The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 20, 1880, Image 3

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    u -
A Spacifc Eesedy for all fee
: For Debility, Loss of Memory, Indispo
sition to Exertion or Business, Shortness
tt Breath, Troubled with Thoughts of Dis
ease, Dimness ot Vision. Pain in the Back,
Cheat and I lent!. Rush of Blood to the
Head. Pale Countenance and Dry Sktfr.
If these symptoms are allowed to go on,
wj frequently Epileptic Fits and Con
sumption follow. WLcn tlie constitution
lieepme? a fleeted. It requires, the aid of an
invigorating medicine to strengtfibn and
tone np tlie system, which
' -"Helmfccld's Buck" '
I Unequalrd
:y any remedy known. 41 I prescribed
y the mont eminent "phylciaiis all ovel
fbe worhl, in
iciirfiffint im,
ft rr von 11 cm',
. Aches & PaiiiN,
brnfrnl feJbi lit',
Kidney Diseases,
IVerdusi Scliilifj,
f ffJClcad iroiibles, T
Paral vis.
, Oenernl ill health.
Spinal Disease;
Catarrh .t -.
, .lYervoiis Complaints,
female ComjIainlJ 4c d
Headache, rain In the SIiouIdVrCough,
f)izziness. Sour Stomach. Eruptions, Bad
"aste in the Molltli, Pulpifatjon of the
Heart, Paul In tlie region of the Kidneys,
and a thousaiid other rmfiifui' symptoms,
are the offsprings ot nypefitiistf
liivivorale the Stomach,
And stimulate the torpid Liver, Bowels
Snd Kidney?, to healthy action. In cleans-'
ing the blood of all impunities, aid impart
ing new life rfnd vigor to tlie who!e system
A single trial wiil be finite enfflciciit to
convince the tuoia hesitating -of its ratable,
renVedial qualities, j";? ; ,
Or Six- aSkstoW
Delivered to" any address free from obser
vation. , "Patients' may consult by letter, recelv
Ing the ; Mmejttteniioirjbjr calHn4 .
Competent Physicians attend to corres-'
po'ndenu. All letters should bo addressed
;. Druggist & Chsmitii ; r
let that the prlvato Proprietary
Stamp is ca each tattle
ggV VM jig J a v
TO Moiubfru of lite HcuMl'RT Comity
Central (oiuuilll.
The late D. M. Thompson was Chair
iiiiin of your Committee. Ilisdcath leaves
the vacant. In vie'v of this fact,
and at the request of mmilii rs of the com
mittee, I hereby call a mcetlny of the
members ot said committee on Saturdaj
n-xt, Fihhinry 2Slh, at the ItECiiSTEt:
oftliH-. for the purpose of electing a Chair
man, apportioning the delegation.! calling
the County Conveiition, and for any oth r
business that may properly come before
tlie CosiVentloii; 't'ho S hocati not possi
bly attend, will phiVe. Iiitorm the under
signed by letter or otherwise of their wishes
in the matter. COI i-1 VasCi.kve.
X.-w ri:al Casp.tity. 4
A new corporntion.kno'.vn as the Brown..
ville Canal 3fc Water Company, with II. It-
Powclli .lolin M. Vaters and J. M. Maver
as Incorporators, filed nrlirles tin Tues
day in the ofiice of Secretary of State.
Otllee at BrowiiHvillit.pHMl tnck. .".0(K.
divided into 100 share of 50 each. The
object is to tiirnish water for manniactnr-
iug purposes.
Popular Setnce lt'cliires.
Ti e celebrated speaker and author, Dr.
.1. Simim, is; delivering a very agreeable,
witty and Instructive course of lectures at
the Opera House in this city, on phyMonr
noiny. The course will eoi!ti:.:v Friday,
SiittirdaV, and next Monday and Tuesday
evening. None should f:ii! to attend thes
lecture. Call .-if tiie Opera IIouso and
get a chart nt oiK-e.
Vnii:iun JSty.
The memorial to Congress askinji for ii
appropriation for the iinprovemeiit o!
Ya'iuuia Bay. wiv forwarded from Corval
lis on the 12'h inst. The memorial con
tained three thousand anil twenty" names.
secured in the several comities interested.
as follows: Benton, l.l;$4. Linn 74",
Polk 102, Wasco 85. Dongas SS. Mult no
rjaah 31. Marion 304.., Yamhill 119. Lane
213i Clackamas is. We hope for goiI
rotmd appropriation.
. Cnii'l T.ilte It,
ls so nasty, it makes me .f'cV to take it."
This is what your children say about the
majority oi those nauseous Coojh Mix
tures. What is the use of trying to force
such stuff down the poor "ihic throat?
Buy a bottle of that famous Yankee Ctuih
Syr.'p. Hnd your cliihlren. after taking it
will cry for more. Its relief is instantane
ous. (uurrrl mhI fair.
