The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 18, 1877, Image 2

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Tto Roamania Government
elarcd war against Turkey.
Las de-
Lord Erstin and 3"trcliiones ofLor
t hair are dead.
Senator Ubvioe thinks the President's
Southern policy will consolidate the
Ietnocratk and obliterate the Republi
can party in the South.
In California the enterprising men
who are trying to utilize the desert land
law, and prevent it from being a dead
letter, are called "desert matchers."
Thos. Crapo and wife eailed from
New Bedtord toi London on the 25th
of April in a 13-foot boat, expecting to
make the trip in 40 day?. Another
foolhardy undertnking.
j . i ii .i 1 1 - aw. ...
Yesterday evening began the liveliest
festival in the Jewish holidaya--She-buoth,
the Feast of Weeks. Its origi
nal character wsb that of a harvest fes
tival, bat is now nsed to mark the be
ginning of Summer.
If our citizens will only make np their
minds that the coming 4th of July shall
be appropriately celebrated in this city,
the thing is done, and we will have an
immense crowd hcrcou that day.' Rah
tor the 4tf.
Tdu flrarul CnMRinmAnt fvmvAnml at
Portland, on Monday at 5 p. m. Fol- ,. A Rof"fr to PR-Y ff a
' J . license to start a brewery at Dayton,
owing are me ooicvn civi vr o - . i x amhill county.
T. A. Davis, Portland, M. W Q P.
L. M. Gatch, Salem, M E G II P.
E. 11. Stotte, Portland, RWGSW.
J. M. Bacon. Oregon City, It W G
W. 3. Newbury, Portland. R W G
J W.
E. St. John, Portland, UWQ Representative.
J.S. Becklev was fined $100 and sen-
tenced to 30 days in jail for seilii'2
liquor without license at Dram, Doug
las county.
J. 11. and J. W. Grayson, of libati
on, Indiaiut, have arrived at Dallas, and
will settle permanently somewhere in
Polk county.
Trnlarui nt lht A tvtrinn mslcpa this
Tho R. W. Grand Lodge of Oregon report : "At ten o'clock ou the temh
met at 11 a. m. on Tuesday, and was I inst., the good Lord sent us another
called to order by M W G M. J. N. J.W
Dolph. The attendance was very large, Only one marriage license in Yamhill
. . . . county lor ine raonin oi .-.urn, biii ine
aid the session a most interesting one. . n n. . ....... .1
Kruuin watt I mill rum uuuiiiy hi. tiiai.
Tuesday afternoon the Grand Lodge Where will the rising generation come
proceeded to elect officers for the ensu. from.
ing year, with the following result :
W. J. S nod grass. M W G Master.
II. n. Gilfry, R W D G Master.
John Keuworthy, R W G Warden.
J. M. liacon, K W U benbe.
J. R. Moores, R W G Treasurer.
During the past week there was
great excitement at Baker City over
sotue rich discoveries cf p'acer mines at
Focahoutas. borne 7.200 feet of ground
has already been located.
Jacob Wimer, of Yamhill, has a th'or-
J. F. Backei sto, R W G Represent-1 oughbrace wagon in which the body of
ative. Cien. cauoy was conveyed trmn the Mo.
Th nnnrt. f t.ti. r,,,w? fRr. i " country to K use bur 2. It is marked
shows the Order to be in a flourishing
Respecting Mr, Chandler's last visit
to Harrisburs, where rolls the noble
Susquehanna, some one has written :
If .tbe river Sasquehanua were only filled with
-. rve.
Twoufd so hard wit h Zachaxlah, but he'd drink
Lhat river dry. -c
A rate is quoted at San Francisco tor
war risks' "on merchandise from that
part to Europe by British vessels. It
is but one-half of one per cent., showing
that not mnoh fear is entertained that
Great Britain will engage in the war.
The Porte is said to be exceedingly
angry with America for allowing the
Russian squadron to remain in Ameri
can waters, as Turkey has large sup
plies of arms still to come from New
York. ; , . ;.
