The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 23, 1880, Image 2

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a ' y
Yellow lever prevail in Venezuela
nud Colombia.
Pe T-owei engineers bare begun
curves s hr the Panama canal.
It is averted that an agreement has
at last been arrived at In ween Ger
many and the Vatican.
Report bath it that I be National
Democratic Convention will be held at
The new Chinese encyclopedia will
consist ot 5020 volume, tl e whole to
cost $7,500, which is ridiculously cheap.
t m m --i
Gov- Perkins was inaugurated at
Sacrameuto on the 8th, with greal
By an explosion at Yellow Springs,
O bio, on the 19th, three po-vder mills
were destroyed and two men killed.
It will take $2,000 to repair damage
to government property at Vancouver
by the great storm.
1 The Pacific delegation iu Congress
are pushing action on bill restricting
Chinese immigration.
Henry F. Suksdorff has been ncmi
rated as Census Superintendent tor the
district of Oregon.
Russia proposes to order no more
rifles from abroad the will make
them herself.
A mining explosion occurred at New
castle nnder-the-Tyne, England, on the
21st, by which 77 persons lost their
The report of the Secretary ot the
I Consolidated Virginia mine shows the
gjoss yield ot the mine tor 1879 to be
$2,481,358. Balance on hand, $67,750.
The steamer City of Peking, arriv
ing at San Francisco on the 19th, trom
Hongkong, was sent to quarrantiue
with two cases ot small pox on board.
Joe Evans and wife, who lately ar.
rivea Trom lows, start tor the country
cast of the Cascades in a few days, to
locate. The best ot fortune attend Joe
and Sue. f
"Kmperer Norton," a well known
character of San I- rancifco, died sud
denly on the 8th. While walking on
Dupont street he tell to the pavement.
lie was assisted to his toet and placed
against a building to rest, when he died
without a struggle.
On the 17th the House committee
on education and lalwr agreed upon a
report to accompany Representative
Hragg's bill to restore Fitrjohn Porter.
It provides for his restoration to the
service with the rank ot Colonel, and
awards him $75,000 iu lien ot back
pay to which he my have been entitled.
On the atteriKion of the 16th, in
Chicago, a E. 15. Wells, pay-master .ot
the Southside Gaslight fc Coke Co.,
was riding along Deering street in a
bngiiy, three manked men assaulted
him, knocked him senseless with a slung
shot, secured $4,000 in cold and silver,
and escaped in a buggy taken Irom the
front ot a grocery store in which its
owner was trading. What was the
police of that city about ?
net aide the
will ot the people of Maine as recenliv
expressed at the lalKt box, has been
threatei ed, but honety and law has
triumphed. This fact will cause a deep
thrill of joy in every honest breast
thrcnghout the Union. Nobody recog
nized the authority of the attempted
usurpers, and they were forced to abdi
cate. And may this always be the fate
of such dastardly villainy. I5ut we
are not sure but that the actors iu the
attempted outrage should not be arrest
ed and tried for high treason.
Ilarrv Wiiitzintreroile. arrested for
the murder of Jacob Swanger in Wash
ington county, has confessed the crime,
giving as a reason for the rntirdVr the
need ot money to purchase medicine,
lie says he asked Swanger tor the loan
of a miall amount aud was refused,
lie first shot Swanger in the head with
a shot-gun and then beat him over the
head with the stock, when he dragged
the body iuto the cabin ; then discover-
A Time of Peril.
TUe Maine IIUHcolty.
Notwithstanding the Supreme Court
decided squarely against the usurping
Fusionists of .Maine, the Garcelou leg
islature met, oiganized and elected j.
Tj. Smith, Governor, who was inaugu
rated at 4:30 r. m. of the 16th. The
same bsdy elected the following Slate
officers: IV A. Sawyer, Secretary ot
State;'e A- White, Tieasiirer ;
W. II. McClcllen, Attorney General ;
M. M. Fohm, ' Adjutant General
Gov. Smith issusd an order revoking
Gen. Cliajlierlaiii's appointment by
Garce'on as commander of the volun
teer militia, and also revoking sjieeial
order dated Jan. 5th, directing Gen.
