The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 16, 1880, Image 2

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a - -- ' - - -'- -
Tlie cold anil snow 1 causing great suff
ering among cattle in ITiali.
Order for 23,000 orange trees have boon
rut to Ims Angeles from Sacramento.
Thirty-nine inches of snow on tlx level
In Idaho and fifteen feet Sn tin high hills.
I Spnigoon Is such n friend of .John It.
Oo-igli's that he presented him with 2 of
his best sermons, bound in calf.
The wife of ex-Governor Saflbnl, of Ari
zona, died of consumption i Xew York,
on tlie "til.
A through railroad is now arranged
from St. Louis to .Xcw York via
Page, of California, introduced on the
8th in the House a hill to restrict the im
migration ot the Chinese.
TJie workmen of I-ondon on the Sth
petitioned the authorities for temporary
employment to keep them from starvation.
A deficiency in the accounts of town
trrasnrer. Daniel Kmmona. of Kver
ett.Mas.. of $10,000. was discovered about
tlie same time of his flight on the Sth.
The Afghans are by no means pacified
or Intimidated. The r.riii-h still report
occasional engagement with them. They
appear to be Irreconcilable.
Seven feet of snow in some parts of Xew
York ! Kven the republicans in Maine
ought to be able to keep cool in this kind
' of a winter.
would be no gratification to the civil
ized world to learn that an army largely
composed of Englishmen had been massa
cred by Asiatic barbarians. The merits oi
tlie Afghan war constitute another matter.
Tlie Baltimore Sun places the vote in
California in tavor of Chinese immigration
at 2.000. IjesX. these figures should grow
as they travel, it may be well enough to
correct them. Official returns place the
rote alluded to at 8S3.
Tlie nichrnondj Stute (democrat) says :
We-by no manner of means commend
tlm action of the authorities of Maine in
ruthlessly counting out the republicans and
counting themselves in on the most trivial
Gen. Grant and party arrived at Jack
sonville, Ga., on the Sth, when he was re
ceived by the artillery company and an
address by Gen. Ledwitli. Ai. immense
cmwd lined tho wharf, ami formed a pro
ression Iialf a mile long. The reception
was a success.
Kecently Mr. Foster, ot Independence.
Jia-I a tat cow killed for beef, and in dress
Jxtg it the butcher found in the stomach of
the cow a pound or more ot nails, pieces
of wire, scraps of old iron, horse nails, etc.
These foreign substances did not appear to
disagree with the animal.
The Standard says there are " some pro
fessed Democrats in Oregon who stand
ready to receive Radical gold to sell out
their iarty whenever opportunity is of
fered." Our worthy contemporary proba
bly speaks nnderstandingly of the mem
bers of tlie family to which it claims
On tlie 8th the snow was four feet deep
on a level at Seattle. W. T., and still fall
ing, with a prospect of live feet the deep
est ever known. Several roofs had been
crushed in by the weight ot the snow,
which was 52 pounds to the square foot.
On toe 7th at Victoria, the snow was 29
Indies, with four feet in the farming
Wendell Phillips was late a few months
ago fn keeping a lecture appointment, and
Hie doorkeeper who hadnot been Introduced
to him. insisted on bis paying fifty cents
admission. Phillips gracefnlly accepted
the situation, saying he knew the lecturer
and ' thought it worth tlie money to
bear him.
The Santee Indians have received a tes
timony ot the paternal affection of their
Great Father at Washington in the shape
of 1,200 brand new pitchforks. As tlie
San'ees number 600, men, women and
children, they will have two pitchforks
apiece. If this doesn't make them happy,
they, must be an ungrateful set.
According to tins latest advices tliat ter
rible " silent man" is again engaged in the
cruel business of subduing the South."
He is marching through Georgia and being
everywhere received with ovations. Real
ly U is time for the Democratic national
Committee to take vigorous steps in the
premises or we shall have a Caesar before
yu. fairly know what's up.
Women are entitled to vote in Massa
chusetts at school elections, provided they
register and pay the customary tax. Of
45,000 women voters in Boston, only 1000
registered. At Lynn, a town of 35,000 In
habitants, only 155 registered. The infer
ence is that the ladies do nob want politi
cal privileges,, aad that the right of " boss
ing" one man around is the principal one
they care to enjoy at present.
