VOLUME IX. ALBANY, OREGON, JULY 20, 1877. NO 43. business cards. JOHN CONNER'S B A N K J N G -AN Exchange . Office, ALBASY, OREUOX. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO cheek at sis lit. v Interest allowed ontime deposits In coin. Kxehamrc on Portland, San -Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections mafic and promnt ly Emitted. Hefcrs to H- W. Corbett, Hepry.Faillng, ,: Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. I, 187I-22v3 ii. jr. ijoi tiii ro.v. 9i. GRADl'ATE OF THE CMTEIKITT Medical College of New York, late member of Belle vieu II wpftal Medical Col lege, New York. Officr-Im A. Carothers & Co.'s drag store, Albany, Oregon. HAHDWAEE! BOLTS, all sizes and descrip tion, Ac general SIIKI,!" 11AKD WARE a full and complete as sortment. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Hose. Tin, Coper, Zinc ant Sheet' Iron on hand for sale. The Goldsmith Range, THE BEST MADE. CROCKERY WARE, The largest and mo?t complete assortment Jn the city. Keeps all kinds of OILS & WHITE LEAD. Lime & Piaster of Paris, at Portland prices, freight added. C3THepalrui;r done neatly, at short notice, and WAEKASTtii. .1. GRADWOIIL. First street, Albany, Oregon. n27v3 Bartoer rBSlioip 2 L. 13. IiOYAL HAS OPENED a Barhor Shop on First street one door west of Thompson A Irvine's har ness shop, where he will be pleased to meet all who wish work in hi- line. Thankful for past patronage, be hopes by close attention to busi ness to merit a continuance of the same. Will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Perfumery nitri Hnlr Oils, the best assortment in town. Come and see tae. Albany, Or., February E3, 1S76-23-.-8 THE METZLER CHAIR THIS IS TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT no chair stoes from mv iaetory wiiliout my Dame upon it. "All other! are false imitations and should be so regarded. All persons are hereby warned nirainst attempting any snct imposition upon my customers. J. M. METZLER. Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21. 1S73. Bath .Hous & Barber ; THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD 1.L3. CUT fhllv thank the citizens of Aliiau at 1 l cintty for the IPieral patronage liesro- 1 or him for the past seven years, and hope-' f r :ht fatarea eont in nation of their favors. 3? r:h accommodation of transient custom';? , jnt friends in the upper part of town, he r.i- taen ed a neat little shop next door to Tav o iroe -Saloon, where a stood workman will a'. .ysix ftatteDdanee to wait upon patrons. Dec.ll.:S7L JOE WEI R J. D. MCFAR1.AND. JI. MORGAN. IHORGAX & JfaeFAKIAXO, BEAL ESTATE AGENCY M AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Mext Door to "Wells, Fnrgo & Co's Esprew OiSee, Albany, Oregron WE ABE PREPARED TO FURNISH Emi grants and others good bartrains in farms and small homesteads in Linn and adjoining counties. Farms in value and size to suit pur chasers. Also, city property, both improved and un lnjriroved. Renting farms and city property, and collec tions of all kinds, promptly nttended lf. wir facilities lor aa vertisinsr wuienanie to do more for our patrons tlion any otner Ajrency in ine state in our line. We also pay siiecial attention to the cmploy mentnnd latior exchange department. Albany, May 12tf. Raising and Gloving BnHJiiifi, TTtTB THE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO r announce to tlie citizen ot Auninj ami urrounrtinpr country that, liavinf? smpplied our selves with the necessary machinery for rais ln(f and removing buildings, we are ready at all times to receive orders for such work, which we will do in short, order at lowest rales. Wo guarantee entire satisfaction in all work under taxen Dy us. Orders left at the Register office promptly at tented to. Apply to. Alba. BANTV, AT-.LEN A CO. Or., April 23. 1875. 2C'7 Prof. G. X. Jewell, TEACHER OF THE Organ, Haaa-Forto Earnony. Tboronili-liass and Singing. Special attention given to VOICE CULTURE. TTAYIMi concluded to make ALHAWY my .