The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 06, 1880, Image 3

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Prave meetings t tlio hall ot T.P.C. A.
were liekl fwry evening until Sunday
Xlghfly meetings still continue at the
M. E. Chuu-h. nh noon-day prayrr-
nieetlngs. j
Tlie decrease of tlie national debt for
January was 1 1,01 t.43.
Coal oil at the City Imig Store cheaper
tlian anybody.
Cold foggy weather during the wocV.
Mr. O. W. Kc.irtee went to Klickitat
W. T., last week, to look out a home.;
Mrs. Jam Finlayson and grandson
went down to StlttiM on Monday, visillne
Fresh butter always to be had at llaff-
The new book. now want to get in.-
Xcw millinery at Mesdames Bleviu &
I'lw. lilne TtMhtu ClUaVat .Scio I still
alive and prospering. 'It villi soon he a
year old. aud lis held many an intcrer-ting
weetinjj since it organization.
If you have not signed tlie Yatiu'ma Bay
petition, don't fail to flu so early thi week
Uiey should !m- ;iit off next week.
Mrs. Powell, wife of our State tk-hool
Superintendent who ha Iwen ill for sever
,1 weeks, we are pleased to announce is
lowly convalescing
A. M. KiMip and G. F. Simpson have
formed a partnership, and will deal in sig
riciittural implements, etc.
We. Baltimore on Tuesday started for
Eastern Or-eou. t see what he could see
Will lie absent probably ten days.
Business ljriii to show sign of im
Maple and all other kinds of good syrups.
at HatTendeH's.
' There U a feeling in tlie eoininunity
that the purchase of an outfit fur a hook
and ladder company by the city at tl
present time is too great a burden, and
the matter should be postponed for a time.
At tlie regular monthly meeting ot Xo
2s on Monday night, several parties were
fired out for non-payment ol dues.
IlauViiden" are awful liandy. se'Iins
cheese and flour and candy, as well
r-aclie. fnuts ami marmalade, mid as
tine hacon a was ever made ; butter.! csrg.
and the fine-t soaps; starch, coal oils and
splendid mojs ; in f;ct. gr-oceries, prov
sions," and everything nice, by them are
old at the lowe-t cash price.
Tlie tJoiKl Templars did not Install
officers on T".esdav evening installation
prstponeil u:ifil next Tuesday evening
County Court met on Wednesday.
Travel Is unusually light at present.
Mrs. W. H. IIiitiui lias pone to tl;e
Dalles mi account of poor Iicalth. Site
may remain until Spring.
.Tames B. Titus, of Titns Bros., of this
city, proposes to start for Kaateni Oregon
next week.
- One's hose tower has a new foundation
and will stand a strong wind now.
r Thos. II. Reynold has been promoted
from the position ot delivery clcr. at
Portland, In Welis. Fargo & Co.'s service,
to that of messenger on ttie Oregon Rail
road from Portland to Corvallis. Tom de
serves the promotion lie's as good a boy
'Jfrwvr raeled with express matters.
Mr. XV. A. Tanl, of the Forks, was in
The rlty on Wedncsilay, looking unusually
. v Our C ity Marslial takes pride in keeping
the cro-s walks clean, and fiithtullr watches
over the general Interests of the city.
: Splendid comb honey at IlanVt.deu's.
. - It lias beeu au iiumitig.Ued" week tor
' local news.
.Thti Indies' Aid Society elected officers
I We liave secured an excellent corrcspou
ent at Lebanon.
" Mr. Davis, of Peoria, made us a pleasant
call a day or two since.
Judge Stralian's little boy Is very low
with but faint liopes of recovery.
.Councilman DaimaU' has - commenced
tlie erection of a buildiiiir. on tlie ground
occupied by tlie- old one. In which lie in
tetttU placing hi machinery fur tlie man
ufacture offuniltiire.
;Tlte rnsli from Linn county for Eastern
Oregon anl Washington Territory next
Spring will be immense.
One of our Salem dignitaries while in
this city the other day, made a mistep and
fell from tlie sidewalk Into the mud. He
looked very uncomfortable and nitiddy
whenhesroe. 7 ' t
The St. Cliarles steauity gains In public
favor nnder the admirable management of
Mr. Llouk.
If yoa want to see handsome stove, call
at MeFarbind & Harvey'ty "
Dr. Ashton has been solicited to go to
Jefferson and give instruction in penman
ship, and be will probably go. We can
assure tbo people of Jefferson that the Dr.
1m fie boss penman, and no mistake.
The stockholders in Odd Fellows' Flail
Building Association are called to meet on
the 8th day (Monday) ot March. 13S0, at
tlie office of the Association, for the pur
pose ot electing seven directors to serve
djirlng the coming year. The meeting
will asemlile at 7 o'clock In tlie evening
of the 8th. See notice to this issne.
