The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 13, 1877, Image 3

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SaooL Meetix't. The annual district
school meeting tor district No. 5 (the dis
trict embracing Albany) was held at the
Central school house on Monday night last.
There was not a large attendance in fact
the attendance was very small considering
the Importance of the occasion. The School
Clerk, Mr. J. J. Whitney, elected to fill
the vacancy caused by the death ot Mr. A.
X. Arnold, made his report. From it we
learn tliat tlie district is indebted in the
sumof$76( 07. To meet this indebtedness
there is $30 40 cash in the treasury, with
notes and .outstanding biil3 tor tuition
amounting to $1,672 45. Of this latter
It istjihght that at the very outide not
Sore than $G0O will ever he realized.
From the shape in which Mr. Whitney
found the books of the deceased Clerk It
was impossible to get at the exact situation
ot affairs. It is certain that the money be
longing to the district was handled very
carelessly during a portion of last year.
While it is believed by some that Mr. Arn
old's accounts will not hold out by from
$500 to $1,000 or even more, there seems
to be no positive evidence that such is the
case. The books and papers of the school
district were in a terrible muddle, and so
far, with the known business ability of the
.Directors, -ierK, anu me t-everai aiiuuui-
niitrlmliaw tieen called in to examine
and aid in unraveling them, they still re
main a sealed mystery. With the $4,000
tax levy of last year collected, and the usu
al school bills properly collected, the .Dis
trict ought to have money m the treasury,
tlie outgoing Clerk was referred to the Di
rectors and new Clerk for examination, to
be reported upon at a luture meeting. If
the facts in relation to the tax of last year
(amounting, we believe, to 4.190), can ever
be got at that is, if any clue can be ob
tained as to who paid the taxes and how
much was "collected, and who paid school
hills, it may be tound that all tl;e tax
($4,000) was not collected by the deceased
Cifcrk. and that, therefore, the District is
no out so much a now appears. The Di
rectors have taken hold of the matter in
earnest, and will sift the whole matter to
the bottom. In the meantime the Direc
tors have employed five teachers, three
males and two females, at a monthly salary
of $350, for a term of three months.
Bulldozed 'em, There are thousands
of wild geese on the prairies, and they do
more or less damage, in pulling up and get
ting away with the early crops. It is re
lated of tne early times in this valley that,
in he Spring months, the prairies were
literally covered with water fowl. Count
less millions of goee, brants, ducks, etc.,
covered the country in every direction, and
it was almost Impossible for the early pio
neers'to raise any" crops on account of their
prevalence and destmetivenes. But what
we intended to say was this: A young
farmer, stilt in his teens, living a few miles
trom this city, had tried in vain to get close
enough to the geese in the fields on his
father's farm to shoot them they were en
tireito wary for him, and would fly be
fore be could get within good shooting dis
tance. As a last resort he repaired to the
i bam and taking a dry bull's hide hanging
there, wrapped himself up mit as well a
he could, concealing as nieeh ot his person
- as possible, and proceeded to the fields
where the geese were wont to congregate
i -t feed. Arriving at the field he proceeded
to "bulldoze" ihose geese by getting down
on his hands and knees and personating an
he bovine ; and those geese didn't Ciscover
the fraud until he had got right in among
'em and let fly with both barrels, slaughter-
. I ng them right and left. And now when
ever he wants a goose he dons the bull's
hide and hies to the fields.
"Honor Biugiit." In the Register for
March 30tli, we wrote : "Quite a number
of farmers and others who stored wheat with
Parker & Morris last fall and had not sold
It, came into the city on Wednesday to see
and consult over Parker's failure." Mr.
