1 -""riimiim jniiUsi - -ir- - r " T . -T- 11 X- LJ ItXI'X' U .ArtJSa 2 HEW STORE AND HEW GOODS!! AT MY" XEW STORK, MCA It rOKAKK ot as choice a selection of Furniture, such us rWALNUT PARLOR AND BEDROOM SETS ;. . WALNUT CS2TTEP- TABLES AITD CHAIRS; SAFES, MIHRORS, BRACKETS, PICTURE CORD, lour Safes, Extension Tables Walnut & Ash CiaSU Scfas, Lounges, 2lus, Saby Carriages, Moldings, riaao stools, Etc., osV' brought to this city, which. I w ill sell on the most reasonable terms. CALL. First street)! -M'y. Oregon. P.rnppriPQ Qnrl -UIUUUMUU U1IU Always to as; rorxn at WILLIAM V AM" V ACTOR'S, First Door Wl or S. E. Yomig, First Street, Ailmuy, O511. Clieap for Oasli. uivizv, ox: &-. 00., STORAGE A NO COMMISSION MERCHANTS I MAMMOTH At foot of I.joii Street, opposite Iojot 0:1 O A ". Ztstilronri, Will store 5r:ii?i and Cneral Albany, Orpiroti. Jan- 177-Iv3 z. jucr. -lii.iL::!; PUMPS AND HOSE; -MAN U LLJTin, Copper and AiiEXT KOK T1IK a 1 i i s - - C 5 r 4 5 fi 1 Vs-y LJi- Wi ALBANY, Kext oor to I lie linith. 4 Tn in AGENTS WEBEH 109 FROXT fiTRKET, r-i U -r- . I Tiie Standard Organ Triumphant. $ 1 Following Is a copy of a Western Uaiou v I ; s-aueisco : i 1 f s 1 . IVloubct, Peltoti & Co.. of New York, t JiDAL, of AWARD tor the ecu D. W. PRENTICE, AGENT, First Street, lortland. Oregon. a m VV.. ITOECALS, J HUM' A.MJ isliO A I) ALB1X STEKKTS, I OFFER 33v9 FKEO dlBAF, PrnuiQinnc I I I U IUIUI KU b "WAREHOUSE, ?3trcUftm:.c t I,ov:t Rates. illL. in- FAC TURKS Sheetiron Ware ! .Kl.EHKATED ?;-a fe-'i l TS - H C-3 5f OREGO'X. decTtinU 9 FOR TllK PIANO, I'OBTLAXD, OKECO.V. telegram received by Sherman & Hyde, San N ew York. September 29. lb. have received DIPLOMA of HONOR and iwalkb its JrxprlN. )Provf(Ioiii. Tobarro, I Kr. 'titl-r.T, rroi hery. iiinl wood ana M illow M nrv. Tirnt M.. AIIBIy ( Or. "Antiocu, 111., In c. 1. M v ii's' iia'i. i m :i ) .nr linn, t tvn a lerrii'k1 siiUVM't-r iroui K ti'iuati-f!n. - She hits I rk-(l ii;n-IthySK-Utnanil nnm v r im-!U-s. 'i'-lu'im ly tbiny which has ;7ivrn h r rt-iit-i i-i't-ii taur l.iiiiinvnt I am lvjwk- I Ki ay this ha ouivJ la r. I am duii) vvliat I ouu to o.U-ni sah. ii. i:ixj. Thi Is a a!nrit'r many thousand u-st iiiioni nls i'.H'ivC'1. oi v.-tnuU'rini ouas t il'cttt.' ! ry tho Vnttmr I.iniin: iiT. Tlu in tr i e-! ii at s of iKi nr tk'louri' hliilu"i moun.l c:u h hciMlo. It voii tatns Wild) ICazi-.i Ma;ha. A rn I it, !I t-k Oil, avhoii'. aaI ii ;( iit s hit ht-rio Jin w- know xi It i-;arj i:tV!-iMiuM: i;vt i,tx tlit- (Vniaur Lini ment is Haur:iiin more t-uns of svrI!lnr-, Si iir Jiilnt Ki m pi ions, MIami nai i ir-m, Nt-imiliH S'iaTii a. fakt-'l (iieasls. !,iu-k-jiiw. At., than all t he other I.mimeiii s, I'luthnM-at am-. K rac!. SaJves. Uin iii-'n:s ai'.'i phtfi rs iu .v in us . rtU'TiM:h;u lu'.. iC:;;'aehe, Weak I5aek, 1 ' v h and Curaneotw Krnit: ior;-;. it atmivahlt. It eun burns anl sealtis v, ii lu-at scar. lCxt ntclh 1 Ol sons from hiit s ami si i n . aiel ieat tVos;.hite9 ami ehilihatiiis, in u short lime. No family can aiftavl to he without the Ccniaur -.iuimeiit, while wr.tin.r. Tli-ettX:rt:r I.iistitient Vfllow Wrapper, isa-lnpre-! to the tmh skin, muscles an l! l;e-h ol' 1 he ii u i iiiio' erea ! t - a. 1 " eifec: s uj m hi soveit ttisi.s of Sjuivin. veen7. , Wifel (iali, Vr.ix IIea-1 an) I'ttll t'.v if. are I; ; i 'i than marvelons. Mes-rs J. M. Chirr .V Co., ! r:tri ij s. eorner ol Klin a n1 Front -f re-: Cineina; i, Ms to. say : Im o:ir ii Ii' '!, ( a nnni:er of lciiii'itTP a-re uti'.r the t 'eu;on- 1 .1 "i i men t . "I hey pro Hornier ii saoerior ;m yti.i:; : hey have ever nsel. We -e! hi.;!; ;e- re,nr ! ti e iioeii tot tle-i. nt-1 ItiO'i h t'J :!;- "e;iie-!el -.." We h.s vf x h ii -it mi-i u -im : U v iiti(niul-s. For Wt i'ih N, C : i ; i "M-ni " rlu -, !; : i: -hf tne, ti:t.. am! for S .'fu Wovi'i in --he.-p i h:e no nval.-Fiinm-ir. iiser-ii:.H :.n.1 "L-U-ruiT. liae in th:e I Inimetn a r -me !;. v. h'ivh is ur;li a h an il rod lutus i'seoT. L:iboiai'r t .1 I!oe S: .'