The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 13, 1877, Image 4

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4' .. ? fF-" j
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Corner Ferry ami First S'.reets.
2 50
One copy, one year.
One copv, six montlia...
o clubs of twenty, each copy.
1 SO
2 00
Snltocrihers outside of Linn county will be
charged 20 cents extra $3 70 for the year as
tliat is Hie amount of jiostase per annum
which we are rerjulred to pay on each paper
mailed ly us.
i.. i en cfin.
Afffiits for the Kcis!ster.
The following named sentleinen are author
ized to receive and receipt for subscriptions
to the Kkoiktku in the localities mentinneu:
Messrs. Kirk & Hume
Robert tilass
W. P. Smith
O. P. Tompkins
S. II. Clauirl'.ton
A. Wheeler A Co
Messrs. Smith & l.rasileld.
J. B. Irvine
l'hos. II. lieinolds
. .Crawfordswillo.
........ .Lelnnon.
. . .Junction City.
"Light, heat, beauty, life-giving South!
The artist seeks it for its glorious
depths ot color; tbe poet for its classic
traditions and dreamy influences ; the
invalid lor its balmy breath aad reviv-ing-warmth,
which stir the pulses tliat
in northern lands would cease to beat.
Lionel Merton, halt invalid, sought it
for life both of mind and body ; and his
delicate frame shattered by the chill
blasts of the north woke to a new
being in the soft Ausouian climate,
whilst his artist eye glanced with a
pleased delight over luxuriant plains
and olive-planted slopes, with here and
there a glimpse of the yellow Tiber
flowing majestically along.
lie was just now standing in the
doorway of the inn, gazing, not at the
.landscape or the skies, but at a face that
had attracted his attention more than
once since his arrival at . He had
seen it first in the beautiful gardens ot
the villa, not far from the inn, peering
through the parted brandies of a myrtle,
svhose dark, glossy leaves seemed to
"form a fitting framework for the living
picture behind them. Hut the branches
Aad closed hastily fixed as the girl met
-the blue eyes of Lionel steadfastly upon
"We must go home, Tina," said she
to tbe child, Who was watching the
-doves wash themselves in the basin of
the fountain, and she swung it up to
her shoulder, where it wound its tiny
hands in her dark hair loosening some
of the coils that fell heavily down be
low her waist. A flush came over the
pale olive skin.
"Thou art a bad child, Tina," she
said, as she hastily twisted up the long
-tresses under the folds ot her white
The large lustrous eyes had but look
ed at Lionel for a moment, and yet they
seem to have told him a long story that
he had been in the past trying to de
cipher. Next he had seen her in the church,
kneeling in fervent prayer, and" had
silently watched the changes of counte
nance until she again perceived him,
and with a startled look rose and fled
To-day Teresa stood leaning against
a stone pillar, playing with the pink
blossom of a catalpa that stood near
her, when suddenly she found herself
once more face to face with the English
lie had discovered her name Ter
esa; daughter of blind Tomasco Cecchi
and his bed-ridden wife. She was a
good daughter and worked hard to sup
port her parents. To-day she seemed
to be taking life easilv drinking inthe
splendor ot the purple mists and golden
sheets ot sunlight with true Italian in
dolence. "Dolce far niente " thought Lionel,
as he looked at the statue-like figure
and the head thrown back, partly with
weariness, partly with an intense appre
ciation ot the beauty around her.
Bat Teresa's rest was not to be ot
long duration. The Mercanii of the
Campagna had sent tor laborers to
gather in the harvest, and men and
women were forming into bands to join
in the work. Teresa was going, so gos
sip bad told Lionel, and to him it
seemed a sacrilege that the beautiful
maiden should toil and slave with the
common multitude. But what could
he do ? And in the midst of his medi
tations the girl raised her face and again
their eyea met.
"Teresa!" The name burst involun
tarily from his lips.
She started and blushed, but this time
did not flee away. She looked up at
"Si, signore," she answered. -' '
"That is a pretty flower," said Lionel;
"will you give it to me ?"'
She made no reply, but put the blos
som into his hand. And so the ac
quaintance was made and the two
. chatted away in the sunshine.
Lionel had gone to Tomasco Cecchi's
"But your daughter is not strong
enough for such work !" said he, in con
clusion to a long harangue.
The old man shrugged his shoulders.
