mm tfatfff ALBANY. Fit ID AY, JAX. 23, 1880 LOCAL, MATTERS. l.enit Court. Circuit Court adjourned on Wednesday. Tl;.,' following business was transacted : C o. flames vs. M. V. Brown continu ed. . J. E. IIa:ino:i vs. John Tetherow, et al judgment against Tetherow. Frank Ki others vs. Wm. McCalister decree of foreclosure on west halt ot block E. J. Tate, adm. vs. Lafayette Smith decree granted. G.F.Crawford, guardian, vs Ilenry S. tioie tit fault nd decree. FranU Partoii vs. W. B.Gore foreclosure granted. David Cohen vs. W. F. Alexander dismissed at cost ot plaintiff. A. J- rnU-s vs. Win. Harris and II. A. Bennett continued. riiil Cohen vs. Stass Specker judgment for plaintiff. H. A. Davis vs. John Teters continued. A. B. Eifelt & Co. V3. P. C. Harper & Co bv default. Fox, ftdni, vs 11. Parr sheriff's sale confirmed. W. 11. Dodd vs .1. W. Dawson sheriffs ea!c confirmed. Jas I.ondlry vs J. F. Chetwood et al sherllTs fed!; confirmed. L. C. Kice vs J. II. Taylor et al same as alove. .Unman Shclton vs Alice B. Shclton divorce, dismissed at plalntiirs cot. Alice 15. Shelton vs Daman Shelton divorce confirmed. Siate vs Frank Rcid indictment for murder, verdict of "not guilty." fct:ite vs Frank Parker, Jvhn Shaw and John Clark larceny, continued. T. II. Alen vs A. A. Settlcmeir decree as prayed for except as to atty's fee which is fixed at 73. I.ucy E. Dean vs Milt Washburn judg ment f-r deft in accordance with repcrt of referee. E. X. White vs W. B. Helm cont:nued John Hardiuaii vs M. H. Wallace dis missed. Senders & Sternberg vs Thos. Barrett et al Kicfault and decree. ' Jacob Bros, vs McCully & Andrews continued. W. B. Helm vs B. T. Lollis judgmeut for plait.tiff. Thos. D.-ii.iais vs Agnes E. Danlals divorce, to:. tinned. C. D. Simpson vs 17. B. Scott dismissed oil motion ot plaintiff. W. T. Mack vs Lucinda Mack divorce dismissed. Kud;e & Wilsoti vs Silver Hill Mining Co continued. Andrew McCalley vs Elizabeth Ritter continued. A. MeCa!!- vs A. F. Co continued. A. MeOaJIy vs Sophia Breuger con tinued. A. IVarce vs II. A. Cunningham to rjit'et' title, at issue. In the matter of the estate of Sarah Ann Simtson decree of County Court reversed. Amanda Enyton vs Francis M. Layton divorce, continued for service. John W. Moore vsC. E. Wolverton,adm or ". iiniifij. J 1 1 1 Cohen vs Philip Grigsby continu tor service. Eliza Denny vs Asa Jl. Peterson judg- .ent for want of answer. Xast Greensweig & Co. vs Asa A. Pet erson continued. E. G. Mielodl vs Senders & Sternberg dismissed. ' Samuel Althoiise vs VT. J. Elkins judgment by default. . 1L. A. Davis vs John Tetcrs et al con- tinned.' . P. Vi. Spink vs Jas. A. Pennebaker and wife dismissed at plaintiff's costs. D. MePhee vs J. M.'M. Beach contin- ed. . . - . . ' .; - . Vi. L. Vance vs W. J. Mtllbollen judg ment agniust defendant and F. M. Pugh, - indorser. ' .. AIodzo Ames va J. II. Taylor et al judgment in accordance with pleadings. 'Kate MeCuen v Farlow Mulkey shfTs --sale mfirmed. McCalley & Andrews, Insolvents con tinued. Co. Commissioners vs Phil Grigsby cqntiaued for service. , -.- , A. J. Hubler vs Gaston fc Furry judg ment ior plaintiff. " P. Washerman va McCalley continued lor testimony. 1 .'-;. J"' J ? , - Roiander Parrisb, insolvent report ap proved. : 1 - '..f '. fiaston & Furry, Insolvents continued, Job" Isom T3 Ilenry Gore et al con firmed. . C. O. Barnes vs L. Elklns confirmed. Jan. 11th ordered that an attachment Issue tor B. W. Cundiff, summoned to ap pear as a juror and made delanlt ; order ed that Cundiff pay costs of attachment. Joseph Taylor, insolvent report of as signee approved. - UihmI Templar XiOda-e Organised. ' On Tuesday evening, January 20, Alba ny Lodge No. 10, I.O.G.T.. was organized by C. A, Sehlbrede, O.W.