John C. Cariwrighi, Esq., has been
appointed collector of internal revenue
tor this State vice O. N. Denny, Esq.,
resigned and appointed consul to Tient
sin, China. Charles DuBois has been
appointed additional inspector of cus
toms at Portland. All good appoint-
roe&ts. -
On the 11th inst., the R (Asians made
a furious attack upon the heights de
fending Batoum, on the land side, occu
pied by B hi Bazouks. Tbe Turks
were entrenched and opened a terrible
and destructive fire from cannon and
musketry, mowing the Muscovites dowu court honse, built of brick.
in several places by bul els.
A task has just been exhumed from
the mud ot Lake Labish, Marion county,
wlitch is fourteen uhes in diameter at
the base and is twelve feet long, termi
nating with a curve. It is plain that
the animal mired there, and search will
be made for the skeleton.
The anuual State meeting of the Chris.
tian church will commence the 14th of
June at Dallas. The grounds are beinir
put id excellent condition.
Union county has jut finished a new
It has am-
by scores and hundreds. The Musco
vites were upon pen ground, and
fought under great disadvantages. The
engagement lasted over eight hours, the
Muscovites lesing 4,000 troops while I iiat stream,
the Ottoman loss was insignificant. The
Turks behaved admirably, as they
should have done, as they were entrench
ed and on high ground. The Russians
fought stubbornly and did not retire till
pie accommodations tor county busines:
and is a handsome structure. I
Jackson county has let a contract to
James Miller to build a bridge aero river at the upper crossing ot
Contract price only 360.
The cost ot a suit in Umatilla cunt y
for the recovery of a mare va'ued at
$100, were $431 04. But perhaps there
was a good deal ot fun tor the money.
James R. Neil ha 'een elected school
director at Jacksonville, in place :t
Almost every boat, says the Dallas
IVibune, brings up immigrants. Some
fro np tne river, some go across into
VVaseo and Umatilla counties. To see
immigrants camping out in the Dalles
is no unusual thing at present.
Who ever before heant'of a Chinaman
stealing a horse.? .A few days ago just
tins thing took place at Klleiisbursr. lie
started tor Crescent City with the ani
mal, but was 'captured. John is fast
learning the arts of civilization.
Last Wednesday night at the Dalles
a man named WiMing, crazed with
drink, attempted suicide. He Hut swal
lowed two ounces ot laudanum ; then
talled himself hi four place in the ab
domen, and then tried to cut his throat,
bul failed in all.
Jacksonville Sentinel: Capt. Caton
informs us that the miners now engaged
in working the Heaver creek cinuihr
mines have likely made another ffike
ot a ledge about tw feet in width and
bearing orj as rich as any yet taken
trom the mine. They are meeting with
splendid success and all parties are jubi
Two hoys named Cooper, living in
Yamhill, got fnli of lighting whisky at
Amity, and on their way home had a
tumble in the wagon together. A man
m;t them who tried to make eace, but
one of them st&tilted him several times
with a clasp knife. The wounds are
not dangerous, but the boys will be
From the Astorian : , TIans Ander
son ot Mishawaka, one of the pioneers of
the Ael aloru valley, informs us that
when that section has 1.000 enterpris
ing families, more available land for an
other 1,000 fiimiiics will he seen, than
the tew now see. Like Tillamook, the
more settlers there are, the more laud
will be found.
A man named Talton T?. Scott escaied
from the Idaho penitentiary a tew days
Isanc Cram, of Clark county, W. T.,
has so d his farm and will remove to
Washington county, Oregon.
midnight. The only .urti-h officer of I John Bilger. deceased, and a five I mill
note killed in the fight was Khad Ber, tax has beeu leied to support the puU
maiorof imffulars. I lie school.
1 " a ,? , , i .
t : . i i i n man inmeu oihck, who nas noi
I Tftt irrit'HI lima Ivon iiu)liitpil I hr kiic-
worstea m an tne tate nghts, ana the cessorotGeuSpragneiiithesnj)erintend
heart of the Turk is cheered according, ency of the Pacific division of the
j I Northern Pacific Railroad.
