.4T . ' " ' " A FEW FACTS, CA1BAVV. ":'OREGOX. MAY 23, 3577. The Czar of Iins?ia ia to take the SelJ in jxswon, joining th army head quarters alxmt tle first of J uni Judge Ilickey Morgan, of New Or leana, has been appointed magistrate for the U. 8. judicial tribunal jjtat opened iu Kgypt. A team-owned- by Chailes Crocker, f San Frattcirco, on th Slsl tted at Hay tHstrict Park, making their mile in 2:254 without a kip, which is fast lime for a double team. .. The Attorney General has decided . tliat the office of General Appraiser of Merchandise for the South is not war ranted by the re vised statutes; therefore ex-Congressman Morey, ot Louisiana, no longer holds the place. Gen. IJeale, Minister of Austria, who accepted the office on condition that he -rhould not be requited: to remain there longer than: one year, asks that his suc cessor shall at once be named, as his landed and other private interests de- , tuad his personal attention. His rec ord, i at the State Department is rery creditable to frim. " Storms are reported iu isolated parts of the northwest, but no general visita tkin-. Much damage has been inflicted on crops, "fenees, roofs ot houses aud barns. Near Marion, Indiana, on the 21st. a brick church was demolished loring the service, and the crowd wfth iik was buried by tlie walls. ' A terrible scene ensued. Otie tnan was killed, aud 10 or 13 were taken out seriously iajur-el. The railway upou which work been commenced, from Corvallia to Ya quiiia. Bay, is to be a narrow guage, fitty-nine mites in length, and. its esti mated cost is $8,000- pec miJev The company organized under the laws of the State to build the road, entitled the Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad Company, has secured as a franchise all tlie tide lands, in. Benton county, aud twenty y cats of exemption from taxation on the entire property. The right of It is stated about 1,660 cayuso horses 1 1iO.Va I'lAAn ra! n IX -3 t - a -t vuuieioa wis. spnni? George Pattersonof Eight Jnile creek, Wasco county, has a. steer that is 6 J feet high and weighs 4,600. pounds. A Seattle paper says that sttlers ou Upper White river, east ot that place, have resolved to clear the obstructions out of that stream so aa to open i$ to, steamboat navigation , They will turn ou in. toBce and push the work. - San J uan Island has a population of 550, and about 100 land owners. There way from the fctate and General Gov- are twe schools. At the lime kilns ernment has been secured, and the poo-' ab?tt ' W barrels of lime are produced pie have subscribed liberally and are -1 On the 21st inet.itlie Secretary ot the Interior bsned an order requiring cash reports ot receipts, disbursements and balances to be made to litra weekly by -all disbursing officers .aod other agents -.-of the .department in -Washington anJ 'Uhrooghout the coaotry. The order is i 'freed with a two-fold pwrpose of e:(.er :r.inr more intelUfrent sunervieion and v. 0 -j, Reflecting control of erpsnditures, and with a view to preventing perpetration . ot clerical aivd other errors. During the last twentyyears Englwb . eapitalists have loaned the Turkish Gov OTmaent the magniGoent -sum of $924, 006,915. Iu addition to this Turkey owes to English shipbuilders, manutac - turers, and others, 8156,000,000 rnore This makes a grand total of over a thou sand million which Turkey owes to the English.. . In the event of the annihila lion of the Turkish) government, Eng land of course would be a tremendous " loser. From the above tacts it will be : seen that Eegland is largely interes-ted "' in the future of Turkey, anrt will hard ly let Russia "wipe her out" entirely without going into the fight herself. One of the great farmers of the warld is Captain Ricuard King, of San Ger trude, about thirty mites from Corpna Christi, Texa?. In March last he sold to one person, from Kansas, 26,000 head of horned cattle (all out ot his own stock) for the sum ot $327,000, delivera- ble in Kansas, $100,000 paid down in cash, and