The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 20, 1880, Image 2

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11 in ij Upstn.
IlBAY, ORIC505r, FEB. 20, 1S80.
The wWow of tlie late Boss-' Tweed
tiiec" tit Pari? on tlie 13ih. '
Swltliont faying' which one does tlie lug
ging. Mis Mtilocli says tear m:l forbear
tre the two great liears of matrimony.
;"' A man thinks of huitven as lio tli'mSi? of
home. a place where he believe he can go
vlscrt nil other places are closed to hint.
'I li'ree eotoled women jjiirroted uiul rob
bed Thomas V. Ihil!i;)--, a retired mer
chant, in New York, on Suf nrdny uilit
last. The women were arrested.
A fire in Chicago on the night of the
iltli, destroyed ironery to the value of
$472,000, on which there was an
of $174,000. .
Tho Senate committee on elections has
unanimously agreed upon a report tti ex
honenre Senator Ingalls trom the charges
' Of bribery preferred "by Kansas memorial
ist. .Mormon TSMer Thatcher h:i. returned
, from Mexico disippotntrd in hU mission
there. The Mexican Government assured
. hiul ot its protection of Moriuo:i in tlieir.
worship, bot not in polygamy. - Even
z Mexico can't stand polygamy .
Kepublicans of JCew York will hold their
- state convention on theioih ol the pre-siint
month, for the pnrpo-e of electing delegates
to the natio:ial convention at Chicago.
Great interest will be tai;en in its action.
In all inrts of the country.
On the 9th, Capt. Ilui-Ker, ot the 9th
calvary, commanding one of the columns
pursuing hostile Indians iii Arizona, came
suddenly upon the Indians who were
strongly fortified in a rough and narrow
.canyon. The Indians poured in a heavy
iire and then charged the troops, who fled,
abandonii.g rations, bedding, etc.
Three splendid stall ions' a re oil the way
to Japan, two ot them purchased tor the
Colonial Department of Japan; the thirJ
valued at $5,000, and by far the mo; valu
able animal, is a present to the Depart
ment from Gen U. S. Grant, in token of
the kindness shown him wl die visiting that
For the past two yearj trains on the
Missouri, Kansas and Texas road have
been fired at just alter dark, near Ovlda.
Indian territory. Cab windows have been
rmashed, cabooses perforated and employe
wounded. The United States mar-hal has
canght a white man named Myers, in the
act of firing on a train, and so des;erafely
did Myers resist arrrst that Avers shot him
fourteen times before he suectuiibt-d.
Gen. Xe3mith is spc&en cf in connexion
wish the Vice Presidency in several Demo
cratic combinations, viz : Tilden and
Xesmith.'Seymour and Nesmith, Bayard
and Xesmith, and Ilcudrivksaiiu Xesmitii.
AVe are not aware that X-'Z i.-j a cnncJidiite,
but his platform, as announced by himelf.
is: '"Honest money, free trade, good
government, and don't eire a who
gives it."
On Saturday evening, at Washington
City, a large number of prominent gentle
men met and orgaeiztd a National Blaine
Club. Congressman Hiram Price, of
Iowa, is President, with a large number of
Vice President. In Xew York city, on
tlie same evening: was organized by mer
chants a John Sherman Club, with Samuel
A. Hawes, President. Active and ener
getic work will be doii for these two
prominent men. "lah for Elaine.
... rA" new route to the Skagit gold fields is
being opened fro to Whatcom, called the
Chiilawhack route, said to be ten miles
shorter than the Hope trail. This new
route Is expected to be open by the middle
of April. Wha'eorn is lour hours' travel
by water from Port Townsend, when tlie
balance of the way can be made overland
except the crossing of Summit hike, seven
miles wide, which is navigable at all
times. ,
Ex-Senator Barnum. chairman of the
democratic national committee, though not
fiver friendly to Tilden,- is reported as aay
fng that Tilden is the strongest man that
can lie named by his party, and he will
receive the nomination. lie thinks Tlnvr
tnan Is out ot the race : also Seymour be
cause he will not consent to have his nr. me
ned ; and that Bayard camiot be nomina
ted, because the west " will not support
Kim. He. also thinks that tlie Tammany
(roubles will all be reconciled in the na
tional, campaign. ;-. -".--."....