Reform is necessary in England as else-
wbere, and fifty war office cleiks have
been discharged. In America upon such
an occasion the ex-clerks would be com
pelled, if nothing better offered, to drive
back, black boots or other more menial
service to obtain a- livelihood ; but not so
In Britain. TJiongh among the discharged
(here are many not over twenty-five years
of aga all as pensioned, and that tod
with co trivial pittance but a liberal dona
tion. Pensioning a War . Department
Clerk ! What extravagance what an
outrage on the people I Can't Dennis
Kearney be seat over to have this, thing
corrected t Go,.Paonis, go,.
Since the decision of lhe Supreme Court
of Maine has been rendered, reversing the
rulings of Gam Ion hi -every particular,
Democratic journals arc engaged hi berat
ing tlie venal, d'.-lioiiest, rascally judges,"
ai.Tl lustily coing for " ref.irm." The
gr;it fraud. S. J. Tii'Icn. stnrtrd llii I-m-m-ratio
reform" fm-ities in til- cniwiisru
for the Presidency in 178. and no iloi.l.t
was at ti;e bottom t the " reform"
in Maine.
The Hon. Sprnul. a Fusion candidate
tortiio Maine I., gi.-lature. "ho thought he
was.rt elected, hut wIk.iii Jovernor Gar
celon and his Council counted in. i a
champion example of hae ingratitude.
In.-tead of thanking his ben-factors, be
st-nds a .li--gic-lnl card to the paprrs.
declaring that "the course it the Governor
null hi abetters was a f:aud which no
honest man can uphold "
Though fond of the Turks, our Knglih
cousins won't "tand any nonsense wheie
their religious susceptibilities an- conceri'.
ul. A "converted" Mussulman alio was
guilty of the crime of translating the Bible
into Turkish was recently sentenced to
doath at Constantinople. The British Km-lias-ndor
has peremptorily h mnmlrd his
release. The Turks-may kill Chii-tians,
but they c.iu"t le permitted to deprive the
sitbj "i ts ot Jim Sublime Forte of the privi
lege of reading the Bih'e in the vern icular
The present Parliament in Eng'and was
commenced on the 4th of March. 1S74, and
assembled on that d ly. It it should only
survive until the 14th of April ifxt it will
not only have run into n seventh session,
but it will have ex"eeded in duration any
previous Parliament summoned since the
Union, and will have been the longest
lived Parliament for a century.
In Kansas the people are somewhat
averse to horse thieves and having determ
ined to get rid of them, held several meet
ings at which resolutions were passed,
under strict parliamentary rules, that all
horse thieves in that section must leave.
And we understand they did ; but as the
revolutionists forgot to insert ' and go
afoot," they are no-.v angry at themselves
fur voting at all, for with the horse thieves
went their best horses.
The X. f. He r tld's Philadelphia special
says : 4 Gen. Grant will be the cmdidatn
of the Republican party ; he will le nom
inated on the first ballot." We never, or
at least scarcely ever, knew the predictions
ot tho llfrnhl people to prove true. It has
proved a poor prophet in the past, and
will doubtless continue righting it ont on
this line. The probabilities are much
more in favor of Blaine than Grant. But
then, as-we have before remarked, we can
stand Grant, if he is nominated, but the
signs of the times, as we read them, don't
point tha; way.
Massachusetts has been having consider
able of an excitement lately over the at
tempt of a Catholic priest to prevent the
members of his congregation from sending
their children to the public schools. One
singular result of it is thai Father O'Brien,
a Catholic priest, has bet-n elected a mem
ber of the School Committee of Cambridge,
and that lie believes in the present public
school system. The majority of the Cath
olics ot Massachusetts appear not to per
ceive the necessity of parochial schools.
It is leported that Russian nihilists hav
distributed a circular among the peasants
stating that the Czar had issued a
decree ordering tho lauded proprietor? to
divide their estates among the peasantry.