ChamlK-rlain to protect the public
properly, and requiring all commanding
officers of military organizatians accept
ed into the service of the State to report
to the commander-in-chief, Ji I... Smith.
Gen. Clarubeilai:i declined to pay any
attention to the order uutil Smith could-
prtnluce an authoritative decision ot the
Court that he was the lawful Governor
t tlie State ot Maine. In; the mean
lime the lawfully elected members of
the legislature, which by the way is
largely Republkraii,met, organized, and
having counted the vote and decide!
that the people had elected no Gover-
t-'or, pn.cecded, lawfully and legally,
to elect one. In the House Daniel
F. Davis received 88 votes; 15in Brad
bury, 87 ; Alonzo Garcelou, 1. The
names of Davis and Bradbury were
then sent to the Senate, which gave
a unanimous vote f-r Davis, when the I Twenty-six deaths at Dead wood aud
resident declared Davis legally chosen neighboring camps for . the present
Governor ot Maiue.j Shortly after 6 month up to the 18lh, twenty-tour ot
which were from throat and lung dis
tavs. Nine of this number were child
ren under ten years of age. This in a
population of 7,000, is a very high
The purty under contractor Ballan
tyne, who are engaged in excavating
for the lighthouse on Tillamook rock,
had a fearful experience during the re
cent stoira, which raged most fearfully
on the 6th and 7th. The storm sent
great waves clear ovsr the r ck. which
is . some i.iiiety fret in highth, with re
sistless f rce. The party camped in a
sheltered nook on the top of the rock
while the provisions were placed in an.
other place, supposed to be secure from
the ocean, thirty-five feet from the wa
ter. Hut the fierce waters, driven by
the storm, swept clear over the rock,
destroying and sweeping away some
$600 worth of provisions, be.-ides tools, ;
etc The iron water lan'c, tour feet
square, which was fastened to lo-r huge
ring bolts set in the solid rock by two
iron slings and tour rou las). ins of 1 1
inch rope, and also fastened l-.rtx utally
with a 4i-itch rope, wa surftit t.m tl.p j
rock, one rf the huee rii.g IIt leing j
snapped off at the surface of tho r:k j
The revenue cutter, Corn-in, reached i
there last Saturday, lly great g'od !
fortune somo ttart4s fastened at vari'Min
points on the rock, were tilled with
water during the storm and weret not
washed away, so that party weru not
destitute ot fresh water. Som ..,t
bread, bacon, tea and bean- t -:ved
and the little party were '. entirely I
without something to eat. It was a
perilous time.
- - , -
mffiV 33 A
o'chck r. ?.r. ot the 17th Davis took the
oath ot office aud delivered his inaugu
ral address.
On Saturday Gen. Chamberlain ac
knowledged the authority ot Gov.
Davis. The Fusion Governor, Smith,
ordered out the militia, but no atten
tion was paid to the order. Gen. Cham
berlain turned over the command ot the
torccs under his command to Major F.
E. Nve, the new acting assistant ad
jutant general, and took the train for
Brunswick. On the afternoon of the
Over BII2 THCUSinD sa Use in Zcisi? County.
Albany, Oregon. fcFARLAFiD & HARVEY.
A Baptist Sunday School Conven
tion for the North Pacific coast will be
held at X)regon City, commencing on
Wednesday February, 18th, at 7 p.m.
All Baptist Sunday Schools are invited
to send delegates
19t!i. Smith, at the 1 1 pail of the Vnsinn
.. , I legislature, demanded admission to
Sixteen thousand acres of land were
located by Chapman & Buyer, of Wal
la Walla, last week, for different par-
. Slur lift :.
Wheat $1 per bnhel ; o:its, 27c per
buslu-l ; butler, J0525e per ll ; eg's-. 30c
per dozen ; apples, 40e pT hnshcl : chick
ens, alive, $2 -tOS.'S. dreed. 334; t:il-
j low, 4c per lb ; li:uns, 12.'o pcrij.
Custoiu (srindin:.
bloody deed with an ax. The snnpo- ,)0 State House, and being refused, ties. It is to be hoped these locations
sitiou is that tho prisoner is crazy.
held a short session ot the legislature I are for actual settlers.