We are running a very large s mount of
reading matter now, and it our friends
keep sending In the names of new sub
scribers, la a short time we shall be enabl
ed to enlarge tlie paper to nearly double
its present size. Looking to thh, we arc
negotiating for a power press that will not
only enable us to enlarge, but will also
enable us to hold back our forms nearly
twelve hours later than at present. Let
our friends help us now. and we will be
thankful. One dollar and a lialf per year
for tbe Rkgisteb, on the eve, too. of
most exciting and' momentous canvass, Is
extremely cheap.
Dr. G. W. Gray was called away the
other day, they say, in a business way.
but didn't stay another day more than he
could possibly help. 'Ror.
Tlie excitement in hose circles was way
up for a day or two; but the boys have
concluded to lay low and get even. . 'Rah.
To any one sending ns fen new sub
scribers with the moncv ($13). will semi
free for one year one copy of the Register
and one copy of the Americin Agriculturist,
the leading agricultural journal of Amer-
Albsny Collegiate Institute is prosper
ing, with a good attendance.
Several conversions with'nn Increase of
interest in the meetings at the M. I'..
Tho-e castiron steamers and adjustable
strainers, to be had at .lolm Hriggs are
just tlie things needed by the careful Imuse-
keeper .
Go to W. U. Baltimore's wiie.ii you want
fresh groceries ami provisions.
City Council next Tuesday tilght-
Kcbekatt meeting this evening.
The -Iron King." at Twec-lale. is the
bos cook stove, wliere you will also find
a full line of stoves, tinware, etc.
Subject before the Y.P.CA. wttt Wed
nesday evening is from Malhcw, lith
ch:iter. . -iJ...
A full supply of groceries at W. U. Bal
timore .
A new iiorninsr daily is talketl of at
F. M. French ha returned from San
The li'i-hi Oifijoniun was nineteen years
old on I In- 1th insr.
John Walton bus been in Jin citv during
the week.
First class weather for cold and cold'
are dangerous.
Freh buckwheat flour at W . U. Balti
more s.
Walla Walla valley firmer are flush
with "piTt-itcr," and anxious to sell at
one cent ier pound.
It is reported that W. S I-nld, banker
of Portland., refused to sign the Ympiina
Bay petition, giving as a reason that it
would injure Portland. And yet there
are men i:i Alhany prairie that say if the
appropriation he secured for the improve
ment ot the Bay. the people of the Cen
tral Valley will be tienilitted by it ! Wei'
informed Poi llunders see it in a different
The general outlook seems to indicate
at least a fair business fur tlie coming
Spring and Sii!iim-r. with a booming Fall
and Winter trade should the crop prove
as gond as preaeiit appearances would in
dkMte. Xo change in market prices, with trade
generally in!!. and a large falling ofT in
general trade for January as. compared
with last year.
Mr. F. M. Wadswerth is h!e to lie out
asiain, alter a loni and painful seijje of
rheumatism. Onch !
The shw at the 0era House was ioor
ly atfended. a;id did not pay expenses.
A yoiuig man at Pend!etoi Iat wet k
inveigled :i crirl of 17 from the ball room,
drugged and then committed a rape Uoii
her person. The fiend di-seives the halter.
Y.ikima Ci'' wants a watch-niaker and
jeweler there is none in the county.
There was an old governor in Maine
Who said : "This rcpuhiican gain
N mroj.g. Without doiiht
We shall count them all out.
And count ourselves all ia aaiu."
OnwnrtM 1.1 eel Ion.
At the l:isf meeting of Onward Lodge,
Xo. 22. I.O.G:T.. the following person
ven? chosen to serve as ofKcers for the en
duing quarter :
W.C.T.. R- E. Conn.
W.V.T., J. E. Knox.
W.S.. G. M. Knox.
W.F.S., R. E. Houston.
W.T.. .lane Crowder.
W.C.. Martha Chambers.
W.M.. II. S. Crnwder.
W.I.G.. J. B. Conn.
W.O.G.. Eugene Fisher.
The Lodge alo recommended the sp
pointmcnt ol R. W. FUher as Lodge
Hook nnd L.ller (ompiny.
A meeting was held at One's hall Satur
day n ght and a hook and ladder company
organized, with the following officers:
President. G. W. Humphrey; Foreman.
J. A. Allison; 1st Aslstsnt. F. S. Dun
ning; 2d AssMant, H. J. CI .rk ; Secreta
ry, W. R. Blaln; Tn-asurer, Frel Graf;
F. S- W. G. Sted. Regular meetings to
be held the first Friday niht in each
month. About thirty memlicrs were en
rolled. Hfmni. Rmf & Rlmpaon.
