The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 02, 1877, Image 4

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    Jtrajww t$isitX
cklisiibd Kvsa-r midat, by "
Oorncr Ferry and .FW Street.
Oim copy, one your... 50
One onpy, stx months.. I'Mi
1( dubs of twenty, each copy. 00
s;nlo copies Ten wnts
Siilxn iilwrs nntsi1 of Linn miinty will Iw
rhainwl SO cents mra-K 70 for tbe year-ra
tlmt Ih tlio amount of portage per annnm
2T I. we Rre vqnirea'to pay on each paper
AjrvMts fbr the Betrlsler.
tbfo1lowtnK named irenttrmcn nre author
Jel to-rmctve ami receipt for Hntmrrtntton
to the ftVvii.sTKR in the localUltw nwii turned :
Mfwrs. Kirk & Hinae mnwnorllle.
Rntwrt ;in CmvrJbnloviUe.
mUu.-; Hnlsey.
0. P. Toinnkin Hrritonrg
. IT. CUiuhton JLcwnon.
A. Wlim-kir t V 8he1d.
Messrs. Smith & Braslieltl. Junctlnn Cltv.
1. It. Irvine ......Sc-lb.
!P1uw. 11. Keyiiolds..... Sulem.
Over the river tne- shadow erew.
Anil the world was fair in the gloaming;
Tlie beautiful night came slowly down
nere the southern breeze was roaming.
TIm hinom ol tlie happy summer-time,
'Xeath the evening mist was sleeping.
And tlie wavelets, murmuring soft and low.
At our cureless ieet were leaping.
The soft wliite clouds in the evening sky,
With the sunset's light still shining,
Were floating off to tlie distant hill,
. So dark 111 the day's declining.
Ami down the river, sweet and clear,
' - , . . .
a in suti wiifj came nuking,
listened in silence how little it knew
1 wo- hearts hnd kept time to its singing.
Beyond" the river tlie qniet town
I Was faintly shadowed before us.
And bright from tlie' tree-tops, dark and
A single stai shone o'er lis.
It's soft light fell in a silvery glow
On tlie tremulous breast of tlie river;
And we, with. its beauty awake in onr
1 souls.
Could linger and watch it forever,
Iy soul is weary and sad to-night,
i With thoughts that are past controlling;
I look in the blaze of tlie soft lire-light.
And see the waters rolling.
I he;tr tlie- blast sweep over tlie way,
I Wfiuru the branches bend ami quiver
Tn f be cruel breath of the wintry eve,
That gathers over the river.
I cannot join in the merry song.
That your happy heart" is singing.
But rather dream of tlie lonely bird.
It's way through tlie shadows winging.
I cannot laucy 'tis Summer again.
Through tlie chill of the wintry weatlier.
For the cliange tliat has wearily clouded
tlie clays
yince we sat by tlie river together.
A dozen men journalists, hunters,
Indian-fighters and miners sat around
a camp-fire on the trail to Dead wood.
Soft rlakea of snow sailed in eccentric
course through the night air, and linallv
settled down into the spluttering fire or
upon the add earth,
I There were other men on the trail be
fore and behind. Men rush wherever
the precions metal is discovered. There
were broken wagons, dead horses, and
human skeletons alocg every mile of
the trail, and fierce-eyed Indians looked
tint from every ravine and down upon
travelers from every hill.
Tlie dozen gathered closer as dark
ness shut down and tlie snow-Hakes
eame latter, and by-and-by an old man
said, at it speaking to himself :
"Custer went in to kill. It was an
awful thing to do to rush 300 men
down npou 5,000 reds, but he did it,
and meant to win. No other man will
ever take such cliances."
And yet one was near by who meant
to take greater chances. So cat-like
was his step that he almost entered
eamp before the sentinels saw him. He
was a giant tn size, and as he halted
where the light of ibe fire shone full in
' liis face, three or four men uttered ex
clamations of surprise and horror.
r There was blood on the stranger's face
; blood on his great rough hands
blood over his clothing clew down to
his boots. It was a terriWe sight, and
yet, as if something further was needed,
tlie stranger turned his back to the men,
: and- they saw that an attempt had been
made to scalp him.
