VOLUME IX. ALBANY, OREGON, APRIL 6, 1877. NO. 2. business cards. JOHN CONNER, JB A N K TNG AND Exchange Office, AI.BASY, OKEUOS. DF.POSTTS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on timedeiioslts in coin. Exchange on Portland, Sun Francisco, -ml New York, for sale at. lowest rates. Collections made ml urompi Iv remitted. Refers to H. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W. S. Lfiddr. Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. " Albany, fei. l, lSll-'-rivs II. J. BOl'GIITOX, M. !., n R.inCATE OF THE ISIVERSITY VJT Medical College ot New York, late tucmbor of Bellevieu Hospital Medical Col lege, New York. Office Ih A. Carothers A Co.'s drug store, Albany, Oregon. EPIZOOTICS DISTANCED. THE HAY TEAM STILL LIVES, A SD IS FLOl'KISinNG LIKE A GREES V bav tree. Thankful for lmst favors. and wishing to merit the continuance of the same, the BAY TEAM will always be ready, and easily fonnd, to do any hauling withtu the city limit!, for a reasonable compensation. fcifM elivery ol ;ofU KpMlnlty . A. . AK N OLU. SOvS Proprietor. JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IN- Groceries & ALBANY, Provisions OREGOX. KAS JCST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER tHitHhlilmmnt on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, wirh a fresh stock of Groceries, ProvisionsC Candies, Cigars, To bacco, Ac., to which he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always nave om niuiu a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, ive. CJS Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. February 16-24 v4 ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. C1IEBRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, MaBafactares Steam Engines, ! Flour and Saw Mill Machin ery, WOOD AVORKIXG And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of ikots asiv bass castisus. Parttcnlar attention paid to repairinsr all kinds of machinery. i S. C. STOXE, M. Physician and Surgeon, BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. nenrc-u the Itrnic Ktore. STv8 Bath House & Barber rmn T-vrri-T?TCi trr WOULD RES. JCT I .iw hanir thu iti7Ans of Alban ari vi i:. Hihttral rwitmnaire ltstow :3 on him for the past seven years,. and hope3 f r thf r..,ru mntimmlion of their favors. J? )fth accommodation of transient customer ), nt friert in the upper part of town, he ta:; ?en ed a neat little shop next door to Tayio 3ros Saloon, where a pood workman will alw tysU n attndanee to wait, upnu V"" ,rn Dec. 11. 1874. JO- WE 3. IER J. r MAPintlSD. WM. MORGAN. MORGAN A. JlcFAISLAM), REAL ESTATE AGENCY 1 1 AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, ext Ioor U Wells, Famo & Co Express Office, Albany, Oregon. TtTB iur PRWAREn TO FURNISH E5TC- VV a or. l nthum irnnd bargains in farms and small homesteads in Linn and adjoining counties. Farms in value and size to suit pur chasers, r Also, city property, both improved and un tmnroved. , . , Rntlnir farms and citvnroperty, and COllCC- 4lAna nf nil Irinia npftmni Iv- nttendel to. Oar facilities for advertising will enable vs to do more for our patrons than any other Asrency in the State in our line. We also pay special attention to the employ ment ana laoor excuange uuiHii uiua". Albany, May 12 Lf. liaising and Moving Buildings. TmTE THE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO r announce to the citizens ol Aioany aim a-rrndins country that, having supplied our welvea trttl the necessary inaohineryfor rais ing and removing buildings, we are ready at all time to receive orders for such work, which we will do iu short order at lowest rates. VV e KU&r&nte'e entire satisfaction In all work under takfn liv in Orders left at the Register office promptly aiienteato. Apply to. . Alba. 11 1 mxTT. A T.T.EVA CO. Or.. AorU 23. i75. v7 Prof. 431. I. Newell, TEACHER OF THE Organ, Plaaa-Farfa1 Harmoiiy. TliorQngli-liass and Siimiiis. Special attention given to VOICE CULTURE. HAVING concluded to make ALBANY my Permanent residence, nil who dostm n thorough knowledge of Movie can now have vjnji iuilliy. PIANOS AND ORGAKS Tuned antl Iep&irel I-ave your address Ht Mr.Fosbay'smnsicand nook "tore, or at Mr. Burr's music store, and I mtu ui at your residence. .,, PROF. G. P. NEWELL SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Albany, Oregon. Terms Cash. M-20v7 St. Charles Hotel, Corner tvasbinirton and First Sin., ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. House newly furnished throughout. The best the market affords always on the tabic. Free loach to and from the House. BOLTS, all sixes and descrip tion, v. general " viiu- WAKI!