FINANCE AND COMMERCE Gold in New Yoik, 104 Legal tenders, 9."i0Cc. Silver coin, 04305. Wheat, fl buahel. Oats, 37aC 'jp busliel. Butter, 25 35c pound. Eggs 10c H docn. Chickens, f 2 oOS$3 00 H dozen. Beef on foot, 3c ; pork, do., 7c net. Bacon Sides, 13c; liams, 15c; shoulders, Sc. Dried apples, Cc; plums, 12c Liverpool wheat market. March 21: Av erage. 10s5d(810s6d;club, 10s 9dlls Id. Special Notices. J i st What You Wast. Mrs. J. Weed is agent tor Corn well's improved self-fitting ..lo - ai Mirtlnr tt ilnABCA 4V. ljk.l!na misses and chUdren-uba chart a nerfeet fit ia warmnlprl rrcru tinw. I Call or address Mrs. J. Weed, Albany, for further inibr mat ion. ' hoots, Boors lor the rainy season, both kip and guragerubber a fresh supply, very low, at the ready pay stoie in Shedd. Musical. Miss Nettie Piper, teacher ot Vocal and Instrumental music, has recent ly located in Albany, and prepared to give lessons In tlie above named brandies. Has " had several years experience in teaching, and can give the best of references. 4 The Richmond Banse is a great wood saver, and as it throws out less heat than ! any otlier good range or stove, it is way up tor Summer use. ; Breathing Miasm wit lion t Injnry. There is no exaggeration in the state ment that thousands of persons residing from one vear s end to another in fever ami ague regions on this Continent and else where, breathe air more or less impregnat ed with miasma, without incurring tlie dis ease, simply anu only because tncy are in the habit of using Ilostctter's Stomach Bit ters as a preventative. It has frequently happened, and tlie fact Iin3 been amply at tested by tlie parties themselves, that per sons surrounded on all sides by neighbors KuUerinsr the tortures of this shivering and burning plague, have enjoyed absolute im munity from it, thanks to the protection afforded nv tlie Bitters. A or is that stand ard anti-febrile cordial less efficacious in remedying than in preventing chills and lever, bilious remittents, and disorders ot a kindred true. Taken between the par oxysms, it sp-edily mitigates tlieir violence. and eventually prevents tlieir recurrence. Tliese facts, convincingly established by evidence, appeal with peculiar force to travelers and sojourners in malarious dis tricts. march CousliK find Colds. From Samrtel A. Walker, Esq., the well-known s Keul Kswate. Auctioneer 01 uosion. "Having experienced results of a satis factory cliaracter from the use ot WUtar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, i cases of severe colds, during the past two years, I liave lull faith in its renovating power. I was first induced to try this medicine by tlie stronsr recommendation of a friend, who was well-nirh cone with consumption, and wlmse relief from the use of it satisfied me I ot its great value in caes of colds and de cline, anu most cieariy ueiuunsuii n mj mind its erent value as a restorative, that only needs a fair trial to insure a grateful recognition from the public" Sold by all druggists. iporlnnt to nil Invalids. Blood. Iron In the Tlu Peruvian Svroo. a protected solu tion of the protoxide of iron, strikes at tlie mot. ot disease bv sunnlvinz the blood with its vital principle, or life element Iron. This Is the secret of the wonderful success nf this remedv in curing Dyspepsia. Liver fYuTinlnlnt. Dronsv. Chronic DiarrlKra, ltnik. TWrvous Affections. Chills and Fe- Ton. Humors. I-oss of Constitutional Via nr. Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Vpmnle Complaints and all diseases orig inating in a bad state ot the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. Sold by all druggists. march rtnLB. I will man (free) the recipe for 1reprin a. simple Vegetable ISulm Hint will re liiove Tan, Freckles, IMiuplCrf and Blotches, leaving the skin soft. cltr and bejinliiul : also instructions for producing a luxuriant prowl It t lmir on a lmld head orsinwH b face. Address Hen. Vandelf A Co., box 5121, 5ift5 ooster-.t.. New York. . ton43v TO COXSC HFTITE4. The adverllser.linv Inz been permanently eured of that dread dis ejw,Connn n simple remedy, ut anx ious to make known to his fellow snttvrers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will end a copy of the prescription used (free of cliarge), with tlie directions for preparing and twin the same, which they will find a wire cure for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, Parties wishing the prescription will please ad dress Kev. i A. Wilsok, I'M Fcnn St., Williams burg, X. Y. -(1hv9 . tonl3v Errors fT til .A gentleman who snf- rection for making tlie aim pie remedy iy wincn he wi eared. Sufferer w ishing to profit by tlie advertiser's experience can do WW u- dressing in perfect eonfldeect JOHW The People Want Proof. There Is no medicine prescribed toy physi cians, or sold by Iirugisrs, that, carries such evidence of Its sneoe and snperior virtue as Bow-Hee's Qkhmak Sykip lor severe Coughs, joltls settled on the brest, Consumption, or v disease of the Throat or Lowts. A proof ISJiWt fil?t to that any person afflicted, can cct Lmn Bottle for 1U cents and.try Its superior JStoli) baring the regular size at. 7i Seats? It taU lately been introduced in this Sntrv from c;nany, and its wonderful Three -doses wjil relk.y wj case. Try It. old by all oruxslsta. ; . - BJSM Btenaeniber This. Kow Is the tlmeof year for Pneomonte, tonfl disposition to nsnmptld ot Throat and Lbu Ptaeaaea. HnrtfV.K ,' B. , tvicr hi. been uod l thw "1""!, thenast two or thaoe years wittot a alogrjp irfna ufal(. ro to voar Irtucguit in UlU city TJ2fi "-LlftS?cvBH1hI tkm rioe- wilt relieve tne wntst cins lar sizo lttj ?S eenta. toteve Iints.s!: - A CABD. To all whoaro suftering from the errors and i nd iscret iona of yont b .nervous weak now, early decay, loss of iaBbo.x!. Ac., I will send a r that will tre ,' riiEJ OF Clf AlUiK. TUm Kreat remedy wa dlscerod ly a mlsstonnry in South America. -8d a self -drcS? VS pe to the Kkv. Joseph T. 1XAS, Motion D, .Weiiwtw. Jew i'M i.-BvSl. 3f mers-U liereby giwn that tlie assess ment roll of the assessable property in the city of Albany, tor the year 1877, is now complere, and tlie Common Council will sitfas a Board of Equalization on tlie 27th day of March. 1877, at 7 o'clock p. M., to qua!iise the assessment. All persons whose property lias been valued too high by Mie AsmiiHor, are notified to attend the sitting of the CkKincil on tlie date aforesaid aud make a statement of tlie facts. " I U. MONTAKTE, . March lfith, 1877. Becorder. :.... . . O ' Tie ntchmond Range never goes back tn the good housewife, but is perfect in every department of cookery. Sold only fry UcFarUud. . ... fered for years from Nervous uouiiuy, P1., turf Decay, and all theelfeets of yont hfnl Indis cretion will, for the sake of suffering lianmnlty, .n.4 hn niwl it. the reclne. and di Groceries and ALWAYS TO BE FOCSD AT WILLIAM VAN VACTOE'S, First Door West or S. E. Young!, First Street, Albany, Ogn. COieap for Casli. liLAIN, SOX fc OO., STORAGE AND' COMMISSION MERCHANTS At CiMit ar w.m-mn Kir.t- Amtmllf Will store drain aud General Albat, Oregon, Jan., 1877-13v W. H. McFARLAND, -DEALEBS SiOVES PUMPS AND HOSE; -MANUFACTUBES- Tin, Copper and AUKXT FOR T11K THE EEST IN ALBANY, Sfl tloor to the Kank. 1. F. SMITH & CO . , AGENTS WEBEBJ '. IM rBOXX STREJ3T, The Standard Organ Following is- a copy of a Western Union Francisco : ; I Pelonbet Pelton & Co., of Xew York, MEDAL of aw Aii u ior tue CELEBRAT'D STANDARD ORGAN P. V- PREMTICE, ACEnT. 