The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 30, 1877, Image 4

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Corner Ferry and FirU Street.
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ianjed 20 cents extra 14 70 for the year
that is the amount of nostairs ner timiim
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Agents for the Rftlser
The following named gentlemen are author
used to receive nnd receipt for subscript km
hi uib u Bnr.B m inc localities mennonea :
Messrs. Kirk & Hume Brownsville.
Iiobert (xhtss CrawfordnvlUe.
W. P. Smith Hftlsey.
. mt. -1-uinpKins tlamsmirjr,
8. It. Clansihton ...........Lebanon,
A. Wheeler & Co ShecM,
Messrs. Smith & Krastlcld Junction City.
J. II. Irvine ftato.
Thos. H. Reynolds Salem.
FRIDAY MARCH 30, 1877.
I've tried the best
In East and West,
I've lunched 'neath tropic sun,
Vve tested all
The fruits that fall,
Anil like them every one ; ,
Bat Xorth or South
o human mouth,
I will the world apprise,
Ee." tasted food
One-half so good
As our own pumpkin pies.
Upon the vine,
In rain and shine,
Through fragrant day and night.
The yellow globe
The emerald robe
Drinks up the Summer light.
Oh, golden sweet,
The snus repeat
To mould thy luscious size,
That we may come
And roll thee home.
And make our pumpkin pies.
Our lovely girls.
With shining curls
Put neatly in a cap.
Cut slice on slice
And peel it nice,
And stew it to a pap ;
Then milk is bad,
f And eggs they add,
Aud sweeten as i3 wise.
While others haste
To spice to taste
These home-made pumpkin pie.
Oil, pure and fair.
This food so rare,
Made np of all that's best !
Xo creature's pain
, Goes to its gain.
But only nature's zest ;
For Summer days
Aud Autumn haze
And smiles from beauty's eye
Are in the dish,
Iixed to our wish,
That we call pumpkin pies.
No wonder, then.
That loyal men,
From Florida to Maine,
Their quarter eat,
The same repeat,
And pass their plate again ;
That exiles fret
With vain regret,
And vex the air with sighs
When forced to stay
In climes away
From their own pumpkin pies.
So to our boast
I give a toast,
Embroidered all in rhyme ;
May pumpkins round
With us abound
Through future Autumn-time !
And may our girls,
With shining curls
And tender beaming eyes,
All learn by heart
The happy art
Of making pumpkin pies !
Harper's Bcuar,
To premise, , then, Gen. Pleasonton,
the author f the book in question, was
not the Simons cavalry leader during
the war. as has been ouite rrprwrallv
' . D J
apposed, but his elder brother. The
cavalry leader is Gen. Alfred Pleason.
ton, while the discoverer of the blue
light theory is Gen. Augustus J. Pleas-
an ton. He is a graduate of West
Point ; was in the regular army for some
time, from which he resigned; during
the war he was a Brigadier-General ot
Pennsylvania militia, and was selected
to organize a body of 10,000 men with
in the state tor use in emergencies.
He is a lawyer of prominence in Phila
delphia, a gentleman of culture, wealth,
and refinement. Owning a farm out
side of the city, be, in 1860, commenced
to experiment upon his theory regarding
the different colors in the sun's rays,
and their effects upon vegetable and an.
imallife. Experiments made in Europe
had already demonstrated that the blue
rays of the sun's light had greater chem
ical powers than any ot the others, de
veloped a greater amount of heat, and
were especially stimulating to vegeta
tion. But these experiments had been
barren of practical results, aud Gen.
Pleasonton was left to his own resources
to carry out his ideas. He built a large
grapery, covered with glass, every
eighth row ot which was blue. By this
arrangement, the sun in making its
upon every plant and leaf within the
grapery. In April, 1861, he set out
twenty varieties of grape vines in his
grapery, all ot the cuttings being one
year old the size ot a pipe stem, and
cut close to the ground. ine vines
soon began to show a most vigorous
growth, and in a few weeks the grapery
was filled with vines and foliage. By
September or five months after setting
thA need man who had furnished the
cuttinss made measurements, and found
that the vines had grown forty-five feet
in length, and were an inch in diameter
a foot above the cr round. These vines
attracted frreat attention in the neigh.
borbood, "but it was predicted that,
owinsr to this unusual growtn, tney
would not bear fruit. J ext year, bow-
ever, the vines displayed the same vig.
