The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 13, 1877, Image 2

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The investigating committee are still
inquiring into iheGrover matter: A
large-number or witnesses have been
wimmwtedy. who, generally speaking,
have obeyed the summons and answer
ed the questions' propounded to them.
Mean, ilosier and Tic Trivett, so far,
have lotted to pot in an appearance, al
thongtr eagerly sonsht tor. - It is vital
to G rover that at least hosier should
bo produced. The evidence so far is
pretty much vf the beamy kind;- no
ooe knows or wfll'tell, anything- posi
tive, from his own knowledge. We
have dim visions of members of the
Legislature who were poor aod wanted
coin ; 'of certain members reported to be
ia the market at a thousand dollars each;
of a -Portland banker with a carpet bag
fall VfjT&oiD, supposed to be G rover mon
ey, and roach other matter of a similar
tenor. Bat so far we have no positive,
straightforward evidence that any one
was jpaid bo much cofn to vote for gro
ver.") And it is11 possible that sach evi
deoce may not be obtained. It Grover
is guilty he should sutler the penalty ;
... . . ' a.
a be a mocent, he sfaoaKi clear nis stiru
from every suspicion of guilt. Nearly
all the witnesses state that there were
rumors that money bad been used in
the senatorial contest, and where there
is so much emote there is generally
some fire, and it will take positive evi
dence to the contrary to relieve Mr.
Grover of the odium at present resting
upon him'. ' Men who sell themselves
io politics are about the last to aid in
the exposure of tLe crime.
Under the heading of "State Control
of Railways," tho Oregpnian has some
very interesting remarks, from which
We quote. The4octriue of the "vested
righto"-of railway corporations, based
upon the decision of the Court ia the
Dartmouth College case, has tor years
been the commonly received opinion.
Under this decision it was held that
such corporations wore beyond legisla-
aocl fares ; that railroad companies
might, with perfect impunity, charge
the most exorbitant and oppressive
prices for freights : and fares, aud the
State be powerless to modify or in any
way interfere iuhe matter.
Recent decisions ot the United States
8opreme Court, howeverT overturn these
losg-time accepted opinions, by greatly
tnodrfying and even limiting the powers
which these corporations hare for so
long been generally supposed to derive
from their charters. In fact the current
CI recent decisions ienas w apse mu
old theory of "vested rights," and it
any how be regarded as settled that
very railway corporation h subject to
the general power of the late, and that
the State ' cao prevent ' unreasonable
charges as common carriers, and the ju
dicial or legislative authorities of the
Elate are to be the judges of sooh un
reasonable charges. The latest decision
it in regard to a road that crosses the
Btateof Iowa. A prominent rauway
corporation of 'Chicago leased the road,
ssd the. Court decided that the road
waa subject to the law of Iowa as to
Charges for transportation, although the
lease waVeffected prior to the passage
eftbat law. The broad principle is
Jid down that the common carrier has
' no right to charge more than a reason.
able compensation, and all corporations
are subject to this restriction. The
pawer mat created tnese corporations
certainly baa the power to control
The principle that the State has con.
Crol over railway corporations being now
prackUy established, the citizen need
complain no more of "grinding monopo
lise," as e has it in his power tc "rega.
UW jtrices down to a reasonable .fig
Keoent news from the East indicates
tbat Russia is getting the worst of the
-fat. in Asia Minor. The country is
AniusA with ezceedindv strong fortress.
C?, ISO IUW10kU yaacxm bis iwu w
ClZmli deSles, and all these positions
erjrt be forced by the Russian army.
"t!i had force of 102,000 man io
1.:.Z1oot at tie begining of the war,
sxi cow this large force is to be ioerea.
