The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 02, 1880, Image 2

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    ALBANY, ORECOX, JAX. 2. 1S80.
The law r Maine, says tlie Oregnnft.
Ttvjn4rei the secretary of state to send out
blank poll books and tally lists to tlie varl
w. count lea to be waed n the elections.
Before, tlie election lust tall the Democratic
secretary ot state sent out tliese blanks,
aad U is asserted that tbey wrre iKrtr the
lortn required bv bur. This was done In
order to use the delrctlve list In tlie effort
W steal the State. So It wins tlmt. tlie
plan m long ago laid to perpetuate tlie
wrong, a tact which. adds to" It critui'ual
fcy and changes the'iriiaracter 'of Jlte act
from a Violent partisan (novo . to gross
outrage upon the people s rights. , . , ,
- v - :---- .mi ; '
-The Sr. Got hard rnnnel la" reported to lie
within 850 meters (about 930 yards) ot he
log completed, so that tlie contractor ran
probably complete their work, as proml-wl
in ISSfV The tunnel I nine mi to - lng
ami was estimated to cuet about f 10.000,
000. The railroad for which It tuts been
built will rnn from Fluelen, and give a rail
route -from "I.ncerne' to Tielinzona. and
Qience to Como. ' It will open up.nn nl
mrw4 straight line from Paris to Naples, by
way of Milan. Florence and Rome. The
reftrT, apart from the tnnnel.U to cost f 7
000, boa and Is to be pakl for by Italy. Ger-
mahy and Switzerland. At present, dill
jsenee and private carriage carry passen
ger over the mountains at great cost, but
with the corresponding advantage that the
traveler gets a chance to breathe mountain
sir and see the beautiful scenery instead of
being ' whirled through a hole in tlie
mountain. " '
v The Maine infamy Is only the natural
ontgrewth ot the policy adopted by the
Democracy and put in general practice
some five years ago. It was first tested
by Tilden and Tweed in New Turk in
JSCS, at which time tlie ilan workeu suc
cessfully in the State of New York. En
couraged by -this success S. J. Tilden
laid his plans to carry his own election to
the Presidency in 1378 by extending hi
operations to all doubtful States. From tlie
dispatches it appears tlmt the notorious Ben
Butler is figuring in this villainous game.
It would seem that these leaders are fit
only tot treason, stratagem and spnils ;
no depth of iniquity is too low for them to
stoop, and tbey are ready to adopt any
means to accomplish the end in view.
From ballot-box stuffing and fraudulent
naturalization papers In New York, they
resort to bulldozing in Mississippi. Jymls
Jan and Florida, and to bribing in South
Carolina, culminating in the Gabble fraud
In Oregon, only-to be revived in Maine by
le aid of Butler, with all his acute prac
tice In plotting. Ex. . ;
jOn the 20th of December, John H.
Oberly, of Springfield, 111., introduced in
the Democratic State Central Committee
his resolution condemning without quali
fication "any fraud whereby the will of
fae people it subverted by national or State
mi i tlsorilles. 1tTbIa resolution, which gives
expression to a sentiment in which all
good eitlzens. of whatever party, could
and should heartily nl, caused . the
greatest excitement, and the fifty
prominent Democrats' who, it Is stated,
participated in the councils of that body,
tenorrrecd the resolution as a firebrand
thrown In for the purpose of distracting
and dividing the party. They seein-d to
fiMHerti as one man some suspicious refer
nee in the resolution. To shut out all
such suspicions, an amendment was offered,
declaring that no allusion was intended to
recentr counts in Maine ; but tlie amend
ment -'was looked open with snspicion
and voted dewn, as was the original reso
lution. This action of the fifty promi
nent Democrats' shows that the party Is
tm willing to condemn any attempts to sub
vert ttse Will of the people when sncb at
tempts are undertaken in the supposed in
terests of the Democratic party. If the
csmsore ' " was understood to be aimed
against their political adversaries withont
In any way Implicating themselves, why
KbouUIt have been regarded as a fire
brand, or have given rise, as the telegraph
informs us It did, to M an acrimonious de
bate of tour bonrs duration " It is evi
dent that Mr. Oberly is in extremely .dull
man Or an extremely unsophisticated
politician.- ''
The growing strength of the great rail
oadf corporations has for years past been a
cause of apprehension to toe people ot the
United States.,' Recent telegrams announce
that the present congress proposes to take
bold of the matter In earnest, and enact
legislation looking to the checking of these
grasping monopolies. It is a question that
needs the closest scrutiny and the wisest
statesmanship, as there Is danger that im"
proper legislation may creep in and oper
ate .against instead of in favor of the
public weal. '. .'. "'.., -T '
.. - -- V ' ' 3 .