-L.peU1?anen,t ""essence, all who desire a . S knwledge of Hule can now hove an opportunity. PIANOS AMI ORGAN'S Timed and I-eio,iiel bIioT8 Mr-"oshy' musieand Albany, A3t 1, K' C' P' S tWKLL SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. Fii-Nt Ktrcet, Albany, OregoUf . Terms: - - Caslx. St. Charles Hotel, Corner Washington anil First Sts., ALBANY, OREGON, J. m. rnoNK, PROPRIETOR. House newly furnished throughout. The best the market utf'orcls always on the table. Free t'onch to nnI from tlie House. AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, ALBANY, : : : OUEOON, J. B. SCBAFFOEE, Proprietor. CTAGK OFFICE FOR CORVALLIS AND U Lebanon. Only first class house in the city. Free coach to and from the house. 32 v9 THE ART IitKSERVATIVE. Printing by hand. Priming by steam. Printing from type. Or from blocks by the ream. Printing in black. Printing in white. Printing in color. Ot sombre or bright. Printing tor merchants. Ami land agents, too ; Prin' ing tor any. Who have printing to do. Printing for bankers. Clerks, auctioneers. Printing tor druggists, Por dealers in wares. Printing for draper-. For grocers, for ali Who want printing done. And will come and sec "Coll." Printing of pamphlets. Or bigger books, too ; In tact, there are few things But what we can do. Printing of placards, Printing of bills. Printing of carte-notes For stores or for mills ; Printing of labels. All colors or use, sirs, Kspecirilly lit. flr Webfoot prod. leers. Printing ot form All sorts you can get I.eg-t!. commercial. Or "Ilou-e to be let. " Printing done quickly. Hold, styli-h or nertt. At the KEfiiSTKi: Printing-olioe. Corner ot First and Ferry Street. STERLINGS' EXPRESS FROM E3IPI Ii 15 O I T Y VIA GARDINER AND SGOTTSBURS, (ounrctliikv vritEi IVoI's, Faryo & Co.'s ExpreN! at Iiaiu'H Matlwit. on returning on TC7ESD ATS and FP.IBATS- All IJuiiie Entrusted to my Cure Promptly Attended To. Patroaajo of tho Public Solicited. JAS. A. STERUXG. Dec. 8, 1876-nllv9 Attention, Fruit Growers' HPHE PIRECTOKS OF THE ALDEN FRUIT X ;o. bejr to announce that fhev will put the Factory in operation as soon as Fruit and Veg etables are ready for use, and will pay cash for the same when dliv?red. Boxes will be furnished to all for the purpose of briniscinj? their fruit to the factory. Fruit should be picked from tlio trees and not Druisci. Parties having plums should be particular to Rather them before they become too ripe. ALLEN PARKER, A. X. Aknold, "President. Secretary. Albany, July 28, lS70-8nil PROMPT Delivery, at I.ivlnsr Ilutes. HAVING boutrht out the delivsry business oi Mr. IjewisSt iinson, I bc$? leavo to announce to t he citizens and business men of Albany, t hat : have on the streets an express and fob waon and will be happy to serve all who may give toe a can. All orders win do promptly attended to at reasonable rates. Orders may DC leit at tec urug store of Bel St Parker. IKItIIi I AKKhK. S. C. STOXE, M. I., Physician and Surgeon, lilWly.lSViLt, WfctrU.V. orriCE At ttoe Irus store. t, b 7v 6 MEDICAL, IV. HEXTOX, M. FS7SZCZA1T Ss SURGE02T. HAVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN the city ot Albany, and et.tored upon the thibty-fikst year of bis practice, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Albany and surrounding: country. Office at the City Drug Store. Residence-on First street. n.13 v9 . W. WILCOX, Homoeopathic Physician. OFFICE with Ir. E. II. GrifftnFh-st street, Albany, Oregon. Kr Chronic diseases a specialty. 1 2iv8 &E0. W. EAEPER, Physio - aiedical Physician, . ALBANY, : OREGON. TREATS ALL DISEASES ON TRUE FHYSI olottical principles, without the use of poi sons, office with Jr. Geo. W. Grav, Parrish brick block. ortk hours Iroin a.to'12 A. M.," aivd froui 1 to 5 P. M. , "n30v9 J. LIXSEY M. I., OFFICE -At Bell Parker's new drnar store. R ESI PENCE Second street, between rail road and Montgomery. S-U Mrs. S. Nichols, II. D. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE corner of First and Broadatbin streets, up stairs over Post otllce. Special at tent Ion a iven to the diseases of women. Beimr arenltir mdiiateof IJosion Medical University, and havim? several venrs? cxperieui-e, I ran assure those suffering, 'relief by mv method of treatment. Albany, Or., March 2, Is77-22v9. LEGAL. P. UL. MILLER, Attorney at Law, Lebanon, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE in the different courts of the State.' Special attention iiven to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care, and prompt returns made. Investigation of Titles. Conveyancing, and all Prolmte Mat tel's carcfullv and punctually attended to. Office on First si., next to 'Fox Bro. n23v9 w. a. PIPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AL5A27Y, OP.SaOlT. Office in second story of Briggs' building. TXriLL PRACTICE in the different Courts of T the State. SpiN-ial attention jriven to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care. Investigation of titles, eon vcvuncing and all probate matters carefully attended to. -23v9 I. K. . Hl.l'yilU HX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BROWNSVILLE. LINN CO., OGN. PROMPT ATTES TIO X OIVEX TO AI.I business. Q-v9 J. c. foweli.. x. vuiym. POWELL & FJ.IXX, Attorneys A' fotiH4ictlora i t I .:i i unci o- ticisors in t haiu'iry, Albany. Oiton. Collections; made anleon- I veyances promptly attended to. ls I CB1AS. E. WOLVERTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBANY, OREGON. TVTILL practice in all the Courts in the State. TT Office in Fromnn's brick, over IwiVl's hardware store. n i;"v9 Mi.SUELLASEOUS. 1NIRS. L. J. POWELL, IEAI.EK IX Fashionable l&illincry I l'lr.Nt Street, Allmny, Oregon. Teci:ive- NEW LINES OF MILLINER Y.i lints, etc.. vcrv latest si vie, l rim.i 11 Bonnets, II:tt-s. etc. mcd and untrimined. Flowcis. Fetit hers, Kilv bons, etc., etc., eveky week, nt the store on, First street lately occupied y M rs. S;e-ens. The ladies arc invited lo ;?ive me a cull. 33v9 Pictttres and Picture Wamcs.i E. 13. IURDOM Would announce to the citizens of Allmny and vicinity. that he is prepared to furnish ail kinds of I'lCTL'R E IRA J ES to order, at short int ice. Pict ores framed, and old frames rctniired nt h'w ofiice on First street, one door west of Broadatbin, and leave your orders .t W. R. iIfiAIIA3I, (LATE OF MICHKiASl IVIeTeiiTit Tailor, KEEPS always on hand Doeskins, Caasimere9 Vestinjrs, etc., a hirifer and better stock than ever before brought to this market. Cuts and makes to order all stvlesof -ioihirr- for men and toys, at reasonable rates, euaran teeinjr satisfaction. Shop on First street, next door to City Mar ket, latelv occupied tj- Dr. E. O. Smith. 2."iv8 UNLERSITY FUND (PKlYhS'NR FOK LINK COUNTY, OKEGOX. OFFICE At his residence, Albany, Oregon. Applications received for loans. 3iv9 J. 1 BACKENSTO, AKent for W. F. Burn ham's lsTt PATENT TURBINE WATER WHEEL. ALL territory west of the Rocky nioun . tains. I will guarantee lliese wheels to rive a better per cent, for the water used, and to have better Kates, than any wheel known on tlie Pacllie coast, and cause the user less (rouble. Albany, Oii-.-Kv0 J. F. UACKENSTO. BOOK S'TOltE JSO. I-'OSHAY, fAEALER IN MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FancyrticlesrAc!' Bk9' tU,ery' Books imported to order, at shortest possible notice. 