The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 09, 1877, Image 4

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'" ami First Streets.
iin,unVHir , u
One copy, six months J jn
lodnlisof twenty, each copy..... .!!"" 00
ainjrle copies.. Ten cents. outsmo or Linn uonuty will bo
harmed 2 com extra-2 70 for the year-as
Hint Is the auionnt of pontage r.-r ,..,,
iJ'i?Vi 7 aro retluil'ed to ly on each paper
Agents for the Rejrister.
'ksfonowlnsc named ?rentlenion are author
ised to receive and receipt for subscriptions
... ......... r.i in me lucuiitics mentioned :
Meswrs. Kirk A Hume lirownsvllle.
.ronerii.tas Crawfordsville.
. i. inii ii.. ...... . ...
O. V. Toinokins.. V
R. H. Clamrhton
A. Wheeler & Co
Mewrs. Smith & Brusfleld.. .
J. U. Irvine..
....Junction City,
Ihos. II. Kuynolds.
. .ScH,
Vlmt's tlic use of alwny frPtting,
At the trials we shall find
Ever strewn along our pathway ?
Travel on and "never niiud."
Travel onward; working, hoping.
Cast no lingering glance behind
At the trials one encountered.
.Look ahead, and "never mind."
"What is passed, is past forever; all fretting be resigned;
It will never help the matter
Do your best and "never mind."
And if tho-c who might befriend you,
Whom the ties of nature bind,
Should refuse to do their duty,
I,ook to Heaven, and "nevermind."
Friendly words are often spoken
When the feelings are unkind ;
Take them for their real value,
l'ass them by and "never mind."
Fate may threaten, clouds may lower,
Enemies may be combined ;
If your trust in God is steadfast,
lie will help you, "never mind."
Very many persons overestimate the
value of frnit as food. To tell the plait
truth, they are not much in that way,
and therefore they should be considered
more in the light of a luxury. You
could not live long on fruit alone. Ev
cry bad boy knows this. He well re
members how soon hunger returns after
lie has enjoyed the freedom of some
neighbor's orchard unknown to the pro
prietor. The indulgence fills him, but
it doesn't satisfy him, simply for the
reason that the fruit taken does not con
lain the requisite food elements lor bis
Dr. Frcseuius has lately been analyz
ing various fruits, with a view to ascer
taining their relative value as food. In
his list he puts cherries, as exhibiting
the lowest relative yalue, at 117; ap
ples, 192; grapes, .120; blackberries,
196; gooseberries, 227; apricots, 220;
plumbs, 200; strawberries, 161; pears,
385; raspberries, 183; peaches, 510; and
white de&seit apples, 254. According
to this, he says it would take very near.
ly five pounds of pears to yield as much
albumen (real food) as is contained in a
single hen's egg. 1 rot. V oit, ot JMu
nich. says a man in ordinary work re
quires every twenty-four hours for his
nutrition as much albumen as is con
tained in eighteen eggs ; so that, if it
were required to give him the necessary
amount in the form of pears, no less
than seventy-five pounds of them per
diem, must be eaten.
Notwithstanding these startling dis
closures, and is an authority upon such
matters, the value ot lruits as an article
ot diet is not to bo despised. Not only
is it most easily digested in itself, but
by reason ot the acids which all its va
rietics contain (thoiirh often limes 60
disguised by sugary matter as to be im
perceptible to the taste) it aids in the
digestion of other substances which are
no less amenable to the action of an
ordinary stomach. lut those persons
"who intend to become vegetarian es
pecially it they have a failing for pears,
and expect to grow tat on them should
be sure their stomach capacity is sum
cientlv large before they entirely tor-
swear the use ot fish, flesh and fowl.
While the acids alluded to are good
in some cases, they are in many instan
ces the worst faults that fruits have.
