The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 04, 1877, Image 2

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    ALBANY, OREGOX, MAY 4. 1377.
George Abcrnethy died Rt Portland
on Wednesday evening, aged 70 years,
lift liad just lioisbed bis pnjiper when
he fell trcwTT bi place at the table and
expired. 2ov. Abemetliy was chosen
Provincial Governor of Oregon in 1845,
and held the ofi!je nnlil' the Territorial
government wa established in 1S48,
with honor to himself and advantage
to the country.
more comixo.
I Tweed has made his statement
a'nd it has leen published. lie paid
out ?20'),0GO to pet control of New
York, which gave the opportunity to
pteal from the city millions of dollar?.
The Immediate result of these revelations
is the sudden departure of Oakey Hall
for Europe, and the agitation ot many
others "high at court." The statement
published by Tweed is but a beginning
a full revelation, in detail, in jet to ap
pear and will be made public as soon
as the counsel for the State, who now
has the confession or statement in his
hand, shall deem 'proper. Then we
Khali know who participated with the
Boss in all his big and little villainies.
Until then the public must be content
to guess and surmise.
The war between Turkey and Iitissia
opened a few days ago, and in the first
fight Russia seems to have been worsted.
Russia has so managed the diplomacy
of the present quarrel as to secure the
neutrality of the other great Powers,
rA she will be permitted to manage
ker long coveted Turkey without let or
hindrance from them. Both nations are
in excellent condition for the war. Both
have splendid armies, furnished with the
latest and most improved arms. The
war is a very popular one in Tluesia,
and the Czar will have no trouble in
iavingi every demand he may make for
the prOsecuUon of if iCwar promptly
and cheerfully complied with. The
Turks have a good reputation as sol
diers, and with able leaders will fight
well. Present, indications are that the
war will bo a very destructive and
bloody, one, even if not long protracted.
Tnrkey, through her cruelty to the mill
ions of Chribtiaus under her rule, has
Ibet the sympathy of the entire Chris
" tian w orld, and it looks now ns if she
was to be blotted out from among the
wjUfoi)6 of the earth.
There has long been a rivalry between
ni. iouis ana tiucago, eacn claiming to
have the greatest population, etc. St.
Louis claims a population of 501,489,
although the highest vote ever thrown
by the city was 40,987. This would be
an average of over twelve inhabitants
to the vote an utter absurdity. St
Louis may have a quarter ot a million
people, and that is about all. At the
above rate Albany would Lave a pop
ulation of about 6,000.
President Hayes and the cabinet of
fered Gen.-Graut aud family passage to
Kurope in a government vessel, but the
distinguished honor was declined, the
ex-President preferring to travel as a
- private citizen.
A' Temperance revival is going on at
Seattle is supplied with brooms from
Oiyrnpia. . , r .
Twenty lots In Tacoma changed own
ers last week. ' '
The Panama did not bring any rail
' road iron on her last trip-
Ex-Sherifi Noble has paid over the
deficit of $1,053.
i A white deer was, killed oa the Long
Tom recently. : - " - -
Two boats will run on the Columbia
river above Celilo.
A Donglas county elk is runing with
ferm cattle, and is very tame.
The chinch bug has made its appear
, ance in Douglas county wheat fields.
The Itemizer says parties broke into
Caw's, house and illused his wife.
The men arrested for murdering the
Jackass Chinaman, ot Jackson county,
were discharged.
A lodge of Good Templars was insti.
to ted at Jacksonville on the 16th, with
fifty -one charter members.
A California ex-convict, John Dudley
alias Henry Vere, was arrested at Coos
City and returned to prison.
" The people of Elktoo are having an
investigation of an alleged attempt to
burn tbe postoffice at that place.
"" Oa May 19tb Harrisburg will have
s mass meeting to organize a greenback
It costs $100 a month in coin to rnu
tie Jountam Sentinel.
