The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 21, 1879, Image 3

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gig V f WJ (HO IV
ALBANY, FRIDAY, NOV. 21, 1879.
A C'RHtt Business.
Hereafter we sliall do a cash business.
We sliall sell th Rkgisteh for one dollar
and fifty cents a year in advance, and when
the ye:r is up, it Hie subscription not
renewed, tlie iapcr will Ixj discontinued.
The credit bmluess will starve out any
newspaper. Pay j'our siibscrition hi ad
vance, that vow may live happy. And
don't you forget to come and subscribe, if
yon ever expect to be anybody pr know
Republican Convention.
Tho Hejmlicatl voters of Albany, are-
requested to meet in convention at the
Oi-era House, on
Knltirriny rvmlng, Xow 2, IS70, "
At 7 o'clock, sharp, tor the put pose of
uoitr'amtiug candidates for the offices of
Mayor, Kccorderj Marshal ami Treasurer,
and for the ftntlier purpose of ratifying the
nominations of candidates for SXtfiieilinetr
from the several Wards.
' The Ward conventions, tor the purpose
of nominating one candidate for" Council
man from each Ward, arc requested to
assemble on
Ibnndiiy Evening;, Sot. 27, 1S7B,
At 7 o'clock, at the following named
places '---'. M -
The First Ward, comprising -all the legal
voters In that 'portion of the city lyliig
west of Ferry street, at tlie Court Hons,
lip-stairs. ' "" r '"' 'A 'r&
Second Ward, all that portion of the
city embraced Ivtweeii Ferry and liaker
streets, at Central Sfchool-house.
.Third -Ward, all that portion of the city
Ivinsr east of Baker street, at the Iistriet
Svrioni house in mac vv arn.
By order of the Republican Central
' m
TbanUsgivtttjC Dinner.
The ladies " of the Baptist Cliurch are
making extenive preparations for their
coming tlianksgtvliig dinner, to be held at
the Opera House on Thanksgiving day.
They expect to observe the following pro
gramme : Dinner from 12 M. to 4 o'clock
p. St., for which a charge ot fifty cents will
be made. No charge at the door will be
made during dinner hours. Truncheon
and social from 6 to 3 r. M. A charge of
10c will be made at the floor during lunch
hours ; luncheon, 25c- The hest musical
talent of the city lias' kiiilycanti-d to
be in attendance in the evening t ltiriiili
music. 4 Com.
Preaching morning and evening at the
Evangelical Church on Sunday, by Rev.
J. Bowersox.-- The;! funeral Seroioit of tl
late Mr. Rubart will be prea;;lied at the
morning hour 11 o'clock. :s i ?
Divine service will he held in St. Peter's
Episcopal Church next Sunday, Nov. 2.3;1,
inonnug and evening.
Ke. 4 T. WolfawiH preach ".lit the M.
E- Church next StuaHy at 11 a. m. and 7
r. it. Morning subject "The power, ac
companying influence and assurance,' of
the Holy Ghost." Eveni.-iy subjee'- "The
Prodigal Son's elder brotber.".
-: j. ,j -,, "
'The annual union thanksgiving service
will be held in the United Presbyterian
Church on Thursday next. Nov. 27tli, at
11a. m. The sermon will be preached
"3 -" " - "
nVColleglate Institute. At tins close of
I ... h i :,iiriir ir .itiiii. tti 1 1 in-
tlje services collection will betaken up
"the tAfiKtSmJ;3 ii
Uncalled for and remaining m Hie Post-
office in this city for the week ending .Nov
20. 1379 .
Brown, M C ,
Hamilton, Jos
Ktieday, Mrs E
Klaj-ke, T A
Ijangilon. I O
Morgan, Mrs M ,f
P. II.
MoTis, Jos f2) '
Nickls. Mrt R
Seal. A B
Walling. Fletcher
Watts. H: (2V
Smith, Mrs. Dora.
1 ii
font Ofilee Hnslaiess.
W4 arc indebted to Postmaster P. H.
Raymond for the following summary of
the business done at this postoftlce for tlie
first seven days in this month : Nnmber
ot letters sent from Al&iy,?friri5'ioefif
ber 1st to 7th Inclusive, i. 73 1 ; postal ct.-ds.
2SS ; number of packages, transient pap
ers, and packages otinercbaittlise J20,, e, .
VhIom Srviee at Browse vllte.
Tliere. will be a union service on the 27 tb
(Thanksgiving day)'a the Baptist Churdi
Brownsville, by Rev. Tho. Sales, ot the
M. E. Church, and Rev. McCorkle, of the
Christian ChurcKcommendng atll o'clock
a.m. AH are invitcd.-
" Bust.