The peasantry on the estate of Count
SchouvaloflT seeing that he was in no hurry
to make the division, seized the castle,
drove out the servants and sacked it. Tlie
military were called in, but as the peasant
ry of other estates made common canse
with the rioters and all were heavi'y arm
ed, the soldiers were not successful.
It has generally been considered that the
only pauper millionaires in Xew York
were Tilden and Vanderbilr, but It is as
serted that John Jacob Astor pays tax on
only $ 30. 000 worth of personal property ;
August Belmont doesn't pay any ; James
Gordon Bennett on $25,000 ; x. J. Drexel
on $100,000 ; Joseph A. Harper. " sworn
off;" Mrs. A. T. Stewart on $500,000 ;
Clark-son N. Potter, " sworn off ;" Sam
uel J. Tilden on $90,000 ; William M.
Evarts on $25,000 ; Peter Cooper on
$110,000 ; Cyrus W. Field, sworn off,"
and Hugh J. Jewett on $20,000.
The Xew York World seems to come to
the conclusion that the only hope of" sav
ing the country" is to be found in bring
ing forward tlie retired and superannated
veteran, Horatio Seymour, as a presiden
tial candidate " to beat Grant." In a
recent issue of the World undertakes to
Inaugurate a Seymour boomMoy printing
in a dozen different places in' its columns
the startling query : ' Suppose Horatio
Seymour is nominated for tlie Presidency
in 18S0, does anybody suppose that Grant
could carry this State against him ?" The
World, of course, regards this conundrum
as a clincher, hut Seymour has repeatedly
and explicitly declared that he will not be
a candidate. It Is well known that his
health and physical condition are such as
to preclude him from assuming that posi
tion. And even if these dilllculties were
removed, there is no reason for believing
that ins nomination would heal the
breaches in the party which at tho last
election gave the State to the Republicans
ninvretire in Mobs.
With all the " violence and fury ot thi
republican mobs," it does not appear yet
tnat anyoooy nag been knocked down even
If Mississippians felt as deeply outraged as
the Maine people do, they would liave be
fore this massacrecd a negro village or two,
and shot a dozen of the opposition leaders
through the back.. U ledo Blade.
: Assiah AJtenburg of Allegliany and Miss
Malissa Rimes of Carrolton, both 50 years
of age, were married In Sj'racuse recently
alter its years' courtship. i ne Druie said.
' Now, that Assiah 's motlier is dead,
don't mind getting married."
The Democratic State Central Committee
met at Salem on Thursday of last week.
John F. Miller, Chairman, A. Xoltner,
Secret srv. Of the twenty-three cotilHicsin
the S-ate. eaeh having a member of the
Committee, only six were represented by
their delegare, seven by roxies. and ten
were imf represented at all. The rea-on
ot this lack of interest in a nnit'cr that has
hitherto been considered ..f the highest im
portance, is accounted for by the stormy
weather prevailing, and the fun I vr fact
that Democrats generally have but li'tlc
Ij.ijie of electing a single man in this com
ing IliThr. The Democracy of Oregon
seriously divided, and there is little; hope
of mending matters so as to secure any
united action. ,
Skagit coal is declared to be to
Cumberland coal lor blacksmith purttoses.
Rothschild it Co., of Port Townsend.
have failed. Their wreck of fortune is
The Port MadNoii mills, shut down tor
the want of logs, will start up again next
Four hundred sacks of Whidhy ls?anl
potatoes await shipment at eittle for San
The Skagit mining fever prevails to such
an extent in the Sound ports that masters
of vessels find it Oifilctilt to ti!i up their
crew Msts.
A new M. F. parsonage will soon be
completed at Port 'i'ou nseml. which will
compare favorably with the best within
the limits of the Conference.
The engine bed pieces for the Belleto-vi:
barrel factoiy. -J4s:i0 inches and 2(1 feet
long, have K-en s.-uved out this week.
Work on the factory will he pushed ahead
with all dispatch.
The testimony of "Angeline," an aged
aborigine, who. has lived at Seattle lor 40
year--, is adduced to prove that snch a tail
ot snow as the present one, was never
known in that locality before.
Admiral Provost and Archbishop Wright,
long residents ot Victoria, saileti for Eng
Jand ot: the lasi trip of the Dakota.