123 First Street, Portland. Oregon, W n ,I,TXTT!T!B ATT! SrXTCall and oe Aim. . - WAbiatf tuns. we arc prepared to fnrnlaU all dassea with constant tsnnlov inent at home, the whole of the time, or for tlieir spare monienta. Business new, ll 'htand profllulito. Pcrsonsof either sex east lyearn from 60 cents to 5 per eyeiiing, anda proportional aam by otlni Uiir whole time to t bualneas. Boys and girls earnjnearlyaa mnelrasmon. That all who- see this jiotioo aoay send their addwws. and test bnstatesa we mathta anjparalleledofror: To such aa are Sotwell will send one dollar topay tSf the trouble ef writing, full partJculara, ample worth several dollars to oemmenee wo?E o, ZZi a cepy of lion. and Je, one of tlie largest and bestlllusti-ated Pablicatkjns, all sent froe by mnil. Keadcr, If yeu want per manent, proutable work, addresa, S bJifoJ &Ci., Portland, Maine. . nv9.J, Provisions! JVAttJZHO USE. Dfm(on O. & ' KailroadU Mcrcliandine ut Lowert Hates. IX- Sheetiron Ware ! CKLEBRATKU THE WOULD, OltEGON. deiifinll FOB THE PIAHO, PORTLAND, oaEGoi. Triumphant. -o- telegram received by Sherman & Hyde, San . New York. September 29. 1876. have receiveti DIPLOMA of HON OB aud IT? JTt ww . mm o ueaa IIMn VV Opktok of Aixtnm MAmBfAcrti1 a Co. VIRHT A1W O VAIUIILL ST.. Portl. l Oa,, January 23, 1877. Special IVotice. T7OR THE rNFORMATTOX AND JtEWEYTT A of oar cuMoanr, and to all persona dAMf inir te pnrcluuao our oeeenratett sewrns; wia chines, we respectfully notify tlrem- that the Haasrs. TITUS BROS, am ear agents far Alba tMl t.lnn conntv.and that tbev. or C. . TV'OLVKRTON, Bsq., are folly authorized te coUeot and settle oel standing aeoonnta tot as. .The singer jaanniaoiurinjr wimmny, Manager Oregon and W. T. nlSvfhnS RANGES, gyia oA ' Centaur Liniments Letter from a Postmaster. "Akxioch. Ilm-.. Dee. 1. 1874. "M? wife has. for a lone lime, Deen a rernoie snrt'ererfrom RhemnatiSm. She has tried many physiclansand many remedies. . The only tning I am reloteed to sav this 1ms cured her. lam W ItlCU nas K 1 veil iivr iviwi i vcniiur uiiiiiuDiii doing what lean to extend its sale. Tills Is a nnmnle of Tnnn v thonsnnd testimoni als received, of wonderful cures effected by the entanr Liimmcnt. i nc Tnreaienis ok inw mr tide arepoblished around each bottle. It con tains Witch Hazel, Mentha, Arnica, Rock Oil, Carbolic, and inarredieats hitherto little kaows It is an Indisputable fiet that tne tfentaor oint ment is nerfarmmir more enres of 8welllnars. Stiff Joints, Eruptions, Rhenmatism, Neuralgia .tica. uakea Krcasts. lock-taw. Ac. t nan the other Liniments. Embrocations. Extracts. saives, ointments ana piasters now ja viae. t or root nncne. Karacne. weak nuciicntna Cutaneous KrupUons, it is admirable. It cures burns and scalds without a scar. Extracts poi sons from bites and stings, and beals frost-bites and chillblains. In a short time. Mo family earn aiford to be without the Centaur Uuiment. white wrapper. The Centaar Uaiineat, Yellow Wrapper, is adapted to the tongh skin, muscles and flesh of the animal creation. Its effects upon aevete cases of Spavin, Sweeny, Wind tiall, Biff Head and Poll Evil, are little less than marveloBS. Messrs. J. McUlure iiruggists, corner ox Elm and Kront streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, say : m our neignDomooa a nnniDer oi leamstera are ufing tlie Uennnr umment. Tpey pro nounce it superior to anything tney nave ever nsed. We soil as high as four to five dozen bot ties per month to these teamsters. we nave tnousanusoi uniuar testimonials. For Wounds. Oalis. Scratches. Rlne-bone. Ac. and for Screw Worm in sheep it has no rival. Farmers, livery-men ana sioca-raisers, nave in till. Liniment a remedy which 19 worth a hun dred times its cost. - Laboratory ot B. JKose Co., .46 Dcy street, Sew York. PITCHER'S CASTORIA. Mothers mav have rest and their babies mav have health. If they will use Castoria tor Wind Colic, Worms, Fe verishness. Sore Month, Croirp, or Stomach Complaints. It ts entirely veie tuble preparation, and contains neither miner al, morphine, nor alcohol. It Is as pleasant to taice as noney, anu neitner gaga nor gnpes. lir. jk. ijimocii. oi inmonr.. o.. sayn: "I am nsinir Castoria in in v practice with the most siuwal beneflta and happy result.n 1 his is what every one savs : Most nurses in New York City te the Castoria. It isprepared by Messrs. J. B. Koe A Co., 4K Iey street. New l oric, successors to sainuci ntcner, n. v. V8 dC ti 400 Ir day at home. Samples worth tl P3 tU tylV free. Stixwom