The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 18, 1877, Image 3

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    roceries and
First Door West or S. E. Young's, First Street, Albany, Ogn.
Olxeap JToatr Cosli.
A AkAt Af t.VAn KlrMt. AIMlAaltA newtt am a - .-. ae .a
Will store Grain and General SXercnandlse at Loweit Rates.
AL8AKY, Oregon, Jan., 1877-13v9
sis V WUWh
TH3 "B"2ST X2T
Item or to (he Bank.
Tlie Standard.
fallowing Is a copy of a Western Union
Pekmbet. Pel ton A Co., of New York,
MEDAL of AWARD tor tin
I 133 Flrt Street, Portland. Oregon.
"77?" r fTI 11 him a b an
3S Call and see hijn.
OrncE or sinobb MAifrFACfiro Co.,
F0BTt-JU, OB., January Hi, VS77. J
Special Iotice.
JL' of our caHtonwra, asd to all persons detdr
1ns to purciutHe nr celebrated sewinic ma
cnlnen, we renpef-H'nMy notify tlxnn that the
Mesara. TITL'S ore our ascent for Allm-
end Linn county, and -that, tltey, or C. U.
wpLVEiMDfi. Kwj., are fully authorized to
oueet and sett outstanding aeeounts for us.
Tbe Singer Mauutkcnnini; Company,
, Manaser Oregon and W. T.
- IU8 fttns - -
Provisions !
VV W VA T T hmm V
telegram received by Sherman & Hyde, San
JfEw York. September 29. 1876.
have received DIPLOMA of HONOR anu
the it.m 11c feerlc frwTtsI . Tabwgf ,
WUtwW Wajre, Firat (St., Altmny, Or.
This la an Entire New Sfaclilne,
It works on a NEW PRINCIPLE that of fore
Insr water hy downward pressure tbrooKb the
CJotlres. Thedirtordisootomtion is removed
by water force. There U
. K Ilunbow ft'rietiwn About It.
It is Cheap, Simple ana iMtrabJe, and never
mats nut nf order. It will last a lifetime, and
wiil save to an ordinarj Cataiiy many tituea its
cost every year. m
It baa been tested by some of the moat expe-
rienoed iannarymen tn tne oonniry,ani vr
nnnnwii i ihnm to be. tlic Ixeat 'Waaler ev
er invented. Kor Circniars and Test imonials
apply to k. r. iiutiiiiis.
nSlvSiBl Agent for Oregoa.
1 r - ""
rht on Brain and Floor have heon rH-
tabllshed by this Comranv as Hie maximum
rates for one year from May 1st, 1877, viz :
Oreson City '
rer i on .
to Portland 1 00
Cliampoeg " " . 1 75
I'Hvion - , . . z w
FafrtteUl " 2 00
Wheatland " " 2 50
Lincoln " " 2 50
Salem " " .7.. 2 50
Kola " 2 75
Independence " 2 75
Annneyn Landing 3 uu
Buena Vista " 3 00
Spring Hill " " 3 00
Albany " 3 00
Corvallis " 3 50
Peoria " " 3 50
Monroe " " 4 00
Uarrisburg " 4 00
Eugene City " " 5 00
Grain and Flour shipped froin the points
above mentioned direct 10 Astoria will be
chanced $1 00 per ton additional.
The co in nan v will contract wilh parties who
desire it to transport Grain and Flour nt above
rates lor any specinea time, not e.Tcceuinjj uvc
years. S. U. IiKEIJ.
lee rresiuent w. X . L. ..
Portland. April 28, 1877.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon,
within and for the county of Linn.
suit tn equity lor uivorce.
H II. Baxter, plaintiff, vs. Ada M. Baxter, de
To Ada M. Baxter the alove named defendant :
In the name ot tbc state of oreuon : 1 ou are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint of the above named plaintiff, in the
above entitled suit, in the Court above named,
now on file in the office of the clerk ot' said
court within ten Ua 9 front the date of the ser
vice of this summons upon you. if served in
Linn county, but- if served in any other county
in the State ihen within twenty duys from the
date of the service of this summons ; or if serv
ed by publication, then von are required to an
swer said complaint within six weeks from the
date of ootnincnwmmt of publication of said
summons upon you, or ny the nrt nay ot inw
next reenter term of said Court, for Linn comi
ty, Oregon, to-wit : .