&T, with fortf charter members. Following are the offi cers installed for the first term : L. N Liggett, C.T.; Mira Mansfield, V.T.; R. li. Barnes, S.; R. Fox, F.S.; S. A. Deck ardT,; W. H. Mansfield, M.; Annie Maiibfleld, I.G.; L.. O. Ralston, O.G.J Geo. Geisendorfer,CapIain ; Kate Liggett, R.II.S ; Aniiie GriiBo,L.H.S. J. A. War ner, I'.C.T.r'J. A. Warner was recom mended and appointed Lodge Deputy. TenapUur t"c A Good Templar County Convention . will be held at Dallas, l'olk county, on ihursuay, January 1830, A good utne is expected. lln County Bible Society. The annual meeting of Linn County Bible Society was held in the Court House last Sunday night, the attendance being very large. The music, under the leader ship of Mr. Charles Haffeiiden, Miss Mag gie Foster presiding at the organ, was first rate. Rev. Mr. Iletzler delivered the annual address, and the several inlnUteri present delivered short speeclies. The re ports of the Secretary, Treasurer and. De positary were read and approved. The election for officers resulted in the election of Rev. S. G. Irvine, D. D., President ; the pastors of tlic several churches ef the city Vice Presidents ; Dr. B. R. Freeland, Secretary ; John Conner Treasurer. Following U the Treasurer's report : cash krceivkd: Cash on hand. Dec. II, 1379 00 Cas'i collected at annual meeting... 30 00 Cash collected at M. E. Church, Shedd... .... .... 8 85 Cash from J no Fushay tor books sold 00 26 lotal cash receipts $1" 20 UISBURSMKNTS : Paid Oregon Bible Sxiety tor books $33 OS Paid Oregon Society as a donation. 33 85 Paid freight on books from Port- laud 1 50 Paid commission on sales . 4 50 Cash now in treasury - HI 2ii Total $197 20 Following is the report of the Deposit.t- To books on hand, Dec. 14, ls7S..107 11 To books received during 1S79.... 77 50 Total . $1S4 61 By books donated during 1S79... By books to life member By books sold during 1879 By books now in depositary.... . Total. .I... . 1 33 50 . D0 28 . S9 5!i .184 61 Railroad Connection. The west side road was expected to be completed to Corvallis on Tuesday, ami on Saturday a grand excursion would be given to Portland. We congratulate our sister city on the completion of the railroad and hope it may prove a real bonanz i to her citizens. The completion of tlie line from Portland to Corvallls will prove a decided loss tanur business men. as a great deal of business formerly attracti-d heir from Benton county will be drawn else where. We must have a line of railway from this city to Corvallis, with a railroad and wagon bridge across the Willamette at this point, if we care to retain any or- tiou of the trade of Benton emujty. Think over this matter, fellow eitizeus, and tell us what you think of it. Our columns are open. Oflinin ot Hie 1'. P. Ciiurch for 1HHO. At a church meeting of the V. P. Church of this city, held ou the 15th, the following named persons were elected as officers of the Society for the year : Preeidentj D. D. Gray. Secretary, Maggie I. Foster. Treasurer. C. H. Stewart. , Trustees, J- II- Foster, S E. Young and J. W. Blain. Chori.-ters. Dr. G. W. Gray, C. Haffen den. Mrs. W. Montcilh and Libbie E. Irvine. Ushe, L. E. Blaiu and S. E. Young. OirThoiion, it was ordered that the pub lic collection system on the Sabbath day be discontinued. . AeeMentnlly Pulwncd. City Marshal, Andrew J. Hunt, was seriously ill on last Tuesday. Feeling a little out of sorts o'l the morning of that da', lie took a swallow of what lie sup posed to be a simple remedy, and lay down. In a few moments he was taken with Severe pains and crai;p. when Mr. Clark, who happened to drop in iust then, asked him if he was sure as. to the medicine he had just taken. Thisiupnry caused an examiualiou, when it was discovered that instead of a simple remedy tlie medicine he had swallowed was a poisonous mixture to be applied externally in ease of severe rheumatism. Dr. L. Hill was immediate ly called, who administered the proper antidotes, and Andy w us saved but he lias been an awful sore man ever since. Around tbe World. Th:s is the title of a new volume just from tlie press of Chicago, and embraces numerous illustrations of the most remark able events in Gen. Grant's recent tour of the world. His receptions and speeches in London, Paris, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Ireland, Egypt, etc., together with his tour in California and Oregon, and a brief history of his life; It' in a novel and interesting work of about 400 large octavo pages, printed in good style, offered by subscription 