Morris, of Parker & Morris, informs as that
there was not a pound of wheat taken away
from the warehouse that had not been pre
viously purchased. The wheat that; had
not been purcliased still remains it? the
warehouse. We make this correction be
cause it oossible that our first statement
v,,. ii many Into the Deiiet tn
rarfcer & Morn bad 5?U wheat that did
not belong to them, hut stored in the
warehouse. The failure of tiiC fi-m wa3
caused by their lo3 on wiieafc tlie firm
have lost more - or less money for three
years, until the liabilities amount to about
f 10,000 at the present time. " "
Clean Up. By order of the Ctty Coun
cil, made at its regular meeting on Tues
Jaj night, property-holders are required to
Aean up their alleys and back yards by tlie
Jath of May next ; if not dona by that titne
$h Marshal U instructed to have the work
done at the expense of the property adja
cent. Owners of real, estate in this city
should attend to this matter, riot only be
cause it is ordered done by the Couicil, but
because tlie health of the city demands it.
Some of the alleys and back yards in the
' city are in a fearful condition, -arid if left aa
they are at presentduring the coming Siitn-
incr, will breed -death in every direction.
Clean up and save tlie health not only of
jour own families, but tlie health ot the
entire section in which you live.
2f ice Beef. On Tuesday Mr. J. L. liar
ris butcliered one of tlie nicest beeves we
have had in market for many a day.; It was
a six year old steer which bad been stall fed
for four months, and when butchered it
weighed abotit nine hundred pounds. : It
was a nice one, and no mistake. The ani
mal was raised by Mr. Moore,, ovw hi the
Forks of the Smtianj.
I Home, April 7th, 1877.
Mr. Editor : Up to the present, 1
o'clock Saturday, we have put in a faithful
week at the plow, and the present welcome
shower gives opportunity to scribble tliese
items, j
We liave so perfected the drainage here
as to plow the wettest land on ouc place,
the past week, and it was in good order.
Considerable sowing has already been done
about here. The fail plowing is nut in
good order, by first ruuning over it, the
way it was plowed, with a Moline Culti
vator, which runs 5 to 6 inches deep, then
cross it with the pulverizing harrow, better
known as the McDonald Cultivator, which
works like a charm. Then we have con
cluded that to make the outfit of machinery
complete we should have the combined har
row and clod masher of Kuhn & Miller,
to follow the pulverizer, and our fields
would look like they had received proper
cultivation. And we feel certain that this
kind of farming will reward all who give
it a trial.
Everybody in this vicinity is becoming
interested in the Ditch transportation, and
we think it is bound to succeed. We find
Mr. John Crawford manifests quite a gen
erous disposition respecting it, should the
property remain in his hands. Yotn-s,
Xice Storekoom. The new brick on
the corner ot Ferry and Second streets
owned by Mr. Sam'l. Miller, is completed
and ready for occupancy. It is a two-story,
25x55 feet. The lront room up stairs will
b? occupied by Humphrey fc Howett,. as a
law olliee; the two rooms in the rear will
be occupied by the Young People's Chris
tian Association. The first floor, a room
twenty-five wide by fifty-five feet deep, 14
feet ceiling, with a fine glass front, is not
rented as yet. It is one of the finest store
rooms in the city, and shouldn't go long
without a renter.
Gold in New Yoik, 103.
; Legal tenders, 953'!c.
Silver coin, 05E03.
Wheat, 1 ? bns'iel.
Oats, 37i'o biMiel.
BtiU'r, 5 (S 30c ? pound.
Eggs, 14c dozen.
Chickens, $2 50S.S3 00 f dozen,
l'eef on foot, le ; pork, do., 7c net. "
Bacon Sides, 13c: hams, 15c; shoulders.
Dried apples, 0c; plums, lie.
. Liverpool wheat market. April 5 : Av
erage, lis 3dtSlls. Sd; cUiblls 7d'Sll4 lOtl.
SiieciaJ Xoiiees.
Mimical. Miss Nettie Piper, teacher ol
Vocal and Instrumental music, has recent
ly located in Albany, and'prepared to give
lessons in the above named branches. Has
had several years experience in teaching,
and can give tlie bet of references. 4
The Richmond Range is a great wood
saver, and as it throws out less boat than
any other good range or stove, it is way
up for Summer use.