Monday. Vie 22c? day of October, 1S77.
and yon are hereby notified that if you fail to
appear and answer sai 1 complaint as herebv re
quired, the plaint iff will applv to the Court lor
the relief deuunded in the complaint, which is
for the dissolution of his mariiaiie contract
heretofore existing between you and plaintiff.
and for a divorce from you, and for costs and
disbursements of this suit, and that this sum
mons is published by order ot Hon. It. P. Boise.
Judge of said Court, mude at Chambers in Sa
lem, 1111s 28 tn aay 01 April, isi .
mayn32v9t6 Att'y lor pff.
Letter from a Postmaster.
" III.. Lec. 1. 1874,
"Messrs. J. B. ! k & Co.:
'Mv wife lias, for a lona time, been a terrible
sn tie rer from hbentnatism. She has tried mar. y
physiclansand many remedies. Theonly tiling
wntcn nas i en ner renei tsi enianr i.mmien
I am rejoiced 10 sy this has cured Her. I am
doina what I can to extend Us sm!p.
This Is a sampleof manv thousand estimoni-
als received, ot" wonderful core ettected lv lb,
Centanr Liniment. The inpredients of litis ar
ticle are vmblisbed urotm l each lw tie. I con
tains Witch Hazel. Mentha. Arnica. Rock Oi..
Carbolic, and ingredients hit herlo liltle knowr
It tsan inttispumhle fsct that the CentaurXliii-'
ment is perfortninK more cures of wellin!rs.
Stiff Joints, E rant ions. Rheu mat ism . Nenraliih.
Sciatica, Caked Breasts. Lock-jaw. Ac. than al
ine tuner x.iniuienis. E.mnroaiins. extracts
Salves. Oin'ments and rlaser now in use.
For Toot hat'he. Earache. Weak Buck. Itch ait'
Cu'aneous Emotions, it i admirable. I: ciii-e;-
ournsanci stuts wiinont a Hur. txt-ncts. roi-
sons from bites and stint;s.and bealsfrot-liite-
and chillblnins. in a short time. No family can
afford to be without the Centaur Llnimeni.
white wrapper.
The Centaur Unlment, Yellow Wrapper.
is adapted to the tonsrh skin, muscles and fiesl-
of the animai creation. -1 ts ellect s upon seveie
eases of Stavin. Si-et;nr, Wind Gall. Bis Head
ani roil cvn. are ntrie less man marvenus.
Messrs. !. Mcdnro t.V.. Urtursrists. corner o
Elm and Front streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, say :
in onr neiif nnornooa a nnmoer 01 lestnsier
are ntinif the Centaur Liniment. 1 hey pro
nounce it sunertor to tinythins they have evei
nsed. We sell as hili as four to five dozen !o
ties per momh to these 'eainsiers."
We have thousands 01 snnuar 'esttmontais
For Wounds, tinlls, Pem'ches. Rnr-lone. Ac.
and for Screw Worm in sheen it has no rival -
Farmers, liverv-men and siock-raiscrs. have it
this i.lnimen a remedy which is wor. h a hun
dred times its cost.
Laboratory of . B. Kn & Co..
40 Dey street. New York.
Mothers nuv have rest and their babies tnav
have health, if thev will tise Casioria tor Winil
Colie, Wonns, Feverlsliness,!ore Month, Croup,
or Stomach Cora nlain ts. It is entirely a vege
table preparation, and eonlains neither miner
al, morphine, nor alcohol. It is as pleasant to
taue as noney. and nelt ner KtixB nor gripes.
nr. k. iitmnrn. or ininont, o.. sa-s: -
"I am asincr Castorta In mv nracilee with the
moat signal benefits and nappy result."