- " i
orous growth, ana, in aaaiuon, oore
over 1,200 pounds of luscious grapes ot
unumial size. This was more astonish
ing to horticulturists than tlie growth
of the vinesj but from that day to this
the vines have kept up the same vigor
ous growth, being entirely free from dis.
ease and destructive insects, ana rearing
with nronortionate prohheness. How
remarkable this result is will be appre.
eiated when it known that, in grape-
growing countries, the vines do not bear
fruit until the nttn or sixtn year, juav
incr been so successful in his first expon
meet with vegetable life, General Pleas
onton next tried the effect of
His first experiment was with a litter
ot pigs, which he placed in a pen which
was lighted by blue ana piain glass, in
serted in the root in equal proportions.
This litter gained wonderfully in weight,
size and strength, and, at the end ot a
few months, were found to weigh very
l. .... - . , . . V 1 l,
WIFE OF A PHILADELPHIA PHTSICIAK thUS llghtea, Uie pains lruui wuiui uc
was sunermg almost immeuiw:ijr aw
ed. Thev would return in a modified
Some months ago, a number of the
i papers in the conntry criticised, gener
ally with some degree of facetiousaess,
a "book written by Gen. A. J. Pleason
tojn, of Philadelphia, entitled "Blue and
Sun Light; their influence opon Life,
Disease, etc." Some of the ideas set
forth by Gen. Pleasonton are calculated
to startle reading and thoughtful per
sons, and failing to comprehend his
theories, it is no wonder that the critics
poked considerable fun at them. , My
Attention was recently directed to the
"blue glass" treatment by an old friend,
who recommended its use in a case ot
sickness in my family. Having conS
dence in my friend, I wrote to Gen.
, Pleasonton regarding it, and in reply
recei ved a copy of his book, and .njfarnc
tions regarding the application of the
blue light in the case I recited to him.
navies practical evidence! before me ot
the benefits to be derived irosa thetp-
pliestion of the "blue light," I propose
in this letter to give some general idea
of Gen, Pleasonton's theories -resaxdins
the .... ,
much more than a similar litter raised
in the usual way. He next experiment
ed with an Alderney bull-calf, which
was so puny and weak at its birth that
the manager of the farm said it could
not live. It was put under blue glass,
and in twenty-four hours it was able to
stand up, and was taught to drink milk;
in tour months it was a penectiy aevei
bull, strong and vigorous, and was
turned in with the herd 01 cows, ana
has since fulfilled every expectation re
garding him. Subsequently, other ex
periments cave mm connaence, ana now
all his cattle are raised under blue glass,
showing great vigor aud the most sur
prising precocity. A heifer becomes a
mother when 14 months old, ana we
cows and their progeny are healthy and
strons. and the former are great miiK-
era. It is generaily held that heifers
should not bear young before they are
four years old, but, uuder the influence
of blue glass, they do so, without in
jury, when 18 months old, thus saving
the expense ot keeping them through
two and a-halt years. The beneficial
effect of the associated plain and blue
rays of sun's light upon vegetable and
animal life having been demonstrated
to the wonder and amazement of al
who bad observed the experiments, their
eneot was tried upon
The ' most astonishing results have:'
been obtained, which are certified to in
sucn manner as to leave no doubt re
garding them. Commodore Goldstar.
ough, who had read something regard.
ins Gen. Pleasonton's discovery, relates
the case ot a lady who prematurely
gave birth to a child, which was weak
and puny, weighing but three and a-balf
pounds at birth. There were blue cur
tains to the windows of : the room in
which the child was reared, and these
were arranged so that the light, enter.
ins the room, came about equally
through the blue curtains and the plain
glass of the windows. Ine child bega:
to thrive, developed a tremendous ap
petite, while the lacteal system ot the
mother was greatly increased. The
child grew rapidly in health, strength
and size, and, at the end of four months,
weighed twenty-two pounds. Commo
dore Goldsborougb experimented with
two broods of chickens, placing one un
der blue glass, and the other in an ordi
nary coop. Ine former soon snowed
the stimulating effect of the blue glass,
their growth being almost visible from
day to day, and their strength, size and
vigor tar exceeding that of the chickens
in the ordinary coop. This is testimony
from a gentleman ot high standing, who
is in the habit of carefully weighing bis
words. The
was suffering from a complication of
disorders, and the medical fraternity oe
New York and Philadelphia could do
nothing for her. Her husband, Dr.
