ALBANY, OREGON, MAY 11, 1877". AXSWh'RS TO COTtliESroXSEXTS. A gentleman writing from Hampton', Iowa; under date of April 24th, pro pounds a number of questions with re gard to this city, Linn conuty, etc., stating that a great number of citizens of that section desire to emigrate to Or egon, and therefore are anxious to ac quire information as to the most desira b'o location. We shall attempt to an swer each question as propounded, very briefly, however, as our space in limited. Taking up the questious ir. rotation, the first is : . "lbany population, school? ,church es, etc." Albany has - a . population of over 3,000. We have a fine large College, with a corps of able teachers ; three good district school houses, employing a number of first grade teachers, besides a number ot private schools, aU of which are well atteuded. We have seven church edifices, to-wit : IJaptist, Pres byterian (IT. P,), Congregational, Meth odist, Episcopal, Evangelical and South ern Meho4sT.''l Ee "Christiau Church may erect an edifice during the Snni iher. There is also the Young People's Christian Association, which has rooms iu a fine new brick, where meetings are to be held regularly in the future. "The price ot land improved and unimproved." Land varies in price according to quality and location. Laud in the im mediate vicinity of the city is held as high, generally, as similarly situated lands, in the Eastern States, say from $25 to $50 per act e. We do not be lieve there is any real good land in the .Willamette Valley that can be bought at Government prices. Prairie land generally commands from $10 an acre upwards, while heavily timbered lands (generally rplendid wheat land when cleared) can bo obtained at a lower fig ure. There is no vacant land in the Willamette Valley that is at all valua ble now. The day for cheap land has gone by in this valley ; and while there are still numerous bargains to be obtained in farming lauds, improved and unimproved, tho prices asked for the lands will appear large to Eastern people generally. You can come here and purchase land that will produce the finest wheat, and other small grains, in the world, the crops cevetjiail from any cause whatever, but no grain land can be purchased at Government prices. "What kind of climate'?" ; Salubrious -neither extremely warm nor xtremely coid. We have little or , no dhow for sleighriding or ice on which to skalo 'during the Winter in the val ley. The Winter is generally more or oss rainy, while Summer and Fall turns out. the finest weather in the world it can't be beat anywhere with just fenough raiu to mature tho growing crops. "How is the fruit?" Pretty well, thank you, especially ap ples, in the production of which Oregon stands at the top ot tho heap, the big " red apples of Oregon taking the premi I urn over the world. Pears, plums, cherries, etc., are produced in unlimited measure, and for size and flavor can not be excelled anywhere. Peaches are not a "dead sure thing" in the valley, but grow and flourish in Southern and Eastern Oregon. Grapes, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc., are prudaced in abundance and of the best quality , "What is the yield of wheat per acre? Can corn be grown there ?" The general average is probably 22 bushels per acre, although a good many of our writers put it much higher.