tt Co., Portland, Me. C! END 23c to G. P. ROWKLL A f XI.. New Turk O for Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing ,000 newspapers, anu esutnates snowing cost ot aa tl itear, for I wilt upcnk mi cxcUni SI !. BOS S'S EXTRACT -The Kreat VertmlW Pai DeatraTer. Has been in use over thirty years, and for cleanliness and prompt can tive Tirtnes cannot be excelled. CRIIBRER. ! faaiily can fford to be wThoot Paad's Kx tract. Accidents, Braiaea. Coatasteas, Cats, Spralas, are relicred almost Instantly by external application. Promptly relieves pains or Barns, Scalds, Exeerlarlaas, Chafing, Old Bares, Bails, Felaas, Corn, etc Arrests in- fl ivmation, reduce swelUngs, stops bleedioK, teniowes dlscoloratlons and heals raoidly. flMALE WEAKII E88S. It alwayT rlhs pate in toe bftck and otns.fannas and nrrwiiliic pala ' in the hend. niiiuiAav. Mrtion IB U960SRHCA U has do eqaaL All kind of ak , caraxiaaa to which ladies are sobjset are 1 panylng each bottle. jwuuiuuj curea. nuieraeiausin Dooxaocom PlltS Win or bieediaa- meet prompt reBef . aoa reaaycare. no case, aowerer colonic or w il???! ,,on? '?,i8t ito regular ase. TAB C0E VEIH8. It i the only sars cute for djgrmaaad daagerona condition. DSRET eiSEASES.-It has no equal for prrma- nent care. tUlCIIIB from any cause. For this Is a m9e- IthaSBaTedhanaredsof mreswheaau other remedies failed to arrest bleeding front HBEURIAIiein, tUKALMlA. T carae are au auxa reiie ' reiieved,aad often per manently eared. P8TSIC1AR of aU schools who are acquainted . with Fnd' Extract mf Wltefc Ilamcl rflo- ommenaitut vneir practice- We have tetters of commendation from fanndredaof Pbrsidaas, many of whom order it tor use In their awn i practice. In addition to the foregoing, they order its use for Mwelliaan of all TUads. (alnsy, for Taraat, Intiaaaed Teswlls (for whlco it la a upeciflr,) Chilblaiav, K ZT Aaaeeta, Maoaita. i etc, Ckaifei Baadt, 1mcm, and indeed all manner of skin diseases. TfiLET CSE. Removes 8rewesa IUula-M. ! ""I "",r,, heals Cats, ErapMaaay and" Pisaples. It Tertoa, invioorttltm. and r- Jrohm, wbilsr wonderfi riauy improvlD' improvuie the t m.lexlan- TB FARmUS. -Pid8 Extract. No Utock . jDraeuer,uot iU It is used UverrMan can afiord to be without i Dy nil the Leading- Livery Stables, Street Railroads and first Horsemen in New York City. It has noaqnai for ftpraJiws liar, eaa or Saadla - ChUhvCalaasstc. Its range of (IoirhTWkls and the relief ft afford Is so prompt that tt ie xnTaiuaow in every .Farm-yard as weir as m veryFara-lioesB. Let it be tried once, and . rtt.i I"' DO WlUKMlt it. i . . EAST I Q I. Paod'a Km k..Y hnHatai The pennine article has thn words Peaa'a Ex Jraet Mown in each botui. It m prepared by h aaly Beraeas llrlsur who ever knew how ; aonreparstt properly. Kefnee all otbsrotw- iwaiiiwa wnca liaaei. This is tne oniy artitensadby PhysicJana, and itoa aoapfc- 1!SThT Aii mm t eaka'S CXTiACT. mjpamnhijrt form, sent fms on application to Lane, HSL AX1, FOR SALE I Z.OTO X IiOTSl SCITABLE FOB DwclKiiirs or Easiness Houses, SITVATED in tnw toostaess part of t ho city two lots, in block No, 9, la the city of Alba- iv, n0Oiv, on the earner of f erry ana water M reetSr near the City Mills, stenjnooa lancing and aiCK. K. Sixeoflots: lOO fct mm FerrT esree 1S3 faesoat Water street, - with bolldinrs thereon. ' . inqmrs on tne promise" .i THOS. J. SAVrOBl. Albany. Or Jan. 28, 1877-18 yg FOB SALEI AVERT TERISABTB bnaiaess lot 8i TOO feet on the corner of Second ad Washinetow streets, Albany. Also, Engine, Boiler and Ma chinery, together with a tot of fnraltare, lad oers, w neeioarrows, narrows, so., c, an to oa sold off cheap for earh, in consertuenee of re moval on account oi sicanesn. CiiTqtnre on tne premises of rniji LO. Albany, Jan. 19, 187T-nl7 OFF ICIAL CITY PAPER. ALBANY, OKEGOX, MARCH 23, 1877. LINUT COUNTY TEACHERS IN STITUTE Will be held in Albany, oa the 3d, 4th and 5tl of April, 1877. PBoeunE. TUESDAY AFTERNOON SESSION, j Devotional exercises. Calling to order and