"Water food !" he whispered as he
looked from face to face.
Both were given him, and after drink
ing a full quart of water, he grasped a
luat ot bread ana a bunk 01 meat, and
tore them with his teeth as a wolf would
have done. By and by, when his hun
ger had been somewhat appeased, he
said : , ,
"It happened off this way, nigh to
twenty mile. I lust the trail somehow,
and the red devils- swooped down at
noon on me to-day. Tlie old woman
atid fi ve children were in the wagon.
There were lorty or fifty red's, and it
wasn't three minutes before the hull
family was dead all but me!"
His eyes blazed with fury ; lie seemed -to
grow in height, and, casting the rem
nants of food into the fire, he fiercely
"Think of the old woman having ber
brains beaten out by the fiends ! Think
of the children being hauled out'n tlie
wagon and scalped and stabbed and
their throats cut from ear to ear ! Come
on come with me!"
He leaped over the fire and bounded
away into the darkness, but presently
returned and said in calmer voice:
"I fit, ot course. It was which for
who, but tliey were fifty to one. I drove
them from the corpses. I clubbed 'era
off with my rifle, but they were too
many. They sbofi ,' and stabbed me j
tbep run me to the hills ; thej have
hunted me all the afternoon."
..The giant trembled like a- leaf, and
the fresh blood ran from his wounds
and trickled down in red paths over his
iieck and cheeks and clothing. The
1 leader of the party tried to soothe him,
promising aid as soon as daylight came,
ibut the stranger waved his arras and
j ennui out : -.
"What can you do ? The wolves are
I feeding on' my wile and children to
night; their scalps are back in the hills
with the Indian devils ! Can you bring
life back to them t Give me a gun and
an ax.?'
No one moved' for two or three- sec
ond, being spellbound by his wild look
and words, and the stranger picKea a
cavalry- carbine and its box ot cart- 1
ridges, seized tlie light az u-ed about
the camp-fire, and in another minute
was lost sight of in the darknesrcaUing
back, as his step was-lost to hearing :
"It is which tor who !"'
' Next day, about mid-afternoon, the
party came upon two dead Indian po
nies, lying between the trail and the
foot-hills to the right. A few yards
further on was a great stain of bloods on
the two inches of snow covering the
grass. A warrior had fallen here and
been carried ofFby his comrades. There
was the trail of a white man on foot,
heading for the foot-hills, but moving
slowly, and there were plain traces that
the man had hailed every tew rods to
aso his weapons. All along the trail
were the hoot tracks of ponies, and an
old hunter shook his liead aud said :
"It is the man who left our camp
last night. Hack thar is whar the reds
fust sighted him, and he stood in his
tracks and killed two ponies and one
ifjuiu There was a gang of forty or
titty reds, and the white man moved to
get among the hills and have fair play.
Jist look thar!?r
Fifteen or twenty rods ahead were
three dead ponies, lying close together.
The band of redskins had made a charge
upon the lone man at this point, and he
had met them bravely. The snow told
every thing. Standing in his tracks,
aud not lifting a foot except to wheel
around, he had whipped the whole
gang! There were three dead ponies
within a hundred feet of the white man's
position, and again the snow was crim
soned with two great patches of blood
where the warriors had fallen.
"Great God ! but how he fit f whis
pered tlie old hunter, as he saw how
tlie snow had been trampled down:
"but they wounded him here."
So tliey had. He had retreated slow
ly, seeming to have no fear, and along
his trail was a track of blood. Tlie
first hills were a mile away, and
straight for the hills ran the bloody
path through tlie snow. There were
no rounds of conflict no red demons
in sight. "Which for who" had met
them early in the morning, and the
tragedy had been played before the sun
was two hours old. Again between
the three dead ponies and the first hill
the white man had been charged by the
full band. They had circled around
him and then charged at a common
center. One lone man, armed with a
carbine and an ar, was that center.
