f?J OFrlCIAL CITY PAPER. ALBANY, OKEGOX, MARCH 30, 1S77. Linn Cocsty CCvonctl The nest meet ing of the Linn County Business Council, P. ot li t will oe held in Albany on the 2d Sfcmday in April at 3 t. St. Frank Pike, Sec. HiGirwAT "Robbery. On Friday morn" f Dg last, between nine and ten o'clock, among the foot-hills beyond Philomath, a gentleman from Douglas county, a cattle buyer, was stopped by a brawny six-footer, Who" suddenly stepped from a tree beside the trail, seized the bridle-reins of the horse a. which the cattle buyer rode, and pre senting a cocked six-shooter demanded "your money or your lite." Our friend irom- Douglas isn't much on the scare, but as the footpad was a brawny chap and had the drop on -him, he concluded that the best tbing he conld do was to '"throw up his hand," which he proceeded to do with great celerity. Mr. iootpad then queried as to monev, at the same time slipping his left hand into one of the front pockets ot the cattle-buyers' overalls, holdiug the revolver steady with his rigM hand and keeping a close watch on him besides. The footpad found nine dollars in silver in said pocket. and although the cattle buyer fold him that was all the money he had he would not take bis word tor it but felt over his person until be struck a back pocket,' which con tained $500 in gold, which, of course made quite a lump, and seemed to excite the .footpad, for in his eagerness to secure the money he not only dropped the muzzle of the revolver down considerable, but he let his eyes wander toward the treasure. It Was but for a-sueond, but for such a man as our triend from Douglas it was sufficient, With the suddenness ot the lightning's flash he seized that revolver and attempted to twist it from the grasp of the robber. The fain was falling at the time, and our friend woi e gloves, which didn't help his grip any; but he succeeded in exploding the revolver. the ball going through his coat sleeve, antL; in getting away from the robber, when he put spurs to his horse and lit out towards Philomath. He hadn't got more than twenty feet when he heard a cap snap, and looking back he saw the robber rapidly ar ranging for another trial ; and. in fact, le had hardly turned himself in hi saddle be fore snap, bang went tlie revolver, and he heard the ball sing as it passed close to his head. A sudden bend in the trail and he Was out of sight ot his would-be murderer, and tlie swiftness of the animal he rode soon carried him to the village. If our friend from Douglas hadn't been the pos sessor of a cool head and plenty of nerve he wcnld have lost all his money, and pos sibly his life. Look a leedlc oudt when traveling among the lonely hills with a purse full of eagles. A Closk Cai.i Saved Fkom a Wateky Ghave. Last week Mrs. Beldipg and her son Ilenry were out destributing brooms among the people. Having disposed of their entire stock, and turned the heads of their team towards home, they struck Muddy, and although the stream was run ning full they concluded it wasn't danger ous, and drove in. The water soon became .. swimming, the wagon-bed floated off leav ing the wheels, running-gear and horses to take care of themselves. The horses swam out all right with their part of the wagon, while the wagon -bed with its occupants, struck and lodged on a stump. Ilenry, not Jjking the dampness of the situation, done some pretfy loud "singing out," attracting the attention of a man on horseback, who came to their assistance and succeeded in relieving them from their perilous situa tion. - Scnooi. Election Who akf. Voters. On Monday next, April 2d, at the Cen tral School-house, will be held the annual school election for district Xo. 5, at which there will be to choose one director for three years, and one clerk to serve one year. The school law says: '-Women who are widows and have children to edu cate, and have taxable property in the dis trict thirty days as aforesaid, shall be en titled to vote." Of course, if the ladies en titled to vote choose to take advantage of . ' . t' may. and we should like cue occasion in. - beyond all