. 1 bis is what everv one savs: Most nnrses In
New York City use the Castoria. It is prep rwl
by Messrs. J. B. Roxe A Co., 4 Dey street, New
York, uoeewors to Samuel Pitcher, 51. U. 39vb
In the Circtiit Court of the State of Orecron.
for the county of Linn.
Knit tn equity for divorce.
Robert R . Templet on, plaint iff, vg Mary Tem
plet "in, defendant.
o Mary Templeton, the above named defer d-
In tfa name of the S'ate of Oreeon : Too are
hereby required to appearand answer the com,
plaint of the above plaintiff, in the almre enti.
tied Court, now m fllew'th the Clerk of said
Conrt, within ten days from tbe date of the
ervioa 01 1 m snnimms upon j-on if served in
Linn eoanty, Oretron bnt if served in any 01 It
er county in the State of Oretron, then within
twenty days from t lie date of t he service of this
aura toons upon yon, and it served by publica
tion, then on or before the first day of tbe next
term of said Court, 10-wit:
Mondam. the dun af Ortnhttr. 1877.
and von are herebv not ifiecf that if von fail to
appear and answer said complaint as hereby
icqmreo, 1 ne pwintia win npr3 10 1 lie tran.
lot tbe relief demanded in the complaint, to
wit a diasolutioa of the bonds of matrimony
existing between von and pla.intiff.and for costs
and disbursments.
This summons is published by order or non.
R. P. Botse, J 11 dire of said Conrt, made this Uth
day of April. 1377. D. R. N. BLACKBURN.
pr20nS0v9t6J Atty. for phT.
Sotlee Ut Moeklioldera.
'KTotlee ia hereby Riven that there will be a
j. nieeunK 01 tne stocKnoiaera 01 ine wnuiire
Union of Allmny at the office of the company
on Monday. Mav Stith. 1877. at 10 a. K.. for the
parpoae of electing a Board of Msven Directors
ana transacting sucn 01 ner ousiness as may
De lawinuy orout?nt oeiore tne meeting. -
tsy oraer or ine jooarn.
A. 51. ROOP, Eecretary-
Wtman's Entertainment At the
Opera House Saturday night, as a gift en
terprise, was Hie largest bilk tliat ever de
ceived this melancholy mid saddened peo
ple. The hull w as crowded they were all
there! A a show it was about on a par,
in the trick, with other similar affairs, bnt
as a ventriloquist we think Wyman rather
laid it over the most of his kind. But had
the show been the best on the coast of Ore
iron, it could not have repaid that vast
audience for its disappointment in the Hue
of presents. From the circulars and bills
shoved out by this fraud, the audience liad
been led to believe that nothing less than a
gold watch, piano.: sewing machine, dia
mond ring or a bag of coin would be re
received by each one present. Each and
all were solemnly promised a present ; nni
then to receive only a sleeve-button, breast
pin made of -.ccond-liaiid brass, was too
much, entirely. It entirely eradicated all
the taste of this people tor one-horse gltt
enterprlse shows, and made them long for
a mine of old eggs, very old eggs. Which
they desired, above every other earthly de
sire just at that time, to present with little
or no ceremony, as a -freewill offering to
the greatest bilk of the age as a gift-enter
prise show. Xow this is about the sub
stance of what stores who were at the Sat
urday night's sbo-.v tell ns, and we have no
earthly reason to dispute their version of
the show, which 1 hey solemnly denominate
a bilk. And they hope that other comuiu-
nities will profit by their experience, and
give Wyman and hisbras-pinch-beck, stale
jokes and worn-out trick-show a wide
berih. Don't let him bilk you out of a
cent. If he insists on showing help him
out of town. As fit as we are concerned
we. don't intend to go to his old show, even
if he were to offer us a half a bushel of his
brass jewelry. Xnt much we ain't on it,
neiiiier. and wv're awful sorry for those
who did go and throw away their precious
coin. Selah.
Departmfjst Parade. Tn honor ol the
Urn anniversary of Linn Engine Co. No.