Beckwith, writes that she was suffering
from nervous irritation and exhaustion,
which resulted in severe neuralgic and
rheumatic pains, depriving her of sleep
and appetite tor food, producing great
debility and a wasting away of the
body. Ine lady and her husband had
abandoned hope of her recovery. Gen
Pleasonton recommended the trial ot
the blue class, and accordingly Dr.
Beckwith arranged one sash ot a win
duw with alternate panes of blue and
common class. His wife then exposed
to the effect of the associated rays ot
blue and plain light, those portions of
her body which were affected by ueu-
raigia. in turee minutes mju cpcn-
enced relief, and in ten minutes the
pains disappeared. With each appli
cation ot the associated lights, her pains
became less, her appetite and strength
returned, and in three weeks she was
restored to her normal healthful condi
tion. This lady had been losing her
hair in consequence of her sickness, there
being several bald places on her head.
Under the stimulating effects of the
bine glass, the hair began to grow vig
orously, aud the bald places were soon
covered with a luxuriant growth ot hair.
Dr. Beckwith, in relating th;s case,
says : "Jb rom my observations ot the
blue and sunlight upon my wife, I re
gard it as the greatest stimulant and
most powerful tonic that I know of in
medicine. It will be invaluable in ty
phoid cases, cases of debility, nervous
depression and the like."
old friends of Gen. Pleasonton, were af
flicted with rheumatism in their tore-
arms, from their elbow-joints to their
finger-ends, so severe at times that they
were unable to hold pens. J. hey deter
mined to try Pleasonton's "blue glass,"
and accordingly obtained a piece of blue
glass and set it up loosely iu one of their
windows, r or three days they bared
their arms and held them in the associ
ated blue and sun light for thirty min
utes. Each day brought tliera relief,
and at the end of three days the rheu
matism had disappeared, lwo years
later they both informed Gen. Pleason
ton that thev had not had a return of
rheumatism in any form. A little child
that had, from its birth, fcarcely any
use of its legs, was taken to play daily
in a room where blue grass iormed a
portion of one ot the windows. In a
very short time it obtained the use of
its legs, and learned to walk and run
without difficulty. Numerous other
cases are mentioned in Gen. Pleason-
ton's book, showing that there can be
no question of the stimulating and cur
ative effects of the associated blue and
sun light. But I prefer to give my own
experience, and then follow with Gen.
Pleasonton's explanation. A lady ot
my family, about six weeks ago, had a
and for ten days raised more or less
blood daily. She was very much weak
ened by the loss of blood, aud consider
bly frightened withal. I obtained
some blue glass and placed it in the
window where she was in the habit of
sitting, the blue glass constituting one.
half of the lower sash of the window,
The lady sat daily iu the associated
ights allowing the blue rays especially
to fall upon the nerves of the back o.
the neck for about an hour a day. The
second day, the sun's rays being unusu
ally strong, she got "too much blue
glass, at night felt peculiar sensations
in the back of the neck, among the
nerves, and an unpleasant- fullness in
the head. These sensations wore off
next day, and since then she ha- not re
roained so long at a time under the
blue glass. But from the first she be
gan to grow stronger, ner lace soon
gained its natural fullness, and in
form on leaving the room, but grew less
from day to day. Very soon ner con
dition began to improve, ner appeuw
returned and with it her strength ; she
homii to train rlesh.her sleeplessuess dis-
o a-"- . .
ppeared,and,in short, she was speeany
restored to health.
