The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 27, 1877, Image 3

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Rritsk Fikk On Monday afternoon
Marshal Wcstfall arrested a fellow named
Frank VTey man. for disturbing tlie peace.
"Wevman fought like a fury, and the Mar
shall experienced no little trouble in get
ting him into the calaboose, as various
scratches on hands and face attested.
About half past seven o'clock in the even
ing the alarm of "fire," "-fire," brought
out the Fire Department in a hurry. The
fire was found to proceed from the cala
boose, in the same lot with the City Hall
and One's house, and the fellow Weyman
who had been incarcerated but a few min
utes before was yelling most lustily. The
smoke came pouring out cf the grated win
dows of the prison in dense masses, indi
cating from the smell the burning of old
straw. The Marshal not being handy to
unlock tlie door, it was forced open, when
out cune the prisoner fighting and yelling.
After considerable diflicnlty he was secured.
when it. was found that both of his hands
were burned, one of them badly. ; Fighting
as he went he was carried to Dr. Plum
trier's drug store, where he had to be chlo
roformed to enable, thenv, to. bindUp his
burned hands. Still under tlie influence of
chloroform, he was placed in a blanket.
taken to the county jail and placed in one
of the cells for the night. The prisoner
seemed to be in a terrible state ot excite
ment threatening to kill himself and meas
ures had to be taken to keep him from at
tempting suicide. When placed in the cal
aboose we believe he had been searched,
but he succeeded in obtaining matches which
he used in setting fire to his bed. When
the cell commenced filling with smoke and
be began to fear be would smother before
aid would arrive, lie was diligent in bis
j efforts to extinguish the fire be hjtd started.
In this endeavor burning his light hand
' severely and his lett hand somewhat. lie
was examined on Tuesday before the Re-
corder, found guilty of assaulting an officer
and fined $10 and costs, and further was
held to bail in $300 to answer tihe charge
of arson preferred against him.
A Genuine Surprise. On! Tuesday
evehing la-st Rev. II. W. Stratton and wife,
who had been making pastoral visits, re
turned to their residence to find it. filled to
overflowing with acquaintances and friends,
who bad thus unexpectedly called to make
Bro. Stratton a farewell visit. Soon every
available space in the house was crowded
and the yard pretty well filled. It was a
very pleasant occasion indeed, the Rever
end geutlem .in being visibly effected by this
testimonial of the love and esteem in which
he U held by bis congregation and friends.
Before the party broke up the Albany
Brass Band made and played
several beautiful airs in lront of the dwell
ing, thus adding to the interest and pleas
ure of the- occasion. After taking their
leave, Vpurse was found under the pillow
of the Reverend gentleman's bed, contain
ing still further evidence of tlie kind wishes
of friends. Bro. Stratton left 'Albany for
the East carrying with' him the warmest
wishes ot the w hole community for a safe
ands pleasant journey and an early return.
Prof. BHD's School. Prof.
F. II. Reid rendered his last instructions in
a course of twelve lessons at the Central
school-house, cm Tuesday evening last, hav
ing present to witness the closing exercises
and note the improvements of his class, a
full house, showing a high appreciation of
him as an instructor in penmanship. The
Prof, had a large class hi,
twenty-two in nunilicr, and it is a high
compliment to ids skill as an instructor in
the Spencerian system of penmanship, to
note the rapid progress cf his class, having
an opportunity to examine a specimen of
eachindivldtial tliereof. written both at the
beginning and ending of the term. Mrs.
Ada Mansfield was awarded the prize for
the best penmanship, and Miss Ella Miller
for the greatest improvement during the
term, both at this time showing a high de
gree of perfection. Prof. Reid commenced
his second course of twelve lessons on
Wednesday evening last at the same place,
and is U-achiug two private day classes, be
sides, of twelve and thirteen members re
spectively. The mode of instruction is en
tirely different from the nwal jnethod, be
ing upon the principle that the.nfrt i purely
mental and mechanical. The principles of
the Spencerian system are placed upon the
black-board, and instwctioTis given alone,
from those, fixing them upon the mind and,
requiring tlie student rewrite from a men
tal or vision-try copy-'lwstead .ot. '.h-r3Sljr.
raade upon paper. From the universal
success of the Professor he has evidently
struck upon the only true method, and
those desiring instructions in the art would
do well to avail themselves of an early op
portunity. - --' V
Steamer Pencil askd. Bast Tuesday
the City Council passed an ordinance au
thorizing the committee on Fire and Water
to purchase "the steam fire engine belonging
to Linn Engine Co., No. 2. of this city,
and appropriating money sufficient to pay
down a little over half the value or cost of
said feteatner, the balance to be paid next
year. There was a full Council, with the
exception of the Mayor, and the ordinance
passed unanimously. This is as it should
be. -The city slmuld ownaand control all
fire engines. : The stockholders in L. E.