- It is uo uncommon thing to hear of wheat- fields 'lot fifty and one hundred acres turniDg;oat 25 basbels per acre, while 30 to .45 bushels are often reported Corn not only can be but is produced here every .year, in small quantities. However there are better countries for the production of corn than the Wil. lamctto Valley. - "What are the wages of mechanics?" Carpenters, $3 per day ; painters $2A; plasterers,- $4 j masons, $5 ; farm hands about SI per day. There is no better country than Oregon lor the man with small capital, while the mail with the necessary muscle and will to labor, will get ahead in time. fTwo nations strictly bankrupt Lave commenced a war in which failure ot credit must bring defeat to either," is the way the N, Y. Tribune comments n the war now raging between Russia and Tuskey Therefore it is that Has ftia proposes to take Immediate measures to "put down" those speculators who p-opose to "shave" her money fifty per ccut. ','''' '-- -'.:.- THE WAR JX J A PAX. Very little attention has been paid to the rebellion in Japan which has been raging for some time. One reason for this is the Mikado has forbidden or dis couraged the transmission of any news with regard to the progress of the fight. The insurgents occupy but a small por tion of territory, yet after several months the Government torcas have been una ble to dislodge them. The greater por tion of the country is quiet, yet there seems to le an undercurrent ot dissatis faction that may break out eventually into open revolt. Larze numbers of Government troops have been killed, and the number ot wounded exceeds the capacity of the army hospitals to care for, and appeals have been made for the organization of Volunteer Sani tary. The Mikado may not be in dan ger, but the situation causes a feeling of uneasiness. Tho Mikado has inaugu rated a liberal and enlightened policy in Japan, and we should be sorry to see him go to the wall. . Tho Jacksonville Times reports unu sual religions interest in that section, many conversions to the various church es being made. Last Sunday several recruits to the Baptist church were im mersed in Rogue river, near Thomas Chavner's new 'bridge, in the presence of a large assembly. Rev. M. A. Wil liams also received a nnmbcr ot ladies into his church a few days ago, while other creeds report accessions to their ranks. II. K. S. Meyer, who committed sui cide at Walla Walla a tew days since, left this note : "I have no friends only those who are hungry after my money, and I have no more money. I am bet ter off out of the world. I will atone He swallowed U.ST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office. Albany, Linn county, ' Oregon,- May, 10th, 1S77. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Akkermau. FeiUe ' Giles, S J Andrews. John Isom, T,owell Barton, Miss Majrgie Kendall, Joseph W Heck, Andrew P Kirkham. Johu Blitz, Julius Jdattie, Miss Uotr. John K Metlermed Lnciuda CaiHW.iv, Kiehard Clark, Patrick Pnine. A J Garett. J L. Grant, Mrs T. B P. II. TtAYMOXD, P. M. Iteul, '1'homns O B iibell. Claude Thorhas. J II Williamson, MrsSS A picnic will be given at Robert's bridge on Saturday of next week, when Prof. Powell and others will deliver addresses. The Villard hou3e is being fitted np in elegant style by Messrs: Odeneal and Ed gar. ' To cut nails on Friday is a sign of ill-luck. Carpenters should remember this, and be Durable, Beautiful, Water-Proof, Blastio and . Economical. WAR XEWS. Anotner victory is repncd -fcr the Rusia"f between liars and Erzeroum, with 1,400 Turkish prisoners. A London correspondent writes that the army clothing factory at Pimlico is worked without iotermission, and that there is a general belief among military and naval circles that England is on the brink ot war. Arrangements have been made tor the embarkation of 25,000 men within six hours it necessary, and of 20,000 more within a fortnight. The opinion prevails ia. England that the Eastern war will be of long duration, and will eventually involve other nations than Russia and Turkey. To-day Sheikul Israal is to solemnly bless the Sultan as leader of the holy war. The independence of Roumania was to ave been declared on Wednesday last, according to dispatches, alter which war will be declared. to God for the deed prnsic acid. It was another case or j careful in making purchases. strong dridk. He was titty years ot age, t i ilhiliuo. i l . in and a cheese-maker by trade. He had j- ciy TO'lay. ' served in the Prussiau'and English and ' ZTTt" 1 '. T777" nite i btates armies. ,., 'rwi., i, ............ A citizen ot Jackson county writes : t to attract public attention to" his wonder- We have in Jackson and Josephine j ml (?j feat s as n prestuhgttateur, and le- countiesone hundred thousand acres of j P .'" P""" "V of hand performer, but as a gentleman ot This Paint is mixed ready for use, requiring no Oil or Thinner. It is equally as good for inside as outside work ; over old work as well as new ; in tact where any paint can be used the AVERILT PAINT will be round superior to any other. Any one can applv it who can use a brush, which truly makes It the POPULAR PAINT. Condensed Lightning. Nicholas McCoy, an Oregon cattle dealer, was "confidenced" out of $5,000 is New York on the 7th. American Fenians are again agitat ing the liberation of Ireland! Henry Sawyer, tor twenty-three years consul in South America, recently deceased South Carolina is to form her white rifle clubs into militia companies of six ty men each. . A steamboat boiler explosiou at New Orleans the other day, kilted fourteen good gravel miues, as good as any on the continent. Ihe grave! was are from twenty, to one hundred feet deep, with gold in every pan from the top to the bed-rock. And there is water enough and fa1! to work tliem. j lut we are waiting for capital to make ditches. What lew capitalists we have here will not take any chances for fear they cannot get away to Oakland, Cal." Joseph Gale, who first came to Oie gon in 1828, is still living. Hispresent residence is in Eagle valley, Union coun ty. He is 76 years of age. Is he the same from whom Gale's creek in Wash ington county was named ? Of thirty tour men who came out in his company to the mountains, only he and James Bridger survive. From the East Oregon ian : Tho wool product of Umatilla county will exceed the amount heretofore estimated 1,250.000 lbs. and will not fall short of 1,500,000 so we are informed by those best calculated lo judge. The average yield per head will be at least 20 per cent, greater than last year. This is owing to the fact that our flocks have been pastured on green grass all winter. A wom3n in Po'k county who has been married fourteen years has never purchased a paper of puis or needles, or linen collars. lien the was married, her thoughtful mother gave her a paps r of pins, a package ot needles and one dozen collars, and she still has pins, needles and collars on hand. Jav Beach has arrived at Fort Klam ath with his lot ot fine thoroughbreds, imported direct from Kentucky. They high-minded respectability he seems to have been defrauded ot the least scintilla, as he shows n willful disregard of the finer ft-eliiig-4 and sensibilities ot the respectable class '(f citizens attracted to hi show by hallucinating inducements. One would suppose trom circulars scattered abroad that iu visiting ids entertainments nothing would he offered that would be in the least exceptionable to refined taste; but once there you are liable to have forced upon you gross insults in the shape ot cowardly, base, contemptible, depraved jests, revolt ing in the extreme to the morals of a re spectable commuuily. such as was the case in the presentation of presents to his pat rons last Monday evening'. Taylor's show attracts a certain hoodlum element, "with whose tasles his own most naturally assim ilate, and who appear to appreciate his low wit to the fullest extent. With such an element, and wilh tiiose who count the favor of such, citizens who have any re gard for public morals and common de- eenev. should show their decided disappro bation