The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 20, 1877, Image 2

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Pathfinder, the once noted trotting
- - . .1- ti,,T day for $100.
We shall ofl'er a few statistics tor the
use of inquirers iu the Eastern State?,
and tor the better information of eveu
Oregoniatis ; for amid the caves of busi
ness and the multiplicity of events we
are apt to forget, and are therefore una
ble to answer the most important ques
" ns a stranger would propound first,
.inn county is the third county in
int ot population and wealth. In
75 Linn county cast 2,180 votes, and
d a population ot 8,754, divided as
lows: Males, 4,93s; females, 3,810.
er wheat products that year were 998
:6 bushels ; oats, 519,684 ; barley, 13
.3 ; rye, G45 ; hay, 10,14S tons ; wool,
8,893 pounds ; go'd dust, 744 ounces;
rn, 5,328 bushels ; sheep, 44,061 head;
oga, 8,217 ; horses, 6,537 ; cattle, 12,-
6 ; tobacco, 2,529 pounds ; potatoes,
',014 bushels ; apples, 165,708 bush
s ; lumber, 2,500,000 feet ; mules, 109;
lecse, 850 pounds; butter, 16S,152
ounds. The total population of Ore
cm at the last census was 104,920
males, 46,037 ; males, 53,883. There
jvere also some 16,000 Indians and Chi
nese not included in the census, in the
The present season a large amount of
lew land has been put under cultivation,
aud probably, with a fair season, the
'ield of wheat will be between two and
three million bushels, with a corrcspond
.n increase in the other smaller grains.
A larger amount of flax than usual will
also be cultivated, and from present in
dications onr people this fall will handle
more than double the amount ot coin
for their products than usual, and mon
ey will be more plentiful than ever be
fore since the settlement of this country-
P&eitte 3 topers."
.It now seems probaoie u-
(mission will not be able to arrange mat
ters between Nicholls and Packard, that
they will return borne, the troops will
"be withdrawn, and the two Governors
left to settle tbeir claims as best they
can. -
Peter B. Sweeney did not leave the
country in 1871, poor. The Cunard
steamer regulations requiring passengers
to place their money in the hands of the
i Parser, that officer before receipting for
; it insisted npon counting it. It required
i five boors to count it.
Morand, on trial at Portland for the
snurder of Thos. D. Davis, on Tuesday
vwas -discharged from custody by order
- of Judge Woodward, the evidence not
vbeing sufficient to warrant his being
held to await the action of the grand
' The employes at the salmon fisheries
?along "the lower Columbia are on a
-strike. They demand fifty cents for
each salmon instead ot three bits, tbe
.old price. Employers refuse to give the
j-bit demanded, and work is at a stand
still. In the mean time the run of sal
'mon has commenced, and this great in--dustry
is likely to be cut short by tbe
-"strike." .
Dr. Ralph Wilcox, Clerk ot the U.
"8, District and Circuit Courls, Port
land, committed suicide by shooting
himself through the head with a pistol,
I Wednesday morning. Deceased left
the following note :
. Whisky, tbe demon, has mastered
me, as it will others ; imbecile iu mind
and physically broken down from its ef
fects. . 1' alse to my tamuy, iaise to my
friends. yviiajua.
-i He was iu his 59th year, and had
filled the office of Clerk since 1863.
A telegram from Camp Robinson,
Wyoming, April 18tb, says : Runners
came here from Crazy Horse last even.
ips sod reported that that chief is tnov
ing toward this agency with about 2,000
reopia with the intention ot surrender
ins. They may be expected here in
about ten days. The surrender of this
band will leave the country clear of hos
tile Indians with the exception of Sitting
Ball's band aud 6ome few stragglers
trom the bands that have come in to
these agencies,
The World's Washington correspon
dent interviewed Gen. Sherman on the
probable Roseia-Tarkey war. He says
neither Russia or Turkey ever bad larg
er or better armies than now. They
have all the advantages cf the many
.improved arms and mode ot warfare,
and the resalt will be that the world
Corvallis wants a city park
Jacksonville wants a fire engine.
Both of the Dayton mills are idle at
Diphtheria is prevalent in Gardiner,
Coos county.
The Eugene City indebtedness
amounts to $748.10.
Corvallis City election on the first
Monday in May.
Fox hides are worth 75 cents each, at
Canyon City.
lent ins is the man who is wanted by
the sheriff of Yamhill.
