The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 18, 1877, Image 4

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Corner Ferry ana Ftrsi St reet.
Oae copy, one year......
One copy, si mont-lki..-. ' 9"
1 cliilw of twenty, each copi .. . ... - W w
?iiirle copies ...Ten cents.
siilwurlbcn outside of Una coonty will be
oharaod cents extra- 70 for the year-as
t hut is the amount of postage per annum
wliieh we are rwiirtred to pay on each paper
walled by us.
ArMt for tke Keirlater.
The following named gentlemen arcauthor
led to receive and receipt for subscriptions
o the Bkoistkr In the localities mentioned :
Messrs. Kirk A Home Brownsville.
Robert IJIaM. Cnrwfordsville.
W. P. Snilth Hataey.
o. P. Tompkins Harrisburg
&. H. Clanghton Lebanon.
A. Wheeler Co Shedd.
Messrs. Smith A Bmsneld Junction City.
A It. Irvine Seio.
Tlios. II. Beynolds... Salem.
VRIDAY... -. MAY 18, 1877.
Time to roe Hits truth hath taught,
1U a truth that's worth revealing ;
Hlore offend from want of tlionght,
Than from any want of feeling.
If advice we would convey.
There' a time we should convey it ;
If we've but a word to say.
There's a time in whicli to say it t
t- .. -, - .
Slany a beauteous flower decays,
Though we tend it e're so much ;
Something secret on it preys.
That no human band can touch !
So. In many a loving breast.
I-leasome canker-grief concealed.
That, if touch 'd. Is more oppressed
Left unto itself, is healed.
It, unknowingly, the tongue
Touches on a chord so aching,
That a word, or accent wrong.
Pains the heart almost to breaking.
Many a tear of wounded pride.
Many a fault of human blindness,
Had been soothed, or tnm'd aside,
By a quiet voice of kindness !
Time to me this truth liath taught,
Tis a truth that's worth revealing;
More offend from waut of tliotight,
, Than from aby want of feeling.
BT II. D. SMITH, C. 8. E. M.
"It will he an boor before the mail
express is due, gentlemen, and it will
hardly be prudent to court the favors of
the drowsy god for that short space of
time. The storm rages without, the
tire burns briskly within doors, the
landlord's whisky is good, and it you
desire, I will relate an incident connect,
ed with my career while paymaster on
the Pacific Railroad.
There were five passengers of us who
remained - over at an obscure station in
Vermont, one- dreary stormy night in
November, all anxious through various
causes, to push on to our several desti
nations. '-. The small, hotel adjoining the
depot was thankfully made use of. The
fire roared zealously in the huge fire
place, and- as we gathered within the
cheerful influence of the blaze with sun
dry glasses filled with steaming toddy,
the proposition of oar fellow traveler
was bailed with a unanimous chorus of
"Gentlemen," said ' the narrater de
molishing a generous allowance of toddy
before venturing further, "the lite of a
paymaster on a railroad, especially one
that is in the course ot construction, pre
sents anything but pleasing prospects to
him who stands guard over the strong
iroo box and handles the crisp green
backs intrusted to bis charge by the
" A read of the magnitude of the Pa
cific must necessarily push its way
' through vast tracts but sparsely settled,
sad, bordering on the turtlierest limits
of civilization, it is not more than to be
expected that desperate, reckless men
are. to be met with at every shanty, and
low saloons and gambling hells which
ia variably spring op, as if by magic, at
the end of a section where hundreds of
workingmeu necessarily hare their quar
ters, drive a thriving business.
. 'Theo, again, the laborers themselves
r$ composed largely of the lowest and
races ignorant type, difficult to please,
never satisfied, ready to make a quarrel
with the time clerk upon the slightest
pretext. I must say they are anything
but a pleasant set to deal with.
fit is unnecessary to mention, gentle
men, that I invariably went armed; and
now, having given you an idea of the
men I had. to deal with, I will proceed
with my story, v'-y'y
"A little more punch please and I
would have given considerable to have
some of the same brew on the eventful
venirig I am telling you about.
"I bad reached Omaha, on a routecar
attached to- a, special engine and tender
for the purpose of paying off the attach
es mod "Workmen who were in arrears to
qaite aif amooBt. -
"The news of my arrival had been
noised, about t eo that when the locomo
tive stopped- with a jerk alongside the
rough station-house, ; I bebela a dense
crowd of sunburnt, brawny, bewbieker
ed and begrimmed faeea suiionsljr loo-king
tor the paymaster. I noted the ex
pressions on some of Use men's faces. It
was enough to make one's blood' run
cold. Such deviltry, such depravity
and reflection of evil passions,' I never
beheld so vividly pictured in the human
eoantecaoce dtviae. ;, C:J r;' " V.; " :':
"As I stepped on the platform, my
servant,, beams the iron box, which,
by-the-way, eontaioed eighty thousand
dollars, a yeU, a miserable shoufe ot welcome,-
asesE-Jci fjqra. the assembled
"I-ooustrooGfs&p,' gentlemen, that my
cerves were -shaken ,whyj is more than
I can s y, fr 1 can eearcely be called a
turn . r -,, I L!ul the . rank ot lieu
ta." -,,.. .. brevets during.
the war, starling out with a musket.
