The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 16, 1880, Image 1

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Oa tis Space Four "Weeks.
n. HUMPHREY, Agent.
vllnSS ,
A his friend
I and file public
areiierally, that
is now settled in bis-
on the old stand next door to I, t '. Harper tt'o ,
where ean be found lis great an assortment and
as large a stock of
-Stoves and Eanges
" asenn be found in any one house this side of
Portland, and at as
p3 C3ripOS,
Catiroii, Brass & Kiianiclel
i i:,iS2S,
in great variety. Also,
!iect Iron,
alvanizcl Iron,
Copper ware,
slTr.iv on hand, and made to order, AT LIV
JtX on XX :cr-
Al'xinjr. Oeto!er2i, KHrt
Caraer First ani Ells-worts, sts.,
Has asnin taken charge of the
City Drug Store,
having purchase! th." entire interest of C. W.
bhaw. sm"Mir to A. Oirothers Co., and is
now receiving a
Splendid 2T3v7 Stock,
which, added to the former, renders it very
cm?l'te in all the di ir.?i-e!i t d-oari incuts.
Feeling assured that ail can be suite. 1 in both
Quality and Fries,
he cordially invites his ohl friends and custom
era to give him a call.
P33S.H,TI02T3, .'
TTIll reeel-e immediate and eareful attention
a all bount, nay nuil u !;,-...
egg- Pure Wiljcs and biijuors for mcdicinu
purpose. " K. SALT, -AKSII.
t.SC TT-SvlO
First street, 3 doors west of Ferry,
tOI.ACH.EB & GGSTZ, Prop's.
TT.lVIStf nnrchased the City Market, I will
X X. I
-. . . . . . , i.
.'kmn constantly on hand all kindsof Meats
... .... t tn 1m nhiiiiiw-l III the market.
I will strive at all times to meet the wishes of
!1 who may tor nie im : .
The public eneially are invited to ill at inj
ahup .when In want of meats. &irXh highest
rash pric imid for I'OUK.
ew Geodi J Xew Departure !
I t I ill v- IV .... ...... - - -
iovl,ir lost added thereto a new invoice of late
Clioice Hilliaory, Trimmiags,
. - - a ... .!. C InFilini
1 ton nets. Hats. c., takes pleasure in inviting
the ladies of Albany and vicinity to ill and
insnect for themselves. All ffoodfs will be sold
..t.. ttiu iltV'enmnetitioll
Having secured tlie servi-s of a first class
.,, mt fti and make dresses In
any style desired at short not iee and in asatis-
laJ ??. l. in o- tor ehlldren asneeialty
Kt?.reon north slde.of First. east of Ellsworth
street. You are Invitett to can.
il UH. O. Li. PARKS.
87. 1879-
Zaialli'ble Indian. Remedies.
A Sure Shot For
t ho Indian tribes of the coast and the Inte
rior, I have had the tfood fortune to c"y'
from the "Medicine" men of the several tribes,
"nnd from other sources, a number of remedies
for diseases incident to tins country. iwne
inmfnr. harh oml hark, mil bavintcoeen
solicited hy many people of this valley, who
liave tried and proved the effleacy of them In
disease, to procure and offer the saute for sale,
I take this means of announcing to all that,
unrliiK the past season, 1 nave made an exrenu
n l tinr IhA mountains and valleys,
and have secured certain of these remedies
which are a sure cure lor .
Fever and Ague.
Those snrYertng from Aene who desire to be
cured, ean leave orders at Mr. Strong's store on
First street, where I will furnish the remedies,
warranting; a radical care or I will demand no
pay. . W. H. JOtlM.
6Remedies done up in (1 packages. 1-1-1
a montli and expenses guaranteed to Atfts
Ouitit free, SliAW a Co., Augusta. Maiuu
FI-I--. - Kl t'lIAMBERI-AIXi
at Law,
OFFICE-In Foster's new brick block, first
door to the lull, up r lairs. vllnlj
ro well a Bir. yeit.
Attorneys at mw anrt Solicitors
in Chancery.
Albany, - Okwwx.
COI I KCTIONS promptly made on all vxiints.
tau'i negotiated on reasonable terms.
Ottice in roster's new block.
1SOT4UY nunc.)
Attorney at Law,
.i.i.n n State. speeial attention giv- probate uKUtera. Ofkick
In Odd Fellows' Temple. "4. vltl
1. It. Ji. IlLACKBtRX,
Hsimplirey "t AVolvcrton,
Attorneys ami Counselors at
W of tliistnte. okkick in FromaiCs brick
(up stairs! Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
ALUAxr, ohegox.