"Poverty," said he, "is a hard master,
and Teresa is a good girl."
"Too good to endanger her life in the
toils of tbe Campagna. Think of the
risk, the labor, tho heat, the foul even
ing mists 1"
Bat Tomasco looked back beyond the
discomforts and remembered a time
when tbe plains resounded with songs
and laughter, and the wine was broached
aria hearts were light.
"I found my wife there," said be,
"and Teresa may find a husband."
Lionel instinctively drew back. A
husband among those laboring peas
ants ! impossible; for in bis eyes Teresa
uss worthy to be the bride ot a king.
"Can you not find a substitute for
your daughter? ," and then he hes
itated for Teresa had come into the
"How much will it cost to get a sub
stitute, Teresa X
Teresa laughed. Giovanetta would
pay it she could to go in my place," said
she. "There are too many ready and
willing to go."
"Let them go, then !' responded Lio
nel, eagerly.
"The signore forgets we must have
money," returned Teresa.
Scarcely thinking of what he was do
ing, Lionel had poured out the contents
of a purse full ot English gold upon the
table. The quick ear of Tomasco caught
the sound; he stretched out his hand as
if to clutch the ringing coin, but Teresa
sprang between, turning a flashing face
upon Lionel.
"We are not beggars !" she exclaimed;
"I work for my bread !"
"Will you not let me help you ?"
asked Lionel, in a low tone.
"You cannot," she replied, in an
equally low voice ; and the flash died
out of her face, tor Lionel's tone was
very humble and his eyes had spoken
something to her that her heatt an
swered. She gathered the money to
gether and put it into his hands.
"It must not be," said she, as he sor
rowfully departed.
"Thou art a tool, child !" said Tom
asco Cecchi, when Lionel was out of
hearing. "These English know not
what to do with their gold, and we
should Lave been all the better tor it."
Slowly plodded the large, gray oxen
over the plains of the Campagna; lazily
sauntered the drivers at their . side.
Here and there one heard the sounds ot
merriment; there again were silent toil
ers; here worn-out laborers who had
crept into the shade and fallen asleep,
and above stretched the blue heavens,
still and cloudless, over the gray and
purple sweeps of far-off landscape with
here and there a patch of sun-gilt water.
All this Lionel saw, for he had ob
tained a lodging m one of the large
stone farm houses, since money will ob
tain anything; and the fair, delicate
looking, generous Englishman was pop
ular among the poor Italian peasants.
Teiesa knew that he was there, but
she avoided him ; and he, seeing thi,
only wa'ched her from a distance, and
gave no token that she was more to
him than any other laborer on the vast
plains. He had seen Tomasco and his
wife before lie had followed to the Cam
pagna, and they were amply provided
tor during their daughter's absence.
Lionel Alerton had fallen in love, and
he sat down and took the matter int j
deliberate consideration. His first
thought was that Teresa was a queen ;
fit to be the wife of any man was his
second; why not of himself was the
third; and that she should be, if possi
ble was the fourth. Yet how to pro
ceed was the difficulty; he felt, with all
the keen sensitiveness of an Englishman
to absurd situation?-, that lie was some
what absurdly placed at the present
moment; for Teresa, calmly pursu ng
her work, gave him no opportunity of
addressing her without bringing the
eyes of the multitude upon himself and
the handsome maiden.
Teresa was the one to break the
silence. She feared the pestilential
breath that comes with the chill blasts
and heavy dews after the burning heat
ot the day might take effect on Lionel
Merton. She noted a lassitude and
feverishness which he imputed to Ids
state of mind, and suddenly she appeared
before him.
"Signore, you will flee from hence or
you will die !"
"And you will have killed me, Ter
esa." "No ; it is the poisonous mists ot the
"What brought me hither to breathe
them ?"
"Ihe signore forgets that I begged
him not to ttrnk ot so rash a scheme,"
replied Teresa, evading the question.
"For me who is accustomed to the
changes, it is safe ; for the signore it is
death, and he must go."
"Back to Frascati, if he so wills it ;
or, better, perhaps, away from Italy."
"I cannot live away from Italy ; it is
my life, my hope ; and here I can study
art and make myself a home. Here I
can be happy, and yet you send me
away !"
"I have told the signore that I am
not ' fitted for his wife. Besides, my
duty is with my parents ; I must tend
them until they die."