el and- cperauop mere pusnea ngnt
s&5sr. The heavy blow to-be struck
t3 the Earopgia dd.r and. here Russia
' tem smn&lfeciv linei twofst io'. .her
fti&ttlie Cz&ftpetfa Eog!od'.''lo 'fa
" "dara wm within a p(6nth, and says be
is frcj-s.rsd for each aa etsercnoy. , The
Tcrl'3 r.t cr-xTi tetter than it wase
" '- n.j ttpf ..vrcalA, d: tbe-.-VRosaaB
t t ia Late ; 3 Turkey is corralled
O C.t fir every victory ob-
The handsome building near the
Farmers warehouse erected for nee as a
soap factory, is being fitted np for the
flax machinery of Mr. Crane, who is ex
pected here in a few days from San Fran
cisco. The factorj is expected to be at
work by the first or middle of next
month, will give employment to a largo
number of hands. Success to all such
The annexed telegram, taken trom
yesterday's Oregonian, is the latest
from the seat of war :
Walla Walla, July 11th Indian Su
perintendent Watkins telegraphs : The
hostiles have forced their way past our
cavalry and are now at Kamia, on the
way to Bitter Koot. Their success has
induced other Indians to join them in
small bands. More troops aie needed.
From Lewiston to Mipsoula, by way
of the Lolo fork trail across the Hitter
Root mountains, is near two hundred j
miles. This Is the route the Indians
are supposed to have taken.
A special to tho N. Y. Times says
the indictment of Gov. Wells and An
derson, at New Or'eftns; does not meftt
the approval of Gov. Nicholls, but was
instituted by Attorney General Ogden
who is leader of the Bourbon element in
Louisiana politics, and who stubbornly
resisted all efforts to reach an amicable
adjustment of the difficulties. It is be
lieved the prosecution will not be upheld
by a great majority of the State, and it
persisted iu will divide the Democratic
party there on the Bourbon line.
The Fairmount Park Commissioners,
who represent the city of Philadelphia,
have given Lee Craudall the use of Ma
chinery Hall, in Fairmount Park, a
building which covers 14 acres ot
ground, for the establishment of a Na
tional Immigration Bureau. In this
building all contributions from tho dif
ferent States and Territories will be ex
hibited tree of charge ; and Mr Craudall
urges the people trom all sections of the
Union to send to him for said exhibition
specimens of minerals, vegetable pro
ducts, manufactures, works of art, copies
ot laws, statistics, rates ot taxation,
maps, charts, descriptions of lands for
sale, together with abstracts of titles,
the resources ot the State or Territory,
etc The object ot the exhibition is to
foster immigration to States and Terri
tories desiring it, and by a full showing
and a thorough exhibition of the pro
ducts of the soil, etc., emigrants could
at once make np their minds fully where
they could be best suited. Send articles
to Lee Craudall, Philadelphia, Penn.
The New York Times editorial says :
Gov. Grover is in ft fair way to furnish
some of the most striking illustrations
of the manner in which the reform cam
paign was conducted last fall. His fa
mous "Gabblo" dispatch brought him
prominently forward as an intriguer
without any scruples of honor. The
congressional investigation which he in
vited has as yet not convicted him of
bribery, though it shows corruption was
rite in the legislature which elected him.
Investigation has only just begun, and
some of the witnesses are "putting out
for the mountains." as the Oregonians
would say, and a generally unwholesome
aspect ot things opened up at the very
threshold ot inquiry. Grover was lion
ised by Democrats when he came on to
take his seat, as if he had done some.
thins especially worthy of honor, llis
couduct in the Croniu business was pre.
aumably the cause ot Democratic pride
in Grover, aud it it should turn out
that the man who lent himself to the
conspiracy to hire, buy or steal an elec
toral vote for Tilden, also bought his
way into the Senate, nobody would be
in the least surprised.
The Washington monument assooia
tion are indisposed to give up that pile
of stone erected in honor of the "father
of his centry." As tbe'eharacter of the
ground, the foundation and the super
structure have been reported upon un
favorably for a oompletio.) of the monu
ment, it ia now proposed to finish off
the present structure with a metalic spire,
or to put eighty-five feet of tho father
of bis country, io some sort, ot metalic
compound, on the top of the stone work.
The Journal's Washington specials
say the Democratic ring judges in Mary,
land recently indicted for their crimes
by the grand jury have retaliated by
procuring the arrest on a charge of per.
jury of Gen. John S. Berry, foreman of
the grand jury. ' Gen. Berry is one ot
the most eminent citizens ot Maryland,
of high character and great wealth.
This action of the judges will not help
their causes
. A London dispatch sayB: It is now
knows that an understanding has been
arrived at between Russia, Germany
and England, and that eaeh nation is
to have ita share in the spoils ot the sick
man. France can -not object, as she
fears Gennany, and Austria is now crip
pled, aa she does not' fight without
Great Britain at her back.