2. Chief Webber ordered a department
pnratle and drill on theatternoon of Friday
last. They turned out in fair numlicrs. In
full uniform. 2o. 2 s little steamer whs
manned by I oth Companies, and, headed by
the Albany Brass Band, the procession
m 1 relied through the piincitl streets of
the-cStv. eventually stopping at hiter-
s -ction of First and Washington streets,
where the strainer proceeded to give an ex
hibition of the way she throws water. Af-L-r
playing one stream through 500 feet of
Iimo. siikI two streams through 100 feet
e-ieh. the rojes were again niHiiuetlaud the
strainer dirir housed. At 2's house Chief
WVblier made a few approprlale remarks
fillowi'dby President- Gray.. wlo was fol
lowed hv Mr. Thomas Euford. Assistant
Chief of the Corvallis Fire Department
Cni- f Webber then made a few remarks re-
g-inlinjr the celelimttoti of the coming 4th.
which were well received, and, on motion,
the A. F. D. resolved unauiiiiouslv to cele-
"brate. and ask the citizens to join with
them. The meeting adjoin ned with three
cheers and n tiger fur Chief Webber, and
1I0 for No. l's.
Concert at Ei.owksvii.le. At the re
quest of pro;uiiient citiz ns ot Brownsville
he I.elai.oit class, under the charge of
Prof. G. P. Newell, assisted by Mr. Dr.
Whitney, one of the sweetest singers on the
Pacific coat. will give a concert in lliat.
village on Friday evening of inext week.
May 25th. ntVorditig those who attend a
r ire musical treat for a very small amount
of money. The hall should and doubtless
w ill be crowded. There is also some talk
of giving a concert at the Opera House in
this city on the Monday evening following
(Mar 2th). affording the lovers of music of
this eify a chance to hear Mrs. Whitney
a favor which will doubtless be appreciated
by our people. (
PiL'En Phkasants. On the np train
la-t Tuesday we notice a coop ot Silver
Pheasants, a late importation from Eng
land, which Mr. Thos. Kay had purchased
aiifl was taking to his lion eat Brownsville.
They were exceeilingly handsome birds,
and Mr. Kay informed ns. were splendid
layers in fact, in England, were consid
ered the very lest layers of the chicken
family, seldom if ever offering to 'set."
We doubt not Mr. Kay, will soon be over
run with orders for Silver Pheaint; ege.
as everyfmily will desire some of those
handsome birds.
Returned. Dr. Harris returned to this
city from the silver mud springs on Satur
day, the rest of the party remaining behind
at Pish Lake, the spring wagon conveying
the party having broken down at that
place. ' Dr. Smith and Claib Stewart re
turned Tuesday night. The party had five
miles of snow In the mountains going up,
but none on their return. Found the road
rough in places. Judging from appear
aueeefce trip proved beneficial to all ot
them. '- . '
House-breaking. On Saturday night
some one entered the residence of J. M.
Merrick, on wner, ot Calipooia ami Sec
ond streets, and went through Merrick's
clothes, getting about $20. A revolver and
two watches, laying around liandy, were
left untouched. On Suuday night Sorbin's
saloon was entered and some liquor can led
off. It would be welT if our people looked
a leedle oudt In regard to the door and
window fastenings these nights.
Board of Fire Delegates. The new
Board ot Fire Delegates met on Saturday
night and organized by the election of L.
N.Liggett, President, and V. S. Peters,
Secretary. The vote at the late election
was then canvassed, and it was found that
Too Webber was tha Chief elect, and Mc.
Monteith, Assistant.
Albany, Oregon, May 15. 1877.
Ed. Recister: Please Insert the fol
lowing In your papers
Maria G. Irvine.
Sec. Y. P.O. A.
At the last regular meeting of the Young
People's Christian Association of this city,
the following resolutions were adopted :
Whereas, The different editors througli
oitt the State and Washington Territory
have each kindly donated the Y.P.C.A. a
copy of their papers,
Resolved, That the Y.P.C.A do tender
them a vote ot thanks for their kindness.