Few persons with weak stomachs can
stand them, which explains why sick
headache prevails to such an extent in
fruit-time. Very many persons sutler
severe attacks ot sick headache from
eating trails. Ot these, tomatoes are
most to be dreaded, appler come next,
oranges next, and peaches next. The
Scnppernong grape is generally consid
ered very unwholesome, but our obser
vation teaches us that it is less likely to
bring on sick headache than most other
acid fruits.
. i i
About six months ago a young man
in Rock Island voluntarily escorted an
old woman with only one eye and no
teeth, home from a church sociable.
Last week she kindly died and left him
84.000. And now the old women of
I took Island are fairly besieged with
beaux, and the prettiest girl in town
bas to walk home alone every time, it
there ia au old lady in the congregation.
An old negro man irom Ilenrico
County was approached on the street
by one of his own race with the question
bow he had voted at the recent presi
dential election. "Well, I tell you
what 'tis; I ain't voted yet, and I ain't
nwiue to vote till I see who ia 'lected."
When the case of the northwestern
railroad was heard before Justice Davis
hn nronounoed Mr. Tilden as feeing a
trickster and a fraud.
Rev. Zlmrl Dobbs, A. M-, in the Independent.
Recently a stranger, an elderly man
of crave and orthodox appearance.
called on me and requested an inter
view. As soon as he had taken his
seat he began to shed tears. I set a pan
for him to weep into, and awaited an
"Pray unburden your mind," said I.
"Speaking may relieve you."
At last he said :
"I can not express my tears when I
think of the sainted Stubbins. Sir, for
nearly halt a century we sat under his
ministry. Melhinks I see him now
with his white locks, his white necker
chief, and his benignant spectacles.
And he preached the Gospel preached
the whole ot it in every sermon. It a
body chanced to drop off, he knew that
he had lost nothing that he had heard
it all the Sunday before, and would
hear it all the next Sunday. lie had
no new-fansled notions. When he
heard people talk about education, and
bunday Schools, and abolition, and pun-
anthropy, and temperance, he always
said : 'The Gospel is good enough for
me.' lie avoided giving any offense,
He hadn't an enemy in the place. How
often I have heard, as I was passing by
a saloon : 'Such a good man Parson
Stubbins is! lie never interferes with
a body. Here's his health.' And once,
when we save him a donation to make
up his salary, the saloon keepers sent in
quite a little sum; and Col. Bulldoze,
ot Alabama, who was looking up
fugitive (you know this was in the good
old times), begged permission to add a
trifle. He said : 'I could sit under
that man's preaching forever. Oh ! if
all the preachers would pattern after
"All these things helped about the
salary. Rut it wasn't salary that he
cared for. I suppose I have heard him
say fifty times : 'I am not a hireling,
greedy ot filthy lucre. It is souls that
I preach tor. And when the quarter
came around, if the salary wasn't col
lected ho never made a tuss. You see
he owned a farm a little out ot town,
that used to be worked on shares, till it
was cut np into house lots.
"Wo l -kVrtil 1 tint Knno ncn li A tintrni"
talked about money. 'Salvation's free,'
he used to say. He never let an agent
come into the pulpit. 'If you want to
give to any of these notions, why, do
so, brethren,' he would say. 1 don't
hinder you.'
uIn those days the young people knew
their place. It they came to the prayer
meeting, which they didn't often, they
sat in the tar comer and held their
tongues, not meddling with the singing
or praying. Deacon Fossil pitched the
tune, and 1 always made the first prayer.
No one ever spoke or prayed out of his
Here he paused.
I said : "Then I gather from what
you say that this venerable man is no
longer spared to you t
"No, sir; he is no more. or up
ward of 25 years he never preached a
sermon but what he said ; 'Bruthren,
I'm a-winding up my ministry ! Here
be always took out his red pocket hand
kerchief. In a few days I shall be laid
away iu the cold and silent grave.'
And by this time everybody, especially
the females, were in tears. Well, sir,
he died; and we buried him iu a neat
pine coffin, nicely stained like black
walnnt. V e took oil the plate before
the coffin was let down, and the under
taker allowed us for that.