Charles Parrisli delivered the oration
Et tie Odd Fellow's celebration at Prai
rie City on the Sth-ult,, , : ."-;.';
' Orip2oo.'.Ch8pierifo, , Royal Arch
"a ' v-aJ"orinizei at Jacksonville
tn tl ; . , 2, .th thirteen eharter rnero-
Fine promises of fruit, espacially
peaches, in Wa:sco county.
A new flouring mill is to be erected
on the Ca'apooia, six miles east of Oak
land. Oh Chow will give $500 for the ar
rest and conviction of the parties who
murdered his brother, Gee Chow, on
Jackass creek.
Frank Stadler, propi ietor of the Pt.
Charles hotel at Tneoma, mysteriously
disappeared dnrinir the night of the 26th,
and has not been heard of since.
Dr. Watts lectured to a large audi
ence nt Lafayette a few evei'ii gs since,
lie related the wonders of his trip to
the East.
Town lots in Seattle vary in value
from $100 to $15,000 apiece. There
are but few ot the latter, while of the
former there are thousands.
It is stated that Judge liice, of the
Northern Pacific Railroad, has purchas.
ed all the property of E. S. Smith, in
the town ot Old Tacoma.
Cedar and hartl-wnrtd bolts, ships
knees, dried fish atid deer skins, consti
tuted the freight of the last steamer
from Puget Sound to San Francisco.
S me Missouri pray squirrels have
lieen hrousht into Wa and turned
loose for the purpose of "stocking the
There are now 350 white men employ,
ed on the Tacoma coal road. The chop
pers are receiveng ?2 25 per day. and
the graders SI SO per day. Their lodg
ings are furnished by the company, but
they have to board themselves.
A man named Walter Scott was mur.
dered on the 22d nit., while on his way
from Yreka to Squaw valley Dave
Ilerrick, his son, and an Indian were
arretted on suspicion.
The Eugene Guard makes this blood
curdling confession : Another Lane cow
ty jury has decided that mnrder is not a
crime. This county offers a delichtfnl
dwelling place tor that class of lunatics
whose chief peculiarity is thirst for ha
man blood.
Mr. M. Terrel. mail cont actor on the
route from the Da'les to Ochoco, re.
ports the road quite dry and in snow
on the numerous ranires of bis route
He reports that in places the citizens
.promise to reiair the roads, also Capt.
Smith of the Warm Springs reservation,
agrees to put on work in his domain.
On the Snohomish marsh wi'd redtop
grass grows a thick as it can stand.
Some stalks are twelve feet hij?b. The
Star says this marsh contains from seven
to eight thousand acres, which can be
brought into cultivation for five do'lar
an acre.
Searchers after the money of Cptain
Kidd are be'iered to l ave dinvn-pred a
subterranean cave in the vicinity of
New London, the way to which is jeal
ously kept to themselves. They visit it
only on Saturday nights, remaining till
late Sunday morning. Water in yours ?
Pass the buck ! .
To the 16th of April, fr.m the 1st of
January, the receipts ocal at San Fran
cisco aggregated 146.000 tons. Of this
quantity Seattle furnished 33.105 tons
and Bellingham Bay 3,800, or ome
thing over a quarter of the whole lot.
Vancouver Island is gradua"y drwppiiig
behind, it mines sending in 26,798 tons.
Tho following named gentlemen have
been appointed a building committee,
charged with the duty of superintending
the completion of the M. K. Church of
Salem, viz : Rev. F. P. Tower, E. N.
Cooke, Ceo. P. Ilolman. Thos. Cun
ningham and A. A MeCn'lv. They
desire to complete the building this sura,
Good apples sre scarce and in demanl.
Wheat is looking well all over the valley.
Diphtheria reported prevalent in Salem.
Flour U held at $3 50 and 9 00 per bar
rel in Portland.
Butter in good supply at 20330c. Eggs
ditto, at 16?3'e per dozen.
Measles and mumps in the city, and more
or less sore thront.
