VdLtJME 11. NO. 8. ALBANY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 21, 1879. 0 r airswjzss cards. Qxl tMs Spaco Foutf dks fejometlilrig: NEW - K. n. nUMniRET, AjJont." , " vlln33 JOHN BRIGGS TAKES THIS OPPOKTUNTTT TO INFORM his friend" and the public generally, that is now settled in his NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, dn the Hid stand net.doorto P. C. Harper A Co , where cart be found as grout an assortment and As large a stock Of j Stoves' and . Ranges ean be fonnd In any one house tills side of Portland, and at as 2LOW -A. PRICE. Also - Custlron, Brass & Enameled - KSTTLES, in great variety. Also, Sheet Iron, Galvanized Iron, and Coppcrwarc, always on hand, and nmdd to order, AT L1V INO KATKS. -. Oall oil Albany. October ff!, 1S7.V5V8 CITY DUTJG STOBE. Corner First and. EUs-wsrti, sts., "'ALBANY, OliECiOX. 3Bt- SATyrMAIiSII, 1 Via agniti taken chaise of tiro City Drug Store, having ptlrcll8Kl the entire interest of C. W. Shaw, inowoor to A. Carothers A Co., and is How receiving a Splendid ITa-w Stock, wliWh, svi.ld trt Ibe former, render it very complete t all tiw dltfcjront dpirtiiM;nta. Feeling assured that all cart In,' s(mcd In both Quality aal Pries, 7 O r-tferdlny invites his old friends and ctlbtoni- rs to give nim a call. - J-ESSOSITTXOITS, Will recol-e Imrawltate anil careful attention BtS mil hMn, x mbmI alctat. ' K?IU?n Wines and Liquors for medicina fmryoM. K 8ALX3HARSII, Oet.. TMvlo ? f CITY 3IARKKT I First street, doors west of rerry, ALBA.tr, ' t ; - - KBMOS. fe 6CTS, Prop's. HAVIJtti purchased the Cityarfcct. I will keen constantly on itand all kindsof Meats -the very lest to be obtained in ibe market. I will strive at all times to meet the wishes of all who may favor rae witb their patronage. The imbtle generally are invited to call t my .. Y New Goods t New Departure I ClLtlSlEET AttjHffiESSM AKina. MRS. O. L. PARKS, HAVING PCCIfA151 THK MILLIXERY Store lately owned by Mrs. X P. Iavls and having just added thereto a new in voice Of late Cioicg 7.Tmir.firy. Trimmings. Bonnets, Rata, &, takes pleasure lit Inviting the ladies of Albany and vicinity to call and inspect for Ibemsetves. All goods will be sold at priees that defy compel it Ion. Having sectfred the services of a first class Dressmaker ! I am prepared to cut, fit, and make dresses in any style diircMl,at abort notice and in a satis, factory manner. , (N&MfikinK Clothing for children a specialty Wore on north side of Klrt,enst of Ellsworth street. Yon are invited to call. . - JlliS. O. L. PARKS. n, t8'9' . . XafaUiWe ladLiaa Remedies. A Sure Shot For FEVER & AGUE. BtfrtlSrO-.A LOTSO RKSITE?tCE AitOX(i tbe Indian tribes of the coast and the Into. ' rtor, 1 hsve had the (food, form no to discover, from ttm "Medicine" men of the several tribes, 1 and from CTther sources, a number of remedies for diaewes Incident to this country, ooniiltrt ing of roots, herbs and bark, and having been solicited by many people of this valley, who have tried and proved tbe efficacy of them in diarase, to procure and offer the saute for sale, I take this means of announefng to ail that, during ftwjpawt season,! have made an extend ed torrr tsWOiiwfr the mountain and valleys, ttr.-d have secured oertaSs of these remedies wbfen are a sure care for .-; . Fever and Ague. ThfmewntT?rtng from Xirr who desire to be c-nred.can leave orders t Mr, Strong's store en t rm sirrot, where I will furnish the remeliesr wanrraatingradtcaletMtor I will demand no , W. St. JWIIM. . ,3-i;entetll done op fl packages. li-i p'tn, mnmti and oxpfitwus zuaranteed to At Oil iMutA, (r65. SiMff CO., Aui-'itHiH, Maine ?lt23yV THE MAN WHO YOU NEVER SAW a ilrirF.R. stock of Ariitlxiii NEVER HEAKP OF l,OU KR IRICfeSi NEVER x'ebp to look any fArxiIer. , NEATER CAN HE BETTER lI.F.ASF.t. NEVER WII.I. I1AYF A BETTER CHANCE. WHAT, N V R ! no, never , Tmm e. "Bound to Pleaso" Clothier and Gents' Outfitter, OF ALBANY, OREGON. MEDICAL. II. S BHEttER, m. !., (LATE OK CHICAGO) lIenrrointble Pliyslrinn nnt Knrseon. OFFICE AND nES-lOEXCK-Secoiia. street, two doors east of Mo. l's hall vllna St A. DAVIS, in. ., I?ltV Piclan, Stti-geon, i and OBSTETRICIAN. o FFIC'E AND IIKSUKXCE First street. over KcaiK-iq s store, Albany, or. lln;r.l N. IIENTON, 51. 