The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 15, 1877, Image 2

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    AXBAYf OftfcGOX, JUNE 15, 1877.
. v'fhc opium smokers have to pay dear
er tot tt luxury now, on account or the
War. Thericetj't liie intoxicating drug
fai.'iuTdeniy riseu from $5 to $3 a pound
iV VjaJs.v-. .' ' .. .. - ..-
'c The iiO-j-iar-'oId soft of Mayor Over
toTi,"of St. l&ai,lart week eloped with
m'ui piarried Misa Lizzie McC&H, an act
jii, few year hia -renior, who lias
. beeu- playing at De liar's Opera House
- during t-he past season.
I & SC3 many trade. A
tpei concern in Ohia-ha an order fur
i&Q tontof paper (or-cartridge fbr Tur
key; ba a Pennsylvania town is sliip.
vtn"g atodt'dOP to rig saltpeter to Eurojx;
W fiwt at .'it. 3in be made, also lor cart
ridge. ' . .
'' A lionesa that escaped from a menag-
ia at large in Hanover county, Va.,
and the people are keeping their child
-ten JrudooTsana their rattle op.. A
"'AaboaySarHtizena'Kave "tracked it
to lbe Vicinity ot the Cnickahorniiiy
'rtvef,: and"exjxct ld"lio6t it oon.
A patent Las just been issued to Lor
ing Pickering ot the San Francisco Jlnl
.; etin.n&. Calif or a method ot rapid tele--.grapbingot
the fac simile of stereotyped
'plate.'- Thi promises to be an import---'ht'invtntioijj'and
should it accomplish
; wjaVIs claraied for it, the press will be
"iteatly. facilitated in its operations.; It
;3climod-that by. the process the entire
;page ot a newspaper can be transmitted
V.fcjr telegraph in less than thirty minutes,
delivering a icopy directly from the in
'troment ready for the printer. It will
"be wonderful should it succeed. ,
' ' j
ji lialatives are no" longer, to bceniploy
d In the Treasury Department, and a
- lift of thce now employed' who are re
lated, has beeii made out, and they will
' be discharged on tbo 30ih inst. In the
Tieasary office there, are- seventy em
ployed who are related, aud ia the In--tiral'tevenue
bureau over thirty. The
weight of thi' immense influence was
Cm in mxiittaining tbemselye in office
wid securing the appointment- of other
T"lajrVr' - Secretory Sherman says that
-ih'kne iurtinces this family influence
hud become so great as to control entire
divisions ot tJw department. - Sherman
propose to nijVthi state ot affairs right
now, and it is said (lis President seconds
hia effort.
A letter from Paraguay says that the
President of Paraguay and his brother,
GrlLsrid, were tarbarouly murdered by
. band , of assassins. ; -The PreJeiit
wii at home with bis family wheii he
M.eurprifred and murdered. iu cold
.The rtid" Soutb hasn't split yet,
hat that ia no feign it . may not before
1880, ray the Times. "
Old &enatoT Cameron ttodtion lia
apt been seconded yet t6"run Grant for
president in 1380. Tlie country cannot
said -to ha Jost its tieart -over it.
. Tbe grfeenbacker seises the ooontry
. by ear aud howls that specie pay
SmbU wilt be here before we know it.
And-the eonntry calmly replies : MThe
edbnarlhe better." ;
.Via aome'way or other the information
fcaJi i been -disseminated through the
45dlW that while Mr. Randall will give
po, pledge he is very likely to favor a
jTjBxaa Pacific-subsidy. . .
, Congressman Kelly ot Pennsylvanfa
-annottness tliat be ia in full accord with
,1$ President's policy and has faith in
the sincerity of Secretary Sherman, but
. balieves the latter will discover that he
ia mistaken in "his financial theories.
TfeDabuqae Timea sayg : ; "Iowa
Republicans have a Ionu record, and it
is almost without, blot .or b'emish.
There is neitheV eclsionjior disposition
to mar the sped wrk of a quarter ot a
eectary at this time, and will not .be
done'; --".- .
