VOLUME IX. ALBANY, OREGON, MARCH 2, 1877. NO. '2 BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BAN K ING AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OKEWON. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sifjlit. Interest allowed on time deposits In coin. Exchange on Portland, Sin Francisco, and Sew Yortt, for wile at lowest rates, i 'olkwttona mndeand rtromntly remitted. Kvters to IL W. Uorbett, Uonry Failing, W. 8. Laud. Banking hoars from S A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, ro. 1, l71-i2S II. S. BOUGIITOX, 31. D., g 1 RiDCATG OF TUG l ilVKKSITY VI Mcdk-al College of New York, late member ol Kelksvien Hospital MeuicalCol h'sre. New York. Offm-b-Ih A. Carothers A Co. s drug store, AJimny, Oregon. KP8ZOOTICS DISTANCED. THE BAT TEAM STILL UTCS, AND IS FLOCRISHING LIKK A green XV (my tree. Thankfnl for past favors, and wishing to merit the continuance of the same, the BAY TEAM will always be read v, and easily found, to do any hanling within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation. Ea5I elivery .tut n Kipeetaltjr. A. N. ARNOLD. 2t)v4 Proro-letor. john schmeer, -DEALEB IN - Groceries & ALBANY, Provisions, OREGON'. TJAS JCST OPEN EO HIS NEW" GROCER 11 stablbthtuent on cortwr of Ellsworth ami First streets, with a fresh stock of iroeerlos. Provisions, Candies, Cigars, 1o- tweco, ac, to wnicn ue invites ine alien tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and wtll always have on liana a all supply ot tresn orenu, cracaers, oc J Call and sec me. JOHN SCnMEER. February !G-24v4 ALBANY FOUNDRY And 31 achine Shop, A. F. CIIEKIt IT Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Efanafactares Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Blill crjr, Dlachin- WOOD WOKKIXG And AGRICULTURAL r.lACHINERY And all kinds of fltOM AX BiiASS CAHTIXOS. Partlcnlar attention paid to repairing all Unds of machinery. ivj L. B. ROYAL -.-.- nPKVtin m RarhftrKhnnon First street 11 one door west of Thompson A Irvins's har ness shop, where he will be pleased to meet all who wish work In his line. Thankful for past patronage, he hopes by close attention to busi nma to merit a continuance of the same, v ill keep constantly on band a full supply of FcrMwery aad Hair Oil, the best assortment in town. Come and see "Albany, Or., February 83, 1876-23V S. C. STOXE, HI. Physician and Surgeon, BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. rriiiuii tk. Draac Store. S7vs Eath House & Barber Shsp. rpilE CNDERSIGNED WOULD RB.S.SCT- A fu thank the citizens of Alban at i vl :u 1RI him for the past seven years, and hopes I r ini future a continuation of their favors. F it th accommodation of transient customer , an friends in the upper part of town, he tai pen ed a neat little shop next door to Taylo - Sm Saloon, where a fcood workman will alw tystM n attendance to wait anon patrons; . Dec 11.174. . JOE WEB SR J. D. MCFARLAND. WM. MORGAN. JIOBGAN A McFABLASD, REAL ESTATE AGENCY! I AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Next Door to Wells, rarjr & "" ExpreM .Alknny, WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH EMI Kranu and others good barKalns in farms and email homesteads in Linn and adjoining counties. Farms in value and size to salt par- Also, city property, both Improved and un 1m Droved. Renting farms and city property, and collec tions of all kinds, promptly attended to. Onr (auUltles for advertising will enable ns o do more for our patrons than any other Arency in the State in our line. We also pay special attention to the employ ment and lalior exchange department. Albany, Hay mi. Raisins and moving Buildings. W1 rB THE TJNDER8IGNED BEG LEAVE TO V: . u,.-.nn cn Alinny wiu .... ...p, . j uiim uavinff stinpitea our selves With the necesnary machinery for rais ing and removing buildings, we are ready at all times to receive orders for such work, which we will do In short order at lowest rates. We Kiiarantee entire satisfaction In all work under taken by ns. ,tS Appto MIgTMl omce ppoy AlUa- or;ApHi5TT' ALLEN $999 5?.nJbe ""? by every asent tZLl l" t" bnsfness we -nii; ."'