The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 15, 1877, Image 3

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    and Provisions !
First Door Wert or S. E. Young'!, First Street, Albany, Ogn.
. 03txocti fox- CDa.tStXx-
. At foot of I.yen Street, opposite Depot on O A-C. KIlr
Will ilnr Crnln nnd Rinirnl Merrh.'indUe at Lowest Rates.
ALBANY, Oregon, Jan., 1877-15v9
to the It n k .
1. f. SMFTII &,' CO.,
taulished by thin CJoin pan y a the maximum
rales for one year from May Ut, 1877, :
to Portland
Tin, Copper and Sheetiron Ware !
Per Ton.
tl 00
1 75
1 75
S 00
a oo
, S 50
..... 2 50
S 50
S 73
..... 2 75
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 SO
3 50
4 00
4 00
5 00
Oretron City
Dayton "
Fairfield "
Wheatland - "
Lincoln "
Snlem "
Kola "
Independence "
Ankneys Landing "
Buena Vista '
Spnnc Hill "
I'orvallls "
Peoria - "
Harrisburg "
KuireneCltv "
Grain and Flour shinned from the mini.
aliove mentioned direct to Astoria will be
chanted tl 00 per ton additional.
The company will contract with parties who
desire It to transport Grain and Flour at above
rates for auy specified time, not exceeding five
years. s. O. REED.
Vice President. VV. T. .. I.. Vi
Portland. April 28, 1877.
' NlH.UO.
In the Circuit Court of the S'ate offlmmn.
wlihin Hnd for the county of Linn.
Suit In equity lor divorce.
II II. ItoiK-r, plain i iff. vs. Ada M. Baxter, de
To Ada M. Baxter the above named defendant :
in i lie mime ot t ne 3. at e or Oreuon : Yon are
hereby lequired to appear and answer the com
plaint of the above name I plaintiff. In the
above entitled suit, in the Court above named,
now on file in the ollico of Hie clerk of said
court wii hln ten da s from the da:e of the ser
vice of this summons upon you, if served in
Linn county, but if served In any other county
in the S ale then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons : or if serv
ed by publication, then you are required to an
swer said complaint whliiu six weeks from the
date of commencement of publication of said
summons upon you, or by the first Hay of the
next revular term of said Court, for Lluu coun
ty, Oregon, to-wit:
Monday, the 25W day of October, 1S77.
and you are hereby not I lied that If yon fall to
appearand answer sal I complaint as lieieby re
quired, t he plaint ill' will apply to the Court tor
tlie relief demanded in the complaint, which Is
for the dissolution of Ills marriage contract
here! otore exist ing lie l ween you and plaintiff,
and for a divorce from on, und for costs and
disbursements of .his sill., and that this sum
mons Is published by order ot Hon R. P. Boise.
Judge of said Court, made a' Chambers lu Sa
lem, this 2ib day of April, 1377.
tnay4n32v9t6) Ati'y lor pl'lT.
Made the TRiP.-rCol. Wilson and
("apt. Habersham, who ' left Eugene City
on Monday in a small ' boat,' to make a
reconnolsanve ot--the Willamette river, ar-rived-In
thl city on- .Wednesday, when
Col. Wilson took the train for Portland.
Capfc Habersham, who is engaged in Super
Intending the improvement now going
to ward on the river, remained In this city
until the Champion came up, when he
went up to Half Moon fiend, where the
sung boat ta at present engaged Jti clearing
the river. Col Wilson Was -satisfled. trotn
the observaftons made on the trip, down
the riven that if will tiot Tie a very "hard
matter to keep it open as far as Ehgene.
tor light draft steamers, .during at least a
greater ortion of the. ,'vear. j'Wiilhj on
their way down these "gentlemen discover
ed and dug ont"of the'haukpfJ flu?"1 Hver a
portion of an elepliant's'tiisk a font or more
in circumference. From Capt. Hau rham
we learned that the work on the river
last season was thoroughly done. as on all
tlie shallow between - here and the' falls
the water In theshaimeljfe about twice a.
deep a it ever was before, and boats' Tif
light draft should find wo difficulty in
reaching this city, . -
"Sunday was an Intensely hot day, too
warm for comfort. . ,
The College entertainment Monday night
was interesting, and drew .quite a crowd.