- The clerks in the war department,
having beeti notified that they will be
Kbfiabed .'with no more toilet soap after
July 1, an exchange thinks it is an in-
' vjioa attempt to make them all dem
crat members of tbc-'Hinwashed"
r.itSho Jfew ?Yott.-;'2Vibune thinks
otSjo. eeoaaa ia ;be, pretty, evenly, bal-
ft&oei&oe'ibe sohject of a split in the
eatlTB Qs.aiocra.tia; party, .wnp ine
odds Btterii &TOt;iof the isegative
'ft.ti's?lli hS eaer reserve.all beta'
tm tb4iiaDjfefr for sxmorilh-or a year."
- Senator Lamar, says the- New York
i; bi preparing a speech
. t ( -.. trnra h ie maintains me
cou pie of weeks., . . . . ., ' -.
.'63 1-' fatam ot- politica 1 5 part ies. t a
r !W xrtiiEsVliiUeer : Would - be . the
f ' '""Vf V '.JLlaair.fa fir as northern
Thi. liody convened in - this city on
Toesday, W. R Dnubar, Oi W. C. T.,
presiding. From the report of the Sec
retary we Ir-arn that there were, up to
April 30th, ninety-seven lodges in the
junsdiction, with a membership of-'S,-
7 15. Officers were elected and installed
on WedneWlay evening we give the
names elsewhere. The Representative
to'theTt. W.'Giand Lodge are : John
E, Magerv. of Gervaio, and Emma
Kellogg, of Portland ; alien ates, Helen
Kelly, of IJrooklyn, and E. C. Griffin,
of Albany. Superintendent of Juvenile
Temple, M. E. Hoxter, of Forest Grove.
The next Grand Lodge will meet at
Port'and. A nearly all the important
buMuesa.ot the Grand Lodge transpired
yesterday after we had gone to press,
we are unable to report it.
The annexed h from the Lewiston
Teller of the 2d June : - The rine in
wheat with the prospect ot permanent
navigation of the Snake and Columbia
rivers has caued considerable attention
to the prospective value .ot the whea
fands in this neighborhood, and many
persons who have long been here are
prompted to take the benefit ot the
liberal land laws of the government and
make locations. Sorar pre-empt, sme
homeead, but the majority are seeking
to make timber culture entries. The
belt of land lying between this and
Sweetwater seems to have great attrac
lions from our town people, a? tl ey are
I near at hand aud can lie attended to as
timber culture entries while the arties
entering them can reside and du busi
nesa in town. Sime 15 new entries
have been made on the above mentioned
tract and rnore good locations are being
viewed t-ut for the purpose of tieing !
catel. Mncli of this land is excenent
wheat land and will require no art ificial
irrigation to make it yield from 25 to
40. busheWot wlieat er acre. I hey are
not well provided with water for domes
tic and stock purposes, although many
claims can lie found where springs and
running water can le found the entire
season. But no season has yet been so
dry that thfy would not produce good
crops of wheat by fall s-owh g. '1 hey
will also grow the poplar and other va
rieties of which in a few years
will add materially to the value of the
rands. he fiest ot these lands are
across the- Indian reservalhm line near
the brink of the canyon ot Ijipwai and
Sweetwater, and Hme of our citizens
seem to wish they were Indians that
they might occupy them. Ot course it
is human i nlnre to cvet that we are
fbrbuhleu to take while there is a plenty
as good in other localities inviting the
Following are the-officers loct of the
State Medical Society tor the ensuing
year: Li. T... Rwiand, M. D., Sa'em,
fi.r Proident ; W. tV ?clay, M. !.,
county. Vice president ; C II.
Ha 1, L, I)., Salem. ('orrespii.din2 Sc
tetary; J. P. Tale, M. D, Allany,
I reasirreT; C. C Strong, M. D., Port
land, Permanent Secretary. Thet arl
ot .censors consists of J. A. Richardson,
M. D., Salem ; S. D. McCauley, M. I).,
Staylon ; W. B. Cardwell,M. D., Port
land ; A. C Helm, M. D., ,and
D. B. Rice, M. D., Allny.
Su'tan AIhIuI in again in troiibV.
Discontent is rife in his capital and rev
olution if threatened. The simplest
way for him t get out of the difficulties
t his environment is to retire within
the sanctuary of his seraglio aud open
hi vein with a pair of scissor, say the
The megatherium wa once a "pro.
duct" of thi whole western country.
Capt. Lawson surveying party found
recently, io the side ot a bluff on Whid
by Island, the fossil remains of one.