But that is neither here nor there.
"I looked about me on all sides for a
bnilding, a hotel, or accommodations of
some kind, where I would be safe. But
in every instance me Mianu oui mo : man ouum repent nis attempt l was un
omiuous ward 'Saloon over the door, der cover.
"I ii.quired for the superintendent of
the section, and was informed that he
lay in his tent, suffering from what was
supposed to be an attack of small-pox.
'A pleasant situation for a man to be
in, witii uigui coming on, ana surround
ed by a pack of wolves.
"lou ask me whv I didn't remain in
the car ? For the simple reason that it
had been put into requisition to convey
the sick back to a place called Sand
Iiidge, where better accommodations
awaited the poor fellows.
Aly heart was finally set at rest in a
mo6t unexpected and agreeable man.
"A tall, good-looking yonns fedow.
dressed in a blue shirt, pants of the
same hue tucked inside a pair of army 1
boots, a belt containing a pair of Kem
iugtons, ailJ a face shaded by a broad
sombrero, appr ached me.
"With graceful ease he saluted me.
Ilia brown eyes fixed keenly on me the
win e, until the scrutiny became almost . swutlf, a tremendous sledge before which
P!!,"1' . ! the door was rapidly yielding. The
"Jlxcuso me, but is not your name man reck,tff!fi,y exposel himself" and in
Colonel Lane ? Jim Lane, as the boys a Voice tllick wiu, excitement he shoiit
of the old fourteenth dubbed vou V I i
" 'The same,' I repliecl, extending my '
hand with a fee I in
and relief I
could not conceal
" 'And is it possible that Major Frank
Hughes has changed so much that you
do not recognize him ?
"Gentleman, Frank was an old
schoolmate of mine ; a brother-soldier
and in less than ten minutes I was seat
ed in his buggy, iron box, servant and
all, and before the sun had dipped be
hind the long range of high-peaked nil's
in the West I was sourly ensconced in
his neat house.
"Frank had gone into stock-raising,
his pretty 3'oung wife bravely accompa
nied him, while her sister whose blue
eyes, fair hair, soft complexion and lithe
Hebe-like form created an instantaneous
impression upon my heart. She had
consented to pass the Winter with her
6ister, leaving behind her the attractions
and gayeties of Chicago.
"ller name was Elsie liavenal ; her
sister was denominated by Frank as
"1 was" soon on the best of terms with
the ladies, who se'dom saw company. I
exerted myself to p'ease, gave all the
latest news "and gossip, to which the la
dies were earnest listeners.
"Soon the shades of evening closed in
shutting out from view the surrounding
"Frank quietly unchained a huge
mastiff, whom he called Sailor, saying,
as he allowed him to run free : He is a
splendid watch-dog our sole protection
at night and no one can approach the
houe without our knowing it.'
"After the evening meal Frank and
I lit onr pipes to have a quiet talk over
old times to fight afresh battles and
skirmishes that had Iain dormant for
many a year in my mind.
"The ladies, in the meantime, had
cleared the table, washed the dishes,
cleared up generally, for they were none
of your milk-and-water kind who
6hrauk in horror from having their
hands come in contact with dish-water.
"A piano was one ot the evidences of
of taste and refinement which I' rank had
brought out for the benefit of his wife ;
and as Elsie opened the instrument, a
low growl from Sailor startled all pres
ent. "A deep silence pervaded the room,
but nothing was heard to excite appre
hensions of alarm.
"Several brilliant instrumental pieces
were performed, when Frank proposed
a song ; but a long deep growl from the
dog, tjl lowed by a scuffle and yelps was
sufficient to cause my companion to
start to his teet and grasp a revolver,
'"Thereps something wrong, Colonel,
sure. We had better take a look before
we lock up for the night
"We did take a look, reconnoitered
the grounds, and found poor Sailor ly
ing on the ground, with his throat cut ;
the perpetrator of tie cowardly deed
had vanished.