Messrs. A. M. Roo, and Geo. F.Simp
son have formed a partnership and will
open a large line of agricultural imple
ments and machines ss well as steel goods.
In the building heretofore occupied by Mr.
Roop on First street. Both gentlemen
are well and favorably known throughout
tlie comity, aud we fell assured that all
who patronize them will be fairly and
honestly treated, and that they will soon
build up a splendid business. .
Letter List.
Uncalled for and remaining In tbe Post-oflh-e
in lids city for the week ending Feb.
Bostwick. J M Moore. Eliza
Dm mm. Henry Nickels, John
Emerson. Seth T Phillip, EUcty J
Lore t z. Louis Tiylor, Chas (3) .
Low. Fanni Vernon, Mulkey
Miller, Jas II
Oa their Ovi Hook.
Messrs. Ha (Tendon Bros, and Wm.
nartless, of Central Market, now run a
delivery wagon of their own, and can
therefore promptly deliver all orders either
for groceries or mcsts.
Subject for Sabbath "Fate of the un
godly' 1st Peter 4, 17-18. "
Business meeting on Monday evening.
The 4nliforninn.
The second nnmlwr of this, admirable
monthly magazine has reached us. The
second number, if possible, is mor! Inter
esting than the first. We like the C'alfor
nian much better than the late Orertmul
Monthly, a magazine which was received
with great favor on the Pacific coast a few
years ago. The Cnlifornion Is a pronounc
ed western magazine, and is a true repre
sentative of western manners ami customs ;
it has the vigor and freshness of i:ew life
in the west, anil if it maintain its present
excellence will vie with any magazine in
the land in popularity. The contents ot
the February tiumher are : Sand." 21
chapter, by J. W. Gaily ; Washington
Territory, by James Wyatt Oates. "Now
G irdensGrow in California," by Josei.hir.e
Clifford. "Pre-IIistoric Treasures"' by B.
B. Redding. Frankincense" and "My
Rosarv" (poem), by Kate M. Bishop.
"Tlie Seven Cities in Cibola." by T. II
Hittell. "A Plattdeutsch Chat," by T.
II. Ri-anlen. "The Solid South aud the
Bloody Shirt." by A Young Southerner.
"A Clerical Trunin," by Margaret Collier
Graham. "A Defence of Dancing. '' by
Basin Bazouk. "In the L,ava Bed. by
Win. M. Bunker. "Isolated Poets Per-
cival and Xeil," by John Vance Cheney
"Hoodlums on a Hop Ranch." by R. D,
Mine. "Arts Ideals" (poem) by Kdgar
Fawcett. "B oks Revb w ,"by E. R. Hill
and E. H. Taylor, and an interesting edt
tori:I miscellany. Published by the A
Roman publishing company 511 California
street, Sau Francisco, at $3 per year.
Irfbnnoii Itoiun.
Under date of t eb. 2 1, our correspon
dent writes :
The rains have subsided and fog is tak
ing possession.
Owing to hard times, some of the young
men of Lebanon ride stick horse. Our
livery stable men think strongly of bring
ing on a leap year stock of th!e animals
A lady in this on having a tooth
pulled lately, came near fainting. Anoth
er imiy present cai'ef lor water, i tie
young M. D. in his hurry seized a bottle,
supposed to contain the required article,
but after a thorough application of the
fluid to her palid brow, to hi a-tonish
ment he found the contents to be maple
syrup !
Mr. W. II. -Wheeler will start to tbe
Clickitat country aliont the fourth of Feb
ruary. We alo understand that quite a
number of young men are contemplating
trips to Palouse. Spokane and other part
of Washington Territory from thi place.
Their intentions arc to locate.
The Elite Literary Society of tbeSaliti
am Academy, in this city, debated the
question :
Z,v!-et. that the Mississippi river runs
up hill.
Alter a warm and lengthy debate, the
question was decided in favor of the affir
mative. Also, a pnper called the Lilnrary
St'tr, gotten up by G. H. Xickerson, of
tlit place, was read, and pronounced good
by all pre?nt.
Guiding Star Lodge. Xo. 317, I.O.G.T.,
ot Lebanon, elected the following otticer
to serve the ensuing term of three moutlis,
beginning February 3d. 1S;0 :
W.O.T., E. E. Montague.
W.V.T., Miss M.iry Gilbert.
W. Sec.. W. C. Peterson.
W.F. Sec.. Joseph Wassom.
W.T., Miss Laura Bond.
W.C.. J. L. Gilbert.
W.M.. W. II. Wheeler.
W.I G.. Miss Helen It. Gilbert.
W.O.G.. Frank Honk.