A large invoice of
Orange Union Store.
new goods at the
r...'-j.BCT...J. 1,1 iiiii. l':irr'''"'1'J'''''' " 1 i ii
tz. (
Lettar from a Postmaster.
"Antk.cii, III., Dec. 1, 1874.
"Messrs. J. B. R.tE & Co.:
"Mv wife has, for a ong time, been a terrible
sntXerer from Kheumatism. he has tried many
physiclansand mnny reineIies. 1 heoniy thing
which has ti 'en her relief is Centaur Liniment
lam rejoiced to siiy this hns cured her. 1 am
doing what I can to extend its smIp.
V II. RIX(i.
This Is a samnleof many thousand estinioni
als received, ot wondei tnl cures etTected hy the
Cenfanr Liniment. The infii-edients of this ar
ticle are published around each lo tie. I" con
tains Witch Hazel. Menil-a. Arnii-a. Kock OH,
'arlolic. and iurie(lieiits hi: herto I it t le known
It isan indisoutable toct that theCcntaur Lini
ment is lierfomiinjf mrr, cures of swellings,
St itl Joints. Kiuit ions, K hen mat ism. Neuralgia
Scui;i(a, Cakeil Breasts. Lock-jaw. than all
the other L.mimcnis. Kmnroeations. extracts.
Salves, Ointments and liins frnnw in us.
ForTiiothache. Earache, Weak Iluck. Itch and
Cu is admirable. It chits
burns and s-alds without a scar. Ext'acti- pi
sons fiom bi;esand stinsfs.and heals frost-bites
nd chillblains, in a short time. No family can
aiford to lie without the Centaur Liniment,
white wrapper.
ThcCentnur I.liiiioeut. Yellow Wrapper,
sadanted to the toiiah skin, muscles nnd ticsh
oftheanlma crention. I's ettecls upon seven-
cases of Sua vm. Sweeny, W ind t.all, Btjr Head
an I Poll E il. are Utile less than marvelous.
Messrs J. Mt'Clnre. ft Co., I'Tiitrirtsts. comer of
Elm and Front streets. Cincinnati, thin. shj:
"In onr nei.'liiiornoo't a mmitior or icamsiers
are Ufin the Ceii'aur l.iiiiment. 1 hey pro
nounee it sunerur to anything they liave ever
ns... We sell us hfU as four 10 live dozen lot
ties rier inon'h o hese"
We hiiii Ihonsamls of similar 'eslimonials.
For Wuii Is. ;alls. Si-ni ches, Riii2-lionc. Ac.
an I for Screw Wortn in sheet it has no rival.
runners. liver-men and s-ock-rn iscr. have In
this i.lnimen a remedy which is worth a hun
dted limes itscost.
Iilionitory of l 1$. Rose & On..
46 Key street. New York.
Operatic. On Sattirdny night the Eng
lish Qjiepi Company gave u "The Duett
ess"; on Monday irfglitr Hey ierfirtnetl
.Qirofle Girona." ; Saturday night the
attendance was limited; on. Monday night
the. attendance wo better, but was. no,t
good as the merits of the Company disserv
ed. Tlie performance op the first everdng
was very good, but on ,,Mnjid:iy evening it
was nerfrctlv snledld the best acting and
singing ever put npnii thestage in Ills city
After he.iring tills Company we don't won.
der at the handsome things said of them
wherever they have appeared on this coast.
The literary entertainment at the College
and meeting of tlie good Templar Monday
night acted as a drawback on the attend
anee at tlie Opera House.
English Opera Company. The English
Opera Company gave an entertainment at
the Ojiera Hotte Saturday evening tn
verr small houe indeed. Very few Com
panies of equal meril would have given
performance under tlie circumstance. But,
they showed their pluck by eiving a splen
did performance to probably less than
twenty dollnr house, giving more real sat..
isfaction than any Oompany that has visited
thi citv for many a ilay.'
The r55t.ila.i"cl srn Triumphant.
-5 Following I a copy of a U'eterii Union telegram received by Sherman & Hyde, San
fI"nvtw ' 4 New YORK. September 29. 1S70.
P.u,ntw4 relton A On.. .f New York, littve received JJlI'l.OMA of IICUlt anu
MEDAL, of AWARD for t , s
D. V.
lSO'lIrst Street, Portlund.