Co., No. 2," have laid put of tho use of their
money since 1875 for the benefit ot the city,
and it is time their money was refunded.
Xf.urai.gia, with- its terrible pain and
sntTering in the mouth,' teeth and face,
often involving the eye and ear with its
rrf darting, piercing and troublesome
atfliciion, can be promptly a laved, and the
. sensttive and sorelv affected parts, relieved
by bathing freely with Pond's Extract and
taking ten drops internally every two hours;
in case of severe Toothache bv holding
whims of the Extract in thennuth many
flrfVeUeu.uist.uitaiicou.sly cured. .
Gold in New Yoik. 107
Legal tenders, 9 1 505c.
Silver coin, WSmii.
Wheat, $t 0551 10 bushel.
Oats, 50c bushel.
Butter, 20 25o p pound.
i-.ggs, loc f' dozen.
Chickens, $2 50S3 00 dozen.
Beef on foot, 3c ; pork, do., 7c net.
Bacon Sides. 13c; hams, 15c; shoulders,
Dried apples, Gt:; plums, 12c.
Liverpool wheat market. April 13 : Av
erage. 12s 2dj12s 9d; club 12? 6d313s.
Special Notices.
Notice. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to me are hereby notified
to come forward within twelve days and
pay the same, or the accounts will be put
into the hands of the proper officer for col
lection. J. FLEISCHXER.
Albany, Or., April 13. 1S77.
Musicai.. Miss Nettie Piper, teacher ol
Vocal and Instrumental music, has recent
ly located in Albany, and prepared to give
lessons in the above named branches. Has
had several year- experience in teaching,
and can give the best of references. 4
PLAITIXO, Ktnntiis. 'itftln;r mid Fit
ting. Plain Sewing:, Hail- Weaving-, etc. Cutting
and titling: Children's Clothing n specialty.
Call at the rooms adjoining the R kg istfr office,
Albany, Oregon. Mr.s. Ccil. VAXOavr.
Majok White Is located one door west
of Fox Bro.'s, First street. Albany, where
he is prepared to do all work in his line,
such as repairing watches, clocks, and jew
elry. Also, engraves door-plates, silver
ware, t&c. Give him a call.
The Richmond Range.- The Richmond
range is King among cooking stoves, and
no mistake. If is the mo-t complete, best
furnished, economical stove in the world,
certainly. Every ohe who gets one of
these stoves likes it. and speaks well ot it.
It economises fsii 1, a. slendid baker,
and looks well in kitchen or parlor. Call
in nt W. II. McFsrland's and secure a
Richmond Range, and vou'il never regret
it. '
I'l-uiii l"-jysiel;n.
Hyde Park. Vt.. Feb. 7 1370.
Messrs. Seth. Fowle & Sons Boston.
Gents You tuny perhaps remember that
I wrote y otiose vera 1 weeks ago In regard to
the ue of the Peruvian Syrup for my wife,
who was sutlcrlng from general debility,
the sequence of Typhoid Lyenteiy. I had
tried tlie mo4 noted physicians in this
Stare, and also in Canada, without relief.
At your recommendation she commenced
the u-e of tlrt: svrnp. the first four bottles
made but lirtle impres-ion, but while tak
ing the tilth she hegan to improve r:p:dly.
and now. after u-iuir six of tlie dollar bot
ties, she has i -egaiued her strength, and is
able to do mo-t f tin work about the house;
and I feel that I cannot speak too highly in
praise of the Peruvian Syrup. I have pre
scribed it to several tf i:.y patients, and
have procured the sale ol several of it here.
You t an make any use ot this U tter yon see
fit. Yours very truly. 11. IX Deklen, M. D.
' l;'s Otfiy n 's:i3i"'
hns hronglii many to niitimely graves.
W h:-t is a Cough The lungs or hi onchial
tubes have heii attacked hy a cold; nature
sounds an alfirin-U-ll, telling here the di
ense lies. Wisdom suggests try Wi-tar"s
Ua'ftun oi Wild. Cherry :' It has -euretl,
during tlie last half ot a century, thousands
upon thousands i.f persons. As long as yon
cough.- there is danger, lor the conglj is a
Safety Valve. U-e "Wi.-tar and be cured.
