SJll!ilQ'lfa"PW!CT'lll'iJl'y'',l - - - " 'J ALBANY, OREGON, APRIL 20, 1877. VOLUME IX. M&Wfei "... ...v'. 3"'". 1 7 ' X .' V 1 BUSINESS CARDS. JOHff CONNER, BAN KIN G AND - Exchange Office, AIBASY, OBOJOS. Br.rosrrs received subject to check at sight. taa-, ,ii..i rn time deposits in com. Kxchange on Portland, Pen Francisco, ana New York, lor saie ai . tMiaMinnfi m a i n n I nmmnt lv remitted. Refers to 11. W. Corbett, Honry Failing, W. . Ladd. . . Ranking hoots from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-2ivS . II. J. BOUCIITOX, M. D., n ItAni'ATfj F THE VXITKBSITT V.T Medical College of Now- York, late member of Dellevieu Hospital Medical Cok Wire. Sew York. Office-In A. Carothers A Co.'s drug store, Albany, Oregon. EPIZOOTICS DISTASCED THE BAIT TEAM ST I I.I. UTES, a vnis FLOURISHING LIKBAgsees i. bay tree. Thankful for past favors, and wishing to merit the continuance of tt. ooma the RAY TEAM will always be xdc and easilv fonnd. to do anv hauling witltin the citv limits, for a reasonable compensation." 6rillvery of tioorts Npeelaltjr A. N. ARNOLD. JO 5 Proprietor. JOHN SCHMEEK, -DEALER I groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JT ST OPES ED HIS NEW GROCER nartablishnient on corner of Ellsworth and First street, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, lo bacco, Ac, to which he invites the atten tion of our citizens. m connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and trill always have om hand a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. February K-24v4 ALBANY FOUNDRY And 31 achine Sliop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, BfaBdfaetnres Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Kill HXaenin erjr, WOOD AYOEKIXQ And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY And aU kinds of IXOTt AS JBiSASn CAST! 3TUS. Pareuter attention paid to repairing all kinds of aentnery. i S. C. STOXE, M. Physician and Surgeon BttOWNSVILLE, OREGON. .mrm-WM-w Ik. lirniT StOT. 27v8 Albany Cath House & Barber SI jp. mcv irnrr!SSIGNED WOULD I1L3". SCT- JL fully thank tbeeitizeas of Altaan a i 7 i u7f ;r SL "STJSwSr.ft TheiFfavors. F rlh ieSmmodatlon of transient customer W m ftieads In the apper part of town, he la- pei 4 a seat Hule shop next door toTayio 3ro Saloon, where a good workman will alw iyBDi " f'rr ' JOE WE3 !SB m n. ner tel. ANIJ.. MORGAN MORGAN &- McFABLAKD, HEAL ESTATE AGENCY I AN D , EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 9mt nw Wells, Wwwo Co" F.xprti Office, Albany, "regwim. WE ARB PREPARED TO FURNISH EMI grants and others good bargains in farms tad small homesteads in Linn and adjoining counties. Farms in value and auto to suit pur- Haofclty property, hoth improved andun- i,Btingrarm9 and city property, and colleo tions of an kinds, promptly attended to. . . Our faailties for advertisin will enable us to do more for our patrons than any other Areney in the Stat in our line. i We also pay special attention to the employ ment and labor exchange department. Albany, May I2tt Raising and Moving Buildings. WSTH8 UNDERSIGNED BEG MtVE 1 TO announce to the citizens of Albany a.qd surrounding country that, having supplied our aelveawitU the necessary machinery for rais iMf ni removing buildings, we are readvat all T1 to receive orders for such work, which Mvjiiio l short order at lowest rates, we fmKtvuMm !