At a meeting of old soldier, planters on the sidewalk, adjourning to meet at
at Jit. Pleasant, South Carolina, Jan.
10th, an organization was effected and
Union Hall at 10 o'clock on the 20th.
Our troops and Mexican forces are resolutions unanimously adopted ex-
auier v iciona ana nis oana oi renegaae pressing a desiie tor cordial and frater- The boiler ot the steam mill ot J. II
inaiars, ana tneir capture or aoteat is ai nn,on j, tlie couutry, aud saying : Iike, iu Epping, N. II., exploded on
Ballard. Isom S Co. wish ns to inform
our renders that they art; now doing cus
tom work at th-ir flouring niilis in tliis
citv, ehara'msr tlie regular toll of onc-eiahth
Necroes are rushinu into Kansas of every hnlicl. Thev want fanners to
11 .1 1 . . . 1 .
x m . . f , l tjiii j .iiiii fee iiirm mm tc-t ttiv- ilir-ini) in
-"-j nonr turned cut hy thcin it i.s mosr cs-
tute. mild weather alone Drevents suf- celleut. l.i
Forewarnefl t'orcftrutcti.
looked for. They have been on the
war path since 1876.
News has been received from Persia
that Russian arms has met a second
defeat at the hands of the Turcomans,
in consequence ot which the Russians
bad to take refuge in their ships.
Hesolved, That to effect this, our the night of the 13th. blowine the
. i - fi i tt I ;
earnest aesire, we nominee umnit u - rain to atom8 aild kinig one of the
... .i.l wnrkmpii. ( ;larpi:i'( IVrkina ami tut all v
isnnr RlniKlnril nearerc lor nresiaetil I .
and vice president in the approaching ' juring Jos. Quimby
presidential election. I On the 16th the steamer Greece
Resolved, That we send greetings of blew up at her dock at Hoboken, kill
peace and good will to all people
On i-nday night the glin Store Of Thu Kaiser VJ. raH-.l Urnimn I t -r on-
Ben. Porstner, of Salem, was bnrgiar. rfl.,'in tlu. ,,.,iK,ii proix rti. i r tar.wtui
pnnrry. tie. Is rt:i!doi'i rie:iv nHi'intcsa n
; the yonnjjwl cinln. Tin wtui.l huvc iimvt
unliamv lxiivnr at Vttih'W. iJixnti. l-'ivvt-r.
ized to the extent of $800. This is
the second time Ben has leen robbed.
cad EEAD
throughout the land, and invite them
eauwoou, xj. i , mu nwrow n club, nominate Giant, a.-d let us be-
irom again oemg aestroyea Dy nre on i come one people undivided
theSlh. Tlie wind was blowing a gale, Such a ticket would be a political
, but through extraordinary exertions ot J novelty, indeed
firemen and rilizanR th citv eecaned. I
, I l lie i unaueipuia ximcs lens hub ;
England has adopted a more liberal ''President Hayes went into the rotun-
policy toward Ireland, and it is hoped I do ot the capitol some days ago and
tbat distracted country may, under the I sat in one ot the scats ret apart for
oe'jr order ot things, once more become J ladies. A policeman who did not know
A. L. Gordon, an American citizen,
imprisoned in Quiqui, Peru, since June,
charged with being a Chilian spy, has
been voluntarily released and handed
over to the commander of the Alaska
by Col. lieas, commander of the city.
rteport says that a formidable filli-
buster movement is on foot to sever the
liio Grande states of Mexico from that
republic and place them under an in
dependent government to be styled the
Republic of Rio Grande.
him ordered the president to move on.