.. C. i-v s-trret, New York. llr3 si 1 l "Q lit v'iL.S'iLa, O CA 8TOIMA. h:i c livaiTli. it' ! hry v.iH .Tt' ":i-t !ia ir Vili'l .'::f. Woi'TtiS. I'.---":-:- !-iu--.Si'..- M li. 4,'rfflip. or Sueiir'-!i )M i ;J:. i ii! i? i iuin-I v u prmuni: i'.iu. f-f;inrn- l!-il!:i-r mim-r-ji!. iii'rj'i;!JH'. imr :t1 f"ln 1. It is as pit':isa:it to tttkt :s him.-v. :trii !n i: lur irurs nor irrijtt's. l'r. SC. 1 ''nii. -:-!i. i t ! "in-.,!! i , . s., ; I mii ns;..r i a-i'.i-la in my j-.i-n-i !-- vi:h Hie inns; ;:-t;;.- '.ci. r-t- .-' r;--T:!t." 1 Jl w is ri o:!i- : io! Tnlrst'S ill Ni'iv Vi'i-ki'iiv:!-r'!i!i';i:'i-ia. It i- i'.-itiv.l tv Messrs. ,!. j. . Co.. I-! 1 toy s;ri'i-r, Sto Yorlv, stit:t e;rs t r-initT.:l I'i'.t iu-r, M. U. oOvs E", U P-H M .i Hear, r H will -utruh. al c-vit t Jit-iit UittSJ;'-" ( PCKO 8 EXTRAC'-Th irr. ut Vcm tiklc P.-l UeKlroyrr. I;is !t'n In ws; over thirty ears, :iu'l f'.r cI;iii!:ijos?i and prompt cura tive virtiH-s crtiinot Jk.' exc.-iletl. CHIlQaEB. No fntnily can nfford to be wTTrtont l'on.1'9 i:ir:is. Arrlilcnto, Itrni.HPK, t'ouluaton?, nt, .S;.rnln, tire relieved nliiiost iuei:u)iiy !iy ixtfrttui application, l'ronipt'y rulifvcs imins or Hums, NruU, Kxroriitti;;n-, C!m ii;iic, tM Hares, ISaiH, IYI;i, ( ur.is etc. Arrests in fi:imntion, riducs pwuiiinc". tlps bleeding, rrnovf. cV-'-n.r-'iriou? )il;d tiitlM rftpi!lv. FEMALE WEAXJIESSfS. It always r. lievcsmin in the laci ci lvms,tuilnfs.ajjd prc&i-iiigpaiu in the li:ld. ri;itlHe, vertiiro." IN LEUCDRRHSA itiiMtm eimnl. All kinds of nl. ccrutimm to v.iiirh l:idit-s are Buliject Ere jiromptiy cur.'d. Fiiikr details iu bookaccom panyius; each Ixittlo. PILES 1'Hrnl or hlet'illn meet prompt relief and ready cure. .'o ca?e, however cluonic or obstinate ctn lorir resist, its regular nr. VARICOSE VEiRS. Itia tluj only sure cure for ibis distrcsnitr and dangerous condition. KIDKET DISEASES. Jt k&s no ciiuid lor perma nent cue. BLEEQIH8 from any cause. FortliW is a npe clltc. It lias raved liundreds of lives when all other remedied failed to arrest bleeding from niw, Htinumeli, I ura.. ami elsewhere. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, Toothache Hud J.iirKi he tire all uliku rei.eveU, autl oiteuiicr TtiKTii'irtlv cured. PHYSICIANS ct sllfchools vhoare acquainted with t'oiid's Kxtrnct of Witch llar.c-l rec ominend it in their practice. We have bjitersof commendation, from hundreds of l'hy!ic:ant many of whom order it for use in their own practice. In addition to the forcijoiinr, they order its ?e for Swelling-, of all kinds, ((uin.T, sum Tlirmil, I iillmned ToliNiln, fimple and chronic tinir boo, ;it.-irrh, (for which it is a ppe(;m-,t'liilhiiiiii, Front ed I'cer, Stiiin of InneelH, Iih.inito., etc., Chnppeil Ilonds, I ace, uud indeed all niMimer of skin list-ases. TOILET USE. l'einovcs fruiti-M, Itoii hnei.., and Mlinrlinj; ; heuls nt, l:riilion., end IiuiiTl(.n. It rrrirtz, ini;itirrtVt, ai:d i ir.--frt--h&, v.l.-ile -wonderfully improving tho Complexion. TO FARMERS. fond' T.xtrnct. S, tttfi-fc Breeder, no I.iveryMancan nilord lobe without it. It ii used by iUl the Lftadint; Livery Stables, Street Hail roads uatl first Ilorsetneu in New Vork City. It has uo eaual for Sprniii!., liar, neaa or. tSnddle t:ii;i:n, Still'tiem, Heratehes, fvi;if!n(rs,t'utf , lneerniions, HleedinK, liiriiiiior.ln, t'olie, Di.irrliira, C'billn, Colds, ttc. Itsranireoraction is wide, and the relief it afford is bo prompt that it is invaluable in every I'arm-vard as well as in every Farm -house. Let it be tried once, and on will never bo without it. CAUTION. ronrt's Kxtract has hern imitated. The gennine article baa 1 he words Pond's Ex tract blown in each bottle. It ,s prepared by the only peraons living who ever knew how to prepare it nroperlv. Kefnse aU other pre parations of Witch Ilazel. This is the only 4 article used by Physicians, and J- the hospi ...i.2f ,h,a country ODd Europe. HIST0 Aio USES OF