.we willing to larsaday right In their iS leT Ha ve no room to explain here. Business nlenrt and honorable. Women, and boys and girls do u " . . - win uiiiiiHti von a mm. plete Outfit free. The business pavs Vtter than anything else. We will lear exitense of start ing you. Particulars free. Write and see Farmers and mechanics, their sons and daugh ters, and all classes in need of pnyhig work at home, should write to us about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address Trvb ACO.'. AgKista, Maine. Jn-JUvO. SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, ! Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS &M0YIERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, ' SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Albany, Orrgoa Tenns : Cash. Ii20v7 St. Charles Hotel, Coa-aer Washington and FlrNt Ms., A A AN V OT?TfTrfYlV X-L-i-x4.-l- X , V7I,riUUll, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. Honse newlv furnished throughout. Tlie best the market affords always on the table. Free t'wi th to ud from tbe House. Livery iPeed Stable CORN Kit WASHINGTON A FIRST STS., AXS. MARSHALL, Proprietor. CARRIAGES, BCGGIES HACKS A SADDLE V- horses to let on reasonable terms. Horses boarded bv the ilav or week. I will have some of the sravest rigs ever turn ed out of a livery stable in Allnny. Br-er l"Aiiat. anu curriages iiirnisueu lor iu- nei'uls. Give me a call when you want to rute. AXS. MARSHALL. Albanv .March 10, 1876-25vS HAHDWAIIE! BOLT all nixes anl rteserip- tions & general IIAKD- WAKE a full and complete as. sortment. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Hose. Tin. Conner. Zinc ana Sheet Iron, on uanu tor saie. The Goldsmith Range, . , . THE BEST MADE. CROCKERY WARE, The largest and most complete assortment in the city. Keeps all kinds of & WHITE OILS LEAD. The Finest &. Purest Liquors Always on hand, to be sold for medicinal uses. Cjr"Kepoirlnar done neatly, at short notice, ana WARBASTtll. J. GRADWOHL. First street, Albany, Oregon. u27v8 THE ART PRESERVATIVE. Printing by hand. Printing by steam. Printing from tyie. Or from blocks by the ream. Printing in black. Printing in white. Printing in color. 11 sombre or bright. Printing tor merchants AihI land agents, too ; Printing tor any. Who have printing to do. Printing for bankers. Clerks, auctioneers, Printing for druggists, For dealers in wares. Printing for drapers, -For grocers, for all Who want printing done. And will come and see "Coll." Printing of pamphlets. Or bigger books, too ; , In fact, there are few things But what we can do. Printing of placards, Printing of bills, i Printing of carte-notes For stores or for mills; Printing of labels, All colors or use, sirs. Especially lit for Webfoot producers. : Printing of forms All sorts you can get Iegal, commercial, Or "House to be let. " Printing done quickly, - ; -Bold, stylish or neat, ; At the Register Printing-office, Corner ot First and Ferry Street. PROMPT Delivery, at Living Bates. . -trrn. hmriit imt the dellvsrv business ot utr iMrtu Stlmson. I beg leave to announce to WieVdflSnlauslnesImen of Alljany, that J lfave on thestreeta an express and job wagon and will be happy to serve all who may tfive mln orders win be promptly attended to .at n?DmIyb7left at the Drug Store of Bell Parker. ? , VIRGIL PARKER. BOOK STORE JTXO. FOSIIAY, TVEALER IN MISCELLANEOUS liOOK?, Honks. Blank Books, Stationery School ianoy Articles, Ac. , . Books imported to order, at shortest posiblo notice. vSn30 MEDICAL. i. XV. WILCOX, HomoeopatMo Physician. rFFICE with Dr. E. H. Grlfnn,Yirst street. . Ji. vri iiiiu.'f nab nine &&Chronlo diseases V7 A II um v. Oreaoc. specialty. ZDVB J. S. CALLAWAY, M. !., A 1 ITER A PRACTIGE OF MEDICINE FOR J:. twenty-eiicht years. In the statesof Illinois, rweiitv-eh ii the sti pernuui Indiana and Iowa, has permanently located in Allmny. Oregon. OFFICE At Dr. Plum- mer'a Driuc store. E Corner or Monttroinerv and Klahtn streets, northeast of railroud depot. (vSnSO) J. LIXSEY HILL, HI. D., OFFICE -At Bell A Parker's new drug store. RESIDENCE Second street, between rail road and Montgomery. 