Thirty, forty, perhaps fifty to one. and
yet he had not weakened in the least.
On the right was a dead pony, on the
left two crimson spots in the snow.
Ahead toward the hill a horse had fal
len and struggled np, and half a dozen
trails ot blood could be counted. The
Indians had given away, and at a slow
pace the white man bad resumed his
"You will see a Bight to make your
tlesh crawl, over in the hills!" whisper,
ed the hunter, and the party slowly ad.
The lone man had not harried his
pace. Tlie yelling, howling, whooping
redskins galloping around him, firing
upon him and sure of his scalp, had not
shaken his nerve. Over the hill, across
a little valley, op a ravine, and there
was the end. Tlie white man could go
no further, and there he stood at bay.
"May the Lord have mercy on him,"
gasped a miner, as the little band looked
over tlie field ot battle. There were
dead and wounded ponies ; there were
blood patches on the snow, and fonr In
dians, stark and stiff, were lying to one
side, the survivors not having horses
enough to carry off all their dead.
At the head of the ravine the snow
had scarcely a color except red. The
redskins had charged in a body, and,
dropping his carabine when the last
cartridge was gone, the lone man had
used his ax with terrible effect. They
bad shot him and struck him with their
tomahawks, and when life went out he
had more wounds than could be count
ed. There he lay, the ax still clutched
with a giant's grip, his eyes wide open,
his body covered with wounds, and be
fore him was a record to prove a more
terrible nght than Casters. He bad
killed more than a dozen savages and
twice as many ponies, and each pony
had left the around carry ina a double
Dura en ot wounded and perhaps dead
savages. And the wolves bad come
down and tore the flesh from the bones
of the dead, and soon there would be
nothing left to tell the passerby the sto
ry of the terrible battle of one lone
white man against fifty' blood-thirsty
savages. - -' " - " - -:- ;
' er 1 r '
WlIF.V AND How TO Kit TTstTt-r
When fruit does harm it is because it is
eaten at improper time?, in improper
quantities, or before it is ripened and fit
for the human stomach. A riMtiiumiah-
ed physician has said that if his patients
wouia maice a pracuee ot eating a couple
of cood oranses fasfuM Imk&rf mm
February to Jane, his practice would
lire. x in pniKini TU IS WIBfc WO
do not eat enough of fruit tl iHft. WA in.
jure its finer qualities with sugar ; that
we uiuwii uiem in cream, we neea
the medicinal artion f th nnm fmU.
acids in our system, and their cooling,
corrective inuuence. Medical Jour
A substitute for gunpowder has been
invented in England, in the shape of
i . - j . . . . .
pa pur unpregTrovea witn a cnemicai
compound of chlorate of potash, nitrate
of potash, prussiate of potash and chro-
tnate ot potash, coupled with a little
powdered charcoal and tinder. The
paper is rolled around these latter in
the desired sizes for cartridges. The
advantage o tiered are that no danger ot
explosion exists except by actual con
tact with fire ; the interior of the arm is
not soiled ; less smoke and less rebound
are made - than with gunpowder, and
less damage takes place from humidity.
Very satisfactory trials have been made
ot the new material.
"Tammy," observed a Nelsoa Street
mother to her sou, a youth of thirteen
years, "you must ent seme wood for
the front parlor stove. Air. Crawford
eomes to-night."
Mr. Crawford a yonng nan who is
keeping company"" with Fanny. Tom
my's sister. The time was a Wednes
day evening. Tommy had been skat
ing since- school,, and was now anxioasly
awaiting', his supper, So this announce
ment came upon- him with a very disav
greeaoie iorce.
"Is that old' rooster com in' are mid
here to-night?" he impetuously in
"i nomas: cneu nis moiner, in a
voiee of horror.
