The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 24, 1877, Image 1

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J 5
WML Ml' t3kJWAUArw, -.S SU'K'Jt 9 . gg
AXD ,'
'Exchange OScg,
AI.IS.VN Y, OS!0..
ehoek a! si-jbt.
Interest allowed on time deposit In coin.
Ex?liari'--' on Portland. Sun Francisco,
ami New York, for nh!c at lowest, rate.
Collections uncit nml prompt ly remitted.
Refers to II. V. Corbett, lleniy Failin;,
W. S. I.add.
BnnkinK liours from 8 A. M. to -t P. M.
Albany, Job. 1, 1ST 1-22 v
SI. J. SiS WSiXO.V, M.
Medical CoSle.ife of Nv York, lute
TtiemiKTitf ISeiievieu II spiral Mr Ural rol
ler, Si' -v York. Ml I- - in A. C.itroihers
& Co.'s d:'n .store, Albany, i reii;on.
BOLTS n.!I sia:c r.a1 losieri- j
t.. .v- vVt. .! MIKi.r li SS1. 5
WAIili 1 full antl t-ojiapleie us- j
Stojes, Tinware, Pumps, Hose.
Tin, , Coppor, ZUig ant Steel Iron
on baud for sale
The Goldsmith llnuge,
The liro-eS' ar-'l rnor complete assortment in
V- the city.
Keeps all kinds of
Limo & Pia3t:r of Paris,
. at Portland prices, freislit added.
nlrK done neatly, at rtiort notice,
anti w Ai.KAr. i i-o.
J. iJllAI'W-.'irL. i
First street, Albany. Oregon.
Bartoer SlxopJ
r i.. ii. j:oy.l
HAS brEXEI) a Barb r shop on First street
one door west of Timiui'Son A Irv-inV har
ness shoo, where he w:.M 1e pl.-ased to meet ad
who wish work in his line. Tiiankfui lor pnt
patronas, be hoiies by . lose :ii t.-nvion to tu-i-ness
to merit a continuance of the same. Wilt
keep cour.iantiy on. hand a fuii supply of
Pcrl'umri J and IEa:r ,iils,
tlie .beat assortment in town. Come und see
me. j - 't
Alliony, Or., February i", 1S7.J-23vS
no chair Koes from my iaeiory without uij
name rn I. AH others are lalsu iiniiatiotf
and should tie so re-itirded. All iersons art
hereby warned airainst at tempting any sucl
itulosttiou uion mv eustoiiiersj
Jefferson . Or., Jan. 21. 1B7S.
i , . .
Bath'-lloas3-&-Darber Gi ip
fullv tltank the citizens ot APaa at i ti
cinlty for the ii 'sera! patronau'C Ix-iov t or
hira for the pant with years, tun' hope. f c ia
future a eon'inuntion of ilti-ir i.'ivoi-s. r;b
aeoommodation of trutiient cn:o:n : . nt
.... 1 . . -
Saloonr, where a oo I woncman v. id u. .,rb, (
n ttndanee to wait um'i '-.lrri-tt
Pec.Jl.!71. J'jE WE J
J. D. MCFAI.'l AN1. .... . WJI. MOPOAX-
Kext Ior to W!!, I'rjf Co's Express
OlTice, AlUtiiiy, Oregon.
y I tyrants and others sooil bHrsatins in tarnts
nd email homtwtettds in I.itm and ndjoininii
ountiea. Farms iu valno and Hize tJ suit pur-
AIho, city property,; botli improved ana un
it rtrotrwd .
Rentinsr farms and eifv TtrortertT. anl collec-
.ons rtf all kinds. promrVilv attenied to.
ftnr fn.-itiii.-u fm- a 1 vertisinT wili enable its
' do 'more for our patrons than any other
?eiicy in inc rotate in otir one.
we also pay Sjwttiat attention 10 in cihihuj
ant and Ialor exeUangc deartment.
Albany, May litf.
atslng and 32o Ui X3uiIc:is-
Vtethe uxhersigxe;i heo leave to
"j annomute. to the citizens ol Albany anu
"jroutulinK country that, having uti(pl;iinr
' J' 'es with the ucocssury muebiiiery. foirai
and removing buildtiisrs, we are ready at all
'"es to receive orders for stu h work, which
w will do In short order at lowest rates. We
"E 'rranU-e ejttlre fiatisftvction in all work under
n ry us.