The concert i:i:d fair givei bv th-." ladies
of Sr. I'.-tuls M. K." Church TiTesilay even
ing, at the Opera llou-e, was a grand suc
cess. The entertainment co isisted of oi
chestral music choruses, duett, solos, etc.,
by the first musicians in the city, and gave
the best of satisfaction . to all who ' were
fbrtunat -enough to be ' in attendant.
The evening was wry inclement.' ami. to
gether with the alarm ot lire which rang
out as the refreshment tallies were being
projiared. owrated against the reci-ipts;
still, -4im!cr"jhjpse drawlacks the receipts
amounted to about eighty dollars, which
will leave quite a little purse for the neces--ir'es
ol the Church after all the bills are
paid. i
UrBtitl Fetlvil, ftniier, e.
Tlie Ladies' Aid Society of this city will
Evea"grad festival, supper, rtc..' im-tlse
evl'fiiiig of tlie 2-ftii inst., at the Opem
House. An admission tee if 23 cents will
be cluirgetl at tlie tfoor. siipjjer wfll be 2j
cents, and ice cream 2.5 cents. Various
articles useful aud ornamental, will be
offered ftf" s;ile." We all remember how
pleasant these occasions have been made
heretofore by the ladies of the Association,
and we are certain that (lie coming occa
sion will not be one whit behind its pre
decessors. Besides the mon?y thus obtain
ed Is to be used ;uf aiding and relieving the'
necessities of the destitute among us, and
by attending we are contril tiling to a wor
thy Charity and pasitt pleasant and agreea
fc'e evening as well. As hcretfore,dotibt
less, everybody wiil attend.
Fire Tpwly Xlghi.
The alarm of fire on Tuesday night wa
6tied, by" tlie? burning of the dwelling on
Second street, jn.-t west of the old Baptist
church, occupied by Sir. It. Herren,
and owned by Mr. Mart. Bringham. The
alafm was given aliont nine o'clwki and
both engines were iipoti the ground in an
exceedingly short space of time, consider
ing the execrable condition of Second street.
tlnS Engine go'ti tlie fSi-sti water." 1 Mr.
Ilerren's family were absent in Harrisbnrg,
Irom whence he had returned on the after
noon of Tuesday., Getting borne late, he
repaired to' the house, kJndledj a fire in the
parlor stove, and lighting the lamp and
placing It on the piano, be went to attend
the meeting of Safety Lodge, A.O.U.W.,
of wiifch he Is a member. The lodge had
been adjourned but a few minutes when
the fire alarm was given. When the en-,
g!iie arrived" irpon 'tiB- tfpofXAi was found
that tlie fire bd done its work pretty
thoroughly inside, and was bursting out
fliroftgb. the roof and sides, and before the
fire could be got at fairly, tbe building was
rained. A portion of the furniture was
satd,Mn , ffaiaged .ciJrirfrUon. Wfi uln4
derstand there" was an .Insurance oit tlie
fBruiture-oi 1.3lo ; -on lhe,rinse there was
u Insm-aiiee -ot .prcably not much
more than half its value. !
.,8herfflf, I. Dickey -m nrrestcd; in
Portland" at tfie Occidental Hotel, about 11
o'clock on Vfeducsday Jilghjt, 6ii the chirge
of at'iultery wTtb Mrs. SL, Ji.f Gofortl), the
warrant being Issued on "the evidence of
Mrs. Goforth's husband. We are Inclined
to believe the prosecution malicious. And
IBat our aicrlll" will come outfall right.
' tfllnrd TlraeWll '" ' Yi '
"So one lnows better he whole truth
expressevl In the tWd wonls heading this
article than printers. As a general rule
printers are last to be paid, and oftlmes
the small Amounts Urte for the paper of
advertising is grudgingly paid, although
the party may have been beiicflUtTa Iilni-
dred lold, aiid enjoyed many pleasant '
hours perusing the work of the printer.
We do not wish lb be understood as com
plaining nt the printer's lot, hart! though
it may seem at times, we only wish to
utter a few homely truths. And now we
wish to say that there are men in Lhin
county, who call themselves honest, for
sooth, who. after having been served faiiil
fully tor one; two, throe; aye, teven venrs
and more, without paying anything but
pmu-isvjt for the weekly visits ot the county
paper, when dunned for what they honest
ly owe, get very indignant, swear they
are honesty itself, always pay their debts,
but don't. . propose to be dunivd, and
threaten that if they are not let alone the
editor 'will have a, good time getting hi
money." Thi-i is one ol tlie species tlie
printer meets, while others are bland
as a morning in Spring, and promise
but never pay. A man that won't pay
when he can, ?" not -an honest man, and
the communiiy in which he lives should be
po-ted as to his Itck of honor In this re--pf
Ot. We have a large number of per
sons on our books to whom the Kkc.ister
as sent on "faithful promises" as nltove.
but as they never made th-ir word good
by paving a cent, we have ceased sending
the paper to them. If they have a f park
of bonor remaining, they wiil come for
ward now and p iy us what Is lega'ly and
rightfully our due. If they fail to do this
they are not "square ren." are not good
citizens, and their neighbors and the com
munity at large oug'it to ki.ow it. Pa
tience, has ceased to be virtue as to such
parties, and lightning will strike some ot
them befoie Spring aud don't you forget
ft. .