Thomas having- eased his mind some,
what of the burden, proceeded to- the
wood-pile without further remark.
He was not m good humor as he
looked around for the axe, and articles
foreign, to the search were moved about
with careless haste.
"This is a regular dog's Efe-," he
moodily ejaculated. "First it's Sunday
night, an' then it's Wednesday night,
an' then it'e Friday night, an every little
while an extra night thrown in. I
don't see what's the use ot a girl aboat
the house. It 1 ve got to cut wood
every time that fellar comes I'll know
the reason why. I won't be pat on
like this. I amt going to be made a
pack mule of. by George, for all the
Crawford's and Fannys on earth. It's
all nice enough tor them to be in there
toastin their shins air act in' sickisb.
but I notice that I've got to do all the
work. It s played out, by Jinks! I
ain't that kind of a hair-pin. I'd just
like somebody to tell me," lie added,
looking around for the person in ques
tion, "how much of the candy an oran
ges an' other things that Fanny gets
that I get, Not one whiff, by gracious !
not one single, solitary whiff. An'
here I chop wood for her an' him night
after night, an if it wasn't for me they'd
shake all their teeth outer their heads.
Oh, they are a sweet-scented pair, they
Closing his remarks with this gloomy
observation on his sister and her com
pany he worked away at the wood un
til the necessary amount was prepared.
About seven o'clock Mr. Crawford's
knock sounded at the door. Fanny's
mother was to have let him in, but
Tommy volunteered his services. He
escorted tlie young gentleman into the
front room, and then backing himself
against the door, he pointed to tlie
stove, which was throwing out a most
welcome heat, and then sternly in
quired :
"Is that what you call a good fire?"
"les, indeed" said 31 r. Crawford.
rubbing his hands gratefully.
"Ah !" observed I ommy, 111 a tone of
relief, although his face scarcely relaxed
the severity ot its expression
couldn't very well get along in
wiiuoui a. lire, couiu you .
"I s'pose not. Now who do yon
s'pose made that fire ?"
"Why I I suppose why I don't
know," said Mr. Crawford, apparently
embarrassed by the question.
"No ? Well , I can tell yon. I made
that fire. I cut the wood for it I cut
the wood and make every fire you have
here. I've been doing it all the while
you've come here, and you and Fanny
have set by it an' toasted yourself and
ate candy and sucked oranges. Yon
and Fan have had all the comfort of it,
and I've done all the work every bit
of it, and not one smell of them candies
and oranges have I bad, not a living
The unhappy boy knit his eyebrows
and instinctively clinched his hands.
Scarcely le? s disturbed was Fanny's
young man. He glanced uneasily from
the tire-arm to the stove. lint he made
no reply. He waited apprehensively
tor what was to follow :
"I'll bet you've got a pound of assort
ed candies in your clothes this minute,
for Fan."
:.t & . '1 ,
This came so directly in the form of
an interrogation that Mr. Crawford un
hesitatingly nodded.
"So I thought," pursued Fanny's
brother. "Now I want to tell you that
if this fire business is carried on by me,
there will have to be a different arrange
ment of awards. If not, you can come
up here and cut your own wood. Will
you divy on them candies?"
"Why, these are for Fanny."
"Yes, that I know," said Tommy
grimly. "When I see you come np
here again I shall expect to see you
lugging an axe over your shoulder."
Mr. Crawford looked aghast.
"But, Tommy," he expostulated,
''you won't go back on me like that ? .
I'll pay you good for doing it."
'Ohl What will you pay?" ,
"Fifty cents a week."
"Hope to die?"
"Yob," said Mr. Crawford, very
Then I'm just your cheese," said the
9 . , , , if a 1
youui, if jo nam lines 1 suing entirely out
of his face. There's nothing mean
about me; but I don't want to go along
in the dark. I his thing had to be set
tled one way or aoother, for it was eat.
ing the life out of me. But now that
it is fixed, you'll find me up to the mark
every time, and if I don't make that
stove rare right up on its hind lees. I'm
a bald-headed leper without any pedi
gree. .
