The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 04, 1877, Image 3

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Willamette Freights. Under "new
to-day" will be found the table of freights
adopted by the Willamette Transportation
and Locks Company. The company will
make every effort to ran their boats as far
as possible up the river during the coming
Summer. The following action taken by
the Board of Directors recently will prove
ot interest to our readers :
Whereas. The Willamette- Transporta
tion and Locks Company are the owners
of the lock3 and canal at Oregon City, and
a large number ot steamboats and other
property upon tlie Willamette river inci
dental to the transportation business.
And Whereas, The managers ot the
Raid Willamette Transportation "and Locks
Company are fully convinced that the true
interest- of this company are identical with
tle producers and shippers of the Willam
ette Valley, and that they should mutually
co-operate to develop the resources of the
Whereas. Said company already having
ample facilities for transporting tlie pro
ducts of the Willamette Valley at nil Umes
(with the necessary means to create addi
tional facilities if required, and believing
that the producers, and the public general
ly are entitled to an assurance on our part
that freight on grain and flour shipped hy
aid W. T. &. L. Co.'s boats shall not ex
ceed certain fixed rates ; therefore lie it
liesolred. That for the period of one rear
from the 1st day of May. 1877, freight on
grain and flour shall not exceed the follow
ing rates, viz :
fllere follows the table of rates, to be
Seen in our advertising columns.
To the above was a-lded a resolution that
grain and llonr shipped through to Astoria
will be charged $1 a ton additional ; also,
that S. Reed, Vice-President of the
Company, be authorized, if parties desire it,
to enter into contract with them Pr any
specified length of time not exceeding five
years. The object ot this last provision
aeems to assure a continuance of moderate
rites of freight for a long and definite pe
riod to such a want to avail themselves of
the opportunity.
COLL. Vas Ci.EVE Dear Sir : Presum
ing a few lines' on the above interesting
country would prove of interest to your in
telligent readers, we offer you a few items,
mostly from observation and the most re
liable information from residents there,
gathered while on a visit there last week.
Tlie grass on the bunch grass range is
from two to three weeks earlier than last
year, and stock is in fine condition. The
country is gradually settling up. but many
u-Hrt h.,vA srunt f vvr ni tlirM. rpar? 1 1 11 p
prefer the Willamette Valley. They do
not feel at home ; they miss the fruit and
vegetables common to the Willamette Val
ley. The biting frosts occur every month
lu the year, and there are many inconveni
ences, such as lack of society, schools, etc.
A very large per cent, of the population is
. from Linn county, you know,, where these
good things abound. .
But we wish to be brief, and will close
with a remark on the mud springs. Oise
lialf the population, nearly, took claims
last fall, paid their dollar for recording,
and have not seen them since. You have
seen tlie reported assays some were way
up. The mud sent to San Francisco last
fall was wav down, and they have never
changed It since. Residents here, as far as
I ctuld learn, are not confident. A num
ber offered us their claims at mere nominal
rates. They are more confident that pay
ing quartz !edgs may be found in that
vicinity. We have seen and conversed
with an nssaycr of experience, who offered
similar opinions. The Bonanza Co., of
Portland, hires Mr. Hurley, the assayer
from Oregon City, to assay and report.
You saw Ins letter : read it carefully, and
wliatdoes it n ean? Dr. Chapman and Mr.
Harrington, ot the Bonanza Co., visited the
mud spring last week, and they are to
have a meeting and report this week. We
learn that the Dr. reports the mud the rich
est in the world! The public will be re
joiced to be assured of it. Take the rumors
and flying reports of these mines, and their
richness, at a longdistance from the springs
ay as far as Portland ami they look
rich! Tlie public want to be assured they
arc so ! Or are tins interested bearing the
public? If so, why?
Waereas, It has pleased the GreafrMae
ter ot tlie universe to remove by death,' on
the 4th day of April. 1877, our beloved
sister, Sarah J. Cyrus, after a long and lin
gering illness which finally terminated in
that fell destroyer, consonition ; and ..