IaT. :C. T 7SSD ALE,
t-jf (T"l mwi -r him.
ik Hrorrrle ProvbloiiR. Toltneeo.
I imm till.y I rxthtrj ml Wood anil
Willow Msrr. tmlfl., Albany Or.
Orrtc or iiJEit fflAMTAcrtfo t.,
Portland, Ob. anuarj- 23, ia77.
Special Notice
i.4 of onr cttstouMjrs, and to all nersona deslr
i to wirchase onr etleted sewinir it
eh T new. we resnee' fnlly notity tTltenv that the
Me. TITUS BWOS. are onr agents for Al'--
ft-l Linn eonnty, and that they, or I, H.
V,ii,VE HTOS Kl., k fn'l.v an Borlzert to
ju. and sat rle otus-andinif accounts for na.
Sianttger Oregon and W. T.
Tfala ia an Entire JSew Machine
H wbrksonaNEW PHIXCIPLK -that of foro
iug a:er by ilnwnwnr I pressure ItireniKh the
t:k'lie. tub nrt or utscoiorailon la removed
Jiy-waterfopce. There fa ,
: No Uumbug or Friction Abotit It.
It Is Cheap. Simple ana Dnrahle. and never
H-ets out ot order. It will last a lifet line, and
will save tn an ordinary family many times its
ens every year. . . , .
It has been tested hy some of the most expe
rienced Lannrtrymen in die eonn-ryyand pro
nonnced by them to he Ih best Wmbn1
er InTcnhsl. ' For Circulars snd Testimonlalu
anmty to ...... , K. F. UUtitrLNK. .
nSlviul Agent for Oregon
O. P. Assr-CIATION. We are indebted to
T. Henry Brown. R. S.-. fiir a copy of the
tra'isnctioirs ot the pmrtli :iutiii-il r-uiitoii
of tlie O. P. Aesociiition for 176. It con
tains the annual address, deliven-d liy Hon
Tt. P. Boie; the occasioiuil nddress. Hon
John P. Minfo ; noeni by E. Elu-rliarf.
Esq.. and an article from tlie all pen) of
Hon. .Iese Applegate. Jt i an lnterei ing
pamphlet ot sixty odd pages.and should he
i-arefully preserved. '.
Van Vactor keeps everything in tlie gro
cery and provision line.
PJill Coiicn is payiuy the highest market
price for wool.
Mrs, Dr. L. J. Hill has returned from
her' trip to Butter creek. Umatilla county.
Rev. Mr. H.inna. cf Oorvalll, and J. .T.
Brown, A. M.. of Portland, gave us a call
oh Tuesday.
Mrs. Whlton has a new and handsome
stock of millinery, etc. which she is selling
rapidly to appreciative customers.
Heaps of new and stylish Summer cloth
ing, gent lemeir underwear, new styles of
hats, stiots, boots, etc. at L. E. Blaius.
.. AH kinds of engraving done by Major
White; also repairs Jewelry, and attend to
cleaning time-pieces. Shop ou First street.
The meeting of tlie Grand I.ndge ot
Good Templars here this week, brought
quite a crowd of g.-iod people to this city,
aud we were glad to meet them.
J. Tyler and wife nttitned from Califor
nia in the front part of the. week. Mrs.
Tyler Is in the enjoyment of most excellent
An excellent stock of milliners', bonnet',
hat, etc.. at Mr. L J. Powell', and her
motto being to please everybody In style
and price, she is doing a splendid business.
' ReLkuocs. Rev. Mr. Peck, of Salem,
will preach nt the Congregational Church
In tills city on Sunday, morning and even
ing. All arc invited.
Services at Roliert' bridge next Sunday.
Campmeeting. under tlie auspicies of the
M. E. Church, commences next Thursday
at Robert's bridge. The weather being
propitious theie'H be a grand turn out.
To Nioht. There being no quorum
present Tuesday eve the regular meeting
night the City Council was adjourned to
meet ihi (Fridny) evening. A quorum Is
neeessarv to do business.
"Was Dar." Oregon is to be repre
sented at the great agricultural exposition
to be lield at St. T.ouis in September. A
the State won't aid in any such enterprise,
the fanners have taken the matter in hand,
aud to them all credit should be given.
Judge T. .1. Whitney and company re
turned from the soap holes on Tuesday,
so-newlu.t tired from rastling withstainpei'.
ing pack animals, bnl perfectly satisfied
that the soap holes are rich in ore.
