VOLUME IX. ALBANY, OREGON, JULY 13, 1877. NO, 42, business cards. JOHN CONNER'S BANK TNG AND Exchange. Office, AI.KANV, OREUOX. IvETOSlTS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check nt sijrht. Interest allowed on t ime deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and New Vork, for sale at lowest rates. Oollecrions mndeand promptly remitted. Refers to II. W- CorbetivHeury Failinsc. Y. S. Ladd. Ranking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, "Feb. 1, W71-vS- ?S. JS. nJJMIIITOX, HI. p., RlrTf; OF THE I'NIVERSITY J Melu-al Collect: ot New York, late inein'KTof Ueilevieu H sj-iiiai Medical Col vuc New York. Ob ICK In A. Carol hers ATJo.'h drujf s'oAi. Albany, Oregon. HAHDW AEE ! BOLTS, all sir.es audi lescrip- f ions, fe genvrai iiakv WAltU u full and complete n lortment. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Hose. .Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron, on band for sale. The Goldsmith Range, THE BEST MADE. CROCKERY WARE, The largest and most complete assortment In nieciiy. Keeps all kinds of OILS & WHITE LEAD. Lime & Piaster of Paris, at Portland prices, freight added. e- -IMtrIns done neatly, at short notice. and WAKKASttu. J. URADWOIIL First street. Albany, Oregon. niTvS Barber Sliop 2 L. B. IIOYAL ' HAS OPENED a lim-ber Shop on First street one door west of Thompson & Irvlns's har tleys shop, where he will he plra3ed to meet all m ho wish work in his line. Thankful for past pntronase, he hopes by close attention to busi ness to merit a continuance of the same. Will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Perfumery and Slair Oils, - the best assortment iu town. Come and see nte. Albany, Or., February 2 1, 137G-23v8 THE METZLER CHAIR Tins IS TO INFORM THE PCRLIC THAT no chair goes from mv factory without my name upon it. All othersare false imitations and should be so regarded. All persons art hereby warned arainst attempting any suci imposition upon n.y customers. MET7LER Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21. 187B. Albany Bath Hpuss & Barber & TMIE UNDERSIGNED WOCLD i t 3. X fully thank Win citizens of Alban ai clnlty for the literal patronage Im-siow him for the past wvwi years, and hope I future a continuation of their favors. F accommodation of transient tusiomw friends in thQ npper part of town, he t I ed a neat lit tie shop next door to TayiG Saloon, where a irood workman will ai n attendance to wait upon patron. Dec.U.l74. JOE WET P SIT 1 vi J or rtht rt hi n pen iroe s ot J. D. MfFAKLAND. MORC.AN. MOUtiAN Sc. SieFAE2L.AX, REAL ESTATE AGENCY! ! AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Nnl Poor to Well- I"mi o Sc Cos Expresa OiHee, Albany. Orejffou. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH" EMI grants and ot hers good bargains in farms and small homesteads in Linn and adjoining conn ties. Farms in value and size to suit pur chasers. . . ' Also, city property, both. Improved and un lmoroved. . Renting farms and city property, and collec tions of ail kinds, promptly attended to. Our facilities for advertising will enable us to do more for our patrons than any other Areney in the State in our line. We also pay special attention to the employ ment and laior exchange department. Albany, May lilf. Raising and ITI oving Buildings. WE THE USDEBSIGXED BEG LEAVE TO announce to the citizens of Albany and surrounding country that, having supplied our selves with the necessary machinery for rals lnr and removing buildings, we are ready at all times to receive orders for audi work, which we will do in short order at lowest rates. We guarantee entire satisfaction In all work under taken by us. Orders left at the Register office promptly attended to. Apply to. i Alba. BANT.T, ALLEN CO. Or., AprU 23. 