We were told last Saturday that a field
own In wheat early this fall, just across
the river ln: Beufotk- fcuyiiy, '.tfendef the
most favorable A'ircunslano;,''id Dad
tlie re fore grown very rapidly, being now
several inches above the ground, is quite
ivd with r ust. This is an early &tflifor
. - - ' . - .-
J. C. Van Oleve rejoieeth on account ot
that Infant. It came to. town Frlcay ultrhf.
(October. 31rt)3UBCMA"lert!SSjS
pounds, it is a boy and loows like its pa,
of course, which tlie same Is enough to say
it Is good looking. Deniion ( Texan) Her'
aid. i .
And "we" ara grand-father although
so young and handsome I 'Ror.
' VrH Wanted. ) '
One million pounds of fre$h pork, wanted
by Phil Cohen, Albany. - ' - 8'
Asdic cisakt.
f I have just received another large lot of
.'Toadies' Cloaks direct from the factory in
the Ea?it. - tiajacEt. E, YOK3a
tST It yea want riags, eltarma, chains, ete
mate of your own bair, call on Mrs. O. L. Farka
and leave your order., j - .
; CtirlaUraaa Tree. : .: " ...
The M. E. Suuday School proposes to
have a Christmas tree on Christmas eve,
and a committee to make the necessary ar
rangements have been appointed. We
suppose all tlio Sunday School of the ci ty
will have similar entertainments for the
benefit and happiness of the children.
A frlertd 'who lives in the vicinity of
Xjebanon brought to our office the first of
the week a sack of potatoes of the variety
known as the Jenny Lind, thirty-nine of
winch made a "heaped" bushel. They
are excellent, Jscrved in almost any style.
He planted them in June, on common hill
land, and dug them the first of November.
When such fine potatoes as these can be
raised here, we are at a loss to know why
our people have ln-en compelled to rely on
California for the bulk of her "ground
fruit." , - .
i . . - -
; Special Term .
T.iim County Circuit Court adjourned on
Satunhiy at. Although the session lasted
three weeks, the docket was not cleared.
As we stated in our last number, a special
grand jury was selected from the attend
ant petit jury, to examine into the charge
of murder, preferred against Frank Re Id
for the killing of Simonds, at Sweet Home.
The grand jury returned a verdict of mur
der against Reid, and he was remanded to
jail. To save the expense ot a long incar
ceration, it is believed Judge Harding will
call a special session next January to try
this case and clear off the docket.
' " "rewirel Fownrwnl. '
PlivsU-tains iirnl invn-li'ls nse w ith confidence
Tli kaler Cflernted ;ertnan Klixir for I'on-sniniiioTai-l
throt unit. Innir lisi!s. It is
rich in llie nlu inal protx-rties of tar. wild
cherry, etc. rl renUerej ixsrl'e;l ly harmless to
lhenraniwt child. This would have vrovexl
nn Ainr'l of ini'icy m the household of thoe
unhapny jxiivntsat Vaili-jo. liisoii. Dtiver,
Utah, and ihiip-iyus other plucos, whose chil
dren were slunhtcrtl by a tmick miilicine
rccointiiended l'y I's owners to ?re croup, pos-so-Jshitr
no proiH'ftios calculated to cure it, but.
instead a tleadv tlruw whii-h has slain its thou
sands. Tip suns voti act only (ierman Khxir
The frenuine tKMir the Prussian coat of arnBS
ana the l:usiniile siKnal nre or Ir. Kaiser.
Samnlesatal! dmjr stores. Iiresize. 75 cents.
Fsn.jr& Mason, Wholesale JDrusjutsts. Sole
Agents. liBvrJma
Failed to f all.
People who tarried late on Thursday
night of last week to witness the stars fall.
as predicted by astronomer Tice, were dis
appointed th stars twinkled as usual.
but never a one '"let hold his 20." It
was a most excellent night, too, for busi
ness ; hut the" show" was a failure, and
many disgusted peop'e have lost faith In
astronomers and their predictions in con
seqneucel It seems that the fault is not
with science itself, but with the astrono
mer, who simply made a mistake in his
calculation of twenty years the old codger
wasn't up iu li is mathematics.- The as
tronomer secured an assistant and together
they revised his "tables," discovering the
niistake,-aud now assure tlie public that
the metecrie sliower'wi'l come off in 1S99.
regardless of the weather. Tins is quite a
little wliilu for tlie laiys" to wait, but at
present we see no; help for it.
A Xiee Frniul.
A Dp'iver. Colorado, telegram dated
NovernlJer 8th, says : Sidney A. Giant,
late of Cincinnati, mid A. F. Wilson were
rearrested tOMlay lor conducting' fmiKhileit
scheme tiirongTi the mails under tlie tin me
ot- 'Tlie Ieitver Land Company," and
were taken lietore a United States commis
sioner. They waved examination and
were committed to bonds which hare not
yet been given and probably vill go to jail.