He did not respond readily, whereupon
the officer arrested him and started tor
the guardroom, when an employee re.
cognized the officer's mistake and in
formed him. The officer made profuse
apologies, but the president said :
That is all right ; 1 suppose you were
carrying out orders. "
Wonts Fook, the Chinese murderer
who was to have been hanged in Port
land on Wednesday, cheated the gal
lows by hanging himself iu bis cell on
Monday night. The jailor had been
Secretary Burch says he will decline I warned tbat Wong Fook would at-
to band over back pay to Senator Sha- j tempt suicide, and he had placed him
too, should be apply for the same, no- I iQ a cell with three other prisouers, one
til he receive formal opinion iu regard to I of whom, Duffy, in for six months for
tlie matter trom the first comptroller, j burglary, bad been offered a reward if
bharon was absent from bis seat in the I he would ktep watch over him. Hut
Senate a good deal during the last sen. j Duffy slept, and the Chinaman was
Biod. I thus afforded an onDortunitv to shuffle
UCU XJllBtHU Liaa Jd7llbljr UUHIQ K.IIOWII t
the fact that he was the originator of j The Democratic Slate Central Com
the "March to the Sea,' as also the I mittee, which met at Salem on the 8th,
campaign up the Cumberland and Ten- I issued a call fur the State Convention
neesee rivers. We believe Sherman J in this city, to meet on the 7th of April,
always contended that Grant originated I The Convention will nominate a can-
tbese movements.
f . " t- (iifn were wuuii: nrrrt?i iy n inMU-im
Ah oiu iniieinuccs iuush I m-ninmonilca liy tt onriu-iv to nre cvram, r'-:-
are to get the Malheur reservation back a tn-ntitv tirmr -iii-ii'iU sii-.iii its .'ix.u-
. - .. nmls. Ri suit! von izt-t fi'iY (iiTiismi Klixir.
again, in us rurnisning mem witn a oase Tin-etmnine ir tii.- l-fiiim .-,..;( i.f avw
t... l.,..rl.... ..A I . . . .. ... ami tho tnr-snmk! siiimtiiri- cl lr. K -.riser
iwnnnnumi, minM nuuuuinjj i operations TOT anolner OUlureaK. Anpltatnll'lrnjstcmvs. I j!rt e. 7 t-culs.
jn anu-vrrani organization is report
ed with head-quarters t Washington. T1,e WorU KoxoiTon,
It is said to be in the interest of Sher- ww nas already become a household
I word, is derived from the G reek, and com
posed ot two wortts, tnozo and Ouontes.
Sozo" translated, means to preserve,
and Odontes"the teeth "SOZOlOXT"
preserver of the teeth. Aud it. is true to
iu name. If beautifies and pre-erve the
I teeth, bunions and Invigorates the truii
and corrects nil impnritie.s of the brealti.
lne ouor ot this pure preparation is so
Some of the fields ot barley in High delightful that it is a luxury to apply ir.
a m - . 0 . - , . I lli s-s 9 ' mi tin aici . IVKI U 11 1 I
vauey, v. l., averagea ioj ousneis 10 gt and pertumers. 15
the acre.
one custom house otBccr and seven other
persons. j
An express train on the Reading,
Pa., railway jumped the track on the
16th, killing the engineer, Jas. Daly,
injuriug the fireman, aud wrecking a
sleeping car.
A telegram of the lGtl: tells of the
explosion of the giant powder and gly
cerine works one mils from Prince Ar.
thur's Landing, more or less damaging
every house in town. Said to be th e
work of an incendiary
Gen. Grant and party have engaged
passage ou the steamer Alexandria,
which is expected to sail for Havana on
the 13th of February.
Also, pverv vnriefv of cemetery anl others! onr
work tottc ncatm-ss ami UisvaH-h. m-eiiii
l.TeiiT loit to oraers lioin any part ! tut'
::v.tiiuifi waninurton irrnoi-y, ijy mat! trotn.
rwrire, and prutiintly lorwai-ilcj. work war
ranted, vl-int
On the 19th, 84,700 was sont trom
Chicago to the suffering in Ireland.
New To-ISay.
To insure good material, stipulate in
all your Contracts for Painting that nothing
shall be used except C. T. Raynolds & Co's
Pure Paints and Oils. !
The terrible storm of the 9th did not
Teach tho Sound.
Italia Wnllat, W. T.
Late news from Walla Walla, Wash.
ington Territory, Fays :
The recent sale did much damage all
U, . . - ici f : till miia uumiuii iMa wrril
iroush the unner couutrv. and fences I .. ..i r i..-..
- - t-i ki; I tjy lUIIIIIICIILmi OjitlllSb Al WPhlVIS I KllffSl inAltM
In the Circuit Conrt for the State of Oresron
for l.tnn conntv.