"In course of time (how it was, I
can't say; whether it was Providence
or not), somehow we got a young man,
and oh, dear ! you wouldn't know the
place. He has brought in such a lot of
eople poor f olks,some of them factory
people; some of them smell a if they
came out ot poor, close houses. And I
really believe that he tries to preach so
as to draw them
"At the prayer meetings, why, when
I go to my place, like as not it is hard
work to get a seat. And so presuming
as the young icoplo have become!
J ust as Deacon Fossil is clearing his
throat, they start off with some jig tune;
and they all ioin in a3 if they would
take the root off. When I make my
prayer, there are two or three of them
on their feet, and I have hard work to
get in a word. But when a man got
np (a man that wasn't worth a cent ;
man that I had seen in the gutter !) and
began to tell (in bad grammar, too,)
what (he said) the Lord had done for
him, it was too much. Such sacrilege,
right in the house of the Lord !
"And then as to preaching the gos
pel! Why, whoever heard such things
He talks about saloOii-keeping, and
cheating, and fraudulent bankruptcy
and stock gambling, defalcation m bust
ness, and in office, and wine drinking.
I should like to know, sir, it this is the
gospel ? And he has driven away the
very people that made up the parish for
ih at good man ; and we lose all that
thev used to give on the salary.
"And he don't say (as that dear man
used to): 'salary is nothing to me
Pay me what you please, brethren,
preach tor souls.' No; he wants
good deal larger salary than he used to
have, and he wants it right on the day
aud he talks in a way that hurts our
feelings, it it isn't on hand. Is that the
meekness of the Gospel ?
"And he isn't satisfied with the meet
ing house the 'venerable edifice,' as
we have said in all our prayers for ever
so many years. lie says he wants ac
commodation tor the Sunday School
and the young people, and the socials,
and the infant class, and one thins; and
another, lie said that the room under
the meeting house where the Sunday
School was held was a cellar, and as for
the meeting house, he said it was an old
box. Think of it, 6ir I The house
where the now sainted Stubbins "
A pause, another turn at the pail
ana then ce proceeded :
"That was the last drop, the last
straw. A crisis bad come. ; 1 went
with Deacon Pinchpenny (good man
who never wasted cent m his life, and
never jet a tenant or a debtor run over
a day) to expostulate with the pastor.
Pastor, we have called to talk about
the condition of Zion, and especially
about the proposed changes.' 'Glad to
see you,' said ho briskly. 'Really, I
am in hopes that the change will double
the size of the Sunday School, and make
room tor several large Bible classes and
a sewing school for poor children, and
then we shall have room for our social
meeting, and besides ' Here the Dea
con struck in. 'Pastor, all these things
will cost money.' 'True,' said the pas
tor. 'I am so glad that you have been
thinking of it. Why not begin a sub
scription right away ? Deacon, you are
a wealthy man. You are just the one
to head the paper.' It was really af
fecting to see the deacon. He turned
pale ; tears stood in his eyes, he lost the
power ot utterance.
"So I took it up. 'Pastor, things
arc not as they were in the days of the
sainted Stubbins.' JN o," said he, cheer
fully, '1 am happy to believe they are
not.' I looked at him with wonder.
lie went on: liow many were con
verted iu the 45 years of Mr. Stubbins'
labors ?' I eouldirt answer. So he said:
'A hu.idred and forty-nine. And how
many m the past hve years r i I was
silent. Aud he said : 'Four hundred
and seventy-five.'
"By this time Deacon Pinch penny
had found his voice: 'Pastor, ; we feel
that we are paying a yery large salary.'
'I have no doubt you feel so,' said the
pastor. 'It is almost as much as a first
class clerk would get in a wholesale
house. 'We paid the sainted Stubbins,'
said the deacon, far less than 'Dea
con,' the pastor broke in, 'how much
were the pew rents in the time of Mr,
Stubbins?' 'Eleven hundred dollars.'
And now. said the pastor, 'they are
six thousand dollars.' And how much
was raised each year for all benevolent
objects in Mr. Stubbins' time?'.; 'From
seventy-five to a hundred dollars,' said
the deacon: 'And now thirty-five hun
dred dollars.' said the pastor.