Gen Grant and party left Brussels on
the 9th, and was expected at Frank-(
tort-OD-Main on j'esterday. Every
where he has been received with the
highest honors.
The remnant of the Modoc tribe of
Indians who were taken to Indian terri
tory at the close ot the Modoc rear, now
amounts to only fifty-four males aud
Bixty-three females. We believe there
were over one hundred and fifty of them
when first transferred.
An enormous lode of copper, lead,
gold and silver, twenty feet in width
and extending tor miles, has recently
been discovered in Main, New Hamp
shire. The lode crosses Grand Trunk
railroaJ, 100 miles west ot Portland.
Accounts from Russia acknowledge
that the campaign in Asia is a complete
failure and will haveto be renewed in
I Europe. There is no doubt that the
Tnrks have given up the defense at the
line of the-Juntra.
Gen. Toombs has raised another rum
pus in Georgia by suggesting that the
members of the constitutional conven
tion serve for SI a day, the amount that
a petit juryman receives. Other mem
bers, who have not as much money as
he, plead that they must have enough
for expeufes.
The Journal's Washington special
says : The general opinion here is that
tho testimony against Senator Grover
is already sufficiently damaging to im
peril his seat. At the time when ob
jections were made to swear in Grover,
several Democratic senators said they
would vote to unseat him if the charges
against him should be sustained. They
may have an opportunity to fulfill their
Columbia correspondence of the N.
V. Times relates how they now manngc
elections in South Carolina : '!. A.
Straker, Republican Representative i
irom urangeourg county, was excluded
from the House of Representatives be
cause he would not apologise fr his
"contempt"' in adhering to the Cham
berlain House last fall. A special elec
tion was held to fill the "vacancy."
The Democrats had all the commission
ers ot election and every precinct mana
ger. Last tall Gov. Chamberlain ap
pointed a Democrat on each board, but
Hampton did not follow his example.
During tho disorganization of the party
and tho defection of many timid leaders,
3Ir. Stratcr made a vigorous canvass,
and the piecinct returns show him to
have been elected over Dibble, the De
mocratic candidate by over 130 majority.
But when the Democratic commission
ers met to canvass the vote of the pre
cinct, the board threw out three boxes
on account of al'eged irregularities. At
one box the managers refused to swear
the' voters, alleging that it was only nec
essary in cases of chalenges ; at another
the po!esclosoJ before the proper time;
at another place the ballot box was not
sealed before taken to the commission
ers. These were all precincts having
Republican majorities. All the mana
gers were Democrats and no "ii regular
ity'' occurred at any Democratic pre
cinct. The "irregularities" were a 1 ar.
ranged beforehand, and were committed
in two instances, despite Repunlicau
protests. The Democrat was returned
as elected by 231 majority, and the Do
mocratio organs announced "another
county redeemed " Orangeburg gave
Ha-es 1.800 majority.
An election will be held in Charleston
county to fill 17 vacancies in the House,
occasioned by the exclusion ot the Re
publicans who were elected by 6,500 in
November last. Similar "ir'etnilari-
ties" will be discovered iu Republican
precincts after the election, committed
by Demi-cralio managers, and enough
precincts wi 1 be thrown out to give that
county to the JJennnjrats. tor Kepub
lioans to canvas and vote in South
Carolina hereafter will consist simply of
eoine through the motions, with no
hope of obtaining any practical result,
The Philadelphia Bulletin says .the
dust which has been allowed toaccumu
late upon the roof of the Philadelphia
mint during the past 25 years was col
lected recently by order of Governor
Pollock for the purpose of ascertaining
what propoition of the metal is contain.
ed. The roof is of asphalt, and aa it
softens, the dust sticks to it tenaciously
Some amount of difficulty was conse
quently experienced in removing it. Fi
nally a quantity amounting to 1,732
pounds in weight was removed. This
has been submitted to the usual assay
ing process. The result shows that 42
ounces of standard gold, and 76 ounces
of standard silver, with a total valua
tion of about $850, has been conveyed
by the upward flight of the smoked
chimney to a place where it became lo
cated for a season.