1M PHYSICIAIT ; ST7&GE02T. H AVISO PEHMASESTI.T 1AKlAEZ IN tliecity oi Allmny, and entered upon the THiKTY-FlusT year of hi practice, respectfully lenders his professional servls to tbe citizens of Albany ami snrroundingeoitntry. Okfice at Fosbay Mason's drug store. Hesldcm on First street, i n33v9 C. CI ttCLLT, M. !., phtsiciait & susasozT. auusv, 0BEUO5. OFFICE lit Mrll. WAIN'S BRICK BLOCK. Residence-one door north of broom facto ry, Lyon street. Ilvl3 I.. W. HALI.ARD) 3. D. J. x. row kLl, x. D. BALLARD A. POWELL, Pliysiciftlts & Surgeons, tEBASOVjOBEUOS. ' Office At Lebanon Drug Store. . 12n2 J3. CLARK, SrOCfcSKOR TO J. D. HIT ATT, . . . dealer in Heavy and Shelf Hardware, . Iron, Stmt and Mechanics' Tools, - First door east of B. E. Young, ALBANY, (VllnOI - OKKGOIT. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY,! - OREGON, Mrs. C. Honk, Proprietor. THIS ItOtTSSS has been thoTo(rhly overhaul ed and renovated, and piaeed in first class condition for t! to nceommodatirm of its guests. Good Sample ftoom for Commercial Travelers. General Staire Office for (otvBllts. Independ ence and Lebanon. Free VouutU to and froiir the liouae. i WILLERT & BUSCI1, MwKturerB of Carriages and Wagons. LAUOE stockCarrtftjresaird Wagon s con stan t ly oft hand, C-iT" Bepairinir and Job work done at short nottoe and in the most skilfull manner. j . iW-l - SUFerryfttmt, jUbanr. Or. J AfJlSO DAfiriALG , Dealer and Mannfactofer of COUQ VIMfiUT iIBEOlll.1 SETS TlIVXtl?0OTl,!F?10 Khaa- AlsoOroffon Ash, ij. MP'? " Pine Ruits. Pprina- Bels, Pure ?t- rlrifl?- lso. Wool, Pniu and tL'SZ J?"iland "d made at Lowest Kates. 2liil'r-wl"-warran,1 renressnted. Corner la Md Jfcrrjr st., Uboay. l ' 00 IS A OLoTltlKll. blaxn. LEGAL. L. FLINN, Attorney at La w , ALBAtTY, - OREUOX. o FFICK- In Foster's new brick block, first door to tbe left, op Mhlrs. vlln 15 J. O. POWKfcfc. W. B. nitYEU. POWELL & lilLYEU Attoriiej s ut Law Miirt Solicitors In Chanccrr. Albaxt, - Obioion. COLLECTIONS promptlv made on all plhtts. Loans negotiated on rearonable terms. Office in Foster's new block. nlvll JT. K. WEATIIERFORD, (NOTABT PUBLIC:) Attorney at I-,aw, ALBANY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN THE WFFERENT courU of the State. Siieclal attention giv en to collcetiohs and probate matter. Ornci In BiiKSS' building. n47vl 0. m 3. KtxAt ltBL'KN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AIJiASY, OKKGON. PROMPT ATTEirriOS OIVEX TO ALL business. 22v8 H, b. xcslPlfBXIr. c. K. WOtfVEBOjf. Humphrey & Wolverton, Attorneys atnt Cotinselora mt l WILL PRACTICE If ALL THE COURTS of tbismate. OrncB in Froman's brk-k (upstairs) Albany, Oregon. 111140 L. II. MONTANYE, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE Up stairs, over John Crfggs' store, on First street. vllnio C. 11. HEWITT, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Otfieet Old Ihtt Office Building, Albany, Oregotu i "1T7"II'L PRACTICE in the different Cortrts of t Cortrt vlln5J T T tbo State. 1 0 H. CON LEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE In Parrish block, north side First street, Albany, Oregon. - , " ' . Alt bnsincM promptly and carefully attended to. vllnM JUNIUS F. WHITING, ARTIST, rreoca, Slnriif Scene, -Ami motorial l?aintJfig DERIGN1NO A RfSCALTY. Rooms and 7, Parrish block, eWnef First ana jerry sireeLs, aiwii;, vlijwu. f J" week In your own town. $a outfit free. Iiirivr.j.i. Aaam .m.m. warn, a ImmIam. vmv all the time when they work, write for par. ileal H. 1IAX.1.BTT Co., Portland, PMs. - v The recent Cold ftlghts In Walla Walla valley Is .believed to have frozen out the grass-hopper eggs which caused such great consternation there recently. Grand preparations for the reception of Gen. Grant are making at Washington City. President Days has telegraphed Grant inviting him to be hia gUest while In Washington. .i i . . "i -i Tlje Cincinnati Enquirer (Democratic) says : There is a happy land, far, far away." Too fer, we apprehend, to be reached by the Democratic Presidential aspirants. ; The roaring ttemagoguea found no dep uty marshals or "military intimidation" at the polls In the recent electitth, but tbe party whicli bowled ail through the canvass about theso : things : was-' beaten all the mine. Edward Kerrigan has commenced pro ceedings to test the right ot Kalloch, Mayor elect ot San Francisco, and of all other, candidates ot his party, to their seat, on the ground that they pledged themselves to accept salaries less than those now paid, which it is alleged is something in the shape of a bribe. The board ot managers of the Oregon Slate Agricultural society will hold their annual meeting at Salem, commencing Tuesday, Dec. 2, 1S79. At this meeting the time will be decided upon for holding tne annnai iair oi issu. ana tne list or pre miums for the same will be arranged. All memlters and friends of the Society are in vited to attend. - The Irish I oca? government hrts made a special report to the imperial government . . " . 