Tlte. bones are brittle, but most of them
were successfully exhumed. They will
be sent to some scientific institution fbr
preservation. .
! ii
Tlie Missouri river is on It Spring
bender, the river being higher than at
any time since '49. . Harlem, opposite
Kanza City, .wax six feet.i under water
on the 11th, and fear wete entertained
of its entire destruction.
Some idea of the salmon interests ot
the Columbia may be obtained when
we say there were two . hundred and
fifty fishing boats in the bay at Astoria
at one time, on Friday last.
A Missouri wedding party, on a
bridal tour, consisted of the groom, aged
85 yean, the bride, aged 76, and a son
of the former, aged 61.
f . There are' 50,589 children between
the ages of four and twenty year in
' , .At a reoent meeting of the board of
direcjorsof the Thurston County R. R.
Co. it was resol ved that it , is tlie inten
tk ot tire company a soon as - possible
after the completion of Uieir. railroad
troia-Qiympia to Teiiim, to extend the
same to the nearest navigable po,nt on
elTbehalw.river. , . ,
-' Benton county never had uch a large
acreage in wheat with pruppects ot such
prelifioj.iebis, nJ fiueb high prices, as-at
the preperrt time.-'- -J,.. -
The CorTallia baud will have a new
Sheridan will begin a "great amp-!
meeting" on June 28th. ,
airUiah ColIege, Polk ennty, will
soon iue a statistical cirattlar. i
Most ofHhse burned out at Astoria
are rebuilding already or prepari, for
IX. - i
A suspension bridge i to le construct-
acr Grande Itonde river i between
the Cove and MimmerviUe.
At Astoria a levy of one per cent.
has been made on taxable property for
the purpose uf purchasing fire material.
Als.. five miiU for general purie. I
.mi ' i .
Ihey are still hunting the "Jilue
Butte Diggins" in Eastern' Oregon.
At f'olvil e the farmer run tlie army
contract clear into the ground. Oats
was offered fbr 21 cent per bnsliel.
Wood $1 24 per cord. Hay $7 50 per
The-Seattle Coal Company are min
ing 400 tons a day, and to transport
that quantity to market require the
continual service ot about .fitteeu large
A liquor seller at Walla Wa'la got
drunk one night, add next morning
when he awoke aud looked around him
he found that his. place had bceumhlied
of 200 cash, twelve watches aud three
meerschaum pies.
In the necrology of the Oregon Pi
neer Association, as reported in the
"Transactions" just printed, we observe
the names o J. ( Avery, Joseph Cox,
and George Aliemethy, but mis tliat
of Ralph Wilcox.
Jacksonville Times: Next week,
J. S. Howard, surveyor, will commence
permanent survey of the ilitch for the
Portland-Sterling Mining Co. The
preliminary survey wa 23J mile m
length, with a capacity of 4,000 inches.
Brugger's Hour-mill, three m'le from
llillslmro, was totally deti..yed b fire
last Friday night. The loss is estimat
ed at $6,000. of which the Slate Invest,
nient lusiiranue . held $3,000. It 1
thought to have liee i the work of an
incendiary, at present unknown.
The death ot a chicken on Piety Hill,
Salem, was the caie of an altercation
lietween the owner aud slayer tliereof.
Blow were deliereI. Then the ser
vices of the city recorder were in requi
sition, aud c-fts amounted to $26 40.
Pugnacious Mrs. Van Pelt paid up, and
no doubt felt better.
Sali-in Mercury: We have to chron
icle the departute from the Cltemcketa
thi morning of the lion. Nerlert ami
Lady Ag"es Flower, daughter ot the
Earl ot Fife, who have been visiting
out city on their tour round the world.
Tliey are now en route to California,
fr-m whet ce it in their iiitenlioii to pro
ceei in V"kihania.
'1 he following are the name tt ihe
graduating a s at .Mm this year,
ami the decrees conierra-l : Mis Nan
cy Springer, M. A.; Mis Lucreiia Hul.
man, -M.-S.; Nis". Mary Churchill. M.
S. ; Misk Maggie IJuler, I. ; Josie
Wolvertoii, .M.S.; Mr. J. E- Fentou,
A. Ii.; Ah. H. .1. Murphy, A. B. ; Mr
.1. F. Emmett, B. S.; Mr. A. P. W..1-
verton, B. S. j
liosfburg Plaindeqler: The Lucky !