" Yet you leave them now ?'' .
"Only for their benefit."
"It would benefit them more if you
were my wife."
But Teresa 6hook her head mournful
ly. "2fon e possibile" she said decid
edly. "Yet you love me, Teresa ?"
"Yes," said she with emotion, "but I
must do my duty. I have made a vow
not to marry as long as my parents
"It is a foolish vow,' said Lionel.
"It is nevertheless a vow," she said
firmly. "Signore, you must go. Addio,
addio !"
But as she spoke a sudden shivering
seized her ; the fever she had dreaded
for Lionel had fallen upon herself.
Teresa bad but few friends among the
laborers in the Campagna ; but one wo
man, whom Lionel recognized as be
longing to Frascati, was willing enough
to undertake the office of nurse, in con
sideration of the lavish payment for it,
and to accompany her home when she
was out of danger.
Then Lionel turned his steps north
ward, seeking no interview, for he knew
that Teresa was firm in her resolution,
and that it would be an insult to her
piety and her sense ot filial duty to at
tempt to shake it. So lie hastened
away, hoping by constant change and
excitement to drive her image from bis
heart. i
He passed the frontier, and then the
cold north winds began to blow ami he
could not face them, and Lionel Merton
learned that his only - hope ot life was
indeed in Italy. It seemed almost as
though fate were bidding him return,
and so he passiyely resigned himself and'
retraced by slow degrees the way to
Frascati, delaying as he drew nearer and
nearer to it, and yet with every inten
tion of seeing Teresa once more.
He took up his residence at the inn
again, but saw nothing of Teresa, nether
did he hear of her until, making inqui
ries from the innkeeper, he found that
immediately upon her return from the
Campagna her parents were taken ill
and were now m the last stages ot dis
ease, and that they were poorer than
ever. Bat Lionel shiank from intrud
ing, although he and the old Cecchi had
been verv friendlv.
Still Teresa had a conspmncnoco f
his presence in tho constant supplies of
an neeuea ror me suuerers at the hands
of the innkeeper, and she did not refuse
them, for she was almost worn out with
her vigil and perhaps regarded this un
expected assistance as an answer to ler
prayers, and therefore not to be flui2
ungratefully aside.
A lid then came the end. The Death
Angel closed the old man's eyes and
the mourner carried him to his grave
soon to be followed by the wife who
had journeyed with him through the
world. And then Teresa was left an
orphan, alone in the world. And then
Lionel Merton once more said :
"Teresa, you love me?"
And Teresa replied as she had dono
before, "Yes." But this time she add
ed, "The vow that parted .us is accom
plished, and I am noongor forbidden to
be your wife." Jean JBoncwur.
Among many good things of its kind
the following, from the Chicago Times,
as expressing both the fidelity and fer
tility, ot the reporter and the technical
ities, the brightness, the strength and
weakness, the humor and frailty of the
"craft" the craft of crafts is one of the
best. It is safe to say that, none but a
printer could have made the report.
"You are a printer ?" said Scully, as
a rather good-looking young man was
run from the bull pen into the chute at
the West side court.
"'Yes sir."
"This is your first 'case?' "
"It's the first time I ever worked at
a 'case' in this 'alley.' "
"Did yon get drunk ?"
"The boys 'set' it up and gave me
the 'siring.' "
"I don't fathom your remark," said
his honor, putting one hand to his ear
a;id bending forward.
"They 'proved' the 'matter' and then
they left me on the 'stone' for 'dead.' "
"I mpossible ! Dead ? Deserted you
in the snow drifts. Or do I get the
right glimpse ot what you are trying to
show ?
"I will 'correct' it, myself with your
"Do so ; go on."
"I was soon 'alive,' and when I was
'shoved over' 1 n -as 'standing.' "
"Young man you narrate in parables.
Can't )'ou elucidate ?" '
"I will try, judge. They put a 'good
heading' on me, and gave mo a promi
nent place at the top of the 'column' "
"Young man, you are getting the
court muddled. Come to the point."
"That's where I came to at last '
full stop.' They 'locked ire up' "
'Yes, now I understand."
"And "planed' me down with the
ma' lei'
"Now I don't. You won't stick to
the rule "
"If I had stuck to the 'rule' the
stick' would have saved me."
"I don't get on to that."