"The discovery cast a doom over the
little group; the ladies soon after retir
ed, leaving us in unrestrained possession
ot the sitting room in the front ot the
ttfft r . ....
i ne lire was burning ortgntiy my
triend s whisky was uncommonly good
so we kept it up until nigh midnight,
going over the old ground from the
time we enlisted until tlie regiment was
ordered home and disbanded.
"I bad barely removed my ooat, pre
paratory to going to bed, when a dis
tant crash was heard, and a fearful
noise with oaths, and screams, succeed
"I rushed from the room to the hall
way, casting a glance at the iron box,
which had been deposited by my bed,
assuring myself that the funds intrusted
to my care was safe
"I met Frank hurrying from his room
partially dressed, while behind hira
peered the blanched face of his wife,
ana ner pretty sister, who certainly
looked charming in the hasty toilet both
bad made.
"'The bouse is attacked !' exclaimed
Frank, as he hurried down the back
stairs, closely followed by myself, 'and
your strong box must be the attraction,
X have never been troubled before. But
you shall not lack protection, and we
halted on the threshold ot the kitchen
"Over the mantle were two heavy,
double-barreled guns, which would form
a powerful addition to our means of de
fense if once we gained possession of
"yonder is the point of attack,'
whispered Frank, as he 'pointed to a
stout oaken shatter,' Epon which the as
sailants were testing tbeip strength.
"It was atready splintered- There
was no time to lose, and darting forward
before Frank could detain me I jumped
upon a table in front of the fireplace in
which a bright fire was still burning.
Grasping the two guns, I jumped to
the floor, at the ratnc lima the rascals
outside had chopped a small hole
through the shutter.
"The report of a rifle rang through
the room ; my shoulder felt as if touched
by a red-hot iron, and before the marks.
"Scarcely had I reached it, however,
when half a dozen bullets tore through
the splintered oaken board which had
so nobly resisted all efforts to force it
from its position.
" A scream from one of the ladies ap
praised us of some new danger, at the
same time a trenendous shock thunder
ed through the house. An attack had
been made upon the front door, the as
sailants had divided their forces, which
necessitated a like movement on our
"Aly servant, I forgot to say, was a
negro, but faithful and true, as he was
calm and collected. Good service he
performed that night reloading the fire
arms, and using them, too, when occa
deiuauded. "Leaving Frank to defend the half
forced window, I hastened through the
front hall, which was fortunately darn.
"An exultant yell burt from lliedes.
. Be rea(ly )oyfll Make a rush awd
the money is ours !'
I hey wre the last word the scoun
drel ever uttered. I took deliberate aim
through the small side-windows, pulled
the trigger, the charge, a heavy one of
buck-shot, tore through the ruffinn's
body, and he dropped across the thresh-
hold with a groan.
A yell ot fearful import burst from
the throats it the gang; bullet after
bullet whistled through the door, but
the enthusiasm ot the scoundrels had
received a damper.
"From a safe cover they summoned
us to surrender, coupled with fearful de
nunciations of vengeance. We met their
threats with words ot bold defiance.
"A lull followed an omit ous si'ence
during which, while the scoundrels
plotted fresh mischief, I found tune to
approach the ladies and express my re
gret that I should have been so unfortu
nate as to have been the cause of their
terrible fright. Willingly would I have
taken my departure to f ave saved them
further annoyance, suffering and danger
but it was too late,
i "But the ladies would not listen to
anything disparaging to Frank's guest,
while hlise, her blue eyes sparkling
ith excitement, hoped I would teach
them such a lesson as they would never
i "A shot from an adjoining room cut
short the conversation, as I hurried in
to ascertain the cause
"There stood my faithful servant
armed with one of my revolvers, peering
through the window, which was partial
ly open.
"LTnder cover of the darkness one of
the more determined of the gang had
crept forward with an armful of dty
grass, with the intention ot setting fire
to the building, but, thanks to Scipio's
sharp eyes, the plan was frustrated.,
"It was about the last effort the ras
cals made. They contented themselves
by indulging in the most ferocious
threats, keeping hue care, however, to
remain under cover,
"They offered to depart for a modest
consideration of five thousand dollars,
which I bade them to come forward and
claim, but no one stirred.
"We kept watch until daylight, when
Frank and myself sallied forth. The
gang had disappeared, leaving their two
comrades behind them as they had
"In trying to remove them I found
that my left arm was useless. A hastv
examination proved that I had received
a wound, not dangerous but painful.
An army surgeon from the neatest ptFt
dressed the gash, while a fi!e of soldiers
were posted about the house, but we
were not troubled a cram,
.' "I was delayed some time at Frank's
house, where I was tenderly nursed by
.nse, who in due time 1 asked to be my
wife. She did not say nay but there
is the whistle ot the mail express, gen
tleraen, so I will refresh myself with
one more nip of the toddy before wish
ing you farewell."