Publication of General Hood's memoirs,
to which "reference was made in these
columns some dajs ago,1 has been hastened
by the necessity of making provisions for
tbe support of ten orphan children.- left
destitute in consequence of the general hav
ing lost his fortune just before his death by
an unfortunate Investment." It is now
to be explained that the "unfortunate in
vestment" wa3 the purchase of $130,000 of
the state bonds of "Louisiana, which the
democratic party of that' state repudiated
a few weeks previous to General Hood's
death. , .-
Members of the different protective
unions of Denver, Colorado, nnmbering
no less than . twenty-one organizations,
met at that city in mass convention oti the
evening of the 14th, and, took steps to
organize a trades' assembly, which, It is
claimed, will constitute a voting strength
of 1.900 and a commercial patronage of
$123.000. , It is believed it will consolidate
the working classes,- and bids fair to play
a strong part in the future politics of the
State. The meeting, which was attended
by 1,500 people,' was orderly but very en
thusiastic. One - scheme of the Workmen
is to start an evening paper with Brick.
"Comery as editor, '.,.-..
Mrs. A. Ij. Stinson Is getting up a busi
ness directory for galetOr- . . ?
Meeting 'ot it c Vpnlllm RtaUefen
IrtU C-oiuiMtllee
Tlie Republican Slate Central Commit
t;e met in Salem on Wednesday. The
meeting was most iiftrmoiiioti, the belief
prevailing that victory awaited the Bepuhi
lican standard bearers in June. Tlie Com
mittee is reported' as solid tor lilaine.
The Republican State Convention is called
to meet in Portland on the 21st of April
next. It was recommended that the CbiSu
ty Convention unet on tlie 10th of April
a i nl the primaries on the 3d.
The "Yorhees negro exodtis Investiga
ting committee"" is a big tiling and is :ie-compli-ming
results as vast as the brains
reipiired to fee the necessity of such a
committee. It just required the ability
or Vorhecs and a Democratic majority lrt
Congress to "devise such a committee.
Here is the whole matter in a nutshell :
A large number of colored citizen of the
Southern States emigrate to the Northern
t'tates Indiana, Kansas, etc. a'ntl tlie
Democratic mind is fco shocked that Con
gress appoint a committee., with power to
s:itii'iio:i witnesses, ore. at a vast expense
of time and money; to find out if possible
the cause ot. the exodus ! Dining lc79
there was a rush of people '"from every
where," north, soiith and east, to the
Pacific coast, trxre than 20.000 people
having come, inlti Oregn and Washington
Urt reason, and yet .our twige Democratic
fidlunsi'i Couxres never think of appoint
ing a committee to inquire into the cause
of such emigration! Why? Bacanse it
is none rf the business of Congress. Free
citizens of the United States have ilK
liht now. p.i-.d have always had, to go
when ami where they please it is a liber
ty that cii. not he wrested from them by
Mr. Vorhecs or the whole Democratic
Congress. Congress has as much right to
investigate" the cause ot the rush of the
colored people from the South to the North
as it has the ru.-h ot people lroni "the
States" to tlrs Pacific States and Territo
ries and no more. The colored man is
a citizen and possesses all the rights ot
cit zenship. and among these rights is that
uf changing his redenee for any cause
whatever, or for no cause at ail. This is a
tact so clear and plain that even a Demo
cr.nic Coiigressnir.ti ought to be ifble to
comprehend it. In v.O point of view from
which it can 1-e regarded is the emigration
of black men from the Sotlth to the North
a legitimate subject for Congress to trouble
itself abortt ; and when Congress neglects
important and pressing bbshiess to' meddle
with a matter wirl? which it ha's no busi
ness and lias no power to act upon, it is
guilty of aseiious wrong to the people it is
popularly supposed to represent. Boili d
down, this is simply another among tiie
many schemes of the Democracy to create
political capital for the coming Presiden
tial canvass and it will prove as great a
f.iilure. If will cost the people a good
many thoiisai.d dollars, but in the end
will prove a. terrible boonicrany fur the
A moiig the narops mentioned as the
probable nominee of the Kepublican State
Convention for Congress, none arc received
in the Central Valley with so much real
enthusiasm as the name of Hon. M. C.