"Here again I interposed : 'Pastor,
feel very sorry that Squire Cent-per
cent has quit coming to meeting.
Yes ' said he, 'I am sorrv. I was in
hopes he would be converted. But
eally think it is at work." 'Converted,'
said I. 'Why he's been a member of
the church for years.' The pastor only
smiled. 'And then he has given u
his pew.' said I. 'Well I believe there
are a dozen families ready to take it,1
said he. 'We shall quite feel the loss
of Judce'IIizhflier,' said I. 'He was of
no use to us. Brother Peter Spinner,
the weaver, is worth a hundred of him
in the prayer-meeting, in the Sunday
School and in labor for souls. Indeed,
never heard ot anything that the
fudge did, except to look respectable
and to chill his neighbors.'
'I got up. 'Deacon,' said I, 'perhaps
we had better be going. 'Pray come
again, brethren said the pastor. 'I
ovc to talk over the interests of Zion.'
Just as we were going out he said :
You are true Trinitarians, brethren.
You worship the Lord (I hope), and
the meeting house and the sainted Stub
bins.'" There were other details, yet more
harrowing, which I have not now time
to record; hut I wish to invoko the sym
pathy of vour million readers lor my
afflicted visitor.
A correspondent of the Corvallis Ga
zette whose name is withheld from the
public through modesty, but whose com
petency is vouched for by the Gazette
and is attested by the intelligent way
in which he takes hold of a practical
subject, after stating the facts to show
how great benefits would be derived by
the people ot Benton and adjoining
counties from the building ot a lailway
from Corvallis to Yaqnina Bay, presents
the following detailed estimate of the
cost of a narrow cause road on that
line per mile in round numbers :
Earth work, $4,441: tics, $Gf0
bridging, 1,000; Iron (suitable), 1,900.
Total 8,000. In these estimates ample
allowance is made for incidental expen
ses during construction, and to procure
sufficient rolling stock to operate with,
uti tins amount the road can be put
in complete running order. U lien why
not ? Let the community answer. We
are ready to put in our mite, and if all
will do likewise (i. e. as they are able)
wo can before another harvest rolls
aronud, hear the rattle of the train
through the mountain passes between
this place and our natural ocean outlet
the Yaquina Bay.
vuennacn iias written an udder op
era entitled The Milk Can. Exchange.
What kine of opera is that, any whey ?
I Uil ot blood-curdling scenes no doubt,
Norristown Herald. What kind of
opera is it? Maybe its opera beouf,
Look cow easy it is to make these in
famous puns. Philadelphia Bulletin:
The Bulletin ox the efforts of predeces
sors sky high. Burlington Ilawkeye,
Timothy Dwight, the fathei of Presi,
dent IJwight, of Yale College, is six
feet four inches high. IPs wife, who
is the daughter of Jonathan Edwards
was so sman mat fie sometimes carried
her around the room on his open palm
held at arm's length. On one occasion
he seized a cart drawn by a yoke ot
oxen and stopped it.
General Winfield Scott offered him
self to Miss Maria Mayo, of Richmond
Virginia, when he was a 'captain, and
was promptly refused. He repeated the
offer when a major, and was again dis
missed. When he became a general the
fair lady yielded, declaring that she fully
appreciated the difference between Lap
taiu Scott and General Scott.
Tlie Queen of Madagascar has issued
a forcible proclamation on total absti
nence, prohibiting the sale of mm, "be
cause the rum does harm to your per
sons, spends your possessions in vain
harms your wives and children, makes
foolish the wise, makes more foolish the
Who Marrlert Mary Knox A Bride With
out n iiiisUHua.