..."fion left
' , Or., April 23. 175. 2v7
' i' - Special attention given to
TTIX(i concluded to lmtlce AMMiV mv
"TeniMiieiV revdt?nw, ail w ho desire, ii
inortsitj, knowledge of Muttic eun now have
ui Of .purt'Uiiiy.-
iAXOS jxii ORG.tXS
T-ied aiiel-XS6psiiiccl
Ita" f vfur address at Mr. foKlmyVmusieaml
' or at Mr. Purr's .music atom, and I
tftui iV-: , your reitlnee.
Plinr. '. P. XLWL'LI.
AJosJiy. Antist t. Ist;;-' ,
Wholesale and Retail fxmler In
Bsora & shoes, .. .
w J t!S .: , tiiU
I'irst street, Albany, Ortgou.
Toi-ms : - - CYtsli.
Clicn I Al'CiUl eCt
" I
ALRAXY, : : : : oill.tiOX.
OFFlCIv-Witb V. H. Knhn. Vrrv ?ivcl. I
ltfstirj('.-E--Coriji.T Calipooia and Sixth
Are Yti.i o5?js J Ktiiitl?
IF Vol" ARK CiIN(i TO Tiril.D A IIOFSE, !
barn or Ueue. ( nl in Miui'-nr ifri foSt'lilt1- i
Li-'.n-.iou, w'io have on band
' awin:r nntr, re vh and y-!'ow nr
Itmiberol the Nf-iv t..'r j-.l:idlv, wiliehthev
ui sou is iov - : i-.e iowe-t. " ;
S!;-l-l-Lj;ME.K & I'AWSON.
March IS, ii".-Ti
Dr. GEO. . GRAY,
yf . -"-" ''S-
- " 1 Uali I I 1
tl -: : : f ' !
syT-f h,. , nitron V
XT " ' -J -,--'-V ' "H1ArU-y-
ortlt ei.i I'arr;!:"-; itr'ek : K"re .eorm-rol Urst t
and Fcrrv s:".-'. :--. Tt"?i--i nL-e on corner o, ,
j Fifth and Ferry v. in". - trotn .-to .
O L.OC-K A. 31. a atl'l 1 to .1 O CiO .v i. ..t. -w
Corner WaKjjiiiatoii asJ 1 St.
4 r T vt"A'- ( TT 7."' r"V
A LflAiN 1 , J iV Ji'-iVj VJxN ,
c-,. newlv f'.irni-liO 1 f:iro-.i-'!:.'mt.
IIou! uewlv Cirni-lu-1 f arou-V..-mt. . The
best i lie market aiLi.r ' -aiwas on i be table.
j 1'ree 'oaeSi to s(Cil iite ir;i:sc.
rein s c 5 r ' r. tjtii'iof
t r it r.
V .f
Lebanoit. Orcam,
ci-.o r r j-t. i rv ,
BOOTS A !Sl-tir.ri,'
Wood WH'avy Ware,
Sir cavu I s a CALL. .-3
w nm M m nt - i . " " H
'ounertlr.c; witia V.'tl s, Tarso .V t'o.'s
ii-vireji at Irruiu'a sS!tloi, on
raturniut; on
AH ESuMm's S:;strssi;el l nsy
Care Prom pi 3' Atlcutletl Xo.
Iieo. 8, lSTO-nllvl)
Attesiijou, EVisIt Groivcr:
JJo. i.ejfioannonnwttlntt they wili pnt the
Faetorv in oiteration as sK)n as 1 run. and V en
elabieH are ready for ne. und will pay cash for
tlie sttme when d-livere 1."
Boxes will tie furnished to all for the purpose
of bringinsr their lruit to the factory.
Fruit, should be picked from the treesand not
Parties bavins plums should be part icnlar to
Katlier them before they become too rioe.
A. N. AttKCLD, President.
AHany, JulyiS, lS7ian
PIJOSaPT delivery, tit I-,ivSj?
IT VIXG 'bought on t be deli vsry bnsiness ot
Mr. Lewis St imson, I bei? leave, to announce to
the citizens and-business men of Albany, that
I "nave on the streets an express and job wagon
and will be happy to serve ail who may give
me a call.
All orders will 1 promptly attended to at
re-Lsonttble. ra(es. :
Orditrs tuuy be left at 1 he Jirnir More of U.tll Si
-VIRfilL PA ftKEIt.
