tSSTJED SVfcKYrBlBAV, tTf TEE REGISTER BDILDINo", Corwer Ferry and First Street. Olit. VAN CLE VE PROPRIETOR. .. TERJ13-IN coDy, One year...;: One copy, alz months., tingle copies ADVANCK. ....................2 50 .... 1 30 Ten cents. Agents foe n eclter. , J n followinsr named eentlemen are anthor-tze-1 to receive nnd receipt for mibscrlptions to the Rkgister in too localities menuonra , MeJora. Kirk Bmne.;. .Brownsville, Robert Gla-w CrawforrU.ville, Hth Hayes. - . ----Hnley, O. P. Tompkins 4....Harrisburg FRIDAY. ..FEBRUARY' 20. IS80 W hy (tome People Are froor. Brooms are never hung up abd are soon spoiled. Nice handled knives are tbrowri into hot water. Clothes are left on the line to whip to pieces io the wine!. Tubs and barrels are left in the sun to dry and fall apart. American fSHBfflsV . -.... Mg! it boots. uuns ara not decrease in numbers, but they aeir advancing rapidly in eiviliiation. Ol the entire number, estimated at 275,000, 55,000, Ot about one-fifth, receive ratiosis frorn the Government. The number of rations issued is steadily diminihing;for instance 12,000 rations now given to the Nav ajoe8, will cease to be issued next year. About 70,000 Indians are living under constitutional ami written laws, adopt ed and administered by J themselves. There are 112.&03 who wear citizens' dress; ttese occupy 22,190 houses. There are maintained among the tribes S30 schools, in which are lt,515 schol ars; the sum Ot $337,370 i3 expended on education, and 40,397 have learned to read. The number of acres ot land cultivated by Indians within the jurisdiction ot the United Slates is 292,550 ; the total of bushels ot wheat raised by them in 1877 was (j88,723 ; of corn, 4,656,952 The' horses and cids and pic?V-v UBualIy tbB dhta ot the famNy jar ? "givenesa and spiles are' the bej re VgDgeSgfP; torjromen. Garibaldi says he has had enough ot it; and he won't marry agHiri.j The waves of a woman's handkerchief have wrecked many a man. i The great Canadian prophet has had a sore throat nearly all winter.' PaqHtte pliers. to start a tan- Women are the poetry of the world as the stars are the poetry ot heaven. No matter how poor a man is be can always hold up a lamp-post and whistle. ' - - m , m - f r Joaquin should be asked to Write the opening ode for the Milters' Exposition. Good digestion will do a great deal more to keep A man straight than good resolutions. i mules owned are 216,286 ; 883, and sheep 587,444. cattle, 2 17, These facts Dried fruit3 are never taken care ot in season, and become wormy. - j are proof that the peace policy ot the Ragfj strings and paper are thrown National Government is far from being into the fire. a failure Dr. Clark, one of the Sec- Pork spoils tor want of salt, and beef i retaries of the American Hoard, has because the brine wants scalding. expressed the opinion that our Indians Coffee, tea, pepper and spices are left to stand open and lose their strength. Potatoes in the cellar grow, and the sprouts are not removed until the pota toes become worthless. The flour is sifted in a wasteful man ner, and the pan is left with the dough sticking to it. Bits of meat, vegetables, bread and cold puddings are thrown away, when they might be warmed, steamed and served as good as new. Floating Island. Among the many natural curiosities of this country it is not generally known that there is a "floating island." Up In the "Siskiyou," lying like a peSfl in the great mountain chain, is Squaw lake, a beautiful sheet of water now utilized by a mining company as a res ervoir. For many years the late has been a favorite and delightful resort for fishing parties and contained nearly in its center an island, Comprising about aru acre ot ground covered with luxuri ant grass and a growth of willow and alder. It was never dreamed that the pretty little islanl was not terra firms, but when the bulkhead acrcsg the out let ot the lake dammed up its waters, the island roe slowly until it had been elevated folly sixteen feet above its original level. It would be a question for the naturalist rather than the geol ogist to determine the age of this float ing island, as it is evidently made np entirely ot decayed vegetation. Per haps at some remote period the roots ot a tree, uplorn by a mountain storm and drifting ont in the lake, formed1 the nucleus from which the island has .grown, but it seems singular that it thould have remained anchored and un changeable in its position. The locali ty is