FCRD'8 EXTRACT, J2,amUwli:tf"rm eent fT,'e " application uS 9MKt, COMPANY, Maiden timmiiiH. . if In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for the county of 1. inn. Suit in equity for divorce. Robert K. Tcuiplctun, plain t iff, vs Mury Tem pleton, defendant. To Mury Temploton, tlic nbovc numccl defer.d nnt: In tlie name of t lie State of Oresron : Tonnro lierttiy required to iippeat' find answer the cota plaint of the above plaintiff, fn t he above enti tled Conrt. now on tile w't h tlu Clerk of said Court, within ten days from ttie dato of the service of tins summons upon you if served in nn comity, Oregon ; but if served inanyolh orcoiintvin lhe .State of Oresron, then w-ithin twenty days from the date of t hi? service of tliis summons upon you. and if served by publica tion, then chi or 'before the first day o'f the next tenn Of said Court, to-wit : Monday, the 22'-' ir of Of-loter, 1877. and yon are hereby notified thar'if you fail to appear aiul answer said i-ojnplaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will appl) to the Court. fot the relief demanded in I he complaint, to wit : a dissolution of the bonds of matrimony exist iner between j'oti and plaint ill'.and for costs and disbiirsinerits. Thi" summons is published by order of Hon. H V. Poise. Jnd'te ot ssd'l 'onri. made this 1 1th dav of April. 177. K. '. lSLAf KHITKN. api-"n3f vlMi '"' - Atty, for r!ff. 1 It r it it !i n t S 4 !i t . g5j jv j-y y ' OFFICIAL CITY PAPER. ALB AN V, OREGON", AUG. 3, 1877. LOCAL MATTERS. P.tnACBAJILETS. "Weather quite cool on Sunday evening, and consequently we had quite a rainfall. A little daiiKhtsr at I-ou Royal" Sittur da' night. Jn.lge Powell and Jace Wheeler started for Ochoco on Tuesday. Dave Frotnnn has returned from the kiiomitains. GradwoliI keeps an excellent selection of gocKls, besides being ready to furnish any thitig in the stove or tin line. An excellent remedy for sore mouth is sage tea sweetened wilh honey. It is also good (or chapped lips. New comers to this State since January, number 0,334, not including Chinamen or soldiers. Pigeons reported plentiful and fat. Young grouse are also abundant and ten der. See fire limit ordinance in this Issue. No more frame buildings can be erected within the blocks mentioned. ! California grapes and sweet potatoes in market, the former 15c and the latter 12o per pound . Mr. T". II. Ptmlom having received the necessary tools is now prepared to do all kind-s of stenciling in good shape on short notice. Call at his place and see samples. Miss Minnie Allison returned to her home in this city last week, having dis-mi-sed her school for vacation. 'Graham is the man to build you an ele gant, fashionable, well fitting suit of clothes. Mr. T-. KIkins and Doc Lister started for the Ochoco country the third day ot the week. Meiilames Allison and Arnold are busy cutting out and making dresses, etc., for their lady customers. They are also agents tor a first rate sewing machine. Prof. Powell and wife. Mrs. C. C. En glish, and others, started for the Bay the first ot the week. J. F. Whiting can't be beat with the brush, and as an architect he stands at the head. As a mechanic Joseph Taylor ranks A No. 1, and therefore he has his hands lull of work. If you want a hou-e buiit heV the man you want to superintend it. Blackberries tire reported plentiful out on the Lebanon Mountain Wagon Road. Mr. Propst secured seventy gallons in a few days, returning heme last week. Ed. Cart wright on the 23d of July was at Qniuailet Indian Agency. W. T., where he was etijuyitig himself spiendidlj". As soon as the tun gives out Ed'il come borne. Those glorious Summer nights are here when the lover whispers impassioned word in the ear of a fanned maiden, and feels his undershirt sticking to him closer th in a brother. At l.ist neeonnts Van Vaetnr was getting away with his share of fish at the Hay In the mean time Hay and Thompson an running the grocery