Grand officers. The following offi
cers elect of the Grand Lodge. I O. G. T .
were installed on Wehn-S4lay evening;
W . R. Dnnhnf. G. W. C. T ; Fannie Myi-r.
G. W. C; Emma Kelloge. O V T: W. S.
.fames. G W Sec; J. E. Houston. G Trea:
R. C. Ramsey. G Chap: L. C. Fisher o M;
Sam'l Driver. G G; J. K. P. Cavitf. G S ;
C. H. Reed, G A Sec; Ella Hideout. G D. M;
-f. H. Raley, G Messenger.
Mo-hers mav have rest and their babies may
have health, if they will use Castoiia tor Wind
Colic, Worms. Keverlshness. Sore Mouth, Croup,
or Sromach Complaints. I is entirely a vege
table preparation, and contains neither miner
al, morphine, nor alcohol. It is as pleasant to
take as honey, and nei her gags nor gniics.
lr. K. inmocn.oi impont.o.. says:
"I am usinir Castoria in my practice with the
most signal lienetits and happy result."
1 his is what every one says: Most nurses In
New York City use the Castoria. It is prepared
hy Messrs. J. B. Rose ft Co., fi Pe- sti-eet, New
York, successors to Samuel Pitcher, M. D. 39vs
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the coun'y of Linn.
Suit in equity for divorce.
Roliert R Templeion, plaintiff, vsMaryTem
nlei on. defendant.
To Mary Templeion, the aliove named defer fl
am : i
In the name of the S ate of Oregon : Yon are
here'iy required toanoearan I answer the com
plaint of the aliove pininiitT. in the aliove enti
tled Court, now on file wih the Clerk of said
Court, wl'hln ten days from Hie dare of the
s-rv ,.i i iiitiii)imons ni on you If served in
Linn connty. Ovsron ; but if.servcd in any o h
ercoimiy in the Sta'e of re'on, then wi-hin
t wem y days from he da- eof t he service of t his
summons npon on. and if served hy publica
tion, then on or lietnre the flrst day ot the next
term of said Court, to-wit: -i
Motidiiii. the 22' ilntt f October, 1S77,
and yon are hereby notified tha If yon fail tn
anpear and answer said comniainl us hereby
reqnire-1. Hie nlaintitf will apnij to the Court
foi the relief demanded In he eomnlaln', to
wit: a dlssolirloa of the liomls of lna-ritnonv
exlstihtr between yon and plaint iir,and for costs
and disbursmitits. - - . . (
This summons is ou'i'lshed bv order of Hon.
R. P. Boise, Jn-t-re of saidfonn",ma-e-hisl4:h
lay of Anril. 1877. . I. R. Ji BLACKBl'KN. '
arSOn30v9 6 Atty. for plfT.
Neat. We speak of the new restaurant
opened Iat week by that prince ot catertT.
Tames Mady. in 'he room lately oceil'ded
by Dr T.iter. The room on the wet side
i handomely carpettnl, mid arrangetl
specially for tlie ladies and their escorts,
while the opioite room i to lie ued by tlie
mail persuasion excluively. Both room
have been freh!y papered and painted, and
look neat and attractive. When ever yon
want a way up meal, call in at Mady's.
COMP'TN. Last Saturday the strawherty
business was rcdlmt. One dealer put the
price dovv i to twenty-five cents er gallon.
while the otlierg:ive nine quart for fifty
cent. We tfipse: there whs lietWeeliTive
Hiul -Ijf hnn(red g:illoii sold in a very
short time on Saturday.
Masonic Picnic Brwnsville Lodge.
io. S a. r . iS A. -1 .. will have a picnic
near Brownsville, ou Tuesday, -lune 19th
Rev. I. D. Drher will deliver an address.
Ail laettiber fif sister imlges are cortlially
iuviteil to iitu-iid aini Kirticipate. By or
der of the committee of arrangements
TnE Printer's Salvation. Au ex
cliauge sav : A printer being asked to
give his opinion of salvation n expounded
by Rev. Mr. Motwly, astwiisliietr'ht .Ititer
tocutor ' y the r-plv tliat ''when a inaii be
emie converted he wastiarket"SflTve"
and platvd on tx-aveti's -'tatutitig-gallery"
for future use; tnt wlteti a mmi itiatVrfwirh
nitf. knowing Gnrl. e'was"'pi'd., thr'wn
into the 'hell-box ' by tlie' "devil. and
melted over." '
O. & O. Railroad Co. By reference to
advertisement in thi issue, oiir reader
will see that freight over the O- A C.