Tho Tribune? London special says :
With the capture of Tiemova the "Rus
sians gained an important position, be
ing thus pnt in possession of the ap
proach to the Schipka pass. Military
authorities here think the Grand Doko's
force will advance through the pass to
Adrianople, thus threatening Constanti
nople in front, aud Sbumla in the rear.
The new officers ot Albany Lodge
No. 4, I. O. O. F., were installed
Wednesday evening. Tho names we
published heretofore.. Orgena En
campment No. 5, installs officers this
evening. !
Sfcw To-Day.
Notice to
bouse at tho foot of KUsworth street, I have
rented the stibstanttal warehouse owned by
John Freter, at th foot of Broadalbin street,
nnd am now prepared to store
200,000 Bushels Wheat.
Sacks furnished to those storing with mo,
and a large quantity on hand for sale at the
lowest market, price.
I will pay the highest cash price for
and other cereals. Wheat received at Tangent
and Miller's, at Atbonv prices.
SSCall and see me before making arrange
ments for selling, ox for storing elsewhere.
Albany, July 13, 1877-ji52v9
a. W. WILCOX, M.D.,
See. Oreston Hoinoeop-
Licentiate and member
Cal. Slate M. S. of II. P.
atnic state Med. soc y.
AA the purpose of iwactiolnjar Homoeopathic
Moilicine in all its branches, we offer our servi
ces to ihe people of this city and surrounding
country. And we shall pav especial attention
to diseases of Women and Children, aud of the
Ear. Throat and iye.
Office hours of lir. Wilcox. 8 to 10 a. m. and 1
to 3 P. M. : Dr. Arnold. 10 to 12 M. and 3 to 5 P.M.
and both from 5 ton P. M.
Consultation calls from distant points attend
ed to at once. Jal3v9
oti e or ixiximix.
VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the tin-J-l
deraijrned has been duly appointed Execu
trix of the last will and testament of David
Simons, deceased, by an order of the Count y
Court of Linn county, Oregon, and all persons
having claims aitaii'i-M. snid estate are hereby
required to present the Fame, duly verified, to
the undersigned at. her residence in North
Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
July 13, 1877-41 v9 ELIZ A BETH SIMONS.
I. li. N . BL ACKBjRj.-, Atty for Executrix.
AumxisTBAToirs son ik.
-L deritrned lias been duly appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Wyatt Crane, deceased,
by an order of the County Court of Linn county,
Oregon, and all persons bavins claims azainst
said estate are hereby required to preterit the
same, duly verified, to the undersimied, at his
residence in Hurrisbnrg, Linn county, Oregon,
Wi.hin six months from the date hereof.
HIRAM. SMITH, Administrator.
J. W. Baldwis, Atty for Adm.
July 10, 1877-42v9w
For lo.
Horses !
Lebanon, July 7th, 1S77,
where they will remain until Wednesday, Jnly
11th. -when thoso that are not sold by that time
will be taken to
Albany, remaining 3 or 4 days,
where they can be seen at Am. Marshall's cor
ral. All remHtning unsold Iy the 16tb, will be
tken t o Con a 1 is and other points Here is a
chance to secure No. 1 horses on reasonable
terms. CO'UCK MOORE.
, ot John. Day Valley.
July 6, 1877-11
The Jfew Family Sewing Machine will hereaf
ter do soia at
A f Alt Alhup af ftfla t.nntna Binn.. XTa
ehines at equally reduced prices.
Thonarh these Machines have been greatly
rerlu eii in t'rlee, the QUALITY wlU be main
tained at its highest standard.
T-txxj5 33ros., Agts
Bi-icli I Brick I
hand a large quantity of Koodnew burned
BKICK, at their yard about half a mile west of
the citv, near the Masot ie Cemetery. Prices
AM lO W A THE l,(WF.s r. Call and see.
Albany, Or., June 1.1, 77-38v9m3
Oregon & California Hail
road Company.
Grain. Flour and Mill Stuffs, in car loads, as
per published tariff of the Commny under date
of January 9th, 1877. will be maintained as the
maximum rate s until May 81st, 1878, viz :
i Per 100 11.