thing to cve the district, entitled to, vow woman in Come right . Ijug, and don't you forget it Latest Fashions. Our fashion editress gives us the following as the latest, and it taay be depended upon : For grass widows, ' lawn; for elderly women, moire antique; for Democratic belles, anything but Rep ; for women inclined to baldness, mo'-bair; for women with poodles, muslin; for ship per's wives, alpaca ; for the Misses Never ready, delawie; for sailors' wives, serge; tor -dairy women, calico; for soldiers' wives, bombazine; tor debtors' wives, ticking; for women with profane husbands, kersey; for careless servants, crash; for Mre. Sitting Bull, whoop-6kirt3 ! , . Half Fake. Tlie O. & C. K. It. Co. will sell round tickets, good from the 2d to the 7th of April, for half price, to all wish ing to attend L inn Co. Teachers Institute, that meets in this city next Tuasday, hold ing until Thursday. The Late Samuel, J. Put away his empty barrel ; Fold his Presidential clothes, He has started up Halt River, Led and lit by Cronin's nose ! Strawberry Festiyai Tlie Congre gational Church will give a festival at the Opera House as soon as strawberries are ripe. Just Received. Fancy suitings, a full Hue very low. Men's and boy's clothing. uwmonaDie ana cheap. Wheeler, at ohodd. Lou Royal has sold hi barber 6hop to ttg uaney Harmon. FINANCE AND COMMERCE Gold in New York, 104"? . f Legal tenders, 05OCc ; Silver coin, 9495. j Wheat, $1 bushel. Oats, 37c bushel. Butter, 20 25c pound. Eggs, 14c dozen. i Chickens, $2 50 $3 00 1 dozen. Beef on foot, 3c ; pork, do., 7c net. Baeon--Sides, 13c; hams, 15c; shoulders, Se. I Dried apples, Gc; plums, 12c. j Liverpool wheat market. March 2S: Av erage. 10s7d'Slls; club, 10s lOiliSlls 3d. Special .Vol iocs. Just What Yon Want. Mrs. J. Weed is agent for CornwcHs improved self-fitting chart for cutting out dresses for ladies, misses and children doubtless the bestand cheapest system yet invented. By this chart a perfect fit is warranted every time. Call or address Mrs. J. Weed, Albany, for further information. ! Boots, Boots lor the rainy season, both kip and gumgerubber a fresh supply, very low, at the ready pay stoie in Shedd. Mi sicai.. Miss Nettie Piper, teacher ot Vocal and Instrumental music, has recent ly located in Albany, and prepared to give lessons in the alwve named branches. Has hat! several years experience in teaching, and can give the best of references. ! 4 ... The Richmond Range is a great! wood saver, and as it throws out less heat than any other good range or stove, it is way up tor Summer use. I Breathitt;; 3f iasnsn without Injury. There is no exaggeration in tlie; state ment that thousands of persons residing from one year's end to another in fever and ague regions on this Continent and else where, breathe air more 'or less impregnat ed with miasma, without incurring the dis ease, simply and only because they arc in the habit of uing Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters as a preventative. It has frequently happened, and the fact has been amply at tested by the parties themselves, that per sons surrounded on all sides by neighbors suffering: the tortures of this shivering and burning piaguo. have enjoyed absolute im munity Irom it, thanks to. the protection afforded by the Bitters. Nor is that stand ard anti-febrile cordial less efficacious in remedying than in preventing chills and lever, bilious remittents, and disorders ot a kindred tyj. Taken lietwecn the par oxrsins, it speedily mitigates their violence, and eventually' prevents their recurrence. Th.'se fact, convincingly established by evidence, appeal with peculiar force to travelers and sojourners in malarious dis tricts, march Conslm mill ColtlN. From Sfimnol A. Walker, Ksq., the well-known lteal Estate Auctioneer of Boston. "Ilavinsr experienced results ot a satis factory character from the use ot Witar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, in caes of severe colds, during the pat two years, I have full faith in its renovating power. I was first induced to trv tins medicine by the stroncr