store right up to tin handle. Mr. EHvnrd. of Sr. P.tnl. Minnesota, tin I inventor and mnnnfaclnrer of the El ward ' Harvester, arrived in this city on Saturday ! He is out on a tour of observation, and ; will (lottTitless take home a full budget of ! valuable information. The Rosfliurg Plaindeoler asserts that ! "Wilbur F. Cornell, the well known typo, i i en route to Astoria, with the cxpectatioi ! of joining with Tom. R. Merry in the pub j lic ition ot a newspaper at Astoria. This i will, if it proves true, make things lively ' at the mouth of the river. I , . . Kev. 31 r. l iiompson was united in marriage to Mis. Adda Mansfield, of thi : ciiy.on Thursday of last week. Tlie happy j pair moved right out on to a farm next day. We w ish them long and pleasant lives. C. C. Reekrnan, hanker, of Jacksonville, arrived in this city on Tuesday evening's j express. Mr. 15. is one of the best men in Southern Oregon, of which he has been a resident about a quarter of a century, j The City Drug Store is one of the most j handsomely and artistically arranged in the city, and the stock large and of ti e lu st quality. We'll bet a section of gin I g.'i hre.id that you can tit id rliere the bet long cigar you ever saw for sale. They 1 are nearly as long as a hoe bundle, and j made of most excellent tobacco. Try one ! for luck. Captain Cochran, of the Farmer Line, launched a new steamer at Caneinah Mon- i d ly. The new boat is to be called A. A. i Me Cully, and is 143 feet in length, 30 feet i beam and 4 feet depth of hold. She is to draw but eleven inches, and is intended for the. upper river. She will carry 250 tone, and wjll be ready for business about the 15th lust. Van Vaetor's store was broken into Sun day night, the thief making his entrance through the back door. The door in ques tion being a sash door, all the thief had to do was to break out a pane of glass, run his hand through the opening thus made, unfasten the door and walk in. A few cigars and other goods taken, but as no money Is ever left in the store over night, the thief seems to have been disappointed. Turkish mothers now put their babies to sleep by singing that tender little song : I've a letter from the Czar, Raby mine, babyinine.' And he. says he'll liftiinr ha'r, Babj mine, baby mine ; He has crossed the Dan-u-be, He is coming after me, Aud we'll see what wc shall see. - Baby mine. : Our farmers have purchased more ma chinery this season, for harvest ing than in any two past seasons, it is asserted by knowing ones. Father Freeland has gone to Seattle, W. T., for the Summer. Cucumbers in market. Indian uews very thin. Tlie Salem Slntesman has a new head. A Sunday School has been organized in Salem for Chinamen. The Murphy temperance movement is looking this way, having arrived at Salem. Are we to have a County Fair, and if not why not ? j Perry Raymond and party returned from the Raj' late Friday evening. The reason we like pretty feet because all's well that ends well. Mr. Sidney Dell has withdrawn from the editoiial control of the Portland Standard. Those '-bucket collars" at L. K. Bhiln's are way up, certain. j Senator Morton is at ' the Seaside House, near Astoria. The big strike is almost over, the strik ers having weakened. Eugene Buchanan drives a handsome pair of bays. Wm. Watkins is making a most efficient night watch. Go to John Briggs for yorrr blackberry cans. The hazleniit. crop bids fair to be unusu ally large this Fall. ' ! W, XV. Parrish and wife, of Sodavillc, was in the city on Wednesday. Frank Wadsworth is recovering from a severe attack ot illness.! It seems possible we may miss the anun- iiT visit of the circus this season. The usual number of entertainments have failed us this season. J. F. Backensto starts Eastward about the 15th inst. Read the big double ad. of the Albany j Collegiate Institute in this issue. j Henry Backensto is at present domiciled , belt tlmt ,ma caitKt't West's arm, with his in Victoria. knit'e- The arm ju,t above the w rist, the Rl l.iGlOt s.Rev. S. G. Irvine will j wi,Uh of ,he wheel, was badly crushed, preach at the M. E. Church on Sunday ; "lakiug what is called a compound cominu evening. j tet fracture. The boate in one place pro- Rev. Mr. Atkinson, of Portland, will i t''.uded through the flesh. Sheiitl' Her preach at the Congregational church in j rci1 l,am' a UI!l" 1,1 hU l",KE' a"'1 uM this city on Sundav morning and evening, M.