Jolin Conner, nlainliif. vs. Phiiin 5ritr'bv.
I n ttltr, it,.......,.! .1 . . 1 1 n A - . n n I f lua ntliTi pliiwl t li li!l m rail llA tlftUl rMnnil. 1 (letRnrlnn t.
J J I i - . .t r I. I To 1111111
Homaeopntbic Pliyslclnn nud turg?on,
OFFICK In Parrish's hriek.Alhany. Oregon.
Chronic tlxseases a &-cia!f. Can tie tonn:i
at my ofllee. at all hours of the U:ty or ni jrht,
when not professionally ubsent. vl-2nl(j
wpre almost universallv nrostrated and I pork packinir rirm to reiwver dam izes for
..... ! . . , , 1 loss ot life caused by eating diseaetl ham
rviur uunuiuiin n ..... vicv. . ivuau. i niitwhun from trio neteiiil'i nrs. it rue mr.
one hundred and ten miles in length,
is located aud contracts let. Man are
sible for the consequettces of enUng It. ITi,,yoVV:SSe iZX
iiiiiLin, in", nuiiuiiii.u i.tiiisi ivw.ii.i- i Hnl mnntii.l to ntirvenr titnl ttnswer T
The railroad from Wallula to Celilo I ed trom the men who raised aud. sold the compinlnt of tiieiii.ove ptatntiir in tii,a!x
It is rumored that a syndicate ot
prominent bankers have bought 50,-
000 shares of the Central Pacific at
75, with option on 50,000 more at 80,
all cash. Stanford, Huntington, Class.
and C. F. Crocker bold most of the
stock of the road.-
didate for Congress, three bupreme ant. The thermometer stands at sixty.
Judges. Judges and Prosecuting At- I tn in ti. cr.ari t
torneys for the several Judicial Districts,
and nx delegates to attend the National I ? Miners are rushing into the Skagit
There are over forty., thtmsand acres of
tlrlo mfirah hilifl on flrap'it. liarlmr and
now at work and more will be placed shoal water bay. Most, ot it is owned in
.cnAnutWminlw ..rrvninxi ' I Isites bodies and us d for stock ransre.
1 't1!! lunrl lrl Iia rpiOnfniMl ftr A fTrtnillrn-
The country is now on the high road I ml purposes by proper diking.
ti. nrnaMititir Oiul n vorv larrra !mtni 1 " 1
v 1 - I '. Courtsev to vi.-itors is not confined to
gration is expected this year. Let them 1 cultured communities. The presetim of
imML thern room for thousands. DeLessens is all that prevents the -lie-
- . . . - I om4 nl Arrftbel Irom risinsr In renelllan
xne nrm or napman as uoyer i against tne uovernmeni oi fanania
Iftnatoit clvtMii tlmneonil aiTM rkf land
. 1 'No. sir," said an Albany man; "I'm
last week tor diiterent parlies. I none o'yer fellers as wastes his time lear-
More acreage U bein- olowed than nln' other folks' Janguidges. I don t speak
. Knfllsh
a t -' . 1 ? I - "
ever ociore. rarmera : are an plowing, i know
A lt..nK t i.r.H. Ifm meAtrJ? '
... - - 'i . . I .r.-.... ....... VIB IV. I un.l euu,,r,. .1,.,. I Untl-u t
winter, the weather is warm and Dleas- I hand. The rebels anrjear to he master ot I rr,i. the date of ilii notice, via:
' .... I . . i ... ' - . . .... I - : . . . . i ii . . ; v. i . i it
ine Bituaiion in ine. ouiie or uuranjjo. 'i ne tmnei ueiora, noinesienu ii.-.r''i
i ior me oi n nit nr. -' . , ,
pears to be iuipossible in tliat unhappy
entitled Conrt, now on liio with tho l.'Iet-k of
Klid Conrt, narainHt yon. on or iiefore 1 lie nrst
lay of tlie next resrnlar term ot the i"ircuit
Conrt. In and for Haul l.inn county, Ort'ssou, to-
wlt: tne
Sti tin f 3rtrc; 1880,
and yon are heretiy not men ti yon tan to
appearand answer sul'l conipuimt, a liereoy
required, the pluinlilT will take jtifltcmenf
against you for the ttut of Sioti .f?'l.l coin, and
ill lentil, iiemiti ill line ium win iiwni uwwii
27. 1H7SI. at. the rate of one net- cent, ner muni h.
and the farther sum of .", attoreey'st fee, and
the co&tlet autl (Hsitiriuenistoi tut-2 tti-noji.