recommendation of a friend, yvho was well-nisrh srone with consumption, and yvhose relief from the use of it satisfied me ot its great value in caes of cold and de cline, and mot i-U-arlv demonstrated to mv mind its srreas value as a, restorative, that only needs a fair trial to insure a grateful recognition irom the public." Sold by all Important to nil Iuv;ilils. Iron in tlte lilood. The Peruvian Svrup. a protected solu tion of the protoxide of iron, strikes at the root ot disease ly supplying the blood with its vital principle, or lite element Iron This is the secret of the wonderful success ot this renieuv m curinjr 1 lysiwpsia. J.ivcr Complaint, DiO'Kv, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vers. Humors. J,oss. of Constitutional Vig or, Diseases ot the Kidneys and Bladder, rumale Complaints, and all diseases orig inating in a bad state of tlie blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. Sold by alt druggists. march PIMPLES. I will mail (tree) the recipe for nreimrimt a simple Vegetable 1 Sal in that will re move Tan, Freckles, i'impies uil'l IUotell leaving t he. skin sot'r, oU-ar ami tjeaut ilul : also instruction t'u- pro;lucin a luxuriant srrowth ot hail' on a iu!l hea'l orsmootli face. Address TU-n. andelf & Co., box 8121, 'o. 5 W ooster-St New York. ton43v9 TO t'OXSt'MPUVE. The advertiser.hnv ing been permanent y cured of that ilreatl dis ease, Consnn pi ion. ly n simple, remedv.isaiix- ious to make known to his fellow Kufterers the means of euro. To all who desire it. In; will send a copy of the prescript ion used (free of clmrei, with t ho directions tor preparing and usin:; the same, which they will lind a sure cure for Consilium ion. A 81 lima, l$ronchitis,&c Parties wishing the prescrmtion will please ad dress Rev. K. A. Wilson, l'H PennSt., VVilliams- uun', . . iisvsij lou tsva o . KrroM of Yo til. A gentleman yvho suf fered lor Years trom Jservous J lebility, I'renm- ture Decav, amlail theell'eclsof youthful indis cretion will, for the sake of snllerins? human itv, peud free, to all who need it, the recipe and di rect ion. for itiakinr t he simple remedy ly which lie was cured. Sulterers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by ad dressing in jierlect confidence, John B. Ogbks, 4-2 Cedar St., Neyv York. u43v Tc People Want Proof. There is no medicine prescribed by physi cians, or sold hy DrusiistH, that carries tiach evidence of its success and superior virtue as iir.r. ..ir. i. . . . - - - . --.tljl f.ri thd l-i-i.iit rniiftnmnHnii. or OiKld.. "v ' , --- any disease of the Throat or I.imscs. A proof a Sampx J.ouie w regular size at 75 effects befpie nuvint tm.i,ni in ihia cents. It has lau-iy ih- V":, , - eonntry . ernwny. - "that eures are asionixioii c,,-. ; .j Tit ran doses will relieve ny Sold by all druggists. 11IS1113 Beiucinbcr This. t .1,0 ti moor vear for Pneumonia. Lunsf Fever Couglis, Colds, and fatal reslt of pre. disnosition to Consumption and other Throat andLnn- IMases.' Bosckbb's Gkumas Syhup has Iwea used in tins neighborhood tor the past two or t uree years whuuiiu i"s. failure to cure. If you have not used this tned ici .eomlf go to your Omggist in this city and aSk him of its wonderful ccef among his customers, iiiree uj.-;-. . worst ease, if vou have 110 taith In any medi cims Inst buva Siuiiple P.ottl.1 of 11ohek s lar riize bott le 75 ceitta. JJon't negUiet a ypugh to ave 73 ctnits. A CAll. nlSmS To all wlio are snfferinj? from the errors and. . ..,,t,- .ns 1 si-nvonsl nv a missionary 7., soinii Amerit-a, Send ajelddid enve- vi m the KKV. JnHKPH T. iMIAS, auuion sj. Hible lloiusc. -New 1m.-A.