Sold by all druggi-ts. npril
The Tvichmoud Il-mge is a great wood
saver, and as it throws out less heat than
any other good range or stove, it is way
up tor Summer u-e. "
l:iietlir:s:-tj:ent for the Feeble.
Debility, wla il,cr it be inherent, or
caused by overtaxed -tiength. or protracted
illness, has a most depressing influence up
on the mind, breeding an abject melancholy
nearly akin to despair, and enf.-tcing the
abandonment of cheri-hed projects and
high hopes. Happily, the enfeebled svs-
tem. even in extieme cases, is susceptible
of iiivigorafioi. It is proved hv incontro
vertible evidence, that Ilo-tetter's Stomach
Bi'.ters is an unt iiiiiig strenglhener of the
weak, and fhat in addition to vitalizing t he
physical organization, it establishes regit-
larify ainoutf tiiost-organs upon whose ef
ficient discharge of the duties imposed, on
thcin bv nature, contiiined vigor ami health
depend. Thou ands of in-tances might he
cited to show the regenerating influence Of
this health-giving agent in cases of debility.
liver disease, dy-pepsiu. nervous ailments,
coii'-tipanon. intermittent lever, uriuarv
ami uterine troubles, gout and rheumatism
and other maladies. april
TO rOSMUHl'TIVCH. -The a-lvertlser.hav
in leei rei'mancnllvt-nrfvl of tiiat drenl oi
ease, Consun ntioi. by a -fmr! ivme'Iy , is an T
ions to make known lo his lellow Hnderers Ihe
means of cure. To all who desire it, lie will
send a copy of the prescription usid tfi-ee of
cbartte,', with the directions for rrerarln;j ani
nsins 111 same, which they will flftd a sure
cure for (Vin-mn'i;lim, As? lima. Bronchi tis,c.
I'arties wishing the prescrintion will pleas. ad
dress Rev. E. A.Wll.tDN,l04 l'ennst.,1Villiams
burg, N. Y. ilc9l ton43v9-
PIJ1PLEN.-I will mail irroci the recipe for
-proparinif a simple Vee'a'Ie Balm that will re
move Tan, Fi'e;kles, fimpk-.-t and Biotches.
leavins; the skin ot"t. clear and leantiful: also
instructions for pro-iucbiar a luxuriant crowth
ot hair on a lmld hea 1 orsmooth face. Ail lrcss
lk;n. 'andlf & Co., box 51-1, No. 5 Wooster-St.,
New.Voik. . , - ton43v .
F.rronitf Yo tl.-A jrcnllcmtm who suf
fered for 3-cai-s from Nervous Iebility. Prcma
turw lecnv, and nil theeffcelsof you'hfil indis
cretion will, for tbcsnfcc of snllerinff humanity,
tKn'l free to nil who need it. 1 h rcci)H5 and di
rection for makinir the simrle remedy by wbk-k
he was curo'l. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertiser's extn;rienee can do so by ad
dressing in pert set eon tidenoe, John B. Oook-,
42 Cedar ht.. New Voiii. , .xtUv9
lipau-wilt r Ibh. " .
jmr is the t ime of vear for Pnenmonla, Lung
Fever. CtntRhs. t;oids. and fjitol results of -kvi-distxition
to Cousiiraptinn and other Throat,
and Lima: Diseases. Boss-UPE'a iEBM.VN
SYRt'i has beerf used in tbis neta:hbo"hood for
the past two or three veais without n single
fHiiurw to cure. If you have not used t his med
icine, vonrself. so to our Di UKStiaf in this city
and ask hint of its won JerfuL success amon?
Id-" customers. Three doe- will relieve the
worst chsc. If vou have no faith in any medi
cine, just buy"tt samjile Bottle of BuscHkE's
(irjiMAX Sykiv for lu cents and try it. Regu
lar size l)ot,t le 73 cents. Don't neglect a couh
to aave -J cents. - , nI8m3
To all who are sutferins from the errora and
indiscrct ioris of vont h, nervous wmkness, early
dec v. loss of manhood. &c... I will send a recipe,
that will cure vou. 1KEK OK CIIARtiK. Thi
ereat remedrwns discovered hy a tidssionary
to South America. Send a self addresscd enve-.-one
to the Kkv. .losrei'll T. Ismaj, ft.uJOn D,
fiiUe HjWIV, Xtn 1 'm iuSv.