Turkish ionrnals advocate the massa. The managers ot the Northern Pacific
- . .. . I virv rwvut.lvst Rismarflf Halfula husl;.
nra nr I ; I hprn m irra.t nn. I . J ' "
" I tug over the ground with a view tti ex-
easiness among me Europeans at t-on- tending the road west of the Missouri
Durable, Beautiful, "Water-Proof, Elastic and
It ts equally as good
n tact where any
riiU Piitnt Is mixed renrly for use, requiring no Oil or Thinner.
for tnsirlu na i,tcS.lA nl.l vvnrk A Well MS lltV 2
piilnr can be ue.l thn AVERILI. PAINT will be toniid superior to any
other. Any one cm applv it who van use a hrnsh, which truly
makes it the POPULAR PAIMV
For Further Information send for Sample Card, Circular and
Prlce-Llst to
Srusr?ist as& Sealer ia,
Valuable XSnildinCT
Dwellings or Business flosses,
SITUATED In the traslnewi prt of the dry
two lots, in block Nn. 3. in TliacItT of Alba
ny, Oregon, on the corner of Ferry n& Waler
atreein, near t tin city Mills, ntembot ;
and O. A C. ft. K. Size of lout :
lOO r? on Ferry street
132 feut on Water street,
I with buildings thereon.
f" Tn..l . 1 . . . , . .
Albany. Or., Jan. 20. 1877-18V9
First Street,
1T7'ILIJ KEEP IX STOCK a full line of the above
Vt and COLORS.
Hie largeud- tsnth'osiastio meeting
"tieWf at Corvallis the other day, in the
interest of the Yaquina Bay Kailroad,
is convincing evidence that tbe citizens
of Benton county to a man are not only
eommitterf to the enterprise but are de
tcrmiued it shall be a Euocess. At the
meeting mentioned it was resolved to
break ground, inaugurate this great im
provement, on the 17th yesterday.
While the citizens of our sister county
are fully alive to the grand results to
be brought about by tbe successful com
p let ion of this railroad, we' of Linn
county should also be awake to oar own
interests in tho matter. A means ot
sure and cheap transportation of the pro
ducts ot the Central Valley such as the
Yaqatna Bay Railroad would secure,
should be ot greater interest to the citi
zens of Linn county than even to those
ot Bentpiv because we have a much
greater area of grain producing land
tbaa is. possessed by our suiter county
and this is saying nothing detrimen
tal to Benton county. Lino county is
tbe largest grain producing county in
. the State; her capacity for producing
grain runs up into the millions of bushels,
sod she needs but such a cheap and sore
line of transportation for her products to
tbe Seaboard to fully develop ber almost
unbounded resources.. The completion
ot railway connecting this city witb
the Pacific pecan' with links, of Iron,
would make Albany . the great- i&laod
city of the coast.
With this road completed, oar wheat
to-day would command about one dollar
and fifty cents per bashet, right at borne;
while the annual saviDg to the farmers
of Linn county, on the ; wheat product
&!oie, coasting on no increase in produo-
json, would amount to three quarters of
a- million 'dollars. These figures are
within bounds, rather an under, than an
over-estimate. Whila it would.- aid.
largely ia the development of oar sister
otstiy. it would prove equally beneSaitl
to Lisa said -all the adjacent ; counties.
Bat wo have sot tho space to give io
4etsH &U tho advantages; to Secrae to
it Centra! Valley -they are potent to
ill. We lave the scocsxipli&bment of
l . ' tHs ' gmod improvement : io : our .. owb
tin..! a, Of r people are not blind to
t: ni'v own irtteretii. It is &s appeal to
t'. rxxl i-t. VAta it w save millions;
. k- .-r'i iu ars u& mercy a
" 1 ", - i c: of 'Y 'ifivg every aid to that
stautinople, ai.d many are leaving.
The Khedive is watched. It is inti
mated that he will prove traitorous to
Turkey should she meet with reverses
at the outset ot the war, as Russia has
made him advances.
Tbe Russians have exchanged the or.
dinary flag1 or banner for one bearing a
double Greek cross, carried only when
the war in a riligions one.