much frequented1 by pleasure seek ers who will hereafter notice the in creased elevation. - The Jevll dud TomWaf kerf have made more progress in civiliza tion in the last decade than dnr'ng the preceding fifty years. Harper1 'Week. "Forgive as oar Trespasses.' A story is told of a certain nobleman of Alexandria, who complained bitterly to the bishop of that city of his enemies. While in the midst ot his tale the bell sounded fof prayers, and bishop and nobleman dropped to their knee0, for mer leading in the Lord's Prayer, and the latter leaving tor the time his story untold. When the bishop came to the petition, "Forgive us our trespasses," he stopped suddenly, leaving the other to go on alone. 1 he nobleman attempt ed to continue, but, startled by .the sound ot h's own unaccompanied voice, and recalled by his companion s silence to the significance of the petition, stam mered, ceased praying, and rose trim his knees, a hopeless man until he afterward found hope in a Letter di-position toward his neighbor. ' It is an easy thing to say,- "Forgive us our trespasses," by rote; it is difficult, sometimes, to say it understanding. It we stop at this petition when we are repeating the Lord's Prayer until we have taken in the idea of it, how many of us will go on ? I A witty divine said he spent a day in New York because it was all he had to spend there. In a garrie ot cards a good deal de pends on good playing, and good play ing depends on a good deal. One's self-satisfaction is an nntaxeed kind of property, which is Very unpleas ant to find depreciated. . It is not safe to criticise a singer's upper register. She may become heat ed, which will act as a damper upon you. The Foit Wayne Sentinel is daily proving that an Indiana poor-house is only one door removed from Satfu's roosting place. An ex-alderman in Syracuse, N, Y., knew what he was about when he mariied his cook. It w isn't, three weeks before she fell heir to $20,000. The Chief of Police of Ilochester (N. Y.) says he fri?! break up street-begging-if ho has to arrest every woman who hst a husband aud seven children in the Chicago tire. There are 500 vacant houses in Memphis,the result of the great epidem The General Missionary Society of the M. E. church in New York has ordered an appeal to the U. S. supreme court in the Dalles mission suit, lately decided against the society in the U. 5. circuit court tor this district: Somebody has been asking about "The Devil and Tom Walker?" The New York I'imeatajs that it if an old New England catch-phrase, employed as a caution to usurers, and derived, it is asserted, from an actual personage. Walker was a Bostoniau having been born there about one hundred and fifty years ago, notorious for his miserly dis position. In those days when supersti tion was rife, he was thought, by ig'nof ant people, to have sold birmelt to the devil for a large sum ot money. With this money he opened his loan office there, and during the financial panic which prevailed during the time 1730 1741 -ot Gov. Johnaih&n Ileicher, com pelled many merchants to pay most nsu rious rates, causinc several of thenr, it is said, to commit suicide. He grew rich and according to tradition tried to cheat Satan himself; but Satan,- who has always been moTe or less potent in that vicinity, determined to foreclose the mortgage he bad on the old hunk's aoul- - With this determination he knock ed at Walker's office door while he was" screwing the last hundred dollars out ot a poor wretch who had fallen into his clutches. The usurer opened the door and immediately disappeared. The storv was current that the mysterious visitor was a black man who had come ou a black horse and that he had seized the Bostonian and flown away with him. A number" of . people at once searched Walker's office;-but his money Chests were empty, and the rame , night his house caught fire and burned to the ground. ; Torn Walker's fata wm long cited a a, terible : warnings to usurers. Bar now, alasf Boston is latf of Tom Walkers.. ' ,,-5 John Kelly and" Sara' Tildeb' Have buried the hatchet.- And oh! if tbe Latchct could reciprocals !