The 1 co 5le Want Proof.
There Is no medicine prescribed by pbysl-
ntH l.v- DtMUTfvistS. tlUlt lmW Hitch
evidence of its success and superior virtne us
Ilav'lire'ii tjYRVP lor severe .uBns.
iiIuahiah m, iiwt litest raiiKimiptinu. or
an v dis'iis! of the Throat nrXims A proof
ot that fact ! flint nv person adlict--d, can pet
aSnrnple Bottle for I J cent sand fry Its suiwrlor
etrst before bnvinK tha repular size
reals. It. 1-as lat'e'v been introduced in this
country from (iennaiiy, and its wondertnt
cure tire ttstonjshin everv-on that use tt.
Tlm-e. doses will relieve inv. ense. Tr'
ho!l hy alt drnf if u. . nlm3
Groceries and Provisions !
First Door West of S. K. Yonngft, First Street, Albany, Ogn.
CHeap for Oojsla.
At foot or Lyon Street, oiiKlle Depot On Railroad,
V'ii: store Grain antl Cic:icrl
ALBANY, Oregon. Jan., !S77-13v9
Tin, Copper and
3 B B S S
Francisco :
U a copy of a Western Union
Pelonbet. Pel ton A Co.. of New York,
MEDAL of AWARD tor the
V'xt ttoor to 11-. e KanSi. . dec?n!4
f-?Jt,f -5Ti? - A , --".,-raaa,
i c si; v---- r&w n
"W. C. Tweed ale,
CS" Call ami ace him.
Tf Z " fX ' Tr- VJ ?rt '-f
r r
To tlie WrUlw (Inw. We are now
preTmred to turnish all classf-s with constant
employment at home, the whole of the time,
or for their spare moments. Business new,
light and profitable. Personsof either sex easi
ly earn from 5d cents to f5 per evenmsr. and a
pro port lonal Bum by devotinir their whole time
to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as
much as men. That ail who we Ibis notice inay
end I heir address, and test tlie business wo
make this unparalleled oiler: To such as are
not. well satistied we will send one dollar to pay
lor the trouble of writing. Full imrticuiars,
jiruplcs wortl) several dollars to cotniuenee
work on, and a copy ot f tome and Fireside, one
of the largest and best I Unstinted Publications,
all sent fr by Reader, if yon wantper
tnanent, orodtnldo vork, addi-es-.s ;eoke
rt.vtiuy JOi., Porflntid, Maine. Jn2Hw9.j
Merchandise at
Loivest Kates.
Sheetiron Ware
telegram received by Sherman & Hyde, San
- New York. September 29. 175.
have received DIPLOMA ol" HOXOK and
OliEGOX. i
123 First Street, Portland. Ongou.
rtes, Iro-vlsfns. Tohrco,
w,"ow "i "iri M Albany, Or.
Office or Sinhfr Mancfat'i? o Co )
First .and Yamhiii. s-rs., J
. rcniLANn, ok., January 23, W77. )
feleji,l iVoticc.
ol our customers, anrt lr all person desir
ing to purchase our celebrated svwinir m:v-
collect and iHittln ontstandlH accounta tor us.
1 lie binder Mnuutaoturin t'otutnv,
M. W. rAIt.SONS,
... Munagrer iiresron and W. T.
i ' " .,r-5im"""y notify them thiit the
.dessi-a. T 1 1 Lh BROS, are our afrents for Aa
?X5rV?.Wn." wnny, una that, ihe v. or C. E.
Letter from a Postmaster.
"Asnocn, 111., Dec. 1, 1874.
"Mfskiss. J. B. It,SE & Co.:
"My wife has. for a Ions time, been a terrible
"nrti'i-cr from Rheumatism. Sue hns tried many
phy-ieiftnRnnd many remedies. Theonly thing:
which lias tciven her relief is Cent am- Liniment
I am rejoleed to wiy this has cured her. 1 nm
doitiR what I can to extend ita sale.
W. II. R1XG.
This is n sample of many thousand testimoni
als received, of wonderful fares etTeeted hy the
Centaur Liniment. The inrredieu!9 of tills ar
ticle are published around each bottle. It con
tains Witch Hazel. Mentha. Arnica. Hock Oil.