Resolved, That the Secretary furnish each
of our city papers, and each editor from
w nom we receive a paper, a copy ot these
Bobbins' Little Washer Is a success.
meeting the full approbation ot all who
hare seen it tried. We are inclined to
think It is the best as well as cheapest
washtjr yet offered the public. It saves all
the labor of scrubbing, and consequent
wear and tear ot fabric, and cleans the gar
ment thoroughly. Mr. R. F. Hoggins is
agent for their sale in Linn county.
A Merited Honor. On Tuesday last,
at the meeting ot the Grand Lodge of the
I.O.0-F. tor the State of Oregon, J. F.
Backensto, Esq., of this city, was elected
Representative to the Grand Lodge of the
United Stares, for two years. It is a grand
compliment most worthily bestowed, jnrid
tne large vote given linn allows how highly
he Is esteemed by his brother three-llukets
in the State.
Entertainment and Festival. The
ladies of the Congregational Church will
give an entertainment, strawberry and Ice
cream festival at the Opera House, Frklay
evening. May 25th. The entertainment
will begin at 8 o'clock sharp, at the close
ot which ice cream and the first strawber
ries of the season will be furnished. Ad
mission, 26c. Let everybody come expect
ing to have a way up time.
Turn Verbis. On the morning of the
47ih there will be ait excursion train run
lrom this city to Aurora, the occasion being
the annual picnic of the Turn Verein's of
Portland. The T. V.'s alays have a
splendid time at their blow outs, and the
one In contemplation will not he an excep
tion. The fare i excerdinglv low. For
particulars see advertisement In this issue,
Fourth of July. By the unanimous
vote of Albany Fire Dejwrtmenton Friday
lust, it w-as resolved to celebrate the coming
4th of July in an appropriate manner. The
officers of the two Are companies were con
stituted a committee to make all the neces
sary arrangements. This Is business, and
Insures a celebration that will be a credit
to our city.
Pond's Extract. Instances might be
multiplied, almost without limit, showing
the progress made by Pond's Extract in
public and professional esteem the latter
despite intense prejudice, and the former
without advertising. Within the lat thirtv
da5s one House (not very favorably situated
I.. "V- v f'l . 1 1. 1 1 , . 1
in it 1 01 tv vny nas 111 let 1 more (tiati
rllty orders from physicians of all schools
for Pond's Extract!!! This Is incon
testable: can anything approaching it be
saw ot any other proprietary article ?
ATTF.NTION. The officers of 1 he Fire De
parttnent and the two engine companies
are requested to meet at the meeting room
of Albany Engine Co. No. 1, on Saturday
evening, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of
consultation in regard to the 4th of July
celebration. By request of Chief Engineer,
Jos. Webber.
Picnic and Excursion. To-morrow at
noon the U. P. Sunday School take the
noon train for Brooks Station, returning 011
the Exptvs in the evening. Tickets for
round trip. $1 ; children, 60c. Brooks i
the first station beyond Salem. There'll
be a crowd.
Excursion. The Portland Turn Vereln
give a grand railroad excursion and picnic
to Aurora on the 27th. They propose to
extend the privileges, of the excursion to
this city, provided a sufficient number will
go from here, the train leaving about nine
A. M. of that day and returning in the even
ing. Fare for round trip, $1 60. ;
Xice Office. The room in the Villard
House occupied by the telegraph office, has
been handsomely furnished by the Opera
tor, Mr. Will. B. Bice. A handsome car
pet covers the floor, nice pictures adorn the
walls, altogether making it the cosiest as
well as handsomest office on the line.
Swindle. Tlie latest swindling dodge
consists of lead pipe rolled in ordinary coin
wrappers, resembling in form, size and
weight a twenty dollar roll of silver. Look
a leedle ouet. '"
Religious. Bishop Morris will told
service lit the Episcopal Church next Sun
day morning (20th hist.) at 11 A. M." All
are invited to attend. .
A Wofidrr-Worklnf BenaeOy.