1 . . jt . r repccuiig iim siaie ui a uk 1 13 in ireiaiH!. The report says that the potato crop' is everywhere inlerior, and thi. combined with the absence of peat fuel owing: to rain, is regarded as the leading cause of the distress, which is expected to culminate during the winter and spring. Pauperism is greatly increasing, especially in Ulster. "I would rather be. right (rich) than be President," is Vanderbilts motto. The President only gets $50,000 a year, and is -worried nearly to death by ofiltv-seekers. but by merely investing $5,000,000 in tour per cent bonds, Yauderbilt receives $50, 000 from the national Treasury every three mouths, and has nothing to do but drop it in his strong box. Kiclies do not confer happiness however. O, no! A popular periodical for November sets out to prove, and does prove, that from the Revolutionary War to the present time " State troop have never acquitted them selves with credit on American battle fields, by reason ot their wretched organi zation and total lack of discipline. The solid fighting has always lei tj doue by reg ulars or by well drilled volunteers. The argument deduced is lliat the country needs a JSational tiuircl oi volunteer?, organized on a unitorm and comprehensive scale. The South American belligerents, in their employment of foreigners to do their hard figtlns'V resemble the Italian republics which tit thedarsof their decadence, ttsed Sir John flawkwood and other Free Com panions to exchange the rough bloats cf tlM-ff Internecine strifes. Jt is a pinu which saves the nominal belligerents many bruise, but costs much money, as mercenaries are' ant to find it to their in terests to prolong such contests. This is a last country, this Is. It i not so very long since the slaughter, of the in trepid Custer and his band, out a corres pondent writes to Iho llemlJ that if Sitting Bull and his Warriors were to return to the great valley of the Yellowstone. Irom which they were expelled only a short time ago, they would scarcely know their old bunting grounds. Immigration has not i fed in from all sections. The wigwam of the Indian hns given place to churches and schools and stores and newspaper offices. At Tongtfe River where Ow. Miles was encunned in 1876-7. there is a town with a population of nearly 1,000 in habitants. The battle-fields of the heroic Custer are farms, and cattle graze on the plains, and hillsides where the sauuesc ana bloodiest of otir Indian tragedies was so recently enacted. Meal Estate In the West. The Denver Land Co. offer in another column alternate lots in their addition. These alternate lots are in fact given away, though ft nominal charge ot one dollar is made for the deed. The company limit the nnmber purchasable at this price to five lots. 5 Many of the large "cities of the West have been started in a similar man ner, and those who secured lots then, find themselves now In possession of valuable property. The opportunity does not often present itself of making an investment in Real Estate at such prices. The reliabili ty of the 'Company and : their title to the property being well established, there could bo no risk, with a fine prospect for a rapid increase In valuo. Denver has had such a wonderfully rapid growth, it la probablo that the land offered will be speedily taken As yet there is no diminution in tho vol ume of the coin, principally gold, that has for' several months been flowing into this country from the other sidi of the Atlantic Until the setting of the golden tide about the middle of last iftmuier the largest amount of specie ever Imported into the United States during a single moutn was $1J,2&2,700, in December, 1876. But