T2m Mormons are charged with Inciting
the tTte Indians to the bloody and brutal
work" committed by them so recently; ' All
Sorts by the commission to bring the un
ruly Indians to terms have failed, accord
ing to last accounts, and the government
will bs compelled to enter npoo a bloody,
nd U may be, a long continued war, to
punish the Utes for deeds done at the In
stigation of the Mormons. If tba Utes
must be exterminated for .their cruelties,
what should be, done to those who instig
ated them to the bloody work t '
The expenses taken from the contingent
fund during the demoereolo congress have
been $239,085, an Incalp of- fUXg$3t or
sixty !x -per cent, ovsb the last republican
congress, , Te money was chiefly spent
by Jarlcetlpg cotnmiaees la all parts of the
oontJiSftmte"s to democratic economy
Lord Lytton -nds - that he baa an
elephntuen bis bands' ta the person of
Takoob fean. Ills presestoa as a captive
la India is fclt to Bdanger a ylsmg ot bis
fellow ) inisselmans .should any dte&ster
erertaka General Bobect'c commaiid. .
A T.ondm tch-gram gives an account of
tin givmr. way ot tlie bridge over the Tay
by which tlie night traiiwconsisting'ni four
third class, one first fbts. one sWoimI class
aiHl tim braki-sman's van.: was precipitated
a dUtauee ot 88 sVet into the river, which
averages from 40 to 45 feet In depth. A
furious gate previiiled. and eleven girders
of tlie long central spans of tlie bridge,
each 245 feet,' and one su of 145 feet in
length, gave way, causing tlie accident.
Ol nil on bnenl tliejialn. ssengers and
einpirtyiVs of thero"il,"iiot a snid wassave!
all perished. '"It ii N-lieveil that J.O peo
ple wer thus . linrried into eternity. - A
tltoroogh investigation will lie made Into
the causes of so terrible a disaster. .
- -The conduct ot the Main democrats ex
cite more open admiration in the south
titan it doe auywliere else. MtK fiorthern
papers of mvv I"uervtive preteu-ious. fle
nouiicc it an'sliameles. But in the south
It is considered by democratic organ as
vne of the mnferplece ot tlemocTacy whlcli
has been achieved in tlie noith for a long
time. Tlie JiMnwnd I)iiitch remarks
couiinendlugly that "Maine is not withont
true blue democrat.' which i just about
the wnv -tlie republicans ntKlershinil It.
Tlie efrle of proceeding in Maine i indeed
true blue ilemoi:ratic."' S were tlie
Yazoo shooting and the Chlslmlin liiassaere.
The comitry is very rapidly aoqilrii:g an
aivnraie coiKvplUm of the true blue demo
cratic creed. Omytuian.
It is believed that a large limnlier of
tenant farmers of Englaiid; who have ac
quired some wealth, but see nothing hi tlie
agricultural outlook to induce thetn to
remain hi their own country, will come to
this country next season in search of
home. Many delegations from farming
communities In England and Scotland
have visited our couutr3' during the past
season, in search ot information as to the
most attractivu points; fur the purchase
of homes, etc. .
.lay GouM now controls tlie following
railroads, and he wants more : Union
I'acitic Kansas pacific. WahasluSt. TMiis,
Kansas City niul Nurtlieru, Missouri Paci
fic, St. .Irweph suit Denver. Colorado Cen
tral. Utah Southern. Utah Northern. St.
Louis and Sun Francisco, Pari and Dan
ville, Chieaeo and P:uhicah. Chic:lgn and
Strawit. Denver and South Park. lenver
and Grande, Hannibal and Sr. .loseph,
Denver Pad lie. Detroit and Eel River,
and a few minor roads.
The New AUviuy l!i(r-Stiiu0wfi, thX
most tiittneistUI (lemncnitic jountai in In
diana. U out in favor of the importation
into Indiana ot 20.000 Kentucky democrat
to be piacel upon farms and employed as
laborer or skil'rt artisans. Tlie Ledtrr
Mtonehard does not hesitate to say tlmt its
chief olject in favoring sncli iinniigratkin
is to meet and overcome, by democratic
vote, snob negro immigration as may be
brought into the state from the south.