bv simply letting them seek their own level and rely upon it. for their snp- I .port.' It is in the interest of public morals that this is written, that the respectable members of society may not be duped and unwillingly insulted. ISelah. For Further Information send for Sample Card, Circular and Price-Ost to Druggist and. Bealor ia p m i m Hi 1 1 o i a si ji d IkJi galiVfJ i& bwm i way ' FOR SAt,H ! Valuable JBnildiner ZjOTS z loto X SUITABLE FOB ' Dwellings or Business Hottses, SITUATED In the business part of the city two lots, In block No. 8, in the oily of Alo- . ny, Oregon, on the corner of Ferry nl Water streets, near the Citv Mills, steamboat lAndlnj Size of lots: lOO feet on Ferry street . 132 feet on Water street, with bulldlnps thereon. Inquire on the premises for particu' rs. THOS. J. SAFKOBD. Albany. Or., Jan. 2, 1877-18vB JOI3 I? RINTING. JOB PR NUNG Xix-st Street, ALBANY, OREGON. "W1LI KKKP'lX STOCK a full line of the above PAIST, In Af.L SIZK3 T T ami COLOKS. - 6apr3in r - ATTENTION, STOCK MEN ! HAVrXG PURCHASED THE Ex tensive Job Printing ICstablishmenta of the "State Hijjhts Dem;rat," and tbo "Albany Jiegia er," Wo are prepared to execute in first-class stylo, PKOJIPTLY &. KCASOIVABLT, All kind of BOOK & JOB if "HW W: Lj. J. POWELL, i; IK iad a rough trip, being eiuhteen day MRS, Fr.sMcnahlo Hilllassy S Firit Strret, Alhanj. Orison. R" Kf'KIVES NKW 1-1SES OF MII.I.IXERT, i;oiiiifl, Il:iit. etc., very latent si yle, I rim--in anil rmlrimme'A. Flower. FojiT-h1!', Rib bons, etc., ere, evkry wki:k, at tbe store on Fii-t st met Intel v ocenpierl bv Mrs. Stevens. , The la ites are invited to sive mo, a call. 33v9 ;:: IV. 12 KSTO, 3SI. 15., P2IYSICIAST TT AVINTr PKRMANF.NTf.Y TAXWTKD IX XI. tlieoiiy f Aibiiny. ami ci.tcierl upon Hie THiKTY-FiuhT year if lit- practice, it-siwil fully trivlers bis prrft"sionitl services to the citizens rf Al'mriv nff! stiri-otimliutr r-onntrv. OFFICE On the cars, but Stood it Well. Thisim- at Hie City Irti? Store. RcsiJence-on f!frrft ' 1 iroi.t ni"lv . . f - V f . J - - portanon is one 01 me unet ever ma'io XIARKY BOOFH.S. JAMES Sf'TtAFFOKD. AfflEHlCAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, ALBANY, : : : CBEOOX, & sarATOUX), Proprietors. OFFICE FOR CORVALLI3 AND Till 15IiOElTES S12KI3EK STALLIONS, Mi! i i tiriUimWD THE ENSUING SEASON, COMMENCING APRIL TniHD AND CONTINUE W to the Will of July, - - At the stable of A. f f . MARSXf AI.I Albany, Tuesday P. M., WtdaOiday and Thurs dy A . ii . of ' web weelt. v At tiie Mt:lle of lerM. Bean & Dnvidsun, Kaletn, FrlIy I. 31., Kntarday and 3oti4lity A. i. ol eacSi week. Teiims Twenty-five dollars IT. S. gold coin tlie season, due at the end of tlie season. T1.3 settlements on tlie Oohooo extend tram its mouth at Prineville some 25 ' .U s njj t3 where the ruies grow.. persons. The National clebt in eight years has been reduced 455,104,642 at the ratet of more than 50,000,000 annually. Every person named iu the statement of Pinney, the San Francireo defaulting naval clerk, denies any connection with tlie deliuquent ! So do Tweed's pardg One telegram saj-s that tho Russians 50,000 strong have taken Kara and 17-, 000 Turkish prisoners, among whom were AH Pasha. It is reported that tho English Gov- eminent has 65,000 troops and 11,000 horses ready to embark at any moment for the seat ot war. - In case the English army be compell- to proceed to the seat of war, the war office has decided that Lieut. Gen. Sir Linton Lituons shall be its commander iii-ohief. The Stockton, Cal., city election came off on the 7th, and was a Republican victory with tho exception ot city collec tor, Dem., and chief of police, Indepen dent. England seems to be in a state of great anxiety and alarm, and with the success of the Russians her fears grow etronner and wilder. What will she