Wmisljiit-jj, IV. T., Correspondence.
WAiTsncw;. W. T.. Feb. 9, ISiiO.
El'iTOK ItK-JiSTi.r : Two men received
injuries re.-ulting fatally, in this vicinity,
during the past two week, by runaway
'earns. The first was Jack Carlton, of
Lewiston ; the hut John Snodgrass, of
Walla Walla.
The weai her brs been quite pleasant
here for the past two weeks, most of the
time the sun shining brightly, and th?
roads are good, and in some places dn-ty.
The farmers are pretty well along with
their plowing, and are commencing to sow
wheat aud harlct". as during this month
tl ey wish to get in as much grain as pos
sible. But Huh: grain is sown here in the
fill ; the plowing is done during autumn
and eaily winter.
Business is brisk here, tbe result of good
crops in the past, M'o prospect for the
future, and the building of railroads, loan
ing transportation cheaper and more rapid
than at present.
We purpose making a trip farther north
and east soon, as our winter term of school
has closed, and we are free again.
The early settlers of this vicinity say that
the wind storm of January 9th. was the
most severe ever known In this past of the
country, and as so much fence was blown
down, many tinners were converted to
the "Xn Fence Lhw" faith, and will, per
haps, be the menus ot increasing the vote
in favor of that measure.
Lrbnnon Item .
From onr regular correspondent under
date ot 17th inst :
Snow about an Inch deep.
Dr. J. M. Powell's drug store wa moved
St. Valentine's day was a day of fun
among the Lebanon boys. Several young
artists had a chance to iry their skill in the
comic business.
Owing to some difficulty among the
members of the C. P. Church, the Sunday
School and Christian Association have
moved their headquarters to the Sautiatn
Academy. ,
W. II. Wheeler, who took a trip to the
Clickitat, country a tew weeks ago, return
ed last 'ilinrsday, in good health, report
ing the country as most too cold for him.
A Temperance Reform Club is now being
organized in this town. A committee ot
seven persons will report a constitution
and set of by-laws, next Tuesdays
TheSantiant river is higher now than at
any other time this Winter. Mills and
other property alunjj; tlie river are in dan
ger. -- - v--' S.
Woman KuflTrnlstit.
The Womans' Suffrage Convention was
held in Portland last week, and was well
attended and very liarmonious. Mr. E. F.
IIeroy was' elected. President for the coin
ing year. A ' motion prevailing that a
Vice President for each county be ap
pointed by President, be appointed as
follows: Miss Coburn, of Multno
mah Mrs. S. A. MeCown, of Clackamas
Mrs. ' M. Mluto, ot Marlon ; Miss Maggie
Foster, of Linn; Miss Lillian , Cooke, iof
Yamhill; Mrs. M. J. Piy male, of Jacl
son ; Mrs. F. Oweha, . of Douglas; Mary
Shane Smith,' of Clatsop; Mrs. Nlcho's,
of Polk ; Mrs. Donnell,' ot Wasco ;' Mrs.
Tozler, of Washington Sirs. 'Webster, ;of
Coos aud Curry ; Mrs. Myers, of Josephine;.
Mrs. Onrrjt Of Grant $ Mrs.; Eaton, !o'f"
Union; Mrs. Cleaver, ;ot ' Bilker; Mrs.
Oluey, of Lake ; Mrs. Clienoweth, ot Ben
ton ; ' Mrs. Beam, ot Lane. Mrs. J. De
Vore Joluison was elected lteooniing Sec
retary v Mrs. M- A. EdnViih'ds,' Correspond
ing Secretary, and Mrs. Keeman, Treasur
er. -Tlie - ladles intend j battling for the.
right to vote until they get;it atiil don't
you imagine tl?ey won't.'; ,
" The subject for next Sabbath afternoon
is front the civ. Psalm, 24th terse f "O
Lord, how manifold are thy works 1 In
wisdom bast thou made them all t the
car'Uf & full ol thy riches.'.'
Onr fDlatrlct Sctaooln. ;
Tlie fpllowitg report of Albany public
Bdiools is iiAijHed to us for publtcatloii :.
Vhole nnbcr enrolled tor the fj"?
rnoiitl tprirt, ending January 30th, 402'
girls, 203 boyh 104.
Average number belonging, 33.
! -fl- 1"
Average tiaiiy.attenuaiice, zuu.
Tlie iollowlng pupils were hcitlier
absent nor tardy dining theterm, and are
placed on the t. :. , .
fcbi bpHONOH:
tiiira riale. jflora Oiwan.
Ada Simpson; iiaggle ilaryey.
Walter flarvey; Jennie dcirdon,
Nellie iathcws. Colonel siathew.