Milwaukieto Portland 7 cents
Clackauia? 7 cents
Oreaon City M lOcents
Roclc Island ' .. 11 cents
Canby " 11 cents
Aurora ......11 cents
Hubbard " " -.-' ' : . . 11 Cents
Wood burn " .....11 cents
Gervais " 11 cents
Brooks 11 cents
Salem . 12 cents
Turner " 12 cents
Marion " ,.12 cent
Jefferson " 13 cents
Miller " 14 cents
Albany " 15 cents
Tangent , " W cents
Shedd's " 17 cents
Halsev " 18 cents
Muddy " 19 cents
Harrisburg- . 20centa
Junction - 23 cents
Luner'a 26 cents
Irvine " ; 28 cents
Euprene " .....30 cants
Springfield " 33 cents
Goshen 85 cents
Cresswell. , " ,...'2i cents
Latham cents
Comstock'8 . ' 35 cents
Drain . . .....35 cents
Yoncalla . .........35 cents
Oakland , ; " '. 35 cents
Utnpqua ............35 cents
Jtosebuifc 35 cents
Ho charsre for drayasre at. Portland.
K. KOEHLER, Vice Pres. O.AC.R.K. Co.
Portland, Oregon, June 91 h, 1877. 88-lm
First St., bet. Ferry nd Broadalbin,
sonable rates.
Meals at all hours. ' Pasronage of the rmblio
respectfully solicited. jaa. maui,
Albany, Or., June 8, 1877-37 -
Wool ! ITlfool I
f M price in rafcU for wool., at nis siore on
trsi street, Aiuuny, ureaum "
Beautiful, "Water-Proof, Elastic and.
This Paint is j mixed ready for use, requiring no Oil or Thinner. It is equally as good
for Instde as outside work ; over old work as well as new ; in lact where any
paint can be used the AVERILT, PAINT will be found superior to any
Other.; Any One Can annl' t n hn pan nw n hrncl. u-hii-h trill V
makes it tho POPULAR PAINT.
Fop Further Information send
Price-I-Ist to
Srcffgi&t and. Eoalor ia
First Street, ALBANY, OREGON.
' I
TT71LL KEEP IN" STOCK a full line of the above FAIXT, In ALL SIZES
and COLORS. 6apr3m
! ' '
to the 16th of July,
At (lie stable of A. II. .IIAIUIUIX, Albany, Tuesday P. Wednesday and Ttaars
dy A. AI. of -lj,'li week.
At tbc wtable of itlctsrs. Bean A I victiOii, Nalem, Friday I. M., Saturday tuid
Mondiiy A. XI. of eaeh week.
Tkbms- Twent j-flve dollars IT. S. gold coin the season, due at the end of the season.
I have some pure Jersev cattle for sale. Every faratly that keeps a eo-a- should have a Jerscv,
or at least a half blcKxl. Tarties that have used them frill not do without them if they are to be
had. i
Early in April I will Issue a circular with fine ens ravings of my mares un1 horses, a view of my
Bta'iles. with a history of ihe Percherons, and why they rue preferred to other large horses;
some hints on breeding ; the demand for large horses in Europe anil America, Ac. They will bo
sent on spplietttion.;
March 33, 177-vOnS'J
We II two lrr.
mountain Balm.
R II E V M A T I H 51 .
Selected and gathered on the spurs of the
Sierra Nevada Mountains. The leat founi
in the hotter climates, when dry. t-ontnins
tittv per cent, of resin or gold colored pinn.
the" properties of w hich arestimnlat.nganl
healing, and especially adapted to the
wants of the system in case of Lung dis
ease and Rheumatism.
The high estimate which the Spanish
placed upon it on account of its medicinal
qualities is manliest from the name they
gave to it. many vers ago Yerhasauta,
or "Herb of the Saints." The natives ot
Southern Oregon and Northern California
have used it immemorially as a Rheumatic
remedy. The white population in the re
gion where it grows have used and prized
it as a throat and lung medicine. For a
time they called it Lung Weed; but give
valuable testimonials as to iu. virtues in
curing Rheumatism.
When von open one of our packages,
keep it excluded trom the air as much as
possible. j
I have used it In my family for four or
five years, and regard it as one of the best
family medicines we ever used. A tinct
ure is manufactured from it in Cincinnati,
and sold at 75 cents per ounce. A single
one of our packages make eijiht ounces ot
tincture, which Is worth $5. The shrub
from whleh this (valuable medicine is gath
ered, is only found in a narrow belt of
country tn -Southern Oregon, and along the
Established 1870.
lUera Location.