8-44 LEGAL. F. XL XflLLER, LAttorneys at ; Law, Albany, Oregon. WILI' PRACTICE in the different courts of VV the State. Siiecial attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care. and nromnt returns made, CsS" InvestUtution of Titles, Conveyancing, and all Probate Mat ters carefully and punctually attended to. omce on i irsi St., next 10 t ox isro. nzv 1. K. M. BLAtUBt'KV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BROWNSVILLE, LINN CO., OGN. PROMPT ATTENTION business. VIVEN TO ALL 22 v J. c. POWELL & FLINN, Attorney's & Counsellors at Inw asnd So iwimrt in , nancrry, AliianV, Oregon. Collections made and con veyances promptly attended to. 1-8 CI1AS. E. WOLVKRTOX, A T"T,T"VTT7''V AT T . A "W ALBANY, OREGON. "X71LL nractlee in all tbe Courts In the State. Y V office in F Ionian's brick, over lVxid's naruware store. nlsv MISCELLANEOUS. Pictures and Picture Frames. E. Ii. J?UIII30M Wonlil minminiw ti the citim.ns of AllHinvflnd vitMintv.thiLt In- is mviMireii to furnish lUl kinds I of run t. UK FKAA as to order, at snort notice. I'icl lire framed, and old lrames repaired. 1 athisoillce on First street, one door west of UroHUallnn, and leave your onlura. 84-' XV. fit. It All AM, (LATE OK MICIIIOAN1 Merchant Tailor, TTEKl'S always on hand Doeskins, C'assiincres v vesttnss, etc., a inrcer anu uetier siock tlmn ever liefore brouiiht to this market. Cuts and nuikes to order all stvlesof Clothiiia for men nml Imivs- at. rmaonfthlA ri f i iriiH rt i- teeinic Hf i taction. Minn on r irst street, nest aoor to irv aiar- ket. lutclv occupied by Dr. E. O. Smith. VvS Xotloe 3E33gtx.- THE METZLER CHAIR nnHIS IS TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT X no chair goes from my factory without my name npon It. All others are false Imitations, and should lie so regarded. All persons are hereby warned asainst attempting any sue I imposition upon my customers. Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21, 1876. EVERYBODY BUYS THEM TTAV1XG JUST RECEIVED A LARUE SH1P- XX mcnt of the celebrated new style Combined Drill and Broadcast STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL, I direct from the factory, am now offering extra inducements to the farmers of Oreston. Most of the best farmers in the State are now using tnem. Srtvinir seed and an increased yield of grain is 1 lie result or arming. uuii ue useu equally wen as a Drill or BrouAeant Seeder. The STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL has been creatlv minroved for this veari Waruroouis at my Blacksmith Sliop, cornerof mwouu anu i!.usworin sireeis, juoany, unjon. FRANK WOOD. Marc n 31, 1870-28 FOR BLANK DEEDS. , Neatly executed. Call a the Register Office t(jf day at lu ime. Agentswanted. Outfit r A a terms tree. TRUE ft CO., Augnsta,Me. STERLINGS' EXPRESS FROM EMPIRE OITY -VIA- GARDINER AND SCOTTSBURG, Oonneetlnir with Wei's, Fra & CO.1 2C0XTDA73 a&l T3T7BSSA7S, returning on TTJESDAYS and miDATS. All Business Entrusted to my Care Promptly Attended To. Patronage of the PuTsllc Solicited. JAS. A. STERLING. Dec. 8, 1870-nllvi) Attention, Fruit Growers I rnHE T1IRKCTOH9 Or THE ALDEN FRUIT A. Co. beg to announce that they will put the Factory In operation as soon as Fruit and Veg etables are ready for use, and will pay cash for the same when delivered.' Boxes will be furnished to all for the purpose of bringing their fruit to the factory- Fruit should be picked from tbe trees and not bruised. i . - t Parties having plums should be particular to gather tlieiu before tney become too ripe. ALLEN PARKER. A. N. Anson. i i President. Secrelarv. Albany, July 28, 187b-Sni ' JOHN BRIGGS TAKES THIS OPPORTUKITI TO INFORM bis friends and the public generally, that lie ia now settled in urn NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, on the old stand next door to P. C. Harper A Co , where can be found as great an assortment and as large a stuck of Stoves and Ranges as en n be found in