We now have a'u'e corps of
teachers, linder tlie lead of Prof. So, and
onr schools have been unusually successful.
Tliere seems to be but one drawback to
perfect success how, rind that is tlie crowtll
ed state of the rooms, the average to each
room being SO, which Is too much for health
at least. The district ought to have, a
'argerj better ventilated and lighted buliit
irg than tlie okl frame known as the Cen
tral Seuool-houe. We owe it to our
children to furnish them pleasant, ijefilthy
and attractive rooms In which to receive
their mental food ; the civilized world has
long out li ved the idea that auv barn or
hogpen is suitable as school-rooms for our
youth. And another thing may be men
tioned while we re tm the snbje.ct. and
that 9 that it Is rriofoy in the peckets ot
every community to procure good teachers
and pay them living salaries." In this way
we can get and retain com petent educators.
It Is now a generally recognized fact that
frequent change of teachers is an injury to
the school. To make a school all ft should
lie. the efforts of directors -liould first be to
sect. re first class teachers, and the next to
pay them adequate salaries, salaries equal
to men of brains in .other departments of
business so that ti ey may be Induced to
remain permanently in their places.
Retool Meetings.
Below we give a few leading features of
the school law relating to school meetings
and the rights of voters, w hich will be ot
interest to our readers i
Section 34 of the scjiool liiw directs that
school meetings, in school districts of less
than five hundred qualified voters shall be
held on the first Monday In March, notice
of which must be posted in three public
places w ithin the district at least ten days
prior to the meeting. Which notice must
state tirne of day and place of meeting.
In districts of five hundred o- more voters,
the business meeting of officers miist lie
held on the first Monday in March, and
the annual election on the second Monday,
between the hours of 2 I. M. and C r. si,
Section 43 provides that any citizen of
this State shall be entitled to vote at a
school meeting who is twenty-one years ot
age, mid lias raided In the dl-trict thirty
days immediately preceding the meeting,
and who has pfojieriy in this district upon
which he or she pays a tax.'
Section 44 provides that women who
arc widows and have (.-hlldrjen to educate,
and taxable property in the district and
who have resided In tlie district thirty days
n6 aforesaid, are entitled to vote.
Section 45 provides that d:stricts cannot
levy a tax for nr.y pnrjoe, unless the
notice calling the meeting states this to be
the object.
Br6nnvlll Flah.
Our correspondent writes Under drt?e of
Fehrnary 17th .- '
New ditch company.
The Woolen Factory nin oiie day and
night this week.
The Amelia House Is open for giiesis.
J. B. Irvine, Esq.. having rebuilt the
Brownsville Hotel, has opened it In flue
Numtier of delegates go to Eugene from
here to attend the Alliance.
Some snow here and very bleak weather.
Three candidates for county offices" in
this district.
Tlie name of Mr.' SpWry, Republican,'
will be presented at tlie County Conten
tion for the office ot She! Iff by his many
friends here.
Can't think of anything " more. Wllj
add this: If the Comity Convention lacks
candidates, I will allow yon- to offer my
name. The county offices must be kept
iip You bet; '2tab.'
Tlie I. eture.
Dr. Simm' first lecture, on Wednesday
niglit,was thoroughly enjoyed by a crowd
ed audience, tlie Opera House being cra'rrir
mod. ltoaf after roar tJf a'pplaiwe jffeere'd
the happy hits m' Dri during his
lecture,' At the close of tlie lecture, upon
invitation, Mrs. Cheadle came forward fo
have her character delineated, which tlie
Dr. succeeded In dqlrij to tlie satisfaction
of the audience. - Mrs. Eddy was the next
to appear on the stand,' fo'lowed in turn by
Messrs. Dr. Lister, Jason Wheeler, Jas.
Finlyson and Rev. Mr. Stevens. .The Dr."
made a success of It on the occasion.
Tuesday morning about sixty tons of
railroad iron wits shipped up the Colum-,
bla to Wallula from' Celilix The work of
blasting" througti at immense cut, just
above Celilo, progresses' slowly on account
of tlie numerous fissures in tlie rock'. . An
additional force Will be put on at once,' aud
iite work rushed as rapidly as possible nn
der tlie direction of Superintendent Hal
lett. - . - y ar- -
Hew Uoottat New &oodat
A large fnfolce of new goods, late
novelties, fresri groceries, and notions ot
all kinds, niffv being received at A. B. Mo
lhvai'u'Si to which your attention is In
vited. ;' '
. .t-.
:. Stelisrtoo
fit".' J. T. Wolfe will discourse
"Dancing, ' at the AI. t,. ciiurch, nex
Snnday evening. All are invited.
Jeems "I see Kobin that tbe papers say
we were to hae anither ftorm next Mon
day." Robin -"Mon It's terrible! Since:
the Yankees hae gotten the weather Into,
their kecpln' wc have a storm' every it her
WHlamette Juels the efiecls o
tliiuois'fall of chuck. '
SiMjfw and rainfall alternaiely d'tA.jg the !
uwl- '
Dr.. .J, Slmtnsj.,, i;s piiystognbniist.
commenced a course , oi lectures, at tlie
Opera House Wednesday .evening.