do about it? The King of Abyexinia lias declared war against tbe Khedive for violating the frontier. .... The rebellion in Darfloor is increas ing. In consequence of ttfeso events the Khedive has refused further assistance to the Porte. It is officially announced that the protection ot Russian subjects has been coufided to the consuls of Germany. President Hayes has issued bin proc lamation convening Congress in extra session on Monday, October 15th, 1877. Upon the arrival of ex-President Grant in London bo will have a special audience with tlie Queen, and be the guest of Disraeli. In deference to tho high office he has filled it is said Queen Victoria will pay, him a. visit.' Butler, appointed ppecial agent to or ganize mail routes tor tbe Black Hills, has been removed, the charges being drunkenness. The Postmaster General in his letter to' Butler revoking his com mission says that no man who conducts himself as Butler is described to have doue, can bold a commission in his de partment. We snppo&e Senator , Morton's com mittee to examine into tho G rover matter will be here in a few days, and it is an- derstood Grover is hopping around as lively as a pea on a hot griddle, pacify ing things i to this coast, comprising one thorough bred stallion and six fillies t firstchiss qualities. The horse Altamont, the 7 inies asserts, is the nest trotting etali- ion ever brought to Oregon. The Beaver creek cinnabar mines, in Jackson county, will he tested at once. Apparatus costing 61,500 will berccoiv-; ed, and it is believed the yield of quick silver will be laigc. There are at present about 60,000 head ot cattle roaming the I road pastur ace of Grant county, which give an in crease ot 15,000 every 5'ears Horses and number about 5,000 head ; sheep 16,500. At Oak Grove, furty-five miles south of the Dalles, there are thirty-five fam ilies, and sood land enough, says the Tribune, fbr one hundred and fifty. Wheat averages twenty-five b ishels, fruit does well, and grazing is excellent. At Fort Uoimj the government gets hay for 8 43 a ton, wood fi.r 86 98 a cord and barley for $1 18 a hundred. ? A telegraph line is to be built from. Walla Walla to Dayton, W. T. Dr. Clowe is the moving spirit. He has raiWd 1,500 for it, and wants only $300 more. j A Walla Walla pajer reports that the whole of tlie "upper country" is in a fever about wheat. It is a perfect "Salmon river excitement" up there, and the jump in wheat raises everything, even castles in the air. . Tho Statesman says there is consid erable talk among business men of Idaho about changing the shipment of freight from Kelton to Ogden. Tlie imposiiior practiced by the Central Pacific Rail road Co. is lutolerabie. The Salt Lake Tribune says : "The decision in the Ann Eliza case is that polygamous wives are nothing more- than concubines, and their children ille gitimate. , Like Brighara Young and bis serf, Geo. L. Cannon, it . goes back ! on the whole outfit." j ! Messrs. Davis and Parker, -Episcopal olergymen, recently arrived at Puget Sound from the East. " Neither has' as yet decided as to hia future p'aco of labor. ; j Fifteen Indians from Umatilla left last fall to join Crook in his war against the Sioux. They are returning home, and old llowlish-Warapo, the chief, has gone to meet them. ' The principal places of buisness jn Ileppner, open heretofore on Sunday, are trom this time forward io be kept closed on that day. John Morrissey, a 6heep-herder in Umatilla county, has eleven hundred lambs this spring fr, m six hundred ewes. This is believed to be unexampled. 