the ba'anceon delivery. lie rent off the stock in thir?K!H droves, wm'ch arrived all safe. To be certain " vf $e full delivery, he added 5000 extra, head, and still has left some 50,OP: head, -besides 25,000 bead of sheep, and 7000 or 8000 head of horses and mule stock. He has some 60,000 ; acres of land under fence, and is now fencing in 00,000 acres more, and still has 140,000 ' acres in and about the- same tract.. It took 700 men to drive' -this lot of Ftock, . . and upward of $50,000 for the outfit. still snbscnbiug in aid of the work. The- laxi Legislature, by a vote- of $1 to 29; passed a btlf authorizing the in nance of State bonds sufficient to pay interest ou a certain sum of money, also extending ths line ten miles farther into Linn county, terminating at this city. This bill the Governor (Grover) vetoed, and is held, we are informed, in almost uni versal execration by the people of Benton county therefor. The people of Benton county, assisted by the citizens et Linn, are determined the road shall be built, and have com menced operations desite the hard times and the scarcity of money. The route from Corvallia to Newport, the mouth of Yaquina Bay, is an excellent one, being free from deep cutting, no blasting or heavy timber to clear away, or ex pensive bridging to be done. Of the bar at the mouth of the Yaquina Bay, Capt. A. W. Chase, ot the U. S. eoast survey, in his report says : "The shoal water in crossing the bar through the- channel continues so short a distance, and the channel itself is so straight and well de fined iu ordinary weather by breakeis on either side, that with a pilot or chart to guide them, vessels drawing ten, .twelvnor even thirteen , feet can, by choosing the time of tide, enter and de part in safety. In this it has a decided advantage over more tortuous channels of other places on the coast." It has never been necessary to change the beacons established by the coast sur vey, showing that the channel remains unchanged. It is four hundred and eighty miles from the Bay to San Fran cisco. With tin's road built and a line of steamers connecting therewith, a di rect trade would be established with 'Frisco, which would be less than two days travel from the Central Valley. Present rates ot freight and passage would be reduced at least one-halt, and the perils at the mouth of the Columbia would be avoided daily, employing 15 or 20 men and run nlog at an expense ot $1,200 a month. Capt. D. B. Finch, so long the sole owner of the middle fall at Tumwater and the- pipe factory located thereon, has sold that valuable property to par ties in San Francisco. This safe 'also i includes the water works, with all its machinery, appurtenances, etc. It is well known that the salmon ot Puget Sound is a different fish from that ot the Columbia river and quite interior. II. C. Vining, of Mukilteo, in a letter to the Northern Star, suggests trie importance oi taking some measures for the artificial introduction of Colum bia river spawn iuto the tributaries of f uget sound. Some days asco, on Orcas Island, two children ot George Phillips, a cooper at the San Juan lime works, were playing in a building where some gunpowder was stored, aud the elder touched a light ed match to it, causing an explosion that tore away one side of the room and killed the children. They were aged 7 and o years, respectively. Last Saturday, a little daughter of Mr. Meuse, who resides near Hillsboro, wa burned in a horrible manner, and survived the injuries only a short time, The child, while plaviug ou the hearth, i . j a caugm ner woes in tne D aze, ana was soon envolvcd in names. Her screams of fright and pain attracted the other members ot the family, who rushed to the rescue. The flames were extinguish ed as quickly as possible, but not until the child was shockingly burned She lingered in great agony until Sunday afternoon, when death relieved the little sufferer. Thompson aud Barnhart are grad ng and baling wool in Umatilla county The grades of wool