1873. "&v7 Prof. G. P. Newell, TEACHER OF THE " Harmony, TnoronEb-nass and Singing. ' , , Special attention given to VOICE CULTURE. HAVTNG concluded to make ALBAST nwr permanent residence, all who desire a thorough knowledge of aiuvie can now bare an opportunity. PIAKOS ASD ORGANS Tnrierc arvd. Hepaired oiod9StMrFOBhy'8mlcan wmUatVour rclw'" 9 musie 8tore-d I AJbany, Au-ust 4, K" P' SEWELI' SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Albany, Oregon. Terms : Oasli. n20v7 St. Charles Hotel, Corner Vas2iin;rtou and First Sts., A LB AN Y, OREGON, J. SC. PROPRIETOR. House newly furnished throughout. The best the market- art'ords always on the table. Free onoli to auU Trout tbe House. AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, ALBANY, : : : OREGON, J. S. SCHAFFOUD, rropriotor. S TAGK OFFICE FOR CORVALLI5 AND Lelmnon. Only first class house in the city. Free couch lo and from the house. 52 v9 THE ART 1KIEKVATIVF.. Printing by hand. Printing by steam. Printing from type. Or from blocks by tbe ream. Printing in black. Printing in white. Printing in color, Ot sombre or bright. Printing lor merchant. Ami land agents, too ; Printing tor any. Who have printing to do. Printing for hankers, Clerks, auctioneers. Printing for druggists, For dealer? in wares. Printing for dm per", - -'- For grocers, for all Who want printing done. And will come and see "COLL." Printing of pamphlets, Or bigger books, too ; In tact, there are few things But what we can do. Printing of .placards, Printing of bills. Printing of carte-notes For stores or for mills ; Printing of laliels. All colors or use. sirs, Especialij' lit for Webfoot prod 'jeers. Printing ot tonus All sorts you can get Legal, commercial. Or "House to be let. " Printing done quickly. Bold. si3-)ih or neat. At the liKGi.-TKU Printing-ofllee, Corner ot First and Ferry Street. STERLINGS' EXPRESS FROM EMPIRE CITY VIA GARDINER AND SCOTTSBURG, Connecting; wit Wei h, Farro Sc Co.'a Express at Uraln's Station, on aal TIEUP.SDAYS, returning on ' ' TUESDAYS and STODAYS. All BtisincKS Entrusted to my Care Promptly Attended To. Patronage of the Puttie SoliciteA. "J AS. A. STEKLIXO. Dec 8, 1876-nllv9 Attention, Fruit Growcn! THE DHIECTORS OF THE ALDEN FRUIT Co. be to announce that they will put-the Fa;tory in operation as soon as Fruit and Veg etables are ready for use, and will pay cash for the same when delivered. Boxes will be furnished to all for the purpose of brinffinjr their f mit to tbe factory. Fruit should be picked frotnhe trees and not bruised. " ... , Parties havintr plums should be particular to gather them before they become too rtpe. A. NV ARNOliD, President. Secretary.. Albany, July 28, 1876n PBOMPX Delivery, at Living Bates. HAVING bought out the dell vary business ol Mr. Lewis Stimson, I beg leave to announce to the citizens and business men of Albany, that I have on the streets an express and Job wagon and will be happy to serve all who may give AU orders will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates. Orders may be left at the Drug Store of Bell Thrile- ' VIRGIL PARKER. S. C .STOKE, M. Physician and Surgeon, BROWNSVHjLE, OREGON. OfFU'E.U tUe Bmg Kiore. S7v8 MEDICAL. IX. HEXTOX, M. PHYSICIAN & STJS.QS02T. HA VING PERMAVEXTLY LOCATED IX thc city ot Albany, and entered upon the thirty-first year of his practice, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens or Albany and surrounding country. Okfice at the City Drug Store. Residence on First street. nS3v9 3. W. WILCOX, Homoeopathic Physician. OFFICE with Dr. E. II. Griffln 'First streot, Albany, Oregon. T Chronic diseases a 46v8 GEO. VT. HAHPEH, Physio - Medical Physician, ALBANY, : OREGON. TREATS ALL DISEASES ON TRUE PHYM ologlcal principles, without the nsc of poi sons. Office with Dr. Geo. W. Gray. Parrlsh brick block. Office hours lrom 8 to-12 A. M., land from 1 to 5 P. M. n30v9 J. L1XSEY IIILI., M. D., OFFICE -At Bell Parkei's new drug store. RESIDENCE Second street, between rail road and Montgomery. 8-44 Mrs. S. Nichols, 1L D. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE corner of First aud Hroarlalbin streets, np stairs over Post otlice. Special attention u i veil to the diseases of women. Bdns areular trmiluateof Boston Medical University, and having several years exjieriencc. I inn assure those sutTcring, relief by mv method of treatment. Albany, Or., March 2, 1877-22v9. LEGAL. F. M. HILLSB, Attorney at Law, Lotaaoa, Orejoa. Tiril'L PRACTICE in the dlfterent courts of the State. Special attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his cure, anil promjit returns made. fc-7"" Investigation of Titles, t:oiiveyaiicinji, and all Probate Mat ters carefully anil punctuallv attended to. Oniec on First St., next to Fox Bro. n23v9 W. Q. PIFEU, ATTORNEY AT UW, ALSA1TY, 0RE&02T. Offlce in second story of Brtggs building. "VrH-L PRACTICE in the different Courts of it the Sta'c. Sx-oial attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to hiscare. Investigation of titles, conveyancing and all probate mutters carcfullv attended to. 23v9 I. K. X. BTLACKBIRX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BROWNSVILLE. L1XN CO., OGN. PBOMIT ATTIO liIVK.M TO ALL business. 22 va J. C. POWELL. . I. FLIXH. POWELL & FLIXX, Attorneys A.- Counsellors nt Law and So licitors iu luiucery, AHany, Oivgon. Collections made and con veyances promptly attended to. 1-8 CaiAS. E. WOLYGRTOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. WILL pnictkrc in all the Courts in the State. OFFlfK ill Froniau's brick, over Dodd's hardware store. nl'.)v9 MISCELLAXEOUS. MRS. Ij. J. POWELL, DKAI-Elt IX N Fashiona"blQ Hillinoiy ! First Street, AI1any, Oregon. RECEIVES NEW UNES OF MILLINER Y, Bonnets. Hats. etc.. verv latest styles, trim med and untrimuicd. Flowers, Featliers, Ifib lons, ctc etc, bvkuy wekk, at the store on First street lately occupied by Mrs. Stevens. The ladies are invited to give me a call. 33v9 Pictures and Picture Frames. E. 13. PURDOM Would announce to the citizens of Albany and vicinity, that lie is prepared to furnish all kinds of PICTURE FKAS'ZS to order.at short notice. Pictures framed, and old frames repaired. 'aV athisofticu on First, street, ono door west of uroaaaioin. auu leave your uranni W. R. KAIIAM, (LATE OF MICUKi'ASK Merchant Tailor, KEEPS always on hand Doeskins, Cassimeres Vestings, etc., a larger and better stock than ever lcfore brought to this market. Cuts and makes to order all stylesof Clothing lor men anu noys, at reasonable rates, guaran teeing: satis ftiet ion . Shop on First street, next door to City Mar ket, lately occupied by Dr. E. O. Smith. 25v8 UNIVERSITY FUND COMMIS'NR FOtt LINK COUKTT, OREOOK. o FFICE At his residence, Allmny, Oregon. Applications received lor mans. atv J. F. BACKENSTO, Agent far W. F. BurnhanVs 1874 PATENT TURBINE WATER WHEEL, 17R ALL territory west of the Rocky moun ' tains. I will guarantee these wheels to give a better per. cent, for the water used, and to have better gates, than any wheel known on the Pacific coast, ana cause t ne user less tronnte. Albany, Ogn-35v9 J. F. BACKENSTO. BOOK STORl, 3KO. FOSIIAY, DEALER IN MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, , School Books, Blank Books, Stationery Fancy Articles, &c. Books imported to order, at shortest possible nobnxs. vanau FOR SALE ! "V&.liAtle 13 nil ding- SUITABLE FOR Dwellings or Business Houses, SITUATED in the business part of the city two lots, in block No. 3, in the city of Alba ny, Oregon, on t he corner of Ferry and Water streets, near ine uty aims, steamboat landing ft i T n i' Z, .rt.i... I feet on Ferry street y ,133 feet on Water atreet, with buildings thereon. Inquire on the premises for particitirs. THOS. J. S AFFORD. Albany, Or., Jan. 26, !S77-18v9 S12 n Uy at home. Agents wanted- Outfit A terms free. TKCE&CO., Augusta.Me. JOHN BRIGGS TAKES TmS OPPORTUNITY TO INFORM his friends and the public generallv. that he is now settled in his NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, on the old stand next door to P. C. Harper & Co where can lie found as great an assortment and as large a stock of Stoves 'and Ranges as can be found In any one house this side of roruana, anu at us LOV -A. PRICE. ALSO . Castlron, Brass Enameled in great variety. Also, Tin, Sheet Iron, - Galvanized Iron, ' and Coppcrwarc, always on hand, and