While Miis Bettie McCarver, of
Tacoma. was returning Jme!'rin Port
land, her pocket was picked ot'hcr purse
containing a considerable sum otmoncv
Bar mining on Snake river is prosjier-
ons. jNear tr ayne s terry, ou ti.e ver-
laixi ruaa, mere are locaiilieit which tor
several years nave yieiuea iianaeome
At the town e'ection at Tacoma last
Jtngland tias oraerea purchase ot chwen trustees: J. W. Ackerw.n. A
a hundred thousand head ot catt'e, it is
The RuHsians succeeded in sinking a
Turkish ironclad before Ibrail. The
Turks refused to go to the assistance of
the sinking vessel, while the Russian I he attributed
did all thev could to save life. Anoth. Chamberlain.
er evidence of Turkish barbarity and
Russian magnanamity.
The Austrian and German ambassa
dors have embarked for Cotwtantmople.
Roumanian representatives left Con
stantinople Saturday.
Walter", D. B. Hannah, iJenry I Jams
dell anil J. w. 13oweri.
In Boise couittv, Idaho, on tlie 40
inst., Iiaisey ti. C'tiamlieriaiii was cliot
and killed by C. B. Mtwher. The wife
ot the latter had sued for a divorce. and
the estrangement to
Itiliotitor of vnst wwilih :m- provprhlallv
siieiifl-ilirit'K. Thf soldou ore i lii2 trom
thetiiiiie. rt-tliutl. :n l coined, bv the llnr
of otlit-r ti:iii(l-i and theswent of otlwr brow.
Like cliiiilren with mi expenlve
toy. llit'3' tan form no ju-t estimate of its
value. Wliwi tlie 4lonor weilieil ft. he
cat into tlie iKilaiH-e so many ilays of unre-
inittme and faiitrmnjr foil, so many anxion
and sleepless ni-llits. Ri nincli s-if-detiial.
and so mtivh care. But the Inheritor into
hi balance throws only pleasure. The
one. values if ny wnat it cost nun ; tne otn
er. t"r what it will purchase. Like the
prodisal hi the Scripture parable, he
thoughtlessly "spends il to cratislv the
ea price and cm vings f his nature. Then
comes the tast scene the misery, the re
morse, and the lour; am; wearisome journey
hack to the home of frugal industry. But
there are other prodigals. On her favorites
our bounteous iir-iit. XaMire. has I ivi-1u-1
her richest treasure hetilf h. lint the prod-
iipil vahiis It. lhjhtlv. frit cost him nanjihf.
nul reckle--lv siiiiamiHr- if in riotous liv-
iiijl. Ires'nr pleasure obscure futme
want. Siuu the curtain rises on the last
.scene. We see him helpless, impoverism-u
the rich treasures of bndv and miml all
lost. in to him the mirror of memory. In
Mis own reckless folly he perceives the iMUse
of his pre-ent puhi." He. resotvesto return.
Tbe journey i lonjr ami fettions. lint, it Im
perseverinsly follows the riiflit road he will
at leiiih see the 1 im veil of his hopes in the
distance, and Xa lure, seeing her invaiid
child a tar oil", will come out to meet him.
and receive him hack with love and hlesa
Insr. To Hi id the risjht road houiewml, tlie
suttering prmligal -hoiii.l rend The Peo
ple Common Sense Medical Adviser."
'I'herein it is co npletely 111:1 .hmI out. ir
landmarks ah i:idicfil anl its iiitlestoues
all nnmhered. Reail it. Price fil 50 (por
aw prepaid). Address the author and pub
lisher, K. V. Pierce. M. I) . ButTilo. N. Y.
IT io me 101 il 01 juiy.
At tbe stable of A- If. MARSH Alt, Albany, Tncsdny P. M., Vt edoesdajr mna Tbtin-
a y a. !- or neii weeK. . . .. .
At the tabl uf HtMrn. Bean Sc Davidson, Salem, Friday P. Satorday and
JIidHr A. M. of eacn weM.
TEEMS-Twentj-flve dollars V. S. gold coin tbe season, due at tbe end of the season.
Sew TcDajr.
The iron for tlie Puyallun railroad.
received by the City of Panama, has
all heen laid, completing tho new road
tor a diKtaice ot alxiut 4J mile. An
other fhipmeut will be received by the
FteaniFhtp Dakota thw wee.