are divided into noe, medium and low ; also two grades of combing wool, delaine and long. It is believed this will be of great advan tage to the wool growers of that local t A San Francisco bride made her bri dal trip upon a vessel on which she was born twenty years ago, HicinvAY Robbery. As Mr. Mc Coy was ferrying himself and two Indi ans across the Calipooia Wednesday morning, the Indiana made an assault upon him demanding his money. ; Mo. handed over, and, after -landing, made his way to- the Sheriff's office where he gave the mcessary information, and the Sheriff soon alter made the neeessary ar rests. There are a number of Indians camped near the grave-yard, who are a great pest to the people on the island as they turn their horses into the fields and will steal anything they can lay their hands on. The Indian women, too, are driving a dreadful business, not only ruinous to themselves but debauch. ing our young men. The Indian Agents have been : applied to time and again tp remove these pests to the agencies, but so fat to no purpose. A petition will now be sent to headquarters to have the agents removed and others ap pointed who will attend to the business of Indian Agents. i ... A Closb. Caix. In a little fracas between two little boys. Grant Luper and Tom Monteith, on the College grounds on Wednesday, young Luper suddenlv drew a knife and struck at Monteith, who turned from him sudden ly, receiving the knife in the left hip, the sharp instrument making a wound probably an inch or an inch and a rialf deerj. I7ad the knife entered where aimed, Tommy would in all probability have received his death-wound. EASTEEX WAX XEWS. LET TEX FXOM A FXIEXD. 223 MIXED PAINT. DsuraUe, Beautiful, "Water-Proof, Elastic and : !' r Economical. This Paint te mixed ready for use, requiring no Oil or Thinner. It is equally as (rood Mr insult: us uuuuie wur , un-r iuu wws u wen as new in tact where snv paint. can be used the AVERILTj PAINT will be tound superior to any other. Any one can apply It who can use a brush, wbich triJ r makes it the POPULAR PAINT. t For Further Information tend for Sample Card, Circular and !. Price-List to , ": Cm ii. prTJi2r.i:E:ii- JDruggist and. Dealer la NTS, OILS, CLASSIC First Street', ALBANY, OREGON. - . j -, . - 5 .. . - - WILL KEEP IN STOCK a full line of the above PAINT, la ALL SIZES and COLORS. ' -. 6prSm Albany Farmers Company. NOTICE la herebv given to the stockholders of the Albany Karmers' Co., that there will be a meet lne of the stockholders of said Com- Env at their offloe in the city of Albany on the ith daT of May, 1S77. at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of wld day, for the purpose of electing Seven Directors or this Company to act an uch for the next ensuing year, and such other bus lneoa aa may come before tnw Company. A full attendance is desired. O. f. CRAWFORD, President. D. Maksfiexd, See. n31v9t JOB PRINTING JOB PRINTING TZTAVINO PURCHASED THE EX. tensive Job PrintinK Establishments of the "State Rights Democrat," and the "AlDany itefrls:er," wa are prepmu m execute In firatr-daaa style, Pft PBQMFTLT & BE.ISOSABLT, All kiads of book: & job ATTENTION, STOCK MEN ! A Splendid Soap. Mr. R.K.Roy. a! has been manufacturing a nice article of poap. that, not only has the ad vantage of being exceedingly cheap, much cheap er than you can buy good Boap in this market, but the article manufactured by him possesses virtues not possessed by any other. Its cleansing powers are tru'y astonishing, as raanv who have tried it are ready to acknowledge. Pur chase the Teceipe for making this soap and you have a good thing. It will do your washing without any scrubbing. Judge P. M. Miller, ot Lebanon, call ed yesterday. The Judge and his es timable- lady are highly pleased with Lebanon ami its people. .The Judge s mm in ir tv "jr-ui ss sst nil XIIE I9IPOBTED PERCnEROX STALLIONS, TE PRINCE AND GEM. FL EURV 3 nXana nnKlio 3a.wiA nnt I Iy A. !. of -fwh week ..v . i.iw i At the there- upon which he laid his soldier's warrant, and now he'll soon be a Gran ger and rollin i m wealth. , TING! POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES Of EverxDeserlption. BILL-HEADS AND STATEMENTS. Sills of Fare. LETTER BSJSP AND LBQAL iJLARES. Cards of all Kinds and Colors, Circulars, . Blank. Cliecks, : ...... . . 