made to order, AT LIV ING ItATJES. Call on Him - Albany, Oclobcr 22, 1873-5V8 CLOT AND.. CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Fall & "Winter Styles. ON HANDfCOflSTANTLY RECEIVN& .AT. L E. BLA In Fronian'g Sew Block, FIRST STREET, ALBANY. A complete stock of all the LATEST STYLES IN CLOTHING AND .... Gentlemen's Underwear. BOOTS, UMBRELLAS, OVERSHOES, NECK TIES, OVERALLS, GLOVES. ETC. Extra Sizes of Clothing & Specialty. ("Orders taken for Clothing, Shirts, Jfcc, and KITS WAKKA-NTEl). A feir share of custom respectfully solicited. I,. K. It LA IN. Albany, Oregon, November it, Ib7u-Uvi) Incorporated Feb. 4, 173. Capital. t20,000. GRANGE UNIOIT STOEE! Corner First and Washington streets, Albany, : Oregon. President. S. A. OAWSOX. Superintendent, J. BL.EYIS. DIBECTOIK: J AH. UI?eLFA, M. 9III.I.FR, H. FROM. A. Kl.KV lists. U.OAWrOBD, M. II. WILUN, S. A. IIAWSOSi. Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu DRY GOODS Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Farm Implements and Machinery, fce., &c. Machinery Warehouse on 2d, bet ween Ferry - and Washington streets. Also, bny and sell on commission all kinds of uoous, marKetauie i'roauce. &c. Dec 24, W7S-14v8lll6 EVERYBODY BUYS THEM TTAV1NG just received a lauc.e ship- roent of t be ofttobr&ted new stylo Combined ; "I. STATES!,! AN GRAIN DRILL, direct from the factory, anu now offering extra inducements to the farmers of Oregon. Most ot tne Deal farmers in the state are now using them. - ' - . Saving seed and an increased yield of grain is the result t4 drilling. Can be used equally well as a Drill or Broadcast Seeder. The STATESSLYN GRAIN DRILL has been o "v ivi una vui . M arerooma at my Blacksmit h ftbop, eomerof wai wu Muanuiru HtreetA, AIUUUV, UiVi$UU FRANK WOOD. ft Uarcu 31J 1876-8 JOSEPH TAYLOR, Practical Vr cliitect , Joiner and. General Builder,. ALBANY, : : : : OREGON. OFFICE With W. II. Kuhn, Ferry street. Residejkce Corner CaliDooia and Sixth streets. ar677 MRS.! ASTVA WIIIXSOX, PashionaTole Milliner, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS ON HAND and will be constantly re ceiving during the season, all the latest in Bonnets, Hats, and the latest in Millinery. All work done, and goods sold, at the lowest rates for cash. , Caprl877 Are You Going to Ruild f IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD A HOUSE, barn or fence, send in your orders to Settle meir & Dawson, Lebanon, who have on hand and are sawing pine, red, white and vellow fir lumber of the very best quality, which they will sell as low as the lowest. r , , ' SETTLEMEHt & DAWSON. March 16, 1S77.-2ov9 Dr. GEO. W. GRAY DENTIST, ALBANY,, OREGOX. Office in Parrish's Brick Bloc -c, corner of First and Ferry streets. Residence on corner of Fifth and Ferry streets. Offlc hours from 8 to 12 o'clock a. M., and 1 to 5 o'clock P. M. (46v7 M'CALLEY & ANDREWS, IN THE (DM xlm hnl fling Lebanon, Oregon, DKALEItS IX Y000DS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Wood & Willow Ware, CriT GIVE US A CALL. n29v0 NORTH PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION, Portland, Oregon. Capital. $100,000. Gold Coin Basis. Incorporated 1874. I I. WASSERMAS, President. F. QI AI KESBI SH, Vice Pres. I. W. WAKEFIEf.l, Secretary. W. S UDD, Treasurer. tV. II. KFFISIOEK, Attorney. J. L. QUAt ltKXKl StI, ties. As' W. P. HALL, ' Speeial Agent, Albany, Oregon. dccl5nl2v0 Ladiesl Yariely Emporium. MbIs. mTJ- HYDE IVeEI'S CONSTANTLY ON HAND j German Zenhyr, C'anras. Thread, rins, XwUt's:, Jiuttons, Heal lhtir &'tr(tcfi cs dial C'ws, Hosiery, M tamped ! Goods, tCc, tc., tc. Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's Health Corset ! Child's Waist 1 I j and Madam Fpye's Corset Slcirt Supporter. e55French f lamping- done to order. I38SrBroadalbin St., opposite Post OfflccJOv WILLAMETTE TRANSPORTA TION & LOCKS COMPANY. 'MOTM'B.