Real-life hints of plots for sensational
dramas must be looked for in the
country and not in the city. I hat a
girl should sit down with her brother
and plot to go to the minister's house
with him and there go tnrongn inerorm
ot marriage in order that she should be
able to claim a real marriage with an
other vouns? man. trusting to luck that
the minister would not be able to dis
tinguish between the two, is a feat ot
daring tn the field ot matrimony that
would never bo ventured upon in city
life. Yet this is precisely what the de
fendant would havo the world believe
in the Knox-Merritt case, in Carmel,
Putnam county, N. Y., and what there
is, as tar as developed, a singular
scarcity of evidence to d ispro ve. Young
Merritt, the defendant, has not yet
made this specific charge against George
Knox, the brother of the bride, but he
avers that somebody personated him,
andctho evidence, 60 tar as taken before
Justice of the Peace George Gregory,
of Carmel. shows that George Knox
is suspected in the eyes of Jtferritt's
The attention of the public was
specially drawn to the case by the pub
lication, December 4, in the Graphic,
of the pictures of the bride and putative
groom. Yesterday the Rev. J. J. Dean,
the pastor of the Methodist Church, at
Brewster's Station, on the Harlem
Road, who married the couple at his
house, was on the stand all day. He
was confronted with Merritt and George
Knox, and gave his views at length as
to the probability of each having been
the groom. Finally, he testified that
at the first session ot the court he had
seen a man standing in the rear of the
room, on the south side, who very close
ly resembled the groom much more
so than either Merritt or Knox. He
went to the house of Rev. Mr. Bishop
that night and told him the circum
stances, and the Rev. Mr. Bishop said
he had noticed the same young man.
The witness, who was greatly impatient
at the slow .methods of the law, and
wanted to tell the whole story right out,
was asked why he had not told the rep
resentatives ot the people of the same
circumstance. lie replied with some
asperity that he was not accustomed to
volunteer his services.
Before proceeding to give the story
of the trial yesterday the story of the
'drama should be briefly recalled to the
reader, with such recently discovered
particulars as have served to deepents
mystery. The parties to the case are
near neighbors, living among the beau
tiful lakes whoso waters at length find
their way over High Bridge in the Cro
ton Aqueduct. John A. Merritt, tlie
alleged groom, has written poetry from
his boyhood, specimens ot which, mis
spelled but glowing with tender pas
sion, are shown by the bride in proof of
often proflered affection. On the night
ot the last election, N ovember i , he met
Mr. A. J. Miller, a vounar lawyer, at
Brewster's btation, and asked him what
was necessary in order to procure a di
vorce in this State. Miller told him,
but he replied that he could not prove
any misconduct on the part of the lady.
lie then talked to the lawyer about
drawing up jajxjrs of separation by
mutual agreement. When he was
about to leave him he eniomed strict
secrecy ns to the nature of their conver
sation. This is one ot the remarkable
facts in the case, because the marriage
ceremony before Mr. Dean did not take
place until the following night, lhe
bride, Mrs. John A. Merritt, or what
ever may be the name of the groom
says that, in accordance with an agree
ment made on the preceding Friday
evening, JMerntt came tor her in a car
riage on Wednesday evening, and after
she had got 20 from her mother to pay
the necessary expenses, drove with her
to Mr. Dean's house, and that there the
ceremony was per formed. Immediately
afterwards they drove back. She got
out at her lather's house and ho drove
away. She never saw him afterwards,
except as lie was driving by. He says
that on the following dav, lust as he
happened to bo shaving off his mustache,
Mr. Knox, the father of the bride, came
to his house and informed his folks of
the marriage. II e was greatly surprised
to learn that he was accused of being
the groom. On Thanksgiving Day the
lawyer, A. J. Miller, visited his father,
Mr.-John G. Miller, also a lawyer, at
Connel. His father told him that Miss
Mary E. Knox, or Mrs. John A. Mer
ritt, whichever she is to be called, had
applied to him for legal assistance to
compel Merritt to support her as his
wife. Young Miller was surprised tnat
his father should know anything of the
conversation held the evening before the
marriage on the subject of divorce and
separation, but the father told him that
Mary's story was that on the night of
her marriage Merritt had told her all
about it. Merritt, it should bo added,
claims that he can prove that he was at
the village ot Croton Falls at the time
of his alleged marriage ; that he drove
down there to get a box of matches and
called on his uncle, being gone from his
house about three hours. These are the
statements in the case which have been
made up to the present time. New
York Graphic.