He was leaning over the gate talking
to her last tight, and absently plucking
tne ouos irom a tree which spread its
branches over them. He loved her,
but he did not yet dare to breathe his
passion. A bright thought struck him
he wuld reveal his a Section by a
conundrum. , -
"Why," he asked, "does this tree re
semble you?
"I know not," slid murmured.
"Because it is fresh in its budding
beauty," he replied ionrtlv.
She blushed blushed only as a sweet
woman pleased can and asked :
"Why doe.- it resemble you ?"
"l give np. leu me witn your own
sweet lips,' was his expectant answer.
" uecause it is soon . time lor it to
leave' ;.
A new comet has been discovered on
both sides of the Atlantic and is describ
ed as just visible to the naked eye. Its
motion is exactly toward or from us
consequently its apparent motion is v ry
slow. , Its position at discovery was:
Right ascension, 22h. 8m. ; declination,
Joaeg. e or m the constellation re
casus. It has a short, wide tail, and
bears magnifying well, the astronomers
An old colored preacher was lectur
ing a youth of his fold about the sin of
dancirg, when the latter protested that
tne tiibie plainly said, "There is a time
to dance." "Yes, dar am a time to
dance," said the dark divine, "but it is
when a boy gets a whippiu'torgwine to
a ball."
Prosperity shines on different persons
much in the same way -that the sun
shines on different objects; some it hard
ens like mud, while others it softens
like wax-. -
A. W. Van Dorston, of Salem, has
invented a machine that will prove ot
great value to tinners. He calls it the
combination edge turner tor turning the
bottoms of tinware. The machine only
weighs about six pounds, is fastened to
the standards ot the shears cutler, and
follows the cutter turning the bottoms
neatly, uniformly and with rapidity.
The invention is a valuable one, and
Messrs. J. W. Crawford and David S.
Roland have purchased ot Sir. Van
Dorston a third interest each. A pat
ent has been applied for, which, when
received, the new invention will be sold
in State, eounty and town righte as is
usial with such inventions.
One of the important queries which
at present agitates the Oregon Demo
crat is: Does Secretary Chad wick
draw the-( comensation for performing
the duties of the two offices that is,
the Governor's as well as the Secreta
ry's ? If he is drawing the pay tor the
two offices, where does he get his an
thorly for so doing? Democrats are
law abiding, constitutional sticklers, you
know !
"ilclen was scheming to get Field a
seat in Congress, and had matters fixed
all right, until he requested the Con
gressman elect to- resign that Field
might lie npKinted to his seat! Then
the fat was all thrown into the fire
by Mr. Congressman refusing to resign
his seat, either to gratify Tilden or
Field ! 1 he fact is, those two old sen-
ilities can do nothing beyond making
themselves ridiculous by exhibiting mal
ice. On the 27th ot April the Southern
Pacific Railroad was completed as far
as the Colorado river. Trains now sro
through from San Francisco to Yuma.
So far, twenty million dollars have been
extended on the road. Much of the
way the route is a hopeless desert.
The Grover investigating committee.
it is now announced, will be here in
June. The attenuated form of Gobble
Grover will then have to come up to
the rack, fodder or no fodder.
Mart. Taylor, that festive old giver
of entertainments, has just obtained a
divorce from his last wife in Umatilla
county. Next.
The public debt statement will show
a reduction of $3,500,000 in April, and
about 828,000,000 during the last six
"Mazepna ; or, the Wild Mule of
Anaheim," is the sensational play to lie
produced at Wotnls' Opera House, Los
Angeles, on Monday next. Ass-ay,
now, we donkeyare about Irfjinsr exhib
ited in that mulecious way. Anaheim
Gazette. h
This world, with the aid of the law
years, is advancing with stunning rapid
ity. The latest shoot toward a new or.
der of affairs has cropped out in Mrook
lyn, in the suit of a son and three daugh
ters to force a division among them ot
the property held by their parents.
Family Communism !
Sal;ie Ward Hunt has lost another
husband. The wea'lhy Louisville ork
packer, Mr. Armstrong, who married
this "handsomest of Kentucky's daugh
ers," only a few months since, died yes
terday. He leaves the adventurous
Sal lie a large fortune.
Rome (N. Y.) Sentinel: "A lady
on Washington street, who is an euthu.
sia'lic Republican, named her canary
bird Jim Blaine. He did not sing much,
but she loved him tenderly, until last
Saturda' she discovered that Jim Blaine
had laid an egg. Now she declares
that no dejiendence can lie placed on
pditiciau." . ,
Burlington TTawkeye : "When a
San Franciscan get to he immensely
wealthy he builds a palace of a stab'e,
with marble ha'l, IJrus-e s carpets, and
hot and eld water, in every stall; a
Chicago millionaire builds a hotel nine
stories high ; a New Yorker builds a
hospital; a Bostoniau builds a college,
and a Burlington man builds another
bay window to his house aud paints his
front fence."