And with a flourish expressive of the
deepest earnestness, he stalked out of
toe room.
Business prospects in St. Louis have
been much improved since the Congres
sional Committee agreed on their report.
The apple woman at the Commercial
Exchange reports ber receipts increased
by fully 7 cents a day, and a prominent
citizen residing up on Chouteau Avenue
told a bov who wanted to sell him unmn
soap, matches, suspenders, and yeast-
canes w can again in a week or two.
-trie eauors are overjoyed, and their
fair. lar?ie ears no longer li limn umn
their shoulders, but stand up erect aud
trim, aa fence-pickets. Chicago 2'rib-
BIMtac Ball- A Mbetefc.
Oar special artist who went north
last summer for the purpose, sat on the
point of the Big Horn and sketched
Sitting Bull. The fine steel engraving
made from his sketeh we show here
with r "
The above is the exact likeness of
Sitting Bull, who is the boss ingin.
Of Mr.. Sitting Bull's earry history,
but little is known, though it is very
probable that he was brought p in the
backwoods some ways back.
When he was a boy he did not have
the advantages of either free schools or
lunches, and he always served himself
instead of the Lord, whenever he got
the chance; ' He most always got the
Old man Sitting Bull gave him a lit
tle red paint and his blessing, which
was all he had for a start in life. He
ran around naked and chased the fleet
footed antelope ; but a fellow couldn't
run around naked in this neighborhood
tor five minutes, although they call it a
free country.
Sitting Bull was a child of nature,
and lived on apiece of rising ground
called the Big Horn Mountains. He is
the only game man who ever parted his
hair in the middle.
We have seen handsomer men than
Sitting Bull, but none that were cut
out better for wear and tear especially
a tare. But good looks ain't what
Sitting Bull brags on.
If Sitting Bull had to live his life
over again he would doubtless improve
many lost opportunities; but there
wouldn't be half as many Indian agents
in good health.
And then we'll bet five to one that
S. I, would draw a bigger crowd than
Beecber. And crowds are what
The biggest crowd S. B. ever drew
at one meeting, was last fall. Perhaps.
you have heard ot it. It was on the
The biggest crowd Beecher ever
drew was nigh onto two years ago. Per
haps you have heard of that. It wastt
on the liosebud. It was at a court
Like all men ot genius, Sitting Bull
loves whisky. If it wasn't tor men of
genius whisky would be borne to blush
unseen, even at ten cents a blush. A
real Ingin can hide a heap ot whisky,
or most anything else; but they always
find it again, especially the whisky.
V hisky and warm weather are about
all a Ingin wants, but even hell would
be a resting place, if it had a low tem
perature and good society.
Josh Billings says all good Inginscie
young ; but there ain't a grave digger
in the Li uited states who ever saw a
dead young Ingin. It heaven . has to
rely on good Ingins for angels, there
ain't more'n one angel to two hundred
and fifty million square miles.
We could say more about Sitting
Bull, but they say "talk about the devil
and he will appear." We wouldn't
have Sitting Bull appear in Cheyenne
until the walking is better, tor half our
interest in the Presidential election.
Cheyenne Leader.
Haunted Ground The Lafayette
Courier of January 9th is responsible
for the following story :
Not long since, as Mr. Thomas Mel
son, living in Chehalem valley was re
turning home from this place, in broad
daylight, he saw something, as he says,
resembling a kite ar:se from the ground
only a tew feet, in advance of him.
When it had got a few feet above the
ground it sailed along in front of him
some distance when it diappeared as
mysteriously as it had arisen. All who
know Tom well know that he is not
easily frightened, nor was he this time,
but on the contrary he plunged his
spurs into his horse and endeavored to
overtake the the something but it
out traveled him and soon vanished.