-s. Scott has gone to the mountains in search of health. She is very poorly in- (eej Mrs. Samuel Miller is still very poorlv, i,i i, i nt ... w ui uuibi it hi. iiiiu -. come as heart1 and strong as ever. Hon. W. S. Newbury. Mayor of Port- j jand, was iu the city in the front of the j week. XY. C. Myer has gone to bis home near Ashland, Southern Oregon, taking his Porcherons with him. Fresh butter has been unusually scarce during the week. However, there was al ways enough packed butter on hand. Mr. Myer of Ashland, informs us that he can not begin to supply the demacd made upon him for Jersey cattle. Mr. West was badly used by a tltreshing machine out on Nathan Bond's place last Tuesday. The brickwork on the I. P. Church was let at $219, instead of $100 as reported last week. "Round the world in eighty days" was what's the matter at the Opera House on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Dr. A. Wallace Calder and wif ol Cali fornia, arrived iu this city the first of the week. Mrs. Calder is the daughter of Dr. Bell, ot Bell & Parker, druggists. Our friend Judge llanan owns a luce buggy and horse, and we frequently lake hini out riding. He enjoys it and so do we ! There never ha been tory of this city when dwellings were being a time in the his so many elegant erected. All our mechanics are busy. One friend to another, who had jusf. re turned from a trip to Europe : "Did you enjoy your European tour?" "Very much indeed." "Did you call on any of the big ones?" "Yes. I -called on two queens!" Was it a pleasant, a flair?' "No, not very: for alter I called I found that tother chap had three kings." Twekpalk's Eaki.t Apple. It is true that while Oregon lieats the world for splendid Fall and Winter apples, she has no early apples worthy the name. On Tuesday. Mr. XV. C. Tweedale. of this city, exhibited to us some apples that promise to fully supply this want. They were seedlings, raised in his garden on Washing ton street, aud were decidedly the finest early apples (rijieuing iu July) that we have seen in Oregon. In color and shape they resemble both the hcllflour and pear main ; the meat is brittle and mellow, with a most delicious flavor, being just tart enough to make an' excellent desert apple, while for making sauce it has really no stiperior even among the later varieties. New Steamer Line. The Pacific Coast Steamship Company announce their inten tion to run a line of steamers between San Francisco and Portland. In conformity with this announcement their steamer, the Orizahii, sai ed from San Francisco on Thursday for Portland ; returning, she will sail from Portland on the Sth inst. The Company propose placing two steamers on the route at once, to be followed by others as the trade increases. J. McCracken & Co are the agents at Portland, and the steamers will land at their wharf. The farmers' wharf at Astoi la lias been leased for the same purpose. This opposition will lessen freights and tares between Portland and 'Frisco. i . From Hon. W. II. Jones, ot West Rover V. "I have been troubled from my boyhood with chronic or hereditary lung complaint. Some years since, early in the winter I took cold, which contifrTied to increasas the sea son advanced, although I made use of all the "Si n but I experienced no relief. During all this time I was gradually runnincr down. losing flesh hnd strength, until my friends as well as myself, became very much alarm ed, thinking I should waste away hi con sumption. While in Boston, during