( satisfaction In all work under oSSwa toft the REtilSTER office promptly t J n Awwln4A Or, April S,iJS, 2gv7 roea;.. Newell, TEACHEB OF THE nectel attention gtva ti ': VOICE CULTTJ11E. HATtwa wsKided to make AI BASV my neruMMMint residence, all wm owlra a norouvVi knowledge oa nosv fcave pportouty. PIAWOS V AK ; OIMiAKS Lcv yosir address at Mr, Fo!Js n.iicaad bo tttJm. or at Mr. Hn" muete B'4re. and 1 Albany, August i, 1876- 5 SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Albany, Oregon. Terms : Oasli. n20v7 St. Charles Hotel, Corner Washington and First Sts., ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. Hoiise newly furnished throughout. The best the market affords always on the table. free loach to ami from tbe Home. HAHDWAHE! um.T nil Nixes and deserlp- tinm.A- irViicral SHELF HAIIO- WAIIL a iuii anu iuuiihcic sortmcnt. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Hose in. CopDer, Zins ani Sbect Iron, on hand for sale. The Goldsmith Range, THE BEST MADE. CROCKERY WARE, The largest and most complete assortment In Keeps all kinds of & VHITE OILS I rAI). The Finest & Purest Liuord Always on hand, to be sold for medicinal uses. e-Beimirliijj done neatly, at short notice, and warranted. , First street, Albany, Oregon. ii27v THE ACT PKEKERVATITK. Printing by hand. Printing by steam. Printing from tvpe. Or from blocks by the ream. Printing in black, Printing in white. Printing in color". Ot sombre or bright. Printing tor merchants, J And land agents, too ; Prln'ing tor any. Who have printing to do. Printing for bankers, Clerks, auctionct'r.-. Printing for druggists, For dealers in wares. Printing for drapers. For grocers, for all Who want printing done. And will come and see "Coll." Printing of pa mphlet, Or bigger books, too ; In tact, there are few things But what we can do. Printing of placards, Printing of bills. Printing of carte-notes For stores or for mills ; Printing of labels, All colors or use, sirs. Especially tit for Webfoot producers. Printing of torms AH sorts you can get Legal, commercial. Or "House to be let. " Printine done quickly, JJOiU, sryilMi or iicau. At the Register Printing-oTice, Corner ot First and Ferry Street. PROMPT Delivery, at Living Kates, j HAVING bought out the delivsry business ot Mr. Lewis Stimson, 1 oeg leave ro smimura iu the citizens and businessmen of Albany, that I liave on the streets an express and job wagon ind will be happy to serve all who may give me a call. . ., t All Orders Win uo prumjjujf . reasonable rates. c, .rxt.,ii Orders may do leu tti wits v - Parker. rTTnTT. imri!'Ti BOOK STORE JUiO. FOSIIAY, IN MLSCELLA3SKOUB BOOK!!, 1 gch.x.1 Books, Blank Books, Stationery SiieTto order, at shortest poasiblo i nattee. - Iffotloo jEag'tJ'aa."' THE METZLER CHAIR THIS IS TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT JL no chair goies trom my isw'j y -r 't;v ' , ' noma niinn It. All others arc JB.1HO mi, aadsbould be so regarded. All persona are hereby wirnwi asramsE tmm.if.tAn unnn 131 v .uuttmners. nru. mcntutantpiD. METZLER. . Jefferiioo.Or., Jan. SI, 1876. FOB DEEDS, ' Neatly exocated, fall zi the Register crice MEDICAL. G. W. WILCOX, Homoeopathic Physician. OFFICE with Dr. E. H. GriffinFirst street, KJ Albany, Oregon specialty. Chronic! diseases a BOVO J. S. CALLAWAY, M. AFTER A PRACTICE OF MEDICINE FOR twenty-eight years, in the stales of Illinois. Indiana and Iowa, has permanently located in Albanv, Oregon. OFFICE At Dr. Pltim mer's Drug Store. RESIDENCE Corner of Montgomery and Eighth streets, northeast of railroad depot. v8n50 J. LISEY IIILL, in. I., OFFICE -At Rell Parker's new drug store. RESIDENCE Second street, between rail road and Montgomery. 8-44 Mrs. S- Nichols, 1. D. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE comer or irst nnrl Rmndalhin streets. n stairs over Post- office. Special attention ft iven to the diseases of women. Being aregular gvaduateof Boston Medical University, and Having several years experience. I can assure those suffering, relief j by my method of treatment. LEGAL. P. M. MILLSB, Attorney at Law, Albany, Oregon. TI7ILL PRACTICE in the difterent courts of f the State. Special attention given to tne j collection of all claims entrusted to hi9 care, and pi-mpt returns made, f&gr Investigation of Titles, Conveyancing, and ull Probate Mat- ters earefullv and pnnctiialls- attended to. n23v9 i ofliue on First- St., next to ox uro. G. PIPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AL3A2TY, OREGON. Office in second story of Brigs' building. XTTILL PRACTICE in the different Courts of W the State. Special attention given to the collection of all cinims entrusted to his care. invoaXmiiinn of titles, convevancing and all nrobatc matters carefully attended to. 23v9 I). II. X. BIAtUBl'RS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BROWNSVILLE, LINN CO., OGN. DROMPT ATTENTlOSi UIVEV TO ALL T business. 2Sv J. C. POWELL. FI-1KN. POWELL & FLIXN. Attorneys & Connsclion at Lif and tio licitorw in t'hanwry, Albanv. Orecon. Collections made and coi veyances promptly attended to. 1-8 CHAS. E. WOLVERTOJi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OREGON", ari.r. m-actice In all the Courts in the Stnte. TT office in . Fronian's brick, over Dodd's hardware store. nllv9 MISCELLANEOUS. Picture and Picture Frames. E. B. PURDOM tvmtirt annmmce to I he citizens of Alban'v and viMmtv that b Is nronored to furnish all kinds of PICTURE FRAVSS to short notice. Pictures framed, and old frames repaired. 'ViP ! I atbiaofflce on Firet struct, one door west of Droadalbin, and leave your oraer. -' W. It. CJKAIIAM, (LATE OF itlCnlGANl iVXercliarxt Tailor, TTEEl'S always on hand Doeskins, Casslmcres XV Testings, etc., a larger anu ucner iutn ,i.n m iu.frr lirmicrlit to this market. i,t nnd imikes to order all stylesof Clothing for men and boys, at reasonable rates, Kiiamn- tceinR satt'-fuel ton. j si,nnnn i."irr airec.t. nt door to City Mar- lrt,t. bitelv ocenniud by Dr. E. O. Smith. 25vS EVERYUORY BUYS THEM. TT AVivr. .ll-KT RECEIVED A LARGE SII1P- XX men tofi he celebrated new style Combined Drill and Broadcast STATESMAN GRAIN BRILL, ! rilm-i fmm thr factorv. am now offering extra I inducements to the farmers of Oregon. Most of the best formers in the State are now using 1 Saving seed and an Increased yield of grain is tne resnu oi arming. Can oe usea equally wen as a Drill or Broadcast Seeder. The STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL has fcecn greatly Improved for this year. Ware rooms at my Blacksmith Shop, corner of Second and Ellsworth streets, Albany, Oregon. FRANK. WOOD. March 31, 1876-28 filVa day at home, Airents wanned. Outfit Hi ft terms free. TRUE A CO., Augusta,Me. STERLIfiCS EXPRESS FROM EMPIRE CITY ;p': : TiA- V -;;- GARDINER AND SC0TTSBUR&, Connotlnfc with Wei's, Farvo Sc Co tzprm ni vrmu i miivDf vn returning on TUESDAYS an! FRIDAYS. ! All Business L'ntrnstcd to my Care Promptly Attended To. Patronage of tfc.0 ru"blic Solicited. JAS. A. STERLING. Dcc.8,1870-nllv9 Attention,; Fruit Orowenl HB WRECTORS OF THE ALDEN FRUIT f 3i. blS to annonnce that they will put the I t.Arfitii Anemtlon as soon as r rnn anu , Factory in 0'ratj ,tt" "dU y caSh fo etables are ready tor use, ana wiupay cwu w elables are ready tor use, 1 Mn aamo wiion delivered. e sanie wwu . foP the purpose BOswm ; f"i" 7:7-,Jb fii-torr. rhrineina their fruit to the latxorj . . VruU ffid to picked from the trees and not i bpSt&s hAving pl-ms shotill be radicular to gather em.m TO pAKKERi A. N. Arkolp, Secretarjv Albany. uJy ?8 76-8ni President. JOHN BRIGGrS TAKES TOIS OPPORTUNITY TO INFOR: his friends and the public generally, tht he is now settled in his NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, on the old stand next door to P. C. Harper & Co "I.