Whereas, During her illness of three
years' duration, she was the same lively,
genial and lovely sister that he was in
health ; and -
Whereas. In her sickness she expressed
a perfect reconciliation to the change that
was fast approaching, and that she knew
was inevitable, tlie re fore be it 1
liesolred. By Santiarn Grange No. 37. P.
of II., at their regular meeting, held-nt
tlteir hall on this, the 21st day of April,
1S77. that In the death ot our beloved sister
her husband has lost a kind and Joving
wife, her only child an affectionate and in
dulgent tnotlier, Santiarn Grange one of its
brighter light, and the older of P. of H.
adm?r warmest suPPOrters and greatest
Jtetolred, Twt while w e bow In humble
submission o the will of the Great 'jlver of
all good, and feel to know that our loss is
her eternal gain, we do not the less mourn
tlie loss of one dear sister from among us.
Resolved, Tlwt while we can never again
meet our sister on earth, Hint bv a strict ad
herence to tlie great principles tor which
we are battling, we may be prepared to
meet her In that home not made with bauds,
eternal lu the heavens.
liesolred. That we greatly sympathize
with her bereaved family and relatives, but
that the v. witii us. relv nnou tlie srreat nrl
glorious promises of God for com tort and
Jtesolved, That these resolutions be spread
upon tlie records of this Orange ; tlutt a
copy be furnished tlie bereaved husband ;
also that tlie Register, Democrat and Wil
lamette Farmer each be furnished a copv,
with request tos publish, and -that the
Grange liail be n raped iu mourning tor the
period of ninety days.
Margaret Moore.
Jas. J. Dorris,
JAMES W. Ccrl, -;
Gold in New Yotk, 10G?4'
Legal tenders, 93,'394?.(.
Silver coin, 95390.
Wheat, $1 0531 10 ? bushel.
Oats, 50c bushel.
Butter, 20 25c V pound.
Eggs, loc dozen.
Chickens, $2 50S$3 00 9 dozen.
Beef on foot, 3c ; iork, do., 7c net.
Bacon Sides, 13c; hams, 15c; shoulders,
Dried apples, Gc; plums, 12c.
Liverpool wheat market. May 1 : Av
erage. 13s813s 6d; club 13s 6d314.
When a candidate for high office is so
well liked and so popular with the masses
as to make Ins defeat difficult in a fair and
honorable fight, mean and cowardly men
are not wanting who delight in manufac
turing lies and slandering his good name.
There are also those whose selfishness
prompt them to prostitute their honor, per
vert truth, and ignore right, for the sake of
injuring a competitor in business, whose
prosperity they envy, and with whose bus
iness talent they have not the sagacity to
successfully compete in any honorable way.
These thoughts are suggested by the mean,
cowardly attacks made upon me and my
medicines, by those who imagine their pe
cuniary prospect injured by the great pop
ularly which my standard medicines have
acquired, and the continued growth of my
professional practice. Narrow-minded
practitioners of medicine, and manufactur
ers of preparations which do not possess
sufficient .merit to sucoes-fully compete for
popular favor, have resorted to such cow
ardly strategy as to publish all sorts of ri
diculous reports about I he composition of
my medicines. Almanacs. Receipt Books,
and other pamphlets, are issued and scat
tered broadcast over the land, wherein these
contemptible knaves publish pretended an
alysis of my medicines, anil receipts for
making them. Some of these publications
are given high-sounding names, pretend to
lie issued by re-iect.-i!.'e men of educa
tion and poiiion. tor t fie good of tlie peo
ple the more completely to blind the
reader to the real object in llieir circula-tio-i,
which Is to injure the sale of my med
icines. The Popular Health Almanac"
is the high-sounding name ot one of these
publications, which contains bogus receipts
without a grain of i ruth in them. Not less
devoid of truth are those which have been
published by one Dr. L- ot IX-troir, in the
Michigan Farmer, and by other manufac
turers of medicines, in several so-clled
journals of Pharmacy.- They are all
prompted by jealousy and utterly tail in
-iccompli-diing the object of their authors,
for. not withstanding their five circulation,
my medicine continue to sell more largely
than any others manufactured iu thi coun
try, and are constantly increasing in sale,
despite the base lies concocted and circulat
ed by such knaves. The copIe find that
these medicines j obsess grcnuiue merit, and
are not the vile, poisonous n .sriums which
jealou. uarrow-miiidfd phy-icians and
sneaking conioiiiiders of Competing medi
cines represent them to be. Among the
large number oi pretended analysis pub
lished it is a sitinf.cxiiit f'ret that no two
have been at all aiikt conclusively prov
ing the dishonesty of their author-. It is
enough tor the lieonie to know that while
thousand, yes. I may truthfully say iiiiil-
lons, Uave taken my medicine and been
cured, no one ha ever received injury
from tht-ir use.