since July last that amount has been greatly exceeded every month, and In Sep tember It reached the sum of $27,432,179, In the same month the exports of merch andise from the city ot New York alone reached the amount of $30,712,231, the largest ever shipped from that port In a similar period. A contemporary says that the export of grain and breadstuffs for the year wfll ' soon be over, ; and then the influx of gold In large quantities will cease. But it must be remembered that when the export, of wheat and produce shall have ceaed that ot cotton will begin, amtln tbe existing condition of business abroad and at home it would be premature Co fix any date tor a etiange in tbe balance of trade. ' - ' A river of petroleum is flowing through Texas. It fs bo far undarjjronnd, however, that there is little danger that any pnmp will reach it. Texas U a great country. OUT OF n05DAU." Victoeia, Nov. 9 A carpenter and a laborer, who were emploved to build a warehouse near Stickeen river Jat summer, were seized by about thirty Indians, who foreed.iiem into one of their canoes- and, without any explanation, toolc them to an islancT not far from Fort Wrangel. The men remonstrated, bnt In vain, and their captors compelled them to" assist in clean ing and drying fish, and rtiade theut per' form the most menial duties. This kind of treatment lasted several weeks, biit one day the carpenter and his comrade, In com pany with scteral Indians, went ont on a fishing cruise. About noon the canoe was loaded and ill went ashore. Some of the Indians straggling away from the beach, the carpenter saw that his time of .deliver ance had come, and according ta hw state ment, he picked up a huge , rock and rather stunned or killed three of the In dians who remained behind witb hinvand his companion. Then he grasped a paddle and. jumping lnto.ffce canoe ordered his friend' to hurry up and come aboard. For a time tlie man seemed dazed, not dream ing that tlie cameuter would have resorted to such desperate measures to ensure" their escape. Jiventually, however, he got into the canoe and both paddled off just as tlie other Indians returned to find their three tillicums lying senseless on the beach. Paddling with all their might, the fnglrtves soon got clear of the island, and after being at sea tor several days, during which tune they suffered great privations and subsist ed only on a portion of a dried salmon which had been left in the canoe, they for tunately reached Fort Wrangel Thence they took passage on board one of the steamers and arrived in safety at this port. THE SEATTLE IIORBOR. The Seattle IntelJiyencor has the follow ing particulars relative to the attempt at infanticide at Seattle ; After having the clothing and little llunnel skirt found in the vault at the time washed and dried Chief Thordike took them to Mrs. Post, who immediately identified them as be longing to her little boy. The revelation fastened the guilt upon Mary Tucker, a quadroon girl who had been working in the family about four months,. At 'first she stoutly denied all knowledge of the affair, btit finally admitted that she was the mother of the child, and the attempted murderer of hef own offspring, She had shown no signs of having become a motherl and went right along doing her work as if nothing iiafl happened, ana when asked after acknowledging it. why she had not said something about it beforehand, said she was afraid of being discharged from her situation and "ouM have no place to go. She states that the child was born in the privy at live o'clock the morning it was found in the vault, and 6he, not wish ing to be found out. had disposed of it as heretofore stated. She, at tho request of Sir. Thorndike, lunil-slied the water to wasli the filth from the babe, and is said to have acted as indifferent to it as if it had been a cat or a dog instead of a child of her own. She signified her willingness, after being exposed, to take the child aiid rai-m !.t, and is at present nursing the poor little waif at the hospital, wlicro she is kindly treated by the Sisters of Charity, who wiil keep her until sho can procure work or, a home elsewhere. She states that a well known Skagit logger is tho father of the child, a tid is very positive about it. Cemetery robbers are operating with re markable success In the vicinity of New Orleans. They grind grave stones to pow der to sell to soda watef manufacturers, dispose of colli in in the shape of kindling wood, and supply the trade with skeletons at the lowest market ptiee. Cremation could scarcely be more thorough. The bridge uniting Xew York and Brooklyn is an Immense affair, particularly a regards cost. Already nearly $11. 