-8v. The Richmond Range never goes back - ., ni4Awift but is werfect in OH tilC fcWVi 7 At, , tvprv deonrtmeut of cookery, isoia only by McFarland. Major AViiite Is located one door west - T?..rt 'a First street. Albany, yvhere he is prepared to do all yvork in Bis line, such as repairing watcnes, cioeKsyanu jew elry. Also, engraves door-plates,- silver ware, &c. Five him a call. "ew Cashmeres, Empress cloths,. Reps. and other dress goods on the counter, at w heeler's in (Shedd. Gootls as good as the best ; prices a loyv ad the lowest. Groceries and Provisions! ALWAYS TO BE FOUSD AT WILLIAM VAUVACTOE'S, rirst Door West of S. E. Young's First Street, Allmhy, Ogn. CHeap foi Go,&Ul. UHiAIlV, SOX fc CO., STORAGE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; MAMMOTH WAREMO USE, At Toot or I-.yon Street, opposite' Depot On O. A KiilrHt, T sTT. A 3ST"5T OHEGr03ST. Will store Ciruin ami Ociieral Ai.isany, Oregon, Jan., 1877-1.") v9 W. If. McFABLAND, -1EAIKKS PUMPS AND HOSE ; -MAXUFACTURES- Tin, Copper and AliKNT Foil THK TS3 ZEST lit ALI5AXY, Neil tiiMir to the Hunk. A. F. SMITH & CO., AGEXTS WEBER IO FKOST STREET, rJ7iie Standard Organ Following is a copy of a Western Umou f raucisco : Peloubet. Pelton & Co., of Xeyv York, MKDAL of AWARD for the rvrTT T?T)T A TT dHP D. W. PRENTICE, AGENT, 123 Krsl Street, Portland. Oregon. "W. C- Tweed alb; ? Call and see him. 'q q 3 M &. S 9-"' To the WerklnK flam. Wo are now -prepared to furnish, all classes with constant employment at lioine, tlie wliolc of tlie time, or for t heir sjwre moments. Business new, lijrlit and profitable. Persons of cither sex easi ly earn from Ml cent to 3 per eveninjr. and a proportional Hum by devotinii tlielr whole time to the business. Boys and j? iris emu nearly aa niuch as men. Tbut all who see this notice may send their address, and test the busineHS we make this unparalleled offer: TO such as are not well satiBfled we will send one dollar to pay tor the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a eopy of Home and Fireside ona of the larnest and best Illustrated Pnhlftations, all went free by mall. Keafler, if yod wantpor-- niaiieni. otouianitt wore, aanrest,, ttrnoiu. bTiaoN 4C'o., Portland, Maine. InitivD.J - IWercliandisc at IinvcH ICafcs. IS- Sheetiron "Ware ! CKLEMi: ATEI THE "WQT.UH, dt.-c7(inlt FOR THE PIANO, PORTLAXD, OREGOX Triumphant -o- telegram received by ShoYman & Hyde, San' Ntw YftitK. Sentember 29. 1876. have received DIPLOMA of HONOR and A AJT A TT ADA A AT DKALER IK iirorlfH. I'ritiluhinit. Tnhnrm. 1 iKara, iHli r,, I rockery, mill Wwd anu nmuw nnre, f irst M., Albany, Or. 24r5 OFFK'K OF SlN-riKR MAJtt'FACT'iro Co., 'IKST AND lAMHItli (TS Portland, Ok., Janiuiry-23, 18 177.) Special TV-otic. T7KR THE INFOII M ATIOT A XI BENEFIT I of onr cunt omul's, and tA all nersons desir- ine to THiretuiM-. one v.lehrterl sewmxr ma chines, we resiKH-tfnlly notify them that the Messrs-. TITUS BKOS. are ouratrcnts for Alba ny and, Linn countv. and that tlmv. or C K. WOLVERTON, Esq., are fully aiithoMned to wiiw-i ami wsviie nmHnain aeeoiiiiis lor us. . mc ruugvr juanuiaci-iirin? tomTwiiy. M. W. PARSONS. Jlanagpr Oregon and W. T. nlSvDme ItANGES, Cen aur Liniments. Letter from a Postmaster.' "Astiocii. Ili... Tht.. i. 1874. 'SIkssks. J. E. P.(we & Co.: 'Mrv Wife has. for a lonir time, ljcen a terrible sntt'erer from KlieumatiHiii. She lias tried maii v phyRnilansand many remedied.' The only tiling wnien nas ttiven ner renei isientmir iiuiment I aft i-ejoiced to sjiy tliis lias cured lier. I am dOiiiLr hat I can to extend its sale. . W. II. KING. Thia is a samuleof ninnvtlioiisstid tcstimonl- ftls recidved. of wonderfnl cures etl'eeted liy the Centaur Liniment. The ingredients of this ar ticle are published around each bottle. It con tains yVitch Hazel, Mentha, Arnica, Mock Oil, Carbolic, and ingredients hitherto little known It is an indisputable fact that the Centaur Lini meat is performing more cures of Swellings, Still' Joints, Kru pt ions, lihemnatism. Neuralgia Sciatica, Caked Ilreasts, 1-ick-jaw, A.C., than all the other Liniments. Kmbrocations, Kx tracts. Salves, ointments and pliuslers now in ust. for Toothache, Karache, Weak l!iek,ltch and Cutaneous Kruiit ions, it Is admirable. It cures bums and sc:ills without a sear, extracts poi sons from bites and stings, and heals frost-bites and ehillblains, in a short time. No family can afford to lie without the Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. Tlie Centaur Liniment, Yellow Wrapper, is adapted to the tough skin, muscles and llcsh of the animal creation. Its effects upon seveie eases of Spavin, S'veenv, Wind Gall, Hi Head and Poll Evil, are little less than marvelous. Messrs. J. MeClure &Co., Druftgisrs, eornerof Elm and Front streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, say : "in our neiy liborhoou a numDer oi teamsters are ustnar the Centaur Liniment. Tliey pro nounce it, superior to anything they have ever used. We still as high as four to five tlozci; hot ties per month to these teamsters." yve have thousands ot similar testimonials. For Wounds. Galls. Scratches. 