'vSn80 FOR SALE ! Valuable 13xxilfli nor SUITABLE FOB Dwellings or Business Houses, SITiiAIJPi ln, fhe. b"sin9 part of the city two lots, in block No. 3, in the city of Allw ny, Oregon, on the corner of Fern- and Water 8tI5eA9Vne.,l';.t,l?City M"Is- steamboat landing and O. & C K. R. Size of lots : - lOO Tee on Ferry street ; 132 reet on Water street, with buildings thereon. Inquire on the premises for part ievT .rs. Albany. Or., Jan. 26, l8T"ldvb J" S- 17?r y at home. Asrents wsnted. Outfit ! a fttcrmsfrcc TKUE A C.. Augusta.Mo. ; JOHN BRIGGS rpAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO INFORI liiVXJteAh 1'U,UC eenerahy.tna NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, on the old stand next door to P C. niinu. r. r where can be found as great an assortment and as large a stock of " Stoves and Ranges can be fount! in any ono bouse this side of A Ul LAU.ULA, ailU ill 2t LOW A. PRICE. - ALSO- Cast iron, Brass & Enameled KETTLES, , in great variety. Also, Tin, . -'" Sheet Iron, CialTauized Iron, and Copperware, INtJt TESan1' an1 matle to order AT LIV- Call on ttitvi. Albanj-, October tri, 1875-Sv8 .AND. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Fall & "Winter Styles. ON HANDf CONSTANTLY REOEIFNa .AT. In Woman's Xew Block, FIRST STREET, ALBANY. " A complete stock of all the LATEST STYLES IN CLOTHING AND "... GeiiUeiuen's Underwear. BOOTS, UMBRELLAS, OVERSHOES, NECK TIES, OVERALLS, GLOVES, ETC. Estra Sissa cf Clothing: a Specialty. tUf" Orders taken for Clothing-, Shirts, Ac., and FITS WAKltA-NTlII. A fair share of custom respectfully solicited. Alljnny, Oregon, November 2t, ls7d-9v9 Incorporated Feb. 4. 1873. Capital. $20,00. UNIOlf' STOUE! Corner First and Washington street, j Albanv-, : Oregon. . Prcsltlcit, S. A. DAWSOX. Superintendent, J. BLEVIXS. DIREt'TOIW: v JAS. ;iNiI.EK, N. FKU.HAX. m. Jiin rn, . A. ltIJ0VI!S. M. If. VVILDN, HAWS05T. , (HAWIURD. M. A. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Clotliingr, Hardware, Crockery, Grocerien, Fjtrm' Implements und Slacliinery, Ac., Ac. Machinery Warehouse on 2d, between Ferry aitu v usiunioii Mirtteis. Also, buy and sell on commission all kinds of ijooos, Maruetaoie produce, c. Dec. 21, 1875-14v8m6 EVERYBODY BUYS THEM. HAVING JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIP- men t of the celebrated new style Combined Drill and Broadcast STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL, direct from the faetorv, am now offering extra inducements to the farmers of Oregon, Most of the best farmers in the State are now usinc them. - " , Saving seed and an increased yield of grain s the resultof drlllinff. ; Can be used equally well as a . Orill or Rroadcast Seeder. The STATF.RM N GRAIN DRILL hn henn gii?at.y improved for this venr. arerooms at my Blacksmith Shop, corner of BflCOnd and Kllsii-nrtli kt.reetu. llhnilT.riiwnn ' 3i.rco 31. l7ff-29 FRAK WOOD. GOODS! JOSEPH TAYLOR, Practical -A-Vcliitect, i AND ; Joiner and. ae&eral Builder, ALBANY, : : : : OREGON. OFFTCE-With W. II. Kuhn, Ferry street. Residence Corner Calinooin unit ci.l. streets. api j MRS. AXXA WHITSOX, Fashionable Milliner, i ALBANY, OREGON. HAS ON HAND and will be constantly re ceivlns darinar the season, nil the latest in Bonnets, Hats, and the latest in Millinery. All work done, and irooria sold at . fn. ' " Caprl877 i Are You Ooingr to Build f TF YOU ARE GOINGTO BUILD A HOUSE, ',a,;n r leuee, send In your orders to Sett lie meir& Dawson, Lebanon, who have on hand and are sawing pine, red, white and vellow Or wallas i& Se'ior' March l4l7iSl5rW?MXE & IAWSOX- Dr. GEO. . GRAY, DENTIST, ALBANY, OREGON. Offlee in Parrish 's Brick Bloc't, corner of First and Ferry streets. Residence on corner of Fifth and Ferry streets. Offlee hours from 8 to 12 o'clock a. m., and 1 to 5 o'clock P. at. 46v7 M 'C ALLEY & ANDREWS, IN THE Lclaanon, Oregon, HEALEIE8 IN CLOTHING, ROOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Wood & Willow Ware, f- GIVE U3 A CALL. 3 n'29v9 2VORT3I PACIFIC Portland, Oregon. Capital, $100,000. Gold Coin Basis. Incorporated 1ST. I. WASSKKJIAJi, President. E. nUACIiENHl .su, Vice PrcM. D. W. WAKEl Itl.l), Secretary. W. H Mill), Treasurer. W. II. t:i'FI.iEIt, Attorney. j. It. Qt tt JiENIU'.MI, CJeu. Aa-t. XV. F. HALL, Special Agent, Albany, Oregon. decl5nl2v9 Ladies' Variety Emporium. MRS. 11. J. HYDE EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND German Zephyr. Canvas. Thremf. Vina, ; Needles,' Button. Real Hair Xiritch- es ami Curls, Hosiery, Stamjpetl Goods, tCc, tc, 0c. Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's Ileal th Corset ! Cnild'tt Waist ! and Madam Foye'a Coi'set Slcirt Supporter, CSIFrench Ftamping done to order. 133&Broadalbin St., opposite Post OfliccOv WILLAMETTE TRANSPORTA TION & LOCKS COMPANY. VOTHT--THE FOLLOWINfi RATES OF -L Freight on trruin and Flour hnve been es tablished by this Company as the maximum rates lor one year train aiay 1st, 1877, viz : Per Ton. Orepron City to Portlund. ..$1 M I 75 ....... 1 73 2 00 a no ro 2 60 2 50 2 7. 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 SO 3 SO ....... 4 00 4 00 miitevine Champoeg Dayton Frrfield Wheatland Lincoln iNilem Lola: Independence Ankuey'R Landing Itnena Vista Spring Hill Albany CorvnUia Peoria Mon roe Harrlsbnriz: EuirencCily A 00 Cirain and Flour shinned from (lie mints above mentioned direct, lo Astoria will be charsred 1 00 per ton additional. The company will contract with parties who desire it to trans)ort Grain and Flour at alove rates for any specified lime, not exceeding live years. S.G. KKliD, ice President W. T. A 1.. Co. Portland. April 28, 1877. . ! 3XTotloo. "W"OTICE is hereby piven toall persons wbom A soever, not to mirclmse of .Tnlm n it.,i certain piomissory note of the amount of 778. 5H, executed pinbcr lfith, 1H76, and due July the makers thertrof hold valid etaims and set-1 oa?aiStth Ichruary i. 1S77 niorD i ...y ii.u uuuBrei-Dfu to said liurd, as F AT HER AT PLAY. Such fun as we hat one rainy day, W hen lather was Iiome and helped us play! We made a ship and hoisted sail, And crossed the sea In a fearful gale But we hadn't Killed into London Iowd, hen captain and crew and vessel went down. Oovu. down, in a foliy wreck, H ith the captain rolling under the deck. But he broke out again with a lion's roar, And we on two Jegs, ho on four. But out of the pnrlor and up the etalr. And frightened tnanirna and the baby there. So niarmna said she'd be p'llcetnan, now, An' tried to 'rest us. She didn't know bow. Then the Hon laughed and forgot to roar 1 ill we chased him out of the nursery door; And then he turned to a pony ernv And carried us all on his back away. Whippiiy, lickily, hiekity, ho ! If we hadn't fun, thou I don't know! ' Till we tumbled off and he cantered on. Aever stopping to see if his load was gone. And I couldn't tell anv more than he Which was Charlie and which was me. Or which was Towzer for all in n mix xou d think tliree licople had turned to six. Till Towzer's tail was caught ui the door : He wenldn't hurrah with ua any more, And mamma came out the rumpus to quiet, And told us a story to break up a riot. " . A band ot gypsies liave been loafing round in this vicinity for some days, telling fortunes, etc. A range that meets, every requirement and satisfies every demand made upon it he Richmond Range. It has no equal among stoves or ranges. The onlv place to get one is at W. II. McFarland's, next to the Bank. Lost. At the celebration in Albany on the 4th, a black and blue waterproof cape. Any one finding the same will be amply rewarded by leaving it at P. C. Harper's or S. V.. Young's. Lime and Plaster of Paris At J. Gradwohl's, in quantities to suit, 'at Port land prices, freight added. Call and see for yourself. .... " - "' . n3Gv9 The Goldsmith Range Sold by John Br'gffS '3 the most economical, heats up the room less and is the equal at least of any other stove or range as a baker or for any other purpose for which a stove or range is used. A full complement of tin ware goes with eacli range. Call at John Briggs' store and see for yourself. 