Plenty of sml.i at Reuben Saltmarsh's,
near corner of Ellsworth and First streets.
Joe Webber has refitted .his barber shop
in good style for the Summer biz.
It was reported here on Tuesday that rich
mine? had been struck over in Polk county.
The Odd Fellows Grand L,odge convenes
at Portland on the 15th inst.
Van Vactor now runs a delivery wagon
of his own. .
S. E. Young received a large invoice of
wagons during tiie week.
The dmy business all controlled by one
firm at present, Capt. Mathews & Co. -
Exceeding "laeltude" of coin is what's
the matter with us.
Taylor, the Slight of hand man, is mean
dering this way. '
' The brass band was out in the Interest
of De Murska on Wednesday afternoon.
Dr. O. P. S. Phimmcr aud family moved
to Portland during the week.
At the residence of Taylor Cotton, on the
28th ult., a 10-lb boy.
Farmers telis us the ground needs rain
right now.
Gronse and pheasants are plentiful with
lu a mile or two of the city.
Onions, lettnce, judilUhes, etc., are get
ting to be plentiful in the market.
Sla'hers of new ads. Bead and keep
A full house greeted the dedicatory ser
vices at the Y. P. C. Association rooms on
Saturday night last.
Services at the M. E. Church every even
ing since Thursday, Rev. I. D. Driver offi
ciating. Flour Is Jumping right up it will be out
of the reach' of many if it gets much high
er. . .' ; ;'": : '"
"Bed hot"r soda with ice In it will soon
be opened out at C. A. Flu miner's drug
emporium. ;
We are sorry to chrocicle the failure of
Dr. Lister, grocery mc reliant, and hope hU
difficulties will prove only temporary.
' I. W. Spink proposes going into the dray
and truck business, and will bstve a brand
new truck here soon.
Mr. Cundiflf has burnt a fine lot of brick.
The Averill is king among paints, and
Charley Plmnmer has every shade you may
W. W. Parrlsh and family have returned
from tho Walla Walla country, aud they
nave coine to sta3
De Murska and crowd left ns on Thurs
day's train and they forgot to pay their
bill at this office.
Ralph Geer. of Marion county, sold 1.500
bushels of wheat the other day for $ 1 42 a
bushel. Lucky is no name for't.
Hon. Hi. Smith, of Harrishnrg. has a
good fat tut in wheat and flour bought lie
fore the rise. Send us down a bbl.. High.
J. K. Weatlierford. .lake Fit-i-chner and
others, talk of a trip to the Ochoco mines
By the late frosts Wadsworth &, Parks
have lost between $300 and 400 In the de
struction of strawberries.
Flour is gradually getting more elevated,
$9 per barrel being the quotation now with
a prospect of still farther advancing.
Virgil Parker is always on hand with his
exprr&s wagon, and he is one of the mot
accommodating boys in the whole business.
The City Teachers' Institute meets nt
Rev. Dr. Hill's residence on Tuesday even
ing next, at ' early caudle-lighting."
Messrs. Odenenl & Edgar opened the
Villard Hotel (the new hotel jut complet
ed at the O. & C. Railroad depot) on the
1st instant. - '
Mesrs. Rogers & Scrafford are having a
good run at the American Exchange Ho
tel. They are way up boys and keep a
most excellent house.
Parties from Portland closed Dr. Lister's
grocery store on Monday. The Impossibil
ity of colleciiug moneys due is what's the
matter witb Doc.
The salmon .-un in the Columbia is poor,
only about ten fish per night to the boat.
Last season the average was about one hun
dred. The sprinkler, under the present man
agement is doing the best and most com
plete work ever done on First street, and
Bob deserves encouragement.
L. E. Blain has received another invoice
of nobby clothing, new style hats, new
brand cf cigars, etc., which you want to
see yourself,
Mr. John Hill, pianist and musical direc
tor of the Opera Company, is the husband
of Madame lima De Murska and it serves
him right. '
Yan Vacror took time by the forelock the
other day. and bought all the flour the Bos
ton Mil hnd eu liand.