15 ing-bone, Ac., and for Screw Worm in sheep it lias no rival. farmers, livery-men ana stocK-raisers, nave in this Liniment a remedy which is worth a hun dred times its cost. Laboratory Ot J. B. Rose & Co., ft! Bsy street, New York. VITCJIER'S CASTORIA. Mothers mav have rest and their babies may have health, if thev Vill use Castoria tor Wind Colic, Worms, Fevcrishness, Sore Mouth, Croup, 'tir Stomach Comnlainls. It is entirely a vege table rtrcrwimtion. and contains neither miner al, morpliine, nor alcohol. It is as pleasant to taKe as noney, ami neit tier t?ags nor grijws. nr. ti. iiimocii. oi lmiMini. u.. says: I am using Castoria in tn v pract ice with the most signal benefits and happy result." l nis is wnat everj" one says: jjiosi nurses in New York City use "t he Castoria. It is prepared bv Messrs. J. II. Hose A Co., 4t lev street, New- York, successors to Samuel Pitcher, M. O. JWvs fT In tfinn iwi-ilayat lmw. Sttinples wort h tl Qj IU WLj free. Stinson Co.. Portland. Me. t; KNn-iie to G. P. 1K1WKLL & CO.. New York O for Pamphlet- of lixi pages, containing 3,(WK1 neyvsapcrs, ami estimates snowing cost ot ad vertismg. 2Svsv XTRACT tt Hear, for 1 willKpcak of excellent tliine-N." POND'S EXTRAC' The great Yeeetable Pni icsrryer. iaa Deen in use over tulrty years, and for cleanliness and prompt cura five virtues cannot lie excelled. CHILDREN. No family can afford to be whont l-onti' extract. Accidents, llntlHCM, C'nntnalnnft, Cnta, Sprains, are relieved almost Instantly by external application. Promptly relieves pains or llarns, sicaldiv Excoriations, Chaflngs, OUl Sores, Boils, Felons, Corns, etc. Arrests in-' flHtnation, rednces swellings,- tops bleeding, removes tliprolorHtionmntr heals rariidlv. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. It always relieves pain iu the ixick audluiustfannes6,audpre6sirigpaixi in the bend, nanaea, vertieo." . IN LEBCORRHCEAithas no equal. Allktatlaof nl. cerauona 10 wnicn laaiet are BUDject are promptly enred. Fnller details in book accom panying each bottle. PILES blind, or bleeding meet prompt relief and ready enre. No case, however ch ionic or obpHnate, can long resist its regular use. VARICOSE VEINS "is the onlysnro enre for diAtresbins and dangerous condition. KIDNEY DISEASES. It has no equal for perma nent cure. BLEEBISQ from any cause. For this is a Mpe ciiic. It has eaved hundreds of lives when all other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from yire, flnmarh, lunpw, and elsewhere. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, Toothache and iiarucue are ail alike relieved, aad often per manently cared. PHYSICIANS ot all schools Tvlioare acquainted with Pond's Extract of Witch Hazel reo ommend it in their practice. We have letters oC commendation from hundreds of Physicians, many of whom order it lor use in their own: order its use for KwclIinKa oC all kinds, ; tninsy, pore- l iiroar, muanra Tonmu, simple and chronic liiarruwa, Catarrh for which it is a specific,) Chilblains Froat." cd Feet, Stings of Insects, Mosnnitoe. etc., t linppetl Hands, l ace, and indeed all mnnner of skin diseases. TOILET USE. Kemoves Morcness, Bonahnessr and NuiartinJ heals Cats, Kruptious and Pimples. It rem res. invigorate, and r. freshes, while wonderfully iniprovinjf the Complexion. TO FARMERS. Pond's Extract. No Stock Bruedur,no Livery Man can afford to be without it. It is nsed by all the Leading Livery Stables, Street Kallroads and first Horsemen tn New York City.