OFFICE- Vp stair?
on First street.
Vli stairs, over John 15ri.
Attorney anrt Counselor at Law.
Offier, Ohl It OiJI-v liitihlinrj. Albany, Oreptm.
TII.I. PRACTICE in the different Courts of
it. 51. c-asLE-Y,
OFr A'K-In Pavrish block, north skle First
street. A Ibanv. Oreiron.
All burliness prompt iv and carefully attended
to. vlln.W
Physician asad Surgeon,
Froinans'n ISi iek, tip. stairs,
I'll st .Htreet,
H:iiij , Orejro"-
C. C. KELLY, M. I.,
Residence one door north of broom tm-to-ry,
Lyon street. Ilvl3
1). W. BALLAKI), M. I. J. M. PliWELl., M. t.
OKfTt'E- At Lebanon Pntit Store. I'2n2!
Fresco, Sign, Scene,
Pictorial Painting.
esh;ninc; a specialty.
J Rooms r. and 7, l'arrish bloek. corner First
and Ferr streets. Allwny, Oreiron.
dealer in
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Iron, Steel and Jleehantes" Tools,
Firat door ast of S. E. Youni,
AhJtAXY, (vllnW) OHF.GOX.
Mrs. C. Houk, Proprietor.
THIS HOCSE has been thorouKlily overhaul
ed and renovated, and placed in tirst class
condition for theaeeonimodalion of itsiiuests.
Good finrle Room for Commercial Travelers.
General Stage Otliee for Corvallis. Indeiiend
enee and Ixibanon. Frre t'i'li to and from
Ihehome. vllnt!)
Manufacturers of
Carriages and Wagons.
LARGE stock Cnrriasresand Wasronsconstnnt
lv on hand. ft& Repnirinfj and job work
doneat short notice and in the most skilful!
manner. 5i-l
8 Ferry Street, Allmny, Or.
Dealer and Manufacturer of
No Venecrinti No Sham. Also Oregon Asli,
Maine and Pine Suits. Sprinjr Beds. Pure
Hair Matrasses. Also moss, wool, t-uiu anu
Straw Beds on hand and made at Iowest Rates.
Work and !f.ods warranted as represent e A.
Corner Second and Ferry Nta., ilhnny.
Albany, : Oi-egon.
1. inffj.irolrv asneeialtv. Call. VllnlJ
Ae r 'Km H me"
Ah I i. tYtnr own town
.', outfit free.
SbDONorlsk. Reader, if you want a business
at which persons of either sex cjiii makeftreat
pavall the time when they work, write lor jar
titar a. HALLETT A Co., Portland, Me,
Kindness and its Ucwartl.
Alice sat in front of tne little table,
washing the breakfast dishes, a bright
haired girl, with large wistful blue
e'es, whorn you would never tsuf'pect
to be a cripple until you saw her seated
on a wheeled chair, by means of which
she propelled herself back and forth.
Yet, although ehe herself was the only
servant of the establishment, the floor
was daintily clean, the windows shone
like sheeted diamonds and the curtains
were white and neatly darned. For little
Alice, at eighteen, was a born house
keeper, a:td took as much delight in the
details of her homely, domestic life as
if she had been a child p'aying with a
doll house instead of Moses Haywood's
crippled daughter.
"It is puzzling sometimes," said Alice
wrinkling her pretty brown brows over
the housekeeper's book ; "because
there's only just so much money and
the expenses have got to be met ; and
it you get the least little bit in debt,
there it is, hanging around your neck
like a millstone to the end of the year.
L'ut then, again, if there weren't any
difficulties in this style of housekeeping
what would be the credit."
And then Alice would shake her
bright brown braids, bite the end of her
pencil, and begin again with the trouble
some array ot figures. 1 Ihit upon this
particular day the color burned more
teverih!y than ever in her check ; the
teacups clinked nervously together as
she rinsed them out. j ; '
lint ro;es Hay wood, a white haired,
prematurely old man, sat over the
"Clas.-ical Dictionary" at the other end
of the room and only smiled quietly.
"Filly pounds," t-ai.l Alice. "It's a
deal of money, father, dear, and you've
been years saving it up ''
"You ara rigi't, my dear," said the
schoolmaster calmly, "it is a deal of
money. Hut what h mouey worth it
we can't nse it to help our fellow crea
tures with ?"