3 to our citizens at a very low price. It makes a handsome work for the center table, library or office, and is having m unprecedented sale in California and the States. The agent will call in a dr.y or two to receive your subscription. God Bleatr Ton, loetor t Were the words ol a poor mother, thank ing Dr. Young lor saving her child who had been given up by some of Chicago's best physicians. , Yes, indeed ! thousands owe their lives -to . Dr. Young's .Yankee Cough Syrup, U simplest and .most pleas ant remedy tor diseases ot tlie Lungs ever produced. Children will take it when they refuse all others. Your druggist will tell you that be sells more of it than any thing else. Ask him for a sample bottle. Melons 'given a way, 5 1 J",. A Cure WltnoaS Medletae. tI8 A Packer's Stomach Pad, worn ou the pit of the stomach, will prevent Diphtheria, and all kinds ot fevers and Ague, and will cure , Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Ague Cake, and all diseases ot the stomach and liver. Worn over tbe womb, it will cure lalllngof the womb and female weakness. Do not drug yourself to death. When you feel ill, put on a Packer's Pad. " t!8 v Tlie handsomest 5. Turkish nif patterns ever brought to the city, at Mrs. H. J. Hyde's. - She has yarn tor filling and frames tnr stretching. The ladies only wast to &e (hem to admin. Mr. Story and wite, of East Portland, are in the city, visiting relatives. Milt. Beach, of IlarrUbnrg, was in the city on Monday. Ad Edgar came tip from Portland the first of the week. nomopopathic remedies can be obtained at Plumtner's. Money scarce and busiucsa generally dull. Nightly prayermeetings at the Y. P. C. A. Attendance good, Meetings every night at the M. E. Church, and much Interest manifested. When you want nice, fresh salmon, go to W. U. Baltimore's. A full supply ot good potatoes at W. U. Baltimore's. ' Go to W. U. Baltimore's when yon want nice hams, side meats, etc. Xoonday prayermeetings at the M. E. Church. Our moonlight nights ain't much lor light too muchee cloud-dee. The man that invented ce'ery was benefactor to the human race perhaps. Ol. Tompkins, of Han isbmg, was in the city on Saturday and Sunday, going below on Monday. To anv one sending five now subscribers with the money $7 50), we will give an extra copy of the Rkgister one year free. Messrs. Grat & Fronim offer bargains in well made, hand-some, late style furni ture. Geo. Hhnes, Esq., the great job printer of Portland, made us a pleasant call on Wednesday morning. Dunk Rankin and Ed. Z-iss returned yesterday after a three weeks" camp in the mountains. They got tw o deer and pi oh ably other game. Dar is done, and the darkness Falls from tlie wings of Night. As a feather is wasted downward From an eag!e in his flight. The jury in the case of Frank Reid. on trial for lite in the Linn County Circuit Court last week, brought in a verdict late Saturday night. -after" being out probably an hour and a half, of not guilty. The district court for Columbia count-, W. T.. that convened o-; the 2d inst. had no less than seven divorce eases before it Very good for a new country. The new hotel at the depot is ready fur occupancy. A it will take considerable monev fo furnish the buildinsr. it may le some time before an occupant is found with the coin to furnish ir. To any one sending us ten' nw sub scriljers witli the money ($15;. will ser-d free for one year one copy of the Rmjistki: and one copy of the Ainrrion Agricnltnri.t the leading agricultural journal ot Amer ica. The many friends of Mr. Ad Edgar will be glad to learn that she is now con sidered out of danger, although : far from f wea ng well. She is still m Portland, too ak to be removed to her home at the Dalles. The old emigrant who was weeping copiously on Tuesday ou First street, on being interrogated as ro the cause ot his weep, said his fears were those of pleasure at the sight ol ail old, tried friend he had not seen until then tince lie left the States. 