R. V. PIERCE. M. D.,
Proprietor ot Dr Pierce's Medicines.
World's Dispensary. Buffalo, N. Y.
Special Xoticcs.
Musical. MUs Xettie Piper, teacher of
Vocal and Instrumental muic has recent
ly located in Albany, and prepared to give
lessons in the above named branches, lias
had severai years experience in teaching,
and can give the best of reference?. 4
FLAITIXU, Ktniipis. Cutting and Flu
tins. Piain Sewing, Hair Weaving, etc. Cutting
and flttinpr CliiHren's ClotMng it Hpeeinlfy.
Cail at the rooms adjoining tlie Register office,
Albany, Orejiou. Mus. Ccl.L. VasCleve.
' Major White Is located one door west
of Fox Bro.'s. First street. Albanv. where
lie is prepared to do all work in his line,
such as repairing watches, clock, and iew-
..!. At ... ,1 -.1....-
-ii,y. - i ,-njii,i,,-.s mmr-pnues, silver
ware, &c Give him a call.
From X. Plmniuer, M. )., Auburn, Hi H
"Although advert to countenancing r at
cut medicines. I-cheerfully make an excep
tion of vonr verv excellent. lung preparatioi
Dr. "Wi-tsti'.i Balsam .f Wild Cherry
Thi preparation I have used in my prac
tice lor more tna:i ten years past, and
nave always tounu if to ne or more ettecti
al service th-iu anything within mv know!
edge. I recrinmend it with the greatest
confidence to thoe subject to coughs anil
pulmonary complaints. Sold by all drug-
gists. may.
The Richmond Kange is a great wood
saver, and as it throws out less heat than
any other good range or stove, it is way
up for Summer use.
TO COJiXI'M I I V;. -The ai vertiser.liav
tnsr been permanently core 1 of that dread dis
ease, Consun ntion, iy a i-4tiiTle remedy, is anx
ious to make known to his fellow Hiilierers the
means of cure. To all who desire Ir, he will
send a eoT" of the prescrint ion used (free of
cliarae). with the direelions for prepartn? and
usinx the same, which they will tin J a sure
cure for Consninnl ion. Asthma, Bronchitis, &e.
Parties wishing the prescrin'ion will rtlease ad
dress Eev. E. A. Wilson, 194 Fenn St., Williams
burg, S.V. lsvSIJ , ton43v9
-PIJfPIiEN. I will mail (free) the recipe for
preparing a simnle Vcj;e'alle Balm that will re
move Tan, Freckles, Pimples and H:otches,
leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful : also
insTrnctUms for producing a luxuriant crowt h
ot hair on a Imld head orsmooth fact,. Address
-Ben. Vandelf & Co., box 5121, No. 5 Wonater-Sf.,
Jfewr York;- ' ton!3v
. 1
- Errors of Yo A icemlemnii who suf
fered for- year from Nervous Ilebility, Prema
ture Uecav. and all the effects of you hful indis
cretion will, for I he sake of snfferius Immunity,
send free to all who need if, 1 lie recipe and di
rection for making the simple remedy by which
he was cored. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertiser's exiieiience can do so by ad
dressing in perlect conllUence, JoilN B. Oodf.n,
42 Cedar SU, New York. . n43vS
- Keraember Tliis.
Now is the tlmeof year for Pneumonia, Lung
Fever, Oonghs, Colds, and fa'al results of pre
disposition to Consumption and ol her Throat
RtidLnnK Diseaxe. - Bss UKt's Uebman
Syrup has been use tin thisneiahborhood for
the past, two or three vears without a single
failure to cure. If you have not used t his med
icine yonrself, fco to vour DruRdist 1" this city
and ask Mm of its wonderful success among
his customers. Three dosc will relieve the
worst CHe. If von have no faltb in any medi
cine, just buy "a Sample Mottle of Boucher's
German Syrup for 10 cents and try it. Ites?u
lar size liottie 75 cents. Dont neglect a couarh
to save 75 cents. ul8iu3
A CAltfr.
To all who are snfrertnet from the errors and
indiscretions of voitl h. nervous weakness, early
Oecav, loss of iminhood. Ac-, I will send a recipe
that will enre yon, FRKK OF CHARGE. This
Itreat remedy was discovered by a missionary
In South Amri lea. Send a self-addressed enve-
oi to the Skv. Joakpii T. 1mia', Station ,
au,le Unite, New York. 8v9.