George, of Multnomah county. No man
in Oregon stands higher in the estimation
of this people than Mr. Geo'ige. " He is
not only a lawyer of great ability, a bril
liant and eloquent speaker, but his purity
of purpose and stainless chsTactcr are un
disputed. He would represent the people
of Oregon in the National Council with
honesty and fairness, and an ability that
would win six-cess.- Here in Linn county
where so many of the early years of his
lile were spent, he Ijis warm personal
friends in both political parties, who know
and love him because of his man great
aiKl good qualities 'of head and heart,
who would siipport him in preference to
any man that cotdd lie named fur the posi
tion. We are not aware that Mr. George
seeks the nomination; in fact, we have
been tolil that, when approached upon tlie
subject, he has declined' fo be a candidate
under any circnmsta'nceS. everfhelesS,
we are e lire tliat he is the choice of the
people ; that he would be an honor to the
State ; that he would be elected by an un
precedented majority ; and,- there! are. he
is in 'duty bound to give his services to
the State. !
Work on tlie line of the railroad be
tween Cclilo' and Wallula is progressing,
but the force will be quadrupled within a
very short, time. Mr. Frank; Z. Taylor,
of Walla Walla, has received" tlie .contract
to board the hands engaged on the work.
He has established one camp about one
mile above Celilo, .where a force of one
hundred and twenty men ar engaged' in
blasting and grading. Foft'r other camps
h ive been ordered establislit-d'riniricdiaudy.
Two will be nearly opposite ColnmbUS,
and the other two about twenty miles be
low Wallula. The Chinese contracted for
have not yet arrived, and the only force at
work the one m'cutfoueir above. A full
force will oe prrt on ns soon as preparations
for boaiding are miide and tbe work will
boom right along toward completion with
all Kssible speed.
DeLesseps was t he recipient of if grand
ovation upon his arrival at Panama-. The
festivities were kept up for tour days, and
the whole Isthmus Was In a' blaze of glory
during that time. DeLesseps Is "seventy
'two years of age, but has tiie' appearance
of a much younger" man. : He Is Imbned
with an enthusiasm in regard" to his pro
ject, a canal connecting tlie two ueeans,
which proves infections to all with whom be
comes in contact. The natives are san
guine that their future as tlie World's com
mercial centre is assnrcd Indeed, some of
the innocent natives thought the whl&
headed Frenchman brought tbe canal with
him. DeLesseps baa undertaken a great
project, one that, owing to the uncertain
character of the soil, and the terrible
storms and freshets common to that coun
try, makes ffie feat ?ne which may well
baffle the finest? englneeiing. talent of- the
age. ' " '
Reviewing the eVent of the South; A force of fi-fteen men is employed at
American War, a Lima journal says that Tillamook rock', preparing the foundation
"Peru has ItSs all hfcr territory south of for the new lighthouse lo be constrnctetl
latitude i9, an annual Income of $10,000,- there. Considering the diflicHl ties tinder
000 from deposits of giiano arid soda, and which operations arc prosecuted the work
4n area of twenty-eight thousand square is progressing as rapidly as conld be
miles, rich in nitrate ttf soda, and valued reasonably , exacted. Twenty-eight feet
at $140,000,000. tt Is believed that Chile of the, i-rnst of fU3 rock hav beeii blasted
intends annexing all that portion of Peru . away and leveled off. The stone is ex
south of latitude io, and all the western ceedingly hard and flinty--so obdurate
Mope of Bolivia. British merchants, who that even tlie points ot the Iiestrtcel drills
have had control of the guano and soda it re turned. Work -Under such circuin
tradc, are dissj-ti-fied with this state of ptaiiees proceeds slowly, but a softer strata
things, but doubtless will not be able to of mck has been reached and the blasting
t v.. .ii-i. .. in. ..L- ; m'nch more easily accoiiiplished. The
in !uoe tlie ,iigii9ii government to tike, ,-,. . J , ,, ... j!nti.ra.m
" . : r . . touiH.atlou of tlie lighthouse tvjlj be 00x40
measures to pretbnt Chile Twin getting f,.,.tj Tj,e i"0iidatioii walls be srenred
such territorial indemntiy as international ; by the ftti-oupest anil most masslfe masori-
law grunts the coiKjiieriir tin
der sncli cir-i
foundation. .ThU will placi the light 180
Sotne of tlie more hopi liil organs of the fu4 t alve die sea, a sutlicieut . altitude td
Roiirbou i)imocriicy m a hope for the ' ! bt'- "een n liing c!Nta neo over Ihe water.