-TnB FOLLOWING RATES OK X'l KrciKht on israin and Flour have lieon es tablished by this Company as the Maximum rates lor one yearirotn may isi, iau, viz : Per Ton Oregon City to Portland... $1 oo liuticviue Chamioeg Dayton , Fafrlield 1 Wheatland Lincoln Salem ; Kola f Independence Ankney's Landing Buena vista -" Spring Hill Albany ; f Corvaliis i Teoria j Monroo 1 ! Harrisbnnr 1 75 1 75 2 00 2 00 3 AO a so 2 50 a 75 a 75 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 60 3 50 4 00 4 00 5 00 KuKeneCity (iintn rnui Flour shinned from the points almve mentioned direct to Astoria will be charged $1 00 per ton additional. Tire company will contract with parties who desire it to transport Grain and Flour at above rates for any apecitted time, not exceeding five years. 8 G. REED, 3 : i Vice President W. T.&L Co. Portland. April 38, 1S77. i Notioe. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom soever, not to purchase of John D. Hurd a certain promissory note of the amount of 778. 50 executed December 16th, 1876, and due July 1st 1877, by tho undersigned: to said Hurd, as the makers thereof hold valid ciaims and set offs aaainst tbe holder. John D, Hurd. i RETTI.EMEIR A DAWSON. Kcbruarj'l, lS77-10v9 ALL THE CJIILDItEX. I stippnne if all the children Who have lived through ages long Were collected and Inspected Tliey would make a wondrous throng. Oh, the babble ol the Babe) I Oil, the flutter of the fuss ! To begin with Cain snd Abel, Ami to finish up with us. -. Think of all the men and women1 Who are now ami who have been f Every nation since creation .- I. that una world ut ours lias seen ; - . "U of them not nnir "iTilt " a baby small : While ot children, oil, how many Never have grown np at all ! Some have never laughed or spoken, Never used their rosy feet ; Some have even flown to Heaven Ere they knew that lite was sweet ; And, indeed, I wonder whether, If we reckon every birth. And bring such a flock together, There is room for them on earth ? ' "Who will. wash their smiling faces? Who their saucy ears will box? ... Who will dress them, and caress them? Who will darn their little socks? Where aie arms enough to hold lliem? Hands to pat each shining Jcad ? Who will praise them Who wilUcold tla iti ? , . , . . . " "Who will pack them off to bed ? Little happy Christian children, - Little' savage children, too, f- s In all stages, of all ages, . . That our planet ever knew ! Little Princes and Princesses, Little beggars wan and faint, . Some in very handsome dresses, Naked some bedaubed with paint. Only think of the confusion Sneh a motly crowd would make ! And the clatter of their chatter. And the things lliat ther would break! Oh, the babble of the Babel ! Oh, the flutter of the ftiis ! To begin with Cain and AIel, ' And to finish off with us ! Lost. At the celebration in Albany on the 4 th, a black and blue waterproof cape. Any one finding the same will be amply rewarded by leaving it at P. C. Harper's or S. E. Young's. Lime and Plaster of Paris At J. Grad wold's, in quantities fo suit, at Port land prices,, freight added. Call ajid see for yourself. n3Gv9 The Goldsmith Range Sold by John Brigg, is the most economical, heats np tlie room less and is the equal at least of any other stove or range as a baker or for any other purpose for which a stove or range is used. A full complement of tin ware goes with each range. Call at John Briggs' store and see for yourself. 37 . Mesdamks Allison & Arnold Have taken the new building on First street next to J. II. Biirkliarfa real estate office, where they can be found by their lady friends, prepared to do all kinds of dressmaktng, cutting and fitting, etc., on short notice. Patterns furnished at short notice. All work done at reasonable rates and in the best manner. Ladies, call and see us. 40v9 Re-01'f.ned New Stock. Ed. Haum has reopened the Lectieonian cigar stand, adding a stock of school books, stationery and notions. lie will keep an immense stock of the finest cigars and tobaccos. He invites all to call and examine his goods, when they will be well treated and given the best ol bargains. . v9n35 Cunningham & Co., on corner of Broad albin and First streets, keep on hand &11 Winds of