Fred Hill thinks of starting eat of the
mountains soon with his large band of
They keep an excellent assortment of
drug, chemicals ami medicines at tiie Ci:y
Drug Store, corner Ellsworth aud First
lack Titns. wlien lat heard of. was hav
ing splendid luck with his stock. Brides
stock raMn.2 he is farming quite extensive
ly near Antelope valley.
Mi"- Whifson had a big run on bonnets,
hats. niiHIncrr, etc.. last week, and still
the mh continues she lias such a hand
some assortment.
'The ninny friends of Mrs. Merrill, now
of Astoria, late of Albany, will be glad to
learn that she is recovering atler a severe
Tiie St. Charles Hotel is havinga rush of
business. On Tuesday every bed in the
home was seeured and friend F-onfc thinks
of adding another story to accomodate the
Mr. J. A. Temple, of Lebanon, was
thrown from his horse on Monday, and
severely injured about the head and shoul
ders. He was comfortable, however, at
last accounts.
Next Thursday. 'May 10th. one year ago.
Linn Engine Co.. No. 2, housed her engine.
The Imvs talk of havinga grand picnic on
the 10th inet.. in commemoration of the oc
casion. It isn't a had ica.
Members of LJnn Engine Co. No. 6 will
rememher the meeting at their hall this
evening Friday to nominate candidates
for the office of Chief and AssUtant of the
Albany Fire Department.
No fireman will be allowed to vote on
Monday next unless he has secured a cer
tificate of membership in the Department,
which fact must be certified to bv the Sec
retary of the Company to which he belongs,
Through the excellent management of
Dr. Harper, Fred. McCoy is about again
after a severe attack ot the measles. Dr.
n. i meeting with the best of success in
the practice ot his profession. See card on
first page of flic Rfoistkr.
See and read ordinance No. 69 on. third
page of this Issue. The intention was to
print It on the first page, but in making
up. part of the second section was omitted
therefore its reinsertion on the third
No opera Wednesday night, the; attend
ance being entirelv too thin. . Money Is too
scarce for high-toned prices. At a more
favorable season (financially) this would
not have been thus. It's a poor time for
entertainments of any kind"; only a circus
will bring ont the half dollars!
. Wheat quotations in Portland sltow a
considerable advance in price 12 75 to- $3
per hundred pounds, or from $1 65 to $ 1 80
per bushel. This is good enough if we only
had the wheat to sell there's the rub.
There's hardly any wheat In the country
lor sale. .
Rev. 8. G. Irvine, D. D-. of this city, was
called upon Monday last to administer the
rites of iMirial for the late wife of Mr. Ham
ilton McCulIy. of Salenv who died on Sat
nrday last, after an illness of two or three
days. Deceased whs about forty-one years
of age. aud a few years ago .was a resident
of this city. ; .
Those two gentlemen who claim to have
walked from this city to Portland on last
Sunday ; are away rip as pedestrians, but
Charley Perkins, of the St. Charles Hotel,
Portland, as we learn from the Telegram,
discounts this little 80-mile walk by assert
ing that 'Ma -ee In one day carried Mm
over one hundred and' ten miles of Yam
hill soil 1" We patiently await the next
I pedestrian- ..:
Business dull, but will soon be better as
the farmers, in a few days more, will have
seeded their grialn, and the rush will be
over until harvest-time.
Tiie Lodge at Junction and Harrisburg
both passed resolutions requesting Judge
Piper to consent to have published the excel
lent address delivered by him before the
three-linkers at Junction on the 23th of last
month. We shall try and publish it next
week ift the Register." that those who were
prevented from going may not lose the
pleasure of perusing it.