The body ot Mr. J. H. Moor, one of
the unfortu'.ate men who were drowned
near Astoria a few days ago, was found
on thp shore at Fort Stevens He had on
his person at the time of the accident
about $1,200 in money and a valuable
gold watch and chain. We are glad to.
say that these were saved for his tami'y.
A strict watch is kept for the bodies ot
Lieutenant Knapp and Dr. Andrews.
Senator Grover's brethren of his own
party who were the principal ii Lini
ments in : starting those damaging re
port asaiiist him, should be get ing
their little memoranda ready. -That
committee will be here very soon.; It
will be interesting to see men who last
fall were telling loudly what members
were bought and how much wa paid
each of them,' become dumb n oysters
when the Committee want to know all
about the matter. Look out for instan
ces of infirmity ot memory. OregonU
an. 1
Mr. Falls, a well-known Irish sports
man, happened 'one day to ride down a
hound. The irascible but wittv master
attacked him in no very measured Tan
gnage. "Sir," ws the exclamation.
"Pd have you recollect that I am Mr.
Falls of Dunganon I" The rejoinder
was ready -I don't care if you are Mr.
Falls of Niagara, you shan't ride over
my hounds" '
The sixth annal reunion of the Oregon
Pioneer Association, says the Record,
will be held on the State fair grounds,
June 15th and 16th. Hon. Elwood
Evans, of Olympia, will deliver the an
nual address, which will be followed by
a picnic dinner at 1 P. M. There will
be a grand parade at 2:30 o'clock, under
the direction or Hon. K. C. Geer. On
the same occasion Hon. Stephen Staats
and Hon. M. Crawford will deliver ad
dresses dei-crip-ive of the immigration of
1845 and 1842. In the evening a grand
ball will be given in the pavilion. A
camp fire wiil be lighted at 8 o'clock,
and short addresses will be made descrip
tive of the mode of living in early days.
A correspondent at the Dalles writes
that a party from tiiat place will ascend
Mount Hood on the 4th of July, pre
pared with materials to kindle a" light
which tl.ey hope will be visible that
night at all places in sight ot- Mount
Hood. They will light their materials
at 9 p. m. 1 Sockets will also be sent
up. Instruments will be provided for
taking another measurement of the alti
tude of the mountain. Messrs. Broyles
and Mil'er, ofTygh valley, have volun
teered to remain on the summit, and
manage the illumination. It is expected
that many eyes will be turned in that
direction at the hour appointed on the
night of the 4th.
L. Berry, who has been traveling in
Eastern Washington, makes stowing
reports. He has leen through 'Colum
bia and Whitman counties, and says it
is the garden spot of the world. Vege
tation astonishes every new comer. A
parsnip was dug out of the ground at a
farm where he happened to stay over
night, which was seven feet tour inches
long. They raise in Paradise valley
tour tons of timothy hay and lorty
bushels of wheat to the acre.
In Boise valley a big irrigation scheme
is on foot. A canal to take wa er from
Boise river thirteen miles below Boise
t'ity, and canying nix thousand inches,
is well on the way to completion. The
canal is sixty feet wide on the bottom
and has a depth of six feet. It will ir
rigate several thousand acres ot laud
lying between the river and hills, and
will convert a desert into a garden. Ir
rigation will reclaim nearly the whole
ot the great valleys of Boise and Payette.
At the upper enl of Columbia county
not less than fbrty-five "claims were
taken np late'y. At Marengo, A. G.
Short is doing a "land office business"
merchandizing, and the Grange mill is
Hearing completion. In fact that whole
upper country, once descr'ed even by
the cayole, is looming up like chimney
rock on the plains. Prosperity is stamp
ed upon every enterprise. We quote
from the Walla Walla Watchman.
B. F. Burch, of Polk county, present
superintendent of the penitentiary, claims
the honor of having originated the
"fifty th nsand dollar "limit clause" of
the State constitution.
Found in perfect order, sound as a
dollar, an apple, of the Yellow Newton
variety oi: the first day of May, in plow
ing through the orchard, by a. sou ot
Wesley Howell, of Howell Prairie. So
much tor climate.
Walla Walla Watchman: Almost
every man blessed with a caynse is out
among the hills and rills, looking tor
unclaimed laud, ready to take up 160
acres, more or less, and either settle on
it or spectt'ato thereon. But the N. P.