1 Old Howlish-Wampoo, a Umatilla Indian, is worth $60,000 to 70,000, and Howlish don't have any taxes to pay. In Jacksonville a religious crusade is being conducted in town by two ladies, who vieit private houses and sing and pray. Last week 22 emigrant wagons pass ed through Ashland. Most of them were for Willamette valley and all were from California Judge McArther has appointed Frauk Maddock, Esq., University Fund Com missioner for the county ot Umatilla OTAOE k3 I.o'winon . On!y titst class lione in tlie city. Free coiich to ami from the house. 82 v9 Grand Oalioo Ball I I SilVKN by- ALBAHY ENGINE CQ. HO. 1, i AT THE :PACinC OIEIlA I301TSE. Friday Evening, Hay Uti, 1S77. COMMITTKE OF ARRANGEMENTS. U. N. LTWKTT, MYER IlAKim.' J AS. McMEliltK'K. 1. B. HON TEITU, KECEPTtflN COMMITTEE. I luivo some jnre .tcrscv cattle for sale. Every fiunily tbat kcis a cow Flioul'l have a Jc.isc.y, or at least n hall' blno.1. i'arties that have useil'thciii will r.ot do wixhout tlitni if they are to be Early In April I will Issue a circular with fine engravings of my mares and horacs.u view of my s'a'iles, with a lii-torv of the Percnerorts, and why they are- preferred to other iarse horn's; some hints on breeding; tho demand for large horses in Euroi and America, &c. They win bo sent on application. ... March 23, 1877-VJu28 C. M1XK. JOS. WEBTSKR. N. B. HUMPHKEV, J. McMERWCK, GEO. F. SIMPSON, H.SEZAX3, T.J. CLINE. FLOOR 31A'AGEKS. I. X. LIGGETT, , j lifnitrii-UE, C. II. HEWITT. T. S. 1WKAT.EY, MYEK 11 A Kit IS. FRANK jliRlOM. Tickets (without supper).. tl 50. Proeoo'li to be applied on the purchase of a new lit?!). . Albany, May 4ili, 1877. n3iw2 VVILlAJyjETJE TRANSPORTA TION & LOCKS COIVlPAHt. VTT1-E.-THE FOLLOWIXG KATES OF FreiKlit on trntin and Flour have been ei tablished by this Coninany aa the maximum rates lor one yotu- irom aniy 1st, ibw, viz : , Fer Ton . Orepron City " to rortlnnd nut tevitie Ao Have IrX". - PP.ES5SD i "TEESA SA1TTA : CP-, BEST REMEDY IX TTESE Kxotrr would rose COLDS, DISEASES OF THE TfiaiOAT ASD LCKGS, ASI) FOR : BSI EU JJATISH. wl ra iltci-rl on thr snurA of the V1,. 1, V I V i-,.... I Sierra Nevaila Mountains. The leal foiitiO in the hotter climates, wnen orr. contains litty per cent, of resin or gold colored gum, the" properties of which :irPtiniulnt;ngam1 healing, .t.kJ especially adaptetl to the wants of the svstein iu case -ot l.utig Ol- Cliam'oes r'avion . FairOeld Wheatland . t Iincola -Salem Eola Independence Ankne.y's Landing Buena Vista Spring Hill Albany Corvallia Peoria Monroe Ilarrisbnri? juuirenecity . i . 1 7 . 2 00 . 2 00 . 2 SO . 2 50 . 2 50 . a 7 .-. . a 75 . s oo . 3 00 . 3 00 . 3 00 . 3 SO . 3 SO . 4 00 . 4 00 5 00 Grain and Flour 'slirnperf from the points aoove mentioned aiiiiet to Astoria wm oo cliarared 1 00 per ton additional. The convpanv will contract with parties who desire it, to transport Grain andFlonrot above rle for any Bp9iliti tiHie, not exceeding live years. . ti. utii'. ! v lee rn-Kiant . i. . v v.o. Port land, April 28,1877. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon , within and for the county oi i-inii. 8uit in eouitv for divorce. II H. Baxter, plalntiiT, vs. Ada M. Baxter, de- tenajint. To Ada SI. Bastet" the above named defendant DittienniHCOl tttestatooi oroston: xouaro hnr?bv l eouired toannear and answer the com plaint of the above named plaintiff, in tbo above entitled suit, In the Court alove named, now on file in the office of . the- clerk of Bald court, within ten davs from the tlate ot tne ser vtrw of this summons nnon vou. if served in Eimi cotmty, hnt if eerved in any other county in the State then within twenty days from the date of the service of thin summons ; or if serv- 1 bv niiblir-ft? ton. then vou are rca aired to an swer sjtifl eomnlaint within six weeks from the date of commencement ot" publication of said summons upon yoflTor- by the tirst day of the nest reniar term oi saiu vur,Tor coun ty, Oregon, to-wltt - : Monday, the 22rt dag of October, 1877. jiTirl vnvt nm lierebv notified tliat if vou fail to appear ana