Frank Wood came in from Greenhorn a
few days ago. He had jijt finished a new
water ditch with a capacity of seven hun
dred inches of water. This makes two
water ditches now on the claims, both of
the same capacity, which gives an abund
ance of power to work the diggings. Frank
expects to commence piping in about three
weeks, when goid will be abundant at
Greenhorn. . . . I
It will be: remembered that Mr. W.
Churchill, who lives about ten miles south
of tins city, was robbed some time ago by
a young man then in ids employ. The
young man was arrested and placed in the
county jail (our f 10. 000 jail) from which he
escaped in due time, -since when he lias not
been heard , from. Well, last week the
money. $200. "was found. The thief, not
being able to get away with it. had hid it
In the straw tick on which he was sleeping
at the time of the robbery.
.Last Sunday afternoon a daring robbery
Jwas committed at Mr. N. Price's farm,
about five miles from this city, by a foot
inger who was hoofing it through the
country looking for -.vork among the farm
ers. The house was occupied by a renter
who was absent with his Eimily visiting a
neighbor. The footpad sncceeded in get
ting away with between twenty and thirty
dollars worth of wearing apparel and jew
elry. m
Strawberries. The Congregational
Church of this city will give a strawberry
and ice cream festival on tiie evening of
May 25th Friday.
Y.P.C.A. The second weekly meeting
of the above named association will be held
ot: to-morrow (Saturday) evening, at their
rooms, at S o'clock. A cordial invitation
is extended to every one to be present, es
pecially strangprs in the city.
A harmless medicine yet one of the most
potent curative agents ever known. A In
tuit hie. liomreiuithii. Bctanic and Electric
physicians alike recommend It for M"efc
'j)f7--. exhibited by short breath, pale lips,
hacking cough, pain in the side, stooping
gait, and genera! want of vigor, forming
the well known stages of Consumption.
Bv inhaling tiie Kxtract the lungs will
be invigorated nnd thecapacity of the client
will te iiiik-Ii enlarged, the air cells deve'-fi-d.
and the entire system will be invig
orated. ,
Sew To-Bay.
P.0SEP.3 8s S5SAFF0P.D, Proprietors.
Onlj- first rhisn lmrioc In live citv.
Free coach to an(JUfroiu the lioiiwe. 32v9
Grand Calico Ball I .
Friday Evening1; Mar 11th, 1S77.
T. 8. MEALE-.
Tickets (without supjwr) tl 50.
Prnpeel:to be applied on the purchase of a
new Bell.
Albany, JJay4lh, 1877. n32vr3
X Freight on irvain and Flour have lcen es
tablished by this Company as 1 lie maximum
rates for one year from May 1st, 1877, viz :
Per Ton.
Oresron City to Portland $1 00
Bntteville " " 1 7S
ChairiToegr ' " 1 7i
ravton J " " 2 00
Fairfield " " 2 00
Wheal land ; " .....2 50
Uncolu " " 2 50
Salem " 2 50
Kola " " 4 75
Independence " " 2 7i
Anknev's Landing " " 3 00
Rnena , " " 3 00
Snrin Hill " " , 3 00
AHmny " 3 00
Corvaills " 3 50
Peoria ' " " 3 50
Monroe ' " " 4 00
Harriwlxirsr " - 4 00
EnsreneCitv " " 5 00
Grain and Flonr Kliipjied from the points
above mentioned direct to Astoria will be
chmired tl 00 per ton additional.
The companv will contract with partleBwlio
desire it totranorort Grain and Flonrat above
W" for-ay Mieeibed time, not exceeding Ave
years. , S. G. REEI.
Vice President W. T. & L. Co.
Portland. April 28, 1S77.
In the Oircnit Court, of the S'ate of Oregon,
wi hin and tor the county of Linn.
Snitin equity fordivorce.