'I refer." said he, with u majestic sweep of tlie right arm, , "to the god of day the sun !" ' i ... .. . . Tn Benton county, on the loth. John Kennedy. agd about 35. of typhoid pneu monia, tdter an illness of about one week. Deceased leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss. He was highly respected by all'his neighbors. The year promises to be full of exciting and interesting events.- Wa'ire preparing to give the fullest details of all important events throuzh our columns. The "presi dential fight will soon 'commence ; the county canvass will soon be upon us. when every voter will desire to be posted as to the qualifications of those who ask their suffrages. The Rkgisted is the pa per you want during 1880, as it will deal fairly, independently and truthfully with the candidates and the (j'lestions ot the hour. Subscribe tor it now. One dollar and fifty cents will buy its visits one year, ; letter 1.1st. ' Uncalled for and. remaining In the Post office In ll is city for the week ending Jan. 21, 1380: Armstrong, Allen Bond, Lydia Baker, John D C re use. D Dora, Hatty f Fitzgerald, E P Gaits, Wm J I Llnely, Mary E -McOhire, Kate Miller, Mrs' Uicliardson, G W Reeee, Joseph Keeo.AIHR Scherar, Aiiehal Waldrou. MM Kingon, Miss M P. II. RAYMOND, P. M. Black Walnut- Mr. John Millrd presented us a speci men of black walnut,- raised oh his place adjoining the city,' a few days ago. Wal nuts, hiekoroy nuts, etc are easily culti vated and are quite productive in the Wil lamette Valley. A little sunshine on Tuesday. "- j ,- i j a r ... Circuit Court adjourned on Tuesday. The Dayton, W. ! T, postoffice has been raised to a third class office. All tbe registered mail for the upper coun try is assorted and receipted for there. The canal oornmetced" at tlie south fork of the Snake, SO miles above Eagle rock, will redeem 625 square miles pf agricultural and mining lands. frank Keld Acquitted. The trial of Frank Retd, tor the killing of Ja'me.' Simons, at' Sweet Home, iu this county, on the 7th day of November last, was commenced on Wednesday of last week In Linn Comity Circuit Court, Judge Ben. F. Harding presiding. The Prosecuting Attorney, J. J. Whitney, was ably assisted by Messrs. Powell & Bilyeu, Flinn & Chamberlain, of this city, and F. M. Mil ler, of Lebanon, while the prisoner was represented by Messrs. Strahan Eiljeu, Humphrey & Wolverton and C. H. Hew itt, of this city, and V. C. Burnett, ot Corvallls. A greater part of the first day was taken up in empanneling the jury, which was at last secitrxd as follows: -lames Paul, Philip Swank, A. J. Bilyeu, Isaac Hayes, Marion Cunningham, John Curl, Wm. A. Bunton, J. D. Milicr, Nim rod Price, W. J. Stevens, F. P. Devaney and E. A. Parker. Mr. W. Bilyeu opened the case on the part of the State, followed by R. S. Strahan on the part ot the prison er at the bar. All witnesses, both tor the defense and prosecution, were excluded from the coiir room, except as each was culled to g'tvi testimony in the case. A large number of witnesses were subpoenaed and were present, but quite a iiiiinbe1' wee not called upon to testify, lhe state ment made by deceased the day before his death, written down by Mr. Miller, and pronounced by deceased as his death-ln-d statement, was ruled out, on the ground that witness stated to Mr. Miller, the next morning, that, he felt better, and thought he would be around again in or two Some other evidence oi'ered by the prose cution was also ruled out, as not relevant. Examining witnesses and the pleadings took up the time ot the Court until Satur day evening. Judge Harding delivering his charge to the jury and sending them o the jury room about 9 o'clock Saturday night. The jury returned about half past eleven o'clock ot the same evening, the prisoner was brought into Court, and the Judge being present, the verdict of the jury, Not Guilty." was read, and the pris oner discharged fiom custody amid the cheers of the crowd present. SYNOPSIS OF THE TESTIMONY. E. Simons, nephew of deceased, was the lir-t witness sworn : He knew Reid who had been in Lis .store a few minutes picvious to the shooting ou the 7th ot November; carried a shot gun, had seen him with the gun on other occasions; aid he was going to Mr. Powell's ami from there to church ; saw lleid shortly after with Simons. 