"And I dare say he's ever so much
richer tl.prt you, father,' pursued Alice
"He is my wife's cousin," Alice," said
the old man, "and he is in sore need.
I5e comtortel, my child, ii is only a
loan." j
"Only a loan!" repeated indignant
Alice. Father, you'd never see it
asram. J eopie are always uorruwnig
and nobody ever thinks of repaying
Gently, daughter Alice, gently,"
chided the ohl man. l1t is bet to he
charitable to all men in thought as we-1
as in deed. It is true t! at I had antici
pated laying this filly pounds out in a j
few books for myself, anew dress tor:
yon, and in a carjiet for our sitting
room ; but never mind. We sha'l do
very well as we are, and tf ilr. Wat
kins rtaily liee-ds this money'
I don't lielieve he needs it half as
much as we do," burst m Alice.
And she wheeled the cnair across the
room to give the linnet his i fresh seed
and water, while Haywood, folding up
tho fifty-pound note which; had been
the bone of contention, placed it in an
envvlone and walked away.
Tt i too bad of father;? thought
Alice, left alone by herself. do be
lieve he would give the coat oft" his
back ii any one asked for it.; But he
ought to think of himself and he ought
to think of me." And a lew uncon
scious tears splashed down on the tin-
net's glass water cup aa Alice thought
of the long treasured fifty pounds.
Just a week subsequently Mr Wal
ter Watkinn sat in his back parlor, a
wrinkled old gentleman with light blue
eyes like staring marbles and a curious
upward sneer to the curves' ot his
mouth, while on the table in front ot
him lay a pile ot letters.
"Now we'll see," said Mr. Walking
to himself, what all the ties of relation
ship are worth. I've written pitiful
letters to my' six cousins, and I'll be
willing to wager lite biggest diamond
in my ring that there isn't a penny in
all these answers. We'll see."
The first letter, as it transpired, was
from tho Rev. Theodore Talkington
who inclosed a tract entitled 'Return,
ye sinners," recommended a course of
prayer meetings, and stated that the
Rev. Theodore was quite unable to
help his Cousin Walter except by good
advice. i
"I thought so," said Mr. Watkins.
The 6econd was from Mrs. Calista
Jones, the wife of a prosperous mer
cl ant.
"My dear cousin," it said, in little
spider-webby characters, "your letter
fills me with surprise Such necessity
can only have its source in dissipation
or speculation. With neither of those
can you expect me, a Christian matron,
to sympathize. AJuder the circumstances
I must beg to decline further postal
communication with you. Respectful
ly, etc., etc., etc"
The upward curves around Mr. Wat
kins' mouth lengthened themselves out
into the nearest approach to a smile in
which the caustic old gentleman ever
indulged, as he neatly labeled and
docketed this letter also, and opened
still tho third, in which Mr. Benjamin
Courtenay regretted the straitened state
of his financial affairs, and bluntly rec
ommended some public charitable in
stitution as the best refuge for his cous-
in's declining years.
"Humph, linmph!" muttered Mr.
Watkirs. '"So he would pack me oft"
to the poor-hrnse, would he? Very
kind and considerate ot him, very."
Mr. Peter Dilks was a stage less cer
emonious than others.
"Did his cousin Watkins think he
was made ot money ? Did he think it
was his business to supply every old
pauper! In that case Mr. Watkins
would find himself terribly mistaken,
and so no more from his to command.
P Dilks."
The fifth epistle from Mrs. Million
naire was excessively civil and as hard
as granite. She begged to call Mi
Watkin's attention to the fact that she,
Mrs. Millionaire, was but his second
cousin after all, and she really wonder
ed at his audacity in expecting her to
patch up his ruined fortunes. She in
closed a card to an employment office,
and hoped to be troubled no more with
such useless applications.
Mr. Watkins silently folded this let
ter and opened the one direcle.1 in
-Most Haywood's clerky calligraphy
To his surprise, when he broke the seal,
out foil a postoiiiiie older ot 50.
"My dear Cousin Watkins," wrote
the school master, "I grieve deeply to
hear ot your financial distress, and here
bv inclose all I have on hand. It-is
not much but I beg of von to accept
it in the same spirit in which it is given."
Old Walter Watkins brushed his
wrinkled hand across his shaggy brows,
"The poorest,, most obscure ot them
all,' he said. "The one ot whom I
expected least. Well, wonde.s will
neyer cease." And taking up his pen
he wrote hack briefly
"C'olsin Haywood : I thank you
W. Watkins."
"Father, are yon sure you are well
enough to gti bask into school ?"