The inmates of the R:.yul Hospital were
treated to a grand Christmas dinner by the
citizens ot Victoria. The poor of the city
were also generously remembered.
Capt. J. D. Miller. Oregon City, has
failed to the tune of 3.00. quo.
Win. Dickinson lias 1een sent to the
asjliun from lX)uglascouiiy.
If is now thought th:t a great amount of
Fail sown grain will drown out.
The .S77- and i'(i.-HW,''r,lioseb!irg. have
bcug'ut a power press jointly.
Ry tho late cold snap over 1,000.000
salmon eggs were frozen, and are entirely
Eugene ladies had a pleasant leap year
Reports" are that high water has washed
away a number of bridges in Douglas
county. .
Ralph Srearn has been granted a free
scholarship in Hie State University, from
Douglas county.
The Odd Fellows of Rosebiirg had a
pleasant time last, week at their public in
stallation ot officers.
The Roseburg l'laiurfenlsir says that the
academy building is dangerous and not fir
tor she purpose for which it was intended.
Mr. K. B. Marfindale has been awarded
the contract for keeping the poor of Douglas
county at $5 70 per week.
The Coos Bay Xbtil, Republican, puta
in a strong plea for the nomination of
Judge Watson for Congress.
Mr. J. J. Flet, of the Benton VlnOr, was
married to Miss Mary A. Elgin at Corvallis.
We wish them a pleasant journey through
Tho high water carried off the boom at
the head of the I.nckiamnte. belonging to
S. T... Smith, with about 30 logs and a chain
weighing 1.100 pounds.
Charles W. Watts, who his been dan
gerously ill at bis father's residence in
Oregon Cit3. at last accounts was some
better, and hopes of his recovery are en
tertained. ;
The river steamer Cif;i nf 'Srtler.t. while
making a landing at Canemah. ran into a
boom of logs owned by Geo. Broughton. of
the Oregon City saw "mills. Out ot 350,
000 leit, only 25.000 were saved.
W. T. Wright, county treasurer of Doug
las county, shiped last week to the State
Treasurer the sum of $1,200. to be appl'e 1
to the interest fund, and $3,300 40 tor
State purposes. The county still owes
$4,532 50.
The following are the business transac
tions of the Roseburg Land Office for Ie-
cemlier : 202 acres soiil for cash : Li liome-
tead entries, embracing 2,830 acres ; 11
il homestead entries, embracing 1,6G0
cres;,13 pre-emption filings; 4 donation
Lake county offers a reward of $250
each for the capture and surrender ot the
notorious John Purdv, who, a few mouths
ago escaped from the county jail at that
place, anil for the apprehension and sur
render of the murderer of Edward Doyle,
near Tule J,ake, in October last.
Klickitat valley reports considerable
sickness. :
Assessable property ot Deer Lodge, Mon
tana, is $855,732.
There will bo 200 cars for the O. R. &
X. Co. built at the Dalles this season. -
A mica mine was sold recently in the
Rocktord district. Dakota, for $5,000, cash.
Cant.. Morse, ot the Dakota, received
from his Victoria friends $450 in gold coin,
as a Christmas gut. ;
The average rainfall during thi past
seven years in the Walla Walla valley has
been lu.50 inches. , :
The levees along the Touchet, for the
protection of the upper part or the town of
Dayton, were recently repaired.
Prof. Plumnier gave an entertainment
at Ea Grande for the benefit ot the Blue
Mountain University, on tho 2d inst.
As soon as the weather will permit, a
lanre force ot men will be employed on
the railroad between the Dalles and Wallu-
-The Chinese have a store at Mt. Idaho,
with a $22,000 stock of general merchandise
and are reported to be doing an extensive
business. -.
The officers of the N. P. R. R. Co.'s
land office at Colfax, have sold, so far.
three thousand acres of land, receiving for
the same over eight thousand dollars.
A report from Pomeroy says : Our grist
mill is running night and day, our wagon
maker and blacksmith are busy, and the
shoemaker can 't do hal f the work.