S. 4. STOSi:, 33. i).,
Physician and Surgeon,
OFI'H.-EAl the Irn-j Mi e,
47 v :
7 ffv. TFh. g
tfcs-- m a id 4 S i& ds
tiiiktv-ukst vnr of hi- praeMee. lvnec-fclly j
tend'.!!'- Ids ervict.'S to the vh i:-.i j
of AH an y and :irrovi a '.i'.i..: ountrv. i 1- h-t. - '
nt tho if." lray Store, lit -iidolire on t'lt !.
street. , n:3v.S
II 01 1 1 ot p: 1 1 ft'fc ' I '3 !l-iv;iari.'
OFFICE wi'lr-Hr. E. II. i irilii. "Fir t trept..
siee':a;ty. - 2r.v
ftTsn t "! ";'---.-!:-"
ALBANY, : CUiliinX.
rpi:K.TS A 1.1. nHKA-i.
JL oki.-cit al ia'iiui;-'i !'l.r
(X Till !1HYST
ie r.-o tl"
!! t:;i:- -AiCti 1'!-. l-'.i.'ttMiitiv, FaiTh-h I
briek block. ;;. i- '..n;r i irom S to u A. X..
and from 1 to f P. M; . :!'.'Vil
V Iij-XiTN K -oi..i -.i-.-et, between ra:l- i
rend and JSons.t.ierv. .vlt I
j -
x -VFFP-K A'! KK-ll'KMT. oovnvr i f Fir-t '.
V und Itrosi '.!'!:: -;r.-e.. u; s::d:--ovn-1'ot- i
OII-..-C. S---:h' :;!:! ion i t-e ! I lie dr
of ivoiih'it. a re ;uhu- !u:ii) itosuai
T.ledii-al I'siiv-tt-ity, and bavinir i ;iv'
f.NiH'iit Juv. lean ns-ui.'- ibo-.o ulleiin il, I'eiief
AlUiO", or.. Xarch i, l!77-"22-v
!???! liJ-w'-?.- v-"
VACTH"E in fit.- cihlevott courts of i
V the s:;e. rv. !ai iu-e.on -i-..-,, lot be !
eoliee :o-i ot nt! eai-.nw tUTO-te 1 to lu-etiiv. .
nnd t.!! re; urn- i -ia le. i, -j--' l :i,-, uut; son ,
of Titlos. Co!'.. iod a;:l Probate Mi;'.-;
ter.-ea;V.til!v iiiel !
I lo.
0!liw un li:
nct !'. Fox !;:-.. n-.'.vtt
tit ' iii afeZl "-'A' j
, , AX""
Lj- k
Otliee m second siory oi i;riJ"i uniMuis;.
A Til. I. PP ACTP i: in the .tilfe.vnt Cotu-isof
it The sta'e. f-i ial el t en ' i : u i '. t-n o the
eolleetiou ot aj! elni.ii entrnKet to luenre.
lave.sti4ttlon eoiivef an.-:; -J: i.d a".i i
tjrobute nmtt;r c;tr.'i'.)i at ti-it.jei; to. U t
i liusincss.
iJv'J !
j. c. i-oY'ri,!.. i- n.;ss.
row!:!.!. & fijx:
Attorney h '!' ISors at 5. -ivy antl Vo.
lieitors itt t'ikKnery,
Albany, Orreron. Colli ,;!.. -s jattU. antl eou
veyanees proiuptly a; ti -n led ti.. l-s
CS2 :
! yVTH-L l'iiu-i t, ' t ':.;j.- .. ;,: fr.-e.
i T oi j t r . , :.. i. . ; 1 i : ,'s
hardware s;e; .;. el. '."-
H'i I '"--''- fit
ALB.'.SV, 5!;Kt0X.
HAS i S MAN'!' and v. il! le eoestently re-
e.eivm;.' .Itir!tr-t!.- -en - ot. nil the late-rt in
IJ.tmetw. K.i the ij.icr In .Miliit.ery. A!)
work ili'iie. a::.i :
for ca-h.
5t5.S tt it Uuiiliiu
?5 I
it: i
Germna Zf.ihji C'ln ry. 'i'lire.--l. i'i-l.-,
-V':?!'.f''e H'-u':tii? Ijur ' 'c-
Cd a;,-' ( 11 i- St-tn'j
Gj i.h- ti'-t;.. it'c, Ac.