the spring following, I was induced to try wistar's jjalsTtui ot Wild Cherry. After j nun uaj s triaj i wHssensioie mam was re lieving me: in ten davs time mv couo-h had entirely ceased, aud I was soon restor ed to health and strength. I have ever since kept the Balsam iu my house, and "t'f'ever any member ot my family has a cough or cold, it tsiiuniediate v resorted to. Nt family should be without it. Sold bv " all druggist. Robbery. Last Sunday night Van Vac tor's grocery store on First street was en tered and robbed of sundry articles. From various causes suspiciou was directed to a young man named George Anderson, who took the noon train, on Monday for Salem. A telegram was sent to Salem, and officer Miuto succeeded in arresting the young man and placing him in jiil. a Deputy City Marshal Watkins went down on the express train Tuesday morning, retaining with hi3 prisoner iit 'iioon of same day. When placed in jail officer Minto went throtigh Anderson's pockets, and what he found he hauded over to oflieer Watkins. Among other things was a check, which when turned over to the agent at the Salem de pot, produced a trunk belonging to Ander son. Upon opening the trunk the officer struck a bonanza in the way ot "store goods," such as fine pocket cutlery and several boxes of choice cigars nil having the sale mark used by Van Vactor. - The prisoner wu taken before Recorder Mon tanye tit one o'clock i m. on Tuesday, and after duo examination. w:3 held to bail in 500. A km Ci:Cni:r. On Tuesday morning, out on the farm of Councilman N. Bond, a new comer named West was i-o unfortu nate as to get bis left arm crushed between the wrist and elbow. Mr. Wet was en gaged in starting up the threshing machine as they had just eo.mnouced harvesting, when in some way his left arm was caught in the main licit, the wheel making three revolutions before the machinery could be stopped. Sheriff Hrrrcti was present ami lnrc'v 0,1 aitacinng tlie machine lo u,u I'ower. wnne another party cut the i mm lo - ,r ule ""wor-snu when uint ! teaiu ehl this city it looked as though j U had made good time. Dr. J. L. Hill lost no time in reaching his patient and ' d"S that could be done to alleviate his suffering. The patient stood tl set ting and bandaging splendidly, and Dr. Hill thinks he will lie able to save the arm. Oi'it Distuict Schools. The School Directors nave developed a new plan for conducting the District schools for the com ing year. As we understand it the plan is simply this: The)' employ Mr. D. V. S. Rcid as Principal of the school, giving him f 500 per quarter of public money, and al lowing him to collect $2 50 for each scliol lar per quarter, he to pay the other teach ers required. There are to be three assist ants, and more if the goon of tho school re quires it. Two teachers have already been selected, viz: Misses Maria Irvine and Ella Ilunsaker both excellent selections indeed and the other will be decided upon at once. The schools will not open, in all probability, until the first of October. Tlie Director's have under consideration the re pair of tlie Central school bouse. In it? present condition it is not : lit place in which to attempt to chool our children, as it Is nothing but a barn. It. will take three or four hundred dollars to nsak it at ! all respectable. It is high time the District ere cted a good, substantial house in the cen tral portion of tiie city. In this respect we seem to lie behind every other town in the State. -s soon as pos.