H H. Baxter, plain 1 tit', vs. Ada M. Baxter, de
fendant. To Ada M. Baxter the above named defendant :
In the Dame of tbo S ate of Oregon : You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint of the above name I plaintiff, in the
above entitled milt, in the Conrt above named,
now on file in the ofllce of the clerk of mid
court within ten da s from the da'e of the ser
vice of this summons utxm you, if served in
Linn comity, but if jerved in any other county
in the 8: ate then wiibin twenty days from the
date of the service of thin summons ; or if nerv
ed by publication, tiien you are required to an
swer said comn;alnt wit bin six weeks from 1 he
date of coinmenuement of publication of said
summons npon you, or by the tirst. day of the
next rexnlar term olttaid Court, for Linn coun
ty, Oregon, to-wit :
f M'ntdag. the 22(1 day of October. Sn,
and you are hereby notified thai if you fall to
appearand answer l I complaint as hereby re
quired, the plaintiff will applv to the Court for
the relief demanded in the complaint, which is
for the dissolution. of his marriage contract
heretofore existing between you and plaintiff,
and for a divorce f rota job, and for costs and
'disbursements of ihix suit, and that this sum
mons is published by Hon. R. P. Boise. Judve
of said Court, made at Chambers in Salem, this
28th day of April, 1S77. J.J. WHITN EY. -
may4u32v9t6 1 Att'y for pl'ff.
Albany Farmers' Company.
NOTICE is hereby frivett to the stockholders
of the Albany Farmers' Co., that there wiH
he a meet ins: of the stock holders of said Com
pany at their office in t he ctty of Albany on the
I.M h day of May, 1877. at the hour of one o'clock
P. M, of said day, for the purpose of electing
Seven Directors of this Company -to act as such
for the next ensuing year, ami such other bus
iness as may come before tbis Company. A
full attendance is desired .
G. F. CRAWFORD, President. .
I. M AXKFIFT,l, 8eo;. naivDta
Durable, Beautiful,- "Water-Proof, Elastic and
This Paint is mixerl ronrty for use, requiring ho Oil or Thinner. It is equally as good
lor mstfle m ontsMe w ork ; over ol.l work no well as new ; in tact where any
paint can be ttel the AVKRILL PAINT will he found superior 10 any
other. Any one van apply it who can use a brush, which truly
makes it the POPULAR PAINT.
For Farther Information senrt for Sample Card, Circular and
Price-Ust to
TJrn&gist anl Dealer in
Iirst Street,
"V17ILL KKKP IN STOCK a full line
to me loin oi juiy,
At the atnblp of A. If. MARSHALL, Albany, Tuesday P. 7U. ncdnmbu' and Than
day A- M. of Mfh week.
At the Ktabie r .ilmn. Bean & Davldsou, Salnu, Friday P. M.. Soturday and
Holiday A. 91. ol efli neck.
TERMs-Twent y-fivc dollafs V. S. gold coin the
I have some rmre Jersey cattle for sale. Every family tbnt keeps a cow shonlrt have a Jersev,
or at least a half blKHl. Parties that have used them will uot do without them if ihey are to be
Karly in April I will issue a circular witb line ensravinp3 of inv mare? and liorses.a view of ray
stable, with a history of the Peivbcrons. and why they are preferred to oilier lartre horsies ;
some hints on breeding ; the demand for iura boi-scsj in Ii,iiixpe and Auieriea, &e. They will be
sent on anolieation.
3Iarch 23, ia77-van2S
AAe II live I T-
Mountain Balxn
r ii e r M A T I S M .
Selected and gathered on the pnrs of the
Sierra Nevada Moiintniii-'. The leal fonnO
in the hotter din ates when dry, contains
titty per ivnt. of Ivsin or gold colored jtnm.
the" properties of w hieh arePtinmlat. tigand
lieiilins. and eH.-ci;lly adapted to the
wants of the systetn in case of Lung dis
ease and RhcitiiiHtisiti.