Queen mine is doing belter and will
)ir,.e a hii ces. It made a run a few
dads ago on quartz trom the main leile
aiMl cleaneil up $25 iertoii. The quartz
in this ledge has always assayed well,
lmt the mill has g ven the cmjiany
considerable trouble and has saved but
a smal vrtion of tlie mineral.
Letter from Umatil'a countv : Sev
eral young la-lies have located land in
this county and are having it improved.
Immigrant are arriving every week,
and plenty of room tor more. Nune
have located farms under the timber
act. Forty acres of planted timber will
hold 160. tree of charge. Poplar and
hox elder trees grow well. and jean be
bought fbr $1 ir hundred at Walla
Walla. j
The Union Sentinel report the dis.
covery of the almost nude body ot a
dead man on the Blue mountain1 some
day ago. The bdy was 'ahed to a'
tree, hi hand tied behind, the throat
cut from eac to ear.b tb ear cut off and
pinned to the tree above his head, 'the
bsly bore mark upon it, as it it : had
been whipped with a cat-o-nine-tail
and was far advanced in a state ot pu
trefaction. C one tiesile were print of
a shod norse. Pinned to tiie tre was a
piece of pa)r on which soroelhiMg had
been written, bit the writing- wa m
obliterated that iio information could be
gained tr-jm it. These were all the evi
dence that (nld be found. Nothing,
whatever, o id be fimi.d u iiKientiiy
who he wa. Fverytiiing ooinected
goes to show that a dire revenge has
been taken, and a most horrible butch
ery committed.
A Salem correspondent write: Tlie
Chad wick - Wat kind- Btweh-Hearhorii
'on-pleaaiitiiest." eem wsting nisler a
geitera? armii-tioe, but ia liable to break
out again with greater viok?nee. Mut
terings leep and threatening may tie
detected by thn close observer a the
distant thunder t heard try tlie sensitive
ear.- Tlie riiew superi.tendent ot tlie
Penitentiary ha eniphiyedr a clerk not
contemplated by law, a .d the : a editor
ot account against the state is regular.
iy payingrliia salary.- The -mpBr:-,atu
thorities l .oakl take in baud the matteY
of recovering such aums back, - and pre-
venting - further . similar expenditure.
Rich disclosure are expected should the
matter culminate in a suit, which would
to signal tor several of them to "blow"
on one another.
Wi-P'fi'- ;?"p.
t .lliifti, iwmmiii toiciot
ftt her aFrKlay evenuig. aior.
w-r.-V!?--5,!V . rl''"'-
wm" ,Mt iyu.otw
aiwm' ' iT 7 ; , - T '
iuuiicu, w iw w j ' rov
merlical skill to save the life cf tTje nn-
" , ITlTli
, e.. ax -.iwi- a
the fatal ding wa found in the bed. A
Mrt time agoMt ifesaid that Mr. Moore
bad some difficulty with her son, who
in y""g mu This indtvidiial so far
ial oblWthuai-l In man-
1-1, a to.admuiister a severe, wlnp-
1ilIg fanUm it wa lu duty .to
proteoCt The reuse ot humiliation aixl
shanie fbr th in.ligiiify, jt i said, so
prayed upon the poor' woman' " mind
that she sought relief in death.
Five . acre near tlie State Fair
Ground sold for 8 i, 000 to a mau from
Calihmaa. ...... r',
Jackson county has let: the contract
for keejiing tle county hospital for one
year, paying tWrefor S 1.80.
-Wool seda att 20 -eent in Jackson
county. : - : - - ..
It i fidly io" pay Yrty cent flu a
"sheet" ot music wlien yon can go' to
church and get it by the "choir" for
Russia has an army ot 575,000 men
How can she expect to feed such aif Im
mense number of men especial y, si i ice
she has but one Turkey to divide ami g
them? 1
New To-Dar.
Brick I
HrESSRS. CtrNniFF STITKS now have on
i'JL hantl a larae-bunniitvof iroo-lnew lnrnel
BKH K. at their yar-1 about half a mile wet of
ine city, near the Maxoi 1c 4ineier. Price
A UIW AM 1 HE UIWKT. Call and see.