A!o, Agent lor lv. Varners
ElcaJii'i l'orst-l I
and ?Ia.-u:n Keye's
Coi'fot Slriff- Buxspoi'tcr.
wiVFrench rfanipinr dotie to order.
lStTsVJ'roa.laibin H., opposite i"i.-.l OdireijjQv
iciurii L-ruitie.
i:. m. pi'UDOM
Would aTiitnniicy to i hv Albany an-1
vicinity. i hat lit U jtMvin -i tci 'tiriii-h aJTuiiitis
of i'lCTl' K K FKA? lo o!'lciiii siiori notice.
Pictures i'utHKHi. uii'l oi'l I'-Jtiut rt-invil 4ti
atbirtorliv on First ( uMv v! if
UroiuUilUin, and K-aw jour onki
II.ATE K SlicittOAS)
Merchant rX"n?li.
KKKPtf always on hand Doeskins, Cas-simeres
Vest ins. etc., a larger and better stock
than ever before hrnimlit. to t hit. market .
Cutsand makes to or. lev all nii.-ot Clot li Ins
for men and hivt-s. at rtasonabiu i-utos. Knaran-teein-j
sti! i-fact ion. t
Hhonon First street, next door to Citv 'Mar-
Kei, mieiv 'M cttiin t ov nr. j-.. o; sniilli.
Ullf 4 i I ftjSfte iii !.l tii s wi ufi
roit cot ,vri", oi:i;cit,M.
Otflt.fc-.U bis veslnenee. A man v. Oregon.
Applicai ions received lor leans". 3ti .9
A'.rei)f for W. F. BnrnharuV l:7i
I7OR ALL territory webt of the Jloeky nioun
. tains.
I will guarantee these wheels to sive a belt
Bales, than any wheel know n 0,1 the 1'ai itie
coast, 111111 cause .tie user i-ss i.ror.l-.-.
. Albany, sn-3"v J. F. JiACKEN'STO.
.irvo. .FOSIIAY,
tditHl Itrtoks, ltiar.k liot.k.s, t-ittttonei v
ratmy Arllcle.-. Ac. !
ftoojfs tmnoi te.i to orner, y t .;-t;ortesi r:ittip s
not tee.
the city or Ail-any. and ei,t-red imun
hi Irievids and The public irexieruHy, th
ts now settled in his
' the old .(and next cloort,o P. C. Harper A Co ,
u here can bit found as givut'un assortment and
u ;;tre u stoe!c of '.
. .
Stoves anSanes
. an bp found jn any onft.liojsc this side of
l'ortiand, and-at. us . . ' ;
. err? X -stj.ojes,
i-'lda tidM kmS ra4? 3
in s---it-vaiie-ty. Alo,
1 opjilTHlire,
vn'y on .baud, and made to order, AT L1V-
1N(. KA'J-KS.
! tTiin -K.-tr -3 ---
Alvany. October -2i, li,5-j8
Tlie Xew Family Sowing M ic'nine will hereaf
ter be sold at
C i; ;a p fc ri
Ih "i iS
M m -j S c"
i " U J
. v:i i V- E I L s.
An 1 el! other styles of t;eniiine Singer Ma
chines at equally reduced prices.
l umimi uit'H' e.ti'iisuc- nave ih-i-ii
re l i e l t:i ) rice, t n t.'l Al.l I 1 wl;i Ue maiu-
1 luiued at iis highest standard.
. - - 1
UUaJU, (yiil uCUii-b 1 fliuUh&
V." ':h i:ll tie ir i.;Kil t ve hiirlier branches.
L"crry i -
Incorporated Feb. 4. 1K75. Cr.pital, $30,0.
Corner First an:l YVithin-;ton streets,
Allniiv. : Oi'osrorx.
!, . A.
IMJtr.t lOJKt
, . .,,.., v
I Z''l "- V--"
3J. J.rR,
t;. tTAv;ii;, s;. ti. iii.nn.
to. A. i'All'MS.
Wholesale niv.l Tletail 1 ealer3 itt
ni'its a S3 u SI '
yfu yiiyuu 8
Cjiroeoriffi, E'lsrm EjiiptMnfiI.i
ii!5l .3cIiiit'ry, &.c.
.Macbinery AVarclionse nn 2d, between Ferry
and WasUingum streets.