Major White Is located one door west
of Fox Bro.'s, First street, Albany, where
he is prepared to do all work in his line,
such as repairing watches, clocks, and jew
elry. A!o, engraves-door-plates, silver
ware, &c. Five him a call.
Encouragement for Hie Feeble.
- Dcbilitjs whether it be inherent, or
caused by overtaxed strength, or protracted
illness, has a most depressing influence up
on the mind, breeding an abject melancholy
nearly akin to despair, ntxl enforcing the
abandonment of cherished projects and
high hopes. Happily, the enfeebled sys
tem, even in extreme cases, is susceptible
of Invigoratlori. it. is proved by incontro
vertible evidence that Ilnstetter's Stomach
Bitters is an unfailing sf rengthener.of the
weak, and that in addition to vitalizing the
physical organization, it establishes regu
larity among those organs upon whose ef
ficient discharge of the duties imposed on
them by nature, continued vigorand health
depend. Thousands of instances might be
cited to show the regenerating influence of
this Iiealth-giving agent in cases of debility,
liver disease, dyspepsia, nervous ailments,
constipation, intermittent fever, urinary
and uterine troubles, gout and rheumatism,
and other maladies. april
TO rommViK. - -The advert iser.hav
ing l;en jernianent!y cured of that dread dis
ease, Consun ption, by a simple remedy, is anx
ious to make known to his fellow siirterers the
means of cure. To all who desire it. ho will
send copy of the prescription nsed (free of
charge), with the directions for preparing and
using the same, which they will find a sure
cure for Consnmpl ion. Asthma. I5ronchitis,&e.
Parties wishing the prescription will please ad
dress Kev. K. A. WJL.soiv.liHPennSt., Williams
burg, X. Y. : Uv9 ton43v-9
PISX M.EH. I will mall (free) the recipe for
preparing a simple Vegetable Balm that will re
move Tan, Freckles, Pimpled and Blotches,
leiLvinsr t he skin soft, clear and beautiful : also
instructions for producing a luxuriant growth
ot hair on a bald-head orsmooth face. Address
Ben. Vnndelf & Co., box 5121, No. 5 Wooster-St.,
Kew York. ton43v9
Krroraof To"Ki. A gentleman who suf
fered for yeara from Nervons Debility, Prenm-
n Uecav. and all theetfects of youf hl'til indis
irtn ""in, forthesakeof sufferinshumanitv,
who need it. the recipe and di
Sf. .ilv.?.'i,!nJ''e simple remedy by which
reet.ion for making . tt'isliinu- to m-ont itt
he was cured. SufTereil tt klieJo so bv nZ
the advertisers experience f"". ? t?h,SZ
dressing in perfect confidence, .H,V
it Cedar St., Sew York. nwva
. Remember Tliis,
If ow is the tiineof?ear for Pneumonia, Lang
Fever, Coughs. Colds, end fatal results of pre.
disposition to Consumption and other Throat
and Lung Diseases. BoscheE's ekman
SvBtrp has been nsed in tins neighborhood foe
the past two or three years without a single
failure to cure. If voa have, not used this med
icine yonrself, go to your Urnggi3t- in this city
and ask him of its wonderful success among
his eustomera. Three doses will relieve the
worst ease. If von have no faith in any medi
cine, lust buy "a Sample llottlo of Uoscuee's
OEfcXASSYKiP forlOcents and try it. Regu
lar size lottle 75 cents. Uon't neglect a cough
to save 7ggent. 0 nlem3
- y.: ' ; ' A CARD.
To all whoareanfferiog from th crron and
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early
decay, loss of manhood. &c, I will send arecipe
that will cure you, FBEB CF C'H AKGE. This
ereM remedy was discovered by a missionary
in South America. Send a self-ftddrcssed enve
lope to tlie Kkv. Joseph T. Ismajj, Station X,
B&le Ivwie, Neve York. n8vi.
The People Want Irof.