Hiram Smitlu of Harrisbursr. was in the
city on Wednesday, in good spirits not
withstanding the hard times.
Twecdale keeps good stovSA", ranges,
tinware, etc.
A gentleman just from the Siaies pur
chased a farm near tlie city, in the front pi
the week. liaj-ing six thousand dollars
therefor. ' " .
Garden seeds and onion sets, in qiian
tities to suit, at Ilafieudeu Brosl
French makes, a specialty of cleaning
timepiece; repairing jewelry, etc. and
he is a first class workman'.
Ha fle.i.dcn 's have vegetables, cheeses, fish,
all kinds ot cilnned goods and groceries a
large t toek, at most reasonable rates.
Born on a Monday,
Fair in a face ;
Born on a Tuesday,
Fnll of Gods' grace;
Born on Wednesday,
Merry and glad ;
Born oil a Thursday,
Sour and sad;
Born of a Friday,
Godly given;
Born on .Saturday.
Work for your living ;
Born on. Sunday,
Never shall want
So there's the week
And the end on't.
Tbe i.iir and sociable at tlie Opera
House Tuesday evening, for the benefit of
the M. E. Church South, wf largely
attended, and quite a neat little sum
The firemen were prptty generally on
duty Tuesday, night, and as the streets arc
tearful, a muddier set of men never went,
home from a fire., When the rope broke
several or more of the Iioys were precipi
tated Into the mud. and they looked as bad
as they felt. Firemen will never get cred
it tor the amount of hard labor performed
gratuitously to save property, not to men
tion ruined clothing, and sickness brought
on by such exposure.
Will Pope, and wife, of Oregon Clfy,
were in the cHy on Tuesday and Wednes
day, en route tor Eugene' as delegates to
the Temperance Alliance.
In the case of L. Eikius vs. G. Parrish.
in tlie Supreme Court, appeal from Wasco
county, judgment of the court below was
The Republican State Convention meets
in Portland on the 2ist of April.
The steamer California arrived at Vic
foria on the 17th, iii a damaged condition
having lost her I udder. Capt. Thorn re
ported hurt by a fall, how seriously is not
stated. ,
Heavy frost Wednesday night, real wln
terish. , , x .
The meetings at the Evangelical Church,
commenced last week, will be ; continued
each evening during the coming week.
All are invited.
Notwithstanding ti:c fiict that the price
ot printing paper has advanced to nearly
double the price last fll, tlie price of the
ItEtJisTEtt for the present vohiine," to ad
vance subscribers, will be but r-iie dollar
and a half. The Rkgistek is now in its
twelfth" year, having leen started by us In
163. At the price the REGislElt U one of
the cheapest papers rtn tlie coast. Sub
scribe now and t5e advantage of low
prices to obtain a gfjod newspaper.
Grand Worthy Chief Templar Sehlbrede
niade us a flying call Wednesday morning.
The paintings placed on the walls of the
Opera House by L'r. Simtns, were. various
ly criticised, by the crowd that Visited that
place Tuesday night.
Mrs. II. D. Godlty Is now engaged in
the dressmaking business at her residence
nil Washington street. Mrs. God'ey has
earned the reputation of being one of the
best titters and neatest sind uios tasty
needlewoman in the cify.
We hear of a wedding soon.
The fire Thursday night did not tall to
'draw," although" the night was dark aud
A heavy rain and windstorm prevailed
Tuesday night, melting and carrying
ofi all the snow.
Oregon was of age last Saturday twen
ty -one years ago at thnt date she was ad
mitted AS a State.
Hens have gone Into the egg business at
two bits for twelve.
The Republican State Central Commit
tee met at S-ilem on the 18th.
Alma Story, of East Port la nti, is vis
iting friends in the city..
Fred Willert is electing a twd-Sfory
fram'e next, to his dwelling An Second
street, which he will use as a blacksmith,
carriage and fVa hit shop.
Mr. Dannals is turning out nice furni
ture. - Rebekah lodge f'fiis evenjng.
The revival meetings at the M. E. Church
still cortlntt'e. Revs. White and Miller,
of tlie M.. j?.. Church South, are aiding in
the meetings.
Ike Conn is rafting lumber made at his
mill beyond Lebanon to this city 3ovu the
Sautiam Canal.
Nice popcorn at Ilaffenden Brothers.
Tlie new town "started on the Columbia
about fifty miles above tlie Dalles, will
receive population from this city. .
Mrs. Lakln, went to Eugene on We lues
day, on a visit. -..'
. Look out for these new goods which will
soon arrive for Blain. . .