Carbnlie. and imriedients liiiherto little known
It is an indisputable fret that the Centaur Lini
ment is performing more cui-es of fwelllnKs,
St ia' Joints. Erupt ions. Rheumatism, Neuralgia
Sciatica, Caked Breams. Lock-jaw, Ae., than all
the other Liniments. Embrocations. Extract,
Salvos, ointmimts and plastei-snow in use.
ForTootbaelM!. Euraehe, Weak Back.Itvhand
Cutaneous Kruptions. it is admirable. It cures
bums and scalds without a sear. Kxtract poi
sons from bites and s inirs, and heals frost-bites
and chillb!ains. in a "hoi-t time. No famiivcan
aiford to be witliout the Centaur Liuiouenr,
white wrapper.
Tlie'entaur Lliiiuien t, Vellon- Wrapper,
is adapted to the ton?h skin, muscles and flesh
of the animal creation. Its etlects upon seveie
eases of Snavin, Sn eenj-, Wind Gall, Bi Head
and Poll Kvi!. are little'less than marvelous.
Messrs. ). Mc '..'lui-e & Co.. Druggists, corner of
Elm and front streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, say :
'In our neighborhood a number of teamsters
are. u?in the Centaur Liniment. They pro
nounce it superior to anything they have ever
used. M'e sell as hisjh as four to five dozen bot
ties per month to these teamsters."
We have thousands of similar testimonials. -
For Wounds. Galls, Scratches, Rinfs-bone, ftc,
and for Screw Worm in sheep it has no rival.
Farmers, llvcrr-men and si ock-raisers, have in
this Liniment a remedy which is worth a hun
dred time its cost.
Laboratory of .T. B. Kosc Jfc Co..
G Pcy street, New York.
Mothers may have rest and their labie.s may
have health, if they will use Castoria tor Wind
Colic, Worms, Feverisiincss.Sore Mooth, Croup,
or S'omach Complaints. It ts entirely a vese
tahle preparation, and contains neither miner
al, morphine, nor alcohol. It is as pleasant to
tate as lion'y. and neit her fraes nor gripes.
Dr. E. Himoch. of Dupont, .. says:
I am usini fititoria in my prai-iice with the
most siKiutl ljenciits and happy result ."
i his is what every one says: Most nurses in
Sp- York Citv use the Castoria. It ispreparcd
bv Messrs. J. B. Eosc & Co.. 4 isoy wrert, Sew
Vork, succwEors to Siuiuel ritcher, M. l. 39vs
In the Cirenit fonrt of the ttate of Oregon,
for the county of 1. inn.
Suit in erpifty for divorce.
Robert K. Teniplctun, plaintiff, vs MaryTem
pleton, defcnbot.
To Mary Tcmplc.lon. the above named defer d
ant :
In the name of the s-n?e of Oregon : You arc
hereby reuuircd to npiearand answer the om
pltdnt of the a'love r-liiint itT. in the above enti
tled Court, now on (lie w'ili the Clerk of said
Conrt. within ten days from ihe date of the
service of this summons upon you if served in
Iinn county, Oregon ; !iit if strveti in any oth
er county in the State of Oregon, then within
twenty days from the dateof the service of this
summons upon von. and if served bv pnblicti
t ion, then on or "before t lie first day ot the next
term of said Court, to-wit :
Monrt-nj. the i i V.v of Octnfcr. 1S77,
and you are. hereby notified that if yon fail to
appear and answer said torn plaint as hereby
required, the plaint id" will applj to the. Court,
foi the relief demanded in Ihe complaint, tow-it:
a dissolution of tbebonds.tif matrimony
eis!inir beiwecn you and plaintilf,and for costs
und 'iisbursnitnt-s.
This summons is tmbtisbed bv order of Hon.
R. 1. Boise. Judctc of said Court", made this 14th
ilav of April. 1S77. I. K. N. liLAI.'KBl'UN,
api20n3uv9;0 Atty. for pur.
Notice to Ntoelliolrirs.
N'otlce !s hPrf'.-Tr eiven that there will be a
meet Intr of this stockholders of the Granjro
Union of Albanv at the oice of the company
on Monday. May isth. 1877. nt 10 A. M., for the.
purpose of elect ins a Board of Seven Directors
and transacting such other business as may
be lawfully brouzbt before the meeting.
By order of Lhe Board.
A. M. ROOP, Secretarj-.
Attention, 1'ircnien.
Jotice is hercbv iven that an election for
J Chief and Assistant. Chief of the Albany
Firo Deiartment will be held on the first Mon
day of May. (7th) 1S77. Polls w ill bo opened Ht
So. 2's house on Ellsworth street, on said day.