Tfo remedial agent has ever been offered
to the sick ami debilitated at all compara
ble to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, tn cases
of remittent and intermittent fevers, con
stipation, nervous ailments, rheumatism,
ami disorders involving constitutional
weakness or physical decay. It literally
'works wonders." The botanic ingredi
ents which its spirituous basis holds in so
lution acts like a charm upon the stomach,
and through tlie stomach upon the brain.
liver, ooweis atin nervous system, x nere
is nothing in its composition that is notso
lubriotis. It contains some of the most po
tent tonics of the vegetable kingdom ami
the juices of tlie best aperient ami antl-bU-
lons roots and herbs, combined with a per
fectly pure stimulating element. . The .Bit
ters are peculiarly adapted to those engag
ed in exhausting or unhealthy occupations,
aa by its use strength b sustained and the
ability of the system to resist atmospheric
ana other influences prejudicial to health
largely increased. . may.
The Richmond Range. The Richmond
range is King among cooking stoves, and
no mistake. It is the most complete, best
lurnisneu, economical stove In the world.
certainly, jvery one who gets one ot
tnese stoves likes it. and speaks well ot it
It economises fuel. Is a snlendld hater.
and looks well in kitchen or parlor. Call
in w . 11. iuci ariantra ana secure a
Richmond Range, and you'll never regret
That road to Lebanon along tlie Santlatn
Cauni must be built.
Hurrah for tlie Yaqnina Bay Railroad
it is bound to be a success.
J. A. Warner, of this city, recently fin
ished a surveying contract at Yaqnina Bay,
near Cape Fold weather.
Rev. E. R. Geary. D. D.. of Eugene
City, was in the city last Friday. The Dr.
had been up to Dalles City on a short visit,
and was looking in excellent health. ,
The wool crop of this county, It is ex
pected, will tie unosnally large, and will
put money in many an empty purse.
J. Gradwohl has a splendid assortment
of stoves, ranges, shelf hardware, etc., to
whk-h he calls your attention. He now lias'
an excellent tinner in his employ.
Van Vactor is doing his share of .the
grocery bustness in this city. He Is oblig
ing and attentive.
Tlie express business of Wells, Fargo &
Co. is getting to be au Immense thing for
this city. '
At the close of the second term of Mr.
Frank Reld's writing school, on Friday
night, the first prize was awarded to J. M.
Allison, an employe of thfc office, ami the
second prize to Miss Belle Cannon. The
first prize was a gold pen and holder, for
the best writing; the second prize was five
dollars cash.
Our new street sprinkler does its work
Try a pair of those kid glove shoes at L.
E. Blaln's, if you want something nice.
The Y.P.C.A. sociable .va3 JArgely at
tended last Friday night.
Rube Saltmarsh makes an excellent
quality of bottled soda, as we know from
having sampled "a few" ot it recently.
See those elegant sots of furniture at
Dunnlng's can't be beat.
Tlie Grange Union Store pays more taxes
than any other store in the city.
Mis. Powell is selling quantities of hand
some bonnets, hats, flowers, ribbons, etc.,
to appreciative customers.
Splendid weather right along the kind
ot weather we shall have till Winter sets
in. Xew comers like it amazingly.
Mr. Bruh has made arrangements to
keep on hand a supply of fresh vegetables
in their season.
John Brlggs is getting ready for ji large
trade in th.ware during the season.
Considerable lawing, keeping our legal
friends busy. ;
The Y. B. Railroad finished and the trip
to San Francisco is made in thirty-six
hours, with fare at less than. half the pres
ent rates.
Rev. Jos. Emery, of Corvallis. held dt
vine services at the Calvary Church in this
city ou Suuday. He is one of our foremost
See financial exhibit ot the city for 1870
on first page.
The last heard from Chris. English was
about to commence work on one of the new
ledges discover d In the Ochoco country.
and he may not return to this city until
tall. .-'
John Parker returned from the Oclioco
mines last week. He is not likely to return
this season. :
Tlte last party who went from Albany to
inspect the Ochoco mines, purchased a lot
of ca mas tinder the Impression they were
securing onions ! They w ill have cut their
mining teeth before they get back, at this
i-ita i
Bil'y Morgan has left ns for a time.
Gone to the country to rusticate.
Physicians tell us there Is considerable
sickness in the surrounding country chills,
bilious fevers, etc.