- It has no equal for Sprains, liar ness or Saddle Chaflnss, Stillness, (Scratches, S wellin(rn,Cntg, lAeerationa Dleedinn, Pneumonia Colic, linrrli0-a, Chilis, t oltls, etc. Its range of action ls wide, and the relief it affords is so prompt that it is invaluable in every Farm-yard as well as in every Farm-house. Let it be tried' Once, and? vou will never be without it. , CAUTION. Pond's Extract has been imitated. The genuine article has the words Pond's Kx--tract blown in each bottle. It iB prepared by, the only persons living who ever knew how' to prepare it properly. Refuse all other pre ' partitions of Witch Hazel. This 1b the only article used by Physicians, and 15. the hospi tals of this country and Europe. HISTORY AND OSES OF POND'S EXTRACT, in pamphlet form, sent free on application to POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY, a Maiden Lane, New York. . FOR SALE ! Valuable 13xxilling LOTS 2 SU1TA Jwellinssor suitable fob : Dwellings or Business nouses, SITUATED in the business part or the city two lots. In block No. 3, in the city of Allia- TUATEO In the business part of the city two lots. In block No. 3, in the city of A Ilia- nv.Orepron, on tne corner 01 rerry ana waier streets, near the City.Mills, steamboat luhdina and O. x C. It. K. size 01 lots : . IOO fee on Ferry street 1 133 feet out Water street, wlth-butldinss thereon. Inquire on the pramises for partirul THOS. J. SAFFORD Albany, Or., Jan. 26, 1877-18 v9 P 0 M 0 ' s LOCAL MATTERS. PARAGHAMLETS. School election' near at hand. An addition lias been bnlli to tne O. Ur vvarehouse on Second street.-" rfurnoi1 fn tlie blood is supposed o be concentrated near one's "fiinny Bone!" Take a bine glass siih batli fof almosfan complaint. . The syveetest of hams at Van Vactor's, sho' nuf. " . Those peyy west buckles at L. E. Blain's are scrnmptnons. . Farmers are just its busy as they can be, seeding' and sich. A ncyv brick yard Ls to be put" in opera- ticn thisseison. Go it. Capt. X.- B. Humphrey lias been spend ing a portion of the yveek in Portland. Peach and plnrn trees In full blocm, In dicating a full crbp. The geueriil fiealtii of city and1 c'oflnty is improving, yve are glad to learn. "Gai-den pass" is beginning to' appeal1 in onr markets. Eev. J. Boyversox, of tiie Evangelical Church, this city, lias gone to California on a visit. Slarshal Westfall is after the faxes they must be paid' before the first day of May, Or 5 per cent', will be added. Pay up. We make onr best bow to Master "Willie Wadsyvorth for the presentation of a hand some bouquet last Saturday. If yon want a durable, handsome, loW priced cliair, go to F. S. Duhning's, the furniture man on First street. Albany is going to be a good city to get' out of this Summer, if more attention is not paid to drainage. The cleaning days have come, The saddest of the sad. When all the house is misery And every woman's mad. Tlie greenbackers are yvide awake at Harrisburg. and threaten to. print a paper to advocate their interest unless the Xucle vs comes to their aid. The lady yvho puts on white kid gloves and then wears seven finger rings over tliera, hasn't the least idea that she isn't doing hei whole duty by society. They tell of a wealthy London barber" who has just cut off his heir without a' shilling. Xovr, our barbel's are different; they never cut off anybody's hair without a shilling. - 'Let me," said Mr. Moody when lie opened in Boston, let me -call your atten tion to a book called The Holy Bible.' " Several of his hearers went home and found they had one. Rev. B. JR. Baxter, pastor of tlie South ern Methodist Church at Harrisburg, was presented with a suit of clotlies receutly by his friends of that little city. - Jock Morgan, of Yakima City, has had two churns made at Dalles reeentlj, each having a capacity ot one hundred and thirty gallons each. Jock means biz. One hundred and twenty Indians have recently professed religion, under1 tlie preaching ot Joseph Stwine, at Indian preacher, 'at. Warm Springs reservation, about sixty miles from Dalles. Trout a.