answer aii omuiiuim s nurwy i-o-qnired. the plaint iff will apply to the Gonrt for tlie relief demanded in the complaint, which is tor tne oissoiution ot ins tnarruiKe com race heretofore existlns between yon and plaintitr. and for a divorce from yon, and for costs and disbureemeTiisot tout suit, ana mat. uiw sum. mons is nublished bv order ot Hon. K. P. Boise. Jnage of said Court, made at Chambers iu Her lem, this 2trth day oi Apru, is. ..... J. J. WHITNEY, may4n32v9t6 Att'y for pl'ft ""; AltaiE y J'armcrs' Company. "VTOTICE Is hereby jriven to the stockholders of the Albany armera Co., that t here will he-a meetlnif or tne stocKnoiciei'soi wra nanv Ht, their ofBceln the city of Ailnvnyon the 15th day of May, 1877. at llu hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, for the purpose of electing Seven Pirectors of this Company to act as such for the next, ensuing year, and such other bus iness as msiy come oeiore tius vompany. full attendance U desired. G. F, CRiWrORP, President. U. Makrfiixd, Sec. nSlvOtS POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES or Every Description. BILL-HEADS AKD STATEMENTS, Bills ol Fare. LETTER USZEr AEO LEGAL XLARES Cards of all Kinds and Colors, Circulars, I'amplilefs, 12 la ii It CIiccU, Receipts, Mortgages, and Deeds'. MATTSFIEliD & MONTEITH. Eatesl nnd Most Rellnble In formation alKmt the BLACK HULLS. Northern Wyouiini? : mid the jjreat Indian War . will uiwav be found in th . t,iuest largest, cnaHiit in tne 7 "l'J and liKST PA- Established in 1S!57. Uallv, 1 a TTr W l ' Dionth-Moa yt'ar. Wccfelv, 3 M 1 1 1 Sierra Xovmto Motmtair.s. and is mppoM-d I -sinate co!" lo cV' to have tM-eii gathered fioni Mount Giletul 1 II. GLArcKe, Pnbllsner, Cheyenne, Wyo. liilMOililll?, til fr3 "ILL". .IliVI ll.ll v. A ! - m. , . tnu-ted :M-a foal in tcypt anu in Jireoc foiu tlie times of Solomon. XcsUinoiiJiils. Dr. Nieklin. o! Eitjene City, says: "Your i;alm is one ot the best prcservctl herbs I ever saw, and is worthy of a higher prioc than 3'ou put upon it." Kev. S. K. Kayniotitl. of Oakland, Ore grin. say : 4-I wont to California to recov er from Consumption. The Doctors' tliere gave me up, and told me if I had any friends I wished to see I ltad better go and see them, as I could live but a little while longer. On my way to Oregon I com meueed ttitig Mountain B:iim; it helped me; I continued its use until it cured in of tlie disease.' Mr. W. T. Osborne, of Eugene City, says : "I know a young man whonppeared to be in the last flas of consumption. roa SALE i nlaced titiuti it on account of its medicinal qualities is manifest Irom the name they gave to It. many yews aj;o iciiwinii;i, or "Herb of the Saint." Tlie natives oi Southern Oregon and Northern California have used ltiimnemoriaiiy as a .Kiieiiinaiic remedy. Ttw while population In tlie re gion where it crows hive used and prized it as a throat and Inns med'u iue. For a i Clufis, Cal., savst "I have been avciuaint- ta he became a healthy young man." Joseph P. Moore, TEsq., of Jlilville. Cal.. sny? : '"1 have lieeii acquainted with the slit tib known as Ycrbasauta for 20 years, and know it to be a very valuable medicine, both for the Lungs and Kheuniat'm." Mr. Kimball, ot Kimball & IVelton, Red AVEKY 11ESIR ,I)LE business lot 66100 feet on the corner of Second and Washington streets, AHmny. Also. Knpine. Uoiler and Ma chinery, together with a Jot of furniture, lad dera, wheelbarrows, harrows, c, Ac, all lo bo sold otfcl-ieau for cash, in eonwqiivnt-e of re moval on account.or sickness. Knnuire on tl prcipK-sof inSiM t CO. AllMiny, Jan. 19, 1877-nl7 OREGON SOLID SHERRILL'S .CUITIVATOE and " SEEDEE. time they called it Iuiip; Weed; but give valuable testimonials as to its virtues in curing Rheumatism. . v hen vou open one ot our pacK.iges. keep it excluded trom the air as much as possible. . 