The high t'tiin:ite which the Spnnish
placetl itii it oil account of it medicinal
flimlitie i manifest Jrom the nanie they I
gjive to it. titiiny! vers ajo YerKisatna,
or "Herb of the Saints." The natives nt
Southern Oregon-and Northern California
have o-ed it iininemorially as a Rheumatic
remedy. The white jaiptilatioii in the re
gion where it grows h-ive tiseil and prized
it as a throat and lung itittlicine. For a
time they Atillcd It Lung Weed; hut give
valuable' tetimotiials as to its virtues in
curing Rheumatism. !
When vou open one of our packages.
kfHp it excluded itroui the air as much' as"
possible. -' !
I have usetl it in my lamny ior tour or
five years, and regaitl it as one ot the best
family medicines we ever ued. A tinct
ure is mautifact tired from it in Cincinnati,
and sold at 75 celits "er ounce. A single
one of our packages make eight ounces tit
tincture." which is worth $5. The shrub I
from which this Valuable medicine is gath-
ered. is only fmiud in a narrow- lielt of
country in Soutliem Oregon, and along the
Established 1S70.
Iffcw Xaocation,
New !R.oqxxxs,
HTc-re Stools and
New IVIen.
THE UN DEKSIG N E l ha rinse pnrchasod the
entire :ock of A. Carothers Jt Co., and
placed it under the management of Dr. N. Hen
ton, late of Iowa, assisted by ? B. lienton
who are now refitting and addinir extensive
additions of new mock, and fr ,tn their lonir ex
perience and thorough knowledge of the busi
ness in all Its varied deportments, feel awmrud
that, we shall be able to render full satisfaction
to all who may favor ns with their patronage
Onr prescription deiMrtment wiJ at all timea
th responsible ana important -work, i
"Wa mllikl1t 1.'4-4 oI - m .
anl surrouniling Co an try, vhert tn need of any
uibwiiot uru7 nouses to
call on us, corner of i nst and Ellsworth trvf
of the above PAIXT, in ALL SIZES
season, dnc at the end of the season
Sterra Xev.'itla Mountains, and is snppostnl
to have bei'ii gat hereil from Mount Gileatl
i iiiMi.-cini.- in jpjio "K. atKI lite jjtt.ll
ti..iit,.l nitrl cctll Si, t' in-nt t:.
.t aim in A 11
f. . ,i1A ; . 2..t. ......
ire be-
IU1V illb illiiVI J UUtUIIIUli
i Testimonlalii.
Dr. Nicklin, ot Eugene City, oays :
Your Balm is one ot the liest preferred
herbs I ever saw. and is worthy of a higher
price than you put upon it."
Rev. S. IC. Raymond, of Oakland, Ore
gon, says; -I went to California to recov
er from Consumption. The Doctors there
gave me up, aud told me if I iiail any
friends I wished to pee I had better go and
see them, as I could live but a little while
longer. On my way to Oregon I eoin
' menced using Mou'daiii Balm; it helped
me; I continued its use until it cured me of
the disease.'
Mr. W. T. Osborne, of Eugene City,
says : I know a young man whoqpeared
to be in the last stages of consumption,
and by using Mountain Balm orYerbasan
ta he became a healthy young man."
Joseph T. Moore, Esq.. of Milville. Cat..
$nys : I have bet n acquainted with the
shrub known as Yerbasanta for 20 years,
and know it to la? a very valuable medicine,
both for the Lungs and Rheumatim."
Mr. Kimball, ot Kimball & Welton, Red
Blnfts, Cal., says: -I have been nfquaint
d with the shrub known as 'Yerbasanta,
for many years, and know it to be a great
Lung medicine."
"I lett Missouri with the consumption.
Reached Rock Point, Jackson county. Or.,
and was taken down. I took a tincture of
Mountain Balm, and chewed the leaf more
or less, and in four or five days it denned
out my lungs handsomely, and I resumed
my journey ; and now, after several
months, my lungs still seem well.