Alliany, Or., Juno It, J7-3ijv9mS
PI C M I C !
Will take place on
Gunday, June 17. 1877.
Ticket tor the Round Trip hiii aimi-inii
to Aurora Park :
A-1'ilt, n4 ctitllren o er W year tl 50
Ctiii'lren from 6 to 12 years AO
Chihtren under 6 years free
Train will leave Alnanv loot for Aurora at
8 A. M., and reinre at &30 P. M.
Oregon & California Bail
road Company.
Uram. Flonritnd Mill S mf-s in tr .oh.N. a-
per tnllihel luritT of the (toiwany under da e
of January 9ili, 1877. will tie uialn'Hined as the
maximum rate a unlH May Slsi, 1878. v-ix:
Milwaaklo to Portland.
Orettont'i'y "
Book Island "
Canby "
Anmra . " - .
Hul)lnl .
Woofllnirn "
(Jervl "
Brook "
Salem "
Turner "
Marlon "
Mhler'n "
Allwny . ...
7 centa
, 7 cents
. in cents
.. .......11 cent
, 11 cents
11 cent
11 cents
11 -enta
11 cents
II cents
Ii cents
IS vents
13 cents
.........It cents
.......... l.i cents
1 cents
...... ...17 cents
19 cents
20 cents
34 cents
46 cents
48 cents
SO cants
33 cents
..3. cents
i cents
3" cents
3 cents
...... ...Sicenls
3'i cents
81 cents
8 cents
..-..'.Si cents
Halaey " .
Harriibnrr f .
Luner' " .
Irvln "
Snrinirfleld "
Gmhen .
CremwxU - .
Com-nock'a " .
Yoncalla -
Oakland " , '
UtnTKina " i
NochanreftwdrayMea' Portian-l.
R. KOEHLER. Vice Pres AC.K.R. Co.
Portland, tMton, June 9t h. 1877. S8-lm -
us s tap: n axt t;i
First 8t bet. Terry and Broalalbin, .
sooali.e raie -
Meals at all honra. PasronaKe of the r.u'lic
reonectfnlly soitoiteoa uniu
. Albany, Or.. June i
, 1877-37
Wool t : Wool i
TV price in cnati for WiajX, at hi store on
First sireat, Albany, Oregon,! v9
AT HIS WAREHOUSE foot of Ellwort h-St.,
will pay the hiifhast market price in, Hh
lor Wont! - 3Tv9
TWOTICK l herehr ei-en Hint there will
JJFlie a meeting of tlie rnektoller of
I.nin Eiij(fne Ok No. 2. t .tlie office of
Hid Joiiipwnjr in Aiiwny. uregini. un tin
ad dv of -Inly, 1877. ar.ilm hiiur nf
o'clncW P. M. snirt d:i.V, Strtbf niiriawe ot
tHkinc Into ctinfefernlon kikI voting uxui
rwointloH or motwin fnr tlie fll-wniuthni
ttf mid Own Dili; W the. nnment f it debts.
aiirl the tli'trilHittnu ttf fe ratiflat iuikhiz
mid stoukhnblera. wmI trMteb other hu-i-
tirs iw niMy utMiiejbt-fora mitt; Reovknoluer
at aaMl nieetliig. -
Br ler nf the Bonrd ot Dlrretor
. GEO. W. OitAY.
J. -K- W EATHXBromx . . President..
JniMt KM77-. . tiecretary. .
ls"fc 5;C3Mriaj -Soap !
M XT oyg'ttesfi oil's of xmln1nt into the
J merits of litis Soar, should call at the first,
door, west of- th-Exchange Hotel, where they
wtD find Aba agent ready to give any and all la-
lornunos. wnsu
BuraTDle, Beautiful,; TateProp Elastic and
This Paint i mlxerl readv for use. requiring no Oil or Tf
for hiifle a nnr-ide work ; .over old work a well as
paint can be iied the AVKR1LL PAINT will lie tonud siiierior to any
other, j Any one can npplv it wlm can ne a hru-h. which truly
; makes it the POPUI.All PAINT.
For Further Information send for Sample Card, Circular and
Prlce-List to
Sruarsrlst and Sealer in
TPinst Street, ALBANY, OREGON.