any one house this side of I'oftl tland, and at as PRICE. -ALSO Castlron, Bru!t&i:iiuniclc(l In great variety. Also, Tin, . , Sheet Iron, . v Ciulvanizert Iron, -und Coppcrwarc, always on hand, and made to order, AT LIV- 1NU KATES. Call on Albany, October 22, 1873-SvS CLOT .AND. CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Fall & "Winter Styles. ON HANDiCONSTANTLY RECEIV'M AT... l e. Bumrs In Froman,a Xew Block, FIRST STREET, ALBANY. A complete stock of all tho LATEST STYLES IN CLOTHING Gentlemen's Underwear. BOOTS, UMBRELLAS. OVERSHOES. NECK TIES, OVERALLS, GLOVES, ETC. Extra Sizes of Clothing a Specialty. Gr Onlers taken for Clothing. Shirts. Ac. ailU KITS wAUUAsTEIX A lair vhare of custom respectfully solicited. I.. F. HIIN. Allmny, Oregon, Novemljer S, ls7G-av Incorporated Feb. 4, 1875. Capital. $20,009. UNION STORE ! Corner First and Washington streets, Albany, : Oregon. President, S. A. DAWSON. Superintendent, A. J. JOIIXSOX DIRECTORS! A. N. IjOONKY. J. Bl.KVIMM, M. Slit. LEW, J. J. MKKIt. A. BI.KVtL.n, DAWNOK. S. A. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In DRY GOODS ! ; Clothlntr, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Farm Implements and machinery, &c., Ac. Also, bnv and sell on commission all kinds of 1 uoous, MHi-Keiaoie l'rouuce, Jto. 1Kb t, UHO-UVBU16 . ALBANY ALBANY, : : OREGON. i , . rTMIE F.VLI, TER5I of this lnstllntlon will A bealn on MONDAV. SEPTEMBER . 187. wuu i.iie lonowing 1.1. ..... r . . . Fnealtjr of InstriKtlon i ann frniessor or Mental ana Moral science Rev. I. J. POWELL, A. M., fl-ofcssor ot Math, emattcsand Kmnml Mimmi. - ii. M. HEWITT, A. M., Professor oi Ancient XlAnKuwres. Miss MARIA IRVINE, Teacher or primary Department. Miss ELVA BREYMAN, Teacher of Instru mental MllHll I. B. KICK. ikf. r Twtitn-r on Phvsloloary Calendar First Term liejrlns September 4. 1876. Second Term lieslns Novemlier la. 1876. Thlrtl Term begins Jannnry 99, 1877. ; Fourth Term begin April 9, 1877. acaiion oi one week uunn lnrlnir the holidays. Closlna exercises of the school year. June 13, I o'. .. " Kates of Tuition t Primary Department, per term Common English Bbasciibs, twt tn. . II Kill Kit Bkahcheh. incluiliiu Vrcrw.ru.to- t tw s oo vy anu tjrllCK., ...........t. ...... 11 w Culleuiate, Including Higher Latin and irrccK, Auvnnceu Mat Itciuai ics, anu Mental and Moral Sciences, per term.. 13 00 French and German, each, extra.. ........ a 00 Instrumental Music..: 11 00 Use of Piano... ; ,..-. 3 00 Incidentals .i 50 Tuition in all cases reanired In advance. Punctual attendance, neatness, promptness and Kcutleniaiilv and Inrtvlikc (Icnortineiit will lie expected from all who may beoonntti'iTirier oj tne scnooi. . ,. L. J.l Un tLU MIWG ! NORTH PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION, Portland, Oregon. Capital, $100,000. Goifl Coin Basis. Incorporated 1874. I. WASsERMAN, President. K. UCAt'KKXIU'NH, Vice Pres. . Mi. WAKKFIEI.lt, Secretory. W. 8 I.AII, Treasurer. W. II. EFFIMiES, Attorney. t. X. t U Atli ENIIVSII , Veu. Agt. HALL A TUSTIBT, Speelal Agents, Albuny, Ore; ;on. dccl5ul2v9 Furniture Rooms. 1. TJIVIVITVO, Begs leave to announce to the cltijsens of this city and surrounding country, that hebasopeu ed a hinre stock of jb u x?x.3xrxn? u he 2 in thr tinildiiiir bitalv ncciinitti bv Dr. Plum. mer's drug store, on First street, where can be n;iu, 011 most reasonauie terms, Farlor Sets, Iledrooui suits, Lounges, Eny Cliafrs, Center Tables, Whatnots, Desks, Book-cases, Safes,' Wardrobes, anu in met evervtuingT cise mwwica to iO TO lIOt'sUKGEl'IKG. My goods are well made and of the very Latest and Handsomest Styles. PRICES WAY DOWN. KSr-FlTRNITUBE manufactured to order, at I short notice. fc-JT-Furniture repaired and put in good shape on snon notice. i Give me a call. F. S. l)lA.l.(ii. Albany, Nov. 26. 