000, 000 have been expended in building it, and a half a million more is asked for, with a year and ft halt ot work yet unper formed. Taxpayers are not enthusiastic concerning it. . Some good Snmnrltans at Chicago haVe concluded that the only way to get along peacefully with the red man is to give him the right of suffrage. He would prize it Very highly, iio doubt, but it will never till the place in hh estimation that tbe scalp of his enemy does.- Ouray, head chief of tlie Utes, bus be haved himself very well, and Is receiving many compliments tit consequence, but it is worth while to remember that he receives $1500 a year from the Government for do ing so; Mary white men behave well all their lives without being paid a cent for it by anybody. ' Statistics show that in France less than one-fifth of the crimes officially brought to notice are committed by women, and only one third of them bypersons who have been married. Simply as an institution ot discipline, matrimony appears to be val uable. An Ohio bank President visited Lend ville, Colorado, recently, and paid $14,000 for a lead brick veneered wit'i gold. : lie is not so much impressed with the mineral wonders of Colorado as he,, was a few weeks ago. - - ; .-,..., It fa stated that Stephen At Douglas, son of the Jate great Senator, in conse quence of petty persecutions practiced by Democrats towards Republicans, has de cided to leave North Carolina, his native State, and take up his residence in Illinois. if,. ! TbeS recent immigration to the United States of some of the most skilled opera-; tives ot England will still further increase the manufacturing competition existing between the two countries. The quality of American manufactures is steadily im proving. A British war Vessel, it is announced", will soon take possession of tbe Satnoan Islands. As the United States owns a naval station there, which it will not sur render, a- breeze of excitement in that quarter my possibly occur before long. General Ilancock is becoming prominent as a possible candidate lor the Presidency op the Democratic ticket." He would cer tainly awaken more popular enthusiasm in his party than tlie great legal spider" of new iorK. . - - . '.: Agent Meeker appears a hate been a warm friend of tlie Indian race. RU fate illustrates the folly oi sentimental ideas In dealing with ignorant savages. Force Is tne only thing they respect or comprehend. General Win field Scott wisely remarked that the Indian respects the man who wears a sword. For maudlin philanthro pists pe entertains only merited contempt A telegram from Valpariso announces the capture ot Plsagua, Peru, by Chileans. The Ameer has abdicated, and tbe Afgan- istan elephant is now entirely on: Beacons field s hands. What will he do -itb It? The fetiloc?arift tinners, fit Tnlslnna fx- tray serious apprebensiO'ifs that ti Repub licans will carry that State at the next election. ; It is a Uttle singular that labor strikes in the East increase about as fast as employ, rrient is provided for thousands of men wlio have long been idle heretofore. One proposition before the .Spanish Gov ernment is to emancipate fill Cnban slaves under 65 years of age. . This would give to every slave a taste of freedom just before he died. How kind ! - . , ''- "V Baron nirsh of Paris la almost rich enough to live in Albany. He is worth 20 million dollars, and recently won a hun dred thau'and dollars in a lottery. "To htm who hath shall be given.