statement of pro gramme by Comity Soperintendeut. Election ot officers. Geography Mrs. W. F. Thompson, Albany. Declamation D. A. Kirkpatrick. ' Mnsic. ','"' EYEKIKG SESSION. T Music Address of Welcome Prof. L.J.Pow ell, ot Albany Collegiate Institute. Response E. B. McElroy, County1 Su perintendent. Benton county. i ' Lecture Rev. Dr. S. G. Irvine, Albany. Music. i WEDNESDAY. ! - Boll call. i Devotional exercises. - . ! s Penmanship F. H. BefcV Albany.! Orthography C. I Sliaw, Albany. Budiuients of Arithmetic F. M. Wit ten. , Recitation. : Mnsic. - ! -- AFTERNOON 8ESSION. Music. "..,'. Alorebra w: B- Privett Sclo. - Mode and tense Prof. W. B. Bisliop, Brownsville. ' " -f Mental arithmetic W. F Tbetnpeon, Albany. Ijipcrtsstort. . . . , Becitation. , ,! Music. 1 ; ' EVENING SESSION. I Magics . f " Lectore J. C Bolan, Superinteudent Lane comity. ! 8saT Mrs. Audie Mansneui, AiDany The teacher's duties to his profess ion P. A. Moses, Lebanon. ; Music. . . ' ' I THURSDAY MORNING SESSION. Devotional exercises. i Pereentase and interest D. V.S. Re id, Albany. ! Methods of teaching trrammar IS. A. Cathey, Principal North Brownsville Pub lic behoof. Physiology. . Music. AFTERNOON SESSION. ! Music. i Tlie subject of recitation E. A. Blilner, Principal Corvallts Public School. Ural anu object teacning c. U. lscan. Harrisbrrrff. liiscnssion introciaeed ny J . r. tiiiDerc, Principal of Albany Pnblic Sebool. music . EYENING SESSION. Music. Essay Mrs. M. J. Train, Harrisbwrff. Becitatiot Miss Maggie Foster, Albany, Lecture Prof. Trios. Condon, Engene. Music COMMITTEES. Music Miss Piper, Miss Gilbert and Mr. Gaston. Arrangements Messrs. L. N. Liggett, r . at. xteta ana v . jr. i nontpson. Executive L. - Bilyea, J. 1- Gilbert, Mrs. Audie Mausnekl and IS. A. Catltey AN IMPORTANT ENTERPRISE. EniTOn Begister : The attention of the community is lie re by called to the con templated enterprise of putting freight boats ou the Santiam Ditcli, whieli will be uudei taken by Mr. B. M. -Kent, provided a contract can be effected with tlie owners of the Ditch on reasonable terms ; and we hope they will be liberal . In allowing freight to pass over tlie Ditch at the lowest possible rates, until eneb enterprise be comes thoroughly established. . When this is done, tlie tedious process of hauling lumber, grain, and other produce, can be obviated. Tbe best quality of lum ber can be had at tbe mill of Messrs. Sct- tlemeir & Dawson, and hauling a distance of 4 miles will bring It to the planing mill of Mr. S. A. Xickerson, where it can be prepared for building, and from there be placed on the boats with one handling, then elide smoothly down to the terminus of the Ditcli, and from this point to many parts of town, it will cost the builder no more than to haul from tbe Albany mills, besides having lumber of the best quality the country affords. Bough lumber and cord-wood can be furnished to the farmers in the vicinity of the Ditch, as well as to the citizens of Albany, much clieaper by Ditch transportation. To farmers the question- of haalmg gram is-the most im portant. We suggest that a small investment In lumber will build a platform and shade It over, on tiie bank of the Ditch, sufficient at least to hold the grain of one harvest company, at a cost of not more than f 15-or $20, and the lumber not be injured for fencing or other purposes. And can we not make arrange menu with persons de siring to store grain, to receive our crops on the bank ot the Ditch; cleaned and sacked (if they want it so) ready 'for ship ping t Or, if we store, with the mills, one handling will place the . grain ou-the ears from tbe boat, and will this cost the receiv er more than to receive grain at Shedd or Tangent Station, which they do, if I am not mistaken, without cest to the pro ducer r ' ,ty. " Now what we want is to hear from the man that will do this in case the boats are put In. Who comes first to the front Mr. Kent proposes to put fn two boats. constructed ou tlie . flat-boat principle