R.-iilniad. on gram, flour anil mill stuff, in
car load, has been reduced to a low figure.
From thi city to Portland the rate will be
fifteen ' cent per hundred three dollars
per ton. Read the notice.
Oreoon Wool,. One of the' great wool
dealing firm of Philadelphia quotes Oregon
wool, under date of fuue l't. a follows;
Fitie, 25327c ; medium, 25S2?; co-ire.
2325; 34v33J; delaine. 32333.
and remarks that Oregon wools un
wanted." as they are tar superior to all
other wools from tlie Pacific slope.
Notice to Hloekhold rs. '
No'tee I' nereWy gtven that" there will he a
meeting of the stockholders of the tirange
Union of Albany a 'he o-Tlce of the comnanv
on Monday. May 46th. 1877, at 10 A. M.. for the
purhose of elect Ing a Board of seven I d rector
and transacting snch o' her business as mav
1 ' 1 1 W V. . , .'L. . 1 -
w mwnuiy uiiii wiuio iw uiovung.
By order of the Board. .. .-
--- . - A. M. ROOP, Secretary.
Turk Vereis PiCNic--The Portland
Turn Verein pfcnlcl advertised to come
off next' Sunday. i-The train.wiH Ieave he
depot at this place""a"8 "o'clock" ArM. aTiid
return from Aurora at 6:30in.. Fat for
adults and chikfreu-over 12 years of age,
fit SO; from 6o 2. 504'Miider 6. free.
Read itl. 'adwrtiseThierit..- In this' tasUe.
There will be plenty of .mnsievand -avon-ments
of varioiiV Mnd to entertain jll who
may wish m attends as'if he T- Jk?;.V jtnr
determined to give fuir satisfaction to all
.ho go. . 1 ".
Picnic and Campmeftin-g. Tlie'LpJeaV
nre-and profit of these lntitntion nrt very
much enlianced 'by a proper 'reiant '--to tlie
appearance of the outer person.. Toadies
and gentlemen, hoys, girls attd. bahhs. can
all secure a becoming toilet, and thus "get
a. lift" towanl-a hiher and better life, by
paying a timely viit to tlie ready-iar store
of Wheeler, at Shedd. where the lies t goods
in all lines are so'tl a the - lowest prices,
ne has a new and full stock expressly tor
these occasion's, "
. Harvesting Machinery. Samuei E
Yr.ung would resjiectfully inform all in
want of Wagons, Harvesters, Threshers,
Reaper. Mower, aud all kinds of Farm
: Machinery, that lie has a full line ou exhl
Iiition at his warehouse which he is- pre.
pared to sell at low figures. It would pay
ev-ry one wanting machinery to lotk
through lis watvlionse bctore purchasing.
First street. Albany. Oregon, 37w4
.Remaining in tliePost Office. Alba nv.
.Lutu ciMiry. Oregom .lime. 14th, 1877.
.Persons calling for these letters must give
flK nate on wiiicli fliey were advertised.
Aslimaii. Jas Harvev. Elsie "
A'len. Mrs R Nicholas. L F
Bett. C R ' McEntire. Amanda
Bringbaor. Isadore - Oliver. J
Call well. Maba Iite. Saml
Oorcly. Geo Queeuer. Win
Eitgei; Peter Esq Scott. Sarah A
Fiilliuau. L D ... Weber. Mrs Eveline
Graves, Fannie
AllkV Degree Templk,.- On
We.lnestiay evening. .lime 6th. Bart. H.
Allen. Esq.. organized AM'en" Degree Tem
ple at Hafsey. With Jtaj following nametl
ofticers:- P. T. Starr. D L; Mary Sippy, D
V Tf.T. C. Bramwell. D SecVE. B. Pen
laiKl. D FS; Ami -Rector. D Treasurer;
J.' W. Rector. D M; Eliza Slppyi D A M;
Emma Windham; D Of .las. More. D.
Sentinel; p. Bennett,, D. C.: Ji: CDavls.'