A special term of the Circuit court
will be held in Bentou county.
Wealthy farmers are about to btart
another agi cultural paper iu Salem.
Lane county lias 3,782 school chil
dren, 3,247 ot whom attend school. .
Tbe new water works at Corvallis are
in operation, and the city has its fill.
The Alsea gold excitement is unfound
ed, thongh several mines produce pay
ing quantities.
Quartz has been discovered, and sev
eral claims located near Mary's Peak,
Bentou county. j
W. F. Cornell, old print, has gone to
the Beaver creek cinnabar mires iu
Jackson county. j
A. Porter, who lately committed sui
cide in Douglas county, left property
worth about $1,000. j
Douglas county hoodlnms "played"
their school marm by tying a healthy
skunk in her desk. I
The Yamhill Courier says : Some of
the farmers are fearful of tneir wheat
falling, owing to the rank growth.
The Douglas county court has provid
ed for building an 800 bridge across
Elk creek, on the road between j Drains
station and Scottsbarg. j
Tbe coast surveying schooner Fanntlc-
roy has goae to Lopez Island to erect a
signal station. j
Two hundred dollars were raised fur
the young man Moses, whose arm was
sawed off at 1 acorn a recently, j
Mr. Peter McKenzie had his collar
bone broken in two places by being run
over with a sled at Olympia.
Capt. Simpson has the contract for
shipping to San Francisco the first 40,
000 tons of coal taken from the Seattle
mine. . j
"Old Joe," an aged Kanaka, and an
old pioueer on the Sound, died at Taco
ma a few days ago. He was buried
with the rites customary to his . people,
with services and prayer in their own
language at the grave.
Capt. J. J. Gilbert, who is employed
in the coast survey service on the Co
lumbia river, left for his field , of opera
tions this week. He will begin work
near the mouth ot the Cowlitz, and
from there to near Ranter, then up to
Kalama, and perhaps further south.
Mr. Thomas P. Woodward left on
Wednesday to join Capt. Gilbert.
Olympia Transcript.
Governor Ferry has issued a procla
mation for a special election, on the 12th
ot June, in the coanties ot Clallam and
San Juan, for Joint Representative.
Those counties appear to be very evenly
divided in political . sentiment. - At the
election- in JNovember, 1874, a tie vote
resulted for "Joint Representative, and
a special election was held to decide it.
Olympia will have a big May festival.
Horse and foot races in Olympia on
May day. J
Old Tacoma has a Young Ladies
Boat club with five fair mem bers.
Many emigrants are coming into
Rogue river valley. Some are bound
for Willamette. i
Put Smith, well known in Portland,
has a fine band ot Merinos herded near
Ashland. ; j
James McCabe, formerly ot .Jackson
county, was killed by a fall j from a
wagon near Crescent City uot long ago.
Wra. M. Turner, of Jacksonville, who
was summoned fcast to testify about tel
egraphic dispatches, has returned home.
Members of the christian denomina
tion at Ashland have subscribed $950
toward the erection of a house of wor
ship. i
The commissioner of the general land
ctlice at aslnngton lias approved a
list of 3,113 acres ot swamp i land in
Langell valley. 1
John Laughlin, ot 'Ashland, Jackson
county, who was a soldier of the war of
1812 aud participated iu the battle of
Cl'ipewa, is in good health at the age
of 88.. , . !
Salem JeT;)-f: The property on
State street between Gray's and Patton's
blocks, belonging to J. K. Gill and the
Y lllson heirs, was so:d last week to
Mr. Quackenbtish, of Portland. We
have not learned definitely as to the
price paid, but hear it stated to be
somewhere in the neighborhood ot $8,-
i'acmc I Diversity nas received a i:ew
organ, the finest at. Forest Grove.
A. B. Colver raised 14,000 bushels
of apples on his farm on Coos river last
Coos Bay has a steamer each week
from San Francisco." Faro, $15; steer
age, $10.
The Christian Jfessenaer has resum
ed publication, and is on a better basis
than ever. 1
Mr. Walker Chrisman, an old citizen
ot Yamhill, died some days ago. lie
was 74 years old. j
Inti.nations of the enforcement of the
law at Corvallis has caused an exodus
of the gamblers. I
A letter from Newport, Yaquina,
says that place would be an excellent
one for a salmon canning establishment.
A colored man named Jenkins bur-
crlai-iwrl .Tmnns Tipd's 1 mil so npar St.