- i fnnnd as ereat an assortment and 1 as large a stock of StOVeS and Ranges as can bo found in any one house thia side of Portland, ana at as LOW .A- PRICE. ALSO Cast Iron, Brass & Enameled in great variety. ' Also, Tin, Sheet Iron, Galvanized Iron, and C'opperwarc, always on hand, and made to order, AT LIY- ! INU KATES. Albany, October 23, 1875-5 v8 a .AND. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS' Pajl & Wintor Styles. ON HAND! CONSTANTLY RECEIV'NG -AT. L E. BUI'S, In Fromun's Sew Blocks FIRST STREET, ALBANY. A complete stock of all the LATEST STYLES IN CLOTHING AND.. . '1; . Genllenicn's Underwear. BOOTS, UMBRELLAS, OTERSnOES. NECK TIES, OVERALLS, GLOVES, ETC. Extra Sizes of ClotMaff a Specialty. Br Orders taken for Clothing, Shirts, Sc., and FIT1 WARKAJJTF.lK A fair share of'custom respectfully solicited. I.. K. BLAlN. Albany, Oregon, November S4. W78-9v9 Incorporated Feb. 4, 187j. ChpitaU fO.OOO. "CJUIOH STOEE ! Corner Firet and Washington streets, Albany, : .Oregon. President, S. A. IAWSOX. Superintendent, A. 3. JOIIXKOX DIRFXTW RS : A. H. LOONF.V, M. MII.I.FH, .a.vov; J. B1.ETIMN, J. i. HKEit. a. bm;, VAV)M. H. A. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In DRY GOODS ! Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Farm Implements and machinery, Ac, Ac. Also, buy and sell on commission all kinds of i Goods, Marketable Produce, 4c. ALBANY ALBANY, : . OREGON". THE FALL TERM of this institution begin on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER . with the following will 1876, Faculty or Instruction t Rev. II. w. STRATTON, A. M.. President, and Professor of Mental and Moral Science Rev. L. J POWELL, A. M., Professor ot Matli- Cmatiffl ftnd Vntnnii Kif.nnm: it. u. I iu WITT, A. M., Professor oi Ancient. Laniruasres. Miss MARIA IRVINE, Teacher or primary Department. i Miss ELVA BREYMAN, Teacher of Instru- D. B. RICE, M. T Lecturer on rhyslology and Hygiene. Calendar i . First Term begins September 4, 1S7G. Second Term begins November 13. 1876. Third Term begins January 29, 1877. Fourth Term begins April , 1877. Closine esrcln.s nf the school vear. Jnno 15, auniion oi one week during i.iHno- the hnltdavs. 1877. Rates of Tuition t Primabt Department, per term.. s oo Common Enoi.isit TicAis-fiiES. per term.. 8 00 1 .-',, .:',; ;y'v, , ,. --.1 ColiTboiatb, including Higher Latin and Greek, Advanced Mathematics, and Mental and Moral Sciences, per term 13 00 3 00 l rrencn ana tierman, each, extra, I Tnst.runinnta.1 Musi. Instrumental Music .. 11 00 .. 3 00 50 use ot Piano.. Incidentals... ""iV''" - ""J - a - . - i uviiuiu iiraunre, nratnw-, pmuip. andgentlnmftnivand deportment will be expected from all who may lieronwtnembers TAYLOR, Architect, Practical Joiner and General Builder, ALBANY, : : i i OREGON. OFFICE With W. H. Kuhn, Ferry street. Residence Corner Calipooia and Sixth streets. aprevi AJSMA WIIIXSOM,'; paihionaW Milliiieiy ALBANY, OREGON. TTAS ON HAND and will be constantly ro- 11 celving durin the season, all the latest in Bonnets. Hats, and the latest in Millinery. All work done, and goods sold, at the lowest rates torcasn. oaju ioi Arc You Going to Build f tv VfrtT ARE GOING TO KITILD A HOUSE. X hnrn or fence, send in vour orders to Settle- meir & Dawson, Lebanon, who have on hand and are sawing ine. red. white and yellow llr wmi'ii low ZftL ttf"1' - Ch th6y SETTLEMEIR A DAWSON. March 16, 1877.