Also, liny and sell on commission all kinds of
floods. Marketable Produce,
I'ee. 24, I.s7."-1 i vcunu
Hunt of t bect-le.bratod new style Combined
1 b ill and Uroadenst '
direct front 1lie faetorv. om now ofTerlng extra
inducements to the fanners of Oreuom Most
of the best, fanners in thehiate are uow usin"
them. "
Siavintl jwm!.1 and tin increased vicld of t, in
is the vesnlt d" driiUti. '
Can Vie used equally well aa a
ISrlli or Broadcsst Seeder.
greatly unproved for this tear.
'areroouis at my Bktuksttiith H107), comerof
Second ami Lhsworth strceis, Albany, Oregon.
laren 31, 173-28
Xfav Eoi.E.-TI:ti jailbh-d Wvman is
P,!,.V"g '1 new role now. J?a -howls, and
rave-, anil curses, i.i seaion and out of sen- !
son. fears ail his clothes off but bis pants,
and raises Xed generally In fact be seems
to be trying to come in on the insanity
dodge. A prominent pby&ician, a school
teacher, a blacksmith, ;(nd probably one or
t-.vo others, had an -"experience" with
VVyrnah one day last week that convinced
them that hois inline, or at least poou
would be it tbev conld have Min hnnrll'no-
. .
of Jiim n few mii:iitv.s.
BfEXA VlSTA, Aug. 14. 1871.
I'olk county prospects", fiiuiiiciallj-, were
never so good. The crops of wlicat, bar
ley, oats, liny, and l;bt tlioiigh not least in
import:ince,liops,li;ive in no pasttime prom
ised as good .i yield as at present, and t!ie
increase in aeienge, with good prices, tend
to make the people social and energetic if
not happy p.nd coTltentfd.
This cottnti" being more mliiiig on the
surface than Linn. the. crops of cereals nat
urally come in earlier, and in consequence
the warehouses are fast Ailing up. If lha
present fine weather for harvesting contin
ues but a few weel, this part of the coun
try will feel rich indeed, as the much cov
eted dollar can be realized for nil the good
wheat, and it is being fast secured.
Bu;-ine in the village is running on a
safer bais than usual, and we think on'a
better basis tor all parties. The farming!
community go in debt les--. and count the j
cost in making purcliates . more closely, j
So tin? laboi intr man and storekeeper are!
more likely to got their part of the money
than in the former way of purchasing a
long as there is anything to be bought on a
credit. But while the present seems so
prosiK'totis and the future outlook so prom
ising, the counterpart is not entirely ab-
sent. The neighbors are called to-day to ;
pay the last tribute of respect to one of the ;
best of their number Mr. II. M. Holder, j
whom the village .and neighborhood could j
ill afford to spare a man in the prime of
life, of industrious habits, and always found
at his post, his influence all the time on the
side of good, and possessing a large degree
ot social organism just! such a man as.
makes up :i desirable and prosperous eoui
munity. Iro. Bower-sox, of Albany, con
ducted a very appropriate religion- service,
after which the Odd Fellows took charge,
and a large concourse of people followed
the remains to their last resting place.
Erysipelas was the cause of his death.
Deceased leaves a wife and two niifill chil
dren. Ii. M. R.
Fkkamplp. and Kksoi.ctioxs Passed at
i be M. E. Sunday School fast Sunday : ,
WliF.PLAS, Prof. J. 1j. Gilbert has been
Superintendent of the M. E. Sunday School
of this eity fdr the pat two years, and
AVhix.ea. He has been indefatigable in j thing almost yon might happen to want in
his eflbrts tt advance the interests ot said I t!w furniture line.
school, and
Wii1"i:i-:a. A- n Christian gentleman I.p At last aeeoniit Julius Joseph was bav
has won the esteem ot till connected with ing a way up time in San Francisco, where
said school, and J he has gone on a pleasure trip.
Wm bXAS. lie has chosen another field I T A ,"7,,, preai:i.ed
for his future labors, and J two ()fl c.rmoi, ut tUe jj. E. Church on
WiiKtsr-AS He ba severed his connee- j j,,,,, huU to, &ood congregations.
tion wit b our school, therefore j .. -
Tie:: 7. Th'tt we -ber!b tb most bind ! If you want a dish of splendid ice cream,
remembrmce of his stay with ns-as Super- ! eill at Mady's restaurant.
inteiidetit. ' j .