This occurred a short distance this side
ot Mr. Jake Williamson's residence. It
is not the first mystical thing that has
been seen iu that locality. At two dif
ferent times a man has been seen lying,
in the road and was run over by a wag
on the rise and fall ot the wheel being
distinctly felt and when the occupants
alighted to see what it meant there was
nothing there. At other times some
thing white resembling a man, has been
seen riding at a break-neck speed.
Other times it has taken tlie form of a
sheep. Some men whose courage can
not be donbted are reported having seen
this something near this place.
A ; remarkable feat of surgery was
performed upon Gen. David Barrett, ot
Whitehall, N. Y aged 79 years. Ten
years ago he was injured by falling up
on a pile ot boards, and a splinter ot
wood was extracted from his side. At
periods since then he has suffered severe
pains in his kidney, which were ascribed
to overwork. Recently he was taken
with more violent pains in the organ
named, aud an investigation showed the
presence of a foreign substance. An
ircision disclosed the bead of a ten-penny
nail, and further nse ot the scalpel
showed the surgeon that the nail was
imbedded in the old man's kidney, and
that mortification bad set in. The only
chance ot saving the patient's life was
t-xcisibp ol the' organ, -wfcich was
successfully TJwee, and, notwithstanding
bis advanced age, Gen. Barrett has
made rapid and sure progress toward
recovery. - -.- , ...
Says an exchange : "Any family
man who says he is too poor fo take a
newspaper -should be indicted ot ob
taining a family under false pretences.?
A Utile Stry that Mi IUa WlUi
be SfcMur Teld.
It was a horrible scar. Commencing
at the roots of the hair, just over the
left temple, it ran down across the face
to right hand corner ot the mouth, the
flesh had closed together in a great
ridge, and the nose seemed to have been
shortened half an inch by the process ot
healing. The man with the scar sang
two or three 6ongs, and then passed his
cap around for pennies.
"Did a blow of an Injun's tomma-
hawk do that?" He replied, "No7
sir ; I got that cut down in Old Virgin
ia, durin the war 1xut the time it
looked as if Jeff Davis was the biggest
patriot in the country."
"You were in the cavalry ?'
"You bet I was! 1 smashed np so
many horses that I was owing the Con
federate Government $400,000 when it
collapsed. If Bhe hadn't collapsed I'd
been forced into bankruptcy."
He chock led, and raised his hat so as
to reveal the scar in all its hideousness,
and continued :
"1 don't believe a tommahawk could
leave a scar like this. It takes a good
sharp sabre to spoil a man's face so that
he daru't look in the glass or have his
photograph taken. A Yank slashed
me, of course, but who do you suppose
it was? You couldn't guess to save
your neck, and so I'll tell It was Cns
ter, that long-haired dare-devil Yankee
general, who used to ride around with
blood in his eyes and an extra sabre in
his teeth. He thought he'd done for
me when he gave me this lick, but he
didn't know our family."
"How was it?"
"It was down at Travi'Ioan Station.
He was raiding around with a lot of J
cavalry, and our folks got him in a box.
Somehow we got around him on all
sides, and we had cavalry, infantry and
artillery. We were two to one, and
had him fairly coppered, and by all de
cent rules of warfare he ought to have
flung out the white flag, and handed
over his sabre, and politely said ; Boys
you've got the grapevine twist on me
arid 1 cave. We expected it but blast
him ! He didn't do any such thing.
No sir. He massed his troopers, and
gave 'em to understand that it was 'hell
or home,' and the whole ca poodle of 'em
come fur us on the gallop, bands play
ing, flags flying and troopers yelling
like wild Injuns, our batteries plaved
ou 'em from a dozen hills ; oar infantry
tusiladed 'era good aud 6trong, and our
troopers got the word to charge."