1,0 yards from my place of I usiuess;' Simons was between me and him ; they were C to S fet-'t apart ; started in that direction ; saw smoke and heard repoit of the gun ; Reid picked up his coat, then the gun ; did not have the gun when 1 firl saw him ; did not hear what the two men said when they met ; when I first glanced at Simons he was sit ting against the lence, shortly afterward he moved about six feet from where he was lying into the street ; I did not- meet Held at tint lime ; I suppose Reid put the gun iu my house; I next saw deceased I when the' were bringing him Into tbe ! house, about half an hour after the report of the gnu ; Watkins, Loveby and Math ews were carrying him; the gnu twas an ordinary breech loading shot-gun, I judge it was the one usually carried by Keld ; next saw Simons at his residence, but not living, on the following Sunday evening. Upon htf cros-s-ex iiniinuioii witness said he was not positive whether Reid had a coat on or not ; did not meet Reid, but crossed the street ; don't know where he went ; it was C or S feet from Simons where livid picked up the coat; Simons ns sitting down against the fence when I saw him. Tho nas M. Watkins Know both par lies ; live in S.veet Home ; was there on the 7lh of Movember ; went to Simons' store to trade; store was shut; went to look for Shnons ; ran lr.,in Simons' gate to where he lay ou a pile of woad with arms folded ; went up to him ; he said, "For God's sake help me up ; I am nearly froze." ; lie said -it was that - Frank Reid that done it," in response to my inquiry if he was hurt much. ; lie said Reid met him there; Rcid spoke to him, when he told him he ob jected to talking to any of his (Reid"s) kind; he asked me fo raise hi in up.aud when 1 asked him where he was hurt, he pointed with his hand ; I saw the hole iu his punts; told him he was not hurt much ; stood him ou his feet ; he straightened up and stood alone ; he moved his loot ; he said, "1 wish to God 1 had my rifle" ; he leaned on me and said, "Lay mc down, I'm get ting faii.t''; as 1 laid him down 1 heard a crai k ; then Mrs. Simons and Reltic Gil Ion came ; he said there was anothur day coming, this was not tlie last of It; Mc. Clure and Loveby came up, when he said take me i.p, I'm froze''; we carried him to the porch and laid him down, wheu he wanted a drink ; before or after he drank (the witness was not clear wh.oli) he said, "It 1 liad my rifle I would have fixed In in"; we then took him into the house when on the bed on his right side be took a pistol out of his hip pocket, and said. take that ;" it was taken and placed on the mantle, afterward when his wife came in and - removed the pistol placing it near his head, he told her to take it aud put it away; lie got cold and .we began to rub him, wheu he said something about Reid's gun going off; I took his legs when we carried him ; there was blood on the back of his pants ; there was a hole in front. dark colored around it, might have been blood or powder ; was not positive as to which hip pocket he took the pistol out of, but think it was the right ; he said it was cowardly, bitt do not recollect just wliat ; he said Reid said, "Damn you, I'll , whip you, "nud then he stopped ; dou't remem ber what else he did say. Witness said he had not told all "because ysu counsel stop me. Otto Lubker Was at Sweet Home on the 7th of November ; saw Simons being carried to his house ; Simons appeared to be in much pain, and said, "Be easy, boys"; wbeu he wa3 laid down, complain- ed of being cbld aud chiily ; Simons said. "Well, boys, it's a long lane that has no turn"; after being to the fire we laid him ilowu again, wheu he said he was ntneh hurt that the bone was mashed to pieces: Watkins disputed this, when, Simons pick ed out three pieces of bone nnd said tliat would convince him the bone was mashed to pieces, he then took a drink and said, "After leaving you, boys, I felt cold and got some wood to take home and make a fire with ; when I got to Sweet Home, Frank Reid met me, with a gun one barrel ot which was cocked ; Reid said how do you do ; I did not answer ; Reid