The scheme was planned in Cincinnati.
Stprotvp plan s were prepared and have
aiicHoy iiist-iieu 111 ciiil iiiiiuren
first class newspapers and periodicals in
the nortliern. eastern and middle States.
Grant came to Denver to secure land tor
the purM)se ami bought nearly a thousand
acre in the sand hills torty miles north of
Denver, which was platted and recorded
as North Denver. Although known here
but cijjht days, a perfect avalanche of mail
is comuiir tor S. A. Grant and the 'Ieiiver
Flrea3pany"'T1ie- fraud was le-
nounceu iy local newspapers anu uitteriy
coiMleiuned by citizens. Postmasters re
4ortet totlieSkde4i;irtv,ieid;.aucL,-Jast night
rccl'K'tjd ' orders ' td riVTiver ho-' registered
letters and pay no money orders to Grant.
The, arrest, was made by special ngeut II...
tIalRf '-Speef at Agent Fnray is also here'
ana asks a depiirtment oriler withholding
ordinary letters. "
All w know of the matter i that some
weeks ago we received a letter from a
prominent advertising agent, asking our
riCtrrn5eftiiig ju advertiseiiicnt ot
''The Deilver fand tTompanyX givlitg the
necessary intormatiou regarding the size
of thead., etc. .We answerefl the letter,
and shortly after receltel through the post
office the advertisement which appears in
our columns this morning, together with
the cah-la rfvaace payment for the same.
It may be a humbug, but we have received
our pay for inserting the ad., and the
reader can wake up his mind on the mat
ter to suit himself.
Drwwlna Painting nuU Iesig-nfnK.
Junius F. Whiting, the artist, who is
now about to begin a series of paintings
.from, the numerous sketches he has collect
ed during the last three years on this coast,
and will continue to collect, will take un
der his instruction such students us desire
a thorough course In any of the following
branches, viz .
Jst, rPicfcorialjandj Perspective Drawing.
3d, Architecture, Designiiig and Draught
ing. 3d, Portrait and Landscape Painting. --!
4th, Fresco, Scene and Sign Painting.
. These and their practical branches will
be taught so as not to interfere with other
Lja5ffj$r busloessij Vh'e 'ffiBlent will
nave access to nis otuuio aunng m practi
cal works ot which he has many pieces
to execute in the above branches receive,
during their course of instructions, speci
mens in their chosen branch, which they
can retain, and at the end a subject of their
own choice, which will be worth more
than the-money paid out for their Instruc
tion. -Parents having children, or any
person w1k Is desirous of acquiring a thor
ough ;. knowledge j of any of the above
branches, and fcpeclaliy those with tastes
and talents suited to them, will do well to
be placed under the Instructions ot Mr.
Whiting, who is not only well known
among us here as a thorough and practical
artist, but invites an examination of his
testimonials of past wrk In the States and
work now in his Studio. Rooms 6 and 7,
Parrlsh block, Albany, Oregon, - 9
Bring back our red ladder.
r AKAURAMiarrs.
IJttle Roy Ballard has been ill some
days, we hear, of typhoid.
Five gallons of 150 proof test coal oil tor
f2 12 4, at naffeiiden Bros.
Ninety-five cents per bushel for wheat
is oil that's ofiercd In this market.
Seven cans of tomatoes for f 1, at Haffen-
den Bros. Go and buy some.
Jos. Liggett, of . Brownsville, called a
.moment on Tuesday.
Rust is said to have made Its appearance
on some ot the fall sown wheat in Albany
If you have "hog meat" for sale you
should call on Haight & Hartless at the
Central Market they are cash buyers.
The extra session ot the Circuit Co"urt
will probably convene about the middle of
January. 4
Very handsome and stvlish' millinery at
Mesdames Blevins & Powell's and it Is
going off very last, too.
Rebekah meeting to-night after the
degree cornea .the entertainment. ;If you
don't go you'll M-lsh yon had.
Mr. Hunt Is a candidate for City
Marshal on the Republican ticket a good
man and true.
Mr. Cox is spoken ot for Marshal on the
Republican ticket a good boy.
City election next mouth.
Lots of sugars, teas, coffees and other
good things coming for Haffendcn Bros.
Every Republican should attend the
convention for nominating suitable city
officers to handle our business next year.
Jake Fleisehner, of Portland, brought
up some strawberries the first ot the week.
L which he raised in his garden. They were
delicious. Strawberries in November is
quite a new thing.
. Mr. Crill Burkhart started lor Minnesota
a few days ago, to spend the Winter. He
goes under the direction of his physician,
his health being poor.
Scarlet lever is in the city ; we hardly
credit the report, however, that it has be
come epidemic. ,i
Three children atJRev. T. B. White's
are down with the scarlet fever.