-a full and complete as sortment. Stoves, Tinware, Tumps, Hose. Tin, CoBjer, Zinc ant Saeet Iron, on hand for sale. The Goldsmith Ban THE BEST MADE CROCKERY WARE, The largest and most complete assortment in Keeps all kimls of & WHITE LEAD. OiLS The Finest & Purest Liquors Always on hand, to be sold for medicinal uses. f?T'R'IalrIix done neatly, at snort notice, and WAKRiS'TtU. J. Utt-U'",l' First street, Albany, Oregon. niTvsj THE ART PRISEEVATITE. Printing by hand. Printing by steam. Printing from type. Or from blocks by the ream. Printing in black. Printing in white. Printing in colors, Ot sombre or bright. Printing lor merchants, And land agents, too ; Printing tor any, AVho nave printing to do. Printing for bankers. Clerks, auctioneers, Printing for druggists, For dealers in wares. i Printing for drapers. i or grocers, lor an -Who want printing done. And will come and see "COLL." Printing of pamphlets, Or bigger dooks. too ; In tact, there are few things Bat what we can do. Printing of placards, Printing of bills. Printing of carte-notes For stores or for mills ; Printing of labels, AH colors or use, sirs. Especially lit for Webfoot producers. Printing of lorrns All sorts you can get Legal, commercial, Or "House to be let. " Printing done quickly, Bold, stylish or neat. At the Register Printing-office, Corner ot First and Ferry Street. PBOJSPT Delivery, Bates. at Living IIAVTNG bought out the delivsry business ot Mr. Lewis Stimson, I beg leave to announce to the citizens and Dusiness men oi Ainany, mai La, nn th streets an exnress and iob wagon and will be happy to serve all who may give me a can. . x . All orders win ue prouipujr aufu reasonable rates. o t ijrders may ue leit at me irug muk ui ucu a. Parker. vtott t ntnri BOOK STORE TSO. FOSIIAY, kKALER IV MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, I U School Hooks, Blank Books, Stationery Fanay Articles, Ac rf. oilii,i Books imporiwi ki wuo, e ,A notice. THE r.lETZLER CHAIR THIS LS TO INFORM THE PUBLIC TIIAT 110 chair goes from my factory without my m".,r It". All others are false imitations. ! .,,,,1 -W.i.ld be so regarded. All persons are lierebv warn;a usaij"--- 'i'"-e -j imposition upon my customers MET7LEK. Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21, 1876. i 14- ..4 4 m-M tt n rr anif Hllc FOR BLANK DEEDS, Jfcatly executed. Call a the Register Office MEDICAL. O. W. WILCOX, Homoeopathic Physician. OFFICE with Dr. E. II. Griffin,!First street," AHmny, Oregon, ggf Chronic! diseases a siJecialty. 2Gv8 J. S. CALLAWAY, M. I., AFTER A PRACTICE OF MEDICINE FOR twenty-eight years, in the statcsof Illinois, Indiana and Iowa, has permanently located in Albany, Oregon. OFFICE At Dr. Plum mer's Drug Store. RESIDENCE Comer of Montgotnerv and Eighth streets, northeast of railroad depot. Sn50 J. LIXSEY HILL., M. I)., "OFFICE At. Bell & Parker's new drug store. V 7 RESIDENCE Second street, between rail road and Montgomery. 8-44 Mrs. S. Nichols, 2A. D. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE eomer of First and Broadalbin streets, up stairs over Post- office. Speelal attention p iven to the diseases ot women. Being a regular graduate or Boston Medical University, and having several years' experience. I can assure those sutferiiig, relict by my methou oi treatment. Aioany, or., Jiaren 2, isu-szw. LEGAL. P. 2L. MILLER, Attorney sxt IetAV, ATbany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE in the ditterent courts of the State. Special attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care, and nromnt returns made. feST" Investigation ot Titles, conveyancing, anu ait i-rooate .win ters carefully and punctually attended to. Office on First St., next to Fox Bro. n23v9 "W. G. PIPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OEEaOlT. Office in second story of Briggs' building. TTILL PRACTICE in the different Courts of V the State. Special attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his cure. Investigation of titles, conveyancing aud all probate matters carefully attended to. 23v9 I. K. . BLACKBIKX, ATTORNEY AT LAW BROWNSVILLE, LLNN CO., OGN. PROMPT ATTESTIOS GHF.S TO business. ALL 22v 3. C. POWELL. I FLIXK. POWELL & FL1XX, Attorneys A Counsellors Ht Ijtw and o- licitors in lUHiuf rj, Albany, Oregon. Collections made veyauces promptly attended to. and con- 1-8 CI1AS. E. WOLYERTOX, ATTORNEY AT , LAW ALBANY, OREGON. "TILL practice in all the Cowts in the Ptate. V office in Eromau's brick, over lHwld's hardware store. nl!vu MISCELLANEOUS. Pictures and Picture Frames. E. B. PURDOM Would announce to the citizens of Albany and vieinitv.tbat he is preoared to furnish all kinds of PICTURE FKAVES to order, at short notice. Pictures framed, and old frames retmired. at his office on First street, one door west of Broudalbin. and leave your oruera. -' W. II. GRAHAM, (LATE OF MICHIGAN) IVJCerclxarit Tailor, KEEPS always on hand Doeskins. Cassimeres Vest inirs. etc.. a larirer and better stock tin,,, pvpr Iwinm brought, to this market. Cuts and makes to order all styles of Clothing for men and bovs, at reasonable rates, guaran teeing satisfaction. Shon on First street, next door to City M:r- I kt. Litclv occunied by Dr. E. O. Smitli. 2Sv8 EVERYB ODY BUYS THEM. TTAVING JI'ST RECEIVED A LARGE SH1P- II ment of thecelebi-ated new style combined Drill and Broadcast STATESMAN GRAIN BRILL, direct from the factory, am now offering extra inducements to the fanners of Oresion. Most of the best farmers in the State are now using I them. Saving seed and an increased yield cl grasn is tue result ot arming. Can be used equally well as a Drill or Broadcast Seeder. The STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL lias been crreatlv imnroved for this vear. Warerooms at my Blacksmith Shop, comerof Second and i.Ua worth streets, Albany, Oregon. FRANK WOOD. March 31, 1876-23 1t 4 r day at home. A gents wan ted. Out tit VIA A terms tree TRUE & CO., Augusta,Me. STERLINGS' EXPRESS FROM IS 31 1 I X. I" CITY VIA GARDINER AND SCOTTSBURCt, Coniieotlux wlt.li M1', Furgo A Co.' Express Ht JriiuB SUitlou, on H0X7DATS ani TUTJUSDATS, returning on TUESDAYS anl FHZSA7S. All Business Lntrustcd to my Care Promptly Attended To. Patronage of the Public Solicited. JAS. Ai STERLING. Dec. 8,lS76-nllv Attention, Fruit Growers! THE DIRECTORS OF THE ALDEN FRUIT Co. beg to announce that they wiU put the Factory in operation as soon as Fruit and Veg etables are ready for use, and wiU pay cash for the same when delivered. Boxes will tie furnished to all for the purpose of brimrinar their frnit to the fnctorv. Fruit should be picked from the trees and not Dnusea. Parties having plums should lo part icular to gather them Deioio tney necotne loo rirc. ALLEN PARKER, A. N. Arnold, President. Secretarv. Albany, July S8, 187fr6n JOHN BRIGGrS TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO INFORM "his friends and the public generally, that he is now settled in lii3 NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, on the old stan d next door to P. C. Harper & Co , where can Ve found as great an assortment and as large a stock of Stoves and Ranges ns can be fonnd in any one house this side of Portland,amd at as LOW PRICE. ALSO Castiron, Brass & Enameled : in great variety. Also, Tin, Sheet Iron, Cialvanized Iron, and Coppmvare, always on hand, and made to order, AT LIV IN G RATES. C2.zxlX on TTIm. Albany, October 22, 1S75-5V8 .AND. CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Pall & "Winter Styles. ON HAHDfCOHSTAKTLT RECEIY'M ...AT L E. BLA In Froinan's Xcw Block, FIRST STREET, ALBANY. A complete stock of all the LATEST STYLES EN CLOTHING AND Gentlemen's Underwear. BOOTS, r MRU ELLAS, OVERSHOES. NECK TIES, OVERALLS, GLOVES. ETC. Eztra Sizes cf ClotMng a Specialty. fcsfi"" Orders taken for Clothinsr. Shirts. &c. A tiir share cf custom respectfully solicited. L. E. RLAIX. Albany, Oregon, November 24, ls;u-uva Iiicctrcrated Feb. 4, 1S7.. Capital, $20,000. U1TI02T STORE! Corner First and Wasliington streets, Albany, : Oregon. President, S. A. DAWSOX. Superintendent, A. JT. JOIIXSOX BIBXCIOIK: A. S. lOOEY, M. 3IILI.EK, J. Itl.KVINS, j. u. UKKU. S. 4'A.NNON, A. liMiVIHN, !S. A. lAWSt. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS ! Clolliinji, Hardware, Crockerj", Groceries, Farm Implements and Maeliinery, &e., Ac. Also, hnv and sell on co-riiTnisRiou 11 Vinds r.f uooits, marKetable Produce, &c. iu t-t, ioa-i-ivismt ALBANY ALBANY, OREGOX. rrilE FALL TERM of this Inatitntinn will -.i''? in ," SIJDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1S76, Faculty or Iiistruetlou : TfPiV. TT. W ftTPlTTIIV - I T...,lrt. ----- - . V... . J,, 1.1., M. lf.5IHAlifc, V,l;T" icntai ana Moral s:ienec i Rev. L. J POWELL. A. M., Pi-olessor ot Math I cmatiesanrl Natural Sciences. t Jl. 11. HEWITT, A. M., Professor of Ancient If4m?.IA mvEfE' Tcat:er of Primary uiiKuiues. Miss ELVA BRKYM4V. Tu-W r,T Tnutm- .1 ........ 1 A I i - 7 - I 1). 11. RICE. M. 11.. T.oetiim.i. Vh-airlnnr CalriMlurs First Term begins September 4, 1S7H. &"!'.0",'Ller,n '"egins November lit, lb76. 1 hird rcmi ltphis Jammry 29, 1877. Jourth Tc.rm lv-gins April 9, 1877. acatlOn Of Olin wei'lf rlnrini tlin VmlirtHa ('losing exereiKis fif tno. ariiv,i ..-ou, .lnnniv - Bates or Tuition : primary Department, T!r term S5 no Common English Bkanchkh, per term.. 8 00 liitiHKR 11RANCHK8. including Preparato- iy lJitin and tiret-k 11 00 lX)i,i.FXiiATE, including Higher Latin and i.recK, Advnnmil Mathematics, and Mental and Moral Sc iences, per term. . 13 00 French and German, each, extra. S 00 Instrumental Music . . 11 nn Useof Piano .i.... 3 00 Incidentals...., ....... 50 Tuition in all chbcs remiiiwi tn u.i Punctual attendance, n entries. TironintnesS and gentlemanlvand Indvlikn rienni-tmuiit. will be exiiected from all who may become members KORTII PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION, Portland, Oregon. Capital, $100,000. Goia CoiK Basis. Incorporated 1S7I. 1. WASSERMAJt, President. E. ll; 4 MEIir.SH, Vice Pres. . AV. WAHEFIELU, Secretary. V. S LAUD, Treasurer. W. II. EFFlNOr.lt, Attorney. J. I.. QUACItENBCSH, en. Ajft. W. P. HALL, Special Agent, Albany, Oregon, dec!5nl2v9 NEW Furniture .Rooms. F1. S. T3XJTVIVI1N-G, Begs leave to announce to the citizens of this city and surroundir.g country, that he hasopen ed a larire stock of . in the building lately occupied by Dr. Plum mer'e drug store, on First street, where can bo had, on most reasonable terms, Parlor Sets, - Bedroom Suits, -Sofas, Lounges Easy Chairs, Center Tables, Whatnots, Desks, Book-eases, Safes. wardrobes, and in fact everything else needed to iO TO llOCSLKELPIXCx. My goods are well made and of the very Latest aud Handsomest Styles. PEICES WAY DOWN. E-STFURNITURE manufactured to order, at short notice. fcfFurmture repaired and put in goousnape on short notice. Give me a call. Albany, Wv. 26, 1875 10v8 Lailics' Variety Emporium. ME,S. H. J. HYDE Keeps constantly on hand German Zeiihin; Canrt.-i, Thresid, Pins, Xeedlex, Buttons, Heal Hair Switch es ami Curls, Hosiery, Stumjed - Goods, c, arc, vc. Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's Health Corset ! Child's Waist ! and Madam Foye's Corset Slcii't Supporter-. Cfy Freneh stamping done to order. 