spoke again ; I told him to pass by. I did not wish to speak to htm or his kind ; h5 then put down his gun, puneu on ii- 1.0.0. d ceaswl if he knew it was his dying state said, 1 am nieut, and he answered' -yes"; Mr. Simons going to make you speak to me in two saj(1 he eonldn,t etan(1 u much -ongol minutes, I threw my wood down aud eouj,,, get welI threw flU haj over ,lJs kept a stick in my hand, which was not Jjeid Rnfl t.xcl.limMli ..OJl , my j orJ , the right length for the stove, and raised murier in the flrst tlegree. my hand to defend myself. Red grabbed F Miller-Testified as to writing, at tlie for his gun and then shot met; then, if I of siin0)1S!j bu 8tatement of the had not hit tne gun as l uiu, no wuiim have sht me right through." Simons afterward said, "Boys, I am sure this was a concocted thing. Witness staid with Simons a greater portion of the time until just before his death, saw hiin after his death. Witness stated further that de ceased was in Buckhead putting up a new building, half an hour before he was shot; "Was in good spirits and health ; saw him when he left Sweet Home ; quit work at a quarter past four on the 7th; went to Sweet Home on foot ; load bad ; got there at a quarter to flye ; had beeu in Sweet Home about 20 minutes after the troutle occurred ; was at Morse' garden ; Simons was between Morse' house and the store ; they laid him ou the porch aud he wanted water ; worked for Simons about two wieks ; saw him take the pistol out of his pocket. L. Mathews Know Simons ; was at work on u building 011 7th, Nov. about half mile lroui Sweet Home ; Simons was there, but left about 4 o'clock ; in half or three-quarters of an hour afterward saw Simons lying ou the ground on his side ; he appeared to be hurt; saw he was hurt in the thigh ; Simons said Frauw Reid had shot him; cowardly had shot him; would give a thousand dollars for his ritle tor a moment; "get me to the house, boys, as quick as possible." Witness detailed the carrying of deceased to the house, the conversation between Reid and deceased at their meet ing, that Reid picked up the gun and Simons knocked it down ; the last time Simons knocked the gun down it went off ; understood Simons to say that Reid took off his cloak; witness said Mrs. Simons got there at the time McClurc and I did ; we carried him to the house. Witness here corroborated previous evidence ot what Simons said in the house. Witness further said : Reid raised tlie gun when Simons struck at It and It went off.' Upon cross-examination witness said was there when Simons took the pistol out of his pocket, saying it hurt him ; didn't hear Simons sayjthat if Reid's gun had not gone oft' he wfrffil have poked it to him. M-s. Simons, -Wfe : of deceased, was then sworn. Her evidence did not differ materially from the previous evidence. Witness said : Mr. Simons said, when I got there, "Oh ! lever mini!, never mind"; when on the way to the house he said, "boys, he poured It Into me thac time"; went all the way with them while thev were carrying him ; they laid him on the orch, then carried him to the house ; they were not walking very fast , H took but a few minutes to reach the house ; Simons said he saw Reid coming down the street toward him aud that he had a gnu ; he stepped toward the road to let him pass, when tlie conver sation, substantially as related by other witnesses, uissed between Simons and Reid. Dr. Powell, of Lebanon The doctor's testimony was to the effect that .vhen lie reached the bedside of Simonsat II P. si. ou the 7th of Nov., he was in a prostrate condition, weak, cold, with weak pulse ; wound in the left hip ; wound indicated that the load had divided ; top of the thigh bone shot to pieces ; wound one inch in diameter at fhe surface, internally about three times as large ; about three incites of tbe bone shattered, balance split ; no large blood vessels shattered, but siyall ones were ; the effect ot such a wound is prostrating, and without great sustain ing power the atient would die. Cross- examined direction of the wound slightly upward ; the exit was, if any difference, higher than the entrance ; he died