Alice had drawn up her wheeled
chair close to the lounge on which old
Moses had dragged himself into a sit
ting posture.
Yes, child, yes," he said, drawing
his' hand across his forehead ; "I must
be well enough ! The child rbn's parents
are setting impatient! I shall lose my
scholars if I don't go back into harness
to day."
"Father, father," cried poor Alice,
piteously, "it we had but that money
you saved so long and painfully that
money yon gave to old.Mr. Watkins
it would have brought you health,
strength, repose now."
"My daughter," said the old man
mildly, "all that is past considering
now. And remember, he that iveth
to the roor lendeth to the Lord."
lie was in the school that morning
trying to accustom his whirling head
to the c'amoroua voices of the little ones
when there came a loud rap at the door
and a well-dressed, bluff-looking stran
ger walked in and looked ui.cermoni-
ously around him.
"Is this Moses Haywood, th eschool-
master?" he asked, with outstretched
"That is my name, sir," said the old
"I congratulate you," cried the stran
ger, nearly wringing poor Moses' hand
"Sir !" said the schoolmaster.
x on re a rich man !" roared the
"I I think I must be dreaming
said Moses, putting his hand to his
"Not a bij, ot it," paid the stranger j
"not a bit of it. "It's your wife's cous
in, Walter Watkins, of
"Yes," said Moses Haywood. "I re
member nowI lent him fifty pounds;
I suppose hehas sent you to return it?"
"Fifty pounds," echoed the stranger.
"It is a thousand I He is dead, and
has willed, you all his money. Pretty
good interest on fifty pounds for a year,
eh? But ray client was always cccen-
16 1880.
trie. There's a string or names down
in his will for ten shilling each, because,
as he states, they wouldn't lend him as
much as that when he asked for it a
lot of cousins, you know-and it's all
left you as the only one who responded
genially to his call. I say, sir," with
another overpowering shake of the hand,
I congratulate you, with all my heart !" j
And the Autumn-tide ot Moses Hay
wood's lite is passed in the sunshine of
wealth and prosperity, and Alice has
her hot-houses, her aviary and her
'Father," she says, softly, with her
cheek against his wrinkled hand, "you
were right, after all, and I was wrong.
Kindness is sure to filid 'its reward."
Xlie Stone By The Koatfslde.
Wbere the town of Randolph now
carries on its busy traffic, Egbert Ba
con's farm was once . located. Egbert
Bacon was my grandfather. His farm
covered more than 700 good acres and
lie consiuereu himseit wealthy, as ne
undoubtedly was. lie started in lite a
poor boy, and his honest accumulation
was the result of his toil.
Grandfather was a very peculiar man.
Many persons considered him penurious,
but he was really liberal ; and from the
fact that his charitses were given in sc
cresy, people supposed that he never
contributed to good works. It was in
his old age (and he lived to a gieat peri
od) that a company ot speculators
bought his land, because of the fine
water power that ran through it, an 1
as soon as they erected the mills the
place began to go forward until Bacon's
farm was a thing ot the past. I recol
lect when the tirst mill was built and I
well remember my boyish enriotity in
watching the mechanics who worked
upon it.
My grandmother was about the same
nre as her husband. She did not long
survive his death and I missed a good
friend and counselor when she left me.
Grandfather expected me to be a far
mer but as 1 never had any taste for
hard work my thoughts and inclinations
went another way. Ot course he was
not at all pleased with my slubbornnessi
but my good grandmother always
stepped between me and his wrath and
shielded me from his displeasure.
Tl-.e old gentleman was a sturdy man
at 70 years He was invariably dressed
in brown clothes and wore so broad a
brim to his low crowned hat that he
might easily have been taken for a
Quaker at first sight. But get him an
gry once (for his irritability was easily
aroused) and he would let fly such
sharp and vehement sentences that it
was sometimes difficult to imagiue that
they were not profane.
I was 19 years old and was deeply
in love with Sallie Miller, the young
lady who played the organ at the Cross
Roads Church and was the finest dancer
among all the girls in the country.
Grandfather had conceived a dislike
for Sa'ly because she was a musician.
He had no ear for music and was not
"moved by concord ot sweet sounds,"
and nothing so quickly excited his ire
as to ecrape a violin within his hearing,
or to strike a cord upon the piano.