."Neither did I. It was I who 'got
off.' "
"Well, go on, go on," said his hon
or, tipping back his chair with the res
ignation of a man who gives ujj his seal
in a crowded car to a woman.
"They put me in the 'chase' "
"What Chased you? Impossible!
But go on."
"And then they got out their 'shoot
ing stick.' "
."Now, look here, do yon mean to say
that they had to pull their revolvers ou
"Not exactly, but they took a mallet.
Then they sent me to 'press,' and here
is the 'impression,' as you see "
"Is there anything the matter with
you, young man?"
"No, sir ; I only ask to be 'deliver
ed.' "
"I am told by a friend of yours who
has just climbed down from the back of
my chair that you have spoken in the
technicalities ot your profession, and
that you swore off on the first of Janu
ary, hut you were pursuaded by a lot ot
boys tliat the old year hadn't ended
and sa yon fell. If I let you go, with an
almanac with a list of the eclipses, ao.d
tell you when it will thunder, will you
promise never to look in a grocery
again; never to take another drink;
never to go out with the gang, never,
never, no, never sit up all night, and
you will use your efforts, to the best of
your ability, to bleach your nose? Do
you swear it?"
"I do, with 'italics.'"
"Then go away, and be good."
A Curious Illusion. A West Hill
man got up in a vague state ot mind,
the other morning, and feeling around
in the dark for his socks, got hold ot his
wife's stockings. When he pulled them
on and stretched them up, he felt so
completely dressed that be didn't think
of putting on anything else, but went
mooning round till he found a lamp,
and fell to the floor in a fit of terror at
sight of his legs. When they restored
him to consciousness, they couldn't make
him believe that the house hadn't been
burglarized by a circus clown or an es
caped convict; because, he said, "I saw
him the minute I struck the match, just
as plainly as I see yon now. Nobody's
safe in these awful limes."
Don't spend too much time laboring
for the good of posterity a thousand
years to come. Get up a good dinner
for your own posterity to-day, and yoa
will be, doing about the right thing.
An eastern newspaper prints the fol
lowing letter :
I haven't dated this letter, because I
don't know where I am. I am about
nine miles from Julesbnrg at a little set
tlement on the South Platte. At day
light to-morrow I am to catch some of
the finest salmon yon ever saw. They
wiil not bite at any other "lime f day.
I suppose they learned this disagreeable
habit ot early breakfasting- from the
"bullwhackers" who navigate these
plains. I am stopping at a little hotel
about 30x80 feet. The scarcest thing is
lumber, the settlers having to pay so
many dollars a foot for all they use, be
sides what they brought in valises.
The landlord is from Pennsylvania,
and seems 10 be doing a thriving busi
ness. By dint of hard talking and lib
eral promises I got a room to myself.
It is just large enough for the -bed and
a candle box set on a chair, upon which
I am writing this letter. It is in one
end ot the building, and seperated from
the next room by a bedquilt, which ou
must crawl under to come in or go out.
But it is my room, and, after the jolt
ing I have had upon the Indian pony, I
expect to have a good night's
Was" ever a poor pilgrim in such a
fix? Just as I had written "night's"
above, and had "sleep" upon the point,
ef my pen, I heard a knocking on the
outside of the bedquilt. "Crawl un
der," aid I.
Enter the landlord's daughter, a bux
om young lady of seventeen years ot age
I should judge. She opened her rosy
lips and spoke as follows :
"Mister, don't take off your clothes
to-night when you go to bed."
"Because I am going to sleep with
"Well, if you have no better reason
than that"
"Hush! Shet np ! You told par
that yon would not sleep with a man."
"Had rather sleep with a wet dog."
"Well, 1 have given up my bed to a
sick man. I have been hard at work
all day, and have to work to morrow,
and cannot afford to set up all night.
That bed is wide enough for us both.
I shall stay on the back side, and if you
don't stay ou your side, you'd better,
that's all."
As she said this she raised from her
dress pocket an infernal jack-knife, such
as farmers use in trimming truit trees,
and then it fell back with a chug. I
comprehended the situation in half a
moment, and unto this maiden I quoth
a- follows :
"Miss, young lady, your intentions
may or may not be honorable. Ir am
traveling entirely by myself. My natu
ral protectors are miles and miles away
beyond the boundless prairie, ignorant
of the perils which may beset their idol.