W. S. PKTERS, Sec. A. F. li.
Albany, Or., April 13, ls.77.
AtlmisjJ.'.lrator's Stale.
NOTIt;F. IS nEKEBY GIVfcS that the under
signed ndministi-atorof the estate of Selena
.Morris, deceased, in pursuance of an order of
tlie Conn tv Conrt of Einn eon nty.OroKon, made
and entered of rocoi d at t ho Maivh term thereof
in the year 1S77, will, on tho
rhjij oj April, 1S77.
at the hour of one o'clock in fie afternoon of
said day. at thn Curt. House door in the city of
Albany, in Linn eountv, Orcaron, sell at, public
auction, to the highest bidder, for Kold coin,
cash in hand, tho following described real prop
erty bclonsrinsf to said estate, to-wit :
Tho north half of the southwest quarter of
mock o. rll, in Hacnienian s iwuiuun m h'j
citv of Albanv, in Einn county, (treeoii, aa de-
serilied on tho maps ana piatsoi ram i-iiv,
record in the office of tha Count
county. Oi-eatm.
ounty .erK i Jul
March 23, ls77-v!u2fi
A d n. In 1st ra vo f.
gso. "w. hahpsii,
I'lij slo - 5Ic?ie4I Ihj slcian,
A oloeicnl principles, withont tlie use of ihij
w.n. Ol FiCE-wiili Ir. C.e. W. Gruy, Tarrish
brick block. OUlce hours from b to a A. M.,
and from 1 to 5 P. M. n30v
To Iroperlj'II!rterM.
Xotice is hereby given to the property
holders of this city that, by order ol the
C ity Council, all hack yard and alleys In
the city ninst he cleaned up by the 15th of
May next. If tho work is not done bv the
said 15th of May. 1877, then tho Marshal ia
ordered to have the same done nt the ex
pense orth property, and this is to notify
at that I Intend executing the law.
City Mai.s'nal.
Eev. E. R. Geary, D. D.. of Eugene,
Was in the city Tuesday find Wednesday.
The steamer Ajax sailed torn Portland lo
San Francisco yesterday.
The Odd Fellows'lodge of this City has
a line library which is being adder to and
enlarged from week to week.
A good deal of cleaning tip, remodeling,
painting and beautifying is going on iu
thU city.
Money is inconveniently unplenty"Jut
now, but the good times are coining and
the sooner tha quicker.
Is. E. Blaln has received a new invoice of
the wsyupest cigars that ever went any
where. Ad. Edgar was In the city and ga-?e tis tt
call the same jolly boy we knexv years ago I
east of the mountain?.
Jake Flelschner proposes to start lor the
Ochoco silver mines to-day or to-morrow.
Those handsome military bats at L. E.
Iilain's are all the rage.
Several three-linkers went to Lebanon
yesterday to attend the sociable given by
the Lodge in the evening.
It you wish jewelry repaired, watch or
clock cleaned, or engraving done, call at
Major White's place on Firt street.
W. K. Graham, the merchant tailor, Is
as hnsy as a bee making up Into elegant
suits the late style of goods so recently re
ceived by him. -
The Chief Engineer mid Marshal were
around examining the condition of the fire
cistern's on Tuesday.
An Eastern fashion paper says . "The
ladies' spring hats are pretty, and 'worn on
the iipjer edge of the left ear, which makes
one look arch and piquant, like a chicken
looking through a crack in the fence."
The strike at the Columbia fisheries has
ended, the emplo3'er - agreeing to pay the
advance demanded by the employes, and'
the salmon business Is now at Us height.
When Ed Bellinger . took AVeyman by
the tiape of the neck Monday night and told
him to move on. he did move-on.
The report that we had sold out and was
preparing to go to South America U unreli
able. We miy go to South America during
the coining mouth for a health-trip, but we
have not sold the ItEGiSTF.R.
Tliere h-;s been a change in the - oillcers
of the Grange Union Store not heretofore
noticed. Meisrs. Tltwmas Frotnan and M
II. Wilds have been elected Directors
Mr. John Ulevins is tlie gentlemanly Su
perintendent, assisted by Messrs. Elkius
and McCInre.
If yon want' a cheap and at the same
time a reliable and handsome paint, call
at C. A. Plnmmer's drug establishment
and purchase one of the many shade? of the
Averill Mixed Taint. It has no superior.