Thcro is no medicine prcscrlled by physi
cians, or sold by Druggists, that; carries such
ev4deacjBOf its success and superior virtue as
Bomchee's GEKUA.N SYBCP for severe Coughs,
i-.i.i...m1aHih tlm lirest. CotisumDtion. or
flr,Tdisase of the Throat or Lungs. A proof
-.,,. t u f hot nnv nerson afflicted, can got
a Sample Bottle for lu cents and try Its superior
etrects before buying the regular size at 75
cents. It has lately been introduced in this
country from ixtrmany, anu uuutui
riim, ft re nxtoninhius evrrvono that use It.
Three doses will relieve any case. Try it
sold by ail drmrgists. . - nl8ir3
Groceries and Provisions !
First Door U'ert of S. K. l ouug'n, First Street, Albany, Ogn.
At foot of Ljon Street, opposite liepot on O. & '. Railroad,
'tVill t;re Ciratn and Oeutral
Albany. Oregon, Jan., 1877-13 V9
W. II. lie FA RLA IvD,
I pi j
Tin, OoiDiDer
ext uxr to CUe llanii.
s , l
1 1 i
s tr Z4
A. .: F. SMITH CO.,
f - r fl t "J "J t T j 4 JT a
? it f , 1 T-. k -rr '-r, T lu
Following is a copy of a Western Union telegram received by Sherman & Hyde, San
Francisco : J J
;,. , , - , , Yor.K. September 29, 1876.
0KKCPPJLC', J yeworU'havQ received DIPLOMA of HONOR and
M EDAL of AWARD lor the
- 23 Firat Street, Portland. Oregon.
Call a7id tee hitn.
To tle Working Clnsw. Wo are now
prenared to furnish all classes with constant
employment at home, the whole of the time,
or for their spare moments. P,usineHS new,
light and profitable. Personsof cither sesc easi
ly earn from 50 cents to 5 per evening, and a
proportional sum by devoting the it-whole time
to the business. Boys and girls t-am nearly as
much as men. That-ali who see this notiee may
send their address, and test the business we
make this unparalleled offer: To such as are
not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay
for the trouble of writing. Full iiarticulars,
samples worth several dollars to commence
work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one
of the largest and best Illustrated Publications,
an seni ireo oy mui. Keaaer, 11 you wont per-
rnanont. uro
able work, address. Okoroe ACo.
Portland. Maine. njfjv9.i
3IcreliaiiJic at
Ihestircm Ware !
rMrrlnt. PrsvlaloiM. TobaecO,
illlowM arv, I tr
riM-kcry. onil boot anu
Office of Ringer MAKrrAcfiio Co.,
FIRfcT AM) 1AMH1L1 hTS.,
Poutuam), ob., January ?3, 1877.
Special ISTotico.
of our custouiors, and to all persons desir
ing to pnrchasa our celebrated sewng ma
chines, we resiwctfAilly notify them tliat the
Messrs. TITCS BEOS, are our agents for Aa
riy and Linn county, and that they, ar C. E.
WOLVERTOS, Esq., are fully authorized to
xne singer Manofaoturtnir company,
Mansser Oregon and W. T.
nisv9m; . .
Letter from a Postmaster.'
.... "Antioch, Ili.., Dec. I, isH.
"Messrs. J. B. Rose & Co.:
"My wife has. for a long time, been a terrible
sniterer from Rheumatism. She has tried many
physielansand many remedies. The only thing
wbieli has given hex- relit;f is Centaur Einiment
I nm reiolf-efl to sav this lins cured Ikt. I am
doing what I can to extend its wile.
w. n. RIXG.
This is a sample or many thousand testimoni
als received, of -wonderful cures eft'ected by the
Centaur Liniment. The ingredients Of th'is ar
ticle are published around each bottle. It con
tains Witeh Hazel, Mentha, Arnica, Rock Oil,
Carbolic, and ingredients bitherto little known
It is an indisputable fbet that the Centaur Lini
ment is ierforming more cures of dwellings,
St iSF Joints, Knjpt ions. Rheumatism, Neuralgia
Sciatica, Caked Breasts. Loek-jaw, &c, than all
the other Liniments, Etnbroeations. Exti-aets,
Salves. Ointments and nlastei" now in use .