"Some visitors are coming, and yon
must keep a little still this afternoon,"
remarked a Ohicago teacher to her pu
pils one day lately. "We can't keep
a little 'still,' or a b:g one cither,"
chimed in one lad, "leastwise we can't
'riless we pay a government license!"
The teacher then remembered that the
bov was a son of a former revenue de
faulter, and pardoned bis remark.
Henry Astor. a son of John Jacob
Astor, tor maltreatment of a little girl
named Josephine Ash, of Rhincbeck,
New York, has had a verdict of guilty
brought against him, the jury awarding
tho girl $20,000 damages.
It costs $400 to welcome a Brigadier-
General to tho Pacific coast, and then
tor the first four weeks he is allowed to
beat everybody at poker for courtesy's
A Urnphie
Picture of Life in the
Black. Hills.
A facetious correspondent, writing
from Deadwood, says : "There is no
regularity about anything. A man
opens a place of business and makes lots
ot money, then he gets the prospecting
fever, starts for the gulches and shuts
up his shebang. W'hen a place is clos
ed up it means the owner is in a fieht
or off on a spree. Every man thinks
he is mayor of tho town. Every once
in a while the boys call a mass meeting,
draw up resolutions, etc., and decide to
incorporate the town and have a board
of aldermen, but at the end of the week
nobody knows what has become ot the
resolutions of the aldermen.
The orchestra chairs in tho theatre
are made of stakes driven into tho
ground with a round piece of board,
about the size of Cybur' hand, nailed on
top. Admission $2. 50 ; reserved seats
5. They run a sort of variety show,
and sling in the jokes and stage busi
ness as broad as possible. Tlie "can
can" was danced for some time until
the boys got tired of it, and they said,
"Give us some singiu' or we'll clean out
the place ; we want something elevat
ing," and the manager had to import a
female sentimental ' vocalist at big ex-
Dense to appease the patrons. She sung.
"Sweet spirit hear my prayer," "Con
sider the lilies," "I know that ray Re
deemer Iiveth," and other high-toned
music, and I thought the boys would
go crazy with delight. But they got
tired of it in about a week.
There are saloons all over the place,
and whisky two bits a drink. They pat
two barrels up on end, nail a board
across for a bar, and deal it out. A
miner who wants to treat pours some
gold dust on the barrel head and says
"Set 'em up." They never weigh the
dust. Sometimes a mau won t put
down enough dust, but then they never
sav a word ; and if he is a little tight
and pours out ten or fifteen dollars
worth they never mention it. They have
three faro banks running all the while.
They don't use checks for the boys ;
when they won a pile ot checks they
threw 'em all over the place, and some
were too drunk to handle 'em. So the
checks got played out. Now a man
puts a little gold dust in a dollar green
back and it goes tor two dollars, leu
dollars worth of dust iu a ten dollar
greenback goes for twenty dollars, and
so on. xhey never weigh dust at all,
but guess the amount.
The diggings are immensely rich. I
have known live men to takeout $2,000
a day right along. Of course every
place isn't alike. Every man doesn't
strike such rich deposits, but a man who
is thrifty, saving and industrious, can
take away a big slake at the end of a
year. The men who come Irom there
broke are shiftless fellows, who gamble
and drink all the while, and squander
every cent they tret. I have seen men
put down a week's run of dust on a sin
gle card. There is no limit to bets. I
have seen $1,800 put down on the ace,
aud it was what the man had washed
out ot the gulches iu a week. Ot course
the dealer took it. Board is $12 a week,
and everything in projortion. The
quartz claims are also very rich. I saw
just before I loft a piece of quartz liter
ally honeycombed with tree rold more
gold than quartz. The piece was not
as big as my hat, and there was $300
in gold in it." Cheyenne jJLeadci
Soxgs ox the Skasiioke. A Lon
don clergj'tuan, Rev. Dr. Cummings,
thus beautifully illustrates the comniun-
iou ot the good on earth with tlie good
in heaven :
I was reading the other dav that, on
the shores of the Adriatic Sea, the wives
of fishermen whose husbands have gone
far out upon the deep are in the habit
at eventide ot coins down to Hie sea
shore and singing, as female voices only
can. the first stanza of a beautiful hymn.