The youngest child of Prof. Powell, ill
of ecarlet fever, is reported better.
Mr. E. B. Purtlom is lying very ill of
fever at his residence. I -
Mr. Jacob Mendeiihall, who died sud
denly at his residence near Sweet Home
on Wednesday of last week, was brought
to this city and buried at the City Cemete
ry on Tuesday. He was near seventy
years old.
Mrs. Dickey, wile of our j Sheriff, died
on Fridav morning of last week, anil was
buried nenr Scio on Saturday.
Mr. John Mendeiihall, of Portland, call
ed o-i Tu vi l y. Mr. Mundrtti'iall doesu't
seem a d:iv older than when he left us to
reside in Portland eight or ten years ago.
A sprinkling of nice weather during the
Hurrah for Christmns ; four weeks and
four days more, anil then hang up the
stockings. - ' !
You want to" scan Messrs. Stalger Bros',
ad. In this issue. They are the boss vorkers
in marble and no mistake, and when you
want neat work at fair prices, go straight
to them.
A tremendous variety of Christmas
goods, embracing rich vases, handsome
toys, wagons, guns, wheelbarrows, dolls,
etc.. cheaper than ever, at Joseph's.
.The Willamette is booming no; troubie
lor boats to run now. j.
If you have not paid up your subscrip
tion, now is just the time to do it.
' Ballard. Isom & Co. have one of the
completest mills hi this city, and they are
turning out a splendid article of family
flour. - . . . -
"Choice bttfecr at Uaffcnden Brothers.
; Frosty nights. ! .
They have a most excellent article ot
sweet cider at Hoffman & Joseph's.
:' More groceries for your money at Haff
endeii Bros, than elsewhere, and a large
stock to choose Irom. I
Mrs. M. J. Hyde has received new
goods, among tliein -another supply, of
those Turkish rug patterns. Call and see
them, anyhow!.
Degree meeting of Albany Lodge No. 4,
T. O. O. F., at tlieir hall to-morrow night.
Graf & Fruinni have a. nice lot of new
furniture, elegant parlor, dining room and
kitchen sets, breakfast and -center tables,
desks of new designs, what-nots, cup
boards, and slathers of nice things, very
" Perambulating pedestrianlsm bus
walked off with Portland, entirely.
The two lodges of Workingmen are
gradually Increasing in numbers in this
city. - It is the best and surest life insur
ance with which we are acquainted.
: Judge Odeneal will soon issue the first
cop I es of a monthly journal devoted to the
Interests of the A. O .U. we learn.
It should be a successful venture,
Water courses and sloughs are reported
up and the roads muddy enough,
Dr. Brewer, we are told, has left us for
Chicago.;-""' - 5 ' :'v)r
At last dates Dr. Rozsas had hung out
his shingle at Pendleton.
. "The money market is somewhat easier,
and we hope will get better as the season
For something new and handsome in tlie
line of holiday goods, call at the old and
favorably known jewelry establishment of
Titus Bros. -i - v
, ... Republican convention Saturday, No
vember 29th, at the Opera House.
New goods at the City Drug Store ;
goods fur (lie holidays on the way.
,. French has a handsome line of silver
ware for the holiday trade, which will be
here soon. : ! 'r'v-
. Mr. White, ot San Francisco, called on
Wednesday. ' 't
; "I saw it" throngh a pair of those
Speucer glasses purchased at French's.
- Is our Canyon vllle correspondent dead,
or has he only moved from where be is
now t ' ' .
Adrian Comley has gone to Walla Walla
to spend the Winter.
Candidates are now scooping in the un
wary voter,
Correct railroad time at French's.
The Republicans have a small majority
in the city, it is' believed, and if they are
united and nominate good rreu, can elect
their ticket. 4 . ' - - -r:v-:
It was expected that Rev. J. Bowersox
would rreaeh the sermon at th iintnn
service on thanksgiving day but unavoid
able absence from tlie city on that day, pre
Mr. Daly came in from Oneatta, Benton
county, on Tuesday. He lias taken up a
ranch near Oneatta. Success, old boy.
Three bars of Babbitt's soap for 25c, at
-jHaffehdun Bros.
Mr. .k K. Weatherford is very ill with
scarlet lever.
Sholbark hickorynuts, chesnuts, Brazil
nuts, filberts, walnuts, r black walnuts,
almonds, pecaos and peanuts, at Haffen
dcn Bros.
Dr. Brewer failed to settle his little
,.Tint. ... m.. i.
,M,"jm ""M" w'
out of town.
A Catastrophe
-More or Xtts so.