Joe a tew days ago ana stole several ar
ticles of value. lie has not; vet been
caught. j
The contract tor the building of a new
iail for Yamhill county was let on Mon
lay last to Messrs. Donelsou and Mid
dauiih, of Salem. Contract price is$4,-
300 without cells, and $5,050 including
three cells.
The Benton Democrat says a bill
was found by the grand jury auainst
Rev. Mr. Godfrey, of Philomath, for
grand larceny, in taking some coin
which did not justly belong to him, not
loi.g since m that place.
The people of Polk county will hold
a mass meeting at Dallas op May 5th,
to arrange for building a steamboat to
run on tlie Willamette. j
Father was in town the other
day and arrested an Indian chief belong
ing to tlie Rimcce Agency for refusing
Uremaui on the reservation', and took
him oft" to Fort ancouver to place
him in charge of the military. We are
told he will probably be sent to the
Indian Territory. Jfoimtaineer.
Lieut. Clark has -ucceedei iu enlist
ing a fine detachment at the! Agencies.
He has now, as soldiers,' Little Wolf, of
the Cheyennes, Spotted 1ail, Black
Coal, Sharp Nose, aud other influential
chiefs, men ot that class, j Old Red
Cloud asked to bo enlisted, and was
also accepted.
The Greely Tribune reports that the
cattle on the various ranges are coming
out of the winter far better than was
expected, and that the losses are not
near so great as they weie in 1872,
though the snow was deeper, and it
stayed on tho ground equally as long.
Madam Reno, the well known As
trologist of Portland, has been adjudged
insane and committed to the asylum.
It is said her insanity was produced by
the death of E. H. Garling, whose mis
tress she was.
A letter from Forest Grove to the
inaepenaent says : i he Urovo was
alive with immigrants last week, most
ly German. They expect to locate iu
this county, as they can get most any
kind ot land at fair priccH , to suit them
better than anywhere else in the State,
considering the nearness to market.
Considerable land has been sold in town
ships 1 and 2 north, range 3 and 4 west,
at $2 50 to $4 per acre, according to lo
cation, l here are eleven families locat
ed abovn Stout's mill, where a year ago
there was "not one. A great deal ot
cleaning and fencing is doing. Yon
can see a great opening west of here,
where a few years ago it was dense
timber and brush, which changes the
appearance wonderfully. But a few
years ago it was thought that it would
be 25 years before the hills would be
settled, now every vacant claim is taken
witniu 12 miles west of here
The wife of John Butler, formerly job
printer in the Idaho City World office,
has fallen heiress to $147,000:
Mrs. John Heffner. ot Reading, Pa.,
has just become the mother ot her lorty-
ntlh child. Mrs. Heffner lias accom
plished enough. Give her a rest.
The Catacombs are different and iso
lated cemeteries, and are found in differ
ent parts ot Rome. Marchi estimates
the aggregate interments at j,000,000.
Several new 6tvles of writing paper
have been lately introduced. Some very
dark, almost black, to be used with tho
new white ink lately brought out.
Russia has commenced marching
troops to the frontier. j
The anti-dynastic agitation has arisen
in Scrvia and several arrests made.
Between 300 and 500 houses were
burned at Stamboul on the 12th.
A large! number of Catholics, from
Montreal, have left on a pilgrimage to
The Prince of Montenegro will reject
any proposition to prolong the armistice.
Gortzchakoff prints a circular letter
setting forth the necessity of-Russia's
proceeding against Turkey.
The Bank of Avon, at Rochester,
owned by G. W. Swan, has suspended.
Hamilton Mills, at Patterson. New
Jersey, valued at $100,000, wero de
stroyed by hre ou the 12th.'
A fire in the buisncss portion of Pom-
eroy, Ohio, on the 12th, destroyed 8100,-
000 worth of property.
A sewing raachind agent named
Charles II. Gilman, from Lowell, was
murdered at Lockport, "Massachusetts,
on the 12th.
The number known to be killed at the
St. Louis fire is eleveni While the ca
lamity is frightful it is hot nearly so bad
as previously reported, j
The coroner's jury in the .Tewett trag
edy find that Geo. D. Jewett came to
his death by the explosion of a hand
grenade, brought to tho office by Orvile
Jewett, and that Orvile Jewett died
from a pistol shot wound iuflicted by
Senator Blain upholds Chamberlain
and Packard.
Hayes has reinstated several officials
who had been ousted for no just cause.