The errand iurv in Whitman countv ad
jonrned in : December without having
found a single indictment, or listened to a
complaint. ,A conspicuous case of "ino-
ramy. i
The people of Tewiston will petition
congress for another appropriation of
uiiuB iur ,ioe purpose or continuing the
work tor the removal of the obstructions
iroiTi Clearwater river.
The great demand for lumber at Spokane
13 proven bv the faef rlmf o
the water on Monday and converted into
KNinia, ionneu on the next day the siding
Oirsi? OrSS XlOUSiiryra in Use In iLfiiixi County.
Albany, Oregon. P1cFARL&rD & HARVEY.
Wheat 1 per bushel ; oats, 27c per
bushel ; butter. 10525c pe- ft ; cirs. .Wi
per dozen ; apples, 40c per bushel: chick
ins, alive, $2 403. dressed. $:tfii4; tal
low, 4c per II. ; hams, 12 .;c per it.
1:kCiii Vrimliiif;.
Ballard. Isom & Co. wish us to inform
our readers that they are now doing cus
tom work at their Homing mills in this
city, charging the regular toll of nue-eihth
of every hnshel. They want fanners to
call and see them and test the qualify of
lloii turned out by them it is most ex
cellent. TJ
Forenamed )orinriil.
Vhvsicmns nn.l in villi. ns with confl'tenee
The Kaiser Cetetmife'l lierman I'.lTTnr for 'on-
mn;M ion ami 1 nrojit ami lunir diseases. It is
rich in lhe ine.liciiial properties of tin-. wi! l
cherry, etc. Is reii'lerel pcrfeetly lntriiiles to
the yomiiresf. chilli. This would have, prove;!
an Aiifief of mercy in the houseliolil of those
nhappy jiarents. ar auejo. inxon. neaiver,
t:i!i.anl numerous other places, whose chi
ren were slnutrhtere! hv a omtefc iin-licine.
lveomiiieiiiled bv its owners to ureeronp. oos-
sesinir no properties calculated to cure it. Tnit
nsteitu a dertaiv urn:? wine:: ins slam us i nou-
snmlis. fie sniv ynti uet only Ueviimii Ktixir.
The pennine. Ie:irs the l'l-us'siau eout of :ivms
hii(J the. fac-simile signature, of Dr. Kaiser,
dimples at all drujr stores. I.ars?e size, lh cents.
FOS1HY& jIaso, W liolesuie liruirists. sole.
Agents. liSvIimS
Tlie orl Kozoitont,"
Which has already become a household
word, is derived from tha Greek, and com
posed ot two words, Sezo and Odontes.
' Sozo" translated, means to preserve.
nd " Odontes" the teeth "SOZODOX'l"'
preserver of the teeth. And it is true to
its name. It beautifies and preserves the
teeth, hardens and Invigorates the gums,
and corrects all Impurities of the breath.
l he odor ot tins pure preparation is so
delightful that it is a luxury to apply it.
It Is as harmless as water, bold bv drug
gist and perfumers. 15
Xcw To-Day,
Ilouiceopatlitc PhyalrlHn aiitl fSiirjjeoii,
OFFICE - In Pnrrish's brick. Albany, Oreson .
1,'lii-onic diseases a SifCiaU. Can be touiv.l
at mv oftlire at all hours of the. day or tuiu, not professionally absent. v-r-'nm
In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon
for Linn county. .
John l onner, piamun, vs. l-mop ii-ik".
defendant. . , , , . .
To lhinn lirlirsny, Tlie aoovo nanieti ih;h'iiu-
ant : In the namooi tlie ninro tu ununn, ju
are hereby required to appear and answer the
entiilerl Court, now on flle with lhe Jerk of
sidd Coart, aainst yon, on or lnsfore the first
day or t lie next resiuiar renn m me m -mv
Court in and for said Linn comity, Oregon, to-
wit ; the
8ct day of Marrli, 1880,
and yon arc hereby notified lhat If j mi fad to
appearand answer said conijilaint as liercby
reqnii-ed. tho i-'aintiff will take judgment
..ralnatrnn for t.ll Sll 111 of S'lOO !To!d COill.atHl
lnieresi. i iiuhth.i in ii.emuu nun v.v .........