We re ally dou't know whether the story
we are going to relate is true or otherwise,
and it may be as well right here to state
that we don't care a hooter. We got it
seeondlmnded, but we propose to tell It
as we got it. if it costs a second-hand law
suit. That's the racket. Tlie story goes
that a young and handsome female who
lives on street, was the possessor ot a
sweet, white, high-toned kitten. It "was
the smartest, cunningest lightning-striker
of a cat in the entire feline business. Some
fraud of a young man. with a light mus
tache had told the young lady that by
dosing the cat with whisky its growth
would stop there and then that it would
always remain a. little, handsome, smart
kitten, to the'enfl of its well, untlllt got
old enough to wark up into sausage and
Italian fiddle strings. The otfler morning
there was no one at home, and the hand
some young lady concluded to try the
whisky experiment on kitty. We don't
like to tell what followed, buta journal de
vote! to the dissemination of knowledge
should be fearless and even reckless in
withholding nothing from its readers
except facts therefore we rush along with
the ower true tale of a kitten regardless of
taste or expense : The j-oung and beaut i
4jhl damsel procured the whisky, corraled.
the kitten, locked all the doors, and pro
ceeded to dose the feline. It was a strug
gle, as the pet didn't like to take whisky,
being a blue ribboner; but the careful dose
was eventually forced down kitty's throat,
and the subject of coercion dropped on the
floor, and the aforementioned yonng lady
stepped back to see the fun. As the dose
took effect Instatiter tlie "fun" wasn't
delayed a moment. The cat looked as
though it had seen its grandmother's
ghost and was crazed at the sight for It
sprang around that room like greased
lightning, probably in search of a barroom,
so fast that nothing but a white strcake ot
fur could be seen for a few moments, when
it gave a yell ard leaped on to the piano,
tea ling the cover off and filling head first
into the slop-bucket which, unfortunately,
had not been taken from tlie room ; from
thence it flew in its rage and terror upon
tlie what-not, knocking the handsome
vases, etc., on to the floor in an awful
smash ; cat. card pictures, books, work
boxes and clock all went madly crashing
to the floor at once, when, with an ear
splittlrg yowl, the cat.with tail erect,
reached for the stand containing the flower
pots, scattering them pell-mell in every
direction; continuing its circus perform
ance, the centre-table was knocked galley
west, the mantle devasfed, the looking
glass knocked endways and broken into a
"tine business," the lace window curtains
torn down, and things generally turned
topsy-tnrvey ; and seemingly having lost
all sense of propriety, aiid seeing nothing
else to destroy, It gave one lofty bound,
landing on the young lady's white neck,
where it be ran making long furrows down
her back, when tlie aforementioned young
lady Began cavorting in such a style as
probably never was equaled In the grand
can-can, eventually reaching the door,
where lady and kitten struck the sidewalk,
.both ahead, amid the awfulest caterwaul
ing' and maiden shrieks that ever greeted
the air of a calm, staid, peaceful city. It
was a tragic-comedy of the loudest kind.
Tlie damsef arose with as much sudden
ness as she came out, and pulled down her
vest ; a white streak - in the air, and the
kitten was gone. As we said, tlie young
lady arose with great dignity, and repaired
with no unnecessary delay to her room, to
speak out her mind in regard to the young
man with the light mustache nothing
more. We don't propose to vouch for the
truth of this tale ; une thing Is certain, the
experiment was a success of the grandest
kind. The pet kitten never returned it's
the deadest cat anywhere. Finis.
y : ' ; '
r s. -Sew Dental Koouik.
Dr. G. W. Gray wishes his friends and
patrons to remember that his new dental
rooms are now located in Foster's new
brick at large bay window. Entrance to
office, first door on the right of stall land
ing, opposite the Young People's Christian
Association rooms. 34tf.
Tr. B. K. ritEELAJkD tons loentc! In
Albany Car tb practice of Dentistry
All tjMlK warranted. Office In Pnrriah
bleeK comer First and Ferry ats. ' fobl
Ulllsboro is without a city marshal.
Here is a chance for somebody.
Tlie chess mania has reached Ilillsboro,
and some of Its citizens have got it bad.
Circuit court for Wasco, Judge Mo
Arthur presiding, Is in session at the
Dalles. '-
Stephen K. Waymire, an old settler of
Polk county, a led on Lis farm tn that
county recently.
There are five prisoners confined in the
Polk eounty jail awaiting the action of the
grand jnry. . ' -
Col. Laing proposes to drive 20,000 head
ef cattle out ot Grant County next spring
to the Hast.
Mr. Floed of tlm Star, Is rapidly recovering.
Two weeks from next Monday the
December term of the Polk county circuit
court commences.
Mr. Clias. Wade, of Clackamas connty,
comes to the front with a potato weighing
within a fraction of five pounds.
S. Cnmminr has tendered his resignation
as postmaster at Tualatin. Mrs. Love is
an applicant for the position. .
Commissioner of Clackamas county,
Jacob Bauer, died recently. The vacancy
will be filled by the next term of the court.