The two most widely circulated demo
cratic tiewspiers in the nest the En
quirer, at Cincinnati, and the fieptthtirttn,
at St. Ixmis are agreed touching the fol
ly of Senator Bayard. Tlie former says
llayarrt has damned himself needlessly a&
a presMent.ial candidate," and the latter
thinks tlie Delaware senator lms conked
his goose" as a candidate for tlie nomina
tion in 1S80. Meanwhile, Sam Tilden
looks ott and smiles, and Is a villian still.
The Indians in the state of Chihuahua,
Mexico, have killed about 300 people dur
ing the past two months, and the governor
Is offering flOO lor each Indian scalp
brought to him. Tlie insurgents, who
have been fighting tlie gtivVrument for
some time, now flml better packing among
tlie red skins. , i
William H. Yamlerbilt has sold 130.000,
000 of New York Central Railroad stock to
a syndicate composed of Russel Sage, Jy
Gon'd and- others. It b Intimated tliat
Vanderbilt's object f to employ the pro
ceetls in the construction of a long talked
ot through line between New York City
and San Francisco. Tlie transfer is be
yond doubt the largest stock transaction on
Tlie cholera epidemic which created such
liavoe through : Japan tlie past season,
originated from opening the graves of sol
diers wlio died of cholera two years ago, in
order to celebrate religious rites for the
safety of their souls. Comment is unnec
essary. , .. ,-...
Ben Tfllll says the bloody shirt fs a " pir
atical flag." and that the Republicans are
political pirates." That Is because they
were guilty of tlie " treason" of whipping
the Sol So South with muskets a few years
ago and are going to whip them again
with ballots In 1 30. riaindenlT. ,
It Grant should be taken up by tlie solid
south he would be abandoned by the
north, which deserted Greely. the founder
of the republican partv, so soon as he pro
posed to shake hands over the bloody
chasm. MemphU Appeal (Dem.)
Tbe House of Representatives has passed
a bill authorizing a Government-allowance
fur loss of spirits. Melancholy readers
should be calm, liowever, tor the spirits
lost must be alcoholic tn character,. -
The s me streets of Madrid which few
weeks ago were filled with crowds joining
in the wedding festivities ot their King
are now the scenes ot riotous demonstrat
ions against the King's advisers. "
- On the 29tb ult., telegrams announced
that the weather was getting milder on the
continent. At Paris. France, It was thaw
ing after 32 days of frot, during which
tlie thermometer recorded 8 deg. ' below
zero tlie coldest weather on record there.
( n Sundiy two murderers. Sam Wood-'
niT ami Joe Seminole, the latter a lialf
breed Indian, were taken from the Golden,
Colorado, jail, and JyucUed. Tlie murJer
was a peculiarly atrocious one. .
- At ilayllght on . the 28th nlu the ther
mometer fell to 35 deg. below zero at Ox
ford, N. S.. the , coldest ever before expe
rienced la that region. -- - i
Plays founded on Bible subjects don't
succeed In Chicago. The people there
want something that tbey take some I uter
es! in and can understand.
A correspondence has recently been dis
covered, proving an alliance between tbe
German socialists and Russian nihilists.
f Cynthia Hogdon, producing an abortion,
was sentenced on tbe 29tb ult., in the
fourth district court of San Francisco, to
10 years in San Queiitln." ; i t
Queen Victoria has ordered twenty-five
barrels e flour from this country for use
In the imperial kitchen, t. ller appetite as
pears to. be reviving.' - j t
I Tli. President ot Peru wasatJMnamat tt fl B iffe P! 0 H H iHi F E" 1 m7Jm PI Fl nMA nigral f
Tlie President ot I'eni was at Panama
on the 28th nit., en rou tor the United
States ..v ; -.-,.
i Whisky 1 stmdy. ar tlie market
report. Not so are it Imbibers as a rule.
Men are golns rn the Skagit mines from
British Columbia alnvt daily, .
Edward MoTiigsrirt has been appointed
log Inspector for Whatcom county. W T.