Win. O. Tweedale has, been fitting np,
painting and otherwise improving the looks
ct his building on First street.
Mansfield & Monteith are getting away
with quantities of job work in good style.
See ad. In tle Register.
Mr. E. Cartwright went to Portland on
Qnlte a number of three-linkers of this
city went to Poitland on Monday, to at
tend tbe sitting of the Grand Lodge and
With the completion of the Yaqnina Bay
Railroad, real estate will advance, popula
tion and wealth will flow in, and Linn
county will be the first instead of tlie third
county in the State in population and
Jas. II. Foster will soon corn me 1 ice the
enlargement of Magnolia Mills. The mill
proper will be rilsed one story higher and
large additions made in tlie shape of wings
to the main building the total involving a
cost of quite a. large sum.
Ad. Edgar, ot the Villard House, went
up to the Dalles on Tuesday.
Walter Ketchttm, J. F. Backensto, Joe
Webber, P. H. Raymond and Harry God-
ley left this city on Monday to attend the
Gtand Lodge ot Odd Feliows. ;
Sir. Forsythe, ot the Capital Lumbering
Mills, Salem, came np on Tuesday even
lug's train, i
Miss Maggie Irvine, of this county, is at
present a resident of Portland.-
J. F. Backensto, Esq., went from Port
land to Astoria oil Wednesday.
W. J. Snod grass was elected, on Tuesday
last. M.W.G, Master of tbe Grand Lodge
I.O.O.F.. of this State.
Rev. Jos. Emery, of Corvallis, went to
Portland on Tuesday. :
See the notice of the Sheriff, in to-day 'a
Register, directed to taxpayers. Read it
carefully and wake np your mind he means
just what be says.
Mrs. Dr.. J. L. Hill took the northern
bound train tor Eastern Oregon on Wednes
day.-, Clyde will probably be left with his
grandpareuts during tbe Summer.
Mr. A. B, Mcllwatn, of Waldo, Jose
phine county, is In tlie city, and thinks of
purchasing property and moving bis family
The ladies of the Congregational chnrch
give a strawberry festival at the Opera
House on the evening of the 25th Instant
next.Friday, and don't you forget It,
There is talk ot a new ice cream saloon
in this city soon.
L. E. Blain Is constantly reoelvinf new
goods In his line. " .
Look af tlie magnificent assortment of
ranges,- stores,, pumps, tinware,' etc!, etc.;
a't McFarland's.
Dr. E. O. Smitn lias painted tils reside BC
in elegant style. ,
Oiir City Treasurer will soort hVe hi
new house ready for occtrpancy.'
The Salem Mercury has donned a new
dress. Bully.
Miss Nettle Sparkx resides near1 Aurora'.'
The first of tbeweejt an Indian. Whd srSi'
walking oi the railroad track was ran over
and instantly killed by a train, two three'
miles this side of Eugene. It is supposed
the Indian was deaf and did hot bear the
Warning signals. The engine was reversed
and everything done to stop tbe train, but"
ail to no' puri6se. . .
1. -. v, v -
A 11C CAVlllAlUil Mini HI!U Kb MVWTm
bridge tb-iiiorrow will be largely attended."
Our hotels are filled to overflowing1 wittt
new arrivals'.- -
Our old friend Maine has been enjoying'
(!) a little round ot rheumatism.'
Little or no cliange in the mar keli, wMch""
are fairly supplied with vegetables, etc.
Miss Isnd ire Brtiigham, who reside near"
Lebanon, has been visiting-In the city duir-"
lug tbc Week".- ' - .v '
Mr. Rnmbaugh Is pntting up a substan
tial residence out on Baker street. A short
distance above, on tins opposite side of t&e'
street, Dr. D. B. Rice is erecting a neat
residence. Baker street will soon be butlf
np clear out to tlie depot.
Oh ! what beaiulful Weathef V
People are crowding into the city frenV
every quarter, purchasing residence In AK
bany and farms in the vicinity. Time
getting better.
On Wednesday Mr. A. B. Mcllwain, of
Waldo. Josephine county, purchased Fred.'