13S5rTiroadulbiii St., opposite Post OfficeE29v LOCAL MATTERS. R f.Xi U5IOVS Sf-hvioks. Rev. J. F. DeVore will hold services in the brown M. E. church In this cits' on Sabbath, morning and evening. Sun day School at 2:30 P. M. Prayer meeting each Thursday evening. Notice Is hereby given that a tax of one dollar-per head on each and every dog withiu the corporate limits of the city of Albany, as per city ordiuance, No. 17, is now due, and if not paid on or before the first day of June next, legal proceedings will be instituted to collect the same. L. II. MONTANYE, March 23, 1877. City Recorder. IlEI-P THOSE WHO THY TO HELP THEM SELVES. Mrs. Day is prepared to Uo all kinds of plain sewing, and as she has only her labor to depend upon lor a livelihood and for the support of her children, she asks the kind people of this city who may have work which they wish done to give her a trial. This is a case which 6hould interest all our benevolent disposed citizens. Let any who have work of thi3 kind which they wish done take it to Mrs. Day. TnE Richmond Range. The Richmond rfintro is Kins among cooking stoves, and - rv o ' . . no mistake. It is the most complete, best furnished, economical stove in the world, certainly. Every one who gets one of these stoves likes it, aud speaks well ot it. It economises fuel, is a splendid baker, and looks well in kitchen or parlor. Call in at W. II. McFarland'a and secure a Richmond Range, and you'll nevsr regret it. TnERE is no Excuse for anyone suffer ing with a sore throat, slight or severe cough, or a husky voice, for by inhaling Pond's Extract it soothes and relieves the burnin; irritation, thus allaying the cough and hoarseness, while the entire pulmonary organs are strengthened and invigorated. The non-professional patient will only need to make a trial to perceive its good effect. For Sale Cheap. At his shop on Ferry street, Mr. Sam'l Miller has a twelve pas senger coach for sale, almost new will be sold at a bargain. Also a splendid end and side spring hack, with elegant top, etc., new, lor sale at cost. Here's an oprortu nity for somebody to get bargains. 24-9 A range that meets every requirement and satisfies every demand made upon it he Richmond Range. It has no equal among stoves or ranges. The only place to get one is at W. II to the Bauk. McFarland's, next AT THE BLUE-GLASS WIXDOW; To see what a maiden fashes I'm stealing along the stairs ; My love at the blue-glass sash is, I'll come on her unawareSi. . Her hair, ot the deepest golden, Takes the hue of hea ven, I know ; She'll look lille a saint in some olden Church-window of long ago. Her hair, did I say? Oh wonder! Her head, like a billiard ball. Gleams bare in the sunlight yonder ! Ureal Cesar : i see it an : : Iler locks, with the gold-light flitting,- Were false ! bhe 1 hoped to win Has none of her own ; she is sitting A here, trying to get some in. O Pleasonton ! where is the kindness That SHees have seen in thy face? Better sntter from absolute blindness Than see what I've seen in this place I You've shattered my idolv you've shown me That science indeed has its dues ; ' i Your blue-glass invention has thrown me in a permanent nt ot the blues : . " A FEW . FACtS ABOUT OBEGOX. Here are a few tacts about Oregon that will be of interest to those seeking informa tion. Wre are receiving letters asking questions with regard to price of land, quality ot sou, population, etc., etc., ques-' tions which we have answered time and again, which we would willingly answer again and again, but it would take all our time, besides being quite a tax fn other ways. Vf e propose doing what we can' through the Kegister in answering letters of inquiry, and will send the Register t such inquirers just as Ions' s we caa afford it. At the Centennial Exhibition Oregon was distinguished by more awards for the excellency and variety of her products,' comparatively, than any other State. Oregon oners great attractions to those in serch of new homes, to-wit: Healthy and attractive diversity ot sur face. Grand scenery. Mild climate. No excessive cold or op pressive heat. Average temperature in summer 67 degrees; winter, 30 degrees. Thunderstorms very rare, and hurricanes unknown. Death-rate lower in Oregon than in any other State, East or West. Soil of unsurpassed fertility, especially suited to cereals, frnits, flax, hops, and hay. Xo failure of crops in Oregon for thirty vonra fr nriv ejinsp. "!Co clroncrht. as in California. Great abundance of the finest of fruits. Stock-raising very profitable. As a farming country Oregon is not sur passed by any part of the Union. Annual