A singular feature of this young la
dy's case was that her hair all came ont,
and she became as bald as an egg. ner
physicians examined the scalp with a
microscope, and declared that there
were no roots of hair remaining, and
that, consequently, Fhe would never
again have a natural head of hair.
This announcement, to a young lady,
was worse than would have been the
reading of her death warrant. Letter
the cold grave and its attendant worms
than to go through life with a wig.
Under the blue glass treatment, howev
er, the hair'did begin to grow, and the
young lady discarded her "wig, and
when ehe called upon Oen. ITeasonton,
she showed him a luxuriant growth of
nair, which any young lady might envy.
She was profusely grateful to the Gen
eral for having restored her hair, and
incidentally saved her lite. So much
for examples and illustrations. These
ard numerous others which I might cite,
if you had space to print them, show
that the blue associated with the sun
light have a wonderfully stimultaing
effect upon both vegetable and animal
lite, and have cured some diseases with
which the human family is afflicted. If
they will do this, everybody ought to
know it, for the treatmcmt costs noth
ing, and" is a great saving of doctor's
bills. Now for
scientists, who are now experimenting
with the blue glass. What results have
been obtained is not known. All sci
entists admit that electricity is a force
regarding which very little is known.
They are all striving to learn more re
garding it, and to make it mote subser
vient to the will of man. Perhaps Gen;
Pleasonton has got
of all of them, and holds the key of the
puzzle in bis grasp. I should add, how
ever, that he is exceedingly modest re
garding his discovery, aud says s "I do
not profess to teach any one ; but as a
human atom among the masses ot man
kind, tor whom all knowledge should
be disseminated, I venture to impart to
to the public the conclusions to which
I have arrived on these subjects, and
that public may attach to them what
ever value they please." When I see
a near and dear relative daily advanc
ing from sickness to health, gaining
strength and vigor from the application
of his theory, I, for one, attach very
considerable weight to it. In the hope
that others may be induced to experi
ment in this direction, where no possi
ble harm can follow, and mv&h good
may result, I have written this letter.
Y. 1". JScening Mail. -Dunos,
K(w Iter Weakness
week ehe was, to all appearances, as
well as ever. Of course, she was not
cured of the trouble in her lungs in so
short a time, but the soreness in her
chest has passed away, and she begins
to feel well again. After sitting in the
associated light for a week, a large
number of red pimples came out on her
neck and shoulders, an indication that
that the treatment was bringing out to
the surface the humors of the blood. In
a letter to me Gen. Pleasonton says :
"I am satisfied that if this treatment
shall be continued through the Winter
and Spring, any tuberculous develop
ment that may exist in the lungs will
be arrested, its pus absorbed into the
circulation, and then thrown off from
. a mm. m t
tne dioou in tue excretion las nas oc
curred already in the spots on the bodvt
the wounds ot the tubercles will be cic
atrized and the lady restored to a con
dition ot good health." in the same
letter lieu. lleasonton relates an agree-
able incident which occurred to him but
a tew weeks since. A lady and her
daughter called to see him, and an
nounced that they had come from Uorn.
ing, N. Y., to Philadelphia, for the ex
press purpose ot thanking him tor
Four years ago she was afflicted with
a violent attack ot spinal meningitis.
Her sufferings were indescribable but
continuous. Every conceivable remedy
had been resorted to during these tour
years, but the patient received no bene.
fit. ' Her nervous system at last became
so disordered that the slightest sound
or the most gentle agitation ot the air
threw her into the most agonizing suf
fering, one was wasted away in flesh
could not sleep at night, had no appe.