Thus far I have not been insulted by
your sex. I am a man of few words,
but they are always emphatic. I will
give you part of that bed, and that's
all I can do. If you attempt anything
contrary to this firm determination, by
St. Joseph, my patron saint, I will
shoot you right through the midriff."
As I concluded, I laid a Slcum pis
tol upon the candle box. A low chuck
le outside the bedquilt gave evidence
that pater familias had heard and ap
proved the arrangement.
My antagonist laughed, and saying,
"Jlif !er, I reckon we understand each
other," bounded over to the back side
ot the bed. TLere she is now, pretend
ing to be asleep. I CJm't do anything.
Talk about trials of the earlier saints
about being broiled over live Cals
about being flayed alive about beir.
broiled m oil. What was all that to
thing- His Influence.
A good Detroit citizen, who has the
cause ot temperance at heart was yester
day traveling up and down Michigan
avenue to watch for topers and to c:ax
them to sigu the pledge and mend their
ways. He got hold of three hard cases
at once and took them to a boot and shoe
store to argue the point. Thwy were
willing to listen, but obstinate about
signing, and the good man went out to
secure more influence. He met a butch
er whom he had long known, and, ex
p'ainmg the case to him the butcher re
plied :
"They won't sign, eh ? Well, now,
you see if they don't! They know me,
and they'd put their names dowu like a
streak of lightning !"
Entering the store, he unfolded the
pledge, and to the first he said :
"Tom, I want your fist to this."
"I'd ruther not."
"You put your name down there or
I'll give you the worst thumping yon
ever got, and don't forget it," yelled
the butcher.
Tom signed, ni tbe man ot meat
crooked his finger at Jim, who didn't
hesitate a minute. The third one didn't
know the butcher, and he said he would
not sign the pledge for no man.
"I guess you will I guess you
will !" said the butcher, as he rolled up
his sleeves.
"I'm coming now !"
lie took the toper by the throat,
flung him over a box ot boots and into
a corner, and in thirty-nine seconds
from the first dash, the toper called out :
"Let me up and gimme the pen !"
He signed, and tfcen placing the three
irr a row in front ot bitn the butcher
"Im temperance all over, and my
whole heart is iu this work. If I catch
either one of you guzzling any mote
drink, I'll tie you in a knot around -Se
lamp post and pump you out with a fire
steamer! G'Jang now and see if you
can't convert some one else !"
The first translation ot the Bible ever
made by a woman is to bo credited to
Julio Smith, one of the famous Glaston
bury sisters. The requisite classical
and theological knowledge she bad to
acquire entirely by herself, as her stud
ies were begun a day before colleges
were thrown open to women.
Arnold, the writing-fluid man, bas
made a million dollars by it. That's
the. sort of au ink-come to have
The Strong-eat Man.
Frederick Barnaby was educated at
Harrow, and thence proceeded to Ger
many, where, under private- tuition, he
acquired an unusually perfect acquaint
ance with the French, Italian and Ger
man languages, and incidentally imbibed
a taste tor gymnastics. At sixteen he,
the youngest of 150 candidates, passed
his examination for admission to the
army, and at the mature age of seven
teen found himself a cornet in the Royal
Horse Guards. At this time his breast
seems to have been fired by the noble
ambition to become the strongest man
in the world. He threw himself into
the pursuit of muscle with all the ardor
since shown in other directions, and the
cup of his joy must have been full when
a precise examination led to the demon
stration of the fact that his arm meas
ured round the biceps exactly seventeen
inches. Ilis playing at Aldershot was
a dumbell weighing 170 pounds, which
he lifted straight out with one hand,
and there was a standing bet ot 10
sterling that no other man in the camp
could perform the same feat. At the
rooms of the Loudon Fencing Club there
is to this day a dumbell weighing 122
pounds, and Captain IJarnaby is the
only member who can lift it above his
There is a story told of early barratk
days which brings pleasantly up a remi
niscence ot theTichborne trial. A horse
dealer arrived at Windsor with a pair
of beautiful little ponies, which he had
been commanded to show to the Queen.
Before exhibiting them to Ilcr Majesty
he took them to cavalry barracks for
disp'ay to the officers of the Guards.
Some of these, by way of a surprise, led
the ponies up stairs into lJaruaby's
room, where they were much admired.
But when the time came to take leave
an alarming difficulty presented itself.