Conant, ex-Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury, lias gone to Europe to attend
the Syndicate.
Senator Patterson will probably vote
to admit the Democratic Senators from
South Carolina and Louisiana.
The arms ;and horses of the 1,500
hostiles whom Spotted Tail lias brought
in will be taken from them.
Twenty special custom agents will be
appointed to different parts ot the
country under control ot the Secretary
of the Treasury.
The Treasury Department has decid
ed that vessels engaged in trading upon
waters wholly wit hin the limit ot a state,
ami not having a navigable outlet, ae
not subject to the navigation law of the
United states. ; .
A hired girl iu New York threw her
self into the river because mistress
wanted her to sweep out the front hall
twice a week aud shake out the door
mat every morning. Such is the tyran
nous hand of iron winch the rich lay ou
the bending necks of the poor.
Hiram Arbucklc, of East Montpelier,
Vermont, while insane, shot George
Short, leaving him tor dead, then killed
his brother-in-law, George Bancroft, and
then put a bullet through his own heart.
The prisoners at Sing Sing have peti-
tiohed for the removal ot the warden,
on the ground tbat ho is high-toned and
reserved. They want me one who
doesn't feel above them.
Elegant. We mean the rooms of Y.P.
C. A., in Samuel Miller's new brick, corner
Ferry and Second streets. The dedicatory
sermon will be preached soon, probably at
the Court House.
Mrs. J. Weed, who Is agent for Corn-
weirs self-fitting cliart, has gone to Leba- !
non to give the ladies ot that village, who
wish, instruction in the art ot cutting
ladles' and children's clothing. It is one
of the best charts for the purpose.
Evening Telegkam Is the name of the
new daily at Portland, tlie first Issue of
which made its appearance on Monday. It
shows industry in its get up, and will
doubtless receive a blessing from its two
evening cotemporaries. ' May the best pa
per win.
Geo. W. IIarpek Physio-medical physi
cian, offers his services to this public. The
Dr. comes nigniy recommended, is a per
fect gentleman, and will doubtless give full
satisfaction to all needing his services.
Office with Dr. Geo. W. Gray, in Parrish
Durable, Beautiful, "Water-Proof, Elastio and
This Paint is mixed ready for use, requiring no Oil or Thinner. It is equally as good
for inside as outside work ; over old worn as well as new ; in met wnere any
paint can be used the AVERILL PAINT will be touuil superior to any
other. Any one can apply it who can use a brush, which truly '
makes it the POPULAR PAINT.
For Further Information send for Sample Card, Circular ana.
Price-List to
a. PLummER,
Brugrgist and Dealer ia - " ' ' . ;
Beautift Your Farm. It is a great
mistake to suppose that money spent in
reasonably improving a place is thrown
away. It may be doubted whether there Is
any more direct way of increasing its pecu
niary value. Certainly its market yalue
will depend very much upon its outward
anncarauce. Tasteful ana well naintea
buildings, well-arranged gardens with neat
fences, shade trees properly disposed, good
farm fences and cleanly kept fleld3 will set
off a farm to great advantage and make an
amazing difference when it comes to be
sold. And it it be not sold, these things
will add wonderfully to the enjoyment of
its possessor, if he he not blind to every
thing but the dollar. i.very man, too.
owes it to the community in which he is
living, to contribute to the general reputa
tion aud public enjoyment by making his
surroundings as attractive as possible. A
measure of time and expense
devoted by every one to the making ot his
farm and his home more Deautuui year Dy
Remaining In the Post Office. Albany,
J.iinn county. Oregon. .April, iytn, is.
Persons calling for these letters must give
the date ou which they were advertised.
Aitord, R Malone. Richard
Baker, James v 2 Moore, loime K
Xii'sst Street,
full lino of the abovo PAIXT, in AfX SIZES
Bery. Miss Melia 2
Cooper, Miss Josia
Fry, K vv
Felton, Mrs Clara
Jones, 6 AI;
Jordan. Miss Eizzie
ir. II. KAi MO-.NI, I'. iSl.
McKinney. G B 2
McClure. P C
Miller, 1) H
Planu r, II C
Rankin Miss Alice 3
Pond's Extract has no equal for imme
diate relief, and by persistent use final cure
in all cases ot Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Aches
ot all kinds. Bleeding from any cause, etc.,
etc., all of which is fully treated upon iu
the little pamphlet accompanying each
5few To-Day.