HetoU-f-J. That onr symfat Inland best j OK Tompkins, of Ilarrlsburg.'was in the
wi-hes eo with bitn to his new home. ! . . . m
j,',,.,.; . ; ti,.i -:l to P.. wtth ! City I' ruiay.
him in all Ids joiirticviugs tiiningh life.
y.V-o' v-t, That we request the publica
tion of the above in our city papers.
,T. F. I'm: Vore, Cbn.
Patfnts. We' tire itidtbted to the pub
lishers ol the Minirt'j "n'l Scientific iVa w. of
Han Francisco, for the following list of late
patents issued to Pacific coast Inventors:!
William C. IL Body, Virginia City, Xevn
da. clack valves lor pumps; Jeremiad
Ib-owell. S. F.. sectional chimney ; .Jordan
IVter. of Pet.duma. and ThoinaC. Walter.
S. F., tilttu-s and coolers ; William Eppel
sheimer, S. F., tramway trucks for wire
ropr railroads; Lucien B. Ilealy, S. F..
liquid measnres ; William E. Murray.
Ukiab, Cab, safety book ; Thomas J. Tail
or, Eureka, Xev., dust traps for furnaces ;
John C. Xoody. S. F., labels for Moody's
concentrated fluid extract of s.'irsaparll'a,
stillingia and yellow dock.
Oct ix tiik wet. -One of onr farmers
last Sprinir lost a sack partially filled with
wheat. East week the sack was found in
the field just where it biid been dropped,
and although the seed bad laid thereon the
ground enveloped in the! bag. exposed to
the weather all through the Spring and
Summer; with tlie exception of probably a
tea en pf ul that lay in the neck of the bag
rather by itself, the wheat was as bright
and clean as the day it was lost. About a
teneupful bad slid along toward the month
of the bag when it was dropped, and this
small amount had commenced to sprout.
This is a great country, yon bet.
' Dead. On Saturday evening, August
ISth, in this city, Mrs. Mary F-, wife of
Samuel Miller." Deceased had been ill for
some months with consumption. She wa
hut 37 years of age. and leaves five children
and a husband ro mourn her death. . Aj
kind and loving wife and mother, and 'a
christian in the finest' sense, has gone to
her reward. Peace to her ashes.
Kr," MeOIure. of the ii. I. S., bas gone
and got married to one of Marion comity's
fair daughters. The knot, wastied on Tues
day. Mc. furni-hedi a residence down "on
Second street last week, and was already
to go to housekeeping upon bis return to
this city on Wednesday. Good luck and
prosperity attend the newly married pair.
ixcsT. We are told the reccnt boiling
hot weather caused the rust to take hold o
the wheat right lively in some places.
This Is a new feat ire of the Wheat harvest
in Oregon, and so far our farmers don't go
(-a cent on it. We are in hopes the damage
to wheat is not as great as at first reported.
Seattle Dix)o'rh : The last, and meanest
thing T-t-nibers did while here was to order
a barrel of pickled .salmon bellies from a
B,lfS w"-!;, bu, nc" r !
afterward, board from J.cathei'.s.
BY NAT1IAS D. ritXEl!.
Xo longer, rose-embowered and bright,
Pale 'memory tiings hpr portals free
To fairy scenes of golden light
And sparkles ot the summer sea.
The arches gray are overgrown
The trellised vines are sere and thbi,
Vbeie through the viuioti marks alone
The shadows of the Might-Have Been.
Where once the jocund Hours in troops
Sped iightlv -on, with jest and laugh,
The pilgrim form of Sorrow stoops
And falters on bis teeble st-itf.
Dark troubled aitv a muttering sits,.
And Folly." hand In-hand with Sin.
Kmv ghost-like o'er the threshold lilts.
To mock us with the Miht-llave Been.
From ruined tower and shattered- fane .
Regret, the so'e.un raven, croaks,
And bat-winged messengers of pain
Beat theduil air with ceaseless strokes.
The f tt.-tl gitlfs we blindly crossed
Again in is'.l thoir woe are seen. .
And phantoms ot the loved and lost
Smile mdly from the Might-Have Been.
Close. Memory, 'ilose thy portals gray,
And o'er my sou! oblivion cast,
Or send dark tears to blot away
The vi-tas of the bitter past !
Wild, with regrets. bt:t all in vai't,
For that mrecease we ne'er may win !
Ob. speechless heritage of pain
The anguish of the .Might-Have Been!