-'eplentiful, and the boys yank 'em out of the Calipooia with hook and line, just as easy. The Portland authorities' have a pretty good clue to the murderer of the man Da vis, and they will doubtless have him un der arrest in a few d.Tys, Frank Wood has recently purchased a splendid piano from the U. S. Co-, for his little daughter Nellie. It is one of the fiiH st toned and well made instruments in the city. Miss Xellie is in luck. The physicians of Salem have resolved to sink all questions of priority, and will as semble together and examine into the cause and cure of diphtheria. This is a good scheme! I.eotard, "the greatest living magician," so the bills said, gave an entertahnnenf at the Opera House Wednesday night at least' he was advertised to do so. , Dave Morgan has left us for the silver springs, taking his assaying traps with him. Suecess, old boy.- There isn't any better men than Dave. W. K. Graham hs sotneot tlie handsom est goods ever orongnt ro nits marker, which lie is ready to cut and make into elegant, fashionable, neat fitting suits for any who wish.- Call and interview him at his place 011 First street. The board of Directors ot the Pioneer Association will meet on Friday, April 6, at 2 o'clock p. M., in tlie office of the Secre tary ot the State Agricultnral Society. Salem. All interested in the success of the Association- are requested to attend. Try one of those roasters-to be had at W. II. McFarland's. You will never eat meat roasted in any other way after trying one of thcia. ? That rumor that' Peterson proposes erect ing a three-story building on the eorncr of Ferry and First streets,-is almost too good to be true. v - .. -. '.."' ,',"--.- Dr. Slade swears that when he gets out of the workhouse he will overthrow the British Government, if tie has to summon assistance from every spirit in the eternal world. We already notice a slight decline In English bonds. j A wag tried to annoy a popular preaclier by asking him if the fitted calf in the para ble was-a mle or female. "Female, to be sure," was the reply, "for-1 see the male in the flesh before me.'v We have got over our worry to a consid erable extent ever since ,xVe read that the new counterfeit $1,000 bills can be detected by tlieir "greasy feel." Of course we can't be imposed tupon now. It. eats', tearfully into an editor's salary to lie "stuck" by four or five such bills in a- week ! - A recent letter from Kev. I. Wilson, late pastof of the Methodist Church in this city, recites that in his new field ot work" in Michigan, a great revival of religion iris sprung up, and no less than one hundred and sixty have been received7 into jthe Church by him during the past three months. And he says the good work still goes on. Good firewood at $3 per cord, and plenty" . of it. r Onions, cauliflower, greens, potatoes and? spring codfish, in market. - Broom-corn from Klikitat yoii' hear me! - Briggs wni sell you a" stove or range if be has to throw in the tinware at cost. Look tor a wedding" so61r si: way up af fair.' ' You want to be tfiorortgl'ily posted, there fore read tlie new ads. in this inimber. Spiing chickens are in order now, ou tlie' half shell.' They expect o na ve a tin shop at Peoribf soon. ; Mr. Odeneal of Portland, was ih fhe city on Tuesdaj'. , Col. Sanborn, of the metropolis, towered? among us in the front of tlie week. Splendid table potatoes at 50c per bitslielj delivered at your door. , : Under tlie influence of such splendid? weather .the roads are drying up rapidly. : Mrs. Cross goes at once for her new stock;" of goods. Mr. Culver and family leave us in A fe" days fot" Ochoco valley. Ilofel business still in stfttiYquo: Some-' body's loosing a big tliing.- Tho familiar buz of the; cheerful and irto 'petuons horsefly once more waketh the' echoes. John Foshay lias purchased Iiarr's stock of goods, and there is now but one music and book store in tlie citj.- Don't send in any more Havanas we've" quit smoking. It's nearly lightning, though, you better believe. liev. I. D. Driver has been Holding meet-' -ings at Harrisburg. Several conversions have resulted. A purse containing fifty dollars was pre--sented to Itev. I. D. Driver, by his friends, at Harrisburg, last week. A little five year old son of Mr. GitBens,- near Peoria, in crossing a log recently, lell! and broke hi3 arm neaT the elbow .