Physio - 3ZelicaI Physician,
oloaical nrinciples. withovtt Hie ns of ror-
sons. Office wiili Dr. ;'o. W.iruv. Pnrrlsh
brick block. Ofllec hours lroiu 8 to 12 A. M.,
and from 1 to 5 I'. 31. nsova STAI THE ENSUING SEASON , COSM1-M1.M' Al'KlL J IliKJJ JL ru b at.
?V to tbe ltitUof July,
At the staltle of A. If. HAIHH4LL, Albany, Tuesday I'. 1W., 1 ctlnewxny niia TBr-
day A. M. of.-fwb wfek. w
Monday A. 91. of carta weeh.
TERMs-Twcnty-flve dollars U. S. gold coin tbe season, line at ine enu oi tno season.
I have some nore Jcrsrv cattle for snle. Every family tbut keeps n cow hould have a Jersey,
or at least a half bliKd. Parties that have used them will not do without them II they ar to U9
Early in April I will issue a circular with flue ens: raving of my marcs and horses. view of ray ,
stable, with a blntoryof the Percheron. and why they are pietcrred fo other laree horsea ;
Bouie hints on breeding ; tbe demand for large horses in Europe and America, &c They wlU b
sent on application.
-r& Have IT-
will wit.ruiea mtna r.f lYta crrratiAfifc holtlfifl
ever fought so far u the destruction of Again lsusV November the vote was a
. life La concerned. I believe that this tie, and this special election is fortbe
struggle ig coins to cost a minion lives,
and they will not be all Russians or
"Turks either. -I can hardly believe that
the - Turks can withstand the shock.
They may s&ve Constantinople ; but if
tsc-y lose every other point what good
.will it do tlra? lie also said, fceia
- Torod aIioIr bar officers to visit the
camps witsoat pay.' :;'.'. i Vr'-
Darpose of deciding the question.
The Lafayette Courier says : Some
of the farmers tell ns that grain, especial,
ly that sown in the fall, will be likely
to attain such a rank growth that it will
fall over" before it arrives at maturity,
and be lost. . Grain in this section is
very 'Tank, and the present beantifbl
crowing weather will help it along
amazingly, xae Farmers compiam mat
J- - jJ i Pity&IIop (the coal mine town) I there is not enough stock to keep it pas
tCl s.t frosa 25 to ?50 each, - 4 tared down.
The exports of the Argentine Repufv
lic, in 1871, amounted to 80 in gold to
every inhabitant, i lie population is
about one aud a half millions. The ex
ports were wool, hide?, etc. It will be,
when settled and fully cultivated, the
first wheat country in the world.
In the Circttit Court of the State of Oregon,
lor tne county 01 j,inn.
Suit in eanitv for dlvoreu.
Robert R. Tenipleton, plaintiff, vs Mary Tcni
pleton, defendant.
To Alary Templcton, the above named defer d
nnt :
In tbe name of ti State of Orecon : You nro
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint' o( tbe above plaintiff, in tbe above enti
tled Court, now on file wHh tho Clerk of said
Court, within ten days from the date of the
service of tins summons upon you if served in
Linn county, Oresion ; but if served in any oth
er connlT in the State of Orotron. then within
twenty days from the date of the service of this
tion, then on or oefore tbe first day of the next
term 01 suiu uiun, io-vil ;
Mmulmi. tlu: -lid ilav of October. 1S77.
arid you arc hereby not Weil that if you fail to
appear unl answer cuuiiuniiii us nirivuj
reouired. the plaintiff will applj to tho Court.
for the relief demanded in the complaint, to
wlts a disjoint io.-i of the bonds nf matrimony
I exiiCr"11 Usw"een yon ana piainiin.anaior costs
ano ulsbursnu
This MirnTtn
R. P. Boise, J
apt-20n3Uv0t6J Atty. for plff.
,. -is is v.ub?t",,e'J Dv orAcv of Hon.
0 "oV "aia Conrr, nilsMth
. 1877. V. U. X. JWiCKBl) i- j
Condensed Lightning.
Caleb Cushing has left Spain for
America. .
Ex-Secretary Chandler will hence
forth live in Detroit.
Senator Sherman and family will
shortly leave for their home in St. Jxu
w.' Extensive revenue frauds in the man.
ufacture of tobacco have been discovered
in North Caroliua. :
The Speakership of the next House
lies between Randall aud Morrison, of
the Democrat, and Foster and Gar
field, of the Republicans.