Much against my grandfather's in
clination he premitted me to enter the
law office of Mr. Smart, as a studeut.
Had it not been for the offices of my
grandmother I should not have had
the wish ot my heart gratified. But
she smoothed the way for my grand
father's consent. But be never ceased
to ridicule me for my pretentions and
positively refused to give me his consent
to marry Sallie Miller. It would not
have been a wie thing in me to cross
the old gentleman's whims, lor I was
his heir; and he could have found
another without much difficulty, so I
never urged my case, but humored him
in every way I could think cf.
"What are you thinking about,
father," ray grandmother inquired.
She always called him by that name.
;I was thinking," be slowly replied,
taking the pipe from between his lips
and dropping both hands upon his
knees, "that a few years hence, and one
won't see good old hickory logs burn-
inc on the andirons. Stoves and grates,
and that infernal coal that m&kes gss
enough to suffocate a household, will
supply the place ot our old fashioned
I ought to have held my tongue, for
he was not speaking to me, but I want
ed to frhow off soma of my Bmartness,
and so I replied :
"Oh ! my dear sir, there is really no
occasion for having a stovo which per
mits the gas to escape. We bare now
gas consuming stoves, and one is not
&ibled in the way you suppose."
"Pray, Mr. Smartness, permit me to
inquire how long" you have been pos
sessed of this valuable information ? I
have known it for some years, or rather
have heard it said that these stoves
were gas-burners, but it's all a lie;
there's not a word of truth in it. I've
known them to send out as much gas
as would kill an ox, it he were confined
in the atmosphere. Now, sir, don't
you feel like a fool ?"
"Come, now, father," . replied my
grandmother, "don't be eo severe on
the boy." (She called me a boy to the
day of her death). "He only told you
what he heard, no doubt, and ot course
every one is liable la make mistakes,
especially about such matters."
"That puts me in mind," continued
my grandfather, "of asking you how
you are coming on with your piano-
playing friend ?"
"I scarcely see her except on Sun-
"Humph !" returned my grandfather,
clearing his throat.
I did not like the ejaculation. I had
often heard it before, and I regarded it
with the same apprehension that a mar
iner does an ugly cloud that rises up to
the windward.
"Humph!" he continued, blowing a
iolumn of smoke toward the china orna
ment on the mantle-piece, "what are
you good for?" He looked very
squarely at me as he asked the ques
tion. He evidently expected a reply,
so I answered by saying that as yet I
did not know.
"That's candid, at all events," he re
plied. "I've been thinking a good deal
about you of late, and it occurred to
me that you might make a poor lawyer
after all. And you know what a poor
lawyer is. You remember Simmons,
the man who used to board about upon
the farms during the Summer time ?
Well, he was what they termed a poor
lawyer. He hadn't brains enough to
make his profession support him, and
was ready to do writing or saw
wood to help eke out a livelihood."
' lT.tT 1 1 n i-n n f . o 1 ,1 vnn aM,ntalliav "
. . v. ..... ....-w. ... . j s . a . , .a . t ,
suggested my grand mother.
He did not appear to notice her re
mark, but continued :
"Can yon turn a somersault?"
"I never tried," I replied.
"Then yon are not as expert as a
clown. For the life of me I can't see
what good you are going to do in the
"And I can't see," said my dear old
grandmother, "what occasion there will
be for tlie boy to mend clocks or turn
sumersaults. To hear you talk, one
would think you had nothing to leave
him but your advice, and that is uot of
the most encouraging nature."
A young man should rely upon him
self, returned my grandfather. "Riches
take wings. I've managed to hold my
property together pretty well, but how
do I know he will da so when you and
I are gone ? He'll marry Miss Miller.
What sort of a wife will the make
him ? Smart with her heels, no doubt.
Nimble with her fingers at the old
organ, but those won't serve to keep
family from going headlong to destruc
tion." "Sally Miller is a very prudent and
useful girl," replied my erandmother.
"I don't 6ee what yon find amiss in
"Don't you?" he replied. Then he
relapsed into filence, and smoked and
looked into the fire.
By and by he got up and walked out
of the room, and then my dear old
grandmother took my hand and held it
within her own, and told mo not to
fret, that she would bring my grand
father to think better of my sweet
heart. I thanked her ever so much, but I
had little hope that she would ever be
About this time my grandfather was.
selling some property in the town where
I was reading law, and it became neces
sary for him to go there to sign the
deed for the 6ale. At his request I
accompanied him.