Try the new cider at Van Vactor's; if
the cider is out try some ot his fresh gro
The man Wcymau was tip before the
Recorder on Tuesday. He was fined $10
ami costs for assaulting an officer, and re-.
manded to jiil in default of $300 ball, to '
answer the charge of arson.
A large number of Odd Fellow and their
friends wunf up to Junction City on Thurs
day morning, on special train, to help cele
brate the f-th anniversary of Odd Fellow
ship in the United Slates.
Goldsmith Maid's time has been beat all
hollow by the Goldsmith Uange. For par
ticulars inquire of John Brlgs.
Mr. George K. Heed st irted for Walla
Walla on Tuesday's boat. He proposes to
go into buisncss there. .
James Mellaigue, Eq., started for the
country eat of the mountains to look after
his large cattlo interests out there.
Messrs. Irs. Harris and E. O. Smith,
Claib Stewart, ami others, took the Leba
non wagon road across the Cascade moun
tains for the Ochoco stiver mines on Tues
day. They expect to be absent several
Oliver Goldsmith never wrote ot winter
thut he was indelicately "lingering in the
lap of May ;'" hut he did write :
"But Winter, lincrlnjt, chills the lap of May."
It is rumored that Hon. W. II. Odell,
now en route from the East to hi3 Oregon
home, will upon his arrival tike editorial
Charge of the tttatesvwn.
Bring on your two dollar gold and a
half pices, and subscribe otr the Register
the newsiest paper in Central Oregon. !
If you havu't the gold-piece five silver
hnlves will do. ,
Mr. Bryntit has returned from the San
tlam mines, where he has been engaged
for some weeks In placer diggings. He
did not find anything that would justify
him to continue working.
The subject ot llev. I. D. Driver's ser
mons next week at tho M. E. Church, com
mencing on .Thursday evening, is 'infidel
ity." From tho - acknowledge)' ability of
this - gentleman . wo can promise that his
sermons will lye most interesting. All are
invited. -
"Hell hath no fury like a Woman scorn
ed," she quoted as she helped herself to a
handful of his mane the other morning, be
cause he persisted in conversational plea
nntries with the good looking servant girl.
You can tell hltn by tlie plaster on top of
his head but don't raise his hat hi company.:-
- Mrs. Partington says that just before the
late war virenmstances were seen round tlie
moon nightly, shooting stars pieanihnlated
the earth, Ihe dia.k of ..the snu was covered
with black spots ot ink, and comics swept
tho horizon with their operatic tales. Ev
erybody stiid that It profllgated wur, and
sure enough war did come. But. In relat Ion
to the "circumstanco" around the sun on
Monday Jast she has as yet made no "dl
agonsc." '
Have you seen the new "Washer?'' It
is the cunnlnge&t machine in the whole bus
iness, and gets away with all of them. We
shall have more to say of It next week ; hi
the mean time read the, ad. In this issue,
and call at the Exchange and see the agent,
Mr. R. F. Hnfrgins.
At a preliminary examination before Re
corder Montanye, on Wednesday, Frank
Weyman was ludd to baB in the sm of
STiOO, to answer t llw crime of arson.
Streets dusty
Delicious moonlight nights. - v
Read the new ads. In this isne
' The roads are improving rapidly.
Boating is fair on the Wtlamette at pre'
ent, with a good deal of bnsiiies.
The City Mil sent down 1,000 barrel of
flour Tuesday. . :
Miss K. Jones, of Saleni', has been VUiU
lug friend's in this city during the week.
The alternative of killing yotir dog or
paying taxes Is now presented.
A man always leela put out when he U
taken in.
Go to F oshayV to secure seats at the obi
Miss Xellle Young, ol Portland, is malt- -ing
her friends In this city a visit.
uo Murska Is billed for the Oner Housa
j in this city.
lion. w. K. Dunbar, of Salem; called otf
Wednesday. BUI is al .vaj-s welcome.
Rev. JT.. W. Stratton started oh his East
ern trip on Wednesday. -
Miss Barker has just finished a term of'
school near this city, satisfactorily to pat
rons. . .'
Dr. St iles opens a nev drtttf store at ttb
anon to-d:t3'.
Mart Brlngham was down from Grass
ridge on Wednesday.
Dr. Ballard, of Lebanon, made oor city
a visit on Wednesday., . .
B. L. Lewis, of ShaetTer ot Co.', Sin
Franciico, was in the city Wednesday.
There are a number ot Eastern people In1
the city looking for houses among us.