1 have used it in my tamsiy lor rour or live years, and regard it as one ot the best family medicines we ever used, A tinct ure is manufactured from it in Cincinnati, and sold at 75 cents per ounce., A single one of our packages ihake eight ounces ot tincture, which is worth $5. The shrub from w liich this valrrahle medicine is gath ered. 5s onlv found in a narrow belt of country In Southern Oregon, sind along the rd xvith the shrub known as Yerbasanta, for many years, and know it to be a great Lung medicine." "1 left Missouri with the consumption. Beached Kocfc Point, Jackson county, Or., and was taken down. I took a tincture of Mountain Balm, and chewed the leaf more or less, and in four or five days it cleaned 1 out my lungs "handsomely, and I resumed ; my ' journey ; and now, after several months, mv ltiitirs still seem well. ,...... .. . - . - A. BiO. rFor sale at the drug stores of Bell & Parker, and John Foshay. 7v9 All Important Parts zaao of IP.CS7, . anl Duratla &3 Iroa can Tss. CITY CstabliMlied 1870. VtllOLESALC AND RETAIL. Blew Xtocsitioxi, Nciv Rooms, IIg-v7 Stoclz and j . "' .. THE UNDERSIGNED having purehnsod the enth-e siock of A. Carothers & Co., and placed it. under the management of rr. 3 Hen ton, late of Iowa, assisted Jby G. B. Henton, who are now retit ilng and addin extenslvo additions of new stock:. nd fr m their kina ox perlenoe and thorough knowledge of tbe busi ness in all lt varied departments, feel ussuil that, we shall be able to render full satisfaction to all who may favor us with, their patronaee. Oar prescription department wll: at all times bo conducted by men eminently nu&Ufled lor the responsible and Important work. . . We oordiallv invite the citizens of Albany and surround! ntr country, when in need of anv thing usually kept in first-class drnjr houses to call on iia, corner of First and Ellsworth streetw. A limn v, Feb. S3. 1877.-, C.W.MIAW, BEE-HIVE STORE! AlJustaTslo to aay recnirefl. , Depti ' viilo la motion. UeTor Clcs or Ci.oea oa Stu'b'blo cr "Trasay" CxouaA. JOHN X3IJXJH119 HF.AL.KK IN 1 n'Ti s CofTets, Kplcett, Dried I'rutts, Arc, Ac &SJ Everything nice and fresh, FIR8T btbeet, ALIiAXY, Oii'OOiV. The Flue KomlMler htJilllon, Y0UXG YERM0XT, 18 A BEACTIFC1, DAPPLE BAY, 16 hands nih,nd weighs about 1,300 pounds. Was sired by Old Vermont, one of the fastest road Bters that ever trod the Pacific coast, and can ehow the fastest Mock. His dam is a Morgan and Messcnjfcr, and produced line horse, one of which sold, at four years old, for r-i.Mt) : one yearling ld lor ti5l), and one throe year old Is worth tl.oon. VKKMOXT wiil be fonnd Ht Biy farm, six miles pouth of Albany, from the first of April nntil tho 15th of Julv, 1S77. Terms-- --0 the season, payable at the end of the reason . Pas ture free to mure from H distance. March .IK. T7-Uv M. M"I'K14- A rranced for t wo. three or four horses abreast Lightest Pratt Machine in use. ( overs and cuts all the ground. ' , Uroadcast feeders wUl sow nil kinds of K rain, wet or dry. , CVEBV 3IACKIXE WAR - .. BANTED. . I ask every farmer to examine my !!e.eder and Cultivator bcl'oro puu-hain; an Ijistem Ma chine. For further particulars addiusa JAMES SE3i:UKILI, llarrtitburg, Oregon February 9, 1CT7-20V9 - Notice of Final Settlement . .. -Ti-iTirir ts iifrckv riTVTCV TlHTDAVIb IM FKOMAJi, Administrator of the estate of J. O. (Iraves, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Linn oonntv.OreKon. hlaflnai Bccount for aett lenient of said estate, and the said court, ha appointed Friday, day of April, 1877, atthehonrot" one oelock hi tho afternoon of said day for hearlwr objections to sard final ao. count and the "'f, WmAX. ' Humphrey A Hewitt. Aits. AduainiHUulQr Iaruh ft, W7-4vw4 - . BLANK DEEDG, - Neatly executed, rail a - tlie OSice