-ible let us have a good, large, substantial school-house in the place of the old rartlc-trap that now does duty as a school-house. Oregon Tisibeh. The Record tells of a prominent wagon maker of Salem who once refused to purchase a lot of oak wagon tim ber because it was not the equal of the. East ern article, aud bis customers required the lest. Of course, as as an experienced work man he knew the difference between Ore gon oak and the Eastern article, and knew why the latter was superior to the former, at least this would be the supposition. The experienced mechanic went to Portland and purchased a lot ot superior "Eastern oak," which.not to make the story too long, turned out to lie the very oak timber be refused to purchase lccause it was Oregon raised ! It is contended that it the same pains are taken with the Oregon oak in seasoning it and preparing it. for use as is taken with the Eastern, it is just a service able and valuable. And it also appears that when Oregon oak is So seasoned and prepared for market, experienced work men can not tell the difference between the Oregon and the Eastern grown. A hint to the wise is sufficient. A Boot Thief. The arrest of a man for drunkenness on Wednesday, disclosed the fact t hat he had a pair of new boots, and that he had been endeavoring to sell them for $1. A lurther examination dis cloed the fact that said borts didn't make a "pair." as one wXAsrvrn and the other an eight, w hile lioth wie for the left foot. A little search led to tit discovery that the oild 8 and i were still fp the box nt the Grange Store. Instead of a d. d., the par- j ty .will stand his trial for the theft of a pair j of boot. LTpon his preliminary examina- tion t,e mail gavt 1)ls nanle a. GeorjJ0 i)lln f . . . . . '. iels, and claimed that lie purchased tlie boots at Salem. lie was held to bail in die sum of 500. and failing to find in Ibis amount he now languishes in durance vile. State Fair. The State Fair begins Oc tober fth and continues through the week.. XV. A. LienellinfT has consented to deliver the opening, while Hon. A. J. Dufer will deliver the animal address. The coming promises to be an unusually Interesting Fair. The - railroad and steamboat lines of the State have rendered the usual half fare rates,' and as everybody . will have money the coming Fall, the attendance promises to be unusually .large. Personal. M r. S. B- Story and wife, of East Portland, came up on a MMt to f.-tends in this city last Saturday, Mr, Sto- .'. , f(r a visit to the Eastern States , r nr" oiavi . about the ivin nisi. v ! f:--m the old hoine-tead. twcnty-firc years-.. .A.t ; - IT. l.na h..nit b h.nnf Albany Collegiate Ikstitcte Open! on Monday, September 3d? 1S77, with the following Faculty : Rev. II. "VV. Strattou; A. M.. President ani Professor of Mental and Moral Sciences; Rev. L. J. Powell," A. M., Principal and Profeor of Mathe matics ami Natural Sciences ; It. II. Hew itt, A. M. Professor of Ancient Langtingea; Miss Clara Price, B. S., Preceptress anil Teacher ot French; Mtss Dora Salinger,' Teacher of German ; Mi- Nettie Piper; Teacher ot Instrumental and Vocal Music Mrs. W, S. Peter, Teacher of Drawing and Panning. For terra and other infor mation see advertisement in this issue; The Trustees of the College have determin ed to purchase a complete set of philosophy ioal Instruments for the use of the school,' s.miething we believe no oilier school lif tlie State is in possession of. ' The teachers are the tfqual of any in the State and lov -their profession, and we exjcct to see the coming the mojt prosperous neasoii . the College has ever enjoyed.. Our citizens can well feel proud of such an educational institution, and should do all In tlielr power to foster it. Sen at oh Mokton Accompanied by Con gressman Dick Williams, Gov., Gtbbf, Judge Dolpb, Gen. Simpson. Geu. Odell; and a number of otlier prominent gentle men ot Portland and Salem, arrived ou a special train from Portland in this city on Friday about 1 noon. Word came down' from the depot of their arrival, when car riages were Mfcurcd, and Senator Morton and son, and others who desired, accorn- pauieil by Mayor Parker, were treated to sight of our city and its handsome public and private residences. The great Senator professed himself delighted with Albany and her people, a large number of whom' congregated at the depot and gave him a! cordial shake of the