Blew Rooms,
BTgw Stools and '
:j . ' - i , ' ;; ...... .- .
; ricTO Blcn,
nrnTE TJJf DERSIONED havrntr purchased the
X entire stock of A. Carol hers A Co., and
placed It vmdertne management of Dr. N. Hen
ton, late of Iowa, assisted by O. B. Hen-ton,
who are now refitting and adding j extensive
additions of new stock, and from their Ions ex
perience and thorough knowledge of the busi
ness in all Its varVid Uepnrtmen tn, feel assured
that we shall be able to render full satisfaction
to all who may favor ns with their patronage.
Our prescription department will at all rimes
be conducted by men eminently qualified lor
the responsible and Important work.
We cordially invite the citizens of Albany
and surrounding country, when in need of an v
thing usually kept in lirst-class drug houses to
call on us, corner of Fi rst and Ellsworth st rents.
Albany, Feb. 23, 1877. C. W. SHAW.
for Sample Card, Circular and
' W. C MVEB.
Sierra Nevada Mountains, and is supposed
to have been gathered from Mount Gilead
thousands ol years ago, and the gum ex
tracted and sold in Egypt and in Tire be
fore the times of Solomon.
Pr. Nicklin, of Eugene City, says :
"Your Balm is one ot the best preserved
herbs I ever saw, and is worthy of a higher
price than you put upon it."
Rev. S. K. Raymond, of Oakland, Ore
gon, says : -I went to California to recov
er from Consumption. The Doctors there
gave me ip, and told me if I had any
friend I wished to see I had better go and
see them, ns I could live but a little while
longer. On my way to Oregon I com
menced using Mou'.tain Balm; it helped
me; I continued its use until it cured me of
the disease.'
Mr. W. T. Osborne, of Eugene City,
says : "I know a yonng man who appeared
to be in the last stages of consumption,
and by using Mountain Balm or Yerbasan
ta he became a healthy young man."
Joseph P. Moore, Esq., of Milville. Cal.,
siys: "I have been acquainted with- the
shrub known as Yerbasanta for 20 years,
and know it to be a very valuable medicine,
both for the Lungs and Rheumatism."
Mr. Kimball, ot Kimball & Wei toe. Red
Blufi's, Cal., says: 'I have been aaquaint
rd with the shrub known as Yerbasanta,
for many years, and know it to be a great
Lung medicine."
"I left Missouri with the consumption.
Reached Rock Point, Jackson countv. Or.,
and was taken down. I took a tincture of
Mountain Balm, and chewed the leaf more
or less, ami in four or five days it cleaned
out my lungs handsomely, and I resumed
my journey ; and now, after several
months, my lungs still seem well.
A. B. C. -
"T.Por sale at the drug stores of Bell &
Parker; and Join! FpshirJ-. 7v9
dea"leb in
Groceries, Teas, Provis'ns,
cofleess Sipleea, Driest FrnlM, &eM Ac ,
CiT" Everything nice and fresh,
Til Fine Boadaser SOaUSMi
high, and weighs about 1,800 pounds. Was
sired bv Old Vermont, one of ihe fastest road
sters that ever trod the Pacific coast, and can
show the fastest stock. His dam is a Morgan
and Messenger, and produced fine horses, one
of which sold, at four years old, for S3JV00 ; one
yearling sold for fcSSU, and 0110 three year old is
wort h 1.(K. . . . , ,
VEKMONT will be found at my farm, six
miles sonth of Albany, from the first of April
until the 15th of Julv, 1877. Tkbmb -20 the
season, pa ablo at the end of the season. Pas
ture free to mares from a distance.
March 30, 1877-3v9 M. LUPER.
On the 4th two men were drowned'
in Penobecot bay, a sword sh having
capsized their boat. -
The secretary of war arrived anaa,
nounced at Leavenworth, Kansas, ca
Thursday night, and Is a guest of Gen
At . Cacheville, Cal., on the 4th
Charles E. Hackney committed nidd .
by shooting himseli in the head with
pistol. . - ...
A Goshen, N. Y., dispatch ay tie
larger portion ot the village ot Cheater,
at Erie depot, waa burned on the 6tb
It is reported at Toronto that Sir
James Fergus, a well known diplomat,
is to succeed Lord DufFerin as eoverno
general pi Canada.