'j ' - i Receipts, .. Mortragca, and Dced, MANSFIELD & MONTEITH. . Mcliemct AH Tasha, one oi the promi nent commanderaoi the arnaies ot Tur key, is tlio son of a Frenchman nettled in Uerlin." Hi) father, named' Detrois; was formerly harpiet of the Royal Thea tre in that city. About forty, years ago he confided his son to a Prussian captain . then going to the Levant. On arriving io the Bo6phoras, the ld deserted from ' tle -chip to escape the ill, treatment he cetvea on board, and he took refuge , with : great Turkish seigneur, by whom ..:;!;. .iro .Was. placed; at fchool. The youth ..j embraced the.; Moljammedan religion " " and made rapid progress Tlurty years later Its was a general of division, par j suing twig. oda i Thesaaly. 1, washy " tike greatest of hazards that the fatbe discovered that Mkhemkt Ah Pasha was bis son. As soon- aa lie knew it he - informed the latter f his wretched eon dition, and ths son immediately sent to hira ft euro of money Uirongh the Otto- '" I saan, em"bassy at Berlirt. asking lor the t Jossincr of his oaront. whom, ho bad - supposed to le. long dead. Gitiaena of UHiatijla county are re quested ioine& at Pendleton, May 26th t take measure tor ceicrafuion ot u 4thofJnrv. " Russia seems to be getting the worst of the figlit so far. Turkey has the ad vantage in ironclads that patrol the Danube and deter the Russian armies from crossing. However, Russia push es right along, slowly to be sure,-but still pushing, and when she gets her forces concentrated a forward movement along the whole line may be expected with results somewhat different from those of the last few days. A Pera dispatch says the British con sul Kutscbuk has had s serious dispute wnh the Turks, owing to their prevent ing the landing of American missionary who had crossed from Giurgevo. It is reported that the consul struck a Turk ish offioaf. A Constantinople dispatch rays Sheik Islam has proclaimed a holy war against Russia, An imperial, irade is published subject a non-ItiK'nlman to military service, several n.uni6ieriaj cnangeo are considered probable. The Chamber of Deputies has asked Uuit tne war minis ter be sert to the seat ot war. At pres ent, however, be remaius t Constanti nople. It is announced that ProC L. Starrly of the XL' S. Fisft Commission, ii on his way to Oregon to take charge of the enterprise of the artificial, propagation of salmon in the waters of t'ue Columbia river. The salmon fwheriea sf ths Co. umbia river hare grown; to- immense proportions, and any thing eateolatctl to aid their growth or even' ts- Wold them at theu present level, will b hail ed with satisfaction by every citizen of ths State. ' . . Skattle, W. T., May 22, 1877 Coll. Van Cleve Dear Sir: Hav ing a few moments to spare, I conclud ed to seud them in writing to Van. I left Portland the morning after you departed, and went to Astoria, the country ot salmon and saw-logs. I found Astoria very lively, building up rapidly. Whole blocks have been built up during the last three months. Build ing lots are valued very high, $2,000 heii gthe price for a lot 50x100 feet, and not very dry ground at that. I cannot think Astoria is a very healthy place. The back yards above tide-water look like a swamp. But the way those fisheries slash those big salmon and put them in their little cans, is a sight to see. The process is mechanical and orderly, and I took great interest in watching the operation, from the time the fish were thrown upon the wharf until the little girls labeled the cans. ! I returned to Portland from Asjtiria, thence - to Ka'ama, thence by rail to Tenino, thence by stage to Olympia, and from there to this plaoe (Seattle) by water. This is certainly a lively