II. L. Lewis, who was seriously injured
from the kick ot a horse at Independence a
short time since, is rapidly recovering. '
Amity is improving rapidly. The depot
building Is almost, completed ; the steam
flouring mill Will be rtadyi for business
next week, and is a most complete affair.
Hon. Ths. Seott ot Washington county,
near Ames Chappejl. fell from a iaduer
while picking apples, one day last week,
receiving some severe injuries.
Tlie Independent says : Mr. Koehler and
one or two otlier West Side R. R. officials
stopped at the station the other dav and
Uppeared to lie booking for a spot to build
a station house- We sincerely hope that
early steps will be taken by the company
in this direction.
A qprrespoudent to the JlCverxide from
Dallas says: One day lately Mr. Nclse
Thorp and wlte concluded to sever the ties
of matrimony. Mrs. Thorp taking lier de
parture for Independence leaving tlie old
mail the happy recipient of all the child
ren and all possessions save his wife. ,
Serious difficulty exists between the col
lege authorities and the directors of the
public school in Philomath the college
accusing the directors of fraud and dishon
esty In the matter of certain money claim
ed to be due to the college from tlie school
district.- ine directors csme DacK wttn
equally strong language agaiust the college
authorities, and accuse them ot a system
atic course of robbery for the last twelve
years ol the school fund of the district to
keep a dying college on its legs.
Last week the tody of a person was dis
covered in a well on Thompson's farm,
near Wapato lake. Grappling irons were
put down and he body seized and hrought
to within a few feet of the top, when the
hold was loosened and it went back into
the fcater. Tlie well is one that has not
been used for vears, in an .out-of-the-way
place, and the body is supposed to be that
of the man who was pushing a cart In that
A section a year or two since, ot which so
much has been said ot late The matter
will be inquired into
"''Eola correspondence : There "was stored
in this place this year about 00,000 bushels
ot wheat, of which amount there is only
about 5,000 bushels held by the farmers.
unsold, and about 2,000 bushels ot oats for
sale lhe average price paid to the farm
ers for wheat was 95) cents per bushel
There are flattering reports from the
farmers throuzho'it tlie neighborhood in
regard to the amount of the sown wheat
Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather
of late, the farmers. stick to their work,
which is the only way to take advantage
of the rust
The coroner's jury in tlie case of Ed ward
Connell, the young man. who was killed by
failing from a tree in Washington county.
last week, lias decided that death was acci
The Oregon and California Railroad
track from Portland to Clackamas, 10
miles, has been replaced with steel rails,
It is the purpose of the company to jay 50
nines mini tire vwiiiuig jcni.
The various blue ribbon temperance
societies organized throughout the W I'lani
elfe valley by Dr. .J. w . watts, about a
year ago are still flourishing.
Win. Anderson left ' his cabin on tlie
Lewis place, in Washington county, the
other day to do some ditching, aud when
he returned lie found a $40 watch missing,
Amity is Improving rapidly. The depot
otuuiing is almost completed ; the steam
Homing mill will be ready for business
next week, and is a most complete affair.
It is reported, sajs the Astorian. but bow
true we cannot say, that a white woman In
Clatsop county was recently married to a
The many friends ot Judge Bonham
and family will be pleased to hear that
tlieir health is rapidly improving at Suow
den Springs.
Stephen K. Waymire, an old settler Of
Polk county, died on his farm in that
county recently.
There are five prisoners confined in
the Polk county jail awaiting the action of
the grand jury. " . V
Two weeks from next Monday the De
cember term of the Polk county circuit
court commences. .
II. Is. Lewis, who was seriously injured
by the kick of a horse t Independence a
short time since Is rapidly recovering.
A special term of circuit court tor Uma
tilla county is to be held on the 19th of
Douglas county has paid into the State
Treasury $4,000 on her tax account for
this year, which Is the first. '
. The State Line Herald says that 1,200
bead of cattle left Lake county in one week
for the San Francisco market.
There was shipped from Ashland in one
day last week, 300,000 lbs of flour to Lake
county alone. A pretty good showing.
S. K. Waymire, a well known citizen of
Polk county, died on the 9th Inst.
The town of Hlltsboro is being resurvey-
ed, the old measurement being erroneous.
Another vein of coal, ten feet In thick
ness, has been found In the Nehalem
The hills around the Dalles are covered
with snow.
Mining operations are looking quite
brisk in Josephine county. : -
J. B. Sturges, ot Umatilla county, had
his knee broken last week.
The Star says the roads south of Rose
burg are in a horrible condition.
Pendleton wants a good woolen manu
factory. It Is an excellent location for one.
John flartman. of Weston, has been ap
pointed deputy sheriff of Umatilla county.