For Toothache, Earache, Weak Hack. Itch and
Cutaneous Eruptions, it is admirable. It cures
burns and scalds without a scar. Extracts poi-
nwn:, in'tu uuca uuu wings.flna neaistrost-oites
and ehillb'ains, in a short time. Xo familvean
aii'ord to lt -without the Centaur Liniment,
white, wrapper.
The Centaur Element, Yellow Wrapper,
Is adapted to the tough skin, muscles arid flcsli
of the animal creation. Irs effects upon seveie
canes of Spavin, si eenr, Wind Gall, Big Head
and Poll Evil, are lit tie less than marvelous.
Messrs. J. McClnre &Co., Druggists, corner of
Elm and Front streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, say :
"In our neighborhood a number of teamsicrs
are using the Centaur Liniment. They pro
nounce it superior to anything they have ever
used. We sell as high as four to Ave dozen hot
ties per month to these teamsters."
We have thousands of similar testimonials.
For Wounds, (inlls, Scratches, Ring-bone. &c,
and for Screw Worm in sheep it has no rival.
Farmers, livery-men and mock-raisers; have in
this l.inimeut a remedy which is worth a hun
dred times its cost.
Laboratory of J. 15. Rose & Co.,
40 Dey street, Kew York.
Mothers may have rest and their babies may
have health, if they will use Castoria lor Wind
Colic. Worms. Keverishness, Sore Mouth, Croup,
or Stomach Complaints. It is entirely u vege
table preparation, and contains neither miner
al, morphine, nor alcohol. It is as pleasant to
take as honey, and neither gasys nor gripes.
lr. K. IHm'och.of Dupont, O.. says:
"I am usinz Castoria in my practice with the
most signal 'K-nelllsand happy result."
1 his is what every one savs : Most nurses in
New York Cttv use "the Castoria. It isprejwred
bv Messrs. J. P.. Hose & Co., Dey street, New
York, successors to Sstnucl Pitcher, M. I. 3flv8
fn (tO O pr day at-homo. Samples wort hl
VJ IU p4u Tree. .-mTinwox A Co.. Portland. Me.
SEN r Wo to Ci. P. HOWELL &. CO.. New Y ork
for Pamphlet of 1X pages, containing 3.000
newspapers, and estimates showing cost of ed
verlising. 2tv8y
! ZjOTS !
Dwellings or Business Houses,
SITUATED in the business part of the city
two lots, in block o. 3, in the citv of Alba
ny. Oregon, on the corner of Ferry and Water
slreets, near the Citv Mills, steamboat landing
and O. A C. IS. It. Size of lots :
lOO feet on Ferry street ;
13 fei't on Water atrcet,
with buildings thereon.
Inquire on the premises for partiett
Albany, Or., Jan. 2S, !S77-18v9
. Albany. March 31st, 1S77.
Woman Suffrage Association met at the
residence of J. II. Foster, D. D. Gray,
President, in the Chair.
The President announced tlie first busi
ness in order would be the election ot offi
cers for the ensuing year, when the follow
ing per.-ons were nomit.ated and elected to
the several oftlces :
President, D. D. Gray.
Vice President, Mrs. Anna Reed.
Recording Secretary, M. J. Foster.
Treasurer, G. F. Crawford.
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Dr. Nich
ols, i
Executive Committee, Mrs. M.E.Craw
ford, Mr. A. Pierce, Mrs. At Johnson, Mrs,
L. A. Parton, and Mrs. C. S. Flinn.
M. J. FOSTER, Rec. Sec.
Free Schools. At the school meeting
the other nijjht it was stated that about two-
thirds of the sclwol bills weie never collect
ed, from the fact that tlie parents refused
to pay, and sis they had no property the
money could not be made out of them.