.. r o .i , . .. 8.. ,t. ' All tle work will ne done in a very sul
restoralion or South, ru ascendency In the stH,,ti!ll IIiniiner- at)f, ,. coll,picu.d the
National councils despite the shifting of light M.nioti on Tillamook rot;k will bo
political power resulting from the nppor-1 of the best on the Pucilic coa-t. The
. . ..!. .i t itu ; contract for the delivery at Astoria of
tionmentbf Representatives b.-wd on the , k.k rtm m 1I1flteii:ils ,I!19 n
next census. The scheme as mapped out signed by the contractors, Messrs. Chal
reads like tills l Utah is fo be admitted liner'; ltl)!i'H fltid iclftry. It i expected
as a State, giving. t6 . IXC&g? Wl" "
Senators and a .Representative. New
Mexico is to be admitted, with a similar j iufe- OIi;,;r evening at Doc Stewart's red
resnlt. Then five or six Suites are to be : tlentiiJ Green Flat; n lion t five miles
carved out or Texas, adding ten or twelve ; noi.iIPart of' cblfax,' while'some forty per
more Senators nd a proportionate num- j 8tl!, Were engageil in "a social hop some
ber or Representatives to (he Dcmocratio ' ,lr ,i0ii iii.1 .me .dowit stabs the ioists
crowd. The imniefliafe present is to be
tided over by .the- counting in or a Demo
cratic President, no matter how the elec
tion may go next fall. This lat piece or
enterprise, it Is complacently assumed, can
easil3- be accomplished by a "IX-mocralic
House and a Democratic Senate, which
ought to lissmre a Democratic count."
This pans out well on paper.
The gooil eople of Southern Indiana
seem to be apt scholars in the Yazooing V " . ...
, . , . : ,. . , 'fl igers was lo-t. Her agony of mind at
business. Know lug that in the past i not in , .
, , ..... ' the iteprivation was great, and in a
the present, the azooing business has been ; ,om,.llt of disLalr she took up her Bible,
pursued in the South by the Democracy i bent flown her he.ul and kis-i d the open
with much success and no punishment to leaf, by way she supposed, o! a la t fare
.. . , ., ,, . 'well. In the act of doing so. to her great
tho-e engaged, the Democratic Hoo-h r , FnFfrUi, nul mMcu joy, ho felt t letters
has canght the huection. and now we read distinctly with lier lips, and from rliat daj",'
of the stoning of hou, in the southern
portion of the State, said horses containfng
newly arrived emigrants of color ; and to
further discourage the black citizen, noti
ces have been posted, threatening any who
give employment the newly arrived
colored citizens, with burning their houses I The building cost $1-5.000 insiirace $50
over their beads. We are now reluctant lv j 000. The organ cost i'l 0,000, insurance,'
compelli-d to acknowledge that Vorhces' j ft.CJOO.
-Investigating Con.mitee" has not b6en j,i coi'iTmTttee nfUm
altogether barren of results-it has wrtnln- fir 00IIltJ. . .r,lllblollf w.n. Si-off;
ly "fired" the hearts of the chivalrous and j Madison Jones, Pre; Lnoney, S. G. Light
brave sons of Democracy ol Smuuerh In- SM,t' Mr- J- 'ohn C, Arrild. V". G.
,,, i Slurry. O. F. Thompson. A. B. RothfoCk,"
iliaua . . . : V. K. Hiutixi. D. Theodore.