Editorial correnpondence Seattle Dig-
To the Taxpayers or Linn Co.,
i Orcson :
The British ironclad squadron will natch: Theanaiitv ot the wheat irrowu
arrive at. t'ors oaia on ine xoin 01 oiay. u, the Uolumbia batu is fully explained
v . m - I .. 1 .a
It ik believed the feeryptian eovnment 1 ny tne rernaric a 1'urtiaiKi Daker mane
will be able to send 10,000 troops to I to me one day last week. In rep'y to a
Turkey. 1 question a to how Walla Walla flour
The circular ot Count Andrawv to i 'mpajea win. that produced 111 tneyon,
Austrian representative- atmd an De " Pu or ,' n "ol l"'
ronn v CoiiFi, n' tlie renlHr Mav term
'thereof, male a sxetal or ler itireclinu m to
Imme liiely rawel nivi col loot all injees oef
linqnent or'nn'ml 1 at the nresnnt time, and a
I do no wish to make vou iiv ex'm eost. I
take till metbo 1 of informing on of t he neces-
Bltv or "nvinj? yor taxes at tte enritei thispi
ble moment. f J. R. HERTS EX,
May 18, 177. Sheriif Linn Cottnty.
Grand Railroad
, SsouTsion and Picnic,
noanco that Austria wi'l consider any
declaration ot independence by Koum-
ania null and void.
MouTkhtar Pasha acks rein f orcetne n t.
McKillop Pasha haa been entrusted
by the Kliedive to prevent interruption
of the pawage or the buez canal.
Russo-Servian diplomatic negotiations
have been transferred from Belgrade to
to either the Oregon (Mtv or Milwaukie
flour, but 1 can get thirty poundx more
Dread out ot a barrel ot Walla Wal a
flour than of any other brand."
Seattle Dispatch : The acreage in
grain in Washington Territory for 1877
ia double that ot any previous yar.
The Walla Wa'Ia valley will hip thir
ty thousand tons of wheat thin year and
. 1 o ... - t i, . ,
me owiimmiMi nam win seiKi away mx
' - . ON -
Sunday, May 27th, '77
Blnstc by 2 Aurora Brass Bands.
Ct. 1'eteroDurg, owing to the conancl ot thousand tons of The value of
the Russian t oiimiI General toward our grain lands is becoming dailv more
Fnme Minister Kistio. apfiarent, and the tide of immigration
ihe orst olass ot the militia lias re. I wdicii sets tnm way aminaantiv iiiw
ceived orders to be in reafines. provid- how we are beginning to be appreciaitd
d wito tour days provisions. I abroad, i ne way in which jeop e are
Tlie exportation of corn and beef fT" trotn KUo" Wa,la Walla,
from Servia haa been prohibited faom "" ',r w "" "UT. rsB"-
Belgrade. ' j two more years ro.l over.
I Dlrmnia tVrt
The following is taken from the Sa- whilo theShelton brothers were traj
lem Record. Names of the parties are I pine on the Satsop, they ki led a large
well known, but tor the present are cougar which liad been the terror of the
suppressed : - settlers of that section for some time, he
. ... being more than anxious to obtain hu-
n .v...gBn,u, .o.Bb,L...,i nsKjuHs njB forameal. fie once attacked
come to light, the details of which we I DIln while at work spading a piece of
t. lts-ieruav morn- I Krumxi, wlien the man rtrnck him with
ing one oi our best Known Marion conn- I Uie pade, sp itting his noso and inrlicU
J woo nu cuiHiren a i iug asvere woutHls on the cougar's head,
langfareweil and left thera, as lie said, I at tlie roi time bending the stde al-
"7";. '-'y 6 nw ww ana t mof doutle. The cougar wlien killed
m rem uwi nia iut many years ne nau i tfte same marks.
ovoa, oorresjionuing wuo uis crssiove.