of the wound. ' Dr. Ballard, of Lebanon, who attended Simons on the 8th. corroborated the state ment ot Dr. Powell, said Simons' case was hopelesfe then ; lie was sinking rapidly ; he never fully recovered from the shock of tbe wound. The Dr. paid at tlie time de ceased made the statement his dying statement lie was there, and that the pulse had almost disappeared it was im possible tp time it ; very little wa given deceased but stimulants. John Sumner Was present at the death of Simons, which oocurred a few minutes before 10 A. M. on Sunday, Nov. 9th, 1S79; was with him the night before his death ; was present when F. M. Miller was with him ; Simons was rational and sensible, I think ; lie would go off in a doze, but- when awake was- himself ; lie seemed thirsty, and would take the cup, and when asked If he wished anything would answer sensi bly ; there was a statement signed by Mr, Simons the night before bis death, some time between 2 and three o'clock ; there were present Mr. Miller, Dr. Ballard, Jim McDonald, Jim Simons, Mrs. Simons, and Mrs. Simons1 mother ; those I remember ; Mr. Miller reduced the stateroom to writ log ; Mr. Simons said that tlie statement was hl3 dying declaration ; that was after ilio statement was signed ; Immediately afterwards ; Mr. Miller told him to make a statement ot the affair, wheu he and Reid met ;,Mr. Miller read it to Simons after It was done, and Simons said It was correct ; Simons then held the pen while Mr. Miller wrote the name ; Mr. Miller asked hi in if that was his . dying declaration, and the deceased said it was ; at the request of Dr. ""n.i, j. ieit Simons' pulse' about f o'clock, and found it extinct';' I the'ri sent for Dr. Ballard, who came ; Simons then could talk With difficulty atid was very weak; wine' was giftitf Mm to revive him while he made tlie statement;-lie lived from 3 o'clock to 10 o'clock a. at., after making the statement. The witness being shown the writng, indeutitied it as the one to which he had signed bis name. Mrs. Simons was recalled, and testified as to the dying statement ot her husband In the presence of Mr. Sumner and Miller ; Mr. Sumner aud myself were at the head of the bed, while Mr. Milicr was at the side, all close to deceased ; Miller asked difficulty ; took the statement after 12 o'clock on the morning of the 9th"; Mr. Sumner and J. McDonald signed it ; after the statement was made Simons raised up a little ; I told him that I was not satisfied it was his dying statement ; Dr. Ballard said he was dying, and Sumner said he was satisfied. The death-"bed deposition was here offer ed in evidence, but was objected to by the defense stating that It was not a dying declaration, and authorities were cited on both sides. The defense called F. M. Mil ler to prove that the statement was not that of a dying man. Miller stated that he talked with Simons after he signed the de position, between 7 and 8 o'clock on Sun day morning. Simons wanted to know about his business, collections, etc., in Millers hands; said he felt better, and that he would be up In a day or two. The Court sustained the objection of the de fense, and the deposition of Simons was not admitted as testimony. Other witnesses were sworn, but noth ing materially different from the above was offered. There were about twenty witnesses for the defense. The theory of the defense was. that Sim ons was a quarrelsome man ; that he went armed ; that he had threatened the life of Reid on more than one occasion, and that ou the 7th of November, on meeting Rcid le proceeded to carry out his threats by commencing an assault, and that the act of killing was in self-defense. The defense stated that the discharge of the gun was unpremeditated, an accident brought about by the gun coming iu contact with some object, or by the blows from the stick in Simons' hands at least in some way un accountable to the prisoner but the jury was not asked to take this into account in mak'hg up the Verdiet; The Court was crowded from the begin ning to the close of the trial, a large number remaining in' the court room until the jury rendered' their verdict on Saturday