William JuIim . Svutt. Beuteuiekf first
duke of Polaml. I d"nif. : . - ,
Eight year ago there were 95 prisoners
conflned'in lie ciiUeutku-ymNuW..UMrt
are '202.
A " roller went Info T.ytich's grocery
store at Engene on Christmas eve and gut
two dollars for bis tnxible. " ' :
Guard : A few night Mm, dog Jiilted
75 sheep helongltig to Mr. Isaac Stevens,
who lives ou tlie McKetixle. t , , i v-
.The Stalenmnn pnhlilie tlie names of 60
bachelor who offer themselves alter llio
first of next month." v..i-f , -
Tom Dctiham. of Salem, went onf hunt
ing, hauilling his gnu recklely. anil now
has but 4 toes on one ot his feet, j
A. C. Cox. city marslix! of Rosebtirg.
was marrietl Wednesday, to Miss Fannie
Hall, ot Wilbur.
We are. in receipt of tlie Sreilacoom
Espres. resnsclated by S. T,. Maxwell. It
present a good appearance, ami looks a
though it will be a success under his man
agement. . i - ' V.
Tlie new and elegant steamer Gnree E.
Starr. Which Is being built at Seattle, I
nearlr completed. Site belongs to Cajrt.
1.. M". Starr, formerly of this citr. and it Is
said tlmt site will bo one t Um fastest,
strongest - and most elegant boat on
this coast. 1
Adam Day. an old and respected pioneer
of Dnnglas'i-ount.r, died af hi home near
Rosehurg last week.- He was the fatlier ot
Mrs. Dr. Saffareus. of Oregon City ai-d
died at tlie advanced age of S4 years, miH-h
respected by all who knew him. j
The Independence burglary case In tlie
last court with ntlier minor suits brought
cot noon Polk county of over 7.000.
which added to other indebtedness of tlie
county will require an advance of tax
rates to keep things moving. i
Fridav afternoon some gentlemen stand
ing on the dock at Kalama, noticed a deer
floating down the river ou a cake of ice.
A boat was lowered, and as it. approaclied
the deer tlie frightened animal jumped into
tlie water, but wsis soon caught, t
A land slide on Hubbard creek. Dongta
county, changed the course of the creek
and did considerable damage. J. . II.
Hoovey had hi ranch submerged conshlera
auiv. ana tne noose was raiiv saveti ov a
rock, splitting the slide and directing it to
either side. ;
Christmas is over.
New Years gift.
; Markets nnchanged.
Grand dinner at tlie Opera House on
yew Years day .
Mrs. Uouk lias recovered from her recent
Miss Minnie Allison is rapidly convales
cing from a recent attack of typhoid pneu
monia. ' . : " '
For several days last week the wells ami
water pipes were all frozen up.
Mi'.1 and Mrs. Wyatt, of Portland, spent
a portion of the week 't visiting among
fi lends In this city. 1
Judge Miller, ot Debanon. was In the
city Monday, departing tor borne on Tues
day. -
- For a handsome New Years' gift, go to
Foshay & Mason's. r
Silverware at French's at wholesale
prices. .'
Tlie funeral of our late brother W. A.
Hill, was largely attended.
. Dr. Churrfiill. of Michigan, called upon
ns Tuesday. The Dr. is looking for a loca
tion, and may be induced to remain with
u.'- . '3:'i- J J'-'-
Duncan Rankin and Ed Zeiss, of this
city, on Tuesday started lor a ten days'
hunt In the mountains.
A number of tlie boys have a match
hunt on Thursday, Jan. 1st. "
We understand that the male boarders
in one of our up-town boarding houses have
agreed to have a match hunt soon after the
Owing to sickness of employees as well
as family, and other reasons, we are re
luctantly compelled to Issue but half a
sheet this week. '
Miss Nettie Powell, of Portland, Is visit
ing relatives in the city.
Mrs. Piper, son and daughter, of Inde
pendence, are visiting in tlie city. ' .
Prof. Powell and wile have gone to
Portland on a visit. j i
The last chance to get' bargains tn toys,
vases, etc , at Jt. Joseph's to-day. ' j
Yon waut to get some of those choice
steaks and , roasts, especially for the lmli
days, at Central Market tlie uicest to be
had anywhere. v ? ! m -
Goods marked down lower than ever at
Mesdames Bleyin A Powell's. Tlie latest
in millinery, hats and bonnets at lowest
figures. "- ;.. j- : --
High winds prevailed yesterday. .