TiriU. KKEP IX STCM'K a full line of the above PAIST, In ALL SIZES
ti . ami COLORS. 6apr3m
tl'll.1. Vr.4! THE EXSl'ISO SEASON,
11 to i he Hull ot Ju.y.
A le .tnlil or A H. M A RSI I AI.I All Rny, 1m: ttdnj- P.M.. cdnesda jr u4 1 hark.
A- 1 - f wl week.
At (he MtMble r .win. Bran A- Dn'hion, Hal.oi, ltMnjr P. M feMtiii djt nwttt
MmIm A. St. ol enelt Meek.
Tekms -Twentj-tlve dollars U. S. gold toin tlu- usm, due at tlie end of the eain.
I have some nure jersey catle for mile.
oi k- .iw a hull liliol. Pui-iiesthft' lia.
ha 1.
Early In April I will Iwne r cireuar with flut' enniv-ltiSinf my mare and liors,a vlt-w of my
'a'le. wiih a lii?;ory of the Perclierun?, hi1 why ili-y are i:--lt-iif l in o her larue lirvs";
some liintfl nn lree:lin ; the demand lor inrt: hoi-ses in Eui-oxc and A merita. Ac. Thvy win be
aem on Hntilii-tiiott.'
March 23, ls77- an2S W. C MTB.
We Have IT.
Mountain Balm,
the: throat a i
n; axd'fok
R 11 13 U M A T 1 S 51 .
nd Til1ierVl mi the spur nf tlie
la MiHiiiliiiiii. Tlie leat t'oiini
i. rr:. Vevmla MiHiiilaiii. Tlie leat tonne
1 tla. hotter i-liniillt--. when ilt-v. -..tiilli
titlv ner cent, of refill r j:UI eiloreil suii
the urolw-rtic- of liich .-in-stiiniilat nz:iul
healinjr. and e-at-i:illy al:i.teil to the
n.iiu in .-..- ......
ti,im ....... :.. 1 .H
.I...I Ula-mnatisill.
Hie liieh estimate wlikli the SnanMi its iiMtlicliial
qualities is manitest trom the i.aine they t'itiis mrti V Pt-ruuti tit !i
or "Herh of the S.-iiiit." 1 lie natives ot
Soutla-rii Oregon and Northern California
have u-hmI it tiiitiieiuoriaiiy a a ixiieinuatie
remedy. The while Miiiii.-u ion in the re
gion where it grow h-ivv u-ed anil n i,cil
it as a throat and lung inedirhie. For a
time they called it Lung tveeil; hilt give
valuahle' testinioi.iaU as to its virtue in
curing Ulieiiinafisiii. .
lieu vou open one oi our pai-Kiiges. .
keep it excluded trom the air as iiiikIi as
possihie. i
I liave itetl it ill my family for four or
live year, and regard it as one ot the het
family medicine we t-ver uel. A tinct
ure is niaiitifactiiretl from it in Cincinnati,
and sold at 75 cent per ounce. A single
one of our packages make eisflit ounces ot
tincture, whicli I worth $5. The shrub
from which thi valuahle medicine i g'lth- '
erefl. is only fomal in a narrow lielt of
ctHintry in Southern Oregon, au.l alnug.the
city Daua STORE.
EaUtbltahed 1870.
JSSgtsu ZaOCGa,tion
UctoT Stock and
TnK USDEirsKlNEO narfnR trarchaed the
X entire a oek of jW t'amlhers A Co., and
placed It tinder I he management of Dr. N. Hen
ton, late of lowa,v assisted liy G. B ilenton,
who are now retittinK and aUdlnsr extensive
addtllona af new stock, ami fr m their ton ex
nerienve and thorough know led re of the l.nsl
nM in all lt varied department, feel axR.irtst
that we shalLhe atiie to. render fnll aa' lafaci ion
to all wko may favor ns wi. h their Tatronae,
nr prescription dertnient wil at all times
be conducted by men eminently qoaUtted for
the raaponsHile and important work. - - -
We cordially Invite the citizens of Albany
and surroandma country, when in need of anv
thing tiftually kept in flrBt-clasa drug house to
call on ua. corner of First and Ellsworth streets.