night. Largest $ttck of groceries at llAFFEXDES BltO'S. Choicest groceries at Haffendex Bko's. Clicapest groceries at IlAFFKSDEN BRO'S. Ergo, go and buy your groceries at Haffen i) en Brothers. They are determined to please with quail ty and price. Linn County Council Linn County Council, P. of II., meets at Price's schoolhouse, five miles east of this city, at 10 A. M.011 Saturday. Februa ry 7th, 1S80. ' " Dr. Crawford, Pres. IXTIST. r. B. R. FRXELAftD ha located In Albany for tbe practice of Dentistry All work warranted. Office tn l'nrrlli block, corner First and Ferry atH. febl . Dr. O. W. ray. Dentist, Albany, Oregon. Office in Fos ter's brick block, up stairs, at large bay window. Prices in proportion to time nod material consu med. 11-34 The McMiunville band are to have a goraeous band wagon. The damage to North Yamhill bridge means an additional tax ot three or four mills on the dollar to Yamhill county taxpayers. . Two million feet ot logs' put into the Luckiamute last season were safely run out during the last freshet. Arthur Chandler, of McMinuville, while cutting meat last week, cut two fingers nearly off and made a frightful gash in the center of the hand, all caus ed by putting on too much force to pat the knife through the meat. 'Die Itoseburg Star urges the imme diate purchase ot an engine tor that city. It is asserted that at least one halt tbe boys ot Koseburg carries each a pis tol in his pocket. The people of Umpqna are agitating tor a road from Hubbard to Coos Bay the distance being eighteen miles. Moscow, Idaho, is to have a Iwo story brick hotel. " The mining outlook tor Boise basin next season is unusually cheerful. Contracts have been let and work commenced on the Wallulu aud Cclilo railroad. , Fevers aud diphtheria prevail to an unusual degree in aud about Dajton, W.T. Mason prairie u the same of a bean, tiful tract ot land contaiuiDg about 300 square miles on the summit of Craig's mountain. ' It lies partly in Nea Perce reservation and is about 18 mi e from I.OWiBtOIl.. IlELM HOLD'S1 dOMPOUSiD FLUID EZTRACtf PHARMACEUTICAL A Spsciflc Ecmedy for ali-tie1 or TUB ' For Debility, Loss of Memoryj Indispo?' sitioil to "Exertion or Business, Shortness of Breath,' Troubled" with Thoughts of Dhf- ease; Dimness ol Vision, Pain in the Back, -Chest' and Head, Rush' or- Blood" to the" Head, Pale'Countenanee and Dry Skin. - If tliese symptoms are allowed to go oby very frequently'' Epileptic Fits and Con sumption follow. When the co-istititie becomes affected, it requires tlie aid of a ! invigorating medicine to strengthen aatl' tone up the system, which j DOES IX ETKBT CASCV -- ' - I - HELfilBOLD'S BUCHI7? Is Uraeqtialed By any remedy known. It Is prescrlboa" by the most 'eminent physicians aH over' the world, in ' Rheumatism, Spermatorrhoea; Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, ft - r i ! iiiuigesuun. & Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, li ver Complaint, Nervous Debilityv .Epilepsy, - 1 Head Troubles,- Paralysis General ill health, i - Wk- ; ' i9Miiia vifcaseif Sciatica, Deafness, Limib.iffOr Catarrh, Nervous Complaints! Female Complaints, &c Headache, Pain In the S boulders, Cowga; -Dizziness, Sour Stomach; Eruptions,- Ba4 1 Taste In the Mouth, Palpitation of the' Heart, Pain In the region of the Kidney, and a thousand other painful sympteaka are the offsprings ot Dyspepsia. - Ilr.ItI110 Ei D'S R U C II U Invigorates the Stomach, And stimulates tho torpid - Elver," Bowel" and Kidneys, to healthy action, in cleans--ing the blood of all impurities,1 and impart? Ing new life and vigor to the whole syiUcT' A single trial will be quite 'sufficient to con vince tbe most hesitating of Its valuable"- remedial qualities. . PWCE, $1 PER BOTTLIV - Or Sis Bottles for $3.: Delivered to any address free from obser vation. . . .. j "Patients' may consult by letter recelv--ing the same attention as by catnhg. Competent Physicians attend to-corres-pondents. All letters should be address to.,,,- v.: ., B. T. Druggiot aal C&emisV Philadelphia;. Pt caution j I See that tiio privet Eropri Uxf Stamp is on eacb feottltv SoldEvorywhere ny2311t3