agricultural implements and "ma chines, such as headers, reapers and mow ers, threshers, plows, hay rakes, etc., etc as well as hacks and wagons of tlte. best makes and styles, all or any of which will be sold at the lowest cash rates. Mr. E. Buchanan, Manager of the business for Messr". T. & Co. in this city, is one of the best boys in the business, and the more you trade with him the bettei you'll like" him. Call and see for yourself, when yon want anything in the agricultural line. j ... Picnic and Cami-meeting. The pleas ure and profit pf these institutions are very much enhanced by a proper regard to tlte appearance of the outer person. Ladies and gentlemen, boys, ghis and, babies, ca.n all secure a becoming toilet, and thus "get a lift"' towards a higher and better life, by paying a timely visit to the ready-pay store of Wheeler, at Shcdd, where the best goods in all lines are sold at the lowest prices. He has a new and full stock expressly lor these occasions. Peruvian Syrup. Brooks, 5Ie., Sept. 7, 1870. Dear Sir From early youth I was in feeble health, troubled with humor in my blood, weakness and debility of the system generally ; was unable to labor mneli, and only at some light business, and then only with great camion. Seven years ago the past spring, I had several attacks of diph theria which lelt my limbs paralyzed and useless, so I was unable to walk or even sit np. Noticing ttie advertisement ot Peru vian Syrup, I concluded to give it a trial, aud to my great joy soon found my health improving. I continued tho use of the Syrup until three bottles had been used, and was restored to complete health, and liave remained so to this day. I attribute my present health entirely to thse oli Peruvian Syrup, and hold it in high esti mation. I cannot speak too highly in its praise. I have1 in several cases recom mended it in cases similar to my own with the same good results. Your truly,- jllly CHARLS3- E. PEARCTi V Is Your ure Worth 10 rente. - Sickness prevails everywhere, tind every body complains of some disease daring their life. When sick, the object is to get well ; now to say plainly that no person in this world that is suffering witlr Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its effects, such as In digestion, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, palpitation' of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, Biliousness, etc- can take Green's August Flower without? getting relief and cure. If you doubt this, go to yonr Druggist and get a sample bot tle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. , L tonttvO LOCAE MATTERS LEBAKOX ITEMS. Active measures' are beirig' taken In that .. railroad line which will soon be establish -! and right ot way' obtained. Mr. Waasora" has been chosen oy the stockholders as Dl- ' rector from this pofh& and' has or soon will1 be confirmed by (he Board of Directors of the W. V. & CUtaSYrtaifCo. It is the lz . tention to commence grading the roadbed' immediately after harvest!, and it is calcu lated ' tliat the grading between this point and Corvaliis will be finished by the first if'" December next. The" citizens" have sub--scribed, considerable stock, although the' agent, Mr. J. Wassom, has not as yet put; forth much effort to obtain stock becats ol not being supplied wjth, the proper books. Tlie books are now inhls possession and? he will immediately, commence' canvass-' Ing for aid. Mf. David Smith antL William . -Feebler have agreed to grade the tceeS , through their fitrras, nnd ft is expected: 0th' cr energetic farmers will do likewise. . - Our citizens who staid at home, with.' quite a crowd from the countrj-, approprl-' atelj' cclebratetl the nattbh's hlrtlalay with' interest. Mr. Clifford Dunham orated in' eulogistic manner of our glorioU3" nation to . a crowded street. Mr. C. B. Montague' read the Declaration of Independence In a' clear, forcible manner. Mr. J. L. Cowan' acted as Chairman ot tlie meeting, and a!nV made some very forcible remarks. Mr. J, O. Roland acted as Marshal, while ther Lebanon Brass Band won Id at intervals' -give us some of the choicest national airs. .' We felt that although 101 years have elaps ed since the first celebration of American' Independence, yet we are as zealously at-J tached to the country as then. A cons pic-" uous banner was stretched across Main street, and directly on one side was erected ' a stand ot sufficient height so that tlie seve ral speakers could be dtstltictiy seen and' Iieard by the entire assembly.