Aieeny, et.-z3, i77. v. w. SRAW
rhhiner. It Is equally as good
istiew : in tiiet. where anv
Eerj In n1 ly iliai keens n iov xtinnld have Jersey,
used'ilu-in will noi dfi i lioui llu-ni 11 iln-y lire o I'm;
Sierrti Xev.-itfci Mintit;iiiK. and Is -ititpo-;-il
to have l-en gpiflu-rii I fitnn ( iitr (ii'e:l
lhiuiiinU ot yesir -jjh. anil the n.ii ex-ti-u
ttil :n (1 yolil in Ktrypt iiihI in i ii-.- I.
foie the time t" So'oiih-ii.
Dr. Xickliu. n. Peiie City, -ay :
"Your I'alm i- one tit Hie fiet ut-iervrd
lierlw I ever saw. jiiiiI i 01-1I13 "f :i liighi r
ii'ice than you (ml iikiii it."
Iiev. S. K. IJaynioiul. tf Oaki:u-l. Or
joii. sa.v: ! went to California to reiv
er Iron 1 Consumption. The La-tor tln-re
rive nn- ii. and told ine if I had any
friend" I wMh-iI to see I h-id lietter itttill
if llii-m. as I could live lillt M lit'le whilt
IniijjiT. On inv way to Oregon I eoin-
ni'-neeil 11-lliji Moll- tain IfcUiii: It Helitl
i"ie; 1 eont iiiiumi lis tve limn ir eurt-tl me !
tla- tli"
l . . " ..i" 1. y--"""- " r.i'jstiiei ,n,.
Mr. W.
: " . itii 4i t itmtv miiii n mi-iiiiuMTrii
...1...... .1... 1.. .
--" -e m.. . . c..ii-..t...
"J -"i r 1 t r.-nii-
,:' u,w,,e " "'ny ihii tiiait.
.rw,.,lh p. Mo,,re. Ksq.. of Milville. Cal
. . . . ....
sty: -l have lie ii aoiiiaititetl Willi tla
shrub known sis Yerlw-anta for 20 year,
aial know it to l. a very valuable medicine.
Iwith for tla? Lung and Kh-iiin;iti-m."
Mr. KiniUill. ot Kin.lBill & Welton. Ked
Blufts. till., sav: l have la-en atiuaiur-
il with the shrub known a Yerbauta.
for many year, and know it to lie a grctt
Lung medicine.'
I iett Missouri with tla conunmtioii.
Reachetl !ck Point. .lackson -oituty. Or.,
and was mkeu down. I took a tincture of
Mountain Balm, mi l t-lieweil tlie leaf more
or less, and in four or rive day it cleaned
out my lung haiHlouiely. and I resumed
my journey ; and now. alter several
month, niv lung still seem well.
A. B.C.
rFor sale at the drug store of Bell it
Parker, and lohu Fo-l;ay. 7v9
- DEALER Mi ' ,
Groceries, Teas. Frovis'ns,
isoms spieea. uri a ralla Ac-, &',
KB" Every IhlnK nice and fresh, '
nWv9 !
tlie rtae Roadster tUlioav
IS & BEAUTWCl, PAPPLE BAT, t hands welxha alMut 100 pounds. Win-Bii-ed
by Old Veraiant, one of I he fasteat roail
s'ers that ever trod tlie Piielflceoaat. and n
show tin) fastent stoclt. Rln-dain la a Morgan
and Mesaenarerv and produced- fine hoi-ae,ne
of whfo&aold. at fmtr- ears old, for Si. "00 : on
yearltnar sold fbr fl&J, and na t hvee year eld Js
wort h V,00I. , - i t- .
VKItMUNT will be fbtmd at ray farm, six
miles south of Albany, trom the flrat of April
until tUo 15th of. Julv, 1877. TcRaH-20 rha
aeaaon. payable at Hve-end of the season. Pu
ture frea to mares from a distance.
Mrr-li JW, lS77-S4v M. M7PER.
One time there wan gnod old mrr
living in Detroit. Hi back wm hei,
hia tep was liw, and men whiiezs&l
npou tiia auuwy ka and Wrinkled p
wliistiered to each nther 1 ' Z.--
"lie in a good old man, who ha not
long to live." .
1'he old man had been well off if hia
dav, but when he found himH' on tl
al.ady Mde or life, wife dead and home
broken np, he -aid to Ida Hily i :
"Here William, take all Lhaveanrt
let votir liome be my Imme until I die.""