1875 10v8 Prof. Ci. X. Newell, TEACHER OF THE .Or- Harmony. Tboroniii-liass and Singuig. Special attention given to j VOICE CULTURE. j"AVIN concluded to make ALBANY my X nermancnt residence, all who desire a thorough knowledge of JHunle can now have an opportunity. IMAXOS A.D ORCAXS Tuned and Repaired I j-ave vour address at Mr. Foshay's musiennd lWMk store, or at Mr. Barr's music store, and I will call at your residence. Albany, August 4, 1876-45 Ladies Variety Emporium. MRS. 2. J. HYDE K EEFS CONSTANTLY ON HAND German Zephyr, Canrtis. Thread, Pins, X&xlles, Jhdton, Jieal Hair Sicitch ex ami Curia, Hosiery, Stamped Good, c, c, &c. Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's Health Corset ! Child's Waist ! .and Madam Foye's Corset Skirt Supporter. f5aS""Freneb stamping done to order. 13Bixwdalbln St., opposite I'ost Oftiee53v THE EEMY OF DISEASE THE FOE OF PAIN To Man and. Beast IS THE UKAND OLD MUST AUG- LI1TIME1TT WHirn has stood ims test or 4 YEARS. There is no sore it will not heal, no lame ness it will not cure, no ache, no pain, that afflict the human body, or the hotly of a norse or Oilier domestic annual, uiai uues not yield to its magic touch. A bottle .. j ... i . j costing 23c. 50c. or l O0, has often saved the life of a human being, anu restored to life and usefulness many a valuable horse. FOR MEN. IT WILL O RE Rheumatism, Burns, Scalds. Bruises, Cuts, Frost-bites, Swellings, Contracted Cords, Pain In the Back, Lumbago, Sciatica, Chilblains, Strains, Sprains, Stiff Joints, Sore Nipples, Irruptions, I'ains, Wounds, Ulcers. FOB ANIMAI-S, IT WILL CURE 1 Spavin, Galls and Sores, Swinny, Ring Bone, miiugaiig, uig ueaci, roil kvii, Humors and Sores. Lameness, Swellings, Scratches, Distemper Stiffness, Strains, Soreness, Open Sores 2Gv8 VISKOIAJIIOM OF tWrABTNEKSIIIP. THE copartnership heretofore existing be tween John Hnrd and ti. F. Scttlenieir, nn der the name of Hurd Settletneir, is dissolv ed. A 11 accounts duo the late firm most be paid to Settlemeir A Dawson, whoakme are author ized to wllect and receipt tor the sninc. . K. SETTLEMEIR, Decern bcr IS, 187t3-nl3iul LOCAL, MATTERS. Finger Split Open. One day last week a little three-year old son of Mr. Fisher, who resides about four miles from this city. met with a painful as well as singular ac cident. The Httle sufferer together with his brother but a few years bis senior were at the wood-pile, the elder brotber being engaged in chopping wood. As ; the ax In the bands of the elder brother was descend ing, the younger brother, in attempting to reach something directly in the line of tbe falling instrument, received tbe "blow in tended for the stick of wood on ' the third or ring finger of the right hand,. Tbe ax descended with such lorce as to cleave the finger in two, bone and flesh, from the knuckle to the end of the finger, and bury itself deeply in the wood, where it remain ed, taking considerable strength to remove It. The boy holding tbe-Tuc said heaaw hi. little brother's hand in the way, but couldn't stop the descending ax. " Dr." O. P. S. Plummer, who was called in, care fully put the two halves together again, done some neat stitching on tioth sides of the finger, and at last accounts it was heal ing up nicely, and will doubtless soon be sound and well. , Jurors. Following arc the names, resi dence and occupations of the jurors drawn for tbe next term of the ,inn County Cir cuit Court, which convenes in this city on Monday, March 12th, 1877 : G. E. Parrish. Center, farmer. S. K. Claynool, jLebanoii. farmer. Jno. B. Harris, llarrisbunr, farmer. Jno. B. Huston. Center, farmer. A. 8. Bassett, Halsey, farmer. Jno. A. Montgomery. Scio. farmer. Thos. Mills, Brownsville, farmer. J. A. Pennybaker, Harrisbnrg, farmer. C. C. Burgh, Waterloo, farmer. Jas. A. Porter, Halsey, farmer. Cyrus Cllngman, Halsey, farmer. John Stewart, Harrisburg, farmer. W. M. Ketchum. Albany, mechanic G. W. Vernon, Albany, farmer. T. J. Beard, Albany, farmer. J. Macy. Harrisbnrg, blacksmith. Martin Miller. Albany, farmer. F. M. Rice, Halsey, farmer. Wm. Phipps, Sweet Home, farmer. P. C. Harper. Albany, merchant. David Millhollen. Orleans, farmer. John II. Claypool, Albany, farmer. E. Grounds, Scio, farmer. John McCoy. Orleans, farmer. S. T. Jones, Syracuse, farmer. , Iewis Stringer, Santiam. farmer. 