"Durn ray buttons but wasn't it a
hot fight ! We were all mixed up bul
lets flying, sabres hacking, men yelling,
hqrses neighing, everybody shouting;
and it was a devil's dance all round. T
heard a Yank shouting orders, as if he
was some big gun or other, and I work
ed up to him through the smoke. It
was Custer, I had seen him before, and
I knew what a fighter he was. I pushed
right up to him, gave my old sabre a
twist and a cnt, and off weut his
head 1"
lie looked up with a wicked twinkle
in his eyes and added :
"In a horn! I rose in my stirrups
and struck at him with force euough to
cut clean down to the saddle, but he
parried the blow, leaned over, I saw a
flash, and the next thing I knew I had
been. Fin the hospital tor two weeks,
and the surgeons were trying to look
into ray boots through this sabre cut in
my face. I was a whole year getting
over it, and then I looked so handsome
that I was turned over to the home
guards for the rest oi the war. Some
times 1 feel like suicide, and again I
don't care. I don't bear no grudge
agin Custer for the slash, bnt he might
just as well have put his cheese knife
through me as to have given me this
X his mark,' to lug around. And
that's what ails tlie old red, and that's
how I feel." JV. Y. Times.
The Fearful Ride ok a Tkamp.
He boarded a train at Omaha, and after
having been ejected from several trains,
he reached Green River. Here the
train men became more vigilant, aud the
dead-head saw that he must find a very
secure hiding place. Accordingly,
while the train men were busy, he
crawled into the fire box of a stationary
engine that was standing on a flat car,
and which was oing through to San
Francisco. Soon after the train started
some one shut the engine door, and the
man was a prisoner. He could not sit
down, and could barely turn around,
and in this way he rode for tour days
and nights, without a mouthful of food
or drink, excepting a few crackers he
had in his pockets. When the train ar
rived at Verde, Nevada, a distance ot
nearly 900 miles from Green River, he
attracted the attention of the conductor
by scratching on the inside of the en
gine with his finger-nails. He was lib
erated almost dead with cold and hun-
Ser- .
Drink. From a speech by J. J.
Talbott, who recently died drunk in
Elkhart, Ind. : "I had a position high
and holy. The demon tore from around
me the robes of my sacred office and
sent me forth churcbless and godless, a
very hissing and by-word among men.
Afterward my voice was heard iu the
courts. But the dust gathered on my
open books, and no footfall crossed the
threshold of the drunkard's office. I
had money ample for all necessities, bnt
it went to teed the coffers of the devils
Which possessed me. I had a home
adorned with all that wealth and the
most exquisite taste could suggest. The
devil crossed its threshold and the light
faded from its chambers. And thus I
stand, a clergyman without a church, a
barrister without a brief, a man with
scarcely a friend, a soul without a hope
all swallowed up in the maelstrom ot
"It may all be very well, Mr. Hen
ry," said John's wile the other day, "to
stay out half the night working for the
glorious Republican cause ; but if the
Republican party left that long yellow
hair and that big grease spot on your
now black vest, it ain't the kind of an
organization that I take it for."
If onr dairvmen netA a -
ppene'i lesson which speaks volumes
i.j Hiiro woras, nere is one at the head
of this article. Butter is actually
brought from France and sold by New
York dealers. This is because there is
an actual scarcity of good butter in the
market, put up in an attrative Bhapetor
small consumers. We know that one
dairyman gets $1 15 a pound for his
products, another $1, and another 75
cents the year round, at his dairy door,
it is easily seen that it will pav to bring
butter across the ocean from France, if
it is only good and shapely enough to
suit the fastidious purchasers who will
have something nice, whatever it may
cost. All this butter is made from
choice cows, choicely ted on clean sweet
food ; the milking is done in the clean
est manner. The milk is handled as
carefully as though it was nectar, the
cream is churned with clock and ther
mometer, the butter is worked with
skill, and is made np in shapely cakes,
which do not require to be cut when
brought to the table, Compare then,
this cake hard, golden yellow, sweet,
fragrant and tempting to all the senses
with an unsightly chunk, which is
cut out of a greasy keg, and smells ot
old age and rancidity, and is made from
ill-kept cream from cows filthily lodged
and carelessly milked, aud churned any
how, and the difference is easily ac
counted for. A7". Y. Tribune.