37 MtSDAMns Allison & Arnold Have taken the new building on First street next to J. II. Btirkharfs real estate office, where they can be found by their lady friends, prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking. cutting and fitting, etc., on short notice. Patterns furnished at short notice. All work done at reasonable rates and in the best manner. Ladles, call and see us. 40v9 Ek-opened Xe w Stock. Ed. Baum has reopened the Lecticonian cigar stand, adding a stock of school books, stationery and notions. lie will keep an immense stock of the finest cigars and tobaccos, lie invites all to call and examine his goods, when they will be well treated and given the best of bargains. r9n35 Cunningham & Co., on corner of Broad albiu and First streets, keep on hand ill kinds of agricultural implements and ma chines, such as headers, reapers and mow ers, threshers, plows, hay rakes, etc., etc., as well as hacks and wagons of the best makes and styles, all or any of which will be sold at the lowest cash rates. Mr. E. Buchanan, Manager of the business for aiessrs. 1 . Ac Co. in this city, is one ot the best boys in the business, and the more yon trade with hitn the better you'll like him. Call and see for yourself, when you want anyunng in the agricultural line. Picnic and Campmeeting. -The pleas ure and profit of these Institutions are very much enlijuieed by a proper regard to tlie appearance of the outer person. Tjtdies and gentlemen, boys, girls and babies, can all secure a becoming toilet, and thus 'gct a lift" towards a higher and better life, by paying a timely visit to the ready-pay store of Wheeler, at Shedd, where the best goods in all lines are sold nt tlie lowest prices. He has a new and full stock expressly tor these occasions. Peruvian Syrup. BROOKS, Me., Sept. 7. 1870. Dear Sir From early youth I was in feeble health, troubled with humor In mv blood, weakness and debility of the svsteiii generally ; was unable to labor much, and only at some light business, and then only with great caution. .Seven years ago tlie ptist spring, I had several a(acks of diph theria which left my limbs paralyzed and useless, so I was unable to walk or even sit up. Noticing the advertisement of Peru vian Syrup, J concluded to give it a trial, and to my great joy soon found my health improving. I continued tho use of the Syrup until three bottles had been used, and was restored to complete health, and have remained so to this dav. I attribute my present health entirely to the use ot Peruvian 8yrup, and .hold it in high esti mation. I cannot spenk too hio-hiy iu its praise. I have in several cases' recom mended it in cases similar tn i.u ie same good results. Your, .-..t- j"'y Charles k. Pkarcv. I tour I.I re Worth lo Cents. Sickness prevails nvrrvu-ho. -j !?y u:Y"l'ai,!s 5 some disease during their .v. ,.c nlh, me onject Js to get well ow to say nhiinlp thnt lira ruimni t.. AS... woHd that is suffering y q i Dv-iirila Liver Complaint ! it?,mii ? ,r?Pvla' M?rfci"; 1IeartJJ$"-n, palpitation of the n MU r""8 S,pir,ts' Kil"ss. etc.? ?M."ke ?.lfn. A"St Flower without 1,nu enre.- Jf von doubt thU. to vour druggist and get a samnle hotl ''' '-'-" k y.o noses will relieve you: - lonUvO LOCAL MATTEHS, FROM FINE CREEK. LATE NEWS FROM TJIE SEAT OF' WAR? i Pine creek July 4', 1877. Friend Van :-We are all alive yet, hat I expect we have numerous friends and rel atives that think our hair has been raised' long before this time. " - ' There was a man killed here recently. He thought there was no danger and staid at home, his place being on the trail known ns the Nezpcrce trail. Two renegn.de In-' dians came along and killed him. lie had5 no arms with which to defend himself, anf being an old man was easily ovcrpowered. 