1). M. Cooper. Brownsville, farmer. K. Foster, Sr.. Albany, farmer. Frank Blodgett, Lebanon, farmer. J. Ij. Hatcher, Albany, farmer. a. c uausemau, Brownsville, wagon maker. UP THE SAXTIA3L Februakt 2G, 1877. r. Register: Left Albany the 20th; rnfliTa vprv tmil "Vf Irl irm. f- .ln.l Aa fencing down blown down by the high winds of Monday. Arrived at Lebanon at 1 2 o'clock every body happy. Lebanon is a beautiful vil lage, and is improving very fast. Left there at one o'clock, crossing the San t jam on the Lebanon bridge. Turning up the river I soon came to Messrs. Settlemeir & Dawson's sawmill. Found tbe lads in most excellent humor, as the first logs from the mountains had just arrived and they were a magnificent lot of logs, too. They have a half million feet of logs ready to run down to the mill as soon as there, is a suf ficiency of water in the Santiam. The loggers say it is a very good stream to run logs on. It is about eight miles, by tlie stream, from the mill to the finest body of timber, in the Cascade Mountains. Some of the logs secured will make two thousand feet of lumber. If you want splendid lum ber this is the place, aud Settlemeir & Dawson the men to get it of. They have probably the finest mill in the State, situ ated about 3-o miles above Lebanon. They have a fair road now leading to it. which they intend to greatly Improve as soon as the weather will permit in the Spring. They have let tlie contract to clear one hundred acres of rich bottom land, which, when done, will make one of the finest little farms In Linn county. R. G. J. A range that meets every requirement and satisfies every demand made upon it Jie Richmond Range. It has no equal among stoves or ranges. The only place to get one is at W. U. McFarland's, next to the Bank. rirXP.THOSE WHO TRY TO HELP TllEM- selves. Mrs. Day is prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing, and as sue has only her labor to depend upon tor a livelihood and for the support of her children, she asks the kind people of this city who may have work which they wish done to give her a trial. This is a case which should interest all our benevolent disposed citizens. Let any who have work of this kind which t.llPV wish Hniio taVo It to tra Ttnv. Bargains in Milunert. Mrs. Cross is selling her excellent stock of millinery at cost, to make room for her immense invoice of Spring and Summer styles. The ladies cannot do better than to look through her goods, and secure bargains while they are to oe nau. a Hint to the wise is sumcient. ' Lost- reward. Strayed frem tbe subscriber, about four mouth since., a voune cow. about tour years old. light red in color ; ends of horns come ciose together in front or race : in good condition when last seen. -Said ani mal was lormerly owned by Prof. Sox, of this city, who purchased her of Mr. John isoni. A liberal reward will be eiveu to any one giving information so that I cau obtain tier. ClIAS. BOURGABDES. Albany, Or. 8, 1S7. DOZPT ritOWSE TOO MUCH. It is always your duty, you know, To do lust the best that you can ; ; Though your station be ever so low. You can rise to the heights of a man. Be manly in morals and speech. Give tone to whatever you touch : And learn just bow far you can reach. J? or tear you may promise too mucn. Ton't promise though often yon feet Yoor heart is with sympathy warm : Your purpose you'd better conceal nil sure that vou ve strength to periorm. Perchance some poor friend, whose weak. arm ' Has leaned on his treacherous crutch. . Has come to some desperate harm .because you nave promised too mucn. Tis kindness that prompts yon to say Tbe words that are sweet to the ear. IJut cruel it is to delay , The help that you promised was near. The deeds that are trifles to you ' . Bv some are not reckoned as such ; Perform what you promise to do. And De sure youaon t promise too mucn t ' 7 THE LtTCKT CALL: - . A country curate, visiting his flock. At old Bebeoca's cottage gave ft knock. "Good morrow, dame I mean no libel. But in your dwelling have you got a : Bible?', ... . .... .. .. . - 'A Bible, sir?" exclaimed she in a rage : 'D'ye think I've turned a Pagan in my age? Here, Judith, baste, and run up stairs, my dear; Tls in tbe drawee, be quick and bring it here." The girl returned with Bible in a minute. iot dreaming lor a moment what was lu it; When lol on opening it at the parlor door, Down fell her spectacles upon the floor. Amazed she started, was a moment dumb. But quick exclaimed, ''Oh, sir, I'm glad yon ve come, -'Tis six vears since these glasses first were lost. And I have missed 'em to my poor eyes' cost!" Then, as the glasses to her nose she raised. She closed the Bible, saying, "God be praised." LEBAXOX FAIR AND FESTIVAL. . Ed. Register : The ladies' festival and fair passed off with eclat on the evening ot Feb. 14th. Gross proceeds 1G6 68, which the liabilities reduced to (120 net proceeds. This amount was paid into the treasury of the C. P. Sunday School for tbe purpose of purchasing an organ. Mr. J. L. Cowan delivered an able and interesting address on the occasion. Messrs. C. B. Montague and Lieut. Grant fully satisfied all in their rehearsal ot the Lady of the Lake, being frequently greeted with applause. , Mrs. J. L. Cowan and other ladies were very fortunate in presenting tableaux, most beantir and enchanting. Mrs. J. M. Ralston was the liappy and lucky one in obtaining the gold ring, worth $5, costing her the outlay of only 25c for tbe number which drew it. For enthusiasm and good will nothing has ever passed off in our midst so gratifylngly as the above fair and festival. From its first inception it served as a bond of unity, nniting our people In a good work, and cementing feelings of har mony which liave renewed friendship, and. we trust, confidence, which shall long en dure in the future. Tbe display of musie on the occasion, gratuitously given by Mrs. J. M. Ralston, Prof. A. Compton, and oth ers, was unsurpassed. The C. P. Church tenders to the good citizens of Lebanon its prayers and well wishes that this, the be ginning of the second century of our Na tion, may be a new era Jn life unequalled for blessings of good and prosperity In business for them. We hope in tbe near future to have tbe privilege ot inviting tlie public to a grand musical concert, where -they, may listen to the sweet strains of music produced by our new organ, the generous gift of the people of Lebanon. I Vivat Lebanon. The above was unavoidably crowded out of our last issue. Ed. The Best Range In tlie market for equality In work, economy In fuel, and durability in service, is the Goldsmith Range, at John Briggs'. 23ml Petty thieves are doing Seattle. Boys steal knive from the Seattle stores. Herring fisheries are attraetlne attention on tlie Sound. .-. Seattle is reducinsr exoenses bv discharir. lug police and putting out lights. Tlie ladies of Olvmola are foi-minir an antiance-with-a-maii-wbo-don't-take-a girl society. A Seattle man has had his wife arrestml for forging his name. Tbey bad been sep arated for several months. - A man who stole a small boat from Ta- coma was apprelieuded by telegrah at Seat tle and brought back for trial. The Sound papers are advocatlnc Un establishment of a fog signal at Santlv Poiut, instead of tbe proposed lijchtbou&e at Point No Point. S Most of the holders of nronertv on Front street in Seattle, are Davlnsr tlie assess ment for the improvement, notwithstand ing tho city charter was declared a nullity. And now Corvallls has the at-atl net tnlf fever. i . It cost two Ashland bova 3n eaeh ta rak-A a ride on stolen saddles. A new grist mill will be built at Cor nelius this summer In time for the coming David Munroe sold his farm near Center. vllle, last week, to Major Bruce, of Cor vallls, tor $16,000. i The property of Ulllsboro was assessed at (127.2US. The most valuable land was assessed at $100 per acre. . ; Mr. IJurley is still engaged In prospect ing tlie Wasco county ''Mud Sprlngo,"aiul every assay Iks makes shows silver in tidy ing quantities. The people in tho region are still quite comment nicy nave ncu amies.- -