The firemen were treated to hot coffee,
by the ladies of tho entertainment and
sociable at the Opera ; House, Tuesday
night, after the fire, for which they tender
hearty thanks. ' ,
Mrs. Carvef, wife ot Rev. Mr.' Carver,'
at present Presiding Elder ot Reno, Neva
da, district, M. E. Church, is visiting her
sister, Mrs, A. B. Mcllwaln, of this city.
The sentence of Joseph Newcomb, of
this county, has been con muted by the
Governor, for good conduct.
,A line of opposition steamers is talked o'
from Portland to Astoria, hut for the
rresbcst grocerle s go to HalTcnden Bros.
t Albany, wai
...i last, t Jaded, the leap1
y ar bal, ahd It IS said uir.t he . was the
most popular gentleman present. As be
is a married man the Albany papers will
please not copy. Eugene Guard. -
Re Tr Driver met with rattier a severe ac
cident Tuesday while at tbe farm ot Geo.
Gilbert a tew miles below town, a ladder
that was being moved ell, the end of it
striking him on the head knocking him
senseless. No permanent liiSrirr extent a
new phrenological development on bU era-iium.--Gard..
..J.,., . ......
The Wife of Senator Grovcr 1 said to be
b'oiMlessly; .insane.' ,. , , , ... .
A fooll'h idea That,. If a person atuff
himself with dates. In time he way come
out a full blooded almanac!-.. s
We want a bridge across the Willamette
at this city. Everybody sees and acknowl
edges this ict; but while this Is so, we
need neverIexpect such an improvement
in leu ..::io one taues tlie initiatory steps.
Let us agitate the matter until some ener
getic individual or individuals take the lead
in the matter. Let us have a bridge.
The Alex Dttnctn is again iu the coast
trade, having sailed from Portland on the
14th for Yaquina Bay aud Tillamook, dn
her return she will load for victoria and
So&iit ports.
On Sunday tbe M. . Cntirch elected
Mrs. Dr. Lister, Mrs. F. M. WestMll, MM
Annlo Gclscndorfer, Messrs. G. ParrLshand
Chas. Rldeoiitj delegates io tlie State Tem
perance Alliance j which met at Eugene
City on Wednesday. .
Robins vls!t our cltv diiriiig the present
severe (for Oregon j weather.
SnOw fell on Sunday night to tbe depth
of about two inches.
Two hundred and sixty-eight valentines
were mailed at t his. postofllce lust Saturdays
At the Womans' Suffrage Conyention
held at Portland last week, Miss Maggie I.
Foster, of this city, was appointed one of
tlie Vice Presidents ef the Society tor the
coming year.
A letter received from CrIII Burkhart
last Saturday In this city, said his health
was good. He (s spentllng tlie Winter in
Southern California. , , ; ,
The fair from Seattle, W. T., to bead of
navigation on Skngit river is $12 at present,
but will be lower as soon as steamboats can
run the entire distance, which they can not
do now owjng to low water.
They ha ve a very sad affair at West Point,
A lady at Cozzcns told her mamma that all
the cadets wear white pants, whereupon a
man said, 'So do their sisters, their cousins
and their aunts," and he had to be shot
through the heart. ,
'Next Sunday is .Washington's bitthday.
A la?y man bad a wife. homed nope-
who always pulled off his boots tof , him.
when he would exclaim: "How trills it
Is said, 'Hope Is the yanker of the solj:.'"
How solemnly the following lines tall on
the ear! ,' ... .t
Silently fall the dew-drops
In thr solemn eventide;
Ruady a girl is getting
To ta"k, a bliggy rkle -
Soon will the maiden's lever
His arm around her slide,.
While to his manly, bospin
Her head will gently glide.
Savagely bites the mosquito,
Merrily bninbles the bee;
ftiit all 1'sit the -maiden sayctH
Is ojj'Oe in a while "Thi!"
Delegates elect from the M. E. Sunifay
School to tlie State Temperance Alliaiice
are: Miss Leu Nanny, Miss Elva Dickey,
Miss Lizzie Wolfe, . jlessfs. ,J. II. Maine,
G. jlV. Settlemier and J. II.' Maine Jr.
A large assyf ment of canned fruits, oys
ters, etc., at Ilaffendeh jfos. , f ,
The meetings at the M- E. Church con.
tinue, and the church Is filled each evening,
the good wftrk goes on, rind souls are being
blessed and. saved. The noon-day. prayer
meetings arc precious seasons; and are well
The ytf'itng Jesus, over wbkH so much
fuss has been made of late in or near
Walla Walla, is down with the diphtheria,
and it is feared he will not recover.
Letlfr Ust.
Uncalled for and remaining in tlie Post
office In ti ls city for the week ending Feb.
19. 1880:
Broils, Ruth,
Chamber. Mrs S
Depew, M F W (2)
Gordon, J F
Healev. Fernando
Hite, Jos
P. II.
Johnson, A L
Max field. C C,i
; Powers, Mrs M
Reed, Florence
Watson. Annie (3)
White, John A
We Wl Taut -
Without showing the condition -of our teeth,
Evpry laugh exposes, them. Iu order fot
to be ashameil of ili'em let us nse tiiat staii-.
dard rfentifrlce, SGZODONT, which Is
sure to keep them white and spotless.