7 i.s7i. tii tn rat of one tier iMjnt. TK-.r month.
anil the farther sum of ".0, attorney's fH5, and
the costs and Ufsonrsments oi tnisaeiion.
JIUAIl'HKtSY i lYWlilfcltnis,
attornevs for pluintiu".
Pntilishad hv order of the Hon. 11. F. Hardin:
Juilee, made tit Cliambcrs, January (Itli, 1S80.
January 10, 1880-vUinlB
Notice of Final Proof.
Land Offick,
Okkoon City, Or., Jan. 13, 1S70.
NOTICE is herehy Riven that the following
named settler has filed notiee of his inten
tion to make final proofs n support of bis elalui
anil secure llnal entry thereof at the expiration
of thirty days from the date or this notice, viz :
Samuel Oeford, homestead application . (U0
for the S of NEJl SK or KWX, and NE3( of
SKV of See. 81, T 9 S K 3E, und names the fol
lowing as his witnesses, viz: J. P. Berry, of
Linn county, Oregon, and J. B. Potter, of Linii
comity, Oregon. L. T. BARIN,
January lt, 1H30-Vl2nl6w5 Register.
AnslNrnee'n Notice.
QTICE Is hereby given that F. M. French.
the aliovo name, has assigned to the undersign
ed all his prontrty for the benefit of all his
creditors, ratably and In proportion to their
Beveral demands. Anv persons havinst claims
against him are hereby required to present
them to me, dulv verified, within three months
from the date or this not ice.
- Albany, Or., Jan. S, 1880-13-18 Assignee.
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersign
ed has been, by the County Court of I.inn
county, Oregon, duly appointed administrator
of the estate of Francis M. Moore, deceased, lute
of said county. AH persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified and re
quired to present the same with the proper
vouchers to t he undersigned, within six mon t lis
from the date hereof, at Lebanon, Linn county,
Jan. lfi. 1A30-Vl2nli Administrator,
fliiin A Chamberlain, attys for adin.
and HEAD
-i:xixiti:i in-
Ait:- a ii j-,
, lso. every vm ie'vof
work -!o:ic wi?ii neatness
t:' 'eiii !.n -iven to orders pom any tart of the
s:a:eiin.l Va.liiiitin TerHtoi-y, by mid or ot li-
isr, ami pi-oiiipliy
To insure good - material, stipulate in
all your Contracts for Painting that nothing
shall be used except C. T. Raynolds & Co's
Pure Paints and Oils.
Painters who use C. T. Raynolds & Co's Paints and
Oils do the BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK, because PURE
LONGER than any ether.
Itcpublicmi .State
Central Committee.
A meetinjr of tlie Republican. State Cen
tral Committee or the State ot i regon will
hp. lie i'l in I lie citv ot Salem on W'eilnes
il:iy, 18. IS-si). at 2 o'clock P.M. A
full atteiiilanee is requested.
DAVID Fl'.OMAX, Clmirmaii.
Joseph SniON. Secretary.
I.:iker. ..Mill on V !. i te
Itenlon.K. Jl. Mi'K'my
I 'lav'Kiiiiias. . 1". I':i.j;et
Clatsop F. Tnvlos-
'oltunl)in4V M-!Vile
Coos W . Tower
iTiirrv M. If i'ev
lonirlas...K. i. Iliv.-si
linint J. W. Clmrch
Jiieksnn.J ! Chit wood
Josephine Tlios Floyd
Lake C 1$. Watson
I. inn 1' Froinan
l.ane J II. McClung
'.ii'ion.. H . .'. lieer
Mul;noinah JnsSimon
Polk A. V. I.UCA4
Ti;!ani:ok Ur. I.tiscelle
t 'niii' ii!a vaeant
1' W.J. Snodstrass
VTaso K. 1.. Smith
Wasliincrton .1. laton
YauihiU...J. W. Watts
Ki'imlilicnii pnjiers ji'ease copy.