After they have sung it they listen till
they hear, borne by the wind across the
desert sea, the second stanza sung by
their gallant husbands as they are tossed
by the gale 'upon the waves, and both
aro happy. Perhaps, if we listen, we,
too. misrht hear on this desert world of
ours some sound, some whisper, borne
from afar, to remind us that there is a
heaven and a home ; and when we sing
the hymn upon the shores ot earth, per.
haps we 6hall hear its sweet echo break
ing in music upon the sands oi time, and
cheering the hearts ot ttiem that are
pilgrims and strangers, ana iook lor a
city that hath foundations.
It is anticipated that the population
of l.ussiain 1883 will amount to 90,-
000,000. At tho last census there were
eighty-five millions, apportioned among
religions,as follows: Fifty-nine mill
ions Greek Church, eitnit millions Ro
man Catholics, four millions Protest
ants, three millions Jews, and seven
millions Mohammedans.
Queen Vic. confers the Order of the
Garter on her eldest grandson. The
integrity and uprightness of that boy's
left 6tockin2 is now assured for life. It
is strange.though, that in England they
should bo so liberal with garters to the
sex that least need them.
James Robinson, the veteran Boston
arithmetician and teacher, has reached
tho age ot ninety-five, aud the school
committee has voted him a salary of
$1,000, on which he is dependent tor
Some time ago a pupil in a deaf and
dumb asylum in New England read a
portion of the Book of Job; when asked
to write out his understanding ot Job's
sufferings he wrote as follows: "The
Lord boiled Job seven days."
Spotted Tail is described by a recent
guost as a manly-looking creature, with
small hands and iect and an agreeable
countenance; while Man-afraid-of-his-horses
is as wild as a hawk, and looks
as it he were afraid of his own shadow.
Tho new Democratic Governor of
Florida says a good, word, tor tree
Hon. Wra. A. Wheeler never recived
any credit for being a practical joker.
He hasn't a tendency to such sports, but
the way he bulldozed a rural newspaper
man is told by the Graphic, vv nen
ho was returning from his recent visit to
Governor Hayes at Columbus, the train
stopped at Zanesvillo for dinner, but he
didn't get out. It was soon known at
the depot, however, that he was on the
train, and a crowd went into the car to
see him and shake hands with the next
Vice President. As a number of gen
tlemen were standing around him, talk
ing, a pop-eyed young fellow pushed
his way through, carrying an open note
book of generous size and a pencil in
his hand. It was tho "local" of a
Zanesvillo paper. He brought the im
plements o"his profession into position
and opened the attack. I
"Have I the honor ot addressing
Hon. William A.Wheeler?" he in
quired, j
"lliauk yon, sir," responded Mr
Wheeler, "yon have ; and whom have I
the honor of addressing?"
The young mac gave his name.
"You arc a newspaper man, I sup.
pose r"
The young man assented.
"Have yon been in tho business
Ions??" i
' t t 1 J
ville ?"
"Do yon like the profession ?"