The lunch given by the Ladies' Brass
Baud on Wednesday was well attended.
Some cases of lever and sore throat re
ported In the city. j I : :-
We issue on Wednesday this week. '
- With tbe new year turn over a new leaf;
pay the" printer back dues and in advance
for the coming year, and you will be sure
to be greatly prospered. 1
Don't forget fie New Years' Dinner en
Thursday. . - ....- :-
The Golden gate has moved Into the
Revere House, having bought out Pfuifler
Bro's saloon. . - ' - .
7 'ltie Redfield Bros, are no more as a
firm, John Irving and Frank Redfield
having formed a partnership and consoli
dated.' The firm-name, is now Irving A
Redfield, grocers, doing business
brick west of R. E. Young.
in( the
couqhs. ra
soothes, mliffTMt ahmwt St tmtrm and enrea wben
oiher t'juvrm fait evuu t' luwt. It contains :
Creator t: mm tx'.rrf nl pMn rellevli!j,trn((t!i-,
cuing and earattvB proowttn than the eonuwut
porou piAAtT, snd i fur mpprtor a Kntmeni ,
nud I ha Bo-eaOed tectncaf appiiaoeoa. It la
Fpeclally rpcontmendod for the abovs ailments, ;
also for Hrlan.1 aad Klitaer fmirialaKi,
rirBriay, tseiatterc mm afl tmmt Aekea ami
Piu. WtMHteaaVriugro w!lldwellUtaka .i
CTua a Httla palna to prnrnrn tb'a article. Do
not 1!ow anr other pUnter to Im -ntbutltiitna for
it, 8'l.t hr all lrnt!ati. He abubt A Joumsox,
.1 11M Slruut, Now Yurk, I'tupttetora, "
. KIMtnliUIUIuU,: ;:Ht oPoo biAiyyL
Over OrJES THOUBiirJD in Use
Albany, Oregon.
The Largest Assortment ot
The largest assortment ot
The largest assortment of
The largest assortment ol
The largest assortment ot
The largest assortment ot
The largest assortment ot
The largest assortment ot
The largest assortment ot
Kver brought to this city, and at
Call, see, a&d Tea ccaviaced for yourselves. It 'will only os a,
pleasure to show 'you thorough our stock, -whetlier you -wish, to
Teuy or aot.
Alliany, Oct. 17, 187-Svia
monuments, i
Albany, t
Alno.jvorv varletvofeetneterr and other atone
work dnnn wit h neatneaa
nttention irtven to ordera
iHtate and wanhinirton
IcrwiBe, and promptly
To insure good material, stipulate in
all your Contracts for Painting that nothing
shall be used except C. T. Raynolds & Co's
Pure Paints and .Oils.
Pr!rs vrha csa C
Oils t!3 tb mi A!.'D CKEFST War.X, because PURE
LC:;0Efi th:n cny cth:r. $
DR. ESS t.OOllS.
: i Oregon.
and dinrMttch. nee fail
from anv mrt of the
Territorx - . bv mail or oth-
lorwai - dcd. . All wm-Ic war-
T. RsYn'Js & Ca's Paints gr.d
izx Zcixixi Countr.
Noney WHiitcd Pay Up.
AI,L PERSONS imleltel to me are reneated
to liiuke iwyinent bet vran this nnI the
first of Janunr) , IRso. aa at that tiiuo I almll
rtirK fri the grocer butiiieae. ant want ail
tlmt In In.-me. J.JOSfcl'H.
AaalKUve'B Swtlre. ( -..
NOTICE la hereby erlven that Stnns Sjic;kKer
hn.1 nincl nil liia propt rty to thu under
isnul tor the bonellt of all his creditors, rat
ably ami In proportion to theii several de
mand. Ally perwn having claims Huiimt
him are hen.ltv required to preiHnt t Item to
inc.. duly vertiled. within three months from
the date of this notice.
AHainy, Or., Oct. 17, 187'3v 12 Assignee.
To Those Whom It Concerns.
AlRaxy, Ob., Novemljer 1st, 179.
bnsine.s in cnlltM;tinc this cloningr of the
vear, and that he will collect interest on nn
aetlkHi avconnia. . JOUN UliltitiS.
Ladies Variety Emporium.