-2.jv9 Dr. GEO. . GRAY, DENTlSTr ALBANY, OREGON, n. tr, Povriali'aTiTHffc Ttloc'r. corner of First and Ferrv streets. Residence, on corner or Fifth and yerry streets. Mince noun iruui o u l' o'ciock A. m., ana 1100 oawtt r. l-.". NORTH PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION Portland, Oregon. CaDitul, $100,000. GOlfl COill BaSiS. IncorpornteU 1874. I. WASSEI!JS3(, President. K. av'ACKEMlVSII, Tlee Pres. I. W. WAKEriELI), Secretary. W. S UDD, Treasurer. W. II. CFF1.WER, Attorney. S. Xj. Ql'ACMENBtSII, tiea. Afft. W. F. HALL, Special Agent, Albany, Oregon. ilecljnli9 Purniture-Eooms. it. s. xTjji:isriivo, Begs leave to announce to the citizens of this city ana surrounding country, luui uv uiwuu ea a large stock or Ti'TTTi INJ S"L Il JLrt..l'i S in thn iiiiiiinrr intpiv ocoimied bv Dr. Plum- liter's drug store, on First street, where can bo had, on most reasonable terms. Parlor Sets, Bedroom Suits, Solas, Lounge, Easy Chairs, Center Table's, Whatnots, Desks, ! Book-cases, Safes, Wardrobes, and in fact evcrvtmng cise neeueu 10 ; TO HOlSKIiMEPlX. My goods are well made and of the very Latest and Handsomest Styles. PHIOES WAY DOWN. CS2T" FURNITURE mannfactured to order, at short notice, fcif Furniture reimired and put in good shape on snort, nonce. Givemcacan. " i F. S. DVKXI.m Albany, Nov. 26, 1875 10v8 Ladies' Variety Emporium. MUS. M. HYDE K EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND German Zephyr. Canvas, Thread, Tins, Xeedlei, Buttons, Heal Hair Switch es, and Curls, Hosiery, Stanijjed Goods, itc, &c, c. Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's Health Corset ! Child's Waist ! and Madam Foye'8 Coxset Slvirt Supporter. KiSTFrench stamping done to order. 1323JBroadalbin St., opposite Post Offlce530v Notice of Final Settlement. XTOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT David IN FROMAN, Administrator of the estate of j c Graves; deceased, has tiled in the county iJt'SSi ha appointed Friday, the 6th day of April, 1877, at the hour of one o'clock in tne aiternoon oi i I said day for hearing objections to said final ao- , count .ana tne "DA'viB FROMAN, Humphrey A Hewitt, Atts. Aoministraior Alarcii'J, uM-tvw , -. . ZfotlOOs . , NOTICE is hereby given toall persons whom soever, not to purchase of John D. Hnra a certain promissory note of the : amount of n8. 59. executed December 16tb, 1876, and duo July IsL 1877. Iy the undei-signed to said the makers thersof hold valid cmims and set offs against the bo.erohn D. Hnrt. February 1, 1877-nl9v9 Administrator's Notice N TOTICE IS HEREBY GITEN that the un- v, Oregon, and all persona naving claims aiainstsaid estate are lie re by required to pre it,. um dnlv vpridel to the undersigned at his residence In Linn county, within six months lroni tne naie uereui. February 16, 1877. -4w W. C. FOREN Administrator Notice. ICK IS IfEREBY GIVEN that tt dersigned, Iiavid Froman, has been, by an order of the County Court of Linn county, Or- .1 . 1,a VatlMt.M. An. , U"1 dulv appointed Ailrnlnlstrator of the l state of Squire Montgomery, deceased, and ail persons ViM vinor claims against said estate are herebv requested to present them, duly v rifled, to - o ;i,Aundersiirnedathis place of business In Al- i. 1 n mm.t. Or itrm within iv 1 bany. In cpui.ty, ur goo, witnin six Tnnnthn from the date hereof- February 16, 1877. D jD FROMAN. JOSEPH LOCAL MATTERS. ReLioious Services. Rev. J. F. DeVore will - hold services in the brown M. E. church in this I city on Sabbath, morning and evening. Sun I day School at 2:30 P. M. Prayer meeting each Thursday evening. The trouble on the soutliern botmd tram, 1 on Saturday, through the energy of ,AUen Parker, the Conductor, and others, was mastered in time to save bloodsfied and that was all. For Sale Cheap. At tits shop on Ferry street, Mr. SamJ Miller l-as a twelve pas senger coach for sale, almost new will be ' sold at a bargain; Also a splendid end and i side spring hack, with elegant top, etc., j new, lor sale at cost. Here's an opportu nity for somebody to get bargains. 