Tickets for rontrl trtr an'l a lmfcwion to Pa-k
i A'ln!tan't chlltren over 12 years tl 50
Chlldr'wi fi'om8o 12 SO
'Children under 6, five
No Tins or ex-eiie nre I to make this tbe
gran dent picnleof me season.
itdrThe Portlan l Tnrn Verein iu- charnred
a sTwcial ti"atn to ena'il frien'1 from lie Wil-
lomett-.vally to iiwut their frion lsat Anmra.
it rrain win iwive Atoany nepot at so-cioov
A. M., renrmn!j are 31.
&TTickuta to be obtained otBIyor Hams.
PaSaUonaTrle HiUinsry
First Ktrttet, Ainany, Oregon.
Bonne-is. Hii'B. etc. rervlateo n'yles. trim.
tneii an't nnirlmrae l. Flowers, Feahr. Ri
tion, etc., e'e, iveiiy wkfk, ' tne more on
Flrt tret lately oronnlerl ny Mrs. S'evens.
The laJie are in vlte.1 10 gle a call... 33v9
I 1, - ,
N. IIEXTOX, 31. D.
5 STJ2GB01T.
the eltv ot Alhnjr..nrl ei.tered unoo-the
thirtt-fibst rear of hi iiractlce, rt-miecf fullv
tenlera his nrofess ional services to the citizens
of Al'ainv anl snrmuii'llnar coiinti-v. om-s-
at- the City lrog Store. Itusiaenoe on Ftrat
who lives ir California. She is now a
widow and bids him come to her, and
in response, be cruelly leaves his family
and started, as above stated, to follow
her wicked beokotuW. Bti-ange infatu
ation, that such a man, honored and re
spected in the community iu which he
lives, should, by this act, forever cast
himself cutsKfe of the pale of respecta-
The tieaesserv papers, say t!e Plain-
dealer, incorporating the Myrtle Creek
Farmers and JUecliauic s Meioiiautile
Association, were tiled in tf ijeoreuiry
of state's office on the gth uift. The
incorporaten number some ten or twelve
of the most suheuiitial farmers aiKl bus.
ines men of Myrtle creek. The capital
stock is valued . at $8,000 in shares of
P.0GEHS 8s SSaAgFOHO, Proprietors.
kj Le tinon .
Only flrat class honse In ths city. :
Free coach to and from the house.
32 v9
bilitv and east a shadow over tbe life of eacn
tm(ini tvmHAirxr vi&. anrl ninM liia I All tDeTSOnS who Wish to loin the Par-
ehildren to hang tfir heads in shame ty that will ascend Mount Hood on the
r - - m. a. ... I.Ja-aTlaV Z 711 f - -
wltcnever their lathers name suau Here- - ot a uiy, w Kiv au uiumiuatiou inai
aftef fee mentioned. mght, are reqnestea to meet at bum nut
. , , , . ' . j Frame, near the base ot the mountain,
Tbe Methodist are preparing to erect I July 2d. The party from Dalles and
a church building, at New Tacoma. j Tygh valley will be on hand.
Albany Farmers' Company.
MOTtCBis hereby ?lven to the stock hoi dent
jL- i. m ine Aimnj r armers- jo., mat tnere will
lie itneetlfur of the atocklioldurs uf said Com
pany at theirofti- in the city of Alhnnyon the
lftth dav of Mav. 1877. at the hour of onAnVlni-ir
P.M. of sold day. for I he purpose of electing
Seven Directors of t his Company to act as such
for the next wisninu year, an-l such other bus
iness as may come oeioro tins company,
full attendance la desired.
J. F. CK A WFOBD, President
D. MANSFirxD, Sec. - n31v9t3
I have some pnre Jevsev cattle for sale. Every family that keep a cow should have a Jersey,
ha I.
or at least a half hjiod. Parties that have useatheni will not do without them If they are to i
i. ni-ii in Anril T will lacii- a fircniar with fine enenvinira nf mv mre n4 hones. view of my
allies, wiih'a hUtorvof the Pei-cherong, and why they are preferred to other large horoea ;
some hints on Invetllng ; the demand for large horse in Kurope and America, ex. They will be
sent on nntmoHMon.