Sunstroke Is a rare thing in Oregon,
.un especially in this vallej', but a case
was reported in the Forks last week. In
this case it was the head of the family, and
j,e was "struck" by a pitchfork in the
.bands of bis son. The blow split his ear.
and the physician thought bis skull was'
At Auction. On Saturday, September
23d, the north half of the southeast quarter
of block 12", id Ilacklenian's addition to
thi city, will be sold at auction to the
highest bidder. This may be your chance
look after it.
W. C. Twcedaie, L. E. Blain, S. E
Young and L. Kline, all mertbnnta of this
city, sailed for San Francisco on the steam
er Oi'i'z.'K-r, lat Sunday morning, from
Portland. Antl they'll bring slathers of
new goods with them when they return.
While looking around for something nice
to buy. go to Fred Grafs and look at his
display of furniture, etc. ITo has every-
Granite ironware is fat supcrieding tin
ware. Phnvis arc sellir.g at from $1 to 5-1 50
per bushel.
. HSaflLrDUE is -power.
This is a nation of enlightened freemen.
Education is the corner-stone and founda
tion f otir government. The people ai-"
free to think and act for themselves, and
that - they may act wisely it is necessary
t line they be well informed. Every indi
vidual gain increases public gain. Fpon
the health of the people - is based the pros
perity of a nation, by it every value is in
creased, every Joy enhanced. Health is
essential to tlie accouipri-shmcnt of every
purpose; while sickness thwarts the best
intentions and loftiest aims. Unto us are
committed important health trusts, which
we bo!: not merely iu our own behalf but
for the benefit of others. In order that we
may be able to discharge the obligation ot
our trusteeship and thus prove worthy --ol
our generous commission, it is nece.ssar.y
that we study the art of preserving health
and prolonging Hie. It is of paramount
importance to every person not only to un
derstand the means for the preservation of
beaiih. but also to know what remedies
should be employed for the alleviation of
the common ailments of HP;. Xot that we
would advise every man under all circum
stances to attempt to be his own physician,
but we entreat him to acquire sufficient
knowledge of bis system and the laws that
gover: it. lliat be may be prepared totakc
care of himself properly, and thereby pre
vent sickness and prolong life. In no text
book will the people find the subjects of
physiology and hygiene or the science Of
life and the art of preserving health, more
scientifically discussed or' more plainly
taught than lit 'The People's Common
Seii-e Medical Adviser,'" by K. V. Pierce,
M. I).. of Ilufl'alo. X. Y. It is a volume
of over nine hundred large pages, illustrat
ed by over two hundred and eighty-two en
graviVigs and colored plates, is elegantly
bound in cloth and gui't. and is sent, post
paid, to any address by the author at the
low in ice of one dollar and fittv Cents a
jcopy. Nearly one hundred thousand copies
nave already been sold, and the present
edition, which is revised and enlarged and
more especially -adapted to the wanes of the
family, is selling very rupidly. It treats of
all the common diseases and their remedies,
as well as of anatomy. physioTosy, hygiene,
tinman temperaments.and many other top-'
ics of great interest to all people, and is
truly what its author styles it, "Medicine
' if, "
Mkssus. . Ballaud & IrOM Are now
proprietors of the fine large warehouse late
ly owned by Messrs. Parker & Morris, and
are prepared to store any rpiantity of
grain. The warehouse, with a cajincity of
200,000 bushels of grain, is in thorough or
der, and all who store with them are assur
ed of the best treatment. Sacks in any
qnantity tJesircd will W furnished to "all
storing h them. Mr. Isom is well and
favorably known as one of our most thor
ough going and ? ttbstanti'Jl farmers, while
Mr.- Ballard Is a first class business man of
(he most undoubted integrity.' Under the
guidance ot these wvvrthy gentlemen the
to be one of th.
popular in Hie, county ..
We lingered! out the season,
t Far into cooler days, ." , .
And' the votaries pf.fiisliioa-. . ; " i
All had flown their different ways;: .
We had wandered down the sea-beaeff
With the moonlight o'er U3 straying," 4.
Listened to the night-winds' whlRper,:
Yo:idered what tlw waves' wereeayiujj! .
And again we stood together .
Near the ocean's ebb and flowing.
While the blushes ot the minuet.
On the waves were redly glowing;- '
"Dearest said he hesitating.
f,Ah ! too long we both have tarried,-
To-morrow, we must part forever ; :
For, my darling, I am married !" "
ifarried!" I exclaimed, upstarting;'
"Married !" murmured with a sigh (
"Then this is Indeed a parting, .