- A Sfeau Miit Buys s Mouse Troi. Alm&st every city and town lays claim to the meanest man, but we be lieve' that about the smallest specimen ot a mean man resides in Newburyporl, Mass. A few days ago he called at a hardware store and represented that he was troubled with a mouse in his pan try at home, at the same time asking the e'erk for the loan of a mouse-trap to catuT. the animal. The j clerk replied that was hardfy the way business was done at that establishment, but inform ed the gentleman xtfto Was being im poverished by the mouse that a good trap could be purchased j tor 20 cents After some dickering, the bargain was Concluded, A few days a"fterward,how. ever, in walked the owner of the trap with the information that he had been successful in catching the moose, arid that the'artfcle vtfould be ot no further use to him. This was ; followed by a request that the storekeeper take back the trap and refund him the original price. .-- This was rather ja staggerer in theTway ot chek, But the rrian behind the counter quietly took ont 20 cents, passed it over to tfie M. M., and re marked that he would refund the money and at the same time present him With the trap. Gracefully thank ing him, the M, JO, quickly pocketed the cash aud trap, and walked out with the satisfied air of conscious rectitude Nexcburyport lleraftt. . A Wood stove is not made of wood.- Boston Post, Nor is a coal stove made of coal; y Funy, isn't it? -Detroit 1'ree Press. And a snow plow is not made of snowV Awfully fotiy, isn't it usangor Loihmerctal. r either is a srtonge ealie made of sponges. Te-he! 'Boston Journal of Commerce. Noi a' head dress ot heads ah, haf ? 1 ; . A Tittle Oil City girl observed her mother' measuring cloth, by folding il up to her nose with one hand and reaeli- ing dt to arm's leftgtfa with the other She assumed a thoughtf ul aspect, ancf, after cogiiat'riig a moment, asked y"llo ran yon measure cloth that way?1 Can you smetr a yarar' yuy JJerrick, A; written mass of confused ideas is "'i? write-tingla. Si&m .Sunbeam. And the occupation of the 'lone fisherman" is . a try-angle. Boston Journal 'of Commerce. And- a" dispute between printers m to which "case" certain piec es of type metal belong might be tailed a "quad rTTangle.v 'arbollins; Themselves. One' of the most sickening aflVirs. if. ntJei-d, It is not the most horrible, which it eter has been our duty to' chronicle' ftppeiu'tl last Saturday on the premises of "Sir. Solon Ki-lley, about eight miles from lluntsville. There was a hog-killlug in progress, aud two colored men, Robett and Dctini IVi'trick, "hrothi-rs, got into a dispute' abont each other's share iif the year's crop. A Jong kettle tilled with water tooil heaf by. The w.-iter hi the kettle i:vd been heated to sti'eh a high degree that they were waiting tor it to cool a little In order to scald hogs in If. The water was so hot that fhey were atraid it would "set' the hair ot the liigs. This vvas the high temperature of the water when the brothers began to quarrel. Dennis, who was the eldest, told Robert that he would piU him in the kettle if he didn't shut up," and Robert, the preacher brother, told Dennis that it he put him (Robert) in the water he (DeuuL-) would have to go with him'. Den nis caught Robert and pressed him', back ward in the direction of the kettle. Ite pressed him, b'tti ot them having their arms locked meanwhile, until they both went headlong into tiie seething water. Their piteous and awful screams and moans soon attracted others to the place, who finally extricated thiin from the boiling Caldron. They retained theh senses When first taken out, and fhch intense irgoiiies were simply beyond' description. Tiiey at obce complained" oT their hot Clothes,' and when these were taken front their limbs gnat flakes Of boiled' flesh went wftli them. laarfng their bohfcs'ejEp'cseiT'. Their Cfomls fell out and their hair dropped from their heads. They had literally been cooked alive i The sight wos such that t!ioe who witnessed" it ere vfell-iilgh paralyzed with horror. , All possible measured of relief were tried during the night,- but Robert died the next day, and1 Dennis died on Monday Huntti vtlte Ala' ludepeTulenU yk Mr. Dimmick prop nery on iak iy. The work of building scows for the trans portation of rock, has been commenced at Empire. There have been but two divorces grant ed in Lake county since its orgauiztlon. The Mail learns that arrangements are being made to raise and repair the life sav ing station at Cape Arago. , non. I. W. Case, O. W. M. of the A.Oi U. W., has appointed A. D. GloVer and Mr. fcfotidhue deputies for British Colum bia. Mr. J. W. Bennett, of the Coos Bay -Vetrs, has gone to Ireland, and it Is said for the purpose of biinging back a wife. Col. Xesmith conducted the fifnersll ser