tite, and her lite was dispaired o
Hearing of Gen. Pleasonton's discovery
in associaiea lights, ner parents deter
mined to try it. A bay window was
fitted with alternate panes of blue and
plain glass, and the young lady sat dai
ly in the light which streamed through
them. Her physicians, of course, laugh
ed at the idea, pronounced the whota
thing a humbug, etc., as is the habit of
professional gentlemen whenever any
new idea is broached. The phvsieian
was dismissed, and the young lady re
lied wholly upon the blue-glass treat
ment for her' restoration to health. The
iady eays that on entering the room
of the curative effects ot the associated
lights. In his letter to me he puts it
thus tersely : "Sunlight passes through
plain transparent glass with very slight
obstruction, as it does through the at
mosphere and ether of space ; it pro
duces no heat for the glass remains as
cold as the outside atmosphere while
the sunlight passes through it. When,
however, the adjoining sunlight, mov
ing with the eame velocity as the first
mentioned, viz : 186,000 miles per sec
ond, falls upon the blue panes ot glass,
six of the seven primary rays of sun
light are suddenly arrested by it, only
the blue ray being permitted to pass
through into the apartment. The sud
den stoppage of these six rays of light,
with this enormous velocity produces
friction ; this friction evolves negative
electricity, which is the electricity ot
sunlight passing through the cold ether
ot space aud our cold atmosphere, both
of which beiug negatively electrified im
part their electricity by induction to the
rays of sunlight as they pass. The blue
glass is oppositely electrified. When
these opposite electricities, thus brought
together, meet at the surface ot the
glass, their conjunction evolves heat
and magnetism ; the heat expands the
molecules of the glass, and a current of
electro-magnetism passes into the room,
imparting vitality and strength to any
animal or vegetable life within it.
When the atmosphere of the room be
comes thus electro-magnetized, its in
habitants cannot fail to derive the great
est benefit fiom being in it." Gen.
Pleasonton's book is devoted to the sci
entific discussion of his theory, aud to
the recital ot proof to sustain him. He
boldly combats many theories which
have been accepted as established prin
ciples, and ably puts forward his own
as a substitute. For instance, he denies
affirming that there is no such thing.
He holds that electricity is the all-controlling
force ot nature, and by and
through it we live and have our being,
the earth revolves, the planets are sus
tained in their several places, and all
that. He further denies the accepted
theory that the sun is an incandescent
body, throwing off heated rays, and
that there is any heat in the sunlight.
He argues that the earth is surrounded
by an envelope of atmosphere and ether,
which has been proved to be ot a tem
perature minus 142 degrees centigrade,
and that it would be absolutely impos
sible tor the sun's rays to penetrate this
cold envelope for a distance ot 92,000,
000 of miles and preserve any portiou
of heat whatever. According to Pleas
onton, all our heat is evolved from the
earth, and the heat and cold of our at.
mosphere are regulated by the distance
ot this cold envelope from the earth.
Not being a scientist, and not having
much time or space at my disposal, I
shall not pretend to explain Gen. Pleas
onton s ideas. Let those who wish to
read his book 6end to Scribner for it,
inclosing 82, and they will get it. But
"the proof ot the pudding is in the eat
ing." While I cannot explain scien.
tifically the operation, I kuow that the
blue light, in conjunction with the plain
light, has produced wonderful effects,
both in curing diseases and otherwise.
It costs nothing to try it, for, although
a patent has been issued to Gen. Pleas
onton tor his discovery, he has not
sought to profit by it. Let
with it, whether upon vegetable or ani
mal life, go ahead. If upon vegetable
life, the proportion of blue glass to trans
parent should be about one-eighth ii
upon animal lite, let it be about equal
one-half blue and one-halt transparent,
The glass used is a dark purplish blue,
and can be obtained almost anywhere.
Get a few panes ot it cut to the size of
your window panes, and insert them al
ternately in the sash, and then let the
lame, the halt, and the blind sit within
its influence. It is soon tested, and at
a trifling co6t. The results already ob
tained aud certified to by men ot known
character and-standing are sufficient to
make ridiculous the one who would cry
"humbug." Facts are facts, and can
not be wiped out. Whatever one may
think of Gen. Pleasonton's theories or
his explanations of the results obtained
by his experiments, no one who reads
his book can doubt but these results
have been obtained. In France, hies
book attracted the attention of the best
When young MissBriggsitoportttned
her mother, the other day, for permis
sion to go down and ride on the ferry
boat, the mother sat down and said :
"Now Miss Nellie, it you were riding
on the boat and a nice yonng man stared
at you, what would you do ?"
"I'd turn my head, mother."