The People Want Proof.
here Is no medicine prescribed bv pnvsl
SS'i8" or"oldby UmKKisrs, that carries such
V "ne . U success and superior virtue as
v!a?,".?,IERA',l SYRLPfoi severe Cough.
.i?!!r8",0,ont ' breat. Consumption, or
?,yl.TT.of.noTnOB, r J-"ns.PA proof
a ft.m,'."'? a,,,y Person afflicted, can (rot
eiSirPiitli'8 foI 1J"8and try itssnnerlor
SSwi i? v! V"",l,nJh size at. 7S
cunrv rlAly beeI' nrodned in this
eSreJ2 an?Jf.Tma,,y' an'1 ll wonderful
r VlV aotle will relievo unv nun. Tr,' It
hold by all drutfgU.ta. y Cae; "?m3U "
Groceries and Provisions!
First Door West or S. E. Young', First Street, Altmny, Ojjii.
01xea.jrp fox- Oxsla..
. , . -
I3L,!A.I1V, SOX &, CO.,
STORAGE And commission merchants;
Ai foot of I.jou Street, opposite Depot on O & C. Railroad,
Will store Grain and General Merchandise at Lowest Slates.
Albany, Oregon, Jan., 1877-13v9
W. II. 3IcF All LAND,
Tin, Copper and
TS3 BES5 117
Sut rtoor to the Bank.
Tlie. Standard Ot-p;an Triumphant.
Following is a copy of a Westeru-'uioa telegram received by Sherman & Hyde, San
Fraucidvu : .
; New York. September 29. 1876.
Pelonbct. Pelton & Co., of New York, have received DIPLOMA of HONOR anu
MEDAL of AWARD lor tin
-. ; -i r V.
123 Flmt Street, Portland. Oregon.
VJ- J. W JUXdU jAJi,
v mm ' .
Call and tee him,
Office: op Singer MAjcrFAcrr'ir a Co.,
Pobti.aj, Ok.. January 23, 1877. J
Special Notice.
of our customers, and to all persons desir
ing to pnrehase our celebrated aewinic ma
cmnes, we rwjxMif fully notify them that the
Messrs. TITUS BROS, are our ajrents for Alba
ny and Linn county, and that, they, or C. E,
WOiLVERTON. Esq., are fully authorized to
collect and settle ouistandin accounts for us.
The SlnKor Manulacturinjr Connwny.
Manager Oregon aud W. T-
n!8v9tns "
Sheetiron Ware !
ufalkr i tiroetrlen. Pro visions. Tobaeeo,
1 1 sari., rutluy, Crockery. ud Wood anil
WUlaw Ware, fml st. Altawqr, r.
Tbis la an Entire Sew Blachlne,
It works on a NEW PRINCIPLE that of foro-iiiK-water
by do wnwarl pressure through the
Clothes. The dirt or discoloration is removed
by water force. There is.
Mo HniBboar or Friction About It.
It Is Cheap, Simple ana Durable, and never
get 8 out ot order. It will last a lifetime, and
will save to an ordinary family many times its
cost every year.
It has been tested by some of the most expe
rienced Lanndrymen in the country, and pro
nounced by them to lie the best Wmtiier ev
er in v en led. For Circulars an d Test i n ion ials
apply to R. F. HUUGINS.
nSlrtfml - Agent for Oregon.
Letter from a Postmaster.
I "ASTiccir, Ili.., Pec. 1, 1874.
"MESfiRS. J. B. Rose & Co.:
"Mv wife 1ms. for a Knst time, been a terrible
9nrtererfrom Rlx'iimatisi'n. She lins tried many
physiclanaand many remedies. Theonly tiling
which bus Ki '.'en her relief is Centaur Liniment
1 nm rejoiced to fii V this has cured her. I am
dolns what lean to extend its s-jle. .
This ii a sample of many thousand testimoni
al received, ot wonderful cares effected by the
Centaur Liniment. The ingrredteuta of tliis ar
ticle are published around each boitle. It eon
tains Witch EEitzcl. Mentha, Arnica, Rock Oil,
Carbolic, and ingredients bitlierto little known
It is an indisputable fact that the Centaur Lini
ment is performing more cures of SwelilnKS,
Stiff Joints, K i-iint ions. R heu mat ism , Xenra x ia
fktatica, (:ked llrcHsfi". lock-jaw. Ac. than all
the other liiiimeuts. Embrocations. Extracts,
Sal ves, Oinl ments and tilaers now in iw.