It was nearly evening when his busi
was finished, and wo set out on our
return home. Eour thousand dollars,
the proceeds ot the sale, my grand
father carried in bank notes on his per
son, as it was too late to mako a deposit
in the bank. The old gentleman was
in good humor, and talked pleasantly
as we drove along. My mind was full
of schemes just at that time, as to how
1 was to support Sallie Miller it I mar
ried ber. betore my, grandfather died.
NO. 16.
I little dreamed that eie we got borne
a way would be openeato me We wera
going down a steep hill and it was now
quite dark, when the horse stumbled
and fell and in an instant a shaft was
snapped in twain. I sprang out of the
wagon, and grandfather quickly foK'
The horse in his fall had become en- '
tangled in the harness, and lay helpless
upon the earth. The moon was just"
rising, and gave but an uncertain light,
tor the sky was full of fleecy clouds,
but still it was light enough to perceive
grandfather drop the package ot four ;
thousand dollars as he stooped down to '
free the horse. There it lay at my feet,"
and he was unconscious of his lo.-"
Another instant I picked it np and was
holding it behind me, irresolute bow to
act. You will understand that I did'
not mean to steal it, but somehow or
other I had an indistinct idea that I .
could make the occasion subserve my
aims. There was a large flat ftona by
the roadside. I had trapped a rabbit "
there once and I knew there was a con
siderable cavity beneath it. An instant
later and the 4,000 was deposited in
the hole. ;
Tho shaft being tied up we got on"
our way home again, but it was mid-
night ere we arrived at home. ,
Grandfather had not been within
doors five minutes ere he discovered the
loss of his money, lie didn't get angry,'
but he was frightened. It was the
time in my lite I had witnessed
him alarmed. '
"I've lost my money," he exclaimed,'
as he drew his hand from his coat pock-"
et. Then he slid down, like a helpless
child, into a chair, and the cold perspir
ation broke out in large drops upon his
forehead. His face became very white.'
Grandmother was standing by his side."
"Never mind," she exclaimed j
grandson will go baes: and look for it,
and I dare say, will find it too.
"Four thousand dollars "x don't lay7
long on any road, however nnm?'J.uemV"
ed, and the road we traveled to-nigi"? t ,
has always some one passing over it.
JS o, the money won t be tound, Ab!
me," and the old ' mtlh -lay" back ia bur-',
cliair like one ill.
For ah instant my heart reproached:'
me, and I was ready to confess my trick, "
tor my grandfather looked the picture
of despair.
"I'll go and saddle a horse and ride
back. 1 suppose you must have lost it '
when the horse was being freed from
the harness. 'Tis only three miles back. '
and the moon is now up. It won't "
take me long to ride it,"
"I think I'll go with yon," said the '
old man. I
"Don't think of it," I replied. "Trust '
me, grandfather ; if I can't mend a'
clock or turn a somersault, you will ac
knowledge I was always a good hooter. "
I'll bet you anything you dare that I'll '
recover every dollar of your money."
' "Do you think so ?" be asked, grasp. '
ing me by the hand. "You must not
mind what I said to you, my boy,"
about being good tor) nothing. You.
are ray grandson and my heir, too. All ' :
I have will be yours some day."
'There's one thing you won't agree""
to let roe have," I replied.
He waved his band, j
"I know what you are going to say,"
he answered. "Well, your grand."
mother has been talking to me on that
subject. Go along, boy, bring me' backr"
the 64,000 and I'll allow you to marry
Sallie Miller." 1
I made a spring for the door and was :
hurrying to the stable, when the old
gentleman followed me. "
"Remember ray conditions.the $4,000
I lost. Find that for me and yon can '
marry Sallie Miller, and I'll provide''
yon. ut it you fail to bring me the
money, I say, I say nay, and perhaps
for a good while tocome.'"
I flew along the road as fast as a
good horse could carry me, bnt felt like'
a guilty wretch as I knelt down by the'
stone and passed my hand beneath it.'
A gleam of happiness erossed my heart
as I held the package in my hand.
My first impulse was to hurry home'1
as fast as I had thither. But reflecting '
that tuy speedy return might throw ar
suspicion on the affair, I allowed the '
horse to walk nearly the whole dis-"
Grandmother met mo at the door. '
She said my grandfather had been
counting the minutes since I left. He "
was still in the sitting room.
I held the package up, and grand. '
mother kissed me.
(Continued on fourth page,)-