This being the case, it was urged that a tax
should be levied on the district snfllcient hi
amount, added to that received from the
school fund, to pay the entire expense,
teachers, etc., and make the schools free to
all. Let our people think over this matter,
and when the Directors call a meeting to
make their report, let them turn out and
pot only discuss but vote upon it.
Pati.nt "Received Messrs. Kuhn &
Miller, on Monday, received a patent for
their combined Harrow and Pulverizer,
The patent was granted on the 7th of
March, was issued on the 13th, mailed on
the 27th, and reached this city oo the Otta
bf April. 'V-1 r;:vr
FOR MONMOt'TH Mrs. Ada Cnrothera
and children, and her slsfer. Miss Lncy
Claypool, went down to Monmouth on
Tuesday, on a visit, of seyerai weeks,-
Extracts feom a Private Letter.
From a letter dated Macomb, Illinois,
March 23d, 1877, we cull as follows, merely
premising that the writer of the letter spent
nearly a year in Oregon : 'I had a very
pleasant time all the way from your city
to my journey's end so far as the weather
and accommodations were concerned. Saw
very little snow in the mountains,- and had
no very bad weather. On Arriving
at Monmouth, 111., found by investigation
that March had "come in like a lion," and
was still lurking around the streets, being
very rough and plenty of snov? on the
ground, with more coming down. Ar
rived home (at Macomb) af 7 p. m., March
17th, aud found all well. Then came the
tng ol War to fell what I know regarding
Oregon. Vrell, t always gave them the
best I had in the shop, and, I think, noth
ing to Oregon's discredit. Went to
my farm on horseback, Monday ; roads
very good. Next day we had rain, sleet,
and a general freeze out (thought Lyle
would have enjoyed a chance at it). "Next
day it thawed .out; last night it froze up
again, and to-day at noon it commenced
snowing, snowing, and to-night would be
good sleighing, so you see I have a chance
to see some Illinois winter weather. N ice !
Am in hopes it won't last long, as I have
been housed up ever since I got home, but
will venture out to-morrow to industry, as
I have rested up. I read tlie second num
ber of the Register, and was glad to read
its interesting news, and find out what my
friends in Webfoot are doing. Send it reg
ularly. Saturday, 21th Snowed all
night and is snowing at 9 o'clock a.m.,
but very fine; coming down lrom the
Xorth. Only five or sis inches deep! It
rather bents me. Don't know what to say
would much rather sec the grass begin to
grow. Yours, &c. - W. B. S.
Silver Hill Mining Co. This new
mining Co., with office in this eity, incor
porated yesterday. Capitol stock, 500,
000; fhares $1 each. incorporators,
Messrs. J. Wheeler, J. Fleischner, .T. Erush,
P. C. Il.irper. R. X. Armstrong. M. V.
I! row n and M. T. Moore. Tlie Company
propose carrying on the mining business
on the various ledges owned by them in tlie
Ochoco mining district. They are all good
boys, aud we hope they'll make the mines
pan out lively.
W . K. CJhaiiam JMerchnnt lay lor, on
Wednesday received a splendid Sot of line
cloths vve think the finest lot of imported
goods that were ever brought to this burg.
For a nice suit of the very latest style good3
and cut of clothing, call on Graham, the
tailor, and he will manufacture suit lor
yon that will fit and give yon a place
among the well dressed men in society for
a very small amount of coin.
Going to Portland. Dr. O. P.
Plummer proposes to remove from this city
to Portland on the first ot Slay next. We
are sorry to lose the Doc., for he's a good
boy himself as well as a way up physician.
but lie says he will go, and all we can now
do is to weep on his buzum before lie goes
and wish him the best of success in P.
Remaining in the Post Office. Albany.
I. inn cotuitv. Oreumi, April, I6uu 1st i .
Persons calling for these letters must give
the date on which they were advertised.