For Toothache, Kuracbe, Weak liaek. Itch and
Cutaneous Eruntions. It. is admiraiilp. It cures
burns and scalds witltont a scar. Extracts poi- I
Knr. iriui unct.uuii siuiffs.anu neaisirosr-nites
and ehiliblains, in a short time. No family can
afford to le without the Centaur Liniment,
w hite wrapper.
Tlie Centaur Liniment, Yellow Wrapper,
is adapted to the tonah skin, muscles and llesh
of the animal creation. Its elleets upon seveie
cases of Snaviii. Su-eeny, Wind tJall, Bi Head
and Poll Evil. aire little less than marvelous.
Messrs J. MeCltire .tCo., Drusi-rists. corner of
Elm and Front streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, say:
"In our neighborhood a number of toams"iers
are Utinsf tlie Centaur Liniment. They pro
nounce it superior to anything they have" ever
used. We sell as hi-h as tour to Ave dozen hot
ties )ier month to these leanisters."
We have thousands of similar testimonials.
For Wounds, tinlls. Scra'ches, Ring-bone, Ac..
and for Screw; Worm in sheep il has no rival.
Farmers, livery-men and siock-raiscrs. have in
this i.lniuicnt a remedy which is worth a hun
dred times its cost.
Laboratory of J IJ. Rose & Co..
40 uey street, ew York.
Molhers may have rest and their babies may
have health, if they will useCastoria tor Wind
Colic, Worms, Feverishness. Sore Month, Croup,
or Stomach Complaints. It Is entirely a vee
tnble preparation, and contains neither miner
al, morphine, nor alcohol. It is as pleasant to
take as honey, and neither iraas nor gripes.
Ir. E. Iiimoch. of Iupont, O.. says:
"I am nsinj Castoria in mv practice with the
most signal lienefltsand liappy result."
1 his is what every one says: Most nurses in
New. York City usmIm? Cat"ria. - It-i prepared
bv Messrs. J. B. Rose & Co., 4H Vex street, New
York, successors to Samuel Pitcher, M. D. 39vm
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the county of Linn.
c..: I r .it
Roliert R.' Teinpleton, plaintiff, vs Mary Tem
pleton, defendant.
To Slary Tumplcton, the above named defend
ant : j
In the name of the S'ate of Oregon : Youare
hei-elj- required to aprxw an I answer the com
plaint of the above piaintin. in the aliove enti
tled Court, now on file wth the Clerk of said
Court, within ten days from the date of the
service of this summons nj-nn ynn if served in
Linn county. Or-jron ; br.t if served in any o' It
er county in the State of Oregon, then within
twenty days from the dateoft he service of this
smtiinons njion jon. and if served bv publica
tion, then on or 'before the first day ol the next
term ot said Court, to-wit :
Monday; the 22' tiny of October, 1S77,
and you are hereby notified that if yon fail to
appear and answer said complaint as hereby
required, t be piaintin will aopl) to l he Court
for tlie relief demanded in ibe complaint, to.
wit: a dissolution of thebondsof matrimony
exist insr lietween you and pluintitT.and for costs
and disbuismeiits.
This summons is published by order of ITon.
R. P. Boise. Judge of said Court", ntadethis 14tli
dav of April. 1877. D. R. N. BLACKBURN.
apr2On30v9:Gj Atty. for plff.
Notice to Stoekliolatcrs.
Notice is hereby piven that there will lie a
meeting of the stockholders of the ran(te
Union of Albany ot the ollce of the eonmany
on Monday. May 28th. 1877, at, la A. M., for the
purpose of elect Inst a Board of seven Tdreetors
ami transacting such other business as may
be lawfullv broncrbt In-fore the meeting.
By order of the Board.
j A. M. ROOF, Secretary.
Attention, Firemen.
Notice is herebv eriven that an election for
Chief and Assistant Chief of the Albany
Fire l'erartment will lie held on the first Mon
day of May, (7th) 1877 Poll will b owned at
No. 2s house on Ellsworth street, on said day.
i W.S. PKTLRS, Sec. A. F. 1.