- FeruhllJ !s the name given to the new postofiice in the John Day river settlement, Clatsop county. Mrs. Dennis has been appointed postmaster. Tlie rriail leaves Astoria every Wednesday and Saturday. Ben Butler declares that lie intends to he a candidate every year nntll he succeeds in being elected Governor of Mase&chusetto. In that case he may live fO be st very old man. Lincoln's old home at Sangamon,- II1L- nois, is deserted and gone to decay. HI name, however, is beyond the mouldering influences or time, it win De Drignt many centuries hence. New York City has sent all tfie" Way to Egypt for an obelisk to complete thp resem blance between the dwelling-places of ruined taxpayers; Both are sinking out oi signs in a Dog ot indebtedness. p s Houmania desires to be recognized by civilized powers without complying with the necessary conditions. Persecution on account of race or creed ia not a suitable recommendation. A tribe iii India has the curious custom of Tiermitting women to choose their hus bands. That men alone should enjoy the privilege ot making matrimonial proposals in most Countries is a relic at barbarism. The Government Is still trying to extract from Samuel J. Tilden those lamoHS un paid income taxes; He hopes to stave off their collection till lie can introduce the Presidential salary its an offset. Deluded old man ! It requires a stont heart and a leather' throat to elect a man Governor of Ohio. The last successful candidate mad 111 speeches, besides talking privately witb thousands ot stalwarts. He now longs for repose. , ,; .. - , - , George Eliot says that women do' not love men for their goodness. Of course not. It's fof their beauty, and lor the cheerful way in which tliey pay a dry goods bill when it is presented. Everbody knows that. tv v ; During a third ot tlie year tlie sun is never visible at Balmoral Castle. It Is not eclipsed by the presence of Queen Victoria, but the skies in that region are lamentably cloudy; Her majesty forgets the tact, how ever, in the Smiles ot her loyal subjects. Plenty of land can be botfght in the" State of Virginia fr $10 per acre. The Old Dominion needs more people, and people who are more industrious than most of the present population. Its sacred soil will then be more valuable. -'. . For his share of tlie annual appropria tions, the Postmaster-General wants ifO,- 000,000. Twenty years ago tlie entire ex penses of the Government were only about twice that sum per annum. Some changes have occurred since, howevfcf. A new revolatiouary party has been or ganized in Russia, The members of- the old revolutionary party have principally taken up their residence in Siberia, except ing, ot course, those who liave been hanged. Agitating in Russia is no child's play. The streets of Independence are being graveled. Several persons are sick of typtiotd fever at Dallas. ' The Polk county court fote" fia$been insured lor $5,000. ,: V Several robberies have recafitly been committed at Buena Vista. '- 'y. - Harness and tin shops have -recently been established at Hubbard. ' . - A man named Dodson Is in jail at Daft. charged with stealing a norse. The potato crop in the vicinity" of Hub. bard is large and of excellent quality. Tlie roads are so had since tbe late rains that wheat hauling has about ceased. Three Chinamen were immersed by tbe Baptist pastor at Salem oil Sunday last. Diphtheria lias appeared at Olympia. Mr. Hildcrbrand lost three children last week..- .;. f.' -v.i ;:. A grand hunt, in which all hunters ot Oregon and Washington are invited, will take place iu Pierce cotfnty this month. -Monday the city election came off at McMinnville, with the following result: R. 11. Todd. C. A. Wallace, J. J. Col lard, II. Adams, W. J. Henderson, council men ; Henry Warren, recorder; Frank Martin, marshal.' ; Tlie . Polk County Teachers' Institute will be held in Dallas on the 14th and 15th ot the present month. Every arrange ment has been mat.e to make it a success ful affair. All teachers ta the State are Invited to be presrut.- . ESghty-cfght was the highest number of votes received by any single candidate st the city election heWJ at Dallas., Polk comity, on tbe 3d inst. As there was but one ticket iu the field, this ia probably tbe total number of votes cast Hubbard correspondence i Our county court, this spring, has aftrironrl.itwl nmriv $20 to plank tlie road iu Pudding river bottom, which is almost lm passable at this time. But to the present time onr super visor has 'not taken any means to use th appropriation. , . 1 wist on Tetter : Archie lawyer nd Kamia, Indian Billy's .son, returned On Tuesday last from Joseph's people from the Indian territory. They report that Ad. Ciuipman was at Kansas City and would soon return to Idaho. They also report that Joseph and hi people are very much d'ssatisfiecf with their new onsrters and wish to sret hack to Idaho. Archie and young Billy were equipped brths full rega lia ot the American citizeu, watches, etc , . - .,. '.