March 23, lS77-vn26
"W'e Have
tensive Job Frintlne ICstablishmenta
of the "State Rights Democrat,' and tbe
"Ainanv Jtegis er," w art prepared to
execute in first-class style,
All klnOs f
Of Every Description.
Or f
Bill's of Fare.
Mountain. Balrn?
the: btgst remedy in the
R II E U M A T I S 31 .
Pe)eot-fl and ealliered on t'lesptir of the
Sierra Nevailn Mountain. TIib leal foil tic
In th hotter climates, when dry. contains
titty per tvnt. of resin or gold coJoml gnrn.
lln nrotwrlic of w liii li nrestininlst ngand
lieuling. m ul e.-iMH;i;illy ndaptwf to tlie
wants of flu system in case, of Lung uia-
en-HS iiml Rlii'iiiiiMtisiu.
Tlie liigli estimate wlncn the panlsn
IiI.-uihI upon it on ai-t onnt of its medicinal
qtialilies i nianitest from tlie name they
ppive to it, many vers ro Yerbasama,
or "Herb of the Saints." Tlie natives ot
Soutlierii Oregon and Nortlieni Oillfornia
liave ned it imniemorially a a Rheumatic
remedy. The white iopulaiioii In the re
wion where it grows hive used hikI prized
. . , . i ; i
it as a thro:if aim mug ineint-uie. rr
time thev called it Tiling Weed; hut give
valuable' testimonials as to iu virtues in
curing Rlieumatisin.
W lien vou ipen one of our packages,
keep ir excluded from the air as much as
I liave usfl it in my family for four or
five years, and regard it as one ot the best
family medicines we ever used. A tinct
ure is nianufxcturcd from if in Cincinnati,
and sold at 75 cents per ounce. A single
one of our packajres make eight miiu-es ot
tincture. vhich is worth 5. Tlw shrub
ftom Mhich this valuable nedichw t gatli
eretl. is rinlv feind iu a narrow tielt of
country in Southern Oregon, and along the;
Sierra Nevada Mountains, and is supposed
to have been gal tiered from Mount Gilead
thousands ot years xgo, and the gu.n ex
tracted and fold in Egypt and in Tire be
fore the times of Solomon.
Dr. Xioklln, ot Eugene City, says :
"Your Balm is one ot the best preserved
herbs I ever paw. and is worthy of a higticr
price than you put upon it."
Rev. 8. K. Raymond, of Oakland, Ore
gon, says: -I went to California to recov
er from Consumption. The Doctors there
gave me up, anil told me if I had any
friends I wished to see I had better go and
see them, as I could live but a little while
longer. On my way to Oregon I com
menced using Moiv.tain Balm; it helped
ine; I continued its use until it cured me of
tlie disease." :
Mr. W. T. ; Osborne, of Eugene City,
says : "I know a young man who speared
to be in the last stages of consumption,
and by using Mountain Balm or Yerbasan
ta he became a healthy young man."
Joseph P. Moore. Ksq of Mllville. Cal..
s-ys : I.have been acquainted with the
shrub known as Yerbasanta for 20 years,
ami know it to lie a very valuable medicine,
both for the Lungs and' Rheumatism."
Mr. Kimball, ot Kimball & Welton, Red
Bluffs. Cal., says; -I have been awquaint
t d with the shrub known as Yvrbasauta,
for many years and kuow it to be a great
Lung medicine."
I loft Missouri with the consumption.
Reached Rock Point, Jackson count v, Or
am! was taken down. I took a tincture of
Mountain Balm, and chewed the leaf more
or less, and in four or live days it cleaned
out my lungs luuulsomely, and I resumed
my journey ; and now. alter several
months, mv lungs still seem well.
A. B.C. i
E3For sale at the drug stores of Bell it
Parker, and John Foshay. 7v9
Cards of all Kinds and Colors,
Para plil cfs,
Blank Checks,
and Deeds.
Latesl and Most Reliable In
formation aKr i lie BLACK
HIL.LS, Northern Wnuini(
anil I lie urt-at Indian War
will alwavn ie lound in tne
Oldest Laruest, Cheapest
in Tne gi I J and BKST PA-
Chevfnne j? A FEB in Wyo-
Established in 1867. I'ftfly, la 7-y7f
nionth-SlOa year. Weeklv, H 1 1 1 &
too. 1 6 mo. f 1.50 1 year. 2.50 JLJL- t tJ
single copy, 10 cts.