Washbunie, it is arnoilnivd, and an
nounced upon authority," wfll not be a
candidate. He is for Grant," and believes
Grant will be nominated. As a friend and
supporter or the ex-president he utterly
disclaims all thouglit ot being a eaudiii.-ife
himself. Washburne has a
long and ,
splendid public record on which there
rests not ef tii a fii-pieion of taint. He
has. in every position, acqtiittod Mmseir
with honor anil distinction. If Grant
should not be the nominee ot the Nation
al Republican Convention, we should not
be surprised that the choiee of the Conven
tion fell upon W::!:btirne. Grant's frieurt.
a ;d they are proving more numerous than
wc thought, will not be inclined to sup
port either of 'he candidates ag?ilnt
whom they are no.v working, anil in the
event of failure to secure Grant's nomina
tion, what is moie likely than i!t their
choice should tall upon Washburiij, always
the. pronounced friend ot the great Chief ?
According to the report of Capt. Ha
bersham, Cowlitz river, in Washington
Territory, which empties into the Colum
bia forty-eight miles below Portland, is
navigable at lo-vest stage, with 2J feet on
the bars,forty miles ; during higher stages,
five miles farther. For a distance of nine
miles from its mouth the river has an av
erage width of 000 feet; above this to the
head ot navigation, 230 feet, banks
from five to twenty feet high. There are
two annual seasons or high water, one
during the winter caused by rains, the
other in June or July caused by the melt
ing of suow in tbe Cascade mountains.
There are nearly 300 snags in the river,
which gather drift and otherwise impede
n ii.ratiin of the river. With the removal
of lb s - the channel on the bars thus made
would be deepened and drifts floated off,
increasing the depth of available water
one-half. An appropriation ot $5,000 Is
asked tor to remove present obstructions
to the navigation ot the river.
In several respects tbis-nmnlH of Februa
ry is an odd one. It will hnie in the first
place an odd nrmber of days owing to It's
leap-year distinction. It will have an odd
number of Sinidays fiye w?hich Is very
odd fbr tl;e sliortest" month m flie year
and .one of the Sundays will be Washing
ton's birthday. It began oh Smiday and
will ewf on Sunday, whfeh is also odd.
The five Sundays correspond m date with
the five Sundays in the following" August,
which is odd again-. If is said' that nb one
now living will ever see another February
so odd: nor tvil! their' children, nor their
children's children suftTcierit til' itself to"
make tlie mouth Interesting.
A certain party had been making foo
free with other folk's cattle In putting oh'
hi? brand. In the Vicinity of Butte creek,
Wasco coiinfy. The owners of the cattle
apprehended1 the fellow nod had a rope
around his neck, when1 some of tlie farmers
interfered iif his behalf, and on condition
that he leave the county, his life was
spared. '
A Pomerby correspondent reports that
"on Tuesday evening", after church, there
might have been Wen a string of men and
boys laden with Hour, potatoes, groceries
orders on both stores, wheat' and cash to
the ambnnt of 59" T5i wld'en was deposited
on the steps of Rev. Rigsby, as a donation
tor past labors' lb odr mklst.
John Inlow, charged at Independence
with the crime oi incest, bis daughter 13
years of aga being his accuser, was dis
charged trom custody, the girl's evidence
being deemed insufficient to fasten the
crime upon tier father.
P ""i " ' "
t - i'v. liTi-T, ni:iw inc ieei ci iijc no
the iighthodse will rise 00 feet from the
gave way and those above rfnd all the
household fnriiltuVe; cooking ii:eusiU. vt- .i
were lauded, on the, lower floor "ca lap."
Barrels of pork and flour mingled with
the crowd, and everybody was powdend
and slimed. Most every one wss flightly
scratched, but r;oue received cither i ainful
cr serious injury.
t Dr. Bell remarks that a blind girl, had
J for nnn y years jierused an embossed Bib'e'
her ffuAn
rs, tint becoming partially
ill? anus, iius piHr ciiuu naa in ueen
rending the book Which is one's great
Trinity Episcopal Chiirch. corner of
Fourth a venfies and Twenty-fifth strets
JJcw York, burned on the 11th Inst.
. The dm-trrsof Co'lax are going to organ
ize; : medical association to prevent as far
a possihlp, quackery aul malpractice.
The Palo:ise if'tzett. says there are nu
merous hoodltum in C lt'ax.