- MV.I.ErvIn' acted as gunner, Imvlng obtained" ah old ' cannon, and at intervals Ac Wotild firo off his battery, having early in the day Hred' 101 shots in memory of the years of ourV Govern mciit. .-. Considering it was an impromptu affair,- . our celebration to-day is considered' to have-' been tlie best for years past. " r r July4t!i, 1877 Union forever. V From PrxE Creek. From a private let--ter dated Pinecreek, W. T.; June 2Ov we" are permitted to extract as follows ;: "My-- sell and three other men were Camped in a new valley twenty-five miles north of thir place, in the timber1 On a small creek, on the 24th, when a friendly Indian, very much excited, came and told us a than liatl1 -been killed on Pine creek. I did not cred- it the news, but still I started for. home.- -over another route leading away from tlie Indians, reaching, here all right about 6 o'clock in the evening. I found the dtU zens fortified one mile from my place;- ' Loui, a Cotir d'Alche Indian, had just ar- -rived with Bill 'Alklre'a horsey Which he had taken from an Indian.-this latter In' . ' dian saying he liad killed man .who hat1 fired upon litm and another Indian ; in re turning the fire the white man was kUledr and the Indian took the horse. Knowing the horse, I and A. G. Queener and the' Indian Lotii, started for the house ot Uncle John Ritchie, one and a half miles distant. Arriving at the house, I went in and found? Ritchie lying just inside his own door, tlie' door being partly open, shot ' directly through the center of trie breast' ;; lie had1 also been struck over the right eye With'1 . the poll of an ax and the ax left lying at his feet with some of deceased's gray hairs' still clinging to it. Deceased war an old' bachelor about 68 years of age. ' We then' ' took the wagon and harness belonging to' deceased, and took tho body to the tort,- -burying him the next day a decently as- . we could. - The. friendly, Indians say there' is no danger except from straggling rene-- gades.' Tlie ' nehibors generally ' are' iti' ! foitification. The greatest difficulty at''" presentls a lack of guns and ammunition.- ' Times, If it had not been for the Indian scare would have been g$d. Emigration1 was pouring in, but that is all jstopped.-, Tlie crop prospect is excellent. ; . ( Mrs. Mose Sternberg and-rs. Senders . with their children, are spending tlie Sura-' tner at Soda ville, which, by, the way, is be . coming a great place for the resort of Inva- lids, and those desiring" to get Away fronV tlie noise and dust of ttie heated term In1 ' tlie, larger cities. . -frit? ' i , ; A range that meets every lequirertMsntT and satisfies every demand made upon it-' he ' Richmond Range.' It' lias no equal , among stbveii or ranges.- The only, placer to get one is at W. II. McFarland's, next to the Biink. . ... , " .Tlie boys don't propose to Visit, the w tertnelon patch of tlie old follow who puts ' "sumtliin"' in all the ripe ones that made1 em all intfsck on flietr last visit !' - '' ' Tlie members-of Albans BmyBarid nn' quite a number of their friends started for'" YaqninA Bay and ftf h on Tuesday. TtcreH1 Be musio in tliat crowd, you bet. ' ' j " We are laid under renewed obligations to onr old frrend; ' Jarbes Fliilayson, Esq. ttiis flime for several' gallon! mt oiirrants. -'J The fire alarm on liTiday aitcrnooti was1 earned by a defective, or the absence or fine, at Mr. E. B. Purdom's: Damage ni" Starr Mcaley, wife" and. baby, went up into the mountains last week, cm a visit tc father and " mother.' Spend id weather ever since Uie 4thv