Patterson, of Colorado, in a brief to
Clerk Adams, denies the right of Bel
ford to a seat in the next Congress.
Eggs, 16c per dozen.
Soap at Van Vac'or's at $1 per box.
We were visited by a heavy storm ot
wind and rain Wednesday night.
A large invoice of those handsome, new
style dress patterns at S. E. Young's per
next steamer. '
It is announced that Y'aquina is a good
place for the establishment of a salmon
fishery. ' -- "
It is understood that Mr. Bruce has with
drawn his Clydesdale horse tor the season,
taking liim down to his farm Tn Washing
ton county. .
Tbe wife f-Bobt.' Wilson presented him
with a 10fl-.boy the second day of the
week and mother and child are doing
well. s
The three-linkers of this city have not
decided as yet where or how they will cel
ebrate the 2Sth. It may be by a picnic
about six miles up the river, in an oak
grove in Benton county. : Anything suiu
us so it's jolarions I . .
Messrs. A. D. Michael and F. M. Kizer,
with their wives, were elected delegates to
the State Grange by the Linn County
Grangers at their meeting In this city last
week. The State Grange meets on the22d
of next month.
During the storm Weduesday night, after
10 o'clock, some one set op a most terriffic
yelling, continuing for probably a quarter
of an hour, tbe sounds coming apparently
from across the river. We thought some
one had fallen into tbe ditch, but upon re
peated inquiry found it Was Willlan Henry
and he wanted tbe ferry.
Jcst What You Wakt. Mrs. J. Weed
is agent for Corn well's improved self-fitting
chart for cutting out dresses for ladies,
misses and children doubtless tlie' best and
clieaptsst s-systetn yet invented. By this
chart a perfect fit Is warranted every time.
Call or address Mrs. J. Weed, Albany, for
further Information. 30
Xoticc to Stockholders.
Notice is horebv civen that there will be a
meeting of tbe stockholders of the Grange
Union of Albany at the otllct of the company
on Monday, May 28th. 1S77, at 10 A. M., for the
purpose of electing a Board of seven Director
and transacting such other business aa may
be lawfully broiwht before the meeting. .
By order of the Board.
A. M. EOOP, Secretary.
Attention, Firemen.
"Vfotlce is hereby given that an election for
Chief and Assistant Chief of the Albany
Fire Department will be held on the first Mon
day of Mav. (7th) 1877 Polls will be opened at
No. 3"s house on Ellsworth street, on said day.
W. S. PETERS, Sec A. F. D.
Albany, Or., April 13, is, 7.
Lebanon, Oregon,
mountain Balm,
B EI E T 31 A T I S 31 .
Selected and gathered on the ppnr of the
Sierra Nevada Mountains. Tlie leal foutio
in the hotter climates, when dry, contains
titty per cent, of resin or gold colored gum,
the properties of which arc stimulatingaud
healing, and especially adapted to the
wants of the system in case of Lung dis
en.C aud Rheumatism.
hi-ii "-stiroato which me spnnisn
placed upon it CI
i accent Of 3 medicinal
Wood & Willow Ware,
Administrator's Sale.
sinned administrator of theesta teof Color,
Morris, deceased, in pursuance of an order of
the County Court of Linn coon ty .Oregon, made
and entered of record at the March term thereof
ut tuc ion , witi,u uio
2Sth day oj April, 1S77, V C ,
at the hoar of one o'clock in. the afternoon of
said day, at the Court House door lh tho city of
" v-miiiy, vmjaon, sen at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for gold coin,
cash in hand, the following described real prop
erty belonirinar to said estate, to-wit.
The north half ot the southwest quarter of
uiuuk j.u. ui nnuKmuuin'ii aomtion to luo
city of Albany, in Ltnn county, Oregon, ad de
scribed on the maps and plats of said city, on
recoru in tne oinue or the Connty Cierk of Lin
county, Orefron. W. If. GOLTKA,
March S3, 1877-v9u25 Administrator.
qualities is inanitcst nC?. tjli ,a'Pe, tt.,.ray
gave to it, many ycirs ago- 1 ern.-i.-an. r
or "Herb of tho Saints." The natives oi
Southern Oregon and .Northern C:ilift)rtii;i
have used ttimniemoriaiiy as a iflieitmutic
remedy. The white population in the re
gion where it grows have used and prized
it as a throat and lung medicine. For a
time they called it Lung Weed; but give
valuable testimonials as to its virtues in
curing Rheumatism.