AlbanyOr., April 13, 1877. -
Df.dicatory Services. Last Saturday
evening he rooms secured by tlte Y.P.C.A.
were duty dedicated. Before the time for
opening jthc services lmd arrived,-the rooms
were crowded, every seat being occupied,
many havine to stand up, while others oc
cupied peats on the stairs leading; to the
rooms. ;The exercises were conducted by
the ministers of the cit3 and proved very
interesting. The rooms are small but cen
trally located and will doubtless prove a
great blessing to the ' community, in that
young then temporarily stopping In our
mid.t wf 11 have some place to spend their
spare tiiiie other than at saloons and street
corners.' - Quite a number of papers are re
ceived at the rooms from all parts of the
country and those feeling inclined can en
ter the rooms at all times through the day
and make themselves at home. All this
has been brought about by the energy and
push of a few of our young people, and they
deserve the thanks and lull co-operation of
all for their efforts in so good a cause. It
is understood there will be a social gather
ing in tie rooms on Frklay evening of next
week, to which admission will be free.
And wd feel safe in saying there'll be a full
house. . ;
Divine services at the Evangelical church
next Sunday at the usual hours II a. m
and 7j p. si. conducted by Kev. J. Sow--
PiUNEVii.i.E, April 23, 187?.
Ed. Register : Leaving Albany on the
11th Inst., I was favored with four varm
sunny days, which 1 improved faithfully in
crossing tlie Cascade mountains by way of
the Santiarn road. . Found the road hut
little traveled yet, and in remarkably good
condition. Owing to the mildness of the
Winter the road profit will be comparative
ly large, as the expense ot removing fallen
timber ant earth slides is simply nothing.
Found some small snow banks about Big
Lake not in the way of horsemen, how
ever, as Mr. A. Warren, of Brownsville,
lmd passed ahead of us with a small band j
of horned cattle, completely tramping out
a trail for single animals. By the way,
we called on our old townsman. Dr. Alex
ander, whom we found cheerful, which, in
connection with his large social develop
ments, would interest any one who is not
entirely dead to the natural affinities ot
human tiature. Mis facilities, also, for ad
ministering to the want of the wayfaring
man and his beast ate both excellent and
abundant provender and pasture.
We have been in the quiet village of
Prineville ior five days, during which time
we have endured almost a continuous storm
of wind and snow, the table lands and hills -being
covered with snow, and, we are in
formed, more so than nt any other period
during the past Winter. The health of the
community seems to he improving, as we
learn that considerable illness has been ex
perienced ot a typhoid fever t3-pe, with
quite a number of deaths in consequence.
All kinds of stock seems to be in fair con
dition no loss lrom Winter-killing the
most favorable Winter for this country on
As soon as the weather settles warmer
the Spring business of gathering, branding,
selling, etc.. will be the topic of stockmen
to the exclusion of almost everything else.
As yet there are none here put chasing the
surplus beef that the people are so anxious
to change for the circulating medium, al
though there is a large number of fine fat
beeves here, at a low price, for the Leef
eatir.g community which they ought to coV
joy. let all are hopeful, and we have no
doubt but. all will realize their anticipations
iu a cash detii'tnd.
There are some very persistent it not in
teresting mining talkers here, but not so
satisfying as a reader of the Oreganian
would infer. We have met and ta'kcd with
many individuals who are operating and
living about the so-called "silver wells" or
"soap-holes." I found registered at O.
Jackson's hotel, Dr. Chapman, Frank Sory
and Pror. C. Harrington, of Portland, and
D. D. Orton, of Salem. I was shown by
them quite a number of specimens of rock
which gave evidence of the presence of
metal ot some kind ; also, some specimen
assays of silver from tlie soap holes, where,
in ores, silver seems to exist alone so far as
yet discovered. I obtained figures of about
thirty as-aysjmostly taken from ..the Bo-
Lnanza. ledge, and about sixteen oftbem fig
ured from 4C0 to $2,400 to tlie ton of soap.
Now this sounds pretty rich, since there
wells or territory impregnated with silver
cover ntt area of about 230 acres of land al
ready discovered and still we do not un
derstand why the above-named company
does not hasten to get rich by at once ap
plying the necessary machinery for sepn rat
ing the niuth-cpvt ted ore from the soap.
Tlie present is not so good a time for min
ing stock specula! ions and life insurance
business as was a few yeara ago. People
Si-em more inclined to the Indian's Idea of
appropriating present means to immediate
benefit, and pleasure. The suggestion' to
"eat, drink and be merry for to-morrow
yon die'' and somebody else gets your
money, seems to be getting a stronger hold
on men's feelings, hence less inclination to
invest In distant and uncertain specula! ions.