Butler, Mr C 2 I,e.nard, Joseph
Correll. D II Matthews. Miss Kate
Fisher. R W Parsons. J D 2
Fairclo. Eunice Rivers, Miss Ilelle
llngg'ms. R F Williamson, C N 3
Irvine, Miss Margret
I. II. KAI.MO.ND. 1 -M.
XotiCe. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to me are hereby notified
to come forward within twelve days and
pay the same, or the accounts will be put
into the hands of the proper officer for col-
ection. J. FLEISCHNER.
Albany, Or., April 13, 1877.
Rev. C. W. Shaw and wife, of Salem,
spent Saturday and .Sunday in this cits".
Miss BrMge? and Miss Cox, who have
been' engaged in dressmaking in this CU3
left us for their old home in Salem on Tues
day. Jas. B. Titus lias recently secured one of
the handsomest teams In this city. They
are bays, 4 years old, and are worth hiu
Mr. Rumbaugh thinks of building this
John Schmeer will go east of the moun
tains In a few days.
We are glad to learn that at the meeting
of the creditors of Parker & Morris on
Tuesday, matters were satisfactorily ar
ranged. R. A. Irvine, Esq., will ran the
warehouse, in the interest ot the creditors
of the firm.
On Tuesday night the Clerk was ordered
by the City Council to draw a warrant for
$840 to pay for the COO feet of hose recently
purchased by the city.
Through the energy of Rev. J.. F. De
Vore, a new sidewalk has been put down
on the west side of the M. E. Church.
Several persons are talking ol emigrating
from Oregon to the Argentine Republic,
S. A. -.
G9d butter is becoming plentiful at from
25 to 30c a pound.
A. F. Cherry lias not been enjoying the
best of healtn ot late, and proposes to take
a trip Into the mountains to see if he can't
regain his appetite and strength.
Grauville Height lias gone cast oi the
mountains to look after his stock interests
out there. '
John Claypool arrived home from the
Silver bprlngs on Tuesday. He , brought
good news in regard to the. mining interests
out there.
R. M. Robertson started for Ochoco on
Wednesday, look after his stock interests
over there. -
Mr. John Foster is purchasing calves to
take east of the mountains, where he will
take upon him the cares and trials of a
stock 1 alser. .
-Iko Conn was In the city Wednesday
from Orassridge. Reports all .quiet and
. pappy in nis Datnwiphr,.
Miss Hattie B. Clarke is now one of the
editors of the Willamette Farmer.
Belding is putting up some awful nice
brooms they just can't be beat.
You ought to pee that nice fui niture at
Dunning' it's stylish and cheap.
It'll soon be time to go to Fish Lake
where yon get those speckled trout.
John Circle proposes to cross the moun
tains next month.- Success to John.
It is rumored that Capt. C. P. Crandalf
has been appointed Secretary of Idaho Ter
ritory. Capt. C. will fill the bill.
Bent. Odeneal having failed to secure the
St. Charles 011 terms that suited him, didn't
take it; the hotel is therefore closed.
Capt. John Smith took the northern
bound train on Tuesday en route for his
home at Warm Springs.- j
Mr. Stearns and lady were in the city
Tuesday and Wednesday, visiting among
old friends. '
Farmers all busy thi3 beautiful weather'
and consequently business is rather dull in
town. . I
Allen & Co. got all fhelf logs over the
C'alipooia dam oir Wednesday-.'without
damage. : i
An old resident ot Oregon predicts that
good placer mines will" be j found this sea
son, cither nt the head of the Santiam river,
or ou some of its tributaries.
If yon want the latest tiling in trusses,
go to Messrs. Bell & Parker. They have'
the latest and best. . , -L, , . ., , .
Religious. Divine services will be con
ducted next Sabbath, morning and evening,
at the Evangelical Church by Rev. J. Eow
ersox, the Pastor. - j -
The Y. P. C. A. of this city wilL hold
prayermeeting at the Congregational church
to-morrow (Saturday) evening, April 14tb
All are invited to attend. !