Ococho interests are looking np, one gen-'
tleman having sold a half interest lo ' .
quartz claim for 1,000.
De Murska plays on Thursday rifg"h
My 3d, and Monday flight, May 7th and '
don't yon fof-get it.
Judging Iroin the crowds of travelers '
dally visiting the St. Charles, we Imagine
that Instliution is panning out well.
Mrs. J . L. Harris has so far recovered"
from her recent illness as to be able to take '
short drives dally. !
Look out lor De Murska next week.
Genuine opera will be something new for
' Don't forget to oall at Mrs. WhltsonV
IrAjcc, ladles, to secure millinery and the
. ;hftndQinest hats you ever saw.
"i': The report tliat Lhcw is four feet deep? j
"on the Lebanon wagon road, deters many I
from starting tor the Oclioco mines."
Judge Piper delivered the oration at the
Odd Fellows' celebration at Junction City - '
on Thursdny. " - j
James Foster, Jr., of this city, is at pres' j
ent filling his spare time shipbuilding and" !
he's making a success of it. -
Dooley's Yeast Powder, the best In the'
market, can be obtained at the grocery
store ot friend Brush.
If you would see two of the finest horses' '
in America, call at Ana. Marshall's stables
and take a look at White Prince and Qeh
Flenry they are bosses.
Messrs. Rogers & Scrafford are the nevr .
proprietors of the Exchange notel and
they don't grow any beftefbojs than nar1-" ""
ry and John, be gor. ,
One of our boys while playing with tt
dirk, fell and ran the blade into hU abdo
men about an Inch and -a halt, a few daya.
ago. A little lower down and he woJd
have passed in his checks. -
Attend church at least once on Sunday.- ,
There are seven churches in the city, and
we presume there will be services at eat h
one of them, and yon will be welcome at
Prof. Myer has received some mateiV ,
pieces in the way of engravings of his fine"
hordes, etc.. and he will soon-issue lilf
promised cm nlar giving a history of the
Percherons. hints on breeding, etc., et "
Look out for it next month.
At Jno. Fos hay's you can get the Iresh
ests ot drugs, paints, etc., as well as late Il
lustrated paper2, magazines, liooks, and ev
ery thing usually kept on sale in a first class
drug and Ixvok store.
The Odd Fellow' BTow outs at CorvallUV
Lebanon and Junction, took a gxxl many
of our people away yesterday the SStli sn
ip vet ary of the Order in America:
In nbont fivo minutes after the alarm"
of fire Monday night both engine wer
throwing wrter.
Dave From an has gone to the mountains.'
Tlie Exclmngo Hotel, In the hands of the
new proprietors, is doing a rushing busi
ness, giving the fullest satisfaction- ro the
traveling public.
Largo numbe.-s of Singer sewing ma
chines are being sold, notwithstanding the
hard times. It Is Chief among sewing ma
There is hardly any one improvement sty
much demanded at present as a good, IJlrdl
road leading from .Oils city to Ibanon-
The most feasible route for such a road Is
along the banks of the Sanriam Canal, and
a very little energy just at this time wi!f
secure such a road. Let us continue Its ag-
it itioti until tbo improvement Is complete
ed. j;
. The ew ordinance requiring tlie com
mittee on Fire and Water to purchase tho
s tea in fire engine owned by Linn Engine
No. 2, appropriates $1,194 15 cash, and a
warrant upon tlie city treasury tor fl.OOO
more, payable in twelve months from date,
to enable the committee to effect said par
chase. - I
Where there is a continual dropping Infot
the back of the mouth, wfth irritation and
inflammation of the nasal cavities and
throat, with hawking, spitting, and sense
of fullness about tho Iiead. lie not deceived)
or fancy It a simple cold. Yon are afflicted
with that scourge of this climate. Catarrh,
the lremnner of Consumption. In Ita
enrlv stages a few bottles of Dr. Sage'e
Catarrh Remedy will effect an entire "ire.
When confirmed. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discnverv should be nsed In connection
with the Remedy. These standard med
icines have been before tho public many
vears, und their use has been attended wU!
the most, gratifying success. A mil ais
enssion of Catarrh and ratlnwl tiwitmen
Is contained In "The TP ' "5
8ense Medical Adviser.' TJZ
nine hundred pages. Watr,Z?tJZ
hundred and eighty-two
In cloth and gilt, priac, P'Voridi
Address, Pulillshlng Department, W1
Tt;pensary, IitTlo, .