There are about sixty persons in the silver
soap district, waiting in anxious anticipa
tion for early developments, many of them
interested iu claims, while oHiers are the
usual hangers-on. There is a small store
here, owned by Messrs". Hodge & Lucky.
Those wishing to come here with mining
ideas need not be at the expense of freight
ing provisions aud mining implements, as
all they will require during the time tliey
are likely to rciu iin, can be obtained here
almost as cheaply as iu the valley, there
being .a good flouring mill here, owned by
Mr. Jas. Allen, with a large stock of flour
as cheap as the Albany brands, while the.
store contains a stock of mining imple
ments, perhaps all that are requited until
furtlier developments are made, should
there be any. Perhaps I will write you
Hgain. , II. M. It.
A. Wonder-working Remedy. '
. Xo remedial agent has ever been offered
to tlie sick and debilitated at all compara
ble to Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, in eases
of remittent and intermittent fevers, con
stipation, nervous ailments, rheumatism,
anil disorders involving constitutional
weakness or physical decay. It literally
"works wonders," The botanic Ingredi
ents which its spirituous basis holds iu so
lution acts like a charm upon the stomach,
antl through the stomach upon the brain,
liver, bowels and nervous system. . There
is nothing in its composition that is tiotso
luhrlous. It contains some of the most po
tent tonics of the vegetable kingdom and
the juices of the best aperient and anti-bilious
root and herbs, combined with a per
fectly pure stimulating element. The Bit
ters are peculiarly adapted to those engag
ed in exhausting or unhealthy occupations,
as by its use strength is sustained and the
ability of the system to resist atmospheric
aud other influences prejudicial to health
largely increased. may.
The Richmond Range. Tlie Richmond
range is King among cooking stoves, and
no mistake. It is the most complete, best
furnished, economical stove in the world,
certainly. Every one who gets one of
these stoves likes it, -and speaks well ot it.
It economises fuel, is a splendid 1 baker,
and looks well in kitchen or parlor. Call
in at W. II. McKarland's and secure a
Richmond Range, and you'll never regret
It. .. - ..
Strawberries. A strawberry festival
is lu contemplation, by the ladles of the M.
E. Church, on the evening of Jane 8th.
Strawberries and cream will be jnst right
at thai time. Good 'enough.
Mine vrow de odef nite said, "Hanf
. Dhose poebles as dey pass, .
Looks vonders vv der reason vos,
Dod ve dont' got plue glaz."
I dole mine vrow der reason vy, tot,-
1 vouldn't got der brass
To hfimbng heebies fin dot ray,
Un put la dod pi ue glaz. ,
She zaid she don't perlieved id,
Un I could go mit grass ; , ' "
Dod bretty gwlck she'd vital it ondf
Ov she gouldn't hafe plue glaz.
Veil, r zaid go hed, mine deaf,
Dey'l zhound as yon go by.
'Heigh! look ov dod old Deitehfr gftl,
She must got a plue glass eye."
Un den she grled vos bretty zick.
But wotikhi't take plnn mass.
Und yel!ed to vake der det mens up,-
Iv couldn't she hafe plue glaz.
Veil, every von vos grazy gone,
Id zoon gomes ov such bass.
Dts no madder vot der drouble vos,
Musd cure it mid plue glaz.
Ve hope our vriends dond vos all ptiools,-
To mix id mid deir hash.
Un vish dem all von Id stay gnite veil,
Who cftred vos, on plue' glaz.
Remaining in the Post Office, Albany,
Linn county. Oregon. Mav, 3d. 1877.
Persons calling for these letters must giver
the date on which' they were advertised.
Armstrong.' Kate Paphi. Bernhard
Allen, R ..-'. Peters, J W
Botf. John K Remington. Wm A
Burk, Robinsen. Wm M
Horton. Frank 2 Thy ne John
Henderson. VV B 2 Vogeler, Ileinricb
Jordon, MuryJ Vaughn, Iewis
Jewells. A I ford Wallis. Henijr
Moore. TB Wisdom, Mary A
McMiehael, A D Walton, Wm L
McDowell, Win
Yaqtjina Railroad. At the City flallV
Corvallis, to-morrow (Saturday, May 6th, J
at 1 o'clock p. M.. there will be a granrf
mass meeting of all persons interested In
building a railroad to Yaquina Bay front
the Willamette Valley. Everybody is or"
ought to be interested in the matter. With'
a railway to the Pacific ocean from the val
ley, a distance of only fifty or sixty miles
everything our people have for sale In Linn
and Benton counties would be greatly en -ha
need in value. Wlieat to-day, with such
a road built, would be worth $1 60 to $1 7S
per bushel. We want such an outlet, ancf
if our people have the necessary get up andf
git, they'll build that road.