"Well, if he took out his handker
chief and gave it a flirt, what would
you do ?"
"I'd pretend I didn't see him."
"Very good; but if this nice young
m,an, in spite ot your contemptuous
treatment, should have the impudence
to walk over and sit down beside you,
what would you do ?"
"I'd take another pat."
"That's right my darling. But sup
pose, again, that he should follow you,
and be bold enough to offer you a fan,
what then ?"
"Do you mean a young man?"
"A real nice voung man ?"
"One with a brown moustache and
chestnut eyes awful pretty and sweet
looking ?"
"Then, oh, mother you'd better not
let me go on the boat, tor I'm so very
weak, 1 know I'd take the fan!"
The only question now interfering
with peace is said to be whether Russia
or Turkey Bhall disarm first.
Turkish reforms which have been de
manded will probably be secured with
out resorting to military measures.
Ebenezer Large and bis son John
were robbed and then burned at Ben
nings Station near Washington, on the
It is not proper to pick your teeth
with a iackknife unless vou are the agri
cultural editor ot a city paper and want
to assert your rights.
Southern Ilenublicans say that if
Hayes does not recognize Packard in
Louisiana, the next election will give
80,000 Democratic majority.
lied Horse, a sub-chief and council
man ot the Minneconjous gives Sheridan
an account of Custer's death, in which
he pays the dead General a high com
pliment for bravery.
Klngan, the missing member of the
New York Produce Exchange, vho
was found dead in New Brunswick, is
supposed to have been murdered tor
money which he was known to have.
Edward W ells, the negro who mur
dered Wm. O'Brieu, was taken from
jail at Waynesboro, Ga., on the 21st,
by unknown parties and hanged.
Ben Mickey, ft Kentucky desperado
Who has killed four men. has been sen-i
tenced to imprisonment tor life for the
murder ot J. 1 Wilson in Oldham
. Bret Harte and Mark Twain's new
play called the "Heathen Chinee," is in
four acts. It has to do with the disa
greements between Mongolians and
The typographical Union of Chicago,
has reduced the price ot composition
from 42 to 40 cents on morning papers
and from 38 to 35 cents a thousand on
evening papers.
A riot occurred at Berlin on tle 21st
between strikers and laborers. The
strikers defeated the police, but were J
driven from the streets by the military.
A deVgatiou of prominent colored
men visited Hayes nn the 21st, to thank
him for the appointment to olEce ot
Fred Douglas.
Democrats do not want a committee
from Washington to investigate the
claims of the rival Louisiana Governors.
iThen yen wish
Visiting Cards,
Picklette. Chop a head of cabbage
very fine, and a number of onions ac
cording to the size of the cabbage; put
them in a stone jar with salt stirred
through them; let stand over night,
when drain all the water off them ; take
cider vinegar sufficient to cover them,
and boil adding to 1 quart of vinegar
1 pound brown sugar, 1 tablespoonful
ground mustard, 2 tablespoonfuls black
pepper, 3 tablespoonfuls ground cinna
mon, 2 tablespoonfulsground celery seed,
1 tablespoonful allspice, 1 tablespoonful
mace, 1 tablespoonful pulverized alum,
and 2 tablespoonfuls horse-radish ; pour
boiling over the cabbage and onions;
let stand over night, when strain the
vinegar off and scald again pouring
over as before ; repeat this three morn
ings, and on the fourth boil all together
cabbage, onions, vinegar and spice ;
when cold pack in small jars. It is fit
for use at once but will keep quiet a
Adjustable Spring Bed.
-A. Lnxurious Bed I
With Only a Single Mnitrens I
For DurabUlty, Cleanliness" anl Adj-nstiKerrt, Jt
uud no eqtuu.
It is Economical ami XoiKClcs.
We challenge comparison - ith any and cvry
omier spring ikx.
Take an Adjustable Spring Bed
on trial, if desired, at the manufacturers' risk.
to 1m returned in one week if not entirely aatis-
Full kIzp SO OO To-lllirLs.....S5 OO
Kiugle -I OO
W. II. 'lCOS.NO-,
Proprietor nml Slnnul'netiirer,
nl3m3 Comix crciat-st., Salem, Oregon.