The cold water element is in a flourish
ing condition, notwithstanding the almost
unimpeachable hard times. S.
ore Law 3fcedet.
John McClure, who attempted to mur
der Edwin R. Roy, in Sitka on tlie 10th of
October last," emptying the contents of
every chamber of his five sliooter into tbe
body of Roy on that occasion, anil who
has been on trial in the U. S. Circuit Court
in Portland has been discharged on the
ground that the mere shooting of a man is
not and indictable offense in Alaska under
the U. S. laws. Roy was shot twice
through the left breast, one shot through
the wrist, another through the abdomen,
and the fifth struck a rib and tore bis side
open for seveial inches. He was then
struck on tlie bead wit ha bar by McClure.
and left for dead, but tot innately he. after
long and careful nursing, still lives. If
amusement of this kind are not under the
ban of Alaskan law, it is tlie fault of our
glorious Congress.
Severely Burned.
About noon on Tuesday, Gns. Laytoua
youngest child. Frank, aged .'about two
years, pulled a kettle of potatoes off the
stove, during a momentary absence of his
mother, the contents strioking the little
fellow on the right side of the face and
neck, burning him severely.
Bine Ribbon lub.
Blue Ribbon Club meets at Y.P.CA
hall on Saturday (to-morrow) evening at
7:30. Dr. Watts will he here and address
the Club. A trood programme for tlie
evening will be offered. The election for
officers will also occur. Come out every
Kpeelnl Meeting.
A special meeting of Linn Engine Com.
panj-. Xo. 2. will be held at One's hall
on Tuesday evening of next week. By
order of the President.
Dr. . W. Uray.
Dentist. Albany, Oregon. Office in Fos
ter's brick block, np stairs, at large bay
window. Prices In proportion to ttmk and
matekial consumed. ll-3-t
Ir. B. R. FREELAAn baa located la
Albany for tbe practle of Denttatry
All work warranted. Office In Pan-tab
black corner First and Ferry mta. febl
English citizens of Corvallis are fitting
up a reading room.
Kundy Nehool on vrntlon.
Following is the programme of tlie Bap
tist Sunday School Convention, to lie lield
at Oregon City. Oregon, commencing
February 13, 13S0. at 7 o'clock r. M :
Conducted by Rev. J Baker, Salem.
7 p. M Organization.
7:30 P. K. Bible ti'acliiiig the great
work ol tbe Church. J. C. Baker.
S . ji. How it benefits the Church to
lie actually engaged in the Sunday School
woik. W. J. Crawford.
P-30 r. M The conflicts of the S. S.
work, T. P. Hackleman.
9:30 A. m Teachers' Drill a half-hour j
institute exercise, J. C. Baker. I
10 A. M. The cxpctlieucy of establish-
lug a Sabbath School wherever tliere is a .
Baptist Church, vv . t,. .lonnson. ,
the tuperiiiieiMieni ih.t ik.
11 A. SI. nat can ine icacner no in
bring his scholars Into the Church, Mrs. J.
C. Baker.
2:30 P. M Teachers, Drill a half hour
Institute exercise, J. C. Baker.
3 P. M. Elements of successful teach'ng.
B. S. McLaffertv.
3:30 P. M. How to treat strangers in
the Sunday School, Mrs. W. J. Crawford.
4 p. St. Missionary work in the Sunday
School, Mrs. J. T. Huff.
7 p. m. Teachers Drill a half hour In
stitute exercise. J. C. Baker.
7:30 P. M. Systemtic beneficence in the
Sunda School, F. O. McCnwn.
8 P. M. Temperance work in the Sun
day School, XV. T. Br.rney.
S:30 P. M How to study the Bible, A.
S. Coat.
9 P. ji. The importance of working up
and sustaining S. S. Conventions and In
stitutes. A. E. Tanner.
Each speaker in opening a subject will
lie allowed 15 minutes; to he followed by
short speeches of 5 minutes each.
The following arrangements have been
made with the O. C. R. R. the W. O.
R. R. and the O. S. X. Co.: Persons at
tending the Convention will pay full fare
over the road to Oregon City, and will be
returned five upon certificattof the Secre
tary of the Convention.
Narrow Uanire Bnl
on ibe W ea
n address to the farmers ol Yamhill.
Poik and Benton counties haslieeu printed,
urging the building of the Dayton, Sheri
dan a, id Grand Ronde narrow gauge rail
road from its present termination in Yam
hill to Yaquina Bay. Thirty miles of the
road, now completed, is in litigation, and
will be sohl between now anil next June.