Willamette University has abotst 120
students in attendance. -
' The river boats are making regular trips
as tar up as corvams
Many new buildings are being built this
year in saiem. two or ttieni are uric.
Potatoes sell for 25 cents per bushel at
A daughter ot the late Dr. J. C. Ayer, ot
patent medicine noloriet.y.ts about to marry
prince Amadeo de Bourbon, an offshoot of
the younger orancu oi lira reigning utuw
of Spain. -
Prussia has a million of land. owners
whose farms averaze about fifty acres each,
which is an excellent criterion of its great
ness and prosperity. .
- A lady Is lecturing through the State of
New York on tuu subject or cookery,
which is much better than cackling about
Woman's rights, says the S. . Chronicle.
The Czar and his family will winter in
Fraice ; but - what does Bismarck care ?
An Emperor of France ouce wintered in
Russia. It was in 1812.
Female walking matches draw well ; but
wnata genuine novelty a female talking
match would be. Just think ot it !
The river boats are making regular
trips as iar up the river as Corvallis,
Italian on
Albany t s
. I vnriuiyoi cemerery ana otner stone
work dona wtik ntuinnuialtii di.rtw ai.i
attoiitton given lo orders
uiiiiKiun j erniury, oy mail or 01 II
Mrwiw.and promptly torwardod. AU work war
ranted. vl2n8
Aofers, Uammerly Co., of Stockholm,
have failed ; liabilities seven million
crowns. Quite a sum to Aofers.
Two youiig sons ot Mrs. II. P. Bean of
Andover. Mass., were burned to death !i
on the night of tlie I7th, the fire betr
started by an Incendiary lu tlie room occu
pied by them. . f
Tlie Texas Pacific railroad owners are
buying all the stock they can get of the
Iron Mountain with a view of consolida
tion ot the two roads.
Mew ToDar;
; Administrator KotIe.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the under
signed haa been, by the Connty Court of
Linn ounty, Oregon, dnly appointed.admlni!i
trator of the -estate of 11. M. Thompson, de
ease4, :ate of said county. All persons having;
clHimaiurainst said extata are hereby nolitlcd
aud required lo present the samo, with the
proper vouchers, to the underpinned within
six months f.ora the date hereof, at Albany,
Linn county, OiJHpron .
W. M.4iKTCUM, Administrator. ;
Flinn Chamberlain, At ty 'a lor Aduir.
Nov. Bl, l7-8vl2.
Xotlce of Final Proof.
Land Office,
' Oreoon City, Or., Nov. 11, 1879.
NOTICE Is hereby (riven that the followliiir
nutiieil settlers have tiled not tew of their
intentions to make final proofs .n support of
theirclaiins and secure final entry 1 hereof at
the expiration of thirty days from the date of
this notice, viz : Alfred Iiodge, f Linn conn
ty, homestead application No. 254, for the E H
of E S Sec. 8-2 T 9 S R 8 Eaat, and namcsthe fol
lowing as his witnesses, viz: Willixin Turn-
irie, of I-iun connty, and Richard Mayo, of
Linn connty, Oregon. Kicbard Mayo, of Linn
connty. homestead aiiplication No. 2,vt3,for tho
S W of N JB ,8 E X of N W M, S W H of S E
if and NKJrol BW, Sec 32, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz : Alfred Iiodjre
of Linn county, jnd Will. am Tnrnidse.of Linn
county, Oregon. William J. Turnidge, of Linn
connty, homestead application No. 2544 for the
8WJ( of Sec 31, all in township 9 south ran pre
S east, and names the following as his witness
es, viz: Richard Mayo, of Linn county, and
Alfred Dodce, of Linn conntr. Oregon.
L. T. BAK1N", Uegister
Nov. 14, 1879-12n7
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby Riven that the undersign
ed has been appointed hv theCounty Court
of Linn county, Oregon, administrator of tha
estate ot v uiiam l.ainon, aeceaseii. ah per
sons ha vincr claims against-said estate are here
by required to present the same with the prop
er vouchers to the undersigned at his residence
six miles northeast of Brownsville, in Linn
county, within six months from the date liere
of. JonJf LAKKLV,
Nov. 14, 79 lin7 Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
"VTOTICK !s hereby given j hat the undersign-J
eu, s. n. Aitnouse, was, on ino nn any oi
August, 1)479, appointed by the Connty Court
in and for Linn county, Oregon, administrator
de bonis non of the estate of James Bnrris, de
ceased. All persons Having claims against, sai l
estate will present them to me with proper
voucher?, within six months from the data in
this notice, at the office of N. B. Humphrey, of
Albany, Oregon. & H. ALTUOCSK,
Administrator de bonis non.
j October 3d, 1879-vl2n I
NOTICE is hereby given that all notes and
accounts belonging to the late firm of Bal
lard & fclwrt, physicians and druggists, have,
by mutual consent, been placed tn the hands of
Sir. David Andrews forlmmediateadjustment.