coupled together, tlie capacity of which is thought to be sufficient to carry one thous and bushels of wheat, or that weight of lumber. We can assure tlie proprietors of the Ditch, and ail others Interested, that Mr. Kent is an honest thorough going bus iness man, and can be relied on with cer tainty to fulfill his contracts, and thtt ex perience gained while boating for the kras Bro's., during tbe past two years, ful ly qualifies Imn tor the undertaking of this important enter prise. ? : J. M. MARKS. Spkikg STOCa?! Have began to arrive in the store of Wheeler at Shedd. . TJe pro poses to maintain bis position as the keeper of the most complete country store tn the county, and will continue to furnish the best goods the market affords at the lowest Jivlnz rates. Cash p&kl for ftll tkidi of utercbantable produce. - ' : Handsome Monument. Messrs. Mor gan & Stalger, a their marble yard on Broadalbin street in this city, Iulto been turninr out sorae ot tlie bandomest work in their line we bare ever aeen on tb coast. : ? A. visit te their establishment will convince anyone capable of appreciating beantiftrf work In marble, both ia deslga and execution, that, no matter how rich and costly the monument or obelisk we may wish to erect : to the memory of the departed loved Ones, Messrs. Morgan & Stalger can execute the order as neatly ami at as low a figure as elsewhere. , At re cent visit to their place we particularly no ticed a very handsome and elegant monu ment, just completed, to be erected in memory of the late Walter Monteith, Esq' whieli we will here attempt to describe : The lower enb-bise ot the monument is two feet eight inches square; on this sit another granite base, two feet square and one foot six inches high, upon which rests the monument, .which is of Italian marble. The lower base of tlie monument or mar ble column is hambotneTy molded, and tlie family name, Monteith, is ricgimtly and artistically carved on, ' In raised letters. Tlie cutting of these letters is a work ed no little labor and skill, requiring several days of close application to complete. Then comes an arched die with an octagon molding eat on top, alter which comes a beautifully finUlied octagon column rising several feet, gradually tanerius towards the top, on which sKa a heavily molded cap, the whole crowned with an uni, on which i carved, with the most exqnislto taste aud skill, a cluster of roses, with a ribbon twining among them, as it were a wreath tied on to the urn. A more ele gant and tasteful tribute to modest worth, executed in marble, iias never been erected h our cemetery; and the elegant sim plicity which marks tlie work throngliout, shows tlie possession of a high order of ar tistic excellence by Mr. Gus. Stalger, nnder whose hand the pliant marble assumed shape aud Jbcanty. U. P. S. S. Exercises Next Sabbath. Following is the programme for tlie quarterly review next Sabbath at the U. P. Sabbath School: , L, Scripture reading and prayer. 2, Review of titles and golden texts, by Superintendent. .... 3, Geographical review, by S. G. Irvine, D.D. .-' ... 4, Beview of tlie life and character of Aliah, by Miss Libbie llalbrook. 5, Beview ot the life and character of Elijah, by Mrs. Mary M. Blain. . 6, Beview of the life and character of Jezebel, by C Uaffenden. . 7, Beview of (lie teachings of the past quarter, by Miss Maria Irvine and Mrs. C. J. Stewart. Good mnsie interspersed throngfa the ex ercises. All are Invited te attend, . . SORGni'M. On Tuesday Dr. Geo. W. Gray walked Mite our office with a pitcher of sorghum molasses which he presented to us. The Dr. had just received a keg of the syrup from ' Mr. Thos. MeQnffetan, a relative, who resides in" Morning Snn, Preble county,. OuIdT end tSrougiit ib mim to test its quality. It is very thick, resero Wlng sugarhouse molasses of the olden time, but mnch darker in color ami entirely different in taste. It is the best quality of this kind of syrup we have seeu, and to our taste is much better than the