-. Why , elionld the Indians be &F;OWd to retain better firearms than the United States troops are supplied with ? . i. timber contract was awarded last week. is now pwspectmg for tfrrtber rrp the Clearwater.- He will put gangs off toen td work very soon. . . .. . . Atseofding to fiajnits ebfnfifei hf tbo Alia, tbe population of the PociSd slope has increased frord 1370 to date from 831,058 to 1,269,000, . A'n Jaetern journal attributes the increase ot suicide to the civil tear, to the" spread Cf Infidelity, and . to "an ex- . cesmve influx ot European imtoiracts,'' It takes genrSato stadf4p lufcld ex planation tike that; r ' " " " Ethan Allen and Gen. Jackson have" been "resurrected," and are now wriU in tof the press of Oregon the former" on tree trade and the latter on the' . wrong done to Tilden .. The . vigor of each is conspicuous in bis utterances. Who would have believed, twenty years ago, that wh?f,e soldiers ot tbe reeOlar arfny, surrounded by hostile" Indiana would be relieved by black . soldiers of. the regular army? "But bis soul goes marching oh'jf. it 3 fail: ; Tilings are figured down ia a fane , point in LoDdofi. Every four minutes somebody fs born, and every six min utes ' somebody dies. - By this arrange ment an increase of the city's popula tion is secured every three tninuteSc Nothing could be more ingenious. ' I Tlie Christians ot Herzegovina refuse to pay rent to Tudiifeh landlords, and ' threaten to shcttt them it they try to collect. This method of adjusting tbe land question appears te be growing in popularity. Its simplicity is what fS commends ft; , - . ' , Gov. Tliayer has commuted the sen tence of Henry L. Hanson, to expire October 3 1, 1879 Xovemher i; 1878, Hanson was convicted of larceny, and sentenced to five ycirs-in the peniten tiary. Tbe sentence f 4Ienry Wilson was ato rentHtedt to the' imoftnt of Alms allowed bylaw.'" '"-5,i ; A d ispatcb from New York announces the death of Admiral John J Abern& thy at the ageof 75. ... He was not aft Admifsi, but a Medical Director in the United States Navy. ,: tin entered tbe service from ' Conneticnt in 183. During the war with Mexico he Was a Surgeon in the PaciGo Squadron. lie was traced on the' retired ; list many yeareaao;-., . . ". . . tti .',r."V. " v. Tbe Elmira Gazette gives this cbde ' of hat flirtation signals : Wearing tbe bat squarely on head I love you mad ly ; tipping it over the" t!gr.t ear my little brother hs the measles ; wearing it on the back of the bead ta, ta awfully awful ;' taking it off and brush ing it" the wrong way my heart is busted ' holding it out in the rigbt hand lend me a quarter; throwing it at a policeman I love your, sister j using it as a fan Come and play with my aunt ; carrying a brictc in it yout cruelty is killing me ; kicking ','t across the street I am engaged putting il on the ground and sitting on K fare 4 u ; At the regblitr meetiog.qt the AcatSej my ot Science in San FrSncifeco irj Myw day evening, October ZMt Prof! J. Tf. Cope, an eminent geologist and natural ist from the East, who had just return ed from a trip to Idaho .and : Oregon, gave an interesting aCootfnt ot hieis coveries reaaYdlnsf Lake" Klamath. Some of 'the trout caught in tbe lake weighed ten pounds. Many species supposed to be extinct bad been found in the lake The pliocene fbrraStiotf found in Oregon 2nd Idaho ws not known to exist on the American conti nent until recently. Its disco vefy is of ' great importance, as its exploratioti is expected' to thro sora" fignt oh the" advent of man on this continent. It abounds in tt e fossil remains of llamas, fibb and an extinct race of horses which greatly resembled the present species. The 1 -PtoUmot visited . Crater Lake eight by five miles in extent, which had peTpeodfcuraf walls of soorira 1,800 to &,50tf feet bigK forfered by an ancient crater. ' roBtin, NoV lS.f-U is report :J from Augusta, Maine, . that the ststa' autBorities have certificates prerarel to send out SVWS m1 : 17 dasnccra.. "; t"0 senators and. 3 reprrEODtativc?, cav ing them a msjtrsty and case the repeblks&A r:J-j.- t J