Wagonmakers from all parts of the conn-
try met at Chicago on the Ilth and agreed
to advance the price on all wagons feir per
The cotron factory 6t Lehman,' Du'rra
Co.. near Piatlsville. Alabam:,'biirned on
the llth Inst. J,oss, $100,000; insurance,'
Chicago IiduIs Iiave agreed not to'advarree
their regular price during the meeting of
the Republican eosiventiou.
Major Reno is to
Hive the priviliege ol
Albany, . : Oiegoii.
Injj Jewelry a siwciultj-. Call. vllnlT
AK-.-itt fcV .V(W II lot" Hewfnic Mn
. . clVirifewv
A Sure Slrot Fof
"FE VHj-K: ' &i . JLG tJE-
tlie lii'liito trtbms of; tlie coast an (It hn inte
rior, I have hal the sooi fortune to discover,
from thoMuflU:lne" nierj of these vural trilies,
and from other sources, a number of remedies
for diseases incifloiil tp tlti ponntry.eonstijt
itiB of roots. Ktirbs'and baric. an:l havlntt ixat-xi
sriltoite'l by many neoplo of this VHlley, vlio
lmve tried and orove't the eflfleacy of trierii' iu
disease, to procure and oflbr the saine for snte,
1 take this means of anrrouneirtti to all tlmt,
duriint the rwat season, J Iikvq made irn extend
ed toiir tm-onah the nfnunlainn and' vailevs,
and have seenrcd ce.rtniii of these rorattdleu
which are a sure cifro for . -
Fever' and j.
Those suffering from' Aftue who desire t?ba
cured,ean leiiiVBoi'xIeria, Nfr'.StnA'sr'iistore on
KlrMt street, wiiei-e I will fm-ninh the.rciiiediefl.
warranting a radical carre or It will dema'nd no
P"v- . w, , joiisi,
Car-Remedies dtrhe up In f imefcaaeu. lf
ITew Gooflfi Bfcw Departure t
r.i i lli nery andTr ess m axi jj q.
Choice Hilliaery,' Trimsxisgs
the ladies of Albany and vicinity to cittl and
Inspect for themselves. All good's will be sold
at nrices that defy confnelii ion.
Having-secured tbe services of a first class
I am prepared to cnt, fit, and make dresses tn'
jny style desired, at short notice and in asotiaf
factory manner.
I -MakinClorhlnjBrforchHdrenaspeclalty
i Bore on north side of First, east of Ellsworth
street. You are invited to call.
WRfi, O. I. PAiEKiC-
2T, 1879-
"PJ I Outfit rree.'.8iiAWCo., Aiurnata, Maine
Albany, Orefron.
iPailts,- Oils aRd C-lafss
A'.B.iy, oftJt.ox.
ftl Uriigs and tnuirsists" Sunilri' from ihc
Kist ; alo the lrti-jret eiid most cofnniete slock,
of IjuupsQn.l Unnip llxturen ever brought 1a
tii,S city. , fcr" fiesrriplions earofuily com
poundud at all tiities, day oi rtight. llnii
Albtmj-, Oi'ejiorti
Th'tr Second Term wIM open o;i
.November I3tlr,
2i f.u a.s rr ih DEsraAm.K TiirtEE
C3 coii'r.? of inslrt'itioii will In- porf-ticU in
lhl Institute, viz: Classical, ts-Tenlillo and
A I$ Cir js cf Instruciars tas teen
For retrtfoniars coheerni-g tire eonrsts of
study and the price of tuition, aoply to
Rtf. EL11KHT K. '0?iUIT, Pres.
AugiTit 8, l7Vl!h
Ladies' Variety Empor!u;n.
German Zephyr. C'anras, Thread. Pin,
StoVes; HiUto'iis, ITair SxcitcU
e ahd Curls, Hosiery, Mtamjied
Gufjd, iDc, Ec, c.
Also, Agent for PI'.' Earner's
Ilculi! Cori'Ji t
C'liiltl's Waisi :
ami Madam Foye's
Corset Slcii;tv Siaipox'tei'.
gS4T"FCnch -tamping Atno to oider.
lllTBrorf'lftlbiu St., opposite Post OillcojSJ29v
( ,tniKH10(!.
. fh the Ctrcnit Cxurt for t ir 'utc ct Oregon
for Unn emmty.