For my darling so am I !'' - 1
To the Dfuxquest" Tax taters Of -the
cTty of" Albany : come and pay your'
city taxes and save costs.
F. M. Westfaix, City Marshal.
Xo Foolishness. Those knowing them-- 1
selves Indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to come forward at once and pay
up. A hint to the wise, &c.
E. O. Smith, Dentist '
Flooring antKc.tic Seasoned, match
ed and dressed ; dressed siding and flnlahJ
ing lumber ; scantling, fencing, etc., on'
tiand and for sale in lots to ptiit. Bills of
lumber of any kind to order on short no-' -tice,
by Whkklek, at Sliedd. "
Hafi enhen's Express. Albert Haffen- f
deti has put an express wagon on tlie street
for the accommodation ot the citizens of
Albany. Parties desiring articles or goods '.
banded to any part of the city, by leaving :
orders at L. E. Blain's, will be promptly , t
accommodated. Parties desiring lo take'
the morning Express train, by leaving or
ders as above will , be called for on time.
Chargea reasonable.' - ' 48v9
Bolts, Oils, Gradwohl hasreceiv-'
cd a large lot of carriage tiolts ; also, a fine; . ,
lot of machine oil, castor oil, bird and Chin ..
nut oils. You will do well to examine' ,
goods and prices before purchasing else-
where. Also, the best San Juan lime and':
plaster of pat is. ' -' 43tf
Mesiumm Allison & Arnold Have'
taken the new building on First street next
to J. II. Burkbarfs real estate office, where' .
they can be found by their lady friends,- -
prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking.
cutting and fitting, etc., oHjshort notice.
Patterns furnished at short ''notice. "AH .
work done at reasonable rates and in the-
best manner. Eadics, call and see us.
-lOvy' .... r
F.K-OPLNF.D New Stock. Ed. Baiim'
bus reopened the Lecticonlan cigar stand,
adding a stock of school books, stationery
and notions. He will keep an immense
stock of the finest cigars and tobaccos. Ho'
invites all to call and examine bis good,- .
when they will be well treated and giveir
the best ol bargains.
A range that meets every requirernco
nud satisfies every demand made upon it--2'
he Kichmoiid Kange. It has no cqnal
among stoves or ranges. The only place
to get one is at W. H. McFarland's, - next
to the liank. - . "
One of the Indian prisoners held at Iap
wai has been identified as one of those wlwr
committed the first murders along Salmon
river. . .'-. v
Yakima valley will harvest one hundred
tons m' liops. Within one hundred day ...
over 3.000 head of cattle have been driven
from the valley to Puget Sound. . - a
Seattle Iitfellitfencer : That our city is not'
growing is very evident. . . It uever will,
grow while men who paid nothing tor their
lots ask San Francisco oriees lor them. ;
King county, W". T.. including "Seattle'
has a population of ".CI9. In 1875. It wa
2.011. Seattle now has 3.124 inhabitants, .. .
against 1,512 two years ago. Valuation ol
property in the county Is $1,993,827,.' , -
Froru Judge Deady's Rotseburg ora
tion : "Public virtue cannot exist with
out private virtue. On the contrary,
the lormer is only the reflex of the lat--ter.
In tlie long run, the man who is"f
immoral and dishonest in, his priyata
life will be so in his public one."
JIr. Robert Burdett, the IJurlingtoiy " !
Hawkeye humorist, is as famous at -home
for his lender care of his invalid"'
wife as he is for his funDy i paragraphs;.'
lie has been her nurse for years, doing
his editorial work at home, and visiting'
the Itiwkeye office only for an hour of"
two in the day. j , : . ,
At the -opening of the scsion of tlie
Georgia constitutional convention at'
Atlanta, a fortnight fcincc, the moft
notable feature was the applause Which
greeted the remark by President JenkV . .
ins npon taking the chair : "It is un--noccssary
to caution you against doings
anything that would infringe upon the- '
rights of the negro race.'"
They arc telling pretty tall i-toriW
about those Indiana tornadoes. , For im.
etanco, that ono of tl tern Fcoopcd ; the
water out of a river for half a mile; and
cleaned out a creek so completely Jlhat it
was sotno three hoars before the runnititf
water from above got down.
Th rcri having diWIl tm W
; Tlaker coiinlv-