P. D. T- - . ..-.-. ... . ;
- A Pamphlet Giving a history of the
Percheroti horse, origin and introduction
of the breed into the United States, by W.
C. Myer, the most prominent horseman in
Oregon'. "Tlie pamphlet also contains a
complete list of the Vt a II ions, marcs, cops,
and Alderney and Ietey cattle owned and
bred hy Mr. W. C. Myeri'nt Ali!and, Ore
gon. 'It i a very iuteiestiug work, and
can lie obtained hy alt desiring- it by . for
warding address with stamp to , prepay
postage to Mr. Myer. ,
- Services. Rev. O. Parker; of Salem,
will hold services in the Episcopal Church
on Wednesday evening next, : June the
2&th, at 8 o'clock, and ou each -succeeding
Wednesday evening until further notice.
AH are invifett. T'
Orator. Hon. Geo. W. Yocum, of
Portland. lias accepted the Invitation and
wtll deliver the oration at our 4f he.bratlon.
Wool In demand at 25c per pound.
Look out for the AlleghaninnsJiext week.
Considerable bilious fever here ami there.
If you want to know what's going on in
the city subscribe for the Register.- .
Turner is to have a bfg 4"th rfiaslc
speeches, etc.
Janction City, after July 1st, Is to'be a
money ordef office,
Mrs. Belding and family started for W.
T. on Thursday's boat. ;
Will Beach was located at Astoria, at
last accounts.
The English Opera Company went up to
CoTvallis on Tuesday.
Alex. Pnrdoin has gone to the mountains
on a proectiiig trip.
Business dull and money scarcer than
Chills and fever make it quite lively for
some of our citizens. .
Cherries are coining into market freely,
and are selling at 50c a gallon.
District schools close 'n two weeks. Va
cation tintll first Monday - In September.
The Record, of Salem, Is rather a wide
awake sort of a paper, ynu bet.
Bill Tally, of Benton county, was In the
city Tuesday.
A large amount of melting weather these
days. ,
I Special drill of Linn engine Tuesday
tYou shonj.l see those handsome new
etiromos at. L. E. Blaiu's!
Cop Cherry has resigned his position as
second engineer of Linn engine, and Alonzo
Gray has been appointed to the place.
Judge Whitney brought back some of the
silver soap in a bottle, which you can see
by calling a his office.
The Hindoo law has it : "Strike not.
even with a blossom, a wife, though she be
guilty of a hundred faults."
John Barrows. Esq.. of San Francisco.
has lieen in tlie city during the week. He
has been doing the Sound country.
Grading on Thin! street Is advancing
rapidly. When finished it will be a band
some sireet.
The Grand Lodge of Good Templars met
l this city on Tuesdsy. The attendance
was large.
W. B. Carter, Esq., ot Corvallis, shook
u up Tuesday. Billy seems to be healthy
Mr. John Foster starts to-day or to-mof-
row across the mountains, with a drove of
young cattle.
Siecial meeting of the Camp was field
Tuesday evening, which proved a very
pleasant occasion.
Tlie Yaqnina railroad is progressing vig
orously. The grade will be completed
from Corvallis to Philomath this week.
Nearly everybody has heard of Mart.
Taylor. Well, lie's taken for his fourth
wife Mrs. Lou M. Strong, of Pendleton.
Mr James Flnlayson reports the usual
supply of cherries at his place, of good size
and flavor.
In addition to other improvements, Mr.
J. H. Fosler will erect a brick rfflee be
tween the mill and warehouse. It will be
22x30, llre-proot.
The glorimi fourth will be celebrated In
Style in this city.' and the indications are
there will tie an immense crowd here on
that occasion.
Some of tlie Webfoot merchants have this
leutl tiling UD conspicuonsly In their
places of business : "In God we trust all
others cash."
George IVirtges. of Waitsburg. W. T
is ying relatives and friends here a visit
George lias been absent some five or six
years, we believe.
Col. White. lite a resident of Eastern
Oregon, lias secured the IS ewt. White farm,
a few miles Irom this city, and Is now a
resident of Linn county. We welcome the
Colonel among us.
The Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Co.
have readied Yreka, California, coming
thi way, building their line of telegraph.
As soon as the line Is completed to Port
land, dispatches will come down the line!