'""lie took the jiaprr, aial th
father waa given a coy ornef', big
chair, and a corn cob pipe. AH went
well fi.r-a year. or of and then the win
and the son's wife began to make it an.
comfortable fi.r the nice old man in the
crner. They threw out hint, deprived
him of hi comforts, and one odd day in
winter he was told that he had-, better
go to 1 1 a' i tax Nova Sootia.
..The o'd mail's heart. war of h
went ont udo the world t baUl again t
hunger and cold, and when night came"
lie cowered in a doorway aud wept like
a child. ;'
"Who ia making that chin mnnic np
there?" called a reporter whtaw atepa
had lieen arreste.1 by the aobt-; and lie
went up the tep. atted the old man
nn the head, aud by aud by tlie ator
waa told.
iine down to the rtation lions with
me," .-aid the reporter, takiig the old
mail's arm. "Your aon ia fint ouiin
to tle man whu preferred buzzard to
lamb, aud I'll help you tlx him V
Next morning one ot tliejdaily.paper
contained an ileui io 'tftn-crlect that. an
old gentleman named (iood heart ld
Vajen found wairtlering the rtreet"a
ntglit, and that when taken to the sta
tion $10,000 worth of Uiidn were found
on him. The old man read it over
three times, 1apied hia leg aa lie faw
the point, and a beautiful Miiile covered
hia face aial clitnlied up through hi -hair.
In a u t an hour hia oti Wil
liam rushed into the Mat ion and called
out : ' ""
"Father, dear father, cme 'htVme!
AH us were crying all night long ai-d
my wife is now ly:i.g iuac"inatoettate
on your account !" . ... , ." -
The old man went home with" liiro,
witiking at the lamp mm4 ad MnilinK
as he turned the cor: erx. lie all
hiK comforts hack, atal the con brought
him a coctly inj-e and a pair of box toed
Uaits that very day.
Well, a time went on the aon ven.
lured tt n urgent that the bond had
Ix-tter lie urM-d over tti him, airfl every
time he iaid 'la.iids"llie.M mat. Would
laugh and turn the Mibject . ttTeut
in; k (nn, or tl.e irt-cefilv t oui.ter.
letters taki..i m re patm with tl eir lea-1
nu-kle. Hie other day 1 1 lather wei.t
to l) to die, a-d lip hiii ed than
Wore a he lay wa:ting tor the um
nri' . The won said hi l.eart was
hr ak'ig ai .lt I en w.-. t tl r-ngl the
old ma. 's e..ll-s to ti-.d the li.-i.ds.
I'eii:.l. t tii.d a. v. I -e searched the
luirn tl-e garret aid tl e e"llar. aid,
tl. ally, when he saw Oat dtaih t
.ry ear. I e leni.ed r the lietl am!
whispere.1 :
I 'at I er. d y u k t w hie ?"
-, yes k-.-w )' I ke a l.H.k,'
te !: I ll eli U lll:li..
id. fitttr I t I.. we- i-li..mi.
ii k.-i w. s "nj-i- ft- you wai.t"tf-e,ti
iisel ti -:iii-I ae n a in minie..l ?
" i iitci. Will. am " tie
"Slher. i. ki u a g- a i y wi k. a .1 a
that same old nt1e e.-eitl h ?atre
leal 1 1 eame lit ;ake him a lietier
I ei. the e ei.ii g VII. ; at-d the a
a d tl.e h.V wife were wtMly .M'aTch
ti g the .-Iran tiel t.? get. ;tl eira'vl- on
il-t-e U m1. a reju-rter d u dyr tl e
gas lamp aerirs- tl.e fre ta.' it'with
Lis il iiinli on his !.., I e t wet-f ly iartUs
nt : . , : ;J
'Sold agato ! g-t : tie
filial son step trw iiit r : i"'
ti; ixt
JO 1 5 ' P R I N Tl
tensive Job Printing EHtabliaha&jttai
of the "ritat Riarhta Denibcratnd tb
"Alhanv Regis er," we are prepared to
execute ia first-claaa atyle,
All klnda af
! - ' " ... . i . .
r Erj sWearriti. .
Cards of all Kiads and Colors
Bla-tk CHecEwt. " v
- Be'refiittwv -V