vices Of Mr. Lute Savage at the grave; Mr. Savage came to UiU State fit the time Col. Ncsmith did. Win. Ryan, who settled hi Clark county, W T, near Vancouver, over thirty years ago, died very suddenly of heart disease, last Wednesdny week, t Mr. William Collins, of Collin 1'iiiding. has sold BiiE to the' Oregon Railroad auii Navigation Company, who will ptitChinit men to cutting wood. Says the Lake county Examiner i 'Tfie books in the sheriff1 tirtice show that of all the taxes levied since the organization of the county in January, 1375, ugv to Jan uary,1879,less than $40 remain uncollected. We undersUmd, siys the Statesman, that the State Board ot Education arc making arrangements to reopen the mute school at an early day, and that Rev. P. S. Knight has been persuaded to take the manage ment and supnhtend the school. The proprietors of the Canal Fork Gold and Silver Mine, situated on the Sautiam, will I ave their mill in running order by the first of next month. Parts of the machin ery was carried hi by footmen, ciossing snow in some places IS feet deep. "Kiss me JNeditie, ere you leave." "is j that a hint, darling ?" he replied." "Jio Neddie, I always speak plainly." Tiliri,' ! turn, turn. The Yonkers Gazntte says that some men's brains arc like lands in the West plenty of theiii but poorly cultivated. It was speaking about the people in the East when Ic made that remark: Millions of smelt are dying from some unknown cause in the Columbia aud float ing ashore. In the vicinity of Pillar Rock the bank is lined with these little fish tor some distance, and hundreds of voracious sea gulls are constantly devouring them.' It is confidently expected among fisher men that the run of salmon on the lower Columbia fhis season wfit be unusually large. There are favorable indications of a good senson, Hrid extensive preparations will doubtless be made by the various can neries along the river to secure the run. The Pacific Mail Co. have .nnounced a war of rates to San Francisco for passen gers and freights. After the 12th, rates for passage will be $75 for first class mill f 35 for steeraje. In opposition, the rail road compaire on the llth,'jff fed the fol lowing rates; First-c!as, $100; second class, 75; third-class, $45. As they wandered by flic river si'de,' Tvas galligag and gum. Yet now and then lie softly cried, On. ymn, yum. yum. But don't aLnse poor-Smithy. There has been a serious case of diphe- ria. says the Independent, in one orthe laun dry building at the garrison, the family of Sergeant Burke losing by dentil three chil dren. The well portion of the family have moved into a tent on tiie river bank, isola ted from the balance and town. The hou-e tvill he destroyed when those now sick re cover ami vacate it. PREMIUM OFFERED -ON- WHEAT stored vvrni THOMAS M0XTEITH & SfttS, -AT- L3ANY i LB ANY ILLS; THE uxdehSigkkd will tilvh -OF- y?r bushel, in laill feed," 0cr nuil vTlwve the Market fries, -FOK- GOOD, MERCHANTABLE WHEAT eittier torel with or sold to tliem this season Srtelts iurnlslied to mrties jleitll& witU Mieui. THOS. IvIOlTTSITH & S027S. Alburi y, jf'igust t, 79'. Kfagnlrfecmt Tress e. A Vfirshlngtoh cof respondent ot the San Francisco' Post,- in a recent letter to that paper, speaks of Mrs.- Morat Halstead. wile of the exfitwr of thfc Cincinnati Com mercial, li this wise i Mrs. Halstead is owner of the mot remarkable tresses in thtflaud. Her telrt flne silky and of pure spun gold color4 ripples from her head to the lloor, and shaken loose It forms a man tle ftbwit her heavier than Lady oUfa's. Uncoiled onee at a Parisian haresser's, tfie proprietor shrh;kel vildly and sum moned evert ofie to come near and see the remarkable che'felure of the American inifv. ?fevir.- niver." he said, as he spreaO his fingers, beat the air, and hov er ed about the glorious locks, "haJ eyes seen the like, or evVn tiii agents wlio go off to Brittany and Ilia"' peasant districts to buy Hair; en such a bonder as this." Her rtangWef,now a grie'stat the White nouvs. does" not possess the ssme length and lux driahce bTKalf as et mother, but In color and ifhertess It Itf Identical with hi rs. rThe Jffi 'cufmfttee ' ot public build ings and'gfotfnils has' agreed to a bill pro viding fof a' public building at Clarksburg, 'West Va.ytb cost flt,000. " fii n 6ir rniBie- JTm. SAr;yoMis Lveb I-wiookatobS Siptlttlns; tbe VlflTerenee. A young man with the blush of country life on his cheeks, says the . Detroit Free