exports from Oregon represent an average cf three hundred dollars, gold," to every voter. , Variety of timber in Oregon of excep tional excellence for industrial purposes. Oregon has great mineral resources, es pecially in coal, iron, lead, gold and silver. Fine natural water system, vast water power. Oregon waters abound with fish. Good market iu Oregon for agricultural products, owing to short transportation to the Pacific Ocean, and direct exportation to all parts of the world. Eailroad facili ties. Navigable rivers, including the great Columbia. Oregon has every advantage enjoyed in civilized countries. Liberal laws. Good schools. Moderate taxes. Only nominal State debt. Eighteen thousand persons emigrated in 187C from the Eastern aud Western States to Oregon. Most expeditious route to Oregon is by rail to San Francisco, California, and thence to Portland, Oregon, by the direct steamer line, sailing every Saturday morn ing. Pamphlets, with maps and lull descrip - tiou of Oresron. and all needed advice and assistance, may be had, free ot charge, also certificates for reduced rates from San Francisco to Portland, and on all the rail roads in Oregon, on application to the Eastern Office, Oregon State Board of Im migration, Room Uo. 8, Transcript Build ing, Boston, Massachusetts. - From m Fliyslcirtn. Hyde Park, Vt Feb. 7 1870. Messrs. Seth. Fowle & Sons, Boston. Gents You may perhaps remember that I wrote you several weeks ago in regard to the use of the Peruvian Syrup for my wife, who was suffering from general debility, the sequence of Typhoid Dysentery. 1 had tried the most noted physicians in this State, and also in Canada, without relief. At your recommendation she commenced the use of the syrup, the first four bottles made but little impression, but while tak ing the fifth 6he began to improve rapidly, and now, after using six of the dollar bot tles, slie has regained her strength, and is able to do most of the work about the house; and I feel that I cannot speak too highly iu praise of the Peruvian Syrup. I have pre scribed it to several cf my patients, and nave procured tne sale ot several or It here. You can make any use of this letter you see fit. Yours very truly, II. D. Belden, M. D. "lta Only n Cousn' has brought many to untimely eraves. What is a Cough ? The lungs or bronchial tubes have been attacked by a cold ; nature sounds an alarm-bell, telling where the dis ease lies. Wisdom suggests "try Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Chen v It has Cured. during the last half ot a century, thousands upon rtionsaiuisrtr persons. As long as you cough, there is danger. 10$ the cough is a Safety Valve. -Use Wistarand be cured. Sold by all druggists. ' april Dave Morgan did not get away last week for the mines as he expected, but made it the first of the preseut week, and is now doubtless far on his way to silver springs. We hope Dave may meet with the best of fortune. With plenty of good ham, such as you can get at Van Vactor's or Brush's, and egg only 14 cents a dozen, the man that 1 cau't get fat ought to be poor all hi3 born days. . ' THE BELLS: Reader hast thou read the poem Of "The Bells?" , . . . Ah ! To those of us wh know 'enl How there dwella . " In the stanzas such a beauty That it seems a very duty, When oh6 tells i Of their mellow, golden chiming," To remembei: in his rhyming All the art of pantomiming . . Of the "swells;" Of the pealing, grand crescendos, And the faint diminuendos Of the bells. Objects put to noble uses Suffer also grave abuses ; And the bells . - ' Change to most discordant rattle . When attached to wandering cattle 2" How I wish them in Seattle, Wrhere there dwells . , O'er each yard of earth that's vernal Clanking, clashing din infernal ; And the jangle in eternal Chorus swells . j Till you wish each cow rang her knelf With the bells 'Jfeath my window, fastened nightly, In a little lot, fenced tightly, Some one's bovine trips it lightly With her bells. Every step the beast is taking Angrily the bells are shaking. . My "few hours of slumber breaking; Which compels Me to say : A change of pastur' Will be healthy for her master, Or forthwith he'll hear the last o' Cow aud bells. MokeAkom.' ' HYMN. As shadows cast, by cloud and sun," Flit o'er the summer grass. So in Thy sight, Almighty One, Earth's generations pass. And while the years, an endless host, Come pressing swiftly bni i . The brightest names that earth caa boasf Just glisten and are gone.' j . Yet doth the star of Bethlehem shed! A lustre pure and sweet t And still it leads, as once it led, To the Messiah's feet. O Father! may that holy Star Grow every year more brighty And send its glorious beams afar, To fill the world with light." Williara Cttllen Bryant.' Mr. W. F. Hall is now running the agen cy for the North Pacific Mutual Lite, otk his own hook and he's just the man for the business. There was considerable excitement on' Monday at the election for School Director and Clerk. Several ladies went to the polls and cast their votes. Last Friday we went a fishing the firsif time for fifteen years'. We like it' as much" as we did then". S.' E. Young arrived home' last weeV from 'Frisco, where he laid in an lmmeoMt stock of goods. Dr. D. M. Jones came up from Salem on Monday. ; District school commences next Monday.' Vacation the present week. Just about this season of the year beef' looks the reddest. The Presidential controversy is drawing to a close, and journalism in Maine Is tak ing a fresh start. "Can a clam walk f" Is" -one of the innocent themes which the edi-' tors are now discussing. A gentleman who went by rail from Rockland to Bath, em phaticaly asserts that just the other side ot Wiscasset he distinctly saw a string of clams . marching along, single file, in the. wake of tlio train. lie says they were not walking very iasc, out, oiuy at a snau pace. Pottstown, Pa., boasts one of the great-' est natural curiosities in the country " its. ringing rocks. " which are situated in a wild J spot, cover about one acre f ground. nd are a perfect mass of confusion, being piled together as it they had been upheaved by au eruption, and got tlteir name from their" property ot emitting souhd3 ."as rich and delicate as the finest music-box" when' struck with a hammer, the different rocks giving every note of the octave. ' A Rockport widow who sripports her two"' children by hard work was asked last week by a fellow-workman to aid fn .making ' purse "for a por woman." , She had only' GO cents left to carry her and her two chii-. dreu through the month, but she gave 26 cents. A Tittle later the "person returned and told the woman that the parse was' meant for her and handed her $ 25. The Servian authorities are endeaVbrihgf to induce refugees from Bosnia and Bulga ria to return home! A deputation from thef refugees in TJshirza returned to their homes,' relying on Turkish promises, and wefo" massacred. r The Turkish chambers, of deputies In siPj Cret session on the27th. inst. discussed the address in answer to the speech; from the throne: the speakers without eTCejJtion re-' sented all foreign intervention la" .Turkey affairs. Toe Times Belgrade dispateh reports that' political disturbances have taken place in' Semendria district, Servla. Many arrests" have been made, bnt affairs are now quiet' er. " , ..." v The Londen Standiavi'a Berlin, dispatch savs that it is reported from Constantinople that the porte lias resolved not to 'further prolong the armistice with Montenegro. The Sultan of Perah was forcibly arrest ed on the 28th without a warrant or wnc. ten authority. A writ of habeas corpus was applied ror and refused by the register." It may be regarded as certain tbatliiuM; sla will ncitherbe encouraged by Aurtrla to act independently nor yet resisted by lier during the introductory stages. Tlie Paris Constitutional reports a flgttt' ... ,i.mi: KUtluliu Ki tureen Trtl-r' Oil IVUlil IT 1IWIU9 vl ifiiuHj Riair anu tiesuian ";"-" killed and forty wounded. ' i-ioi TtrnatlefT savs theEngllsh police unrsues on object. namely the peace of Eu rope, which U will not attain Prince Antonio Bonaparte, nephew of JCapoleon I., is dead. oi me school. L. J. POWELL