town. Stone coal aud lumber are a source of great revenue to this country. I don't think there ever was a country better calculated for lumbering; the im- m.msc amounts of tiralier and the facili ties for shipping cannot be surpassed. I eh.H go from here to-marrow with an excursion psrty to I Victoria, to celts brate the Queen's birthday. It is just as good day s there is in the whole vear. and I - think it ought to be cele brated. ' WIU NTA5D TTIE EXSUTSG SEASON, COMMENCINl? AFKIL THIRD AND tOSTWUi. to the 16th of July, : i At the a table of A. If. MARSHALL, Albany, Tuesday P. !W., Wednesday mm TkMUrs- . or ciM-n week. - . x table of Memra. Bean Ac DavMson, Snlriu, Friday 1. Saturday ad Monday A . .J. of each weelt. I have some Tmre Jei-sev cattle for sale. Every family tVint keeris a cow should have a Jersey, or at least a half bliod. Parties that have used them will not do without them II they are to be k-.ii- a n-ti t will ioai,c n oiroiiiAr with flue pnemvinirsof mv mares and horses.a view of unv T A M The Oomnanions of Bav- "tallies, with a history of the rercherons. and why they are pi-ererrea to omer jaree "orses, it. n . ,ornpiiiou m hay , ,vedin . tue demand for lorec horses in Europe and America, 4c. They will be ley Chapter o. 8, Kyal AreTi .Masons, "'"JiJSrt. will meet at .Masonic llaJi, in ivegniar (3oivocation,on Thursday evening, .Trme 7, at 8 o'chck. A full attendance is re qursted. Sojourning Companions cor dially invited. M. V. BROWN", II .P. J. Ki WEATnERPORn, Sec'y. Latest and Most Reliable In formation about the BLACK HILLS, Northern WjoininK and the rent Indian War will alwas lie found in the Oldest Largest, Cheancat l-A- O- in tne "JT and BEST P. Cbetinni I fl A PER In W LEAI)ERX'",tt mine. Established in 18S7. Iallv, a 'WIT' 1 7 month-tlOa year. Weekly, 8 JM 1 I i O mo. tl 0 mo. SliO-1 vear. tlM t bjhki copy, i CT. ii. ui.Atx.-KK, rumisner, uncyennc, wyo.-v9nl5w W. C. MYEK, We XIiva IT. Ex-Governor Chamberlain has bees offered and vefwiMd an important ofSce by the President, Tkis is honorable lie asserted his right to ths Governor, ship of South Carolina because he -was elected and- therefore entitled to it, sod not merely fur the salts ot ofSee. Hs shows by bis acts that be is s man of honor and character and not a jobber in polities. '"' ' The old fight between Senator Thur man and ths rag money wing of the Ohio Democracy showing signs of break-, ing out again. The Senator ia vara quiet, but the inflationist! are rjmdAinv him with threats of ruin if ho attempts to oppose their plans again,,. Tliey ear tlte next campaign must be Tun on the same old platform, or the State will be lost.. They are probably 'right, for it will be-likely to-go Kepublican sny way. ' Drinks are a -constant drain upon a farmer!? projerty. - J. F. B. Stbawbbbbies The strawberry fes tival at the Opera House this evening will be an eniovabls affair. The enter tainment will commence at eight o'clock and will probably last one hour, after whieb comes ice cream ud tlie first straw berries et the season. - BaixRscErvED. On Monday last Albany Engine Co. No. 1 received their new bell. It is a way np bell, both in wekrht and tone. nd will awaken the oldest of tfeecs when it peala out its wild alarm on tbs snidnight sir. Navigation. Tl euamer Ohio is advertised to make regular trips on the Upper Willamette during the present hw water. 8be ean make it when oth ers faiL, , . ; ,.v,t . ' iEUGiocs:-llev, A. Bower, just out from the East, wilt preach at the Kvangelical Church ou . Snmlay, morn ing and eveuing Received. "Platform of the Har- risbnrg Greenback Club" received, but cou'du't find room for it this week. Will catch up to it next week. The overland stage company from California to Oregon have commenced running on fast time. Roads pronounc ed good. Rev Born To the wife of Bowersox, May 12th, a son. J. TODD'S PRESSES TEUBA SA2TTA ; OH, Mountain. Balm. THE BEST REMEDY IX THE KXOWN WOnil FOR COLDS, DISEASES OF THE THROAT ' AXD J ; LIXGS, AXD FOR I ASTHMA .. . AMD RHEUMATISM. Selected and gathered on the spnrs of tlie Sicrrsi Nevada Mountains IJST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post -.Office. Alhsnv, J.lim county, Orejron. Mav. 24th. 1S77. 