The president and cabinet will go to
- --r r' '-- '- ' v na WUWIUUM
anniversary of the battle ot Bennington,
vij me iui.ii or 'tutrilRl.
II. Chanin. ol New Orleans, tmh.
liahes a denial that he has resigned the
pastorship of the Church of Divina Pa
ternity or changed his relation thereto.
Several descendants of Jaoob Lick,
brother of the lale James Lick, hare
filed a notice in the probate court at San
Francisco to the effect that they intend
to claim a division of the estate.
Gen. Sherman passed the Fourth at
military headquarters at Chicago, as the
guest of Gen. Sherman. He lett for St.
Paul with two staff officers for visit
of some weeks on the Yellowstone.
At San Francisco the Democrats art
trying to arrange their treaty differences.
The two epposing county committees
met the 6iate committee at the Palace
hotel and laid their arguments before
that bedy, which will rendered a decis
ion in the matter.
A Chicago dispatch says tho receiver
of the Kcpnb'ic Life Insurance Ca, after
careful cxaruination of the books, says
trom information in them and from
other sources, ho concludes there is a
balance of nearly three ard a half mill
ion dollars against the company. - ...
A Pioche, New, dispatch states that
two mon,' named Iloland and Carter,
were murdered by Indians on the reser
vation in Southeastern Nevada, last
Sunday morning. One of the murderers
has been caught. It is reported at
Pioche that an insurrection Las broken
The supreme court of California, in.
the mandamas case by which Kentfield,
who ran on the republican ticket tor
state controler, sought to compel Gov.
Irwin to give him a certificate of elect.
in, rendered a decision adverse to
Kei.t field. Tho decision is signed by
the full berch.
Pat a lady passing along, and es
pied two Ktiips .depending from under
the lady's cloak. Not knowing that
there were style sashes, and were in the
right place, he exclaimed: "Faith, maara
your galluscs are untied.'
Many Turks whilst working their
gnns at Iiustchnk, have been killed by
rifle fire from houses adjacent to fort.
These mysterious assassinations are caus
ing bad blood against I'ulgariana.
It appears that tbc horrible sacking
of Sistova, attributed by the Russians
to native Bulgarians, was really perpe
trated by the Russians themselves.
Dr. S. Pancoast has written, and J.
M. Stoddatt & Co., of Philadelphia,
publish a treatise on "Blue and Red
Light," tho aim of which is to prove
that "lirrht Ik tlm nruvtn.l anil mn 1
source of life, as it is the source of all
the physical an! vital ibices of nature,
and that light is nature's own and only
remedy fur disease," and to explain the
application ot the red and blue rays t
light to the cure of human ills and the
benefit ot the vegetable kingdom. The
volume contains several illustrations,
and is printed iu blue ink with s scarlet
border to each page.
Sarah C. Cregg, ot Texas, married;
against her father's wishes. The parent,
being rather more obdurate than usual,
smoothed away iiis domestic infeliotlie
by killing the unwelcome bubnd ;
then the sheriff, in attemnttnz to arrest
the parent, killed him ' and, finally, the
girt killed herself. ' & this sad story-
sheriff. " The besl plan is to stand
trial, bribo the jury, and .let ; tiie girl
marry again. " ' .
At the Seattle celebration, the Alkt
kau Kail olnU nf tVist. Inwn. knit tit.
UOOV UU 1 . v. , W9 '
Victoria club by a score of twentyone
to nine. The Victoria rifle team carried -off
tho laurels in tho shooting match,
the score standing, for. Victoria, 456 j
for Seattle, 445 ; George Ridge, ol Se
attlo, beat Mr. Tolmie, of Victoria, ia
the ibot race.
William I'arker of Hamblen county,
Tenn., slapped his step-daughter in the
face. She returned the blow With aV
poker and killed him. She ie 17 years
old and he was 25.
An Erzeroum dispatch says it ia cni
likely even it the Russians are strongly
reinforced,; that they can BOceessftiUj
renew the campaign in Asm this year.
s A Vienna dispateh , says both armies
remain inactive. The Russians are ev
idently awaiting reinforcements.
For three whole days in Naples re
cently there was not a einglo birth ia s
population ol 500,000,