When von open one of our packages.
keep it excluded lrom the air as much as
I have used It in my family for four or
five years, and regard it as one ot the best
family medicines we ever used. A tinct
ure Is manufactured from it in Cincinnati,
and sold at 75 cents per ounce. A single
one of our packages make eight ounces ot
tincture, which is worth $5." The shrub
from which this valuable medicine is gath
ered, 1s only ' found in a narrow bclt of
country in Southern Oregon, and along the
Sierra Nevada Mountains, and is supposed!
to have 1m?cii gathered from Mount Gilcatl
thousand of years tigo, and the glial ex
tracted and sold in Egypt and In Tire be
fore the time of Solomon.
nr. NicKiin, ot i,tigcuo vuy, Buys.
"Your Balm U one ot the best preserved
herbs I ever saw, and Is worthy of a higher
price than you put upon it." . !
Rev. S. K. Raymond, of Oakland; Ore
gon. sny r -l went to California to recoar
er from Consumption, i The Doctors there
g.-ive me up, and told me if I had muy
.n.lj T ,.-11,...! a aw T hnrl hettr M na
see them, as I conld live but little whil
longer. On my way : to Oregon I om
incnced using Momitaiti Balm; It helped
me; I continued its use until it cured me of
f lw jliirnu r - - .
savs: 'lknowayoimgman who appeared
to be in the lat?Ktncres of cotisnniBtlou,
and by using Mountain Balm or Yerbasan- r
ta he became a healthy young man.".
....' . it t. - rvti.nt. -1 "
iys ; "I have bet n accjuamteu with the
-tib kii?wu as ifrtMifantt lor zu year.
to be a ""ry vniunute meuti.-iuv,
1 en
and know
both for the Lungs Z? RheumaJ-fn- t.
Jilr. Kimball, ot Kimball & Welton,' Bed
T11..4V. I r. .... i. . t ln Vd luiAH ftOTIUftlnt
J. I U 1 1 . VV.I I . , f-.HO. . ... .w "
cd with the shrub known as Yerbasanta,
for many years, and know H to be a grei
Lung medicine." !
'I left Missouri with the consumption.
Readied Rock Foint, Jackson county. Or.,
and was taken down, j I took a tincture of
'Mountain Balm, and chewed the leaf more
or less, and in four or five days it cleaned
out my lungs handsomely, and I resumed
my journey ; and now. ater several
months, my lungs still seem well.
A. B. C,
"E-JFor saleat the drug stores of Bell 4f
Parker, and John Fobhay
i:laV!l.Iicl 5?0.
JXSgtzi Location,
jyTcw Rooms,
Slew Stoclx and
lUTcw Blcn
THE UNDERSIGNED bavin purchased the
entire stock of A. Curothcrs Co., and
placed lit .under the wi?f liS2:
wbp are now rcUt'tinK and aSding extensive
additions of new stock, and frjm their Jong ex-
perience and thorougn Kiiowieu n
ness in all its varied departments, feel assured
that we shall be able to render full satisfaction
to all Who may favor us with their patronage.
Our prescription department will at aU times
he conducted by men eminently qualified for
the responsible and important work.
We cordiallv invite the cltixens of Albany
and surronndlnar country, when In need of any
thing usually kept In tlrst-class lira? houses to
call on ns, corner of l''1rst and Ellsworth streets.
AJbanv, feb. 23, W77. . C. W. SlIAW.
lyS -V-
7 's b,..
Groceries, Teas, Provisos;
Collees, Splcea, brleU Fralta, &c&1
CaT" EverythJnx nice and fresh, JJa
The Fine Hoadate KtellJwst,
hKh.and veighs about 1,300 pounds. y,a
iretlbyOJd Vermont, one of the finest r-t.
show the finest stock. Ilia dam ImMonu
and Messonifer, and produeed fine horwn, pn(
of which sold, at four years old, for iJ,"H J -yearlina
sold for i!H,aiid one threa year oi ia
worth 1.0i)0. , , -
VKKMONT will he found at my f "r , s'-s
miles south of Albany, lrom tho first if , M-tj
until tbe 13th of Julv, 1S77. Tkk.v-- . j . i,s
season, payable fit the end of thottt-HMon. Fsi .
turo free to mares from a iUslant!e.
March ,1S77 31v9 i M. LVTiil',