . "Well, I think a good app'e pie fea . elysium. And then again, there i mince. Mince pie-!- Why mince pia1 is dear to the hearts of all men all ovet ibe world." " ' .. ' "-' - "Pie eaters throughout tbe world will 'be' glad ot your support. Mr. Beecher." "Why? lias ie grown into dis f .vor ?" . ,j r - "Very much so just now." rf "I am always on the side ot the weak, j yon know. I have got through with, j slavery aud the Chinese, and here I am now on the side of pie,' " - - "Do you know any thing about ho , pies are trirtde ?7 tr:,' . . . . ; 'I do, sir, a great ;deal;- They ut" made .with a, to p. aud bottom crust a light, brittle crust, with the .very choie " est fruit between. What Njjw England heart does not swell with pride when it thinks ot pumpkin pie V ... . "Are yort going to set up a cook, shiip ?' said Mrs. Beecher, who was ; . present. , . .- , .. : -.'. . -; ' - ; - "Xo," replied ths eminent divine' turning, toward his spouse, who t was. making a new dress out of one appar- , ently already well advanced in yeart ? " I am only being interviewed ;, on lha subject of pie. Just fancy, mother, the '" : world is turning its back ; upon pie. ' What next? Ah V .heaving a deep, siglu "It is a cold and changeable ' " world " 'Suddenly brightening 4 "op. iS "They tlon't know any thing about Mrs. l3eecher's pies ; that's fevjdqri 'j wish" 4 die could make pies for tthe whole ,001 - -r verse, and we. should not have aby of ! this trouble." , t . . .. .. ' "I - think, Mr. Pcecheer, if peopl' ' could get such a pie as that there woo Id ' be a great rage for it.,r ' " "I haven't the least doubt ot it. Uu then there's pie and pie the .68,010 aj. -there are saints and saiuts. There are - -' bad saints as well as good. saints, and I am told tliere is some very bad pie. a no in it mat is bo njucn aoWD 6it ' Well Mr." Beecher, ;the theatrical people have abused it roundly. , ? , . "Have the?, indeed ? I -ara sorry to hear that You may be sure they hava" fallen in the way of some bad pie, or. -they could all come here and " partake . of the real thing arid be converted into., "the true told ot pie, ,1 mean right down : , regular pie no pudding.; j Yon can't humbug me - with - puddings. That would be delightful. " And now Amer ican pie is in dispute. A'as, poor pie I '- Tlie petrified child in the family of ' Jv hi Khislcy, of New Philadelphia Ouio, continues to attract general alter . , tion, and. is considered by all who bay o, - seen it to. be ,, Uie . wonder of wonders,,. 1 ne narauess nas gradually spread over". " the entire body,' some portions being o - hard that not the' slightest indectation can be made, The case is said U iV. without a parallel In the history of V country, and, the singular diseasa.Lsi " ihus far baffled allmedical akill:. ' IIov the child can live. In this BoiidiCed : j , is the greatefet mystery. 'The.r-'- : - -, . - .-I", ..- 'I'',,.'. . V M, are greasy grieved over its ea 1 and are doing everything in tir j for its rcfief. Globe-DemocraT. 'May, raid a lover to V. . 'give us a , kiss, will you if au," ' E3i 1 i"&ry,- "1 ..' ) - y "i S