' W. A. Mcpherson, at one time a resident
of this city, has been apjiointed deputy col
lectororinternal revenue for Eastern Wasli
ington Territory. Tlie appointment came
through the Collector of that Territory.
T. L. Davidson, of Marion county, se
cured 800 pounds of wool from 100 head of
Merino st eep. Tlie wool brought Sc &
pound, or 2 for each hee, which demon
strates tlie fact that It pays to keep the finer
grades of sheep.
G H. Evans, formerly an attache f the
Democrat, came In from the OcIkkso country
tli flrst of the week, after an absence of
about one year. Evans lias been engaged
In sheep husbandry, and reports fair pros
pects aliead.
r Squire Vernon, reported very low a few
days since from an attack of palsey. under
the treatment ot Dr. Geo. W. Harper, has
so far recovered as to give hopes that he
may be entirely restored to his family and
Dr. Geo. W. Harper, who was called to
Brownsville recently to relieve Dr. Masters
of that place who was in poor health, we
learn is having splendid success. . Dr. II.
Is a good physician and a scholarly gentle
man, and we are pleased to hear ot bia
success. '
Tlie central school-house Is an unsightly
affair, inside and out. and Is really a dis
grace to the city. It should be replaced by
a warm, light, clieerful bmlding, where
onr children can receive an education with
comfort to thetiWlves and their teachers.
Let our people think over this matter: '
About ten o'elock last Sunday evening a
brilliant meteor flashed across the north
eastern portion of the heavens," lighting
them np until ft was as light ar 'noonday.
It was the most brilliant meteor we ever
witnessed, and as it flashed athwart tlie
heavens Tt left a pathway ot light in its
track that did not disappear until long after
its cause had been swallowed up la dark
ness. Owing to a combination of circumstance
we have notliuen able to give the usual
attention to tlia get up of the Registt
this week. Better luck next time.
Closing Week of Alb ant CoiXKGiATjfe'
lSTi'TCTE.-Morida$r evening tliere waS
musical and literary entertalnmeht girt
by the students. . All. acquitted .themselves
very Creditably. Tliere wand prompting,
no failure, and tlie audience was eptert fin
ed lrdrn beginning to the close" of tbe p
gramme. Tuesday evenftijp, the- Alumar
Iiehl very entertaining exercises at' th
Chapel; after whicn'Qie repaired with
their Invited gnesta to the. yiH rd "Hdal
wtiere a sumptuous repast was awaiting,
gotten tip by those accomtiMklathigiJtle-.
men, Messrs Odeneal. 4 .Edgar., -After
feasting upon the good things spread befro
them, reading and responding to toasts.
and having a jolly good' time,' they "got 'up
and went libtne, T sdppose i' wasn't there
Tuesday and Wednesday were devoted to"
tlie examination of classes," TlieXA mira
tions were fair and thorough, and the mit
showed that hard work had been dJn, and
much accomplished. The closing exert
occurred ou Wednesday . evening,' wiieli't
large and appreciative audience Minblpd
to listen to the annual address,- delivered
by Hon. J. J. Brown. A. M.of Portland-
The address was replete with fine tlioiiglifi,-
and delivered in a manner so earnest andi
natural as to rivet the attention of the
hearers troin the beglnuing to the close.
Would that all commencement addresses
were as practical and lull of earnest, burn
ing thoughts. .. Alter the exercises .t he
Chapel, teachers and students repJlrje(J,tor'
the residence of Prof. Powell, where si col
lation was served, and a happy hour spent
in allusions to the pat and the bright an
ticipations of tlie future. - - .
Now that the roads are In good condition'
between Redding. California, and Koseburg
Oregon, the Postal Dejiartment has seen
fit to otder that all third class matter, such
as magazines, etc.. be forwarded to -this
State and Washington Territory by steam
er from San Francisco to Portland. Tims
instead of receiving our malls in five days
overland, we must wait two or three' weeks
or more for the steamer. And alltTsis
time the overland stages are receiving -gay-tor
.carrying the mail matter wUcb la
carried by the steamers. . If the fool-killer
would only come along now and burya,
few of wooden-headed postal oflUiali.'
Gone to Salem: Dr. G. II. Davis hat
removed from Sclo to Salem, where-;"
will hereafter reside. While a resident of
Linn county Dr. Davis achieved.!! reptfla-
tion as a skillful and careful physician and
surgeon that places him' amolig-the fore-'
most in the profession oh this c'tfast. - IIlf
acknowledged ability and sauvity 6f tnah-
ners will soon bulid up an' imcnense : prac
tice in Salem, we doubt not, H v. .-. .-
: o '1, ? IV '
Brick. See advmiseroeat of Jisrs.