24-9 clias- 5Iealey. Esq., who lives near Moss j Butte, out on . the Santlam . wngon road,- came in on Monday. Charley had just came in from the Silver Springs, and Ins opinion is that it is the richest country ever struck on the coast. A range that meets every fequtrefnent and satisfies every demand made upon it he Richmond Range. It has no equal ' among stoves or ranges. The only place , to get one is at W. II. McFarland's, next 1 to the Bank. i Judge F. M. Miller and wife left us the fli-st of the week for Lebanon, whei-e they will take up their residence for the future. The Jndge will take charge of the Semi nary there and will also practice lav should occasion require. TIat-sey. There has been a ereat calm tn this vicinity since the lectureat the Lake UreeK scrooi-nousc. x ue turscipu came relaxed so that all hands could take i in more than the usual quantity of tlie at- I mosphere, was the cause of it ; but we look for a storm soon. Temper ance. W . R. Dunbar, G. W. T., will lecture on the subject of temper ance to the people in the vicinity of Knox's Butte, on Wednesday evening, April 25th; I at Tangent on Thursday evening, i April iCth. ami at TTarrisbnrff. ADril 27th. Dun" bar is an exceedingly interesting lecturer even on as dry a subject as temperance, and those who don't go to hear him will miss a treat. Everybody's invited. Mr, Dowell, who came in from the placer diggings in Josephine and Jackson Coun ties, Southern Oregon, a few days ago, brought in a handful or so of nuggets of pure goki. me omy urawoacit whui country seems to be the lack of water with which to mine. One to two ounce diggings are plentiful, but if a miner gets ix weeks water in twelve months, he's in luck. Help those who TRY TO HELF' TheSI-! selves. Mrs. Day Is prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing, and as she has only her labor to depend upon tor a livelihood and for the snpport of her children, she asks the kind people of this city who may have work which they wish done to give her a trial. This is a case which should interest all our benevolent disposed citizens. Let any who have work of this kind which they wish done take it to Mrs. Day. Fancy Gardening Is Just what our friends F. M. Wadsvvorth antTO. L. Parks,- over in Benton county, about one mile from this dtyv,are at present turning their attention to. They have acres of straw berry plants now in full bloom, from which they will gather during the season, should ft be a favorable one, in the neighborhood of two hundred gallons of berries per day. They have several acres planted in black berries, of the best varieties. During the two or three yeara they have been occupying their present place, they have secured one of the richest of garden spots where before stood deuse fir thickets. They are preparing to supply this market with all the different berries from their garden -strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, etc. A thrifty young orchard is also under way, and they will soon liave cherries, pears, plums, ap ples, etc., in any quantity. On their place is to be seen the finest looking lettuce we ever saw anywhere at this season, and all the other table vegetables are growing right aiong ana win booh uw ratuj v. The is nlentv of room across the river for 8COres of just such garden spots, the land . . ... being as rich as cream, and can be had now at comparatively low figures. GRASS ItTDGE CORXESPOXDENCE. Grass Kiixie, April 10th, 1877. Ed. Register : Not seeing anything in your paper from this place since "E. S. Itohyargdio" and "Sam Slick" wrote you, and thinking perhaps they are dead, I seize my goose quill to give you the news. There will be a larger acreage of grain 6own In this part of the county than ever known before, v : , Tour correspondent learns that James