IHiat For Aal
la Winter.
Tl e almost indispensable necessity of
an ample supply of dnst for animals in
winter, is understood by very few stock
growers. All sorts of animals delight
in a 'dnst bath. Chickens who have
easy and continual access to it will nev
er be troubled with vermin, either in
their houses or on their bodies. Cattle
delight to stand in a dusty road, scrap,
ing it np with their fore-legs and fling
ing it all over their backs. The cheap
est and most effectual cure for lice on
cattle is to scatter a quart: of perfectly
dry dust along the spine, from the horns
to the tail. In Winter, when they can
not get it, many animals become cover,
ed with vermin. The writer has a rain,
tight wagon-shed, with strips eight
inches wide nailed close to the ground
on three sides, into which halt a dozen
wheelbarrow loads ot dust are placed
every Fall. Here the poultry delight
to wallow and roll in the sun. It is
also kept and used on all other stock at
stated intervals, and no vermin ot any
sort is ever seen on any of them. This
is at once tlie most certain remedy for
these pests, while the stock thrives by
being supplied with what they crave,
aud what in a state ot nature they
would surely supply themselves with,
but which they cannot when restrained
and tied np in yards aud stables.
Prairie Fanner.
Pocking Oil on the Waters.
During a severe storm off the Cape
of Good Hope, the captain of the King
Centric, 1,400 tons, determined to make
a trial of throwing oil upon the water.
Two canvas clothes bags were obtained
and into each two gallons of fine cil
was poured, the bags being punctured
6lightly, and flung one over each quar
ter in tow of the vessel. The effect
was magical ; the waves no longer broke
over the poop and sides of the ship, but
several yards away where the oil had
spread itself over the surface and around
the poop in the wake of the vessel, was
a large circuit of calm water. The
erew were thus able to repair the dam
age with greater ease, and the ship was
relieved from tremendous shocks she
had previously received from the heavy
seas. The two bags lasted two days,
after which, the wont fury of the gale
having expended itself, no more oil was
Fatk ok the Apostles. Matthew
is supposed to have suffered martyr
dom, or was slain iu the city ot Ethio
pia. Mark was dragged through the
streets of Alexandria, iu Egypt, till he
John was put into a boiling cauldron
at Rome, but escaped death. He died
a natural death at Ephesus, in Asia.
James tlie Great was beheaded in
James the less was thrown from a
pinnacle and beaten to death.
Phillip was belieaded.
Andrew was crucified and pounded
while 8ying.
Bartholomew was skinned alive.
Thomas was run through with a
Judah was shot to death with ar
rows. Simon Peter was crucified.
Mathias was stoned. .
. Barabas was stoned to death.
Paul was beheaded by the tyrant
Nero, at Rome.
In the House of Lords, Lord Derby
gave details regarding the extradition
controversy. He said the difficulty
arose becanse . America intimated she
would try Lawrence who was extradit
ed tor another offense than the one
named under the treaty, if the first
failed. America communicated in An
(rust that she nnvnr ititAiutut
Lawrence for the second offense. Thn
British government, therefore, while
maintaining the construction it adopt
ed, felt there was no reason for longer
suspending the operation of the treaty,
and the surrender of Brent the Louis,
ville forger, was unconditional because
the ndi Lions were not required. Ar
rangements are continuing, as before the
negotiations now pending, for a new
He was a redheaded boot-black, and
had finished putting "a shine" on a
No. 83 boot., hang to the end of a Cin
cinnati! drummer's leg. He spit a pint
of tobacco juice into his blackinz-box,
took off his coat, grabbed his brush,
knelt down and shouted "Change cars.
The fellow put hie footv npon the boy
and held him there until he was so
weak he couldn't speak, and then went
off down the alley to wade in the mud
with the foot that had . the shine on it.
When yew wish
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