I'he indications are that it the people along
the line of tlie road do not lestir themselves
the W. O. Railroad Company will pur
chase this thirty miles of completed road.
and use it as a feeder to their road, and
the country lie put under tribute forever
to tlie broad gauge road. It the people
interested along the line of the completed
and contemplated road will organize, buy
in tbe road, suhscrilie the necess.iry stock
and complete the road to Yaqnina Bay.
they will assure to themselves continued
low rates of tare and freight. The compe
tition between the two roads will keep
prices down, while if the W. O. Railroad
be permitted to gobbie up the enterprise.
Hitcs will be doubled, and tlie firmer will
realize from 20 to 30 per cent, less tor his
grain than he otherwise would. On the
face of it. taking the address to be a true
statement of the matter, it is a matter of
tbe deepest interest to the citizens of tliose
counties, and if they are disposed to help
themselves the present circumstances are
more favorable than they probably ever wil
lie again for thorn to do so. It is said that
$78,000 will furnish enough iron to com
plete the road tr' King's valley, and the
farmers along the line will do the grading
at tlieir own cost. A little effort and the
road can be secured in the interest of the
farmer, and the tbe general interests of the
three counties vastly increased. Will the
farmers take hold of tlie matter ?
Rfl Iff Ions Service's.
The Rev. Robert W. Hill, of Salem, will
preach at the Y.P.CA. hall next Sabbath,
morning and evening.
A Frairrnnt Breath and Pearly Tcetli
Are easily obtained by cleansing your
teclh daily with that justly popular denti
frice, SOZODOXT. Composed of rore
antiseptic herbs,1t imparts whiteness to the
teeth, a delicious aroma to the breath, and
preserves intact, from youth to old age,
the teeth. Acidity ot the stomach will
detroy tlie strongest teeth unless its effects
are connteracted with SOZODOXT. and
this pure tooth-wash protects tho dental
surfaces by removing every impnrhy that
adheres to them. Ask your druggist for
Around the World.
This Is the title of a new volume jut
from the press ot Chicago, aud embraces
numerous illu-tratlonsof the most remark
able events In Gen. Grant's recent tour of
the world. Ills receptions and speeches hi
London. Paris, Spain, Italy. Germany,
Russia. Ireland. Egypt, etc., together with
his tonr In California and Oregon, and a
brief history ol Ids life. It is a novel aud
interesting work of about 400 large octavo
(ages, printed in good style, .offered by
iubscrlpt'on to our citizents at a very low
price. It makes a handsome work for the
center table, library or office, Aid Is liay
Ing an unprecedented sale in California
ami tlie States. The agent will call In a
day or two to receive your subscription.
On Monday, at Stubbs cross-roads In
Clackamas county, a saloon keeper named
Jim Collins. In a tit of jealousy,, f hot nnd
Instantly killed a young man named Clark
Hamilton, and then killed his horse. As
Hamilton was In the act of mounting his
horse all unconscious ot danger, Collins
stepped to the door and raising a double
barreled gun heavily loaded, fired both
barrel', killing the young man and bis
horse instantly.
The none has sent 10,000 francs for tlie
I relief of the uistresseu iii iruianu. .
D::vid Horn, with the aid of a dog. killed
a catamount in Jackson county last week
that weighed 30 pound. It was an ugly
customer and died game.
A flying squirrel was recently killed
near Rosebtirg, the tlrst ever seen in that
part of the country. Prof. O. B. J-linson
will preserve it by tlie taxidermist art and
add it to his collection.
Last week there were three schooners in
tbe lower Uiiiivia, awaiting to go to sea.
A there are fifteen vessels in at Coos Bay.
it will be some Cars before the tug will vis't
the Umprum.
Prospects for a good mining season are
more favorable throughout Southern
Oresron than for venrs nnat TVinnintr
pro?pPcts nre less p,;tisfllctory tlian n,naI?
le p.(t am,n;it of anJ nrcven-
t tiller n!orvinr mill snxvtiicr.
Mr. Littlefleld. of Chicago, accompanied
by hi family, passed over the Drain stage
line last week. en route to Coos Bay, where
he goes to superintend the government
work on the breakwater. Chinese will
tint lie employed on the work.
A lew days ago near Lincoln. Polk coun
ty, three brothers named Fowler got into
a row with a young man named Ga3 the
latter getting the !cst of the fight. On
Sunday one of the Fowler boys met Gay.
and concluding to try him single-handed,
went for him. According to the States
man it is a conundrum whe'her Fowler w'll
get through, as Gay. after knocking him
down kicked several ribs in.
Wm. Osborne who was badly beaten by
James Grav at the Dalles, is recovering.
Harry Morn had bis leg broken at
Pendleton while playing with a compan
ion. The Democratic Committee for Benton
county, meets at Corvallis on the 14th inst.
Gen-go C;imphe!l of Roeebnrsr. bad hi
shoulder dislocated by being thrown o.Ta
wood pile.