U. Glaj-ckk, Pnbllsner, Cheyenne, Wyo.
AVEKY EE5IHABLE business lot 66x100 feet
on tho corner of Sconil and Washington
t reel , AHwny. Also. Engine, Boiler and H.
chiner-, together wlih a lot. of fnrniinre, bid
dors, wheel harrows, harrows. Ac. Ac, all io be
sold off ehean for ca"h. in ennsennence of re
moval on nccount of sickness. Knquire on the
premises of I'l.TN AM A CO.
Albany, Jan. 19, 1877-nl7
AND , v : :
All Important Farts maio cf IliCIT,
&nl SuraTale as Iron can es.
Established 1S70.
! '
TSIc-vj Xocatioxx
rice? R.oomo9
TJcitj Sfocls and
THE CNPERSIGXED hartnff pnrchased the
entire s ock of A. Carol bers A Co., and
placed It under the management of Or. Ts . Hen
ton, late of Iowa, assisted hy . B. Henton,
who are now reflttirwr an't adding extensive
additions of new stock, and fr jin their long ex
perience and thorough knowteOire of the Busi
ness in all its varied departments, feel assnred
tltat, we shall be able to render full sal lnlaction
to all who mav favor ns with fhetr patronage.
Our prescription Uoirtmnt wil" at all timus
lie conducted by tiwii eminently qualified lor
the rcaponsi'e mi important work.
We cordlallv invite the citizens of Albany
and BiirronndhiB country, when in need of any
thinir usiUitly kcjh in urai-cia- unw iiousum io
call on us. corner of V ret and Ellsworth streets.
Albany, Feb. 43, 1877.
C. W. BiiAW.
Groceries, Teas, Froris'ns.
CoOees, Npiees. Drlel t'rolts. &eM 3t (
B3T Everything nice and fresh, JKJ
n31v9 :r - i
' -mm.
Tbe Fine Soadater Stellton,
hib. and weiRus about 100 iounds. Was
aired by Old Vermont, one of the fastest road
sters that ever trod the PHoiflo coast, Snd can
show the fastest stock. His datu is a Morgan
and Messenger, and produced fine horooa, one
of which sold, at fonr years old, for S2JMI0 ; one
yearling sold for M) and one three year old Is
worth sl.ouu.
VERMONT will bo found at my farm, six
miles south of Albany, from tbe flrat of April
until the 15th of July. 1877. Terms-20 the
season, payable at the end of the season. Pas
ture free to mares from a distance.
March 30, 1877-Mv M. TLT7PEB.
Afijuatatla to any roiuirel
wnilo In aotisn.
Iff over Cloers or Cnokes on Ctu'b'blo er
"Trasiy" GrouadL
Arrans;eI for two. three or four horses abreast
fuiuhtest iraft lUachlne in use.
Covers and cuts ail ihuKiound.
Ill t
Bi-oadcaHt beedera w
grain, wet or dry.
sow all kiutfa or
I ask every farmer to examine my Seeder sn4
Cultivator Deiore putx-bnin an VaHtcm )
cbine. For lurtber particulars addi-Kwa.
Ilarrlsbarg. Orcjon,
February 9, 1S77-2P9 . ' "
Notice or Final Setllcment.
FBOMAN. AdminiMrntorot" Uw Mail .
J. C Oraves, deceased, lias Died in t ho i'oiint v
Ctoaevt of Linn county, Orv-Kon. his final ncoouKfc.
for settlement of nald etate. and Ibe naicl mui-t,
fca appointed Friday, t he Slh day of April, iw r '
st the hour of one o'clock: In the afternoon tth
mid rfuy for heaiiusr obltMtons to eattl flnaj u.
count and the settlement thereof.
Hnmphrey Hewitt. Atts. Administrator
Si arch f ltfn.aivwl .
.. 'i . roR-"
. - Neatly executed,
Call af the Register CZto
1 -