Banty's handsome new bouse, paying near-"
y three thousand dollars therefor. Jar.
Mcllwain will probably remove bU family
to this city during the Summer or Fall.
Mrs. Powell keeps everything In bU ,
bonnets and trimmings, millinery, eU.'
Call and see.
Mr. Strong has opened a little plaee at'
Lew. Royal's on First street, for tbe tale
of poultry, berries, etc.
It yon want chemical paint nf any shade, -
durable and cheap, call at Plum titer's'
Farmers still putting In grain, and wisu'
the present prospect there wont be ware-"
house room for much over half tbe wheat
crop this Fall.
Strawberries getting plentiful la ttiU
market, the starting price being f 1 per gal
lon. Tlieyj'll bo lower.
Mrs. Whit son enjoys a most enviable
position as a first class milliner, her week
showing exquisite taste.
A laundry Is talked of In this city. X"rp-'
crly conducted we tblnk it would pay.
Wheat price are not as red hot as titer
were. - .'
Business genet ally I picking tip a little."
We are crowded with requests to "send
a copy of your paper to my ad? res, a XJ
wish to learn more about Oregon.'
Blue glass plows take the lead amoo
Grangers, all bo wear them getting toor'
dlnatelv wealthy." This may be a harrow"
m w
Ing fact. -j - ,
"Hop Scotch" and "keeps" will soon"
engage tlie attention of tbe street Arab. -
See first page for "flggers."
There are quite a number of people far
f-inis City wno are anxious iu go ns ww
thing that'll pay.
One's expect their new bell by tbe next
ocean steamer.
Ir. Reed, of Indiana, arrived in nor city '
on Wednesday. lie sold out lock, stock'
and barrel in the old Hoosler State, and came'
here to sfay, and we bope will secure a'
farm in Linn county.
F. M. Wadsworth I supplying this mar
ket with luscious strawberries. He re
membered as on Wednesday, for which too"
has onr thanks.
All the grain sown- within the last ten'
days or two weeks would be DeneBUed Vf
a rainfall in fact in some places It It an"
early rain or no wheat to speak of.
Plenty of good butter' now-e-dsr st 90
and 25c a pound. -
The last heard from oar John foe wsis'
If you have farm or city property tor'
sale, now is tbe time to advertise the fact.
and the Register U tbe best adratUloj-r
The trait crop bid fair to b ft coed one'
tbe coming' season.
The weekly meeting of tbe Y.P.C.A .-
will be held this (Friday) evening, bitd
ot to-morrow (Saturday) the. regular meet-"
Ing night.
The young lady who took an overdose of
chloral hydrate through a mistake on Wed-'
nesday evening required close attention t
bring her through.
Mr. Frank Retd, who has been giving
lessons in the art Of. penmanship in this
city, has given more genera! satUUctlon
than any teacher we have tw had.
A goodly number ot onr citizen went to"
Corvallis yesterday, to' akl In breaking
ground for the Y. B. R. R.
. . .. . UST or E47TTEB8
Remaining in the Post Office. Alb r TV
Linn county. Oregon. May, 17th, 187?.
Persons calling for these letter must give'
tne date on wtttcn tney were aaverttsed.
nowell, John F Spear, LD
Humphrey William Robinson, Wm M ' -
Jones, Minerva . Reedv W C
Kerns. Jdeivin weasels, Mr Jmtaae
McGuire, Charles -
FlfiAl.CE AK3 tZtZZtZttf
Gold In New Yotk,
Legal tenders, 93SMK-
Silver coin, P596. . '
Wheat, $1 201 25? bushel.
Oats 500 P bushel. '
Butter, .180 20c f pound.-
Eggs, 15c f dozen. '
Chickens, $2 602?3 00 T doseny
joefon foot, 3o ; pork, do-, ?e nt-
Bacoo Slues, 13c; bams. ISe; should.-
Dried apples, 6c; plums, 13c.
1 whoat market May 15 : Av
erage 12 Mai3s 2d-.cltibl3s 3dS!.3r(J,