No tartar can r ncmst them, ne canker
affect the enamel, no species of decay Infest
the dental bone, if SOZODONT is regular
ly used. It Is a botanical preparation, and
its beneficiaefiVcts on the teeth and gums
are marvelous,' as it removes all discolora
tions, and renders tlie gums hard and rosy.'
' - 23
It fa r Dnlly Oeesnrrenee, eirla,
That some deserving young man Is about
to ask you to become ids companion for
lite, but is frightened away in disgust by
those pimples and blotches on your face ;
don't despair, though, but get two or three.
SYRUP, and after taking it regularly, you'
will need no more powder.
Dr. U. W. Uray
Dentist, Albany, Oregon.
Office iu Fos-
urkk, up stairs, ac large bay
1 1 . r. t , ' -. "' I 'f '
k block, np stall
n unnjw,
Price in proportion to ttme and
. consrrmeu. iii
nr. R. R. FBET.LAKH baa leWe la
Alkouy for Site praesiee r Detttttrj.
All work, wwmltd. Jmee tm. ltrrtak
'Me,'t eomer Ftrt mm4 Ferry a'M. , fcbi
A Vmr Wlthoac Medfetae.
Parker's Stomach Pad. worn on the
tne stomach will mwvene rhiMh t-
Pit of
?"d and Dumb Aane. cures Bilioamtos,
Liver (kmmlaint ami all diseases of the
SlouMtcli, Liver and Blood. Worn over the
womb It fa a. permanent cure for all dfaeanea
arising from that organ. It on re by ahnorp
tlon; It draws out disai. Ask vonrdrug
vlt for this Pad and take no other If he does
not keep It send 1 50 to Agwnt Parker Pad Oo
lock drawer , Portland, Oregon, and receive
H by return mail.
r : Ieap Ter .- r57-4- ,
Ttie. American, Ga., Republican. tells ot
a Sumter, county man .who went to a leapt
year party and was offered the hi art and.
fortune of a rich maiden lady. v
On Saturday night January 24th the
members of the Kentucky legislature were,
escorted by the ladies of Frankfort to a
leap-year hop. Tbe men Were called tor,
in carriages. - "
When the students at , tbe .University of
Virginia attended a. ljapyiar entertain
ment given by the ladies of Charlottesville,
the other night, they found that every lady
had- invited aud expected to entertain six
Tlie young ladles of -Valdosta. Ga., en
joyed themselves hugehly at a leap-year
party on New Year's night. The Valdosta
limes says they brought the 3'onng m n.
in on their arms, waited on t hem. and that
"the boys were successfully cornered and
courted after the nineteenth century style;
nutll a late hour."
The Jacksonville. Fla.. Union has a
' leap-year Item : "The young ladies ot
j Quincy enjoyed themselves with, a grand
' lea n-vpsr hstll Inst. TlmrKrlii v tlltrht. All
present had a merry, time, but some of the
c y young men .veie' di a ipoin ed. They
were not pressed with mattrimouy half as
hardas they expected to lv.''
The Mlshawakh (tiid.) Enterprise of the
23d, tells us thai the leap-year, party -Monday
night, was the grandest, society event
ever witnessed In SoTlth Bend.? 'i'he ladlee
left nothing undone which would add to
the elegance of tlie affair, and the gentle
men are In dispair of ever equalling It,
The opera house was transformed Into a
palace, with draperies, evergreen, flags,
pictures, lace curtains and upholstertd
furniture, while the floors were coverfd
Sitb waxed canvas. The supper at tbe
liver hon5e was In keeplug'with the ball.
The attendance was large and it was tbe
most brilliant dressed assemblage ever
seen in the city;
A notable event in Chattan vgo, Te ir.,
society was the entertainment successfully
conducted there by a number ot young
ladie-s on the 8th ult. Accompanying tlie
invitation was a notice asking "the pres
ence of the company" of the young man,
with the request to ''i.hwse let. ne knpw,
if agreeable when to call for you." N0ne
of the young men had any previous en
gagements, and readily obtained consent of
their parents to attend. The ladies called
in carriages. After the dancing tlie youug
mem were offered feminine arms and es
corted down town to a restaurant, where
they were regaled handsomely.
tjallas lias got a , "soul sleeper.' . , ,. 4
David C. Clianer, of Oakland, has been
adjudged Insane. . , ;. ... ; v s4
Wardt'n Miller, of the penitentiary, U
lying quite sick at his residence. - '. .
Tlie. report from Steam Beer mines.
Douglas county, are most favorable. - ,
Mr. W. S. Elkms has sold his hardware
store at Dallas to W. C Brown. . -e j
Mn Chas. Pugh. livlug neat SsJen fell
into a coal pit and was badly burned. ;
iThey have a Greenback .club at philo
math, Benton county,. Rather out ot date.