Chas. tV- Plnmraer,
Paints, Oils and Glass,
tJ Ilrujjs and Drutifristx'' Rimilries l-oiii lhe
Enst ; also the larsesi anil most coinpleteH'ock
.r i .ui.m, uml l.iorm fixture ever brouirht to
this citv. tHT" Prescriptions rarelnlly
pounilcd at all times, lay or night.
l"V3 P0U0iT3 PLASTEa
. r '-vt ' ' "".rfl whero
.i. i s fi I even i I jio. it. contains
. 1.H- : pu- re!--.", i"". p''-
- I f- - .vs ? :":t-.i t1 t r-rn
i.Nt r. n-'ji ii .-;:t;.r'0!- ? i I11..11
II il
ft 'I
:f-'l- fr:j-Lv''!Ui-'l
-v-:ir fif iu '-(--. 1'.1
'v f -i v.-- .ril." ' fr
i-?:,"'r'',t. .J.
eeincterv and oilier stone
and ilispatch. Siwcia!
lorwanieii. vu wrK war
3 St KSIAX, US. 1.,
near All
KFIOE ANIi 11KSH1EXCE -On Second St.,
ar Aloauv Knmne Co. f
any Engine Co. Jo. One's engine
Ihaiiy, Or., Jan. 9, lS80-vl2n!5
pits gaisfitute,
Albany, Oregon..
Tlie Second Xcrm will open on
November 12lli, 1879.
courses of inst ruction will lie pursneii in
this Institute, viz: Classical, Scientific and
is ormui.
A Fall Corps of Instructors lias teen
For particulars concerning the courses of
study ana the price ot tuition, apply to
Rev. ELBERT X. COX O IT, Prea.
August 8, 1879vlln45
Ladies' Variety Emporium.
MRS. 15. J. HYDE
German Zephyr, Canrtu, Thread, rins,
Needles, Buttons, Heal Hair Switch
es and Curls, Hosiery, Stamped
Goods, Cc, fcc, Cc.
Also, Agent for pr. Warner's
Iallh rnrtll f
Child's Waist!
and Madam Foye
Cdrset Slcirt Supporter.
Ksm-reneh stampinif done to orderw
I3&iSBroadalbiu St.,oppoaite PostOffloejaSr
A Specific Remedy fcr all tlie
For Debility, T,oss of Memory, Indispo
sition to Kxertion or Ilnsiiiess, Sliortiied
ot Rreatli, Tronbleil with Thonglita of Dis
ease, Dimness ot Vision. I'aiu in the Buck,
Cliest mid Ileatl, JJnub of Blow) to tlio
Heml. Tale Countenance anil Dry Skin.
If these symptoms are allowed to go on,
very freqneiitly i;pileitio Fit mill Con
fiiniptKm follow. When lhe constitution
becomes affeeted. it leqiiin s the aiij of an
invigorating medicine to streiitluii and
tone lip the system, which
"Helmlsold's Buohu"
By any remedy known. It Is prescribed
by the most eminent physicians all ovef
the world, in
jRItcuisiaf im,,
Jnligcf ion,
CoiiKf iftalion,
A lc lain,
dienrral Jlcliililv,
Kidney litiweaseN,
Iivcr Complaiiit,
Nervous llebilitv,
IBead roultles,
" laralyis.
-eiiei-aI ill lieallli,
.Spinal Iiieae8,
Hervoiis Complaints,
Female Complaiiit, &e.
Headache. Tain In the Shoiildors.Cough,
Dizziness, Sour Stomach. Eruptions, Bail
Taste In the Mouth, Palpitation of tha
Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys,
and a thousand other painful symptoms,
are the offsprings ot Dyspepsia.
InvloruteN the Stomucli,
And stimulates the torpid TJver, Bowels
and Kidneys, to healthy notion, in cleans
ing the blood of all impurities, and impart
ing new life and vigor to the whole system
A single trial will be quite siiilluient to
convince the most hesitating of iu valuable
remedial qualities.
Or Sis "Dottles for $5.
Delivered to any address free Irom obser
vation. "Patients' may consult by letter, receiv
ing the same attention as by calling.
Competent Physicians attend to corres
pondents. All letters should be addressed
Druggist and Chemist,
Philadelphia, Pa,
See tiat the -private Preprietarr
Stamp 1 on each bottle.
fold Everywhere.