The Democratic Central Committee of
Jackson count' meet next Saturday at
Win. B. Russell, who killed Levi Znm
wait In Columbia county. W. T., last
Summer, mid Indicted for murder, wa
found guilty of murder in the second degree
and sentenced to fourteen years in the
Mr. Rogers, the editor of the Victoria
S'iiiihrrL ha brought suit, against I)
llisljlins. editor of the Colonist, for Tihel.
The altesred libel consists of a published
insinuation fiat bv the official neglect, of
Ro"irs (who holds a position as prison
keener, i a iailbird recently made hi
Mr. ITallett h-is secured a contract on
the Celilo road and will soon commence
work at that point, going up the river.
A nrotrac-teil mee'h.ff is being conduct
ed at Oakland bv Revs. McKain. Wood
and Paul. Many accessions have resulted
The railroad company lias proposed
that if the iM-onle of Y efon will Sub
I sori!x $:.003 they will run tbe road into
that town.
Work on the new boat for thft upner i
Columbia is progressing very fist. The j
Empire wants the boat called after Capt.
L C. Ainsworth.
A nnuilx-r of land cases from Cons and
Curry counties have been occupviiis the
attention ot the Land Office officials nt
Rosebtirg during the past week.
Harry Seeher was bulged 'in jail nt
Rosehurg lat Friday, and oon after the
j-iil was found on fire. It is supposed
he set. it on (ire, and he w.-is arrested and
bound over on a charge of arson.
We understand that Ben Bir2ersfaff
"hopned out" and left bis bondsmen to
pay S2.000. the snm in wMc'i he wa
hound over to appear nt the next grand
jury in Boise City, says the Baker City!.
D-dles corrspondencp; The peach crop
has been nipped .in the Mid. so far a I
have examined, which is considerable, by
tlie freeze tin winter.
Gov. Cast ri Jon nt tho Mexican p-nvhuv
of Lower California, has called out the
mi'itia and placed the province under ma -
tial law. The cause ot his action is a
revolution started by Marq-iez at La Paz.
It i reported Martinez ha been driven out
of La Pax by the Federal troops, and is
making his way up the neninsula with a
handtiil of followers.
The to'lowing are amount which were
paid during the quarter ending Dec. 31.
1879. to the general government from the
following named postodices: Pendleton.
f2.".'5 ; Weston, d34 23 ; Centcrville.
$119 S2; Milton, $2f.
Recently Blalock. Son & Co. received a
contract from theO.R. & X .Co. for 100.000
railroad ties and a large quantity of bridge
timber. The firm lias a large force ot
men getting out ties and lumber on the
Blue mountains. ,
A boy living with M. Birnett. on
Fifteen "Mile creek, was thrown from bis
horse last Sunday, and his foot, catching in
the stirrup, one" ot his legs was broken.
The boy is but 13 yesrs of age. and this Is
tbe second accident of the kind which he
has met.
A single sheep berder in Asotin county.
Idaho, lost 2.000 nut of a band ot 6.000
sheep. Another lot 400 out of 800.
These losses are not so much the result of
extreme weather as to the improvidence
on the part of tlie stock men.
Tobacco of superior quality, enough to
marke 20.000 cigars, was raised in the vi
cinity ol Pnyallup last Vear. The industry
will "lie largely increased the present' year.
On Saturday lat. Jack Carlton, a wel'
known pioneer, who was a brave chief of
scouts with General Howard's command
In the Xez Perces war, was killed on tbe
Waitsburg Hill by reason of his horses'
bolting. His wagon wa upet in a big
hole. Another man, Dave Williams, was
seriously hurt but is expected to recover.
The Jacksonville Sentinel regret that
the system of corporeal punishment is kept
np in the otherwise carefully conducted
public school of that city, saying: It is
evident that ' if you cannot impart dis
cipline and knowledge by patient training
and teaching, you cannot do it by
The mail carrier, accompanied by two
men. and carrying two sacks of mail, in
making tlie trip into Xebalem valley last
week, were at times over 20 feet above the
ground while crossing fallen timber.
They stood wnist deep in the snow while
eating their lunch, and arrived at their
destination chilled and wet, but iu good
spirits, says the Antorian.
C. M. McFarland, who has been con
ductor on The Dalles and Celilo railroad
for many years, has been promoted to a
position ot general supervisor of rolling
Considerable plowing has been done in
Josephine county, but farming operations
have been very generally suspended on ac
count ot tbe weather during tlie past few
A large number of petitions praying for
the creitlon of a new Inspection di-trict for
steam vessels, with headquarters at Coos
Bay. have been to Congress
from Marshtlcld.
The contract for nmrrvine anil deliver
ing the rock foi the Coos Bav harbor
vork lias been awarded to II. II. Lose at
2 per cubic yard.