Saa Francisco syrnp. Mr. McQuistan seems to understand tlie business of manufacturing the syrup to a ty-t,and we judge has a good thing lu its manufacture and sale. , A Haniisomk Presekt. Last week Mrs. Margaret A. Mouteiih, oi thU city, presented, to the U. P. Sabbath School a hondsomlty embroidered frame containing the Lord's Prayer, tlie work of her own hands. Upon its presentation to the school tlie following preamble and - resolutions were adopted: . Whereas. Mrs. Margaret A. Monteith ha generously presented to to this Sabbath School the Ixird's Prayer, beautifully em broidered, the work of tier, own baude, therefore, -.- Resolved, That tlie present be ST te fatly received, and tlie thanks of the officers and pupils of the Sabbath School be tendered to t he donor. 4 Resolved. That the "Lord Prayer" thus presented and appropriately iramedV be hung upon the walls of tlie chwrch fit run view or tne school Moke. lMPBOVESiEKTs.--M'es8rs. Settle nieir & Dawson, at thctr mill above Leba non, are putting in a race to convey water to a turbimg wheel, which Is intended to supply the necessary power to rtm their new planer. In a few days they expect to have everything complete, wlien they will be able to fill ail bills for rustle, siding and finishing lumber generally. . They will soon have In the neighborhood of a million feet of logs on laand wfieh"the will saw Hfliito lumber fn short- -order with- their splendid new mill. Send orders to Settie- irrelr S Dawson, Ibarion. t - - BEiJCiors-Tbe series of revival meet ings held at , the Gingle's : school-liouBf, abont fire nrflea from this city in Benton county, under charge of Bey J. Bowersox, of this city," assisted by Bev. Mr. Croaaman, of Corvallls, came to a close oa Saturday Isst, on whieli occasion nineteen persons were baptised. It was a eraad and glori ous meeting, and hi answer to the prayers of his servants God poured out his Spirit upon the people, resulting tn many conver sions, forty-one of whom united with the, Evangelical Church. AH honor and tuny je3ty and praise and glory ba to God, ear Savior, who givetb the victory. s Ocb Best Bow. Since the last issne of the Begistkb, one of our oldest attscribers and truest iriends, Mr. John AV. Gay pre sented i with several tolls f Hen, sweet, yellow butter sach butter as only an ex perienced, earefak patiMtaking howsewife can make. '. We return bur' best thanks for the kindness to us which dictated 8ie pres ent. We are fortunate Indeed In having so many tried, and true friends among thia people, aod our aim is to contluue te de serve the confidence and frteudahlp of all. - LEBANON COXBBSPONDXNCX. The hum of the bee, the song of tho tarda cud the chirp of the frog all Indicate that "beautiful Spring" b open in. 'Gathering' wild flowers, coltfvailnjj flower gardens, planting and pruning shmbbery is the chief order of the day In and about town, end "be who by the plow would thrive" Is on doty In the eeautry. - Mr. W. S. Elkins has pun-hased the beautiful and commodious residence and grounds of Mr. J: W. Frotik, adjacent to the new Presbyterian cTiurcIt, aud wQI take possession of the same this week, while Mr. Fronk goes from enr midet to feUfltrm In Sweet Home valley. McCalley & Andrews is the name ot the new firm in general merchandise that wC3 occupy the Odd Fellows bnilding fn a few days. Everybody knows Me and Dave, and if they don't they have oniy te call ground In about ten days and get ae qnalnted. . Travel will begin fit a few days on the Lebanon road across the mountains to ear sister colony on the eastern slope then will fnr merchants and hotel men be hap py. The - stores here are well snpplled with bacon, beans, etc., especially the lat ter, and our. hotels are amply provided with accommodations, so come right along. gentlemen.' ' The damsel we observed leaning on the gate-post last week Ins not been seen at her pott since, and as tliere is no dealer fa wigs tn our town, we refrain from giving even Initials, although frequently