Press,' sold out his produce at the market recently and entered a shoe store and said he wanted a pair of shoes for his wife. "What number?" asked the clerk. The young husband scratched his head, looked very much embarrassed and finally said ; "Well. I've been married about eight mouths, but this shoe business stumps me. I don't hardly believe she wears elevens, and I don't think she can git into fives. I grtiess If we split . the difference we'll hit her pretty close." He was given a pair of eights, and afier squinting along (he SiSii mt' observed : I guess ihcm'll do. She's awful proud and I know she'll squeeze into 'em for all slip's worth.. Loii'MctCintH-y shot aud killed hi- f t ier-m-law, .Tacoa Frye.' oil tlii public square on the" 11 tlintf Peoria, III". Cause, divorce proceedings' and family' quarrels, foe which McKtunuy held Frye accorih&ble.- Both parties are v?ell kliowii A delegation of niiem ployed white men waited on t'he Central Paclfio" railroad au thorities and asked1 them to discharge lh CHtnamen fir tfteif' employ,' and" give wbtt men wdrk.- The company promls'cd to give an answer -'Monday. . The ITonse Cbmmitted'oiVmHlfnry auliirs has'agreed to retHrt Civorably to'the Hotise of Represcilta fives, , Frost's birll donating tour 'bronze and ight irbii cannon for theprop6sed statue at St. Lotirs of Gen. Francis P. Blair. The Senate, iu executive session, has con- flnned ttll fhe sifpervisors of ei-fltm f- r California, as well as those for ColoMtdo, Oregon, Arizona, Dakota, Idaho". Montana, New Mexico, Washlnjftbtr and Wyoming. Prmjosals to sell bonds to the govern ment aggregated nearly $12600,000 ; on the 12th, and prices ragged" from 1103 to $101 and Sherman lias agreed to accept the offers. Frank, sou o' C. M. Lawrence was ar rested in Omaha on the 11th Inst, on a charge of poisoning his father, the object ot tbe deed being to get the losurancc me' y r?TdH 5 lilver-S: a . - " - &7 z k h r. i - V" i.fS & a Jfi B 3 Pi .invigorators "S. in my practiced. Ly the pablic,5 more than 35 years, m m Sf for moi P vitli nppn'cedeirfed rcsulta.3 TtWiSAMFCRDy BiiDttKSWTOJaKCjrVT as Bnrcuisr wiij. tell ov its nErt Tnon. Jj' NOW Is TiiE TIME tt SubscflBs fdrUte . - rti - TT3 t i l-J3 is n rc:vaaar 1 1 amity Ll -medy for ;Iise:ts-.-sof tlicLivor, Stomacft lfc.5 San J Uowa'.s: ilb is Purehv' -.iiIRL$ 2T?3.-tabIe. It never JDebilitateaItia B JCifur-rtic tend ?M PP' k i H H H a JTiZ an wo vj s EVERY MERCHANT . t'AWYER Iri f.iiin cotinir oftgiti it firtrc the tl EElaLY SXEGSS-? i. ".-.' -. . I iffi fhe mftst rnferjris and itt.Iart Doss jbtrtiNAii niOtrfiNAii K!iii( of the Bltfol 6ure nil Sorof alon flectioni and disorder! rMoltA liiir from Impurltr of the blood. It la neadlaaa tot. pacify all, tbe auffarcr can uaually percmre their csuh; but fait Mhcum, ItmpUt,' Vtctrt, Sfusw Goitre, CMUiin, ara tha moat eommon, as, well aa many aBoetiosa ot tha Heart, Utttd, Mvtr and BtomacK. SCpFULAt WonAarfal-Cttfe'cf Sllniaeif' .4 D. Kahsom, Sou Co. : For the benefit of all troubled witlr (Scrofula or Impure Blood in their tyatema, 1 nareor recommend, meg of tbe Blood. 1 nave oeen urouoiea wiia oarouua lot fear, which ear affected my eyea thai I hare been troubled with Borotula for the past tea nat x waaeom. fl.etely blind for ais moutha. I waa nwommaaded to try King at the Blood,- which has prored a grsst bieaauifc to ma, aa it has completely cured ma, and i cneenuiiy recommena ii to ail irou Clea ss i nave been. -.. --.Toura truly. , Km. 0. Wlbnauaow,- Bardinia, N. T. will be paid? to any Jnblie Bqaptul to be mstn- uiy ae-reeu upon. jpr every eeruncatef this I Th4 fcElcLY HEGIIlTEli slfte first ap6f IC.J county in ability, arid the freshness an& relia6ility 6f its news. apicY oca.s of - Pric' ifedfetcerf io uit the Maid Times Its 6Xats To ahow our faith in the aafety and eXoaHsnee of the K. B., upon proper personal application, wbea eatiened that no impoaition is intended, wa will at tha names ot att its iagredienta.br arSdarit. he above otfura were never mail a hnfm tw tiw. -im. prietor of any other Family Uedicina rn the world. Many teatimonl&la. further icformatioD, and. niu directiona for uhimr will be found in the pam phlet "Trestiae on Diseases of the Blood," in which each bottle ia enclosed. Prioaflperbottleeon-i. 2ninBl2 ounces, or 40 to 50 doses. Sold by drusy Nts. P. EiHsoM.boii & Co., rrop're, Buffslo.il .Y THE- CENTRA! tALLEt; Tfie iTEEHl.Y uiiuis" artV if8rlTtTfrtlna to 0Lt YASCLBYEt klhit Crc