All persons indebted to the undersigned will
please call on Mr. Andrews, as he has Impera
tive orders to make collections by November
1st, 1870.
Lebanon, October 16, 1879-4 vldwS
Final Settlement.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersign
ed administrator of the estate of Thomas
lleakens, deceased, has filed in the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, his final account
in the matter of said estate, and said Court has
appointed Tuesday, the 2d day of December,
1879. at the hour of one o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, for the heating of objections to
said account and the set tlement thereof.
Oct. 81, 1879-5V13 Administrator.
"Wlxeat "Wanted I
Wheat Wanted I
MUls offer a Premium of ;
Four Ceats per Bushel
In Mill Feed, over and above the market nrlce
for good, merchantable Wheat, either sold to
tnem or stored witn tnem t nis coming season
Albany, July S5,1879-43mS
Albany, : Oregon.
ing Jewelry a specialty . Call. - vllnl7
Aft-euta flr "A'sw Heme ttewfair BUv
AGrcsne Porous
rLAb 1 Lt.LJ
Potitirtlu (kt &tst TU m'ft. wen nmrded OU
ighrM and tmlg Htodal gimrn rubber piamrm, ol both
UuCtntomiaimtParit Eeportltow. Widtlpan4
proameHt on tha ordinary vortmt dotrr. Atk mm m
is Qlialities of tha rommon nmmns nlitatM- Ara
this article increased 10 fold by sag and rjmtf&0
medicatinn. It reliom alnsosi at craca and enre
whnraotbsrpl asters fail erco lo ntln-h It U
without doubt ths tmat rmnedr wt Aortoed tot
Lsmeand Weak Back, Riwaaaatisav Sninal and
Kidnnr Complaints and ail local acha and pains.
Avoid Imitaiion.Sold hy all Iro ct" xtn, Prce 45c
IS "
s Oregon.
from any part of the
To Those Whom It Concern,
ALBANY OB.r November 1st, 7!:
Damnes in eollAnttnir !, inatn
1 y?.'' 1nd ,nat he wU1 collect Inlenwt on nn
. settled accounts, - JOHN BRKJGB.-
TTOTICE is hereby etteti that Staas SpeeJtef
.i?l?!ta88.',RnJKl hi property to the nnder--signed
for the benefit of an hi creditor, rat
ably and In proportion to their several de-
manus. Any persons Having claims orainac
him are hereby required to present tliem to'
Dissolution Notice. ' t -
NOTICE Is hereby sven that the eopftrtr--ship
beret of ore existing between John N.
Hoffman and C. P. Davis, & carVj tr,g m
business of manulacturing soda and eandy,
nnder the firm name of Hoffman 4b DaVts;-lathis
day dissolved by mutual consent. All ao-
counes due the late 0 inn will be payable toelther
of the late partners, and all their liabilities will
be paid by the new firm of Hoffman A .Joseph.
... ' - C.P.DAVIS. . .
Albrmy, October 14, 1879. .
Ref arrlng to the above, notice is hereby given'
that we, the undersigned, hh.vti this day enter-'
ed into partnership, and wiU carry on the bus--ineas
above mentioned at the old stand ; and
thanking the public for the patronage given
the old firm , ask that they will show like fivers'
to ua. JOHN. N. HOFFMAN,
October 14, 1879-3V13
. Exekr Dotlas.' .
NOTICE Is hereby give it that the mnderslgn
ed, William Cyrus, executor of the last wilt
and testament of Robert Moore, deceased, hair
filed his final account foraettlement ot said es
tate In the County Court of Linn eounty, Ore
gon, and paid Court baa appointed TDeadayv
the td day of December, 1879, at the honr of I
o'clock In the afternoon ef said day, for the'
hearing objections to said account, If any there'
be, and for the settlement thereof.
MCTRTJ8',- ;
Octolwr 17, 1879-3V13
IMasmlntioai Notices ..
NOTICE Is hereby given that the partnership
lieretofore existing, tet ween Drs. Ballard,
and Ebert, practicing physicians, surgeons and
druggists. Is by mutual consent this day , d,
solved. Dr. Ebert being desirous of removing"
to his old home In Vancouver W. it be-"
comes Imperative that a settlement beat one
made of all outstanding notes and aooounta.
v iwvo buiu mir vinij more to l r. rowei j.
Lebanon, Oct. 6th, 1879-vl2n9
srroHED whit
TIlOHAS KXOXfEltll & im,
a tSAfit piT?( nnfUs.
mi x Ufa m u't wzti .
per bMhel, In mill feedy .
Over a Albv tk Barkef irle
either stored wHh or sold to them this sasoas
Mam lanraiafaeii to fusrttea 1m a
, Albany, August t, 7.