Interro gated, fearing that we may learn te er sorrow "wlwt's In a name. Orrr respected fl-llow eltisen, Jacob Strycker, who by some hook or crook was indicted by the last grand jury on a charge of perjury, was held to bail In the sum of $100, and nearly all of the citizens of the town tried to get on his bonds, but it waa decided to only admit about sixteen. ', The members and friends of the C. P. Clinrcb of this place will give a Sunday School concert on Friday evening, Marti 30th, for the purpose of raising money te purchase a library for the Srmday School. Addresses will be delivered by Mr. C VT. Cuslck and others. Good music will le furnished by competent musicams oa the new and elegant clrarch organ recently purchased. Tlie exercises wiTI be beta pleasing aud Instructive, and a pleeaknS time Is anticipated. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Admittance only 23c Camilla Ubso. The concert given by Camilla Urso and her concert company at the Opera House, on Tuesday evening, wis attended by a large and appreciative snail ence. The little lady was assisted by Miaa Ivy Wandestbrde and Messrs. Pflswgerr ' YarndTey and Seares, the great pianist. Madame Urso handled her vlolloa fa aac2 'a manner as to captivate her audience, and the only dissatisfaction we heard was that ' the little lady was so charry of her nree- ence, as she showed herself bat three time during the evening. The concert was eerjr . , short, but as all tbe performers were stars ft was way up, yon better guess. Bat don't Ur-eo get away with all of 'eaa eat tne vtoim J . ; "". - - Suffrage. The Womera toffrage As sociation will meet on Statnrday (to-morrow). March 24th, at ? o'clock T. at, at the residence of Mrs. Si. J. Foster, fof thepnr pose of electing officers for the ensuing : year, and attending to otlier business. Let there be a good turnout.' A Stabbiko Affkat. In an alternation late Saturday afternoon, between WRIfam Igo and John Petty, at Merrick's Mloon, Igo subbed Petty fn several places about tlie neck and shoulder. Dr. O. P. 8. PJummer gave Petty the necessary atten tion, and he wRI probably be about agate tn a lew days. : Kstrated IJewahr. Strayed froai tlie snbscrlber tn Albnnv, a & year old cow, ' dark brown fa color with mottled face ; no brands or marks ; had a short rope around1 horns when last seen. Any one leavtag Information at this office or with the an- dersfened, so that the cow my be obtain ed, will be suitably rewarded. AuTREn Wheelek. XOT3CK OF TKACnF-RS EXAXnXATtO!l A public examination of teachers for Lion count will be held at the County Soperfa tendent's office, fn Albany, on Friday. March 30, 1877. L. BlLTSX, Cev Copt. ISajos Warn Is located one door west of Fox Bro-.'s, First street, Albany; where he is prepared to do aR work in his Hue,, such as repairing watches, clocks, and jew elry. . Also, engraves doer-plates, silver ware, &c. , Ffve Mm s cay. . . ' 3Tew Cashmeres, Empress cloths, Bepa, mat other drees goods on the eoMHtei, at Wheeler's In Shedd. Goods as good as the best ; prices as low as the lowest. Fbitat Afteksoow At tho qsuaI hoarf the LdfesT Social meets at tbe resiJgac of, Mrs. Piper. A full attendance Ura- qiestedl ' j -'' -': ' ' ' ' ; This fa found tn tlie Johnstown Tr fount I Hayes, ernstketTte earth, has again mxbmm The Fresfdential ehair ia hirtu. While Tilden. woemded. wrfirxIlM maxfrr. And dies beonsne ke Mart Ks4 BnaiMy. Cixyrnrus. Anotlier new lot of elotMisj embracing every variety, size, shape and price, at L-B. Blaln'a. Dr. E. K-Geary, of Eugene, vfsitetSejar city on Monday. . He watleekmgfa rpleo. did health. '! One of the tandsonseet young ladies te this city purchased a weddlns dress obxobj- day. Somebody ts to be made happy. Taa Taetor fa always wide awake and therefore has a big nm of custom. Hi stock of trocertcs is always full and tresfe. Fresh bacon, crockery , : etc.. groceries, lamps. etc., at the Bea-Hivw Store. .('.'" --'i The WilUroette has &Hen and is now within lu banks. sooawtfij.