HUMPiliiKl Wll. t.K !
attorneys lor nlaiutilr.
Published btr order of the Hon. 11. F. Harding,
JiulKC, made at Cliamners, January ht a, Ibo.
January l, xsso-vianiti
American is all the tonguo I
Notice of Filial Proof.
Land Offics,
nnimx City. Or.. Jan. 13. 1S79.
NOTICE Is hereby iftven that the following
n,ii antthr him 1!1h1 notluc ot liia inten
tion to make Una! proots .n cnptKirt ot iiisciattn
and secure tlnal entry thereof at t he expiration
j" Painters who use C. T. Raynolds & Co's Paints &cd
Oils do ths BEST AND CHEAPEST WORX, because PURE
LONStB .than any ether.
Kejiubllenn Slate Central 4'oiuuiltt ee.
A tneetinsr of the Kcptihlican SiJite Cen
tral Committee of the tiL'itts ot recoil will
he held in the citv ot Salem on Wednes
day. Fob. IS, 1SS0, at 2 o'clock r. si. A
full attendance is requested.
Joseph Simon, Secretary.
Baker... Milton White
Jlenlon.lC. 15. McElroy
i'iackamas. .F. Paiet
Clatsot.. .. K. J. Taylor
ColummatiW nl Hi-tuo
J. SURMAN, M. .,
t ; ........ .
, . near Albany KnjjineCo. No. One' enylBO ;
t'oos E. W. Tower
Curry.. i.M. Kilev
Housilaf.-.K- Hurst
Krant J. W. Clinrch
JaekAon.J HUliitwootl
.lowphine Thos Floyd
Luke C. 11. Watson
I.inn...i...r. Frotnan
J.nne....J H. McClnnsr
SlHrion.. . . . K . C lieer
Multnomah Jos Simon
l'olk A. W. Lucas
Tillamook lr.Lafcello
U mat 11 la ....... , vaean t
ITnton W.J. Snodrrns9
Wasco E. L. .Smith
Washimjton J. Gaston
YamhiU...J. W. Watts
Albany, Or., Jan. 9, 188(Vvl3nU
Republican papers please copy.
eiwioiiRiimens oi a cwim ;ovcrnnieiu ap- rkw si. T S It 3 E. and name the fol
lowing as his witnesses, viz : J. F. IJeri-y, of
! Linn county, Oreifon, and J. B. l'0ii,'"f,f'
ootintT.Orpson. JL. 1. JAM.
The recent explosion at Newark has ren-
oaiiuary iti, nsso-vixniuw.j
Democratic Convention. The, total miimis countrv. Seattle, on the Sound, aered wearers ot ceiiuioui collars npprehen-
, - . . , . . 4J. . . , I . " I Sive less a tiray parK Hioti let cause tllelr
number ot delegates to the Mate Con. I being headquarter!. Skagit river is j heads to be suddenly lifted from their
veution is 169, ot which Jinn county reported full o ice trom iu mouth np no,,ers.
is entitled to fifteen.
Frank -Leslie, the great publisher
who died a few days since, left a will,
asd it ia now stated tbat the disposition
ot the old man's property thus made
doesu't suit the ton, and he will con.
test the will.
Frauds on the New York Prod oca
Exchange to the amount of $319,000
Lave been discovered. Benjamin C.
B2rt who has been Treasurer of the
Exchange for many years, waa the de-
fiucr. lie difad suddenly on the after.
coc-'i c! tba Sib. at ttahonse of a friend
la Ise-v York, and it ia tnoust be j late for this issue. Will appeaf put j ly eleven miles of new road built dur.
to Mt. Vernon, but the steamer Cheha-
lim ..i. J.. I concrete
' r tain. Professor "What wll
lion with a load of miners and supplies duct ot five apples multiplied by six pota- j twu tuo date ot' tuts notieo.c ; M.LlJX(. -.
the present week. ! i toesr' Pupil (triumphantly) "Hash !" -. Albany, Or, Jan. a, issoliJ. Assignee.