The Seattle merchants are anticipating
large trade when the travel to the Skagit
mines set in. the papers over there in
the meantime are doing what they can to
keep up the boom."
The owners of the Emma Utres expect
to be able to f r.lse her with'Iless dam
age than was at first thought.
Mr. B. F. Irvin. of Salem, has received
from tbe Wet. Side Railroad Company
the appointment of agent at C rvallis.
Tlie schooner Moe and Free Trade
arrived at Coquille river all right after
a voyage of 4!) days from San Francisco.
The coal mines at Eastport, Coos
county, are on a strike, demanding an
advance of a hit. perton. The strikers
have been off duty s nee the 15th.
Tlie Corvallis (Ittzntte seems to be under
the impression that all estrays must be
published in itscolnmns. That la is obso
lete, and wliere there Is a paper where
an est ray Is taken np. that is a proper
place to publish the same.
Lewlston claims to he the most quiet
and orderly town In the Xorthwest.
Tbe friends Northern Pacific Rail
road have begun to work in earnest t-i
secure tlie passage of a bill extending the
tune tor tne completion ol the road anil
feel confident of success.
The Democrats of the Senate all voted
to reject the nomination of Kiitchln fr
collector of Wisconsin, on the eround ot
the violence of language used by bis paper
in denouncing Democrat-1.
The disappearance of Drl S. Dan
Hayes. State Assayer. i announced. It is
said that after settling np ll matter of
business on the 20th inst. he left Boston,
leaving a letter stating that l:e should not
return. His business was in a prosperous
condition. The .cause of his suddeti dis
appearance Is domestic trouble.
A co-operative colony Is forming in
Brooklyn for the purpose of settling upon
Government land in the vicinity of Puget
Sou-d. A meeting to promote the move-
me it. was held in Union Hall, which wns
addressed by Dr. P. II. Vanderweyde.
editor of the Practical Anteric.ti),and E. V.
On the 20th, in the Maine Senate, seven
fusion Senator. appeared. They were
cordially received and took their seat.
AtwL-Il and Potter of Penohscott, sal I that
the interests of tlieir constituency required
their presence at tlte boar 1, and however
much might he said in regard to the posi
tion of affairs, their duty was plain. In
the House 22 fusionists took their seats.
A boy was arrested and fined $10 and
costs for destroying a religious met ting at
Bueua Vista.
Hon. W. G. Porter, ex-assessor of
Marion county, died at bis residence in
Turner on the 27th of January.
Between $1,500 and 12,000 have been
expended hi McMinnville for sidewalk a
within the past mouth, says tlie Reporter,
Citizens of Wil!nmu want a new bridce
About 500 residents of that portion of
Yamhill county are cutoff from communi
cation with the rest, of mankind by the
loss ot the olrt one.
The Xcw Idrinn Quicksilver Mining
Company will commence smelting tlieir
ore in about thre week, they have just
put fire into the furnace, which will take
two weeks to dry out.
Wallis Xash,Eq..hns purchased S. Ray
burn's, farm, on Rock creek, Benton
coun'y, where he also owns seven sections
ot land, which he intend converting into
stock ranch on the Australian plan.
Tlie first brick building in Lakeview is
about ready for, nccupaucv. Tbe town
contains 225 Inhabitants. ,
Sheep herders' on Little Applegafe have
been slaughtering deer at the rate of from
five to ten a day merely for the pelts.
' A good Rochester p-istor. a widower.
proposed to a young lady a short time since
but was rejected. His feelings had the
severe test when a widow neighbor sent
bun the following text to preach from
Ye ask and receive not because you ask a
A miner named Miller, who left Rose.
burg on Xe'w Year's day to cross the Sis
kiyon mountains, is supposed have beeu
Irozeil to cleat tl.
t's an 111 wind that blows no good
I he ho-tlle preparations or Russia an
other Euroiieaii powers have cnued
marked advance in the prices ot war mate
rial, and promise to ive employment to
hundreds ol additional workmen at Knipp's
great gun-works.
Republican Mtnte Central Committee
A meeting of the Kuimhlicnn State Ceii
tral Committee of the State ot i regon will
e held in tlie city ot Salem on Wednes
day, Feb. IS, 1SS0, at 2 o'clock P. M. A
full attendance is requested.
DAVID FROM AX. Chairman.