1'crsons calling for these letters mut give rne flute on which tliev were ndvertise1. TWhe. -a.os VV Morrison. Mrs Mary iJhnrcUman. Wro - Morn. Thos ChampHnAliiiltobnchReiid. Q M 2 ColanUiWinlieart ... Ricjr-n. F Dougherty. W A Ratt liff. Chas Granger Waouslep Warsnn. Almond ... .,. , P. II. RAYMOND. I. M. Sierra Nevartn Mountains, and is supposed to have been gathered from Mount Gilead tliousa nils ot years ngo, and the gtirti ex tracted and sold in Egypt aud in Tire be fore the times of Solomon. FOR SALE ! ; AVERY DESIRABLE hnsiiwn lot 66x100 fret on the corner oi Second and "Washington Street , Albany. A)v, Kninu, Boiler nnrt Ma chinerj:, fopothcr with a lot of furniture, lad tiers. wlieellarrow.s, harrows. c. c, all io be oia on cneap lor casn, in coi)sentn.-nce of re moval on account of sicklies. Enquire on the premises of I'CTSAM & CO. Aioanj , Jan. J. itr.i nu - , Sew To-Day. J. F. BACKENSTO, Aoetit for W. F. Burn ham's 1874 FfaTEIT T RBINE WATER WHEEL, f-UK territory west ortne itocicy monn I will B-iiarantee those wheel to itlye a better ner cbbtv for-he water nmd. and to have better Kates than an v wheel known on the Pacific coast. anl cane the user lew trouble. Albany, Osn-3"v8 J. F. BACKEN8TO- J- CEXTEXISIAL liaSor J-Saving - Soap I A KT ONE desirons of exaratninir into the xa. merits or tins soan, snonta can ar me nrsi door west of the Exchange Hotel, whxre they will find ths agent readj to give any nn1 all in- rormation. . , (. , - mi Tlie leal foiiur in the hotter clitnares, when dry. contains jitrv per cent, of rehi or gold coloreii gum. ihf projiertie of which Hrestimnlat ngaml liealing. and esjieciallv adajited to the wants of the system In case ot Lung aia- ..a... n...l T?lw11llfltltn " t ri lilirh estimate nlm-prl inmii it on account of its nieUciiil Qualities is manifest troin tlie name they gave to lu many ver hia n !, or "Herb of the Saint." The natives ot Sontlwrn Oregon and NortJiern California have used it iinniemoriaiiy as a- itneuiunuc remedy. Th white population In tlie re irion where it crows lmve usel and prized " . i .1 : . .1 n it as a tnrotir anu mug mnm-iire. time thev called it Lung Weedp bnt give valuable" testimonials us to its virtues in enritig Rlieumatism. W hfll VOtl tipen one w imr patKngco. keep ir excluded Irom the air as much as possible. I have iwd it in my family for four or five year, and regard it as one ot the best family medicine we ever used. A finer-, lire I manufactured from it in Cincinnati, and sld at 75 vet it per ounce. A single otie of our packages make eight ounces 6t tincture, wliich i worth $5- The shnib from which this valnaole medicine is garn-ered.-ls onlv foniMl in narrow lielt of counti-y in Southern Oregon, and along the Testimonials. Dr. Xicklin, ot Eugene City, ays : "Your Balm is one of the best preserved herbs I ever saw, and is worthy of a higher price than you put upon it." Rev. S. K. Raymond, of Oakland, Ore gon, says : ! went to California to recov-. er from Consumption. The Doctors there gave me up, ami told wie ; If i I had any friends I wished to seel had better go and see them, as I could rive but a little while longer. On my way to Oregon ; I com menced usins Mountain Balm; it helped me; I continued its use until it cured me of the disease. ' V "C V ' - - Mr; VV. T. 0boiu, of Eugene City, says : I know a young man who appeared to be in" the 4att' stages- of "ionsomption, j. 1 I - ...r . r-r ..V....n WHICH file &anisn,v t t, " (wnhhrmmw nun." Joseuh P. Moore. Esq.. of Milville. Cal.. siys : ! have bet-n acquainted with the ehruh known as lernasanta ior.su years, and know it to be a very Valuable medicine, both for the Lungs aid"RheunjatiMM." Mr. Kimball, ot Kimball A Werton.Red Bluffs. Cal., says: vf. have been awquaint- rd with the hrnb- known YvrDasanta, for many years, and know it to be a great lung medicine." , '" "I left Missouri with the consumption Reached Rock Point. Jackson county, Or- and wax taken down. I took a tincture of Mountain Balm, and chewed the leaf more or less, and In finr or live clays It cleaner! out mv iuncrs handsomelv. and I resumed mv i'ournev : and now. alter several months, my lungs still seem well., - - w. ; . -.