R. li. land grant seems to puzzle many
A married couple has been discovered
in Waukesha, Wis., by an enterprising
newspaper man, brth of whom were
bom on the 29ih ot February, 1852
Birth-days are scarce in that family.
Messrs. Mil no at lliUsboro are enlarg
ing their tiouriui; mill. They will have
four sets of burrs. The mill now has
orders from San Francisco and Victoria
for 1,000 bbls'of oat-meal daily, but
cannot fi I the demand.
The hop crop in Pnyal'np and White
river valleys will be something immense
this i-easoii. A man named Van Do
j ron, of White river, has twenty-one
acres ot vines.
Judge Prim i- holding court in Doug
las c unty. Judge Watson having beefT"
previously interested, as an attorney in
certain causes to be tried.
Corval'is has committees appointed
and arrangements made tc celebrate the
fourth of ju'y
Wm. McGuire, of ilverton, an old
citizen of that place, died a few days
ago at the age of seventy.
The State Grange meets at Salem the
4th Tue lay in May. Halt fares only
wih be charged. ": ; 1
The rivers having their sources in
Mount Ranier aud emptying into Pn-
get sound were rising rapidly last week,
At Lew ist on wheat has so'd for 92
cents. It ought to bring more, it can
be carried to Portland for 24 cents.
One hundred persons went on the Odd
fellows excursion from Seattle to
Olympia. -
t -J 1 m
yjm seiners or tne Territory propose
having a re-union at the Olympiau fair
The people of PnyaUup valley rail
road hands and all have a grand picnic
on May-day. ;-
An extensive vein of patter's c'av has
t J : , . . ' .
uoiii uiruuvereu ;on .me i uyauup rail
load, near Tacoma.
The Northern j Pacific car and ma
chine shop - have been ordered moved
from Kalama to I acoma.
mew ana oia 1 acoma proposes to
have entertainments by which to raise
money for inclosing their grave yards.
In 1876, the Port Discovery mill ship,
pod to foreign ports 26,000,000 feet of
lumber aud laths. t
A. B. Henry has been appointed uni
versity land commissioner for Yamhill
eotvnty. , , " ' - -
The Presbytery of Southern Oregon
met at Roseburg on Thursday of this
week. 1 '
The Baker Democrat has closed its
seventh volume J --
The Astorian says 1,000 fishing J
boats will be employed on the Columbia J
river tnis wee it.
The telegraphic line between Baker
City and Boise is now in good working
Hon. Ben Hayden has removed from
Polk county to Salem, where he will
reside hereafter.
A gallon of strawberries brought into
Salem by a boy on Saturday sold for
one dollar quick..
We cannot understand all this Indian
surrendering. And in the Spring time,
too. Look out tor red-skiu trickery and
massacre. :
Why Americana Expect Good Times.
1. Our population was never so large
as it is now.
2. There was never before so much
land under cultivation in these United
States, nor such a large aggregate ot
products raiHed.
3. There were never greater facilities
for transportation.
4. Our wheat, torn, provisions, butter,
cheese, petroleum, silver and other pro
ducts have ! been bringing cash at fair
priees. ;
5. There is plenty of money to be
had at a moderalerate ot interest, as
soon as owners consider it sate to lend.
6. The hard time have been the best
times we have had tor revivals of relig
ion and temperance.
7. The whole nation has been practic
ing economy.
8. The state of exchange with other
countries is such as would enable us to
restore specie payment now if we chxse.
9. Our " political troubles are over,
and an era of good feeling w returning
to this lougdivided and distracted coun
try. AH these reasons combined lead us to
anticipate the return of good business'
generally and a gradual rise in value of
nearly all kinds of property. JV. Y.
A Fountain on a Spire. The Vir
ginia ( Nev. ) Enterprise of March 26th
says: "Last evening about 4 o'clock,
the eyes of hundreds of persons on the
streets were directed toward the top of
the spire of the new Catholic Chinch,
where was seen a fountain sponting
numerous jets high in the air. A large
iron pipe is carried up through the
steeple and up the large cross surmount
ing the same. The pipe then takes the
form ot the cross, behind which it is
hidden, and from holes perforated at
proper intervals the jets are sent up.
From the top of the cross aud from the
end of each arm l.irsre streams ascend to
the hight of about 25 feet, ad between
these are thrown up a great number ot
snaa'Ier jets. The height of the top of
the cross from the ground is'170 feet,
and last evening, the air lieing ca m, the
numerous jets spread out in the shape
ot a fan. The rays of the declining sun
fell upon the jets and spray at just the
proper angle to light up aud bring out
the whole in a beautiful roseate clow
which surrounded the top of the cross
like a clory. This novel fountain was
not constructed for mere ornament. It
is intended for use, in ease of the break
ing out ot fire, as a pr tectiou to the
spire and roo! of the church. It ia but
the work of a moment to turn on the
water and drench the spire. The heigth
to which the water is thrown above the
cross shows the great force ot the water
works ot the city."