Cundlff & Stltes In thi' ssiie,TJl'3'y- re
prepared to furnish tlie best of brcltJt the
lowest rates, and then put the brick. Into'
wall, flues, etc., If lheir"VsCTTioe" de
manded. They are hard to beat either at'
brick makers or brfclc layers. '"-..m
. Dr. G. II. ''Davl, of Salem, was teler
graphed for on Tuesday, to consult with'.
Dr. Harris, ot this city. In tlie case of Mrs. "
Ousterhoihlt. who was lyui pwSerf-'A
liome in this city With childbed Ifeyer. AV ' " -'
learn tlmt "irrs, O. Is somewhat better ai;
we go to press. - ; jrv- v it?-?
At the meeting of the State Medical Socl- .": ,
efy. held at Portland during the week; at
motion prevailed, admitting women, who'
are regular graduates oftfie regular medi
cal colleges, to membership 1d that bod y .
Whiie down at Portland the first' of the"
week. Sheriff Herren arrested McDoiMtdd,
who Is charged with the larceny, of some
money from an Indian. I" this county .'-
, Thanks. To Mrs. S. Haigtit we are !
under obligations for a bosket of nice, large"
cherries, the first this season. 3faey 'were
thoroughly appi-edated.- i j .?
-r- - m '' .'i
A public-temperance moss matitlng.-w'
advertised for tlie fJourt House last erening.-
Hon. Mr. Hlgby and others were o orate.
' -' ' -'i''".''
PEnsoiiATu.--Dr. W.-.C. WTeKay, of'Pen-
dleton, made us a friendly ddl yes,terdtir.
Always" glad to. see our cJd-ilpse; faifQlf .
" .'. ' m ' .
The .ice cream festival last Friday vel-"
Ing was a success, and proved pleasant
Mr. GeiSendorfct proposes to erect anew
dwelling ear the College this ssfisanser.
FtNANCE mi cntmtv
Gold in New YotJt, 106 'V"
;. Legal tenders, 034(294
Silver coin, PR9C. - ' ... -'.'
Wheat, fl 2031 25 V busbel.; ' "
Oats, COc V busliel.-1 " ' '"' '
Butter, .183 20c V pound.. ,
Eggs, Qe p dozeri.' " ''""' '
Chickens, 3 60Si5 S0'V4BenV" !
Beef on foot, 3c i irrk,'do'., 7c net. ' -Bacoii
Sides,- 13c; bams, 15c; shoulders,-
Dried apples, 6C; pJtims, 12c. v , .......
Liverpool wheat market June Av
erage. 12s 4d3i2s 8tl; club, I2sd3l3s 10d
tw uft Wwtli is (ttiii. ; .
Sickness prevails every where, nod "every
body com plal ns of some disease durintnetr
lire. When sick, the object is to get ffceTJU
now to say plainly that no person in- this
workl that Is suffering, with, Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint and its effects, as Jiv
ingestion. Oostlvenets, Sick Headache, fiohr .
Stomach. Heart Bum, palpitation of -iThe
Heart. Depressed Spirfts, BiluxwrioeKePc..
can teke Green "August - Flower sctthout
getting relfef and crtre . Jf you doubt thl,
go to vour Druggist and get a aampla bot
tle for 10 cents and .'try tf." Begufaf. alia
75 cents.' Two doser will relieve y e-'
totk4iv9 - ... ;
A correepondeut writing ffosa Milteoi.
Umatilla county, rnysr Thera ara' stilj
tlwusanda of acres ot good land to bet las a
lu thl:county fjm&flllats on honxtwl
miles long and thirty miles wide, with trot
a sparse population. It will make thww
good Bixeq counties. ; and' the aamts msy.b
said ot every county In Xattem'Orcgonl.'-
.Salenir Record : EUtTia ifcIXnUjJs "jot -Polk
county. Roes to Ifakl-ssa WsshHion
Territory. His soiis Sterling frlce andT
Robert E Lee, aooom party him, while bis
eldest, JefiVrson Davis, remsius bou tor'
look after thfsrm