Professor "Can you multiply together I
numbers ?" The class are uncer- '
be the pro-
Assliieea Kotlee. -
NOTICE Is hereby piven that F. M. French,
doinjr bnsiiie&s In Albany, Oi etcoii, under
the above name, has assigned to the uiidei-rtisn-odall
his property for the bench t of all his
creditors, ratably and in proport ton to then
several demands.; Any persons having claims
ascainst him are hereby required to present
rue in 10 mo, uuiy vui-mmi, wt-i
The fall offtnow was not nearly w honrj I
setts railroads tor 1879 was $30,090,-
000.'; Total number of persons injured
Communication irom Corvaiiis too I during the year, 405 ; fatally, 45.- On-
m, . ... . I lii tlu T jiIca Waahintrtrm lotlaii n . i urnA I L-rrvfTrir IiahIiu crlve
a no gross income ot the wassaohu- rt7 . : " " JN hTton W ti.ecnty comtof u.m
Atlmlnlsirator's Kotlce.
ren that the nnilet-Bln-
rrrty Live faicicled.
ing tbc year,
I county, Orejron, duly apiKtinted administrator
,. i r.s.,...u M Moore. ili',r.caeii.Hto
Port Towusetld Schools and clmrelmi 1 of said conntv. All persona., having claims
were closed by ibe deep snow d severe
wealbjr and dullness reigned Supreme. ' j vouehorstothoundersifrned.wlthinsixmonths
. . n- I from the date hereof, at iebanon.uinn cwnuiy,
The O. K. & W. C0.'S brieve across John Oregon. JOSEPH J. WIAKLTON,
Day's river, will be oyer one mile Joog, ruun cuamboi-iaiu, attys for adm.
Cltats. V. Plummer,
Paints, Oils and Glass,
Albany, Oregon. 1
The Second Term will opei
November 12lli, 1879.
Urajjs and lh-nptist' Sundries from the
East ; atso tbe larjrest and most complete stock
ol Lamps and Lamp tlxtures ever brought to
this city, feir Prescript ions carefully com
pounded at all times, day or night. Iln23
frt COUGHS. iLi'i
coothes, r;licves almost at o:ice and cures where
; otaer jilastera fail even to relieve. It coatains
greater & more nosrerf nl pain relieving, etremirtli
cciug and curative proporti than tba cnmra'-Hi
porocs phtJiU-r, and is superior to lmiinnts
aud tha eo-catHl electrical pp-intires. It is
specially r-.wommended for Die auuve aitmeutg,
, elso for Hln:il aud KWnrv CoranluiBl,
I'letirlay, Mt-iatira. nod til lnel
I'ains. Whon siiircrin you wll do well la takd
even a lHtie pitna lo virocnr" tiiis article. Do
not a'dow any oihor pinsti r to b-t iuititnlHl for
it. Soid hy all limfnjicin. Skahury & Jou:sos,
21 rialt Street, Muvv York, l'ruprictora.
courses of Instruction will be parsum: in i
CJasHical, Helen viae ua
this Institute, viz:
A Fnll Cores of Instrnctors lias Izzi
- secured.
For part'cnlai-s concerning the courses of
c-tudy and the price of tuit ion, apply to
Ber. ELBCIIT Ji. UMMT, fus.
August 8, l79vlln5
Ladles' Variety Emparlur.
IvIES. 27j. HTDn
' i ' - . ; s
German Zephyr, Canixu, Thread, Fins, ,
Needles, Buttons, Ileal Hair S'wcV. -es
and Curia, Hosiery, Stamped
' Goods, dx., o., o.
Also, Agent for Ir. Warner's
Elcaltli Cor7 J V
Child's Wftlslt '
- ami Madam Foyas :
Corset Skirt j Supporter,
fcsJFreneh stamping dons to order,
lasar BroadalWa St., opposite Post OSoef