The country west of the Mississippi
has been flMded with we'l-execuied
counterfeits ot National bank notes,
many of which have found their way to
Denver, some having been thrown out
hy the hanks this morning. Business
men should refuse five dollar notes on
any ot the following batks :
First Natioua bank ot Northampton,
Merchatits Nationat bank of New
Belford, .Mass.
Hampden National bank ot West
field, Mass.
First National of Chieajro.
Trade's' Natioua1 of Chicago.
Merchants' National of Chicago.
first National of Aurora, III.
First National of Canton. 111.
First National of Par ton, HI.
First. National of Peru. 111."
First National ot Ga ena, III.
such hank.)
Merchants would do well to cut
out f.r reference. Denver Times.
t AO
Ra'ph Geer sold 1,500 bushels of
wheat at Salem on Monday week at
$l.4Z per lr.:she, with the privilege of
any rise between this time aud tup" .'1st
of June.
This is better than as
Wasn't me! I wasn't there! I didn't
take a cent !" is the universal refrain
of the gentlemen whom Tweec men
tions At the tattle of denial they are
there all the whial. '
Noting the peculiar superiority of
certain Chinese productions over all oth
ers, a philosophizing newspaper man
wants to know if this world is to be per
milted to move pig-tail first.
; - '' ' ' i . . . . '
. "Hast thou a charm to stay the mom-
ins star ?" he said, as he trundled? off
after a paper of hair-pins for her, and
she gloomily muttered that shed rather
marry Balani's assthana poet.
; The old cable will be called upon to
set up a-id hum, in tlie event of a big
foreign war. One thing this people in
sist upon having is, the news.
The Burlington Hawk-Eye is mysti
fied at the impulse that always makes a
woman stand before tlie glass to comb
her back hair or button her polonaise..
The be6t way to discourage a boil is
to seek a right slippery place on the wet
pavement, and then w hen tlie boil ain't
looking, come down on it flopv
De Murska, it is, said, has been "five
times a wife," Sir. Hill, the piauist of
the troupe, being, the present incumbent.
The most infallible way of preventinr?
the kitchen door from ereaking, is sail
to engage a servant girl whose sweet
heart comes to the house to see her.
If yon are going to educate your (,':
for the life insurance business yon must
instill in his mind that modesty jstiot
the best policy. , 'r
It may be counted as one ot the curi
ous things or me inas peopre wuw wu
presents most get the least, aud those .
who need them least get the most.
The aged songstress, Jenny Lind, hai
hair as white as the filigree work of sil
ver. Why were the animals in the ark lik
a box ot shoes ? Because they were put
in in pairs..
The ait of living easily as to money
is to pitch yon r scale ot living one de
gree below your means. s
It is only a question of lime when the
person with too much talk gets mired in
ois own gab.
Mean souls, like mean pictures, are
sometimes found in good-looking frames.
Fast tel'ows Those in the peniten
tiary. Ought to
be ... right A writing
To confide too much is to put your
lemoiis in another man's squeezer.
' i m 11 "
The Chinese are the most silent of all
the races of mankind.
What is that which by losing an eym
has nothing but a nose left ? A uoise.
A Rhode Island mule kicked a boy
into Massachusetts yesterday.
Vienna Bred ; Nearly a'l who liv
in the capital ot A ustra.
A mighty king has lately appeared
on oor coast ; Ship Hex. .
How to find out what's in a name.
Put it on the back ot a note.
Tlie air most songht tor Millionaire.
The heaviest bank Sandbank.
The first gaiter Alligator,
The oldest belle Marble.
The oldest cent Skunk.
Special Kotlcea
Musical. Mto Nettle Piper, teacher of
Vocal and Instrumental mimic has recent
ly lociited in Albany, and prrpared to give
lessons in tlie above named branches. Has
had several years experience in leaching,
aud can give the bett of references. 4
PUmXO, Stamping. Catting and Fit
ting, Plain Sewing-, Hair Weaving, etc. Cottin g
and flttinpr Cliil'lrpn's Clothing speelnlty.
Call at the rooms adjoining the BseigrsB oOlce,
Albany, Oregon. . Has. Coll. VasClVi.
Major White la located one door west
of Fox Bi o.'s. First street. Albany, wtiere
be is prepared to do ail work in bis tine,
such as reiKiirine watches, clocks, ami tew-
elry. Also, engraves donr-plutes. silver-'
ware, &c Give him a call.