F. K. niXMNti, Agent at Albany.
Potato Dumplings. Boil 5 or , G
good-sized potatoes ; let l,hem get cold,
then peel and grate into a large dish ;
do not crush or mash them together,
but keep them light and tlakey ; then
peel about the same quantity of raw po
tatoes, grate, and put iDto a cloth, press
out all the water, and put the potatoes
in a dish ; cut up an onion very fine,
put in 2 or 3 eggs, and a small handful
of salt; cut some stale bread into small
squares and fry in hot lard or butter
until they are brown and crisp ; thor
oughly mix the raw potatoes, anions,
eggs, and salt; put in the bread, and
lastly the boiled potatoes, handling as
little as possible, roll the mixture into
balls and put them in a pot of boiling
water, into which you have thrown a
handfnl of salt; after they have been
in about 20 minutes take one ou$ a.p4
try it. '
A very peculiar feature in life insur
ance business has been brought out by
the testimony in the ca-?e ot the insol
vent Continental Life Insurance Com
pany of New York. One Hammond
was employed as an agent on a salary
of $10,000 a year, to travel iu the South
and West and freeze out policy-holders.
He represented that the company was
insolvent, and, by creating a panic
among the policy-holders, bought up
the policies tor 25 cents on. a dollar, or
thereabouts. This effected an enor?
mous saving to the Company on policies
nearly due, and was done tor that pur
pose. Mr. Hammond says that risks
amounting to $200,000 in California
were extinguished by this process and
policies outstanding to the amount of
$2,000,000 were brought down to $600,-
000 in two years,
A A ETSY DESIRABLE business lot GfUlOO feet
on the comer of Second nnd Washington
strecis, Aioany. Also, Enslno, Boiler and Ma
chinery, together with a lot of furniture, lad
ders, wheelbarrows, harrows, Ac., &e all lo 1h
sold off cheap for cash, in consequence of re
moval on account or sickness. Knqmre on the
premises ot ruiSAil KAJ,
juoany, Jan. ki, lsrc-nir
, If you want to stuff a girl as full of
vanity as a billy-goat is of devilment
put her inside of a red petticoat, plant
a big bustle upon the small ot her back,
and turn her loose on First street when
the "monkeys are thick on the street
Stepheu S. Jones, editor of the Re.
ligio Philosophical Journal of Chicago,
was shot and killed on the 15th by N,
tJ. .f ikes, who claims improper inti
macy between Jones and his wife
prompted the act. Friends of Jones
say that he was incapable of the crime
charged by 1'ike.
A colored man named Jim White,
who attempted to murder a Mrs. Stock,
well near Union -Ridge. Tennessee, on
the 13tb, was taken from jail by a mob
, ana uaugcu.
Latesl and Most Reliable In
formation alnt the ISLAt'K
lill.Lr-, Northern Wyoming
and the sreat Indian War
will always be found in the
Oldest. Largest, Cheapest
and 11KST 1A-
III. I) . . . 11
in the
Established in 1S7. Iaily. $1 a 'W JT 7 7
uioiilh-JlOavrair. Weekly, 3 " M J ' Ai
mo. 1 C mo. 1 JjO 1 vear. -'Jn C' -
sinsie copy, ii cts.
II. Glarki, Puhlisner, Chevennc, Wyo.
Business Cards.
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads
Balf Tickets,
Horse Ciller,
( AND ;
Importaat Parts made of XZlC$f.
Durable aa Iron can "be, ".
Adjustable to any required,
wiile la motion.
Never Clogs or Choices oa Stubble or
' Trashy Ground,
Arranged for two, three or four horses abreast,
xjiguietL i n m i xuacuine in use.
Covers and cuts all the zround.
Broadcast Seeders will sow all Itloda of
grulu, wet or dry. ,
I ask every fermer to examine my 6eeder and
Cultivator before purchasing an Eastern Ala.
china. For further particulars adore
. IIrrIslurg, Orcgou.
February 9, 1877-20v9
or in fact anything in tint
Printing Zxixxo
call at the
. t ... ' -