-.. A. H. C 5g.For sale at the drug stores of Bell Jk Parker, and John Foshay. VVi Cirandi Railroad " Sscursion and Picnic, OF TUB. AUllORA Sunday, T.lay 27th, '77. Mualc by 3 Aurora Rrasii Bands. Ticket tor ronl trip vt admission to Park": Aunltsann cii'"n uvttr a years. . ov Children frOia 6 to 12.; ., fiO Children noder ....... t..... Jrec- No pains or rarxinse wpared to make- this the gmiidtpu5nlo oileeaMHi. , , ; - ' t-tTha rvirllanrt Turn Vereln lias ehartored a snectel tratu to enable frlandB fi-cnn tho WH--lotnette valley to meet tlieir frieadsat Aurora. Tniin-wlH leave Allmny Uepotat : o'clock V. M.. returning bikw. gr-Ticket.-! to be obtained of Myer Harris. CItY DUTJaSTOUE, i iTatablialicd 1870. W II 0 L E SA LE AND RETAltit IlTctj- Ioco.tion. i .. JTcn Rboms, b ..... " . -.. -.. BIc-c7.Stocl and "7-,. . ': New IYZcxi. Tn TJNDBKSIOSBD havlnsT porcliasea tne entire amefc of A; 4!arothcrs Co., and placed It under the management of Dr.N. Hen- Kin, mte oi luwa, wiwuu 1 w. . n,i"f vtutin maw milttini and addinir extensive additions of new atock. and fr m their Ioiik ex- nerteneeand Llioroagn know lea ge oj i u i rwws in all i varied .dapartiHenU, feel awBiired that we ttliall ce aoie to renoer iuii aw aimuuiia 4 .u shn nKr favor iu witb their natronatce. Oor preaeription department wll' at all lime be coniliieted bv men eminently oualilied lor the responsible and imporlaat work. , -- . w ..iitoiiv In vltr- thti citizens of Albany and BiirroandlnK country, when In need of any thing usually kept In rtxst-clas drnff housoto call on tin, coiner oi Jtirst anu t.iiwirm A Itwn v. Feb. 48, IHT. C. W. SHAW . BEE-HIVE STORE! I V.;. 1 JOHN BRUSBi Groceries, Teas, Provis'zis, CMHeeat tipieea, Drfrl Fvwae fce , C3T" Everytlmt nice and" ifreah, Ja riBST KTBEKT, ALMA IVY, OSJSGOJf. Tht Fln RaatiitCT Kalli , . . . .... -- -f? . - -ra A W V T :TTT i I T I . DArrLI. DA X. Kt MOai 1' hlKh. and weidhs about 1W0 pounda.,, Was. sired bTvia kwhwhi, w i.vu etera that ever trod the IHein eoaat, and can chAUr tv... rt,rtt. Rtock. Ui dam ta a Morxan Mtd MenrBr, and produced Una Yum-wm, tn of whlub softl. at four yeara old, for ttiAOO ; one yearllnd sold for 3511, and one throe year old ia worth t,uw- , . , 1 F" "-" VERMONT will be frmnd at ray farm, ix milewuth of Albany, h'oin the lli-t. of AprH until tho latu of Julv, 18H. Terms 20 llic acanon. nnvablc at the end of the season. P-.is- tore fre! to inarva froui aduUmce. March 3n. W77-Stv - M- HTPKR I OREGON SOLID ran - SIfEMRIXZ'S TT? ATT - -" ' i CUlTiyATOIl AND , SEEDEE. M .1. AH Impcrtaii rartaTad of ZZIC27. - ana jix&5o I.. ica ean co. AajxutaU to . kit -"mir4 Septh Htvnt -'taefiri' er ' GSiokM.ea stuTaU or j--"TrMh,y.'Groia. Arranged for two. threeor tour horses abreast Ligbtett Draft Machine in nae. Covers and cm all ihecroaneL Broadcast eeederav wi2 saw . All htnrf. m.r arrsita, wet or tiiviv ETERY THACIIOIE' HANTS D V A R I ask every farmer to examfe wv Seeder and r oeiore pn-t.mir an Emtitern Ua. Cultivator chine. For fnrtber pariicniaraadd - vj-r . s 3 ABIES SIIEUIIIL.1 1 Tabraary t K77Cv trafUee-.-awf Final Settlement. X ROMAN, AdwiinlMrator f ihe estate of J- C. Graves, deceased, has tMed Jn the Connlv Court of Linn county, Oi-ceob, his final aeconnt for aetUesnent of paid eiie. and the said conrt mm appointed Friday, th6!'n tisy of April, lftTT. at the hoar of one o'clock in the afternoon of aid dy for bearin objections to said final ao eount and the settlement thereof. HnmpTirey A newrtt.'AUa. Adauaintrator -u- ataccb BK1877-JHv9v4 , , 1 CLAN St ?. DZED8, ' . Npatly etf nted,"1 j Call iU the Register Otlcc 7 PC