,.Jo. Pnnlom has been appointed perma
nent agent of the O. &. V. R. It. at
Miners in Josephine county are generally
ret a riled in their operations by tbe freeze
' Tbe County Democratic Committee for
Douglas, meets at Roseburg on tbe
2Sth hist. .
Tho farmers' wareljouse at Cor.vaHls
was olcl last week to Jauics C-authortie for
3,000. .. ... ... t .
The .measles have reached Phoenlxv
Ashland juveniles are also afflicted with
the same malady. .
;Gn.E.L.Applegate will lecture on spirit
IlisTtm fir tlttx lYilLa it.vf Erllap l7l!ab
has an eye to spirits. t
. A Chinaman working for Mr. Jaroe
Jones, at Perrydale. made an attempt to
murder his employer, with ,an , axe. .. ,
miiHTiui niinwii ojuiiiy ars uaving a
prosperous run ; water Is abundant.. ...
Prof. Jjolui .Farley i has been pedagogu
ing in Jackson county for eighteen consec
utive year?. ' . ..
Three young men, Charles ctparks, Wm.'
Brush and another, started from Jackson
ville. tlr.s week on foot or Roseburg, boun J
for the Skagit-mines.. .. ..J
Tbe 143d birthday of Tonii Paine was
celebrated bv Taeoma lilwrala wir.h litsra.
ry exercises, eulogy, music aud dancing.
The Puget Sound Argus advocates pre
parations for the celebration of the 4th of
July as a means of dispelling the frost and
"warming people np.'l . , '
Flour sells tor $17 50 in the Skagit
mines. At Goodall's, tlie liead ot naviga
tion ou he Skagit river, it sells for $5 00.
Bacon, 50 cents a pound at tlte former,
and 25 cents at tlie latter nlacd.
l t?e Almota mills are running night ana
day, and are paying 60 cents per bushel
for wheat.
New To-Day. .w-
NOTICE Is hereby frtveMt hat the understand
ed, Im 'been by the Conntv Court of Linn
County, SxaUf of Oregon, duly appointed ad
mtnistmtor of tbe estate of H. K. W. Clarke
aeceascdmd all persons having; claims strain ae
ea-14 estate, are herclutjBqnlreit to present tlie
nude, wtth the .proper lonebnra, to tlie under
signed In tbe cfty of Albany. JLiun oounty. Or,
egon, witbin.six mi"ttn 6wn the date-hereof.
,,'LJ?H,tLWXNBK' Administrator.
Dated Feb. 7, l8O-n20v 12 - ,.
- StocTflioIdet-s Meeting.
NOTICK.,ts..lereby given that tlie annnar-moetin-rif
stockholders ot the Odd Kel-
lows- riau liiTuamg- Association win be held at
the office of said Association, In the city of
Albany. Tnn coanty, Oreson.-n Monday, fhV
sth day of Maroli, J8So, at the hour of I-oVloek-P.
M..of aftld.drty, lot" tiro tmrpose of electtnir-'
seven nirectoi-s, to serve the ehsnlris year for
Mid Association. . T. SIMPSON,
J. II. Be kk hart. See. Pres.
Final KetUement.
"VTOT1CK IS IIEimRV fiTVW miiii mm
i-X undersigned. Administrator of the estate"
of Mursaret PhUlips. dnoensed, has flUd In the
bounty Court of l.lnn connty, Oregon, hia
final account as snob. Administrator, and by
order of said court, Tuesday, the 1 day of
March. 1880, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M.j t
aot for hearing objections to aald account an
the wtttaoent. tbei-oof.- Atiy person Intereateil
in said estate, la hereby notified to appear and
tUebts or hef-objections tosaid'flnal account
on or before said day. J.
January SO, 1880 vl2n!8.
T. KOWLANi), .
Notice of Final Proof.
; . ' Land Officjc
Or boon City, Or., Jan. 13, 1879.
ATOTICT is hereby irlven that the followimr-
It immGtl settler fins filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final ptoofa n support of his claim
anu ancun
of thirty, t
Sam nel Iieford, homestead application N".40M
ror tn H ow e K ol JW4V andK or
8EK Of Seo.'Sl, T 9 S E 3 E, and names" tbe fol
for thS4 ottiEH 8Eof JiW and. JiK of -
lowing; aa bia witneeaea, via :.iJj',P...Berry,'f
unit oounty, Oregon, ana J. 15. rotter, or l.inn
oourv. Onwmi.
January 16, 1880-vl2nl6wS
Mrs. C. Honk, Proprfctsr.
rfHIS HOUSE has been thorouahly overhaul
A ed and renovated, and placed in first elaM.
condition for tbe accommodation of tragueata,'.
Good Bam pie Room for Commercial Travelera
Ooneral Staae Ofltoe for t'orvallia. Independ-t
nos and Lebanon. Free C'oaca leaarj was
tbekeuae. vinf