The young man said he didt and was
about to propound a question on. his
own part, when Mr. Wheeler interrupt
ed by asking about Zanesville, its in
habitants, products, manufactures, cost
of living, condition ot business, follow
ing up these with other questions rela
tive to tho history of the place and its
prospects, and he showed a wonderful
interest in the newspaper with which
the young mau was connected, its circu
lation, advertising patronage, and com
petition. Several tunes did tlie j'oung
man attempt to change the subject of
conversation, but Mr. Wheeler plied
him with questions until the train moved
off, and tho local was compelled to leave
the car. Mr. v neeler enjoys telling
how he outwitted an interviewer, but
the young man had the adyantago of
him. Mr. V heeler might parry his
questions, but he could not curb tho
press, lhe yoang man printed the tol
lowing paragraph :
Hon. Wm. A. Wheeler, the next
Vice President, passed through Zanes
ville on Thursday. Our reporter had
an extended conversation with him, aud
found him to be a most agreeable gen
tleman. The people of Zanesrille would
be flattered to know the interest taken
by Mr. Wheeler in our thriving city,
and it would have humiliated the starve
ling who runs the (the opjxsition
paper) to have heard the complimentary
terms in which he alluded to this jour
nal, and his appreciation of our humble
but well directed efforts during the re
cent campaign.
Miss Helen Locke, a young lady liv
ing at Bristol, New Hampshire, died
from the effects of inhaling gas from
red fire burned during a young ladie's
theatrical entertainment given about six
weeks before.
Fifty thousand dollars have already
been subscribed towards buying Mr,
Moody's tabernacle and turning it into
a beer garden when the revival is over,
1 Ins is a clear proof of tlie superiority
ot Boston in wickedness.
At the last Nevada hanging the pro
cession cn the way to the place ot cxe
culion marched by mistake into a wins
ky saloon, possibly on the principle that
a horse on the road naturally turns into
the shed where he is of tenest fed.
Mr. Barney Taggart dropicd dead
at Baker City the other day. Dr,
Boyd and Ilulsey, after an autopsy,
reported to tlie coroncr'a lury that the
cause was the breaking of an artery in
the lungs.
The Baltimore Gazette is trying to
induce people to go to Texas. It says
there is everything in that State to
make one rich, happy, fat and
Tho fact that Sergeant Berry and two
other soldiers whipped fifteen Indians
in a fair ficcht goes to show that this
elorious old Union must and shall be
A young merchant of Douglas county
went to see his girl and spent several
hour 8 in a tree liefore tho old man dis
covered what the dog was barking a'-
The Prince of Wales during his In
dlan tour received presents to tho value
ot 40,000, and some disagreeable per
sons hope he will now pay his debts.
Tho Wisconsiu remedy for frozen ears
is to coat them with varnish. It im
proves some ears wonderfully.
Queen Victoria is a grandmother for
the twenty-tifth time.
Dora Pedro and his wife will visit
Mount iEtna and then go to Rome.
In the Circuit Conrt of tlie State of Oregron fo
l.intt cnnnlv.
LucinUtt Anililcr, plulntiir, Suit in Equity
vs. J nr
John A. AniliU-r. ili-lcniltint. J Divorce.
To John A. Amlilor, the defendant alxvi
named In tho name of the State of oresron
You arc hereby required to apnuur and an.w
ihn ,iii,,iuii,t t tlm viiiiliiLi il iibovo numod I
IhORlHwe untitled court, now on Mo with tho
Ulerk of Haid court, within ten days from tho
date of theaorvieeof this summons on ypu H
served in 1-inn county, Oregon, hut if servk-o w
made m any oi ner coumy m
wit hin t wentj days from the date of such serv
ice; and if served by publication,
required to appear and answer by the p rt day
of tho next regular term of said court, niter
publication hereof for six weeks, which torn
ti,.j nt.,Jii nf March- JS77.
or Judgment for want of snch Miwjr w"l bo
niken against vou. You are further not ifiotl
that" vou fail to-appear and answer as above
nIrerMIMlai"iffwin apply to tho court
for th re"f demanded in the complaint, and
cost aud dtabnnment of thia i Bnjt.
Attorney for pltr.
Viilillnhed for nix weeks in the Ai.iiany ItWJ
jsTKK bv order of K. I. HoIbo, Judne of said
wVmadoitchainiJcr 15. ll.lSJO. rnLIVJwe
W-hen yon vria
Visiting Carc&r.
Business Cards,
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads
Ball Tickets,
Horse Bills,
or in fact anything in the
call at thai