The ponies though they had walked up
stairs, could by no means be induced to
walk down again. The officers were
in a fix, the horse dealer was in despair
when young Barnaby settled the matter
by taking up the ponies, one under each
arm, and walking down stairs, deposit
ed them in the barrack yard.
But Cornet Barnaby was as skiUful
as he was strong. He was. one of the
lest amateur boxers of the day, as Tom
Paddock, Nat Langham and Bob Trav
el's could testify by their own wed-earn-ed
experience. Moreover, he fenced as
we'd as he boxed, and the turn of his
wrist, which never failed to disarm a
swordsman, was known in more than
one" of the capitals of Europe. Ten
years ago everybody was talking ot the
wonderful feat ot tne young guardsman
who undertook for a small wager to
hop a quarter of a mile, run a quarter
ot a mile, ride a quarter of a mile, row
a quarter of a mile, ami walk a quarter
of a mile in a quarter of an hour, and
who covered the mile and a quarter of
distance in ten minutes and twenty sec
onds. Fred Barnaby had, while barely
out of his teens, realized his boyish
dream and became the strongest man in
the world. But he had also begun to
pay the penalty ot success in the coin of
wasted tissues and failing hea'th. When
a man finds, after anxious and varied
experiments, that a water ice is the only
form of nourishment that his stomach
will retain, he is driven to the convic
tion that there is something wrong and
that he had better see the doctor. The
result of the yonng athlete's visit to the
doctor was that he mournfully laid
down the dumbe'ds and the foils, es
chewed gymnastics and took to travel
They Met by Chance. The St.
Louis JKejntblican relates the following
ae 511 actual fact lately transpiring in
that city ; "Not long ago two ladies
stood at tne shawl counter of one of the
two leading dry-"ods stores in St.
Louis. They were unknown to each
other, but were each intent up.?u the
examination o" shawls. One of tiib la
dies was finally handed something that
struck her fancy. She turned the arti
cle over and over, with admiring ejes
upon it, and asked its price. She was
to'd what it was, and with a sigh laid
it down again. 'I like it,' she said, 'it
suits me jerfbctly, but I cannot afford
it. Aly husband tells me we. must re
trench as much as possible.' The sym
pathetic saleswoman was about to re
place the shawl upon its shelf, when the
other lady t poke : 'You do not intend
to tako the shawl, then, madam ?'
'No,' was the response. Then I think
I'll take it. It suits me, too, and I
was only waiting for your determina
tion.' Then turning to the saleswoman
the last speaker told her to do up the
purchase, adding, 'Charge it to Mr.
Ihe effect the name had upon
the ladv who was unable to buv the
shawl was electric. 'That's my hus
band,' shrieked the lady, and there was
a scene upon which the curtain did not
fall at once by any means."
Mrs. Flori's- Leo. A Missouri
court has just had t-? pass upon a ques
tion of some delicacy that of the value
of a woman's leg. A market house roof
was blown off in a storm, and, in its
fall, crushed the lower part of Mrs.
Flori's leg. Amputatiou below the
knee became necessary to save the wo
man's life. She brought suit against
the city of St. Louis for damages, and
the jury returned a verdict for 4,166.
G6J. The determination of this amount
was arrived at by each juror's putting
down a thousand dollars, and then add
ing $500 for the doctor's bill, the value
of the entire leg being placed at $12,
500, Why it was that the estimates of
the several jurymen were added togeth
er, instead of being averaged, is not nar
rated. But so it was, and the Missouri
jury having tound the value of that
which was lost. This part was decided
to be one third of the whole, and hence
it was that damages of $4,166. 66.
were awarded. The city took the case
up to tho Court ot Appeals, and tliat
court affirmed the decision of the Cir
cuit Court. So it was settled what the
value is of the third part ot a womau's
Milk biscuit, heated until crisp, make
a nice relish for lunch or lor & sick person..
Matrimonial, Scene. Can yoa
let mo have some money to purchase a
new bonDet, my dear?"
"By-and by, love."
"That's what you always say, my
love, but how can I buy and buy with
out money ?"
vAnd that brought the money, just as
ore good turn deserves another. Her
wit was so successful that she tried it
again next week.
"I want money, my dear, to buy a
new dress."
"Well, yon can't have it ; you called
me a bear last night," said the husband.