hand. "We are sorry that the time of the Senator was so limited' that be could not make a longer stay. AC half past two v. M. the train returned to Salem. ijw or i.ETTi:re Remaining in tho Post Ofiice. Albany, Linn County. Oregon. Aug. 2d, 1877. Persons calling for these letters must givtj the date on which thev were advertised. Breeve. R W Moore, LE Buchtel. Man- Mc Eutire, A - -Kevins, H J ' Mo Klnnls. Phil II - Berrigan. Michael Par ridge. Frank Crov. C M Poiter. Rials Deniing. Albert Fiindt, Mrs Frakes. John Gates. E R 3 Hinds, Wm J Hinds.. Ida I Iota;. T J Hanson, H Hasctton. .Tas Ivens, Taylor Jones. John ;3) Kay. Thus Koontz, M P. Kickinan. Carl Richards. Saiah Royce, George Roberts, N Salt, Robert Wagsdaff, W W Watson, J N Walker, Wm " . Whk1, A T White Allle (2) ' Wareiid. Juhu . Wettereii. Paulina' Wilmarth. D E (3; RAYMOND, P. M. II. Handsome. While at Mr. Purdom' gallerj' of arts on Wednesday, w were' shown the handsome medal and diploma' awarded by the U- S. Centennial Commis sion to Messrs. Parrirti & Miller, of Jeffer son, for the bej't Flax. The medal is of bronze, handsomely ornamented, while the diploma Is very neatly printed, and is to be framed in Oregon wootl. Isn't it some-" thing to loa.st of that Oregon ilax. in com petition with the product of that article of the entire civilized globe, took the premium' over all competitors both for lint and seed? 'Rah for Oregon ! Oak Point School. The school at Oak Point, taught by W. R. Jones, closed July iOth. Whole .number of pupils, 4S: males, 20 ; 'females, 23. Tho following members of the school were placed ou the Roll . ot Honor : Albert Pattcison, John Barton, Joseph Smith, Henry Jackson, Luella Stockton. Lizzie Eagy, Mary Coney, Mary Morgan Rolx-rt Smitli, Clarence Stocktou, Elmer Hamilton, aud Lillio. Coney. W. IX. Jones. . The Kittatika Bl ACft berk r To our . taste, is one of the best varieties - of the " genus Ruhns,! Being sweet it take? less sugar, and the seeite are small, resembling more nearly the strawberry. It makes a mo3t excellent desert dish. Mr. n. Ken ton is in dally receipt of this frnit, and will deliver it in quantities to suit all who may de-Ire to have it on their tables. 'Order left at W. 0. Tweedale'o will be promptly attended to. Oatmeal for the Complexion. Say . an exchange Take the dry meal, a little in a preserve pla;e, pour on just enough cold water to make thin, strain ..throtigh A little seive and dip a cloth Into the water, . wash over the face once or twice and let dry. Tho result, says the writer in the Household, is a beautiful complexion. Back Again. Capt. N. B. Humphrey, Judge Wolverton. Capt.; Harper, Judge Baker, and two -or three other choice spir its, under the charge of Gen. Jenks Mont gomery, returned from Yaqnina Bay last week. We should think from the looks of. the parfy that they had a time. lf-ou want to punt your name on your handkerchief, shirt, or any other article of clothing, drop in at Pu.-dom's and get him to. cut you a stencil-plate, and nimfsbi you with a bottle of indellible ink and & brush, when you'll be fixed. XV. C. M ver offers a premium of $200 for tho best "family of draft horses at tbe: coming State; Fair. K BuchanaiTwill sell you anything yon want in the agricultural implement line at. lowest rates, i Yon ought to see those new goods at E.BIaiu's hats, boots, gloves, clothing,, knives, jewelry, etc.,' etc. The Maehlne Wat Worn Out. W by ? Not because it was not well built, but it was wrongly rnn. Thousands of men who have run down long before their-lliree-scorc and ton. years are accomplished, might have been renewed into sprightli--ness ami vim if they had tried the well known Peruvian Syrup, which co'itains among itsVomponuds the Protoxide of Iron, fK combined that it assimilates withv the blood and invigorates the whole syrtenie This syrup has proveAl-wfllcaciouB in thous ands of cases,; and will do everybody good; who inc it. All dnigUifekeep Jt. " aug