John Conner, plaint isT, vs. Philip Grig3bv,
To Pirilin fJ-rfes"y. ! ti' vo named defend
ant i. in. the ntuwt.f .tCv si e ol Oi-e-jon. ynuf
are hereliy re'iuireil tiii-,-'ii- a-id answer 'the
coinpkttnt of tlie itbovi- iilf1ut ttr" in tlrp above
entitled Coiirt. pow im :l o with tho Clerk of
said Court, against yo'ti. on or iH-fore. the first
day of the next resriilnr terinof the .Circuit
Cjftnrt in Riicl for said" l.tim countv, Oreson, to-"
wit : the
8A day of ' jfti-c7t, 1880",
Khd yon a heniy noiftied tKftt if ye;t a't ia
aii)enrand answer said camplnbit n ln-n-b-,-iS!liiired.
the pl.-ii n f iff wi;l t:rU.t i' r
nrliiliKt yon for the sum of .0Q sro-ld coin. iind.
y4rini ttmreo" in IHeirold trom H:to,?
27". lrt7Hj at rale of one pr cent. nr inoni
aJl 10" f;fklL45r mm of A.0, att.'iriieyV (, un l
the costs and disborainenivoC-this u'uliiiii.
IIUMpimKY ViLVl.r.VlX. '
.. atn.nievs lor nluiiiitir. .
, Published by order of the i ton. If. F. Itardiiiis','
JuUxe, innde at Chambers, Jitnuary fiih, 1880.
Jann?fry W,'l.sso.vf2nlfi-
Auiliiitilrator'a Xollt-e.
"VtOTICE'ts hereby -riven tVM the nn-lni-isrn-kv
ed has been, by thodmmy t:ornl rtr I. inn
enhty, Oregon, duly arvoi:itrd n-linlni?fin!or
of the estate of t'laitels M. M!riTe, rtfeensed-'nte
of sMi coiinty". All neroiis havitiic e:uims
a.nrhs. sctl (!3!le are hei-ebv no.3-1 end re-,
quired to present tbe snrrm wfth the proper
voncherstothc u"iriorsteI.wlt!sIn jmnnln
from'the dale hereof, at l ulmnnnXHn ej-nntj-,
Oi-eaon. . .lOSEPII J. CHAHI.TON.
Jim. 1ft. lSS0-vl2nl? AdminUtrator.
Klinn Chamberlain, attys for adui. .
, Potitimlu tie Sett. Tht 'V. w awarded (h
highest andonb medal girerubber platter, at both ,
Vn Ctnienkiatatvi Porta' BrpotUiom. Widely and
favorably known awvntg ftjpticiant as a great wi
prvwrmmt em tht ordinary prrovf plaster. Ask any
physician in your mm locality about if. The vnlus
hle qaallties ot fBerommnn poroos plnstcr are in
this article increaiwn 10 f old by new and scientific
medication. It relieves almost at 6nc0 and cares
where othnr plasters f nil even to relieve. It is
withont donht the best remedy ever devised for
Lame and Weak Back, Shenmatisni, Spinal and
KidnoyComplaiutsand all local aches and pains.
Avoid ion.Sold by all Drnggists,Price 5e.
JiSABer.T Johkon SI riatt St., N. Y.. J'toot
"vTliclisalc ana. Sctail Ccalora ia
S B S n i
-. -
fn Fat tHc Bargesl, beef Asortc3 tiiul most Varied SttoetC: $t
GISOilEKIU!) in tStc country..
la Fireproof Sick, First-
aad BSAX)
Albany, : :
Also, every variety of
'Vltf.nfioti crivii to nnlen
jslule and Washington
erwise, and promptly loi
To" insure good materiaf ...'sUp'afe'''' '
all your Contracts for Painting thtat nothing
shall be used except C. T. RayhoMs & Co's;
Purd Paints and Oils.
&r Paifiters who use C. T. Raynolds i Co's PalHIs End!
Gi! dir tkev BEST ANO CHEAPEST WORK, tense F0F.:
LONGER tharr anyr other.
Street Albaaytf Oregon:
: Oregon
cemetery and other stone
trom Qnv Olll't X the
Territory, by mail or Oth
wuiueu. All
" .-
'' m
7 vi
':'. ' i"