Roi.i. or Honor. The school taught at
McFarland's school-house, for the quarter'
ending April 20th, reports following stand
ing ot scholars : Deportment Perfect :
Angle Peach. Sarah Peach, James Peach
and Magggie Miller t : Prize ior reading
in 5th reader, Ella Wyer ; In 4th reader,
Eva McFarland; in 3d reader, Frank Lowe.
Angie Peach, for the most perfect deport
ment. Average number belonging, 27 ;"
average attendance 24.
Xelme Barker. -
Prayer Meeting. Persons at tending;
the young people's prayer meeting at the
Presbyterian church tiext Sunday evening,
will pleas be on hand at 0:30 o'clock sharp,
if possible, and bring their "Gospel Hymns"
with them. The lesson of the eveuihg
may be found in the twelfth chapter of
Matthew, from the first to the fourteenth
verses inclusive. Subject The witberett
I.O.O.F. The 53th anniversary of Odd"
Fellowship was celebrated on the 26th at
Junction City by Oasis Lodge, many three-'
linkers from other places being in attend-'
ance. Judge Piper, of this city, delivered
the oration, which so greatly pleased that
members of the Order, that the lodge at
Junction and at Harrisburg asked the'
Judge to hate it printed. It was a large
occasion all enjoying it hugely. We arr
sorry to learn that but few of the Albany
brethreu were in attendance.
Grand Bali.. Albany Engine Co. No;
i, gives a gratirl ball on the evening of the
11th insf., at Pacific Opera House. The
boys have purchased a new bell, and the'
ball is given to enable them to raise money
to pay for it. One's always give pleasant
parties, and all who love dancing will en
joy themselves at the coming ball. See ad j
for further information.
RustSESs Meeting. The next regular
meeting of the Y.P.C.A. will be held ir
their rooms on Monday evening next at
eight o'clock. Persons wishing to jbi
should make it known at that time.
Reugiocs. Rev. I. D. Driver will
preach at the M. E. church on Sunday
next, morning and evening. A general
invitation is extended to the pnblic.
Ordlnnnee K. 99't .
Relating to the purcliage of a number four'
Clapp & Jones Steam Fire Engine from
Linn Engine Company No. 2, and teas
propria te money therefor.,
Be it ordained by the Common Council
of the City of Albany :
Section 1. The Committee on Fire and
Water are hereby authorized and requlredi
to purchase for the use of the City of Al
Iwny, the No. 4 Clapp & Jones Steam Fire
Engine from Liim Engine Company No. 9
of the city of Albany, aud to pay for said
engine the sum ol $3,014 92 (three thousand
six hundred and fourteen and 9 a-100 dol
lars) lu gold or silver coin, less the sum of
1000(one thousand dollars) paid by the city
lor tlie tie of the same, aud less the furtlier
sum off 120 77 (one hundred and twenty
and 77-100 dollars! overpaid on hose-cart,
n .wl h.. .fl
mm pui v IV lire VUUMVII US BUV11 H9 IJUQbCB
sion of said engine shall be delivered.
Sec. 2. Tlie City Recorder is hereby au
thorized and required on the filing of the
report of the committee as provided In sec
tion 1, to draw an order on the treasurer for
the sum of f 1,494 15 (fourteen h rind red and
ninety-four and 15-100 dollars) in gold or
silver coin in favor of the Secretary of Linn
Engine Company No. 2, and to Issue at
warrant r order on the treasurer, payable
twelve months after date, for tbe snm of
$1,000 (one thousand dollars), in gold or
silver coin, in favor of the Secretary of
Linn Engine Company No. 2. provided sakf
warrant or order snail draw no interest un
til it becomes due. , . . -
Sec 3. This ordinance to be in force
from and after five days after its publica
tion. Passed the council on tbe 24th day of
April 1877. - .. . -
; Approved, April 24, 1877.
Attest.- Acting Mayor.
L. II - MOHTASTlE, City Recorder.