Jo.SEm Simox, Secretary. I
Raker.. .Milton White
rSenton.E. B. McKlroy
Unn T). Froman
Lane. ...J II. McClimif
Marion B.C. tiecr
Multnomah JosSiinon
Polk A. W. Lucas
Tilliuunok lr. Lascelle
V'mttttlta vacant
t'tiion W.J. Snodsffrnss
Wmon K. L. Sinilh
Wajhtnifton J. tension
Yamhill... J. W. Waits
Clucknma.. . P. Paqi'i-t
Clatsop K. J. Tavlor
Columbia (iW ACBi ide
Coos K. W. Tower
Carry M. Kitev
)oni!ltis...lC. . It'ir.-.t-
(inmt J. W. Church
Ja-kson.J HChttwoo'l
Josephine Thos Floyd
lakc ... n. wa-son
Xcw Xo-Iny.
Stockholder Meeting.
NOTICE is hereby pi veil that the snnnnl
mectinsrof stockholders ot the Odd Fel
lows' Hall Bnilllnfi Association will he held at
the ofttc-e of said Association, tn the city of
Allmny. Lhin county, Oresron, on Mondav, the
8th day of March, Ihwii, at tlie hour of 7 o'clock
P. M . of said day , tor the pnrnose of electing
seven rIrector, to seme the cnsnlnsr vear for
said Association. ti. F. SIMPSON,
J. 11. Bciikhakt. Pec. Pres.
Albany, Feb. S, 18so-v'2nV3
final fcettleiueut.
itiiuersiftned. Administrator of the estate
of Margaret Phillips, diwnsed, has fll )d im the
County Court of I. inn conn I v, Oregon, his
final aoconnt as sm li A'lminWtmtor, and by
order of said court, Tuesday, the Sd day of
March. 18SO, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., is
set for heai-lnir objections to said aoonnnt and
the settlement thereof. Any person interested
in stiid estate. Is hereby to appear and
Ale his or her object ions to nld final account
on or before Aid day. J. T. HOWLAND,
January 30, 1880---vl2nl8.
Homoeopathic Physician Stad Surge,
OFFICB In Parrlsh's brick. Albany. Oregon.
IThronle diseases a Nprcialty. Can be found
at my office at all hours or tho day or nhrlit,
when not professionally absent. r!2nI6
near Albany Engine Co. No. One's engine
Albany, Or., Jan. 9, 1880-vl2nl5
Notice or Final Proof.
Land Office,
Orroon Citv, or., Jan. IS, 1879.
NOTICE Is hereby Itiven that tb following
named settler has tiled nolloeof hta Inten
tion to make final pi-oois n support of his claim
and secure final entry thereof at the expiration
of thirty days from tho date of t his noj ice, vie :
.Samuel He ford, homestead apnlhwtlon IS-.oi
for the X of MS SKk of N W. and N of
SKKofSec.81, TK8K8 K.and naiiies tha fol
lo ng an his witnesses, viz : J. f. Be"7ir
L,!nn oornitv, Oregon, and J, Tl. Potter, " Linn
.lammi-v iiL &80-Vl2nl6w3 Register. (
A Specific Ztamedy for ell tkt
For Debility, Loss of Memory, ludlspc-
ition to Exertion or Business, Shortness
of Breath, Troubled with Thoughts of Dis
ease, Dimness ot Vision. Pain in the Back.
Chest aud Head. Rush of Blood to the
Ucad, Pale Countenance, and Dry Skin.
If these symptoms are allowed to go rt
very frequently Epileptic Fits and Col -sumption,
follow. When the constitution
becomes affected, ir requires the ld of at
invigorating medicine to strengthen art 1
tone up tbe system, which
"HelmTjold's Buck-a"
I Unequalcd
By any remedy known. It Is prescribed
hy the most eminent physicians all over
tlie world, in
X c v votist it ess,
Coustip.if ion,
Aches & Piling
General Debility,
Kidney Diseases,
Liver Complaint.
IVervous Debility
' Epilepsy,
Head Trouble a,
General ill healthy
Spinal Diseases,
lYcrvoiiM iJoiuplaint? ,
Female Complaints, & .
Headache. Pain in the Sliouldcrs,Congh,
Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad
Taste in the Mouth, Palpitation of tba
Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys,
and a thousand other painful symptoms,
are tlie offsprings ol Dyspepsia.
Invigorates t!:e Stomach,
And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels"
and Kidneys, to healthy action, in cleans-'
ing the blood of all impurities, and impart
ing new life and vigor fo the who!e system'
A single trial will be quite sufficient to
convince the most hesitating of its valuable
remedial qualities.
Or Sis Ssttlcs for $5.
Delivered to any address freelrom obeeri
"Patients' may consult by letter, receiv"
Ing the same attention as by calling.
Competent Physicians attend to corres
pondents. All letters should be addressed -to
n. t. szzjfsoLs;
Druggist and Chemist,
Philadelphia, Pa
1 i
So ti&t tlie private Proprietary'
Stamp ia oar eac& "bottle-
Sold Everywhere.