A. B. C.
" CAvFor wile at the drug stores of Belt &
Parker, and John Foshay. 7v9
Groceries, Teas, Provis'ns,
Coffees, Kplcea. Dried Fruits, &e., ,
K-r"Kven tbinx nice and fresh,
... - . . . . . .
. bifcb. and weighs about 1,300 pounda. Was
sirwl by old Vermont, one of the finest road
sters that, ever trod the PHoffle coast, and ran
show the fastest Btock. His dam 1st a Monran
unfl Kf ........ .. n . , .i , : ..
of which sold, at fonr years old, for 2.A0C s one
l-MvllnttwiM - c 1 1 .1 .1. i i .
wort h .kmi. ,
. i.n;uo i -win no lomia hit iam, six
miles south of Albany, trom the tint of April
nntil .a 111, l .. i. - 171 nn . . -f V.
- . - 0 'W
.... , uv ... wuiv loft. XAnaLn ?4v
season, payable at the end of the season. Pas
ture free to mares from a distance.
Marcb 80. 1877 -$4v9 M. LUPER.
Valuable Building"
Dwellings or Business Houses,
C!ITUATKt In the business part of the city
ny, Oresfon. on tiie corner of Ferry and Wate
streets, near the Citv Mills, steamboat landing
and O. A C. R. R. Size of lots :
lOO fee on Ferry atreet t
13a Feet on Water street,
with bulldinirs thereon.
Inquire on the premises for partictf ''
Albany, Or Jan. 28, 1877-18v9
tenxive Job Printing lOttabliahments
of the "Sute Rights Veinwrut," and the
"Albany Regis er," vrm are prepared , to
execute ia first-class style,
or Every Description.
Bills of Fare.
Cards of all Kinds and Colors,
Blank Ctiecks,
Blortgraes, j
and Dcen.
Latcsl nnd Most Relinlile Itt
formation aliout the It I. At K
HILLS. -Northern Wyomingr
and the frreat Indian Wnr
win aiv ie lounu In ttie
tMdcst La I've?. t. Ouhix-k
, . ""Xi"'. t- near
in tiie TPs Tf and BKST I
F.stablthcd in 18fi"
r." l-Tillfi
o 1 year, AAf HO
mo. tl 6 mo. klJM
II. OLAntK, Publisncr, Cheyenne, Wyo.
A VERY DE5IR ABLK linsiness lot 6fixl00 feet
on the corner of Second and Washington
wreets, Alloiy. Also. Enjfine. Roller and Ma
chinery, toet ber wil h a lot. of furniture, lad
ders, whcelltarrows. barrows. e. nil :n t
sold otTchean lor csih, in conseqnem-e of re
moval on aoconnt of sickncRH Knqtiire on the
premises ot PUTNAM A CO.
Alliany, Jan. ID, 1877-nl7
" ron
All Xmportaat Parts aado of ISCIT,
aal "Durable as Iron c&n to.
Adjustatls to any reijuir4
whila In ziotion.' -
XTtrer does or Chokes on Stubblo er
'Trasny" GroundL.
A rranfed for t wo. three or four horses abreast
Lightest Draft Maehine in use.
Covers and cut s all t he srround.
Broadcast Seeders will sow all Itlntfa f
s;ralw, wet or dry.
RANTED. I ask every farmer to examine my Seeder and
Cultivator Defore purchasing an Eastern tls
chine. For farther particulars address
Harrisburg, Oregon."
February 9, 187T-Sev
Notice of Final Settlement,
FKOMAN, Administrator of the estate of
J. C. Graves, deceased, has tiled tn the I'ountjr
court or Linn county, ureaen, tils final account
for settlement of mid estate and the said eonrt
ha appointed Friday, the i h day of April, S77t
at the hoar of one clock in the afternoon f
said-day foe hearina object lois tosahl final a
oount and the settlement thereof.
Humphrey & Hewitt. Atts. - Admiaistrator
March 9, J77-24v9w4 .
Neatly executed,
fall ii t!i Register OOce