1IU name was John Bitchy, v; A large number of residences have been': broken in to and robbed of ,auch things a rl n. 1 it I, .r nmii' rxrfT.I. . .3 a t ' things that suited the fancy oftlse.se "bravw' red thieves of the forest." There is not a! settler that has not been damaged and lost more or less through these rascally redskins;- We have been foiled up, but at present' about one half of the settlers have succeed-' ed in getting out of the country and mov ing their families to Walla Walla, while" the few that are left lave gone to their' homes, trusting that the worst is over. Arms and ammunition was sent to m to enable us to defend ourselves from tne wily savage, but when they arrived at Walls' Walla the authorities froze on to them tliat is, tlie larger part, as they seem to ba" worse scared at Walla Walla tlian we are' up here in the Indian country. We got? but fifty guns iu this county, while Walla' Walla kept one hundred ! I have tills In formation from good authority. We have" no soldiers and are poorly supplied wit!1 "fighting tools'' to protect our families' and crops and lierds from tlie attacks of the' Indians, and of course Walla Walla far removed from the track ot the savage and' from possible , trouble, should have all the" means of defense the Government has at' command ! This is commendable, anuf come to think of it its rather stirprising' that it was thought worth while to send ua any guns at all ! However, they have al . ways felt "rough" towards us because we can raise more and better grain than they' cau. However, I will not be too hard on' them, as others wilt write up the history ot' "these times" who will place the matter1' in a strong light. i i . Here at Pine Creek we got ten guns for' a company of fifty-five men M ho had been' organized for our defense. - There is uo trouble with any ot the In dian tribes except the Xezperces, and tliev have divided ; some have gone north, some' down the Columbia, some to Joseph and some to the reservation. "VVe hear a good many reports of devastation and death, and then they are all contradicted, but ifr' keeps up an excitement all the time, which keeps us at home and no work is' done, as no one dares to go and leave his family, And j that's what's the matter with us at present. Ccsrrcx.- The campmr.'eting held at Harrlsburg week before last was a profitable season. On Sunday the 8th fifteen converts wrre"' baptized. ... : Our friends Scttlemeir & Dawson, of tlie' Santiam mills, are selling immense quanti ties of lumber and they turn out unequall ed lumber. i Mrs. Gilmore, mother of Mrs. Dr. Craw ford, of this city, died on Monday morning,-. She was near eighty years of age. Messrs. G tin lock & Morgan, of John1 Day, have sold some excellent horses in this county from their large band. Lebanon shows evidence of growth and prosperity in the many new buildings now iu course of erection. Tho "Spring fights" were a little behind?' this time, but they opened iu good style' , Kink WBPK. ! Blain, Sox & Co., at Mammoth ware house, are ready to receive and store 200, 000 bushels of grain in sacks at fair rat csv The Union Grange Store does a smashing , business whether school keeps or not. The Calipooia river is .fordable now be tween the Magnolia Mills and its month. Get Major White to attend to your watch, if you want it to keep good time. Sunday was the hottest day iu the whol business. : Dare to do right, Dare to be true Kick at your mother-in-lawr It she kicks at you. A mother-in-law has sent this to the- Chicago Tribune for immediate publication s vv up fiercely clutched at my good namer And said that I was all to bJame, .T.mi u was rigrn nntti I came ? ! 3Iy son-in-law. WliO treats mv daticrhter like a kIivp- And takes from ns all that we liave. Ami makes our lives seem like the grave f There is an old California epitaph that has excited a good deal of interest, both' from the character it describes and the question it asks, Tlie epitaph is as follows s. Here lies old Thirtv-five ner cent: The more he liad the more he lent f ' The more he got tlie more he craved ; The more he made the more he shaved Good God ! can such a soul be saved ? -, A vennr Montreal lady Las teD av- cidontaliy injured by hammer t!;rown- by an athlete. ch hamraerous ad vances as ibcf shoui'-abe stoppfd.