Germnn Zepttyr, Cannu, Threml. Pin,
Needles, litUton, Rent Unit OStcifrJi-
en and Curls, Hosiery, SUiuijieU
.;. . Goods, dt., tCc, Cc . i'.
AIno, Agent or Dr. Warner's
leulth Corse ?
CtallfTa Waist !
and Madam Foje's
EjrlCrcncli 'tampin d
to order.
UBroadaIbln St.,
Ite PostOfflces9r
Oil aw- A. Plnmmer,
Faints, Oils and Glass,
Dtiiks and DruKgists' 8nndriea from the
East ; alan the lanrest and most complete atook
of Ijtmpsand Lainf ttxtures ever brought to
thin eitv. SgST froacripthma carefully coin
pounded at alitltuea, day or nlKbt. JIn23
Dlssolutloa Motlce.
NOTICE la hereby given tbat the eopartner
ahlp heretofore exiatiiiK between John N.
Hoffman and C. P. Iavl, In earrj injr on the
buaineas of manatactiirinir 'a and candy,
niulrr t.hii Ann name of HoflVmn A Davis. Is
thla day dltaiolved by mntual eonaent. AH ao
eountadnethehtteflrtn will be payable toelt her
of tbe late partner., ana an tneit iiaomiie. win
be paid by the new Ann of Hofloian ft Joseph.
Albany, October 14, 1879.
Kefarrlnv to the above, notice la hereby riven
tVuit w. th nnderabrned. have thia day enters
1 into partnerahtp, and will carry on the bua-
ineaanovo nieniioneaa ine om winu , una
tluinkfnir th nnblic for the titttronairo Klven
the old firm, aak thatthey will show like favors
lO US. mMKfKWj.1 x,. nv;r ntAM,
OStober 1. 187Mvt
Altiany, Oregon.
Tbe Second1 Term will open on
November 12tn, 18T.
eoamea of Instruction will be pareaed in
thla lnattttrte, via: Ctaaaloil, BdentWo and
Normals- -; - ::.:-
k Full Ccrus" br Iastrictoh tas ta
' sccurei
For particulars concerning the courses of
ttndy and the price of tuition, apply to
tev. ELBERT Bf. tNIT, rrea.
August , I879V11B4S ' ' - f
Skirt. S
A Specific Sesiedy for all the
For IX'Wlitj-, Loss or Memory, Imliapo.
sition to Exertion or Business. Sliorttiess
ot Crrath, Trotiblotl with Thought of Dis
ease, Dimness ot Vision, pain in tlie Back.
Cliest and Heail, Rnsli of BIotmI to tlie
Head. Pale Countenance and Dry Skin.
If tliesc sytnntoiiiK ore allowetl to iro on.
very rrentienily Eoilei.t la litsTL nttfl b,"wb
sumption fIIow. vImii Um -UlBf If ait !..
becomes affevteil, it rejiiircs tli akl of an
inlgonttinz medicine to strenctlien and
tone up tlie system, wliiWi
Holabold's BuchTi"
Is Uncinlrcf
By any remedy known. It Is jVwrlbwl
by the mot uiititit physicUiui all oyer
tlte world, in
fllietiniaf isp.ii, .
IVeiirnlsla, t-....-.
Aer'oifMiirss, .
IVMtrpiia, , ,
Indices, ion,
. & Pa i M ,
faenrral Delililv,
Kidney limear,
Iicr Complaint,
I'ervotit Iebilify,
Hend I'ronbles,
: Paralyi.
. . -neraI ill Urallb,
Spinal Iieatiri,
" Sciatica,
faf ncKs,
4 Iiinilag-o,
' lVervouw Complaint,
Female Complaints, Aid
Iliisdacbe. Pain In tlie SlionIJrs.CoHcli.
Dizziness. Sour Stotnadi. Knintlons. Rati
Taste in the Motitln Palpitation of tk
Heart, Pain In tlie region of ttie Khlneya.
and a thousand oflicr nalnful trmntnru
are tlie oflVprings ot Dyprpsla.
Invlcoratea h K.k "
And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowel
and Kidneys, to healthy action, in deans.
Ing the blood of all ImpurttJeSjatidJmpart
fttg new life and vigor to the w ho.'e system
A single trial will be quite sufficient to
convince the most hesitating of Its valuable
remedial qualities.
Or Six Sottlss for $5.
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