"O, well, dear, you know that was
only because you are so fond of hug-
It hit him just right again, and she
got the money and something extra, as
he left his pretty" wife and hurried off to
business, saying, "It takes a fortune to
keep such a wife as you are but iCa
worth it"
A WoNIfERFTJL Bkar Story. We
are informed that on Thursday last a son
ot Christian Hanson about 9 vears of
age, went to a straw-stack near the stable
to get some straw for horse-bedding,
lie says ihat while putting out the straw
a huge black bear seized him by the hip
and started with him r the woods. The
bear he!d him in such a way thH he could
make no resistance, but after running half
a mile and leaping a high fence, the beast
seemed to get out of wind, and let him
drop upon the ground, while he stood
over him with his great red tongue hang
ing out of his month, panting for breath.
The boy says he seized hold of the lear'a
tongue with both hands, and held on
until he raised noon his hind feet and
scratched him in the face with his fore
paws so hard that he let go and ran.
The bear did not follow, and the little
fellow made the best time possible to
ward the house. Mr. liaison was away
from home at the time. The next day
he and his neighbors followed the bear's
track tor some distance, and the citizens
of Helen will maxe it warm for Bruin if
he does not return to his hole. Glen
coe Minn.) Register. -
Mrs. Hayes. Whatever opinions
may be held as to her husband's ability,
there is no question as to the superior
worth of our new President's wife.
Mrs. Hayes is a woman ot strong natural
power of mind, and to this she has add
ed the graces of culture. She is a wo
man to whom affectation is a total stran
ger. For years she has been an earnest
worker in various benevolent and char
itable enterprises, and in this, as in every
thing else she has done, her course has
been marked by a wise discretion.
Mrs. Hayes will bring none of the vices
of fashion into our Republican court.
Her influence there will be decidedly of
a conservative character. She has thus
far schooled herself into believing that
there is a higher mission for woman
than a study of tho Paris fashions.
The first choice of a seat at Mr. Ed
win Booth's first performance in San
Francisco was sold, it is recorded for
810 J. His first appearance on the stage
was made before an audience ot small
girls 'and boys in Baltimore, who were
admitted to the juvenile theatre for au
enormous fee ot two cents.
The Chicago reporter who was booted
by Fred Grant has never rallied from
the kick, and is looking for a situation
with some man who travels around ren
ovating feather beds.
Lnfcsl and Most Reliable In
formation about the BLACK
IlILlj, Northern Wyoming
and tho great Indian War
Will fkltt'nvs I " fnun1 iv 4 Ev
Oldest Larirest. Clipanrs.
in tno
and BKST PA-
PER in
Established in 18(57. DafTv, tl a
month flOn year. Wceklv, &
mo. $1 -6 mo. yt.-JO 1 year. $2.5
II. Glacke, Pnolisner, Cbeyenne, Vfyty.
AVERY BE5.I2 BlE bup ines. lof C'xIOO fret
nn Hi .nrni.p ..f Second unci WflIitrfrrt"
sireets, AHany. Alo.Ensl2e. Boiler and Sfk
omnery, toaet ner wit it a lot or rmniture, Ia3-rtei-a,
wlieellarrows. harrows, Ac., &c, all to be
soll ort'ehean tor rash, t consequence of re
moval on account or sickness. Enquire on tho
premises of PUTNAM A CO.
Albany, Jan. 19, 1877-nl7
All Xraportant Tarts made of XRC2T,
an& Durable as Iron can to.
A4JustaU8 to any reauirel Depta
whilo In motion.
ITover Clogrs or Chokes on StulsWo or
"Trashy" Ground.
m&0 - -
Arranged for two. three or four horses abreast
Licluest. Draft Machine in u.-w.
Cov ers and cuts a the around. f
Broadcast 6eeder wul sow H Uinau Ol
grrstua, wet or dry.
RANTED. I ak every farmer to examine my Seeder and
Cultivator Wore purohanin an Ltrn Alar
cuino. 'or further particulars address
Ilarrlgburff, Oregon
February 9, 1877-Wv
v. i j
When you wlsb
Visiting: Cards,
Business Cards,
Dill Heads,
Letter Heads?
Ball Tickets,
t .
Horse Dills,
or lu fact anything in tb
Printixtfj &fno
call at tht
I ''
! 'ts
iff -v-
.1 j I
l at S