From JT. IMonuner, 91. D., Aotara, V It
''Although adverse toconntenancliu nat-
eut medicines. I cheerfully make an exrep-
iion oi your very excellent inujr preparation
Dr. W istar's Balsam or Wild Clierry.
Thi preparation I have used in my prae-
tice for mure than ten years past, and
have always found It to he of more effectu
al service than anything within ray knowl
edge. I reor m mend ft with the greatest
confidence to those subject to coughs and
puhnouury complaint. Sold by all drusr
gits. - may.
The Richmond Range 1 a great wood
saver, awl as it throws out less heat than
any miter good range or Stove, it Is way
no tor Summer use. -
TO eOKSl'MPTIVE. -The itverttiur,tiiir.--Ing
been permanently canxl of that dral lt-'
ease. Consult prion, by i-hjple rmnety,tK.nx.
inua to make known to his fellow nltxrer lha
means of cure. To all who desire It. be witf
8enl a coy of the fweacrint Ion iwetl (I rw of
charge), with the direction for preparing nt
naintf the same, which they will find a ara
cure for Consumption. Am b ma, Bronchit !.&!. .'
Parties wishing the prescript Ion win Hnw n-l-'
dress Rev. E. A.WlUMN,194Pennbt.,Yiii!H.
burg, N.Y. lisv tonv
PIMPLES. I will mail (free) the meipe for.
preparing a simple Vege able Balmthai will re
move Tan. Freckles. Pimpled aixl ietotches.,
Imivtnsr the skin Mft, clear and beautiful;
Instruction for producing a luxnriant pro-. , tt
ot hair on a ixild heat! or smooth (atm,. Attm
Ben Van-telf A Co., box S121, Wooter-bt
New York. , ton43v?
Errortof Ya th A gentleman who'suf.
fered for year fmin Nervons Debility. Prema
tura liecav, an-1 all theeBectsor you'Ufiil India,
crelion will, for the sake of suffering humanity,
send free to ail who nee i ir, the recipe and di
rect ion for making t be simnlo remedy by wblc-ta
lie wast cure !. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertiser1 experience can do so by af
drcttsing in perfect confidence, Joun B. Ouden.
43 Cedar St., New York. ntjva
Bemnmfecr This.
Now is the tlmeof year for Pneumonia, l.urym
Fever, tloughs. Colds, and fatal results of pre
disposition lo Connumptlon and other Throat
and Lnnx Diseases. Bob. USE'S, ekwac
Sv bcp has been need In tins neighborhood fop
the past two or three vears without a single?
.failure to cure. If you have not used this oifd
teine yourself, go lo your Druggist In t his city
ana asa mm in i wuuuwriuj success atnontr
his customers. Three dose will relieve th
worst esse. If you have no fairb In any medi
cine. Just, bny a Sample Bottle of lkwcH
UEKMAKSYRvr tor iu cents and try it. Regu
lar size bottle 73 cents. Doat neglect a cough
to save 73 cents. nlSntf.
" -'A' CAR.-':
To all who are suffering from the errors antt
Indiscretions of yom h. nervous weakness, earlv
decay, loss of manhood. An., I will send a recln
that wUl rare you, FKKB OF CUAKiit:. Ttiis.
groat remedy was discovered by a miwionarv
lni&outb Amerti-a. Send a aeif-addrntnwd ..nwiL
e tetlw Kkv. Joseph T. Isaut. Auifeon it
le Hinue, jytno i or .nSva. . - r
Tne People Want Proar.
There la no medicine prescribed by tvbvuU
clans, or sold by Untwists, tbat carries suci
evidence of Its suoeem and. anterior virtue aa
SffBifS O krman Sybup for severe
Colds settled on the brest. Consumption'
S?,yw8S?f.lhTl,roat or tunes. A rtff
ot that test is that any person afflicted, t
a ump:e Bottle tor w oenMhand try lis super";
etreot before buying tbu r(sfuli,r Dice at.
cents, it has lately be fntrort.tced in tl-i
country from Germany, and He OT,,Vrf.ii
ejire are astonishing everyone that n- h.
SJTt- HL nsitev "? case. Tn' t
Sold by all Uruistsi. jil.-'aa
A woman in Polk eounty who 1 : 4'
been married fourteen years has revr rt
iwrcuaseu a paper ot ptns or needs,
linen collars. Whew sh-was tnarr
her thoughtful moUter rvv Lcr :-. -ot
pins, a package ot need lea &u-l c
dozen collars, aud sha still Lss 5;
needles and collars m Laud.