AS an architect, um.uer ami way up
workman, Mr. Taylor has no superior ou
the coast of Oregon. '
Mrs. Bodine, one day during the present
week, picked lrom an apple tree in her
orchard a sound, ripe apple, the tree itself
being in full bloom ! i
Drop in to Mrs. Whitson's millinery es
tablishment, ladies, and see the handsome
bonnets, hats, miilinery, etc., tlie purcliased
last week while in Portland, especially for'
you. j
In a little scuixie Monday evening at the
brewery, between Capt.l Taylor and Mr.
Porter, the latter received a cut in the left
baud. Xo great damage done, we believe.
Rev. II. W. Stratton, of this city, was
elected to represent the Oregon Presbytery
in the General Assembly, which meet3 ia
Chicago in May uef. j
Xo matter what you bay want in the"
stove or range line, in the way of tin, cop
per or sheet-iron ware, pumps, wood pipe,
etc., etc.. and so on, you can get it at Vf V
H. McFarland's and don't yon forget it.-
Messrs. Allen & Co., of the sawmill, have
two or three hundred thousand feet Of
splendid logs in the Calipooia, just above
Foster's mill. j
L,. E. Blain has been! fixing up, putting"
up new jand elegant curtains and filling up' .
his sliow-windows witbl attractive articles.-.
Blain ' place is runuing over, with attract
ive goods. j
The Company whlclj Mr. Claypool-has
been representing over in the Ochoco
country, have secured j claims in twenty
two ledges. The besti assay thus far ob-
to a little less than ?100 per ton.
Dr. E. O. Smith showed us an egg that
was laid by one of his hens on Easter, that
measured eight inencs ; arounu longuuuin-'
ally. If anybody else's hen can beat this,
let "em cackle.
Fishing is the rage now, and nearly every
little boy in town is npoii it from early
morn to dewy eve. Suckers and chubs are
the principal fish caught in the Willamette,
although trout are induced to bite occasion-
ally. ; - !"'.-'
A strange woman was taken with a Gt
and fell down on the sidewalk in front of
the Grange Union Store on Tuesday even
ing last. After some time she was removed!
to the Exchange Hotel, where she was duly
cared for. j : "
Miss Elva Drayman having resigned lief"
position in Albany Collegiate Institute as
teacher of music. Miss Xettie Piper ha
been appointed to the vacancy. Miss Pipef
19 a graduate of one ot the leading musical
conservatories in the United States, and
mnkes voeal enlturft a snooialtv.-
Mrs. M. J. Hyde at her place ou Broad-'
albin street, among other articles on sale'
needed by the ladies,- has the health corset,
skirt supporter, etc. all highly recommend
ed by common sense and leading physicians.
Every lady who wishes to enjoy good!
health should secure them for herself anil
children, ! " -r
The M. E. Church looks well in its new
coatof paint. It now lias a new belfry In
front, a brick wall has been placed under
the entire building, the old bell-tower has
been removed, and now, with two or three
coats of paint and some refitting : inside, 18
look9 gayr'n anything.
The committee to whom was referfed:
the petition asking that the City Council
purchase from the stockholders, for the use
of the city, the steam fire engine belonging
to Linn Engine Co. Xo. 2, asked and wero
cranted two weeks? further tinia in
to report. When they report they must
report by ordinance. , ,
At a meeting held Tuesday; night' a city
teacher's institute was organized. The
lules governing the institute, adopted by
the meeting, makes the oldest Director
President, and the School Clerk, Secretary
It is hoped by this organization to get the
Director, Clerk and Teachers of the city
not only thoroughly acquainted "with each
other, but also thoroughly acquainted with:
the workings of our schools, and all inters
ested iu their good conduct and prosperity
A ; late sensational story ' ta entitled
'Owen, the Milkman." It is auch a rare
occurrence for people to be owln' the milk
man, you know, j ; s - " -
Mojiey Is still scarce, bnt times will
lighten up a llttle when oor people peophj
at-ll their wool I .
- The oda works will soon bo iu full blast.