Taylor, the man who had the contract for furnishing Messrs. Conn & Co.'s mill with logs, has left for parts unknown, and leaves several creditors to mourn his de parture. OI 500 logs that Mr. Taylor float ed down the river, but 160 of them were saved, 350 passing the mill and are now scattered along the river. Fern Ridge Debating Society has ad journed until tall. X no AlOCK bOtttt, AIUS VOTIWi V "KVf- has also adjourned until fall.. ' - Mr. Editor, if you think the above item will Interest your readers, publish them for their and iny benefit. Yours respectf,l"y Charles Chatterbox. m will soon put up a flrsf-clan drug store in our town, which will m&ktf two for Lebanon. Wells, Fargo & Co. have established art I express office here, with S XI. daughter agent Sir. J. M. Ralston is about to erect 4 new store-house tor his grOcei'-y and cloth fng establishment, which will be ready for' occupancy by June next. Lieut. W. Grant, architect, builds Mi. elegant mansion for himself, this Spring. It is rumored that Mr. Montague Si C6V will put np an extensive brick business house, for their dry goods business, thtt present season. - ! i ....-,-..-.-, .- Several dwellings will be erected herd' during the Summer. Quite an interest is manifested here and in the surrounding country regarding thtt construction tt a turnpike road,- along the Santiam Canal, leading from Lebanon ttf Albany, this Summer; and also tbe pro-' posed telegraph line to be erected by tbflf Canal Company. We understand' tin above road and line will be made this Sum' nier. which will, when constructed, males the road from here to your city tour mSle shorter. - Mr. Jackey Settle has constructed a fur bine water wheel jvhich equals the Leffef or Buruham wheels, he thinks, and wef hope his anticipations may prove true. A List of Premiums To be awarded aC lhe nejt 0regon State Fall-, neAr Salem,- commencing Monday, October 8th, 1877, together with a list of the awnfds for 1876 1 lias been received. ; The pamphlet contain 156 pages, and besides the two premium lists, contains programme, fides and regti lations of the same ; reports of committees' and of the Secretary and Treasurer fof 1876. It is neatly printed of course,- as M. Waite done the job. W. P. "Watson la President; James Tatom and C. P. Burk hart are Vice Presidents; E. M. "Waite i Secretary, and Ladd & Bush, Trensurers Plowing is being prosecuted with vijeor" by our farmers. A tremendous amount or grain will be seeded in Linn county. V ET x.Nvlii. t xtiaif new iitiu wv"i wm Magnolia Mills throws wafer way tip. 18 seems to lie a successful success.- It is rumored that Mr. J. M. Frock is to" . TT-.i ke charge ot the St. Charles Hotel, Goodf enough. Dr. J. Ls Hill went to Portland on Mod' day. lion. David Powell, of Multnomah couft ty. gave us a friendly call on Saturday.- W. Lair 11111 passed through this city ea Saturday on route for Corvallfs. I ..!-;.;. .- . .-. i OUR DAILY RECKONING. If we sit down at sun. And count the that we have donev And, counting, nntl . . One self-denying act, one word That eased the heart ot hitn who heard f One glance most kind. That fell like sunshine where ft" went : Then we may eortnt the day well spen . But if through all the life-longd'ay We eased no heart by yea or nay It through it all -We've done nothing that we can fracas That brought the sunshine to a face, ' No act mast small. That helped some soul, and nothingcor Tlien count the day as worse than lost. Does these lines express a truth 1 Is it true, O, Christ in hen ven. That the highest sffp f That the strongest wandw furt.Hwf And more hopelessly are lostr - . That the sign of rank in nature Is capacity for pal" ! . ' And the anguiih f tno flrr Vvks fiie Mediums of the rm n ; 3