- Bob. Irvine, Herman Sox, Chas. Simp son, Chas. Barr.es, Wm. Vance, and Otherr are stiflerers from the hiilnre or Allen PaiC' ker. A big cate has ocenrred at the ferry' landing at Peoria, obstructing the ferry--boat so that it has not rnn for some time.- There was a terrible amount of "buzz ing" on Wednesday, over the varebouse' failure. Mr. Quivey, of Corvaliis, came down on' Friday, remaining two or three days among: us. Billy Carter, Esq., of the Corvaliis Ga sette,- made ns a call Friday morning last, happy as a lark. II. C. Clement has the contract for paint ing the M. E. Church, and he will do it In1 a way up style. One horse-power is a pover that! vlll' raise 53,000 pounds one loot ih one minute.-. Any of our Webfoot gii'ls Can raise tWb feet a minute". Young Vermont, i's a dapple bay, 'sixteen' hands high, Weighs 1,300 pounds arid is Sis ' years old. He is one of the finest roadsters' iu Oregon. For foil particulars read tlie" advertisement in this fesiVe;-and tnen Call1 on Mr. Martm Luper, the o.Vner Of Ver , uiont. " Jock Morgan, an old Albaliy lioyi is now" running a dairy near Yakima City, W. T. By the first of May next Jock expectr to milk two hundred and fifty cows, and1 will turn out slathers of fine butter. See the Recorder's notice, and if jfritf own a dog go and pay the license.- Dbn'f throw oil' on the dog because of the doilarV, but pay up or get rid of the dog. And1 don't yon forget. Mr. Furry, of Bl.iin, Sox & Co., left US' the middle of the week tor Monticello whore he expects to hang up until July. We wish him a pleasant time while absentf from us. - Our friend Mr. A. J. Johnson leaves tot' his ranch in Lane county to-morrow or" Monday. AVe wish him continued pros-" ' perity and happiness in his old' home. Mr. Beldiug and Lon Royal have secured1 claims in, Klikitat valley, W.- IV where' they propose removing at- an early day. A saw mill at the falls in the Santiktn1 Canal would be a bandy place as well1 for" power as fbr logs. The fiiie timber1 on1 the' Santiam could be floated dow'n tlie' Canal1 to the mill, and, there need never be ahy". lack ot supply, nor any stoppage Of fiiie" mill, i " AVater-works is what we need' more thai anything else. Good, wholesome watef la demanded, and there is little or none In'f&e city, j The cause of nearly every case" - iliness in our city is traced directly to tlie bad' water. We want pure, liealthy water",- . and the sooner we get it the better' for" alt1 concerned. ' - - " Any fellow- who ever loved; and: lost tlie" object oil whjch.tiftjiad bestowed his love,- knows just how the author of this felt : "Site w-eighs about 200 pound,- , Her slices are number seven ; . Her eyes are bine, her mouth it l , . Like some of those in heaven. " 3 Her waist it measures fifty-four,-No arm can pass around her; And she is gentle,- kind and trti, But is engaged, contouud her." ' Dr. Kice delivered' a lecture 6n- liygiene at the Collegiate Institute last' Friday. W were not present but hear it Mgnl tpckesV of. , Dr. O. P. S.TPlummer leeturer at ther same place this afternoon, on She' suhjedf of galvanic electricity, explaining telegra phy by the aid' of appropriate apparatus Dr. Plummer will no doubt make the lec--ture Very entertaining, as he is mosil tlbr oughly posted on the subject in liandl- -A telegram from Ben. Odeneal on1 Wedi-' ncsilay, stated that he had purchased the" iurnitnre of the St. Charles Hotel of Mr Matthews, and would be here to-day, pay off' the demands against tlie house, and? open out on liis own hook. Bully tot Odeneal. We wish hlm evorysuoeess, am believe tbat In his hands, wlthareanabl rent, the St. Charles wUl fiourlsli. Jack Beicaw was arrested